IWFYC - Arm of the Law

Story by Shinji_Hiroku on SoFurry

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#1 of I Wanna Fuck Your Character

There was a brief crash as the car window was shattered into pieces, although the sound was soon drowned out by the roar of a passing train. Perhaps the young man had mistimed it a bit, but no one would be the wiser. He had done this many times before.

He reached inside and pulled on the handle. Once the door was open, he knew he was home free. Any alarm would have gone off by now. Happy at his success, he scoured the seats for anything of value: loose change, tools, old toys, things that might be able to sell.

There was only about five dollars worth of actual money inside, but that was good enough for now. After a quick peek in the glove department, he decided to call it quits and find another car or two before the night was done.

Things were going better than usual. He had found twenty dollars in a car earlier, as well as a hammer, which made it a little more convenient to break into cars than using a large crowbar. Io much easier to carry and it didn't rub his leg raw. Overall, it was a good day, and he was looking to make it just a little bit better.

It wasn't hard at all to find another car near the train tracks. As the train went by, he swung his trusty hammer and shattered his fourth window of the night. He couldn't believe his luck, yet another car without an alarm. A hasty search revealed another four dollars and a stick of unopened deodorant. That was a lucky find. He leaned forward to search under the passenger's seat only to find his jacket caught on something. He turned to look, but before he knew it, he had been yanked from the car. His arms and legs flailed for a moment as he was lifted into the air, suspended by nothing but his jacket.

As he was turned, he came face to face with the biggest woman and biggest lizard he had ever seen. She was not only tall, but quite fat as well. She was also dressed in strange attire as far as cops went. The young man had never seen anyone dressed in a blue, skin-tight suit.

"You picked a bad night to break the law, kid." She had a stern look on her big, green face, but the young man wasn't intimidated.

"But officer, you don't understand. If I don't get this money, they'll kill my son...ehhh on second thought, I don't feel like going through this tonight." With an expert twist, he slipped from his jacket and dashed away from the scene. "You can keep the jacket though!"

Years of running from the police had given the man a plethora of tricks and a seemingly endless pool of stamina to draw from. He sprinted at full speed down the street, knowing full well that fat lizard couldn't possibly catch him. Not many people could. He didn't bother to look back as he ran several blocks away, over a few fences, and finally down a long alleyway. There was a short fence in the middle, but it was barely an obstacle. He dashed towards it, ready to leap it in a single bound, but something crashed into his back, forcing him face-first into the chain link fence.

"Ow..." He didn't know what it was, but it was heavy. Only when it handcuffed his hands behind his back did he turn to see the same woman from before. "Damn you're fast."

"Year's of practice chasing shit like you."

"You think you'd be a little thinner then." The man chuckled, but was abruptly cut off as the officer's fist collided with his face. He groaned after spitting up a bit of blood and what he hoped wasn't a tooth. "Okay, that one hurt a little."

He yelped as he was violently pulled from the alley, dragged down the street, and thrown into the officer's car. The engine bellowed and they were off, presumably toward the police station as usual. The trip would no doubt take awhile as the young man deliberately did his work as far away from it as possible.

"Lovely weather we're having." The man put on a smug face as he tried to make small talk, but officer remained silent. "Hey, you could at least tell me to shut up or something like a normal cop." Once again, she didn't say a word. The young man sighed. "I'll be out in a month or two, you know. Maybe a little bit of parole again, so uh, you're pretty much wasting your time." The officer didn't even glance back as she continued to drive. "Hey fatty, I'm talking to you. You hear me? The first thing I do when I get out of here is bust up the nearest car and dedicate it to you. How's that sound?"

Finally he spotted her looking at him through the rear view mirror. "Aha, got your attention, lizard? I've dealt with worse cops than you, and they were half as thin."

The officer looked at him briefly before making a sharp turn into a wide alleyway in between two abandoned buildings. She stopped the car, got out, and opened up the rear door, finally giving the young man a full look at her. She definitely fat, but had a wide, curvy figure and thighs as thick as small barrels.

"Still hotter than my ex...so is this the part where you rough me up a bit? Make it quick, I don't wanna sit here all night."

The officer scoffed. "What's your name?"

"Michael Jackson." The man was promptly slapped across the face. "Micheal Vick." After being slapped a second time, the man become bored. "Micheal DeWitt," he sighed. "You must be new. Ask anybody at the station. They'll know who I am."

The officer scoffed again. "Well then, Mike." Micheal scooted backwards as the officer inched her way into the back seat. She crawled all the way inside, forcing him backwards until he hit the other door. She leaned in close, her massive breasts pressing against his chest. "You can call me Officer Sammy, and I'm gonna make you regret ever becoming a criminal." She smiled as she hooked the door handle with her foot and slammed the/ door behind her.

"Oh please do, Officer Samantha. I wish to discard my criminal life and become a good citizen again, just like the old days."

Sammy continued to smile as she sat herself on the seat next Mike. She gave him very little room to maneuver, almost pinning him against the door. There she suddenly grabbed hold of his crotch, making him jump as she squeezed him in a painful manner.

"Hey, watch the nuts, lady. "

"Hmph," she said to herself. "It's good enough." With that she grabbed hold of her uniform's zipper. Mike watched in awe as she pulled it from the base of her neck all the way down, her already huge breasts seeming even bigger as they were fully exposed. Unlike her face, they were a much lighter shade of green. They were perky as well. Her areolae were the size of Mike's fist and looked soft to the touch.

Mike hadn't noticed the suit she wore covered her entire body until she pulled the zipper even father down past the threshold of her round stomach. Unwittingly, Mike found himself leaning forward slightly to watch as Sammy exposed herself. His curiosity didn't go unnoticed.

Sammy sighed in relief as she finally freed herself from her tight restraints. She leaned back, revealing her somewhat sweaty cunt to the open air as well as Mike's eyes.

"Damn," he mouthed to himself as he got a look at his captor's front side. Being a cop, she may not have been his type, but he had to admit she had one hell of a body. Large, curvy, smooth, not a bad looker in any department. Her face was round and a little pudgy-looking. The same went for her stout nose and lower lip. Her hardened expression seemed a bit sexy as well, though it might have just been the fact that she was essentially half-naked, and that Mike was a bit of a pervert.

"That...that is very nice, officer, but I think you're doing it wrong. You're supposed to beat me up, call it self-defense and then throw me jail. We may have skipped a step or two."

"Trust me," Sammy said as she wrapped an arm around Mike's neck. "I know what I'm doing."

She pulled him close as she slowly began to massage his shoulder. It was different, but Mike wasn't complaining, though he felt the need to avert his eyes as Sammy stared at him. Her stern gaze was starting to become both creepy and arousing. Her grin wasn't helping.

She rubbed his shoulder up and down for a short time, her hand slowly creeping upwards until it was on the back of his head. Out the corner of his eye, Mike could her grin even wider as her hand clenched his head. Without warning, she forced his face into her sweaty crotch. His hands tied behind his back, Mike couldn't even flail as his face was thrust into the lizard's fat cunt. It smelled of spicy musk with a hint of fish. It was overpowering, and it was all Mike could smell.

Try as he might, he couldn't escape. Even if his arms weren't cuffed behind his back, Sammy was stronger than him by far. The strong aroma of sex both aroused and suffocated him. For a short while, he wondered if he'd actually die, but Sammy pulled his head upwards long before that point.

He panted, Sammy's juices running down his face.

"Hey now," she goaded. "What was that? I barely felt a thing. Looks like you're gonna have to try again."

Before he could react, Mike found his face once again buried in between her legs. His muffled cries fell on deaf ears. They only served to make Sammy smile. She pulled him up once again, grinning as he coughed and wheezed. "That was worst than the first time. Looks like you're going back in."

"Wait, wait wait! What the hell do you want from me?"

"Do I have to spell it out for you? Get down there and lick. Do it well enough and I might let you breathe."

"How the fuck am I supposed to do anything when I can't breathe?"

"You're breathing now, aren't ya? Now put that mouth to use before I do it myself."

Sammy forced his head down one more time. Mike was still closer than he'd liked, but at the very least, he could breathe through his nose. Not wanting to suffocate, he went to work immediately, sliding his tongue in between Sammy's folds. She let out a quiet moan as he did. Her grip on his head tightened at every passing moment and every long lick of his tongue. She tilted her head back as she sighed, her hips bucking into Mike's face.

She bit her lip as she rubbed his head up and down her moist crotch. Mike's tongue penetrated her deeply and caressed her wet inner walls. It wormed its way back and forth, tickling Sammy's insides as it forced its way in and out again and again. Her juices ran down his chin and slid down her thighs. The sheer abundance of it forced Mike to drink it or drown. He was more than happy with the former.

He wrapped his mouth around her crotch, soon sucking the fluids straight from her hole. He had quickly adjusted to the spicy smell of Sammy's vagina. It was appealing to his nose. The more he smelled of it, the more aroused he became. There had long since been a tall tent in his pants. Sammy couldn't help but notice, but she didn't care.

Mike ate her out with growing enthusiasm. Despite being forced, the pervert was actually enjoying himself. She would make sure to put a stop to that soon, but too absorbed in her own pleasure, Sammy couldn't care less. She squirmed as he took her sizable clit into his mouth and began to suckle. As she moaned, her cunt gushed liquids onto Mike's chin. His neck became coated in her juices, as did the backseat of her squad car.

With her free hand, she tickled her own breasts, digging her finger into her sensitive nipple. Thin streams of milk trickled down her body and found their way into Mike's mouth. She enjoyed the added pleasure it brought. It made her impending orgasm feel that much closer, and she didn't want to wait. She didn't have to for long.

Feeling herself losing control, she grabbed Mike and pulled him to her front. There was very little room with him directly on the floor in front of her, but that was the plan. As Sammy finally hit her peak her hips lurched forward, forcing Mike's head into the seat. She moaned almost loud enough for the neighborhood to hear as she humped his face through her orgasm. Her entire body trembled as the surge of pleasure filled every part of her. Her cunt gushed all over Mike, almost soaking his entire head in hot, wet cum.

To Mike, her orgasm seemed to go on far too long. By the end of it, he was gasping for air. When he was finally released from Sammy's grip, he panted loudly, almost never wanting to see a vagina again, almost.

"Hope you're not tired," she said with a mischievous smile. "We're not even close to done yet." She grabbed Mike and threw him against the seat next to her. Still recovering from before, he didn't have the energy or time to stop her as she climbed on top of him. He was sure he wouldn't have stopped her if he could. Heavy as she was, the feeling of her thick body smothering him was more arousing than he cared to admit. On top of this, her big breasts pressed hard against his face as she ground herself against him.

"Oh I'm gonna have fun with you, whether you like it or not."

Sammy grinned once again as she reached down and grabbed hold of his pants. With a powerful yank, she ripped them apart, tearing the zipper in half. She quickly did the same with his underwear and before he knew it, Mike's cock was jutting from his pants, standing tall and throbbing all for Sammy's plump body.

Using her knees, she lifted herself into the air and lowered her crotch to it, but never quite let it inside. She rubbed her dripping cunt against it, pressing down on it, but never letting it penetrate her. It was torturous to Mike, who wanted nothing more than to sink his cock into her tight-looking hole, but he was far too afraid to do so. He had no choice but to wait and allow Sammy to tease him.

The juices from her hole continued to stream down her crotch and run down Mike's shaft. It wasn't long before every inch of it was covered in the shining liquid. It was then that Sammy shifted her hips forward and lined his member with her back entrance. He had no time to complain as she dropped all of her weight on top of him. He both gasped and moaned at the same time. His body was filled with the strangest mix of both pain and pleasure. It was overwhelming.

"Hey now, what's wrong," she teased him once more as she ground her ample ass into his crotch. "I thought you liked big girls. What was that line before? 'Hotter than my ex'? I bet this is getting you off, isn't it?"

"Fuck you."

"I'll do the fucking, thank you."

With little regard to subtlety, Sammy began bouncing atop Mike. She sunk his cock into her ass again and again, her own cum proving to be an excellent lubricant. She pushed down hard on his shoulders, not letting him move an inch and she mercilessly fucked him into the seat.

The entire car bounced up and down under Sammy's weight. It's loud creaks filled the alleyway, along with Mike's own moans and sounds of Sammy's fat ass slapping against his legs. Her taut asshole squeezed down on him almost painfully tight. It didn't help being as thick as he was. The pain complemented the pleasure however and Mike couldn't deny how good it felt.

Sammy's breasts bounced and jiggled in his face the entire time. The previously thin streams of milk firing from her tits had grown thick. They gushed from her breasts, coating the backseat in thin, white cream. As she pressed her enormous tits against Mike, they soaked his neck and face. It ran down his body and drenched his shirt in the fluid. Despite how wet he was getting, he couldn't bring himself to care. His only regret was that with his hands cuffed behind his back, he couldn't reach around and grab hold of Sammy's massive ass. It was a small price to pay.

Sammy wouldn't let up at all in the minutes that followed. She rode Mike without signs of slowing down or getting tired. If Mike didn't know any better, he'd say she was speeding up, and pounding him harder, though he chocked it up to ever-growing pain in his groin.

Little by little, Sammy inched her upper half forward, soon enveloping Mike's entire body with her own. She grabbed on to the back seat and used it for leverage as she wantonly pushed her mass against him. Her breasts smothered his face and her stomach wrapped around his chest. She couldn't force herself any closer if she tried.

Sammy's thrusts were short and erratic now, but still more than strong enough to cause her car to shake. It drove Mike closer and closer to the edge with every passing second. It was going to be strong, he could feel it. His peak felt seconds away, but just as he was about to reach it, Sammy lifted herself into the air, dislodging his cock from her snug tunnel. She leaned back, amused at his look of shock and confusion.

"Wh-what the hell? I'm almost done!"

"That's nice," she said in an even tone.

"Come on, that's not even fair. Just a little more." He tried his hardest to squirm, but with his hands still cuffed and Sammy's immense weight pinning him down, there was nothing he could do.

"Tell you what." Sammy opened the car door, grabbed Mike by his shirt and, threw him on to the hood of the car. "I'll give you what you want...if you scream how much you want it. Go ahead. Tell the neighborhood how bad you want to cum."

Mike opened his mouth but held the words inside. He had almost seriously considered complying, but his pride kept him in check. He bit his lip, desperately wanting to finish. It didn't help that Sammy had grabbed hold of his shaft again, slowly stroking it to keep him on edge. He squirmed once again, but Sammy's other hand made sure he wouldn't move. He fought his urges until the end, where he finally made his decision.

"F-fuck you, you big, fat, ugly lizard bitch!"

Sammy shrugged her shoulders and let go him. She stood and watched in satisfaction as his once-imminent orgasm faded. The furious look on his face was priceless. "Feeling better now?"

"Eat a dick."

"Coincidental choice of words." Sammy climbed onto the hood of her car and turned herself around. She pressed her large ass into Mike's face as she slid his limp member in between her breasts. As much of a pervert as he was, it took very little to coax his cock back to life. She ground her still-suited ass in his face, causing him to writhe and squirm underneath her. As she did, she applied heavy pressure to the sides of her breasts. The two watermelon-sized jugs wrapped tight around Mike's already rigid member. As Sammy shifted them up and down, she could already feel the pressure building.

She scooched farther and farther up the car, her ass soon completely enveloping Mike's head. Sammy could only hear muffled groans and complaints, just the way she liked it.

Her breast work was bringing him toward his peak faster than she thought. Mike looked to be enjoying himself even more than last time. That would have to stop.

She let go of her breasts and slid forward, allowing Mike to yell, "Come on!", before her rump enveloped his head once again. There she waited until his boner faded before beginning anew. She took his cock into her mouth and sucked it gently as she continued to mash her breasts around his member.

She did this again and again, never once letting Mike get what he wanted. Worst of all, there was nothing he could do about it.

Eventually Sammy grew bored of the torture. Mike's rage was only amusing for so long. It was about time to end things. She removed his pants and underwear and began pushing him toward the end of the alley. He complained every step of the way, but Sammy knew how to shut him up.

Just feet from the edge of the alley, she reached around and grabbed his member once again. He had to fight to suppress a moan as she furiously stroked him. "S-stop, you crazy bitch." He twisted and writhed in her grip, but could nothing to stop her. Her hands jerked him hard and fast. Mike was well on his way to orgasm again, but Sammy didn't appear to be slowing down as she did before. She wore a wicked smile as she held his body against hers. Little by little, she inched him toward the edge of the alley, right next to the sidewalk and road. When he tilted his head back and his voice began to shudder, Sammy knew it was time.

As he came, she pushed him out onto the sidewalk. She laughed as she trembled and twitched on the cold pavement. Unfortunately at that time of night, there was no one passing by to add to the humiliation. Sammy shrugged. There was always next time.

She wiped the sweat from her brow as she hopped back into her car and made a quick call back to the station. She peeled out of the alleyway, just narrowly avoiding running Mike over. She stopped next to him and laughed as she rolled down her window. "I'm feeling generous tonight, so I won't arrest you this time. If I ever catch you again though, I'm not going be as easy on you." Very faintly, Mike could hear sirens in the distance. "Oh, and I said I wouldn't arrest you, but I'm not so sure about them. I'd start running if I were you. They'll be looking for the pervert with no pants."

With that, she sped off into the night, confident she wouldn't be seeing Mike on the streets, for a little while anyway.

The Club 14 - Trust

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The Club 13 - Fault

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