To the Victor Goes the Spoils

Story by Cryz on SoFurry

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#1 of Blood Daughter

Okay this is a rough draft of a long story series I am working on, I will edit this later with the new finely worded final version but I am looking for comments right now to determine whether to continue to persue the plotline. =) Basically its a character background on two major characters for a roleplay I game master. Also please note as this is a rough draft the description on the sex acts are at best minimal... this will change in the rewrite to final :p

Adilia (Idle-le-ah) awoke slowly, her head throbbing harshly as she lifted it. She was slow to come to her senses, but when she did one thing became very apparent. She did not know where she was. The stench of blood, rot, urine, and death assaulted her senses. It was like a choking fog, thick in the air and it caused her to gag and cough. Her maw opened, to draw air through it.

There was only pitch black around her, no light illuminated her surroundings and she found herself relying on her kind's innate night vision, her eyes flickering to a dim purple glow. Around her she made out the vague shape of bars on all but one side. A concrete wall finished the last wall. She was in a cage? A wary growl escaped her maw as she moved to quickly stand. A sudden rattle behind her caused her to whirl around with a snarl, on edge due to her surroundings.

As she did the chain manacled to her right hindleg caught the other hindleg and swept her feet from under her sending her sprawling hard to the side with a startled yelp. Recovering she moved back to a lay, and brought her head around to sniff at the thing wrapped around her back legs. She knew what it was, having seen others of her kind wearing the cursed bindings. Angrily she brought her jaws carefully around the chain and bit down hard. Her teeth and jaw pressure failed to rend the metal, adamantite, made specifically to hold dragons. She snarled and shook her head furiously gripping the chain trying to rip it from its holding but she could not. After a moment she relented, releasing the chain and moving her front paws to unwrap her paws from the chains length.

Sniffing at the manacle itself she tested its strength as well, trying to gnaw it from her leg. She failed just as miserably, it too was adamantite. She shook her head and neck, lifting it to consider her situation a moment. She tried to recall how she got to be here, and could not remember anything prior to just waking up.

Adilia was a young dragon, still a whelp really. She was barely thirty years of age, her kind timeless, she would not be considered a young adult for another twenty years. She was a Tempest Dragon, her scales the typical blue-gray silver of her kind, fading to a light pearl white underbelly. Dark metallic purple markings, so dark they appeared black created points on her paws, stopping about the knee. Both sides were trailed at the top by similar colored markings that followed her long neck to her head where they met at her forehead and the dark markings overtook her ears and muzzle. Dark purple outlined both wings and her wing joints. Flecks of silver here and there in the darker coloring made it look like a dark purple night sky. The upper part of her wings were decorated in circles and lines of dark purple outlined in pearl white. A fin ran between her black pair crown horns, a lighter metallic purple color, peaking at nearly 5' at mid neck and then trailing back down to 1' following the length of her body to her tail where it stopped as her tail's tip became a scissor like jointed blade. She was thirty feet tall, and fifty feet long, counting her neck and tail.

Slowly she rose again, careful of the chain and followed the chain back to where it bolted into the ground by four strong bolts she had no hope of ripping up. Still she tried, first gripping it in her jaws and trying to rip it up and then gripping it with her front paws and trying with the help of her wings beating. Still she had no chance of budging the reinforced plate. She gave up, moving toward the bars she found the chain prevented her from getting close enough to them to try bending the bars. Growling she narrowed her glowing eyes, having a strong feeling she could probably escape that way, and her captors knew this and thusly chained her. She retreated back to the concrete wall she could reach and laid down, head on her front paws, warily resting for the moment.

Somehow she drifted to a dreamless slumber, and was awakened by a loud threatening roar. She bolted to her feet with a startled yet defensive growl. There was light she realized, looking around she saw she was in some sort of massive structure with cages set on both sides of a hall. In the cage across from hers there was another dragon, a male with dark black ebony scales. He was much older then her, and paced his confined cage with no chains. Her eyes narrowed on him, confused as to why the larger male did not snap the bars and escape. He let out a gruff growl with every step as he paced back and forth completely oblivious to her.

"Fool!" She growled toward the ignorant black dragon, in the common tongue of Dragonic "Why do you not escape?" She demanded, moving cautiously toward the bars nearest him as close as the length of chain would let her. She had never met a black dragon, though she had heard all the stories of their nasty reputation for being bullies, cruel, and darkened. She however, had never been told they were idiots.

The black was a good sixty feet, though the Black Dragon was known for growing much larger then most other species of dragon. She guessed he was about four times her age, when she was as old as he was she would only be a few feet taller and longer then she was now. His scales were ebony black his belly scales blue-black. His face was skull like, twisted horns coming out from both side of his head and coming forward toward his nose tipped in blood red. His lips were blood red, and his eyes flickered off and on red. She noticed he had many scars across his form, and one of his legs looked mangled. As she spoke the beast whirled around on her and charged the cage, making the whole building shudder as he let out a fierce some snarl.

She backpedaled, and so did he. Ears flat to her head she considered the beast a moment before she heard the same fearsome roar that woke her up originally, and it was not from the black. It was from the other side of her cage. The black went back to pacing his nostrils flaring as he eyed the female across the hall. Cautiously she neared as close as she could to the other side of her cage, and saw that in the distance sunlight broke through a gated door where she could make out shadows moving. It was from this place the sounds came. A low growl came, and she wondered if other dragons were fighting their captors.

She glanced back to the pacing black, she had never been told the black were dimwitted, but perhaps indeed they were. He may be too stupid to release himself but perhaps she could trick him into freeing them both. She knew she could outrun him if needed, afterall he was threelegged. Slowly she turned back around dragging her chain along behind her as she let out a soft mocking call at the black, and began letting out little low challenging grunts akin to catcalls. The black didn't take much to get mad, he rammed the bars again and again, the building shuddering so badly a few pieces of the roof fell. This encouraged her enough she reared up to her hind legs, using her tail to carefully balance herself and stretched out her wings wide, arching her neck and opening her maw wide so that all of her pearly fangs were visible. She roared loudly mocking the black, encouraging him to get her if he dared.

The black was easily coerced, he charged again, this time one of the bars fell away. Her eyes lit up as she set herself back on all four paws carefully, bringing her wings close as she watched the bar fall to the ground with a loud clang. Still more bars needed to fall if the black was to escape, the one gap now barely allowed his nose to stick out. She growled again, and began to move right, head lowered, she continued her pestering of the black.

From the corner of her eye she saw something move outside the bars of her cage and whirled around in time to see two humans. Humans! She snarled angrily realizing all of a sudden she was caged by the alien beasts. She forgot the black entirely as she charged at the humans. At the same time the human lifted something she did not clearly recognize, and a loud bang was heard. As the chain tensed and jerked her back from her charge she felt a sudden strong pain in her chest and stumbled backward falling to her side with a loud thud. All at once her head seemed heavily and her vision blurry. The humans had killed her!? She thought wildly as she fought to remain alert... remain alive. Fought the blackness trying to consume her. Her chest seemed so heavy she could hardly breath, yet her hearing was dangerously acute even as her sight failed her. She heard the black snarl, another loud bang, a thud. Human footsteps, words she did not understand. She had never learned the human tongue.

"Did you see that, never even been in the pit and already picking a fight with Skull." He said with a chuckle.

"She might end up being an excellent pitfighter." Another voice said.

"Nah, Scarlet will mop the floor with her." Said the first voice.

"Well since she wanted to tango with Skull let's-" And the voices faded from her hearing and her world faded to darkness.

Chapter Three

Adilia gazed around the woods, she was looking for something but she couldn't really remember what it was. Slowly she padded down the dirt path, through the woods that seemed familiar but she couldn't recall why.

"Adilia!" a male voice called that was so warm and familiar and still she did not recall whose voice it was. She knew she should know. It felt like she knew the voice. But no face came to mind. She was confused and it was beginning to annoy her. She sat down defiantly looking around her for the source of the voice, ears back, neck bent. "Addy... what are you doing?"

The voice was right in front of her and she looked up sharply to see a strange figure standing before her, but it was so blurry she couldn't make out any features. The figure was humanoid, but not human, it had wings. Humans didn't have wings.

She moved to a stand, and backed away warily. Her ears perked forward as she studied the blurry scentless image.

"Addy... don't you trust me?" The voice asked, moving toward her, it's arms outstretched toward her. Simultaneously her response was yes and no. She should trust him, she didn't know why but she wanted to. Yet something told her this creature had betrayed her somehow despite the fact she didn't remember whom it was. Tentatively she reached her muzzle toward the hand, to sniff it.

Adilia woke up with a moan as something struck her right side, her eyes opened peeling her from her dream confused and groggy. It took her a moment to realize her predicament. Something was on her side, she looked up and saw the blueblack chest of the black male she had been caged across from atop her. No bars between them the male was... mounting her!? She rose suddenly with a growl and surprised the larger male who backed off from her. As she rose she realized all four of her legs were chained to the ground by thick short chains that let her have only a few feet of slack.

She was outside! A blue sky filled with sunlight was above her. She could smell fresh air amidst the stank of blood, sex, and death. She was standing on red dirt, reddened by blood from the smell. In some places pools of blood and remnants of scales, bones, chains, broken teeth, and broken claws laid about. She growled again whirling around as best she could to face the black as she rose. There were thick huge walls all around them, but the roof was open to the sky.

She was muzzled she realized, tightly enough she could not open her maw even to breath much less bite. Her tail slammed into the ground in irritation as she narrowed her eyes on the black. His red glowing eyes never left her, she could smell the lust upon him. Though she had never mated before, she was far too young yet, she knew what the male wanted from her. Blacks were known for being darkness aligned monsters, but never had she been told they were rapist.

He was not chained as she was and thusly had the upper hand. He seemed to know it too judging by the fairly amused toothy grin across his skull like maw. She snarled at him, baring her teeth as best she could muzzled as she was. She made every instinctual move to show him she was not interested. She brought her tail down, slipping between her back legs to prevent easy access and curling tightly around one of her legs to ensure he would have a tough time pulling it away if he tried. Ears back she backed off as best she could putting more distance between them.

The black watched her like she were prey. She could not understand why he did not run away if he was unchained. He could surely fly away or climb out. But instead he was antagonizing her. She heard loud noises around her, it confused her as she glanced around and saw that that at the top there were humans sitting or standing watching the two dragons, hundreds of them. At the very top on each side were a group of six humans holding something. Her ears flattened as tightly against her head as they could. No wonder the black did not try to escape, the humans were waiting for that.

"Skull likes his new prize!" Some loud voice said, to the applause and whooping of the gathered humans. The sound was deafening. Adilia crouched down as it assaulted her sensitive ears. She did not understand the words or what was going on. The black seemed to be driven mad by the sound, rearing up he snarled and swiped at the air his massive claws whistling through the air. She saw though that he had a hard time rearing, noting how he had to lean heavily on his tail and right wing due to his mangled left hind leg. She also noted that both of his wings were nubs, they looked as if they had been snapped off. No wonder he did not fly away.

"But Skull must fight for the right to this newly acquired female!" The voice called, as a loud scraping sound was heard. Her head turned to face the sound, as did the blacks. The gate over one of the four doors was opening. There were gates at each side; the farthest right gate was opening. From it another dragon stepped out. This one was much stockier then the black was. It was smaller though, only about 40'. It was heavily built, and armored like a tank. She did not recognize the species but it was clearly a ground type of dragon, it had no wings.

The stocky male was a Mossy Rock Dragon, he was all muscle, built for physical power. He was slow, but he was well protected. He was a moss green color over the greater portion of his body. Gray bone plates, far harder then diamond, lined the back of his neck, down the length of his body, the tip of his muzzle, and shoulder's provided even greater protection then his already thicker then normal scales. His underbelly a lighter greenish tinged yellow. A thick dewlap ran from his chin to the middle of his neck. His short barbed tail tipped lashed back and forth as he ambled slowly into the arena.

Stubby ears preened forward toward the female and the black. The new male's nostrils flared and contracted as he considered them.

"Welcome to the Bloodclaw Dragon Fighting Arena, today we pit the long standing champion of fury Skull vs. the up and coming unbeatable Baron." The crowd went crazy. The black snarled at the noise snapping his jaws, while the larger creature simply glanced around. Adilia did not know what was being said, but she really did not like being chained down between two strange males, one of which already tried to rape her. She tried to pull free of the chains, tried desperately to rip them loose.

"Betting will close in thirty seconds." The voice said, a few moments later it followed with a "Let the fight begin!" The humans at the very top moved. Adilia glanced up to see what was going on at the same time many loud bangs were heard. Adilia, Baron, and Skull all let out startled snarls as they were each hit. The two males were hit with four darts. All four stuck out of Baron's chest. Skull had two in the right side, one in the neck, and one in his chest. The black turned on himself ripping the darts out, Baron ignored his. The crowd cared as the shots were fired and then fell deathly silent waiting with bated breaths to see the result.

Adilia hadn't been hit with any darts though. Instead large fist sized paintball like balls hit her and splattered along her hide a clear substance. She was hit by 16 of these things, each hit hurt a little like being struck by a fast moving rock. She danced and cried out against the balls that rained upon her hide, curling up into a ball shivering in fear and confusion her head hiding beneath her wing. When all was said and done she had large globs of the substance running down her flanks and sides.

Barons nose went up in the air, nostrils pulling in deep breaths a forked tongue dancing out from his blunted muzzle tip tasting the scent in the air. The black too was nose up nostrils flaring, his gaze fell upon the huddled up female, the source of the new scent.

Each ball had contained powerful artificial heat smell, that simulated the scent of a female dragon in deep heat. Though the human's version was much more potent, years of research had been able to identify which hormones were needed in the scent to trigger more reaction in the males. Adilia was in shock at the human's vileness. She knew the scent that covered her, it was not the first time she had smelled it though it was the first time it had come from her. She was not sure exactly what the humans were up to but she had the sinking feeling it would end up with her beneath one of these males.

The darts had contained heavy levels of steroids, hormones, and drugs that would heighten the physical ability of the males, increase their lust, and aggression to the point it overrode any sentient thought into a pure instinctual monster with only the desire to seek mating, and fight over anything. The drugs would turn wise patient dragons into sex crazed territorial animals in a matter of minutes. Repeated exposure to them would lessen that response time.

The black succumbed to the rising lust and aggression quickly. He snarled and stalked toward the female, moving to mount her. Adilia shrieked and kicked as best she could, striking the male in the belly. His response was swift and brutal as he drew claws across her side scratching across her scales harmlessly and brought his head down over hers gripping her smaller head in his massive jaws. His teeth puncture and threatened to crush her head, she fell still with a whimper as he once again moved over the dragoness.

As the black moved over the female Baron snarled. He started as fast as his large bulky form could toward the two, growling the entire time his stubby muzzle baring all of his sharp fangs. He lumbered toward them, the ground trembling. The crowd around them began to cheer as he moved.

The black ignored him, intent on taking the female for himself; he could smell she was a virgin. He drew his head high, holding the female's head still dragging her to a stand to avoid having her head ripped off. Adilia's eyes teared as the black's teeth began to draw blood, her head twisted upward at a painful angle threatening to snap her neck if she fought much. Her front legs could not touch the ground because of how high the black was pulling her head and she was forced to brace herself with her wings as he brought his front paws around her chest and pushed her back against his belly scales.

Baron leapt, his front paws reaching forward to strike the black first, claws ripping forth from his paws. The black busy with his total conquest of the female did not notice the lumbering giant and was struck full on. His jaws parted as the air rushed out of him releasing the female's head. Adilia fell to the ground on her side as the black was thrown off of her, and laid there curling up terrified now. A sickening crack heard as the black was sent flying across the arena landing in a wave of dirt and disappearing in the dust of his wake. Baron landed standing across the female, his front claws covered in Skull's blood. He opened his maw wide and roared a direct challenge at the black dragon hidden in the dust.

Adilia glanced up at the tank of a dragon as he roared, the male didn't seem to be like the black. He glanced down at the shivering female beneath him, his eyes were a golden yellow in color as he considered the female, no glow to them. She could see a strange craze within them clouding them more and more as time passed, it confused her and scared her. He drew his head close to hers, sniffing at her muzzle. She froze up as he neared her letting out a whimper. His head cocked as she whimpered, lifting his head to glance back to where the black had landed.

The crowd was screeching their approval or displeasure depending on who they had betted on. Skull drug himself back to a stand with a furious snarl, blood dripping down from his nose and rended side. He breathed heavily, some ribs broken from the impact. He answered the roar with one of his own, droplets of blood flecking from his muzzle as he shook the dust and blood from his form. He charged Baron, full on with no hint of intimidation or pain, only intense anger.

The dark form peeled out of the dust at full speed toward the female and Baron, and Baron rushed forward to meet him. The two collided a dozen or so yards from Adilia whom scrambled to her feet and desperately fled as far as the chains would let her from the two trying to rip her chains free, to escape and fly away. The manacle began to rip into her ankles and wrists as she frantically tried to break free.

Skull was waiting to deliver a bite to the underside of Baron's neck as the two collided. He was more agile then Baron was, and had his front claws ready to rip into the other male's chest as he bit at his neck. Baron's scales protected him entirely from the claws, one of Skull's claws broke off in his hide as the black's jaws closed around his dewlap and ripped through without much damage other then the rips. Baron jerked his front to the side rearing up and throwing the black off. Skull was ready this time though, landing on his feet he narrowed his glowing eyes of red on the other dragon. Once again Skull went for Baron. Baron waited and spun around as the black neared trying to catch the black on his tail barb.

Skull leapt up above the tail and landed on the back of the smaller dragon. Baron was taken by surprise by that tactic and fell to his front knees at the sudden weight on his back. The black wasted little time delivering bites to the back of the other male's neck and back, but only found the plates there were far too powerful to bite through. Baron rolled, and the black leapt from his back.

Skull growled growing irritated as Baron moved back to his feet. The drugs raging through his system he turned back toward the female, and rushed her instead. Adilia was so busy trying to escape she did not notice the male until he had leapt upon her, and thrown. The wind was knocked from her lungs as her back slammed into the ground hard, twisting her back legs at an unnatural painful angle as they were pulled against the chains. The black moved quickly to subdue the female. His jaws closed around the base of her neck and closed, cutting off her breath. His front paws pushed hers down, and held them there and his hindlegs forcing hers apart. He thrusted blindly at her, trying to bury himself within her quickly. Her tail however still was in the way, and his thrusts achieved nothing. She began to sob though as best she could as she felt his member upon her.

Baron started after Skull as he moved toward the female but was not quickly enough to get there before the black. He arrived just as the male started to hump the female, and spun around, his thick tail coming around, barbs aimed at the side of the black, the 3' 6' long barbs slammed into the occupied black spearing him and ripping him off the female, to the ground beside her.

Skull's maw parted as he let out a shriek as the barbs hit him, blood dribbling in globs from his mouth spilling onto the female's head and neck as he was thrown to the side. His teeth ripped the female's neck slightly as he landed beside her still impaled on the tail. Skull writhed in pain as Baron jerked his tail barbs from the black, the ivory barbs covered in blood. Blood spurted out of the holes, more from one then the other. Skull was mortally wounded, in his death throes he shrieked and growled, bubbling blood from his nose. His heart impaled he died there beside the female. The crowd erupted into a series of boos and happy cheers.

"Skull has bit the dust, Baron goes undefeated again! To the victor go the spoils!"

Baron growled shaking his form of whatever blood had splattered upon his hide. Adilia laid where she had fallen, and glanced up to Baron her eyes wide with fear as she considered the male. He drew himself to a rear, balancing himself on two legs and his tail he let out a massive roar, claws still out on his paws as he parted his maw so wide the webbing on either side could be seen. He brought himself down carefully, and shook his form off again.

Adilia slowly turned to her side, taking the strain off her hindlegs. As she moved Baron snarled at her, turning to face her he began to sniff taking the heat scent up again. If Adilia thought that Baron had saved her from rape all sense of security would go away as she saw the male's cloacae parting and the head of the male's penis slowly growing hard there.

She cringed back and let out a long whimper, hoping to get some sense of decency from the male that seemed more there then the black was. The male's eyes showed conflict, there was a haze there of lust and aggression but she saw deep wisdom in those eyes. The male growled at her, bringing his head to sniff hers, moving his nose down her neck taking deep breaths of her scent.

"Your smell good." The male replied as he lifted his head, and perked his ears forward. He moved his head to smell the spots of scent on her sides, his tongue flicking across her scales there tasting the scent. She whimpered as he licked her. Slowly the male's attention moved to the privates her tail covered, he brought his head to them, and pushed his muzzle between her tail and her privates sniffing deeply of her scent. She began to sob as she realized the male would take her regardless of her age or wishes, turning her head away to look at the wall as the male moved over her his member hard.

He used a front paw to pry her tail up a little near where it covered her privates and wedged his member between her tail and belly, before he began to hump her. He did not enter her though, simply using the pressure and warmth of her belly and tail to bring him to orgasm. She glanced back up to him tears in her eyes confused as he used her. When he was close he let out a rumbling purr, and coated her belly with his cum. He drew back then, and several loud bangs brought blackness to both their worlds.

Crossing the Line

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