Midnight Moon Rises...By the light chapter 2.

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#2 of By the light...

Simeon's lessons in pack life get off to an interesting start...

Please be aware that the following chapter contains material that some readers would classify as Cub/pup...that is unless of course they realize that wolves mature faster than humans!!!!

"Right Healer...before I start your lessons in our body language using Gregor there as my puppet, I would like you to hazard a guess at our ages," Ysmay said as she settled cross legged and naked on a mossy bank under a live oak tree that was just within hearing distance of the fall in the blind gorge, "This tree is known as the teaching tree to the village by the way, so we will not be disturbed."

Simeon tried to avert his eyes from the unconcealed view he was confronted with from between Ysmay's shapely human legs. He knew from attending births that what he was viewing was not human, but more the spade shape associated with the Townne's dogs...but he was feeling unwanted urges stirring within his sheath nevertheless at the sight!

"Something wrong Simeon?" Ysmay asked, "You may tap your front paw down to give your answer if you wish."

Gregor issued a lupine chuckle from next to her in wolf form before he changed human briefly, "Use your nose Sis...I think he is not yet used to being around naked females."

Ysmay took a deep sniff and grinned, "My apologies...would you like me to call in a favour from the pack and let you solve that issue. I couldn't accept your advances myself at the moment as my Alpha mother explained last night..."

Simeon shook his head violently, shifting slightly to conceal his embarrassment.

"Oh...Well Gregor could always..."

Simeon bolted to his feet and backed up against the trunk of the oak with his tail pressed firmly over his swelling crotch, teeth bared at the two of them though he knew he wouldn't have a chance if they decided to overpower him.

Gregor started laughing before switching back to wolf form as Ysmay stared daggers at him. "Next rule of the pack Simeon...Rape is punishable by immediate execution. That means sex is consensual only, understand. Females in the pack are not chattel like they are in the human society. If you ever take advantage of a pack member who says no, male or female...you will be hunted down and killed with no option of appeal. That is something to remember mid-intercourse as well...if your partner changes their minds...you stop. You report any overstepping of the mark to the pack Alpha immediately, as if the sex is not fresh, no recourse can be taken. Do not 'cry wolf' as I understand humans call it...our noses know immediately if you are lying. Do you fully understand?" Ysmay asked seriously.

Simeon nodded and stepped forward from the barrier of the trunk.

"Good. You even have the right to say no to your Alpha...though not if you are in heat which is something that need not worry you as a male. That is the one thing that we follow the feral way for...pups are everything, so as a female I breed when I am able to for the good of the pack. Current pack strength numbers are around seventy, and we lose around twenty five adults and pups a year to injury, illness and age...We hope that now you are here that loss rate will be reduced. My Alpha mother would have been put out of her misery by normal recourse if you had not healed her so competently." Ysmay looked towards the pack village for a second as Gregor's ears swivelled in that direction, "Mmm... someone just issued a circle challenge...I wonder who?" she mused.

"Oh well, back to the lessons... That was a perfect example of how to say no. Normally of course pressing your tail between your hindquarters like you just did is sufficient, as no one will try and force your exposure. In regards as to what is happening in the village, another rule of the pack is that all arguments, feuds, disagreements, rivalry or even general competitions are settled in wolf form and in the circle. The rest of the pack will act then as referees and it also provides great amusement for us all.

"If you are challenged, you may submit at any point by lowering your head and exposing your belly or throat with a whine preceding the action, and your challenger has to back off by pack law unless you are in a no mercy match such as a challenge for Alpha position. If you wish to win, then you are free to do anything in the circle up to and including taking your opposition's throat if it is left open by mistake in combat. Never drop your guard or back off from a challenger until you have a submission, as it is within the rules to attack when your back is turned. A bitch can challenge a male if she wishes, and a vice versa, though not for the right to have sex with each other, and despite appearances, the Alpha female is actually the leader of the village except in times of conflict. She can force a change of Alpha male by challenging and defeating the existing Alpha male in the circle. Be aware though, if you face any bitch in the circle she will not only go for the throat, she will go for the sheath...most males would prefer to die cleanly than be neutered. Now that you are here in the capacity of healer you must understand this now...Unless the winner of the challenge grants their mercy, you are not allowed to heal the loser as that will be taken as a challenge to the winner. If the loser does not submit before they are injured, then up till now they usually died if incapacitated... you may be able to change that, but only with the winner's permission."

Simeon nodded again, wondering just exactly what he had got himself mixed up in here. He would likely end up a rug on the floor of the Alpha's house before a year was out!

"Good...now how old do you think we are then...Gregor and I?" Ysmay pressed again.

Simeon tapped out fourteen times with his paw, assuming from her post-pubescent human attributes...including a pair of rather spectacular breasts that she was at least a year older than him.

She grinned showing her canines, "Gregor and I are thirty months old."

Simeon shook his head in puzzlement, tilting it to one side.

Ysmay chuckled, "Tilting your head to one side indicates a question when in lupine form. If you dip your head at the same time and flatten your ears it means you are unsure of what you have just heard... If you look your questioner in the eye with your ears vertical as you are at the moment, you are issuing a challenge that you disbelieve them and are accusing them of lying, even if your head is tilted."

Simeon lowered his head a little and flattened his ears.

"Good, challenge conceded this time. Remember I am the teacher. If you were a pup you would have taken a nip to your nose or ears for that. As to why you challenged me...well Wereborn mature at the speed of wolves, though we live as long as changeling humans. We hit physical prime when we are approximately four years old, but don't start to decline until we are around twenty-eight due to our part human blood. There are no wolves in the pack older than forty...When you can't hunt, you don't eat unless you are considered an asset to the pack. Merek is an exception amongst humans too if you think of it, for he is the oldest in the Townne at his age of forty eight and has lived longer than the majority of humankind other than the noble classes." She paused for a moment then.

"I started menstruating as I believe you healers call it...we call it heat of course... when I was fourteen months old. I have sat two heats out with only bitches to relieve me...My third is almost upon me which is when the pack Alpha will claim me. Third heat is considered the first acceptable time to bare pups, except in times of hardship. So yes, virgin bitches are always the Alpha's... even if he is their father. Are you a virgin Simeon?" She queried, Gregor looking up at the question with interest too.

Simeon tried to evade an answer by turning his head away.

"You must answer if a pack member poses a question Simeon...You may challenge for the right to evade..." Ysmay pressed. "If you turn tail you are accepting a circle match..."

Simeon turned back to face her, but then lowered his head and ears.

"So answer me then..."

Simeon nodded his head twice with embarrassment.

"You are a late bloomer then...Ability will have to be proven first, and then virility. If I prove barren, I will be exiled as I am not an asset, and that means likely death. There are more males than bitches in the pack at the moment, but still far too many for the Alpha male to service. As mentioned before, boons are granted, and to a subordinate male a bitch in heat is a boon. A bitch has the right to choose a male as well, unless the Alpha wants her for himself, so she will pick who she wishes to father her pups. Only the Alpha female can veto that decision, though she has many other privileges that you will learn as you go along. Unlike ferals, we have intercourse whenever and with whoever we wish for recreation and love, just as humans do, in both wolf and human form...But I will reiterate again...The Alpha's words are final. All offspring are whelped as pups..."

Gregor turned his head towards the village then as a howl rang out, joined by at least nine other lupine throats in what Simeon was to learn was the call to home signal if you were within range. A shape broke free from the houses and headed towards them at full gallop as Ysmay and Gregor stood to await its arrival. Simeon followed suit and moved up to join them.

A pale furred wolf skidded to a stop and turned human, tongue hanging out. Simeon immediately noticed he was not sexually mature, "You need to report to the circle siblings... Millicent has challenged mother for the Alpha female position in the circle," he gasped.

"Stupid fucking bitch!" Ysmay spat out.

"What was the reason for the challenge?" Gregor asked interested.

"Claims that she is stronger now mother has been injured, and demands the right to prove herself," the boy wolf answered.

Ysmay turned to Simeon, "Well it was bound to happen...we will now see if you have healed her fully Healer. Alpha mother is twenty and at her peak...if her leg is weak and she loses, well it will not reflect well on you too. Millicent is twenty-one, Wereborn and a lot more experienced than Alpha mother who is a changeling of only seven years...She much stronger though than Millicent. Come...you will now witness your first circle fight. This is Benedict by the way, one of our younger brothers, also by Cassius and Alpha mother."

The boy nodded to him and turned wolf again, Ysmay and Gregor following suit before they headed off towards the village at a run with Simeon following in their wake.


"Do not do anything...and I mean anything!" Gregor said, turning human as Simeon joined him on the edge of the circle. "This is not likely to have a pleasant ending okay...Alpha fights rarely do. If you put one paw into the circle your newness to the pack will not save you!"

Simeon nodded and settled into a sitting position next to Ysmay who had remained wolf. Around forty other pack members were present already, with more arriving every minute. Cassius was sitting and watching with interest from near his dwelling while Millicent and Helewys sat ten feet apart from each other, hackles raised in the middle of the lupine ring.

Cassius glanced around the ring and issued a single bark, signalling the start of the challenge. "The Alpha male or female will always preside over any match if present at the time of challenge," Gregor said as an explanation as Helewys and Millicent started to circle each other.

Millicent struck first, lunging at Helewys' left flank, seeking an opening that was met by the Alpha's jaws and a quick kick from her rear legs. Millicent spun away, one ear bleeding slightly as she backed off. "First blood to mother; Millicent went for her left side as that is where her weakened foreleg is. Mother couldn't have avoided that lunge if her muscle had been weak." Gregor commented.

Helewys bided her time, awaiting the slightly older female's next move. Her foreleg ached a little, but there had been no play in it when she had exerted all her power onto the bone. Millicent shied a little as she issued a taunt to the challenger, turning her head slightly to expose her spine while growling... 'Come and get me...stop playing subbie!' she urged through a series of derogatory yips.

"Circle talk is always in lupine...mother is insulting Millicent at the moment," Gregor translated for Simeon.

Millicent lunged again and this time Helewys met her face on. The two of them rose on their rear legs, front legs battering at each other, the sounds of bones hitting bones echoing off the cliffs as each female tried to get her jaws around the other's throat to end it. They ended up chest to chest, dancing a morbid tango in the ring until with a seaming impossible twist of her spine, Helewys slipped free of the hug and sent Millicent sprawling in the sand on her side, bleeding from multiple scratches where her dew claws had struck true in her flanks. 'Submit!' she barked.

Millicent stood shakily and glanced around the watching wolves, 'Never again bitch!' she declared.

'As you wish...let's finish this then!' Helewys responded and began to close on the injured bitch carefully.

"Millicent just refused the chance to submit...she has just signed her own death sentence unless she is extremely lucky." Gregor said as Simeon watched with a horrified fascination as the great she wolf he had healed closed on the injured bitch.

This time Helewys lunged at Millicent, taking the offensive for the first time. The challenging bitch launched herself straight up in the air and Helewys passed under her, but she turned her head up at the last minute and grabbed hold of one of her rear paws with her jaws, snatching Millicent out of the air with a sickening splintering of bone as the bitch screamed in pain, crashing to the ground on her back. Helewys released her before her body had even settled and turned on the spot, diving for the bitches exposed belly with her mouth still open, the tearing of skin afflicting Simeon's ears as he winced in sympathy as Millicent was split like a butchered rabbit from vulva to breastbone in a single passing sweep.

Simeon rose to his feet, knowing that he might just be able to...But Helewys turned and faced him, growling angrily as Gregor stopped him from placing the dreaded paw into the circle. "NO!" Gregor shouted. "No mercy unless granted!" he said.

Simeon stopped, his oaths of conscious vying with his newly gained knowledge. He flattened his ears back, lowering his head to the ground until it touched as the rest of the pack watched him. Helewys nodded once and turned to squat over the dying Millicent, pissing in her lolling jaw as her guts looped out of her stomach with each faltering breath. She gargled on the foul fluid before with a final gasp, her chest fell still.

Helewys stepped away from the corpse and turned human again as the pack howled out its congratulations for her supremacy. "Anyone else?" she screamed at them, blood marring her human lips as she spat it out.

All the bitches present lowered their heads and flattened their ears to her, Ysmay included.

"Then let that be a lesson to those that overstep the mark! I am Ledrene, I am Alpha Female...Let no bitch question that!" she screamed, getting a howl of response from the quelled bitches.

She turned then towards Cassius, "Will you grant me boon in the circle in front of these witnesses?" she asked.

Cassius then turned human to answer her, "What boon do you wish for?" he asked.

Helewys turned to face Simeon who immediately took up the submissive position again under her steely blue gaze, "The healer who saved my leg, who has proved his skills are true by my victory today over the carrion who now lies behind me. His crotch did not smell of a female in the woods that night I chose to turn him...Therefore despite his obvious age I believe him to be not an adult, but a pup still. Is this true healer?" she taunted.

Simeon nodded twice as Gregor and Ysmay backed away from him, he was suddenly feeling very vulnerable as the eighty plus eyes of the pack focussed on him.

"Then the boon I want Alpha, is the right to have him take me in front of the pack and become an adult for all to see...or as the case may be...not. He must be punished for his almost actions, for if Gregor had not stopped him he would have stepped into the circle. I challenge for the right to take his pup hood from him, and if he proves himself neuter, the right to take his throat!" She roared.

"You want an unproven pup who is not yet fully of the Were to satisfy your bloodlust?" Cassius queried with a smirk on his lips, "When I would happily mount you now?"

"That is the boon I wish for Alpha." Helewys stated. "Call it a privilege for him as he healed me, and besides if he does not satisfy me, then he dies and rots next to her in the river for his insubordination."

"Then your boon is granted as you are out of season. Healer, enter the circle!" He commanded as the rest of the wolves howled in anticipation of the unexpected voyeurism to come.

Simeon looked askance at Gregor and Ysmay, "Step in now Simeon or your life is forfeit," Gregor said.

"We cannot do anything other than challenge ourselves to defer the command, but that would be foolhardy as all you have to do is tie her for at least thirty minutes. Virility will be tested by the next bitch in heat who offers herself to you, if Cassius grants his boon." Ysmay continued, turning human to issue her words of advice.

Simeon bowed his head and stepped into the circle, walking the steps of the condemned towards where Helewys stood next to Millicent's corpse. She bent as he approached her feet, his ears flat to his skull. "Forget you were human Simeon, let the wolf now in your soul guide you and you will be fine. You think I was not disgusted when I was first bred by a seeming animal after my change? Let your head between your legs be your guide for once, and this will help you," she whispered before lifting his head and jamming his lupine nose into the sweat and fluid soaked fur between her still human legs for a minute, letting her pheromones do the work.

She let him free and then backed off. With a single crack of bones she changed into the wolf bitch that he had saved that fateful night and turned her tail to him, switching that appendage to one side. Her spade was running hot with fluids despite her lupine form not being in heat, and something tugged at Simeon's mind as his nose led him towards the proffered gift. He closed his eyes for a second, fighting the urge to turn tail and run howling from the immorality of what he was about to do, but then his nose touched the fur, pressing tight to the pink rosebud of forbidden pleasure as his tongue slipped from between his jaws to run across her swollen vulva below it. Something electric suddenly sparking in his brain as the taste lit up his mouth as his human side took a back seat for the first time.

His crotch started to burn, sheath bulging as what it protected stirred within and swelled fully for the first time to erectness, parting the skin with a slight tearing. Urination required only the tip to emerge, so for the first time since his change the weapon he now possessed between his legs was becoming exposed to the air. His tongue flicked faster and faster over Helewys' dripping sex, the she-wolf leaning back onto his muzzle as his damp nose threatened to violate the portal above. Yips of surprise started to be issued by the bitches in the pack as just what had remained hidden in his sheath finally ripped free with a few drops of blood.

"He is bigger than Alpha father," Gregor said in surprise as the eleven inches of pulsing red meat slapped at Simeon's belly as the oral stimulation of Helewys stirred his own urges.

Ysmay chuckled, "He is bigger than you brother!" she teased, "Or had you not noticed what the others are saying to each other. I have a feeling your pad may not be as warm at nights from now on..."

Gregor turned and nipped at her, "Size isn't everything sis...part those legs of yours and I will show you that technique counts too," he challenged.

"And have you face your Alpha's teeth? Nah I will spare you that twin...besides, from the way Alpha mother is reacting, our new healer seems to be doing something right!" Ysmay said turning back to the action in the middle of the circle as Helewys yipped out as she clasped down upon Simeon's intruding tongue with her walls.

"You have to get to the tail first..." he muttered.

Helewys rode out her pre-orgasm and snatched herself away from Simeon's nose, turning circle on him instantly and nipping at him, taunting him with her teeth.

Simeon had seen bitches on the Townne's streets act the way Helewys was acting at the moment, though admittedly there were usually at least four dogs vying for said bitch at the bottom of a pile! He darted from her reach, his head on one side as he tried to work out what the problem was...

Gregor shook his head in disgust, "Mount and fucking tie her! You have done the foreplay, now screw her into the fucking dust!" he shouted, getting an angry glare from Cassius and a few of the other male Weres, but a glance full of humour from the bitches and his mother who turned her tail on Simeon again and presented herself a second time.

Simeon did as bid, launching his hulking new body onto two paws and landing heavily on Helewys' back. Something took over his brain again and he latched his teeth into her scruff and pulled upwards, bending her neck with his strength as his hips started thrusting blindly. He almost howled in pain as his pointed, pre-soaked tip slammed into his mount's thigh bone, jarring the breath from him as he tried a second time. This time he hit the air between her legs, shaft just brushing her soaking belly fur.

Helewys growled in anger and frustration and folded her knees a little under his onslaught as the skin on her throat was pulled tight by his powerful jaws... 'Lupinius he was going to make a powerful Alpha one day!' she thought as she braced for third time lucky...

Simeon felt her haunches drop below him and with a third switch of his hips he drove home successfully. Fuck she was warm...His tongue slipped from the side of his jaws as he kept his unbreakable grip on her scruff. Nobody in the Townne had taken a second glance at him when he'd stunk of herbs and worse from the preparation room...He had vowed that he was going to pay Gussalen for her services on the day of his scroll signing...but now here he was, sharing what should have been a very private moment in front of over forty wolves/beings/Weres...hell he was fucking a wolf like an animal...who was now pushing back at him and snarling as he had frozen in shock at the thought. He let his human conditioning drop and his hips began to move again of their own free will.

Thrust after thrust, her walls were clamping down on him each time his balls swung free to slap against her shaggy under belly. Helewys was starting to whine under him now, struggling as something unfamiliar about his anatomy started to impede his progress and stopped him from filling her fully. Smack! He seemed to stick for a second as her spade grabbed futilely his shaft, but he slipped free again. Smack! A second time, and he was held just that little longer before her walls ejected him and his balls started to ache with need...

"Oh for fucks sake...drive it home before it is too late you stupid pup!" One of the other bitches in the circle shouted; a couple of others joining in with yips or shouts of encouragement as Cassius tried to stare them all to death.

Ysmay chuckled turning to Gregor, "So you going to challenge him for your future pad warmers brother?" she taunted as the cacophony of howls and shouting built steadily as Simeon still battered at Helewys' entrée.

Gregor turned and snapped at her, "Wait till I get him in the woods...He will be warming my pad!"

"Or he yours...that is some knot he has to go with that shaft!" she replied, licking her lips suggestively. Gregor just growled at her before their mother let out a howl of triumph.

Helewys was becoming sore, her spade could only take so much of a beating before it would resemble a rejected piece of offal...Turning human to issue instructions to her inexperienced conquest was impossible at the moment, so she decided to test her healed bone to the utmost...

Simeon withdrew again, but this time as he slammed forward, Helewys rose under him and drove herself backwards with all her force....Sllluuuuurrp! He couldn't move, his crotch was locked to her cunny and he released her scruff in surprise as he felt himself expanding within her, her walls squeezing tighter and tighter around him as his testes felt like they were about to explode. She howled, bucking a little, turning to try and bite him with her released head, but he caught her by the nose in his teeth and nipped it before she jerked it out of the way.

He locked onto her scruff again, biting down hard as he felt movement within his tubes, fluid flowing towards its exit as he started short shifting, inch in, inch out, pointed tip encountering and passing through what his healer's mind told him was likely to be her cervix. Something broke within him and he felt her final ring of muscles suck him into their embrace and he could move no more. His neck arched upwards, his mouth straining open as he bayed for the first time in his triumph, as his balls vanished within him to begin pumping for all their worth, Helewys joining him in her own orgasm as her womb was filled, and he was proven to be an adult to the pack, before she collapsed exhausted from the work out.

"Turn the tie! Turn the Tie! TURN THE TIE!" the pack started shouting and howling out. The noise was deafening, assaulting Simeon's now sensitive hearing as it penetrated his brain.

He was suddenly plunged into the cold reality of what was happening to him again as his wolf side settled back to enjoy the feeling as his conscious warred with him for being tied to a wolf... 'Tie, tie...what's a tie?' he thought, before he remembered witnessing the aftermath of one of the dog matings...The males were always ass to ass with the bitches...

He levered himself up with his forepaws on Helewys's now prostrate form and looked down at his crotch...all he could see was an inch thick sausage of meat protruding from his 'Mate's' swollen spade, but he knew that inside her bulging hindquarters, he was completely irremovable for the time being. Tentatively he dropped both forelegs to his right, wincing as his shaft twisted a little and ignoring the whines and yips of pain Helewys herself was emitting, he lifted his left rear leg and stepped over her back, revolving to collapse himself, locked tail to tail with the Alpha female of the pack as his shaft bent backwards on its new baculum between his legs.

His eyes fell on Cassius's, whose were locked to him, staring at him while he was red in the face with anger. The Alpha male turned then, flicking to wolf form and nipping at the closest bitch's tail to him, whom fuelled by the display of lust in the circle followed him into the leaders house.

Gregor and Ysmay ran into the circle then, the contested display over, though the tie not completed as the rest of the pack broke up, most of them in pairs as they headed to use the ocular stimulation to their own advantages in the privacy of their dwellings. "Well you did it Healer; I told you it wasn't bad!" Gregor said with a chuckle.

Simeon nodded wearily, unable to do much else for the time being.

Ysmay turned wolf and licked at Helewys' closed eyes, drawing a whimper from her, "Alpha, Alpha, are you alright?" she queried in lupine.

Helewys flicked her ears forward in acknowledgement, her breathing still strained from the exertion... "Yes...get rid of the mess please and the three of us will talk later in your hut daughter," she replied as Gregor looked up at the instruction.

"Yes Alpha..." Ysmay replied and walked over with Gregor to Millicent's corpse and began dragging it to the river.

'Well at least the sun is warm!' Helewys thought as a snore came from near her nethers...the recumbent form that produced it was still twitching and filling her womb, 'I have a feeling that I will be here for at least another half mark!' With that thought she closed her own eyes and drifted off as the muted sounds of lust echoed out from the village huts around them.


"What were you fucking thinking?" Cassius shouted, loud enough to shake the straw on the roof.

"Are you challenging me?" Helewys asked as she flopped down on her pad in the corner of the hut, "Oh for fucks sake! Use your fucking own pad you dirty beast!" She shouted jumping up as hers was soaked with old cum.

"Beast now am I? You were the one who took a pup in the ring to humiliate me!"

"You are a fucking beast when you fuck another bitch on my bloody pad! I have a good mind to call you out and neuter you in the ring!"

"Ha...you haven't the guts changeling...I would tear you from seam to seam like you did Millicent!"

"The pup almost did that already!" Helewys spat, shifting slightly on her feet, "So you saying I can't fight now...go ask the bitches if I can't fight. I am Alpha for a reason as you well know!"

"Was the healer to much of a wolf for you...changeling?" Cassius taunted, pouring scorn into his voice. "And am I Alpha to...Wereborn will win over changelings because we have been fighting from the day of birth as wolves! Robin was a weakling leader who should have known better..."

"Millicent was Wereborn...and she is floating down the river now. Changelings are as valuable an asset to this pack as those who are born here! One day you bigots will work that out! Old Robin had the foresight to see that the pack was struggling for bitches after that harsh winter ten years back and gave the order to take those human females that seemed strong enough. Have I not born you four litters since you defeated him in the ring? Am I nothing but a cock sock to you? And as for the healer...I will admit that had I known that he had that between his legs...I would not have taken him outside of heat...he is a bigger wolf than you any day!"

"I will just have to neuter him then!" Cassius replied, dropping into wolf form and turning to head out the door. Helewys sprung to block him, hackles raised and growling, "Are you really going to challenge me?" he queried, backing off a little.

"I am fucking challenging you for questioning my judgement...now submit, or do I call the pack to the ring again?" Helewys replied.

Cassius considered his options, though he knew he would likely win as Helewys was exhausted from her fight and rough mating, he also knew that she would get one or two disabling strikes in before submission...or death. He dropped to belly and rolled, exposing himself, it just wasn't worth it.

"Good choice." Helewys said lowering her hackles and changing back to human. "Now when dawn strikes tomorrow I suggest you start the building of his Healer's house. We now know he is able-bodied, and I assure you that virile or not he nearly broke my neck with his scruff grip, so he is an asset to the pack as muscle, and as a human he was very fit, so ranging should be a strength of his."

"And if he proves to be a Eunuch?" Cassius asked, changing back himself.

"He is still an asset...Give him the next bitch who comes into heat if you think it is necessary. After that display today, I can pretty much guarantee no bitch will turn their tail from him."

"I won't save him if he oversteps the mark again and someone challenges him," Cassius said and turned his back on her.

"Then we had better hope that Gregor teaches him well in combat skills."

"What are you going to do about Marion, John and Edward?" he asked as he settled on his pad.

That caused her to pause; Millicent's pups were not on her mind when the challenge had been issued. "They are weaned as she wasn't lactating, I will make them wards of the village. Did you father them or was she a boon at her last heat? Stupid bitch was always out of my circle and I didn't even know before today she hankered for my position."

"Ptolemy asked for her, and I granted boon as I already have two litters by her womb."

"Hmmmph, he is over thirty isn't he?"

"Yes...he wanted a last stand, and she was perfectly agreeable. The pups are in his hut with him now."

"I will announce that spare kills are presented to him then until they can hunt for themselves, he is too old to pick up the slack... we need every wolf we can conceive still. Shame Marion is the only bitch. I am going next door to have a word with Simeon, Gregor and Ysmay. It may be only have been his first day here, but someone is going to have to try and straighten him out faster than they are."

"Rip him a new arse hole for me would you then!" Cassius said finally before changing wolf and curling up.

"I have a feeling that Gregor will be doing that to him before long..."

Cassius snorted at that!

Neither noticed the pair of violet eyes that resided in the head of a night black wolf watching them from the hut across the circle...


Helewys breathed deeply before walking through the door into the shared hut of her maturing pups. Ysmay looked up immediately, while Gregor lifted his head so it stuck up above Simeon's dozing form. "Did he clean off?" she asked. Gregor shook his head. "Wake him then. Ysmay, have you watched a bitch do her duty after a tie yet? Your first one is going to happen within a week if my nose tells me no lies."

"I have seen what happens normally, but you didn't when he pulled free after a mark out there." Ysmay replied.

"Your father needed seeing to, and as matings are normally private, I didn't want to put Simeon through any more embarrassment. I know I was terribly embarrassed when I cleaned Robin after that first time, and I was a serving wench in an Inn and a failed mother too, so it was hardly something new...bar the sheath and fur of course! I know that Simeon is mortified at having to do what he did to me in public, but I couldn't let him escape from a punishment of sorts. It is a shame that he can't change human for at least a couple more weeks, as we all really need to talk properly about what happens next." She looked up as Simeon was watching her with his head slightly on one side, listening carefully. "Come here healer, I am going to perform my duty to you for the mating, and Ysmay here is going to help. We will be in wolf form, so no speech is required. Please, come join us on the pad and expose your sheath. You know better than others you must stay clean down there."

Simeon looked at Gregor who just nodded and nudged his still recumbent form until he stood and joined the two bitches as requested.

"Now I am sure that you saw the Townne's dogs clean themselves after intercourse..." Simeon nodded, "Well the Were do it the wolf way, but far more pleasurably...the bitches thank the males for the tie by cleaning you before they clean themselves. You will find that we also orally stimulate each other outside of mating, in the same way that I used to service men when I was human. You Simeon, have a very talented tongue as you stimulated me to peak before you got your shaft anywhere near me. Now I will show you how talented my tongue is, and my daughter will join me so she may clean Cassius satisfactorily. I will also be discussing certain things with them at the same time, so do not think that we are talking in lupine to cut you out from the conversation."

Simeon looked hesitant, but Helewys didn't give him a chance and shoved him forcefully onto his back before switching to wolf again and straddling him, planting her belly teats on his chest and pinning him with her weight. Ysmay watched as her Alpha mother started to tease at the sweat and cum soaked fur around Simeon's sheath until his red tip started to appear and his shaft emerged fully with a slurp. "Come daughter...you tasted me when I helped you through your first heats, now is time for you to taste a male mixed with me!" she instructed and Ysmay hesitantly joined her mother in her dutiful toilette.

Gregor was watching with glee as Simeon was effectively two timed, and his own arousal was becoming evident, but no bitches would dare enter the hut with the Alpha female already present. He saw Simeon watching him back helpless as he was fighting the effects of the lupine blowjob. Gregor flipped human for a minute and chuckled... "If I were you I would use that tongue of yours on what is hanging above your face. Or if you wish you could use it on me..."

Simeon shook his head violently.

Gregor grinned again, "Well I will just have to blow myself then!" He changed back to wolf and took his own aroused shaft in his mouth and started to do just that.

Simeon looked up at Helewys' now normal spade, the bloodlust and mating now no longer present as she was not in heat, so it was just a triangular fold in appearance. He did admit to himself that she had tasted rather sweet when he had been nose deep in her...and his tongue crept out from his muzzle to run over that source of nectar as teeth started to nip at what he now knew was his knot...

Helewys grinned as she felt the stimulation, "If you are good at cleaning, your Mate will clean you while you do him!" she instructed Ysmay, before she yipped as canine teeth nipped at her lips.

Ysmay glanced up at her Alpha mother due to the exclamation, before she glanced under her belly and saw that Simeon had once again begun working over the target he was so reluctant to touch before. "Do you stimulate him to orgasm, therefore undoing the cleaning Alpha?" she asked deferentially between licks.

"If you love him, yes as you will swallow. Always remember daughter, we are not animals. A Were that starts to behave like an animal, becomes a danger to the pack...your father is coming very close to overstepping the acceptable mark on occasions..."

Gregor looked up sharply, "Are you, a changeling, questioning a Wereborn on their standards, and the Alpha male at that?" he asked concerned, all thoughts of fellating himself forgotten for the moment in the name of duty.

"Your father will not be Alpha for long son. Were your ears failing you not a quartermark ago?" Helewys gasped, tempted to pull herself away from the reason for her distraction...but Simeon was rather good, and with the conversation going on in lupine, he had no understanding of it, and so was continuing his ministrations upon her.

"Our ears did not fail us..." Ysmay said.

"We chose to exercise discretion though, as you are our Alpha's, not just our parents." Gregor finished for her.

"You father nearly made the fatal mistake of challenging me in the ring. I would have lost and probably died, but he would have been too injured to be Alpha if that had happened. That would have left the pack with no leadership. He submitted when I counter-challenged, which saved both our lives. Next time he may not. Surely son you have heard gossip amongst your peers over some of his actions."

"Well yes...but I will always serve my Alpha fully, even if it means my life. I should report this conversation, as you well know." Gregor replied.

"Do so then...he is on the other side the wall. He can hear this discussion anyway. His ears and body are still young, and he is still in peak condition. There are few males in the pack who can challenge him at the moment, and everyone knows it. As the responsible Alpha female, I have to keep him on his toes when he is about to make a mistake. He did the same for me, as I had forgotten Millicent's pups."

"Millicent's circle should have reported her intentions to you Alpha," Ysmay pointed out.

"For which they will suffer tomorrow. There will be a few torn ears amongst the bitches by moonrise. Now back to a bitches' duty daughter. To bring a male to peak, you must stimulate the knot as if tied. You do that, in the case of one endowed like Simeon here, by swallowing his tip. If you are close to peak yourself from his ministrations like I am, do not do it as you will naturally bite down when pushed into your own orgasm..." Her breathing was getting heavier as she lowered her haunches deeper onto Simeon's questing nose. "Take Simeon's shaft in your mouth now daughter, and swallow the tip...think of it as a fresh kill."

Ysmay did as told, gagging a little but her nose soon rested on Simeon's crotch.

"Now grip his shaft below his knot with your teeth and seal you lips...remember to breathe through your nose. You can then roll your cheek muscles as if chewing around his knot..." Helewys broke off as Simeon finally pushed her to far again, and she arched her neck to howl into the roof of the hut as she flooded him with her essence.

Ysmay did as instructed as her mother nearly deafened her, and found herself trying to hold position as Simeon started to buck into her mouth. His hips were jarring her neck but she held on as instructed...and suddenly felt the knot pulse in her jaws, and her throat was flooded with pulses of fluid that were missing her taste buds as it filled her stomach.

"Pull off a little now daughter, the taste is as salty as fresh blood, but different. His orgasm will lessen quicker with no knot stimulation." Helewys suggested as she stepped off Simeon, legs slightly shaking.

Ysmay did as commanded and allowed the last few jets of maleness roll over her tongue before swallowing them and then licking Simeon until his tip was dry again and his shaft retreated into his sheath. Gregor grunted from the other side of the hut as he eagerly swallowed his own eruption so as to avoid soiling his fur.

Helewys turned human again and took a seat next to Simeon's head, leaning against the wall. "Right you two, as you heard what was going on next door probably, I need you to listen to me very carefully. This is your Alpha female speaking now, not your mother. Change human please so Simeon can understand your replies." She placed her hand on Simeon's throat, running a talon around and onto the space between his ears as he rolled back onto all fours.

Ysmay changed immediately, "It is an acquired taste is it not Alpha?" She asked, belching a little.

Helewys chuckled, "Yes...but now we must be serious. Gregor, you are to take Simeon into the woods and begin his hunt and fight training tomorrow morning. I do not want him killed in the ring before he gets chance to even turn human again. Ask around your pad warmers as well, I want him trained in foreplay and targeting. I have a feeling from the bitch gossip going around the circle earlier you will have more than one volunteer...that is why I don't want Ysmay with you in her nearing condition. Demonstrate proper lupine courtship, and stay human yourself so you can get him on target...not many bitches will have the patience I had." She turned to Simeon, "I know it will be difficult for you to be handled by another male, but needs must. It took me ages to learn proper control of my spade and new vaginal muscles after I changed."

Simeon nodded...it would appear that there were definite advantages now to being in the pack, though Gregor was not a line he was quite ready to cross just yet...

"He could always use me for target practice..." Gregor suggested cheekily.

Simeon just rolled his lips and growled, causing the three of them to start laughing at his expense.

"Don't dismiss it Simeon," Helewys said when she had stopped laughing, "Tail sex is extremely pleasurable for both the male and bitch when done properly...You will definitely have to work on your target hunting though before then! The pack doesn't frown upon same sex encounters, there is no religion here. Bitches help bitches out before breeding age, and males form relationships with other males."

Simeon still shook his head.

"Leave him mother...he will come over to the brown side when a kinky bitch lowers her haunches at the last second...he nearly scored on you!" Gregor said with a wicked grin.

Helewys chuckled, "True...it was a good job I am well skilled in my training....all Alpha's need to be or they won't be Alpha for long." She turned to Ysmay then, "You daughter, I want you to take him to the hut or the teaching tree every single minute he is awake and not with Gregor. He must learn the pack's laws, and the lupine languages of body and tongue with no delay. I will hold you responsible if he fucks up. He is to be kept out of general circulation until such a time he is fit for day to day interaction. I want no sink or swim this time like with other changelings, his skills are too valuable. Bitches will come sniffing at the door for him after today, and you are to both stop them from entering... If they want his shaft bad enough, they can join Gregor in the woods with him until he stops making mistakes in etiquette. You may be required to challenge them, and you have my permission to do so for his virtue. Is that understood?"

"Yes mother."

"Yes Alpha."

"Good...now I am going to leave you to it. I have some questions to ask of the other bitches and I need my sleep after today. Simeon, your house of healing is to begin construction tomorrow. We will copy Merek's for design..."

Simeon stood and shook his head, wishing he could bloody talk.

"What is wrong?" Helewys asked.

Simeon looked down at his useless paws and around the hut for a second before his eyes settled on Gregor who was still in human form. He pounced without warning, flattening the startled male to the floor and pressed his weight upon him, yipping as he touched his nose to Gregor's forehead and then his ass to his Gregor's knees without realising just where his sheath was touching, before jumping clear. He quickly scuffed an M next to two lines in the dirt...and then a W next to a pair that were wider apart, gesturing back to Gregor who was sitting up disgruntled.

"You want the hut bigger because we Weres are bigger?" Helewys asked with a smile.

Simeon nodded.

"Done...and we will build near the falls for you so you have clear and clean water without the risk of flooding."

"If you wanted a roll on the pad you only needed to ask..." Gregor commented, prompting Simeon to shake his head and clamp his tail down between his legs as everyone let out another gale of laughter.

"Children!" Helewys exclaimed, a grin still splitting her muzzle as she changed wolf again and walked out of the hut.

Simeon yawned then, setting the others off, "Good plan healer...Join me for the night?" Gregor asked.

Simeon was more than aware of the warning issued over Ysmay and nodded reluctantly as Gregor changed wolf and moved over to make room for him. He quietly curled up and buried his own nose under his tail as Ysmay chuckled.

Dark black ears swivelled on a midnight coloured head as a shadow darker than most crept away from the back of the hut to go on hunt...he would be hunting something else soon though...


One week later...

"I am going out with a few of the others to pay a visit to the deer herd sister...can you hold off the bitches alone for the afternoon with Simeon?" Gregor asked as he and his exhausted pupil walked back into the hut.

"Yes...get lost; you're only a distraction with your lewd jokes anyway." Ysmay replied, shifting on her pad...her heat was within a day and she was becoming swollen and uncomfortable...never mind antsy.

Gregor chuckled, "My lessons are going well...Simeon has tied first time twice today, which is why he is tired and has learnt everything there is to know about a bitches body from me. How are yours going, he is still speaking little."

"I...I have spoken little...as I did not when I was human..." Simeon replied in broken lupine, a look of concentration on his furrowed brow, "I believe...I am speaking well enough for the bitches with my tongue and sheath?"

Ysmay chuckled as Gregor looked at him in astonishment. "I think that answers your question brother," she jibed.

"Hmmppphhh! Still can't hunt or fight for toffee though!" Gregor said and turned, leaving the hut in a huff.

Simeon's nose turned to where Ysmay was lying... "Are you sure it is wise by the laws of the pack for me to be alone with you today?" he asked as he went to lie on his own pad...one having been prepared for him for until his hut house was ready.

Ysmay stood and stretched, her back curving into a U shape with her haunches high in the air, her tail to one side. "No it is not...but father is not next door and does not come to me. Is it fair that the other bitches get to have you and I your teacher not?" she asked, strolling over and rubbing her cheek over his.

Simeon backed off, moving up against the wall, "I will go and fetch Alpha...I cannot...He would know!" he protested.

"No...Did your bitches clean you?" Ysmay asked, facing him down.


"I can still practice my cleaning upon you...I wouldn't want to dissatisfy father...Can you tell me if I get it right?" she begged, dropping her stance into a begging mode.


"I need relief Simeon...if you will not mount me, then at least allow me to clean you while you make sure I am clean for father...use that tongue of yours...As a friend and a favour."

"And this is not breaking the pack laws?" Simeon asked.

"It is bending them...but I will still be a virgin when he tears my innocence from me...so who will know?" Ysmay asked, turning her heat soaked loins to him.

Simeon swallowed hard, his sheath and shaft were betraying him in the pheromone soaked air and it started to rub the mat in readiness, "Oh fuck it! Do it then, but be quick. I will relieve your stress." He quickly stepped onto the pad again and rolled.

Ysmay pounced upon his maleness like a starving beast and began lapping as she dripped sexual need onto his lips before he could protest further. She yipped and yowled quietly as his tongue cooled her as only another's could...


Cassius entered the village and went towards his hut...his hunt had failed and he was grumpy. Helewys was nowhere in scent, nor was she likely to be in the mood. His nose caught the scent of a bitch in heat and a smirk formed on his muzzle as he followed it...there would be no boon today with his loins aching as they were. He approached the lean-to on his hut with a bigger grin...so his daughter was the one to become a full bitch today, but then he froze...the bloody healer's arousal was also all too present.

What he was unaware of though was a black nose that was also in contact with the scent...

He burst into the hut snarling at the scene in from of him. His daughter was crotch deep on the healer's shaft while he was nose deep in her heat. Both were moaning in mutual pleasures until his growls penetrated their ears and four eyes snapped open to stare at him.

He didn't give chance for a reaction and leapt across the room in one bound, smashing Ysmay off Simeon with a shoulder barge that rolled her into the wall in a heap. He grabbed Simeon by the scruff and dragged him with brute force out into the circle before dumping him in the dust and howling the all points call out to gather witnesses.

"You die today for you actions healer...you have gone too far!" he snarled as the call echoed off the cliffs and Weres began to appear.

"I did not take her!" Simeon protested as Ysmay staggered out of the hut, but did not enter the circle.

"You were servicing my daughter! She is mine as Alpha and no one else's!" Cassius snarled back.

"He was helping me like the bitches did before father...you did not notice my need this morning and he refused to take me...I ordered him to as his teacher, but he refused..." Ysmay said shaking her head as Helewys arrived on the scene.

"You were sucking him like a pup on a teat...and he was nearly up to his eyes in you! No, he has challenged me for my position as Alpha with his actions! Healer, stand and face me like a wolf...that way you will die without dishonour."

Simeon stood up hesitantly, but rolled his head to one side in submission as he dropped it to the ground again.

"I said stand and face me pup...You have challenged for Alpha position by defiling a bitch in heat without my permission. You will fight, not submit!" Cassius roared.

The pack fell silent then as all eyes stared over Cassius' furious head at what was behind him...even Simeon looked up slightly as a large shadow detached itself from a hut and stepped into the circle.

"So Cassius...now you wantonly kill Weres that have not even turned human again in front witnesses. The healer has submitted, the challenge is over by the law of the pack!" The black wolf snarled, pouring scorn into his words.

Cassius turned to face his questioner, "Balthazar!" he spat. "So you wish to die writhing in pain to like your mate did... do you changeling?"

"No Cassius...I counter your challenge to Simeon and take his place...I contest for Alpha, and I contest for your daughter's virginity as you have denied me a bitch, just as you denied my Mate a healer in her time of need." Balthazar replied coldly, his violet eyes seeming to glow in the afternoon's sun. "I will not roll and simper at your feet as you did in front of the pack's revered Ledrene last week in the door of your hut. It is my right to make this challenge as you well know. I watched as your daughter seduced the healer she had been ordered to guard and teach."

"So be it...I win, you and Simeon die..." Cassius spat out coldly.

"A poor leader kills for spite...I win, you live unless you give me no choice in combat. Are you ready to face me, or do you wish to submit now and walk free uninjured like Robin did when you defeated him? Remember everyone...Cassius here only became Alpha by bullying and chasing an old wolf until he stepped from the circle in exhaustion...have you seen him actually fight yet?" he directed at the pack as Cassius became angrier and angrier.

"Enough!" Cassius screamed.

"Simeon...healer...step out of the ring please. If Cassius submits, he is yours to heal if you can..." Balthazar directed gently at Simeon who stood shakily and slowly did as bid, moving to stand next to Ysmay who licked his face in reassurance as he turned to face the whirlwind of teeth and claws in the ring, despite a deep scowl from Helewys.

Balthazar turned and took up a fighting stance, as the second Simeon's hind paw left the ring Cassius attacked...