A Tale Of Two Worlds: Chapter 2

Story by AIpha on SoFurry

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#2 of A tale of two worlds

Just a note to say sorry for it taking so long for this to come out, comp died on me destroying chapters 2-5, but it did give me a chance to make some improvements.

(for those curios souls the name Rafeile is pronounced: RAF-I-EL)

Chapter 2 - Trial And Retribution

It was late into the afternoon when Rafeile and Amber arrived at the heart of the Charizard territory, White Cliff Mountain, it stood high and proud over seeing the entire area the sun shimmering off it's slopes giving it a light glow.

The Charizard were civilised ones living in peace and prosperity, their cave dwellings neatly carved out of the side of the mountain by the expert 'Zard' masons. Their food supplies kept bountiful by the hunters, fishers and foragers, they even had what looked like a market area where boulders and tree bark where used as makeshift stalls.

'(Low whistle) you sure do know how to kick back around here don't you?' Rafeile awed as he scanned the area taking in all the sights, shuffling his shoulders a bit repositioning the two Charizard's on his shoulders to a more comfortable state.

Amber giggled, sort of sexy giggle yet very girlish, 'what on earth do you mean? Isn't this like your home?'

He shuffled looking down at his feet, 'well actually no, we're a bit more... err you know, not really as organised.' He felt ashamed of where he lived compared to a place as scenic as this.

The pair wandered along the trodden path, while Amber was giving him the grand tour. 'Over there is the market place, and there is the resident district... and there is the upper class district, you know where all the "uppers" live.'

'But isn't that where you live?' He queried, wondering why if she lived there did she talk about as though it was a bad place.

Amber started to talk about how she thought it was stupid to separate each other because some thought they were superior, but something had caught Rafeile's attention he had felt as though they were being followed, he turned around quickly when he heard what he thought were foot steps but there was nothing, just shrouded shadows.

'Just where do you think your going?'

Rafeile came back to reality to come face to face with a male Charizard about the same size as him, (and for those of you with shitty memories, that's about twelve feet) he looked as though was itching for a fight, flexing his muscles in a threatening manner.


'I said, where do you think your going?' He eyed the two unconscious Zards on Raf's shoulders, 'what did you do to them?' he growled.

'That's none of your business.' Rafeile's face darkened and he tried to continue past the male to where Amber was standing looking back confused.

'Wrong' where the only words Rafeile heard before he was hit in the side of his face, hard. Staggering to the side his grip loosened as he was pushed into the side of the mountain by a shoulder barge, dropping the zards to his side he turned to face his attacker and was instantly set upon by a flurry of attacks, flamethrowers. punches and iron tails. Dust billowed up as the attacks hit their target; Amber screamed running towards the two expecting Rafeile to be on the floor, he wasn't fighting back, but what she actually saw was daunting. Rafeile stood taking each blow, many to his face they were tearing him up, but he just stood without flinching or giving an inch of ground.

Then Amber saw something she couldn't believe, dark markings slowly melted into existence on Rafeile's body, and his eyes turning white then in a split second he was gone, the attacker fumbled around trying to find where Rafeile had got to, without warning he appeared behind the confused Charizard and landed a bone crushing blow to his back sending him tearing across the floor. He started to step towards the downed Pokemon, emanating a faint blue aura, the sheer gravity of his power shown, sparks emitting from his skin as the markings grew clearer, reaching down and pulling the Charizard up by his throat holding him, feet dangling just above the ground in a choking position, pulling back his free arm to deal the fatal blow... but he stopped.

Amber had grabbed his arm; she was crying frantically, 'Rafeile please... don't!'

He stood for a time seeing Amber's weak frame trying to hold back what would inevitably be the end of the male he held in his grasp, his eyes grew fainter until they returned to normal the markings and the aura faded out of existence until only one marking was left on his left shoulder, marking him for life...

As he released the wounded Charizard Amber grabbed him around the waist, and started kissing him frantically tears flooding down her face.

When they broke the kiss Amber had brought herself to stop crying as Rafeile's eyes took her, his face was so badly cut up blood streaming down his body, yet he did not seem in any sort of pain.

'What happened here!?'

Both amber and Rafeile turned to see about fifteen Charizard running towards them, a crowd was quickly formed gathering around the scene of the battle, but the attacking Charizard was no where to be seen. Many made surprised gasps as they stared at Rafeile's blooded body and the two unconscious zards, 'di-did he do that' came a voice from the crowd.

'What's going on?'

'That Blastoise attacked someone!'

'What's he doing here?'

'Look what he's done he should be thrown out!'

'Yeah we don't need the like of him around here'

Amber put herself between Rafeile and the crowd 'leave him alone!'

While Amber conversed with the crowd, trying to explain what had just happened, a female Charizard stepped out of the crowd, a small Charmander running about her legs.

'Mummy what goin on?' The Charmander chirped looking around the crowd.

'I don't know dear I'm just taking a look... MYRON!' her eyes grew wide as she ran towards one downed Charizard.

'What have you done to my mate!?'

'I stopped him' Rafeile spoke for the first time in a while, he voice had become gentle again, soothing even.

The female gave him a look that could melt ice, 'you, you MONSTER!'

Amber stormed over to the female, 'don't you dare call him a monster! There is no-one kinder than him!' she raised her hand as though to slap her, but was pulled away by Rafeile as he grasped her around the waist. But released her as he felt a pain that would cripple an Onyx, for down below the small Charmander was kicking and punching for all he was worth.

'Stupid... (Kick) Big... (Punch) Fat... (Kick) BULLY!'

Rafeile doubled over in pain as the last punch hit him directly on his pokehood. 'Oww... Fuck... That... Was a good hit... Kid (groans).'

The female who had insulted Rafeile was still sat next to the male Charizard she had referred to as Myron (so we'll call hi that now ok?). 'Myron... (sob) please Myron wake up... please.'

Myron stirs as he hears the calling of his mate's voice, her soft touch on his body, her breath rolling over him, 'ahh... Nao... Naomi?'

The females, eyes shot open at hearing Myron speaking, 'What happened? You're bleeding! please tell me, you have to... tell me...'

Myron did not reply he just looked around the whole crowd was around him, whispering, but he eventually came to see Rafeile, his blood stained body Amber trying her best to nurture to him, licking the bloodiest spots cleaning him to the best of her abilities. 'No one deserves that...' he mumbled 'I'm sorry Naomi I cannot say what I have done, but you must know I have done wrong and nothing can change that.' He gave his mate a deep affectionate kiss before rising patting his son on the head he proceeded over to Rafeile.

'I presume your taking me to see Kalos?'

Rafeile nodded his head 'yes.'

Myron took a deep breath exhaling some smoke, 'good I have done wrong to you, who better to oversee my punishment?'

So with a last look back at the stunned crowd Rafeile picked up the other unconscious zard and the trio continued up the path, leaving Myron's mate to be comforted by the crowd.

As they walked on, Rafeile got that feeling he was being followed again, but ignored it as exhaustion, but his mind was still set on what happened, his body took over turning dark all he'd wanted to do was kill that other Pokemon... That scared him.

Amber took a hold of his hand as they walked along resting her head on his free shoulder.

Rafeile decide to break the uncomforting silence, 'Quite a kid you have there... Myron is it?'

'Yeah it is' His reply came but he sounded as though he was on the brink of crying, 'I just hope I live to see him again...' (Sighs)

One of Amber's ears pricked up leistering in on their conversation.

'Myron, this is probably none of my business, but why did you do it? You don't seem like the type of scum you get around that area of the forest.'

Myron stopped his tailflame shrinking considerably, 'of course it's your business and you have a right to know.' Scratching the back of his head he leaned against the mountain, Rafeile and Amber walked closer to him, Amber sat down. 'I'll start from the beginning, since I could not get work around here I had to try and get the food myself.'

Amber interrupted making sure here presence was not forgotten, 'May I ask why can you not get work?'

Myron lowered his head shamefully, 'my trade is fighting... The only place around here for that is the guard, and I can't join them...'

'Why ever not?' Amber curiosity was getting the best of her.

'Because I- I can't produce a fire blast...' he spoke through gritted teeth.

'So what? why is it a problem if you can't do one stupid technique?' Rafeile could sense Myron's annoyance.

Amber interrupted again, 'you see to be in the guard you have to be able to do at least three basic things, fly for at least fifteen miles, fight in one area of the sky fighting art, and produce a fire blast, because it is seen as our most powerful move.'

Rafeile summed it all up in his head, 'so no fire blast no work huh? ... What kind of people are you?! That is without doubt the most fucked up rule I have ever seen!'

Myron looked thoughtful then shrugged, 'anyway since I had no plausible trade, I tried to teach myself to fish... but I was hopeless.' He smacked his head against the rock face, 'I am a terrible farther and a worse mate.' Tears were welling up in his eyes.

'Myron shut it.'

The startled dragon looked up not sure what he had just heard, 'what?'

'I said shut it,' Amber looked just as dazed, could the Pokemon she had fallen in love with be so heartless?

'You are far from the worst farther I've ever seen and as for being a terrible mate, your lying to yourself, don't wallow in grief do something about it!' Rafeile had taken Myron's shoulder and patted him ever so lightly. 'If you were such an arse like you make yourself out to be do you really think they would have cared? No if you were they would've left wouldn't they?' Myron felt his heart lift at this comment.

Amber smiled to herself content with the choice she had made in a male, strong, kind and handsome, could there be anyone more perfect for her?

'And then one day' Myron continued, 'I hadn't caught a thing, not even a baby magikarp, I could not stand the thought that we would go hungry again because of me.' He was becoming gruff, and had to cough to clear his throat.

'As I was heading home, I was approached by the raiders, I gave myself up for dead but they didn't attack me instead they offered to feed my family as long as I worked for them once a week.' He shuffled uneasily 'the reason I said I was a terrible mate is because I lied to her, saying I was of to train, when really I was goin to hurt and steal from other Charizard.'

'You'll get a chance to redeem yourself, you're a good guy all you need is an opportunity... err a second chance you could call it.' For the first time Myron smiled.

Amber moved close to Rafeile giving him a loving lick on the cheek, he didn't expect this so he blushed, Myron eyed this then smiled as he saw Rafeile return this little "favour" 'Soo... what's the deal between you two?' He looked quickly from Amber to Rafeile then back again, all the time with a cheeky grin on his face.

Amber blushed 'well I guess it's mostly thanks to guys.' She explained in detail all of what happened to them up until they met up with Myron and the other two, like how he had saved her twice in one day, and how she had cared for him till he could walk again.

'Ha! I wasn't bleeding that bad... was I?'

Amber giggled 'well you were out cold the first time, then... RAFEILE!!!'

Rafeile's fatigue had finally gotten to him, he stammered backwards, dropping the zard on his shoulder onto the floor, before falling off of the cliff. The last thing he remembered was Amber screaming and then a shadow next to him and a bone splitting sound of his shell making contact with the ground...

When he awoke he was staring up at the ceiling of a cave, he was in one of the dwellings he could just here talking though he could not make out from where, closing his eyes again and rubbing them trying to restore his blurred vision. Reopening them he saw a face hovering above his that looked not too much unlike Amber's.

'Well now don't we look like a glutton for punishment?' It was a velvety sort of voice.

'Err... Urgh... My head, where-where am I?' He did not sound like himself rather more shaken, he tried to sit up and get a better view of his surroundings.

'No no, don't try to get up, heh taking a three hundred foot backwards dive off a cliff was defiantly not one of your smartest ideas, given your current state.'

But he had tried to sit up; with a sudden bolt of pain that came from the mark on his shoulder he fell flat back again grasping his stomach... wait what? He could feel his stomach!? Panicking he scanned the room desperately looking for his shell, though what he found was far from what he wanted.

For sitting grouped up, not ten feet from where he was sat where five young good looking female Charizard, all giggling and awing at his body, he covered his now revealed sheath with one hand and tried to ignored their stares. They whispered, then one of them Wolf whistled sending Rafeile into a deep purple blush, he could just make out their whispers.

'I heard he took on four males and won!'

'Is it a surprise with a body like that?'

'I don't know girls, don't ya think Amber made a weird choice? I mean she could have anyone and she picks a Blastoise?'

'Are you kidding me? He's drop dead gorgeous!'

'Aww (deep sighs) He's covered himself up!'

As they were talking Rafeile had found his shell propped up on the other side of the carved out rock bed he was sitting on. He moaned as he saw the long crack leading down it, obliviously where he had landed on it, he started to put it back on but when he heard the shuffling of feet he hastened, when his head came out the other end he gulped, for the females had all sat around him, closely. One of them started to run her finger along the rim of his shell, getting him more than a little hot under the collar, 'So then big boy' she whispered in his ear, it was a massive turn on, 'what's your name?'

'(gulp) R-R-Rafeile.' He was stammering incredibly.

'Ooo, that's a manly name... So Rafeile do you have a mate?' She ran her fingers round his chest in little circles.

Rafeile looked as though he had been smacked in the face, were they hitting on him?

'Cause it's that time of year and we're all awful lonely and we were wondering if you'd keep us company, if you know what I mean,' she licked the side of his face.

'Err well... It's just err.' As he went deeper into thought his face became stern, he stood up took a step forward then turned around to face the lusty females. 'I'm sorry, I cannot betray the one I love, no amount of anyone saying or doing anything could sway me.'


He turned to see Amber standing at the entrance to the cave almost crying, apparently she had heard everything he had just said, she flung the object she was holding against the wall and threw herself at Rafeile, kissing him passionately locking their muzzles. Enticing that contrasting effect he loved so much about kissing her, her kisses were always so meaningful, once again though when he broke the kiss he found she was crying.

'Oh Rafeile (sniff)... When you fell we thought you had (sniff) but then Dante saved you... (sniff) and for you to-to say those things... I love you...' She trailed off into crying.

'Look I know I took a nasty fall but... Wait who is Dante?'

'I believe I can answer that' Rafeile spun round to see s figure in the shadows of the room, and as he stepped forward it became apparent who. Standing before him now was a Nidoking (no need to say he's male is their?) but he was no ordinary Nidoking, his rock like skin was white instead of the regal purple it normally should be. 'My name is Dante, son of Zorn chief of the Nido's.' He held out his hand which was grasped by Rafeile's.

'So I guess I have you to thank for my survival?' Rafeile questioned.

Dante shrugged, 'sure whatever you want.'

Rafeile turned round to face Amber, 'Where's Myron?'

Amber started to cry again, 'He's awaiting his trial... (sniff) Rafeile if he's found guilty of being... (sniff) a raider he'll be- he'll be...' She couldn't bring herself to say the last word, but every one in the room under stood.

Rafeile's face went blank he walked over to the wall, and with a bellowing roar he smashed a large chunk out of it, 'This is bullshit! What give them the right to decide who lives and who dies?' His anger slowly rising. 'Is there nothing we can do!?'

'Well you could appeal for this Myron, though really it is none of my business.' The Charizard Rafeile had woken up to had made her presence known.

'But mum would dad let Rafeile appeal, it is a Charizard court after all.' Amber sounded desperate, but her not crying anymore made Raf feel better, what!? this was Amber's mother who had just seen him totally naked!

'Don't worry dear, I'll have a word with him I'm sure if I tell him what your boyfriend has done for you, well he may be a bit more lenient about the matter.'

Turning to Rafeile she smiled, 'I'm sorry I have been so rude, my name is Zandra, I'm Amber's mother.' She held out her hand to him, luckily Rafeile knew a little of Charizard custom, so taking it he kissed it lightly on the back of her hand. 'This is a nice surprise, well dear you sure can pick them, he is polite isn't he? Handsome to.'

'I want to formally thank you for rescuing my daughter, even though you were a complete stranger to her.' She hugged him then when she let go, she kissed him on the cheek, 'and I want you to know you have my blessing, though getting Kalos's will be a good deal harder!' she chuckled to herself as she walked away over to the females who sat stunned on the bed.

Dante was leaning against the wall as he spoke, 'you're just a regular knight in shining armour aren't you?'

'You could say that I guess.' Rafeile laughed as his reply came.

Dante got up and sauntered to the door, 'I'll see you two lovebirds later, I gotta go get ready.'

'For what?' Amber implied

'The trial of course' smiling widely as he left.

'Amber? What's a blessing?' This had been bugging him ever since it was mentioned.

'What? You don't know what a blessing is?' she giggled, thinking it a silly question.

'No.' Rafeile's answer was sharp, he did not being left out of these types of things, Amber saw he was annoyed and decide to hurry her answer.

'A blessing is a way of asking permission, it's customary for a male to get the blessing from the female's parents or guardians before they decide... err... they want to be together.' Rafeile could see she was dodging around something but he let it slide.

He rubbed his arm nervously, 'So Amber, ahem, do you think your dad will like me?'

The only response he got was an unsure cough, '... I don't care what he says, not matter what I'd be with you!' Her voice was raised, though he did not know if it was out of anger or misery.

'That's all fair and well but you know that would never work, your farther is not the opened minded type.' Amber's mother had returned smiling with her hand placed on her hips, 'Anyway we'll have to come to that when it happens, but you should keep your mind on the here and now, like have you worked out what your going to say at the trial tomorrow?'

Rafeile snapped out of the trance he was in, because he was unable to believe Amber would defy her father for him.

'No I hadn't thought of what to say, but I do know one thing one way or the other I'm not going to let him die, he has to much to live for.' Rafeile clenched his fists but relaxed them when Amber snaked her fingers in-between them until she was holding his hand, cuddling up to him.

'That's the spirit! Anyway you two should get some sleep, and think on it, you can sleep here tonight.' She winked at Amber, who in return blushed, this left Rafeile confused but again he let it go. 'Come-on girls let us give these two some privacy.'

The females got up and saying their goodnights they left, Rafeile jumped a little as the female who had tried to hit on him rubbed his arse as she passed, getting him a aroused, she turned around and blew a fiery kiss as she rounded the corner.

When the light of their tailflames died out into the distance he turned to see Amber laying on the floor staring up at the ceiling, wings wrapped behind he back she was using them as a short of cushion. He walked over and lay down next to her, she pushed herself onto him snuggling up to his muscular chest, absent minded he put his arm round her. Squinting at the ceiling he tried to make out what had drawn he attention so absolutely, 'Are you alright?'

She turned her head to face him; her soft crystal eyes penetrated him, as she ran her finger along his arm in a seductive manner.



'Do you love me?'

'Of course, do you really think I would have come here with you otherwise? Or maybe I came for the friendly Charizards that jump out and attack you for no reason,' she could tell he was joking so she aloud herself a small giggle. 'What do you think I am some hero for hire?'

Amber turned her attention back to the ceiling lazily flicking her tail, giving a thoughtful sort of huff.

'No it's nothing like that... it's just whenever I am threatened in any way you fly into a rage,' she stroked her hand over the black marking on his shoulder, 'what is the deal with this anyway? When you got attacked, your body was covered in these things, and your eyes they were blank.'

'I don't know, I just lost myself I felt all I wanted was to make him feel pain, to see his body dead and blooded, but then I felt you, your voice, it broke through to me.' He nuzzled her neck kissing her, 'if you hadn't have been there, well I don't know what I might have done.'

'Yeah, but you still haven't answered my question, why do you get angry every time I'm in danger?'

He rubbed his chin, 'well I guess it's because I don't think I could bear to see you get hurt, if you died I might just throw myself off a cliff.' He thought this a very romantic comment but was surprised not to say hurt when Amber burst out laughing. Rafeile was annoyed he had just put his feelings on the line and she had shredded them!

Amber calmed herself down seeing that she had offended Rafeile she kissed him on the cheek, he snorted and tuned his head away, 'aww don't be mad please, I only laughed because,' she was trying her up most to stifle an on coming giggle, 'I only laughed because you've already don that this week!' laughing again she coiled her tail around his leg and gave it a little tug.

Smiling Rafeile turned his head back, your right I did already do that, didn't I?' Then with a movement that made Amber's head slide off his chest Rafeile jumped up, leaving her supporting her head on her arm. 'What did you mean, this week!? How long was I out for?'

Amber just gave this a pondering look before answering, 'hmm, well I think it was about, err one, two, yeah three days. Why?'

All Rafeile did was let out a groan as he pounded his head with his fist, 'argh! Three days! Dad's gonna skin me.'

He was still ranting about how badly his dad was going to beat him when amber stood up and walked over to him grabbing him by the shoulders and started kissing him affectionately. His arms fell limp at his sides, having a sort of paralyzing effect on him.

The kiss was only broken when Amber felt something prod her lower stomach, and when she looked down to investigate she gasped, Rafeile's arousal had gotten the better of him and the head of his member was poking out of his sheath.

'Amber I'm sorry I didn't mean to ruin the moment it's just... (Deep moaning)' It was apparent Ambers arousal had taken over her as well, because she had put her hand to the end of his member and started rubbing with her palm. You see Amber had all ready been through heat twice, and found it hard to restrain herself the pain becoming greater each time, this was her third time in heat and she was not going to pass up spending it with the one she loved when he so eagerly wanted it also. She continued to kiss him flaring up each other's arousal more.

The second time she stopped kissing she looked down to inspect her work and let out a content sexy giggle, in her hand now was Rafeile's fully erect thirteen inch member cooing slightly as she started to stoke it earning a moan from his mouth. To Rafeile this was complete bliss images of him mating with Amber flashed through his head, her perfect body being pounded by his muscled body.

As Amber's stroking speed increased some of Rafeile's pre was released as it dribbled down his shaft and along Amber's fingers, she stopped briefly to lick her fingers clean relishing in the taste of it, it was sweet, this only excited her more.

'Amber... Ohh... You really don't have to...' He was cut off as Amber placed a finger to his lips.

'No your right I don't have to, but I want to.' She purred softly and nibbled at his neck. 'Heh when I asked you if you loved me, I didn't know you did so much!'

A fluster on Rafeile's face assured her that he was ready, kissing him once more she seductively walked over to the rock bed swinging her hips in a most erotic way, she positioned herself so she was lying down legs spread wide facing Rafeile's shocked face. He was totally amazed four days into this uneasy relationship and Amber was basically begging him to mate with her.

Did he really mean that much to her?

His eyes were fixed upon her face, that beautiful face, they started to trail downwards going over every perfect curve, she truly was the description of a turn on. His eyes eventually came to stop upon her extremely wet sex, it was slightly swollen likely waiting in anticipation to be penetrated by him.

He snapped out of his train of thought to find himself striding boldly towards Amber and the gap she had made with her legs, his body had succumbed to pure lust and need.

His first temptation was to grab her roughly and thrust deeply into her, but he knew better than that and that it would probably cause more pain than pleasure anyway. So he gently placed his hands on he knees spreading them further apart, Amber had started to purr trying to entice him to hurry up, Standing above her he contemplated on how to start, becoming irritated Amber gave him a look that summed up what she wanted, 'please do it, I want it so badly.' He silently acknowledged by the way of a gestured nod.

Rafeile moved his hips forwards brushing the end of his rock solid member against her wet crevice, the result was a low pleasurable moan from both. He withdrew, and thrust forward again this time a little harder, Amber gasped feeling herself being speared by his large throbbing meat. He continued to push until he was about halfway in, he noted that her purring had increased in volume and pace.

He pulled out and thrust back in again deeper this time, and felt himself break the seal within her, and he knew then that he had just claimed her virginity, the sensation was overwhelming the strong scent of his musk filled the air as he completely hilted her, feeling for the first time the flesh of his thighs touch hers, she was so smooth... in more ways than one.

He saw Amber was completely breathless, panting as she moaned her tailflame was flickering, her body covered I sweat, he started to pull all the way out he did not want to hurt her he was helped by the fact her juices had lubricated his shaft. Her head shot up as she felt him receding, 'don't you dare stop...' Smiling he thrust back into her pleased that he wasn't hurting her.

The Blastoise kept to his rhythm increasing the speed of his thrusts from time to time, Amber was pushing back hard trying to get as much of his shaft inside her as possible, eventually it came to a point where Rafeile was doing a flurry of thrusts until he was going nearly full pelt.

'Rafeile...uh... You're so good uh...'

'Thanks you ...hmph too (gasp)!'

'OHH! Rafeile!'

Amber had finally reached her climax, the muscles inside her sex clamping down around Rafeile's shaft causing a mixture of pleasure and pain her juices trailing down him and onto the carved out bed. This immense feeling causing him to climax as well, though he pulled out first not wanting to impregnate her... yet. He sprayed his seed up her body and along the side of her face, as the last few spurts stopped he fell back onto his arse in an upright seating position, huffing and heaving out of complete exhaustion. They were both a mess bodies covered in each others juices, the smell was intoxicatingly sexual.

Amber was first to rise, walking over to Rafeile and kissing him but only quickly before setting down in front of him in a kneeling position, 'how about I try something a bit... different?' Her voice coaxing him into the answer she wanted.

'Fine by me' Rafeile could tell what but there was a change of tension in the air.

Leaning forward Amber kissed the end of his pokehood sending a shiver of sheer ecstasy down his spine, closing her muzzle around it she started to massage it with the tip of her tongue, suckling on it like a baby on a teat. Rafeile had entered a whole new universe of pleasure as her tongue worked wonders on him, even though she had been a virgin before this she did it like a pro.

As proof of the type of pleasure he was in he climaxed very quickly, again releasing his warm seed but this time down her awaiting throat. The first blast taking Amber by surprise as she was not able to suppress her gag reflex quickly enough, but by the second she had mastered it and greedily gulped down as much of it as she could, before allowing some to trickle down to side of her muzzle onto the floor.

As she finished lapping up as much as she could she sat up to meet the stare of her lover and became lost in his complex eyes. Placing his arms around her he pulled he closer and pressed his body against her own, cradling her like a child almost giving her that sense of security she adored.

They sat for a while in complete silence lost in thought content with each others company, night had come quickly the moonlight was dancing off the hot springs outside, Rafeile noticed as they sat that the light always caught Amber in such a way to make her skin seem to glow in radiant beauty. The silence was broken by an attention seeking cough from Rafeile.

'Ahem... So what was that about?'

'What was what about?' Amber said with a sarcastic tone.

'You know the whole mating thing, where did that come from?'

She giggled, 'So you're saying you didn't want that?

Rafeile was quick to answer not wanting to make himself look foolish... or gay, 'hell yeah! What reason could I possibly give for not wanting to be with the most attractive female on the planet?'

Blushing Amber licked the side of his face though she did not blush as normal as usual, 'your just saying that to make me feel good about myself.'

'No I'm not and you know that, out of every female I've ever seen there is no-one I've seen that come close to your beauty... err don't tell my mum I said that, heh I'm only kidding.' His voice was gentle and full of meaning give a hint of assurance.

'Thank you, I knew there was a reason I chose you.' Amber looked up at him a glimpse of hope in her eyes.

Rafeile looked perplexed, 'Chose me, what do you mean?'

Amber sounded disappointed as she spoke, 'so... you didn't get my message out of that, not even a hint?'

Rafeile went from perplexed to utterly lost, 'Message what message?'

'So that's it is it!?' Amber stood straight up nearly toppling the heavy turtle Pokemon, her bottom lip trembling. 'I make it so obvious, I put my heart and soul into it a-a Slowbro could have worked it out!'

Amber's sudden outburst had shocked Rafeile he had never seen like this she looked almost, angry. 'Please Amber settle down.'

'No! I will not settle down, Argh! You are them most insensitive, rock headed muscle bound ass I've ever met!' With that final outburst she flooded out crying turned on her heels and ran out of the cave and into the darkness, leaving a very stupefied Blastoise wondering what had just happened.

'What the fuck was that?'

To be continued...