Not Your Average Honeymoon--Kensuke Commission

Story by TwilitDawnKnown on SoFurry

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#1 of The Panch/Ken Romance

This one's for the friendly KensukeTheCat, relating to his romantic relationship with Panchi-Tiger. I swear these two are one of the most lovely couples I've ever run into in the furdom--not to mention that they're both talented artists.

Expect more entries in their mythos.

Apologies for the extra-large paragraph spacing.

The tiger and the lion walked along the beach, Hawaiian sea breezes playing at their furred, chiseled chests as they strode along the tree line in their swim trunks. To any random onlooker, they might have seemed merely a pair of surf buds taking a break from the waves, or college boys on vacation, or perhaps even just locals checking out the scene.

The truth, however, was a decidedly stranger set of possibilities. The two were actual newlyweds, in an unusual sense of the word. From across the world from each other, they had fallen in love, and realized a romance seemingly straight from the fairy tales--with a modern twist. For months the Internet was their only link--though what a link it was; with videoconferencing, interactive activities, and all manner of other channels, the two were remarkably well-connected for being so geographically distant. They had been friends via this method for a time before they decided to give romance a try; their friendship was so deep that it was simply adding another of the forms of love to the emotional bond they already shared. It almost seemed as though they weren't as far apart as North America and Australia: their hearts formed a bridge across the chasm, maintaining a connection that was more sublime than any stream of ones and zeroes.

Then it happened--the amazing opportunity for them to meet. It took some sacrifice, but the two were still able to afford the financial sacrifices necessary to make it work, and they met up at a convention in the US. The few days of the weekend saw them as inseparable and passionately devoted--and yet, their immutably chivalrous natures kept them chaste, and even though they shared a room for the convention, leading to seemingly-knowing whispers, there were two separate beds in the room for a reason; both were occupied singly.

It was a sweet time to be shared, but it brought them much pain, for even though they learned from it that they loved scarcely anything in the world so much as each other's proximate company, it meant that their inevitable return to their separate corners of the globe was made all the more glaring and heartache-inducing. As they both pursued the education and experience that would enable them to follow constructive careers, their hearts pined to reunite them tangibly, because they'd both found in each other a person that made them feel complete in soul and heart.

Their communications and interactions had nearly redoubled in intensity in those days, to try to regain the heady euphoria that was being in the presence of each other. It was a futile gesture towards that end, though it helped numb the heartache somewhat, which at least gave it some purpose. It would be, however, a bit of a downfall to them.

It was during a holiday when things went to pieces. Kensuke's family was of the rather clingy persuasion when it came to his time away from his educational commitments, and he found himself on spring break with them, rather than in exotic Australia with the tiger he loved, as he'd wished for many a time. He brought his laptop, doing his best to while away the hours between banal events with furtive tidbits of conversation with the tiger whenever he could snatch them.

His aunt was visiting him and his family one day during that week, and his mother, contrary to repeated instruction, had shuttled his laptop away to somewhere or other in an effort to make the house look as spotless as possible. It was a nuisance, and he couldn't exactly inquire of his mother where she'd put it while right there in front of his aunt. He decided to quietly slip away in the middle of a rather lengthy anecdote his mother was retelling to his aunt, turning on the family's desktop PC instead. It was a slow beastie, but it worked, and it had Internet access, which was all that Ken really needed; the fact that it was in the den, away from most interruption, also didn't hurt. After waiting for it to boot and loading up the messenger client, the box containing the familiar icon of the tiger he loved sprang up without hesitation onto the screen, bearing joyful welcome.

They exchanged greeting, emoting playful touch and pleased noises to convey their contentedness at being in contact with each other again, as always. It never failed to make Kensuke happy to see the notification on his screen that Panch had signed on, though it was just as pleasant to be surprised by the tiger's greeting by virtue of being online before Ken signed on.

Then his mother suddenly burst into the room. "Ken!" she cried, "The street sweeping is today! Your car!"

He rocketed out of his chair and to the front door. His area had rather stringent codes regarding street sweeping, and cars that were left out on the street during the hours posted could be ticketed or even towed. Thankfully, the next sweeping "district" was quite close to their home, and so moving his car to the nearest area was a rather quick thing to do--but Kensuke knew that he had little time before the squad cars would be making their own "sweeps" to get easy-picking parking tickets.

His mother, who had left Ken's aunt with a cup of tea and an interesting article from the local newspaper, found herself with an opportunity. In his haste, Ken had left his screen unaltered from when she'd burst into the room, rather than carefully clearing it before stepping out, as was his usual fashion. Curious to know what the lion could be doing with all that time he spent on the computer, and also somewhat irritated that he'd left her to deal with his aunt unaccompanied, she decided to take a peek.

There were two windows on the screen; one of them was his MSN Messenger buddy list, which she'd seen in the past and knew to simply be a list of his friends online. The other, though, was clearly a chat window--and she was always a fan of gossip, so she couldn't resist reading it for herself.

Panch Sheehan says:

Well, bud, I'm glad you're at least holding up out there. It must be tough with all those relatives around! *squeezes supportively*

Kensuke Katayama says:

*squeezes back* Yeah. At least I get to have you around for parts of it, which definitely helps. *nuzzles* I love you, Panch.

Panch Sheehan says:

*returns the nuzzle* Love ya too, mate. I can't wait for when we'll get to be together some day and not have to deal with all of this covert stuff.

Kensuke Katayama says:

It'll be great, I'm sure of that. :-) *gives you a kiss*

A glance at the icon of this Panch person seemed to indicate a male persuasion in her mind, leading to indignation. Could it be that her own son, who always went to church and was so well-behaved, could be pursuing a secret homosexual relationship? There was an off chance it was a girl, but she'd get at least this Panch person's gender out of Ken easily. His own words on the screen would incriminate him after that, if it proved to be a man on the other end. Still, it made her mind reel; how could it be possible that her son, having been raised by conservative parents who condemned such actions, would want to pursue this forbidden path?

Kensuke returned to his house, listened to his aunt for a while longer (she caught him on the way back through, and had to know why he'd rushed out in such a hurry), and returned to his IM with Panch without further incident. His explanation to Panch about the scenario was brief, as it was a fairly simple matter to describe, and he continued chatting until his mother called him down for lunch.

Being around his aunt tended to make everyone somewhat terse, as the woman had a tendency to interpret all quiet moments as in need of being filled with what she considered conversation, but which was really more like one-sided chatter. As such, he wasn't overly surprised when his mother served sandwiches and didn't have much to say, though there seemed to be something on her mind. Still, for all he knew, it was a simple matter of hearing about the antics of his aunt's children--his cousins--who tended to get into a fair degree of trouble, much to his conservative mother's consternation.

He was chatting with Panch again later, after his aunt had left, when he heard the distinct sound of his mother's high-heeled footsteps. She was likely about to leave to go out to dinner with his father--perhaps to some kind of business gathering--as she virtually never wore them. In the past, she would often give instructions to Kensuke ("don't throw a party!") before departing on such evening excursions.

He switched his windows to one related to the biotech work he was doing research on at his university. Maintaining a studious image in the eyes of his parents was a twofold blessing; it gave them this concept of him as being a diligent, intelligent young man (not that he wasn't; it merely made the other stereotypes of that kind of person remain strongly in their minds), in addition to keeping them from seeing anything he might -not- want them to see--such as his Internet-moderated romance with Panch.

His mother strode in, maintaining an appearance of nonchalance. "Hello, Ken. What are you doing?" She walked over and leaned against his roller chair, peering at his screen.

He was also practiced at airs of slight apathy and unconcern. "Oh, just researching a bit for that new biotech project the prof has me working on at the university."

"Is that so?" she said. She paused, causing Ken to wonder what was going on--usually she'd have asked what the project was about, rather than leaving it an open-ended question. With her, deviances from normal, predictable behavior was rarely a good thing...

She bent in, peering at the screen in a somewhat exaggerated manner. "So...who's `Panch?'" She pointed at the tab on his taskbar.

Kensuke froze. She'd never asked about the specific people on his list--only occasionally would she even ask about his IMing at all. This would require careful treading. "Ah...he's a friend of mine from my art group."

Little did he know that he'd given his mom the answer she was expecting, rather than being bland enough to stave off her interest. "Really now? Is that all this gentleman is to you?"

Now Ken was in a bind. Saying that Panch meant more to him would walk right into this trap-like arrangement his mother appeared to be laying out in front of him; saying that he didn't would force him to lie about the person he loved most in the world, which was something he'd never be able to forgive himself for. He decided to feint by answering a question with another question, attempting to sound only slightly annoyed, as though she was asking a silly question in the first place. "What, should he? He's an artist. I know a lot of artists."

"Really? Because I'd hate for you to be lying to me."

This behavior was really unlike her, and Kensuke knew it. But he wasn't about to accept a role as the guilty one. "What? Why would I be lying to you, and perhaps more importantly, what would I have been lying to you about?"

She began to walk out of the room, turning dramatically to glare at him from the door as he turned his head to figure out what she was doing. "There are certain types of behavior that we do not encourage in this house, regardless of whether they are done alone or with an artist. If you need to ask what they are, then do so, but I expect you know already what they are. That should be more than enough for me to say to get you to change what you are doing, Kensuke." She then left, her pace more brisk than usual as she clopped down the hallway with her heels on.

Ken's heart was like ice in his chest. He wasn't sure how much she knew--his mind reeled as he hurriedly picked through his memory to figure out when and how she'd learned of it that day--she wouldn't have been able to keep it inside herself very long, so it couldn't have been any further in the past than the last day or so--and then he realized that she'd seen their IM window when he'd gone to move his car. Thankfully, that one had been rather tame in terms of content matter, but he wasn't sure what she'd seen, all the same, and what she'd decided it meant.

He knew that he'd at least have until the end of whatever dinner his parents were going to to tell Panch what was going on, but it meant that he'd have to refrain from speaking to Panch around his parents as much as possible--any indication that he was continuing to speak with the tiger he loved would likely cause further inquiry, and getting more people in his family involved would not be a good recipe for anything except disaster.

Panch took the news fairly well, knowing that some things in life have to be done a certain way. A week wasn't a very long time to have to wait, since Kensuke would be returning to his residence near school at that time, giving him the freedom to resume Internet usage freely. Still, he worried for the fate of their relationship--would Kensuke be able to hang on, or would he bend under the pressure from his mother to break things off?

Spring quarter that year was alright, but when summer rolled around, Kensuke's mother insisted that he move back home. He didn't want to have to deal with them full-time, but when she threatened that they'd withdraw financial support from him if he didn't, he saw no choice. As a student in school, he might be able to earn some money during the summers, but he'd never be able to support himself once classes resumed, and he knew he was going to need to save his student loan dollars for when he was working on his more advanced degrees. For a while, he couldn't figure out why she'd make such strange demands, but he realized in a flash of inspiration that she was doing it to restrict him. If he was at home, she'd be able to monitor him and his computer usage (she was herself the family homemaker, and was usually at home when social obligations didn't draw her away), and thereby make it easy to detect and punish Kensuke if he were to make contact with Panch.

He spent the summer somewhat miserably, snatching opportunities to chat with Panch whenever he could wring them out of the circumstances around him. Sometimes he'd use a library computer and browser-based clients or even pay to use Internet cafes out of desperation; even so, it was sometimes a futile gesture, because his lack of a reliable schedule of online time meant that the schedules of he and Panch didn't always coincide. He found himself, strangely enough, wanting to go back to school long before the summer ended--only, though, because of the freedom it would afford him in communicating with the one he loved.

Miraculously, their relationship survived and continued to thrive until Ken's graduation the following summer. Providence seemed to take a shine to him as he found himself offered a job near the university doing research, development, and assembly for a local biotech firm. The wages were substantial--far more than Ken was used to, given his college-student loan-based subsistence in the past--and the job even helped sponsor his return to graduate school the following autumn. He moved into an apartment of his own--a spartan one, but with everything he needed--and slowly began to untie his connections to his family. It wasn't that he didn't love them--he knew that they were only doing what they thought was right by trying to separate him from Panch--but rather, that by distancing himself, he prevented both parties from having disagreements and conflict as much as possible, allowing both to go on in their own ways with minimal mutual interference.

His success in both school and work helped motivate him, and that summer he also met up again with Panch at the same annual convention where they'd first shared company. Even though their relationship had at one time seemed jeopardized, the experience was just as rich as the first time--even though they remained quite as judiciously chaste as last time as well. The two of them certainly were both inherently sexual, yes, but they both knew that having sex now, when they were destined to part again after the weekend ended, would simply make the inevitable parting all the more painful.

Since both were anticipating it, it wasn't as bad that time to have to return to their separate homes. In fact, any discomfort was now more directed towards the future as a longing, rather than towards the past as an imprisonment of memory. It helped spur both of them onward, rather than making them want to turn back time.

Panch was meeting up with a fair deal of success as well. He began work at an international animating firm after he finished his own stay at art school, and while he wasn't exactly a head animator when he walked in the door, the pay was quite pleasant, and the company offered opportunities to relocate--which was itself a key reason he selected it in the first place.

When the opportunity arose to transfer to the Chicago area office of the firm several months later, Panch snapped it up. Included in the offer was a work visa program, which would enable him to stay indefinitely if he continued to work for the company, and eventually become naturalized as a citizen. He planned to become a dual citizen (nothing wrong with Australia, after all), so that he could return to the Land Down Undah (potentially with his favorite lion in tow!) if the need ever arose.

To save on housing, he moved in with Kensuke, who was (naturally) overjoyed to have him. But the two made a deal: there would still be no sex until they both decided they were familiar enough with each other, living together, that they were ready to make a lasting commitment and get a domestic partnership (since getting "married" in the conventional sense wasn't exactly allowed by the local legislature). If their relationship could make it until then, they'd know for sure that they'd be able to stick together with more than lust for glue.

After six months of that arrangement, they realized that they were still happier than they'd ever been. While they'd argue lightly over some things, it was always smoothed over soon after--people can't be expected to agree on every little thing in the world, after all. So, since it was kind of awkward to decide who'd get to propose to whom, the two of them decided that they'd go ring shopping and then propose simultaneously (as they both already knew the answer).

They headed to the municipal courthouse not long after that to fill out the relevant paperwork. Neither of them were big on having huge gatherings of family--let alone family that condemned the relationship supposedly being celebrated--and instead had budgeted and planned for a luxurious honeymoon getaway to Hawaii. The island nation would have enough ocean and quietness to make Panch feel right at home, while its beauty and relaxed pace would allow Ken to unwind entirely. Additionally, the travel agency was having a sale on tickets--it was an opportunity too ripe to pass up.

So there they were, walking on the beach. They'd flown in after their morning "ceremony," and the time zone difference meant it was only afternoon, local time, when they arrived. This whole idea of being freshly married left Ken's head spinning, and he asked Panch if they could take a walk to get used to the area around their bungalow. Panch obliged, naturally, but the weather was so warm (a common circumstance in the island chain) that he offered that they change into their trunks, first. Fur, after all, was more than enough to keep them warm in the balmy island air.

Neither of them said much. What they had done that morning was give themselves a new identity, a new future...but they had also perhaps isolated their pasts, and there was no going back now. They hadn't burned any bridges just yet, but that would inevitably become necessary if family started becoming too nosy...

Ken found his footsteps trailing towards the waves, and Panch followed him, maintaining the short distance between them. It was a calm little area--one evidently not very good for surfing; the waves tended to more resemble oscillating swells than crashing cylinders of foam--and the water felt surprisingly nice on his toes, even though it made his flip-flops somewhat squishy and heavy. He reached back to Panch, taking his hand with a soft smile.

Panch followed the lion he loved into the water. They walked out `til it was at about chest line while they were standing, giving the soft waves room to pass by them without sending anyone's nose under water. It was refreshingly cool, but still rather temperate as oceans go, as it was warmed by the sun's equatorial rays.

Panch looked into Kensuke's eyes and found a troubling mix of emotions there. He'd lost far less by coming to America than Ken had put on the line by devoting himself to Panch; it was no surprise to him that Kensuke was clearly filled with doubts and questions. But there was no answer; only time would tell what would happen.

So he gave one answer to a question not asked, but which made the others easier to fathom: he slowly reached out to his new mate, balmy seawater playing at the undersides of his sculpted forearms, and drew him close, into an embrace. No matter what we face, he thought to himself, as though Ken could hear him, we'll be together. I'll be here to give you strength, and I know you'll do it for me, too. It may not be easy, but together there's nothing we can't face.

He was fairly certain that Kensuke understood, at least to some extent, because the lion slowly returned the embrace, resting his head gratefully upon the sinewy neck and shoulders of the tiger. They savored the moment, there in the peacefully whispering sea, the smell of native orchids faint upon the sea breeze. It was perfectly placid amidst the tide of an uncertain future.

They returned to their home away from home some time later. Panch decided that the evening would be a perfect time to use the complimentary massage and aromatherapy tickets that had come as part of their vacation package; it would help Ken to unwind and relax, setting the mood for the rest of their stay.

They went to the spa portion of their resort separately, in case anyone was keeping track; while they were pretty sure no one cared, and indeed a gay couple or two certainly had to have come through there at some point, they were so used to their practices of careful discretion that neither thought anything of it. Besides--it would be almost like the separated preparation that went into a typical wedding, which was a nice concept to tie to the pleasant experience, too.

Their board shorts had been returned to the room by the staff, much to their surprise; they'd been presented with terry-cloth robes for the treatment, which were much more comfortable and didn't smell faintly of salt.

Panch made it back to their room first; upon finding Kensuke absent and his stomach similarly erstwhile, he phoned room service, asking for a decadent platter that he'd espied while flipping through the hotel's menu folder shortly after the two of them had arrived. The hotel's waitpeople, who were courteous and even rather friendly, were glad to oblige, and the food arrived mere seconds before Kensuke himself did.

The sumptuous spread tantalized Ken's nostrils before he even got inside the door. He opened it to see Ken, seated at their room's table with a glass of tropical nectar raised in one hand, the opposite leg crossed, in a pose that would fit any classic movie containing an island soiree.

"You're just in time. I ordered some appetizers--I hope you don't mind."

Ken found himself salivating in spite of his usual casual demeanor. "I just realized that our lunch was only honey-roasted peanuts and soda--I'm starved over here! Excellent idea, bud." He gave the tiger a thumbs-up as he strode to the seat across from Panch, sitting down in it as he decided what entr‚e to sample first.

The two of them had fairly good appetites by nature, and as such the platter was finished in very little time at all. The flavors had ranged from sweet to savory to tangy to spicy, and complemented each other unbelievably well. Ken found himself commenting inwardly that it was no wonder islanders had a reputation for being somewhat portly--with food like this, who'd be able to go on a diet?

While it wasn't Ken's style to eat right before sleeping, he found himself getting just the slightest bit drowsy--in part because much of his blood was helping his stomach digest his meal, and so he yawned and mechanically, without a thought about it, began to get ready for bed. It was his custom to sleep in a light T-shirt and his underwear, but he had completely forgotten that he wasn't wearing any underwear under the robe he'd put on at the spa--it was so comfortable that he didn't have much of a reason to notice. So, as he took it off, thinking that all he needed to do was throw on a T-shirt and he'd be ready, he actually removed his only article of clothing, leaving him quite in the buff.

A purr answered him from across the room, and he blinked, shaken out of his somewhat mechanical-yet-empty train of thought. Panch was getting up from his chair methodically, his eyes containing a message more sultry than any tropical ambrosia.

"You do remember that I called our food `appetizers,' right?" His tail flicked languidly at the mention of the kind of food.

Ken blinked again. "You did?"

The tiger merely grinned obligingly. "I sure did. And we're about to have the main course now--if you're still hungry, of course." The tiger undid the closure on his robe, letting it fall open down the middle, but he didn't shrug it from his shoulders, letting his physique merely peek through the parted fabric in a tantalizing tease.

Ken's somewhat-surprised eyes followed the opening as it formed, trailing along Panch's chiseled chest, undulating abs, and coming to a halt at the tiger's prominent package. Ken could not help but notice that it was flaccid but filled out, as though mildly aroused but not yet at full attention.

It slowly dawned on him that this tiger, who he loved with all his heart, was now at the stage where Ken could freely love him with his body, as well--they'd made their commitment, and there was no longer any need for the chivalrous restraint they'd practiced for what seemed like ages. Now his carefully-disciplined attitude towards the tiger as an object of romance, dedication, and affection, but not passion, could be expanded.

He slowly nodded, his surprise being progressively wiped off his face by the incoming pleased smile. "Actually, now that you mentioned it, this is a feast I've been waiting on for quite a while--you could say that I've worked up quite a bit of an appetite. How about we chow down, mate?"

"I was hoping for that answer." The tiger's grin widened further (his smile was one of his many remarkably adaptable traits) as he stepped in to give his mate a warm kiss, embracing the back of one of the lion's shoulders as he declined his other arm to slowly slink out of the robe that still clung to his handsome frame. He switched the arm for the other as gravity took hold, sculpted body sliding across his mate's as the robe slid across his back. His tongue tentatively proceeded past his lips, playing faintly at the lion's mouth as their muzzles were joined.

Ken received the kiss gratefully, one hand reaching to the back of Panch's shoulder blades, the other sliding down to rest atop the prominence of the tiger's firm gluteals, fingertips brushing lightly against the base of the tiger's tail. Panch, however, was very forward with his actions, and Ken found himself backing up slowly until the wall brought him to a stop. The closeness of his mate's body, the taste of his mouth in Ken's own, the unmistakable smell of Panch's personal aroma, the fleshy firmness of Panch's package pressed into his lower torso...these combined with his slight physical confinement to cause the moment to envelop his awareness, his eyes closing as he drank it all in. He could feel his own member begin to pulse with life as the ponderous eroticism of this treatment flooded his senses.

Panch could feel it, too, and found his member returning to an erection as Kensuke's began to throb against the tiger's leg. The truth was that he had been anticipating this since they had been eating, and the very idea had gotten him hard in the middle of the appetizers. However, his waist had been concealed under the table, and the sumptuous meal must have masked or at least blended with any scents of arousal he might have given off at the time, as Kensuke'd not given any cues that he'd noticed at the time. The residual blood flow had remained since then, making his shaft seem plump and juicy when he'd first opened his robe. Now that the anticipated event was in progress, his arousal was also returning in full force.

They shared the kiss for perhaps a minute or two, readjusting angles of head and placements of muzzle and tongue to experiment with this unleashed passion. They'd kissed in the past, yes, but not like this; their chivalry had stopped them from going very far, and while simple romance allowed quick smooches and even savory ones in moments such as firelight, they were still fairly light and sentimental, rather than erotic and sensual like this. Their bodies, for the first time allowed free rein on each other, relished in the contrasts of contour, pressing close, sliding as though of their own accords across one another, indulging in the sensations of ridges of fur-swathed muscle catching and gliding along others.

There was no need for words in that moment; there was nothing to say that would be better-suited than the actions they were performing, and their mouths were as intertwined as their bodies, prohibiting articulation of speech. Yet it was not as though their bodies were simply robotically moving, commanded as inexorably as marionettes; rather, they were both involved participants in this brave new activity, and it brought them joy and spurred them onward with its rewarding sensations and emotional highs.

Yet, like most moments, it did not last forever. Panch initially was essentially (lightly) pinning Kensuke to the wall with his body; however, as the need to engage in even more physical passion ascended to his mind from his loins, he halted his forward onslaught, slowly drawing back, his arm around the lion tugging Kensuke towards the bed. Ken, enthralled by the experience so far, was in no place to object (had he any reason to anyway, which he certainly did not), and somewhat clumsily sashayed over to the bed and toppled into its comforter-topped embrace.

Panch leaned over the edge of the bed, carefully scootching Ken backwards as he delivered another kiss, adjusting the lion so that he was entirely on top of the bed instead of half-atop, half-off-the-side. This gave him room to clamber onto the bed himself while remaining aligned with his mate, which he promptly did. His legs were spread so that he was in a sort of kneeling position with his knees outside those of Kensuke. Attempting to slide his arms around the back of the lion at this point would likely have been somewhat uncomfortable, and as such instead allowed them to leisurely roam the surface of Kensuke's torso, feeling more intimately than ever the sculpted promontories of the lion's physique.

They shared a little more time with lips locked before Panch slowly pulled his mouth away a bit, his eyes half-lidded with a soft smile upon his muzzle. Kensuke's eyes slowly reopened as well, and their gaze met, a similar smile trickling across Ken's visage in response.

"Can I take this moment to say that I love you, mate?" Panch said, blinking languidly as he spoke, his words scarcely louder than what would be necessary for Ken to hear him at that close range.

Ken's smile widened greatly. "Any time, Panch. I love you, too! And I have to say, I love what you're doing, too..." He softly nuzzled the tip of the muzzle of the tiger he loved, eyes crinkling shut in a happy grin.

Panch gave off a small, mouth-closed chuckle as he returned the nuzzle gladly. He reopened his eyes, placing one hand aside Ken's torso to raise his own shoulders as he gazed down at the lion's handsome body. "By the way, it looks like you've been working out. I don't remember you always being quite this buff, though I'm not complaining, mind you."

Ken winked, turning his head aside slightly. "It's not like I've been working out any more than's probably just because you haven't gotten to get such a close, hands-on look at it in the past."

Panch nodded faintly. "That's probably true. But, mrrowr, I like what I finally get to see!" It was a bit of a curious way for him to say it, as he'd certainly seen Ken shirtless in the past (there were swimming pools in the Midwest, after all), but the idea behind what he was saying made total sense to Kensuke.

He brought his muzzle down, opening his jaws a bit to lick and faintly nibble along part of the lion's taut neck. In combination with this action, he returned his hand to Ken's torso, trailing its fingers across the contoured canyons amidst the various muscle groups faintly, to send delicate glissandos of sensation dancing along the nerves to Kensuke's mind, using the other elbow to support himself as needed, though some of his weight was also carried where his lower torso was atop Kensuke's. Upon it he could feel Ken's erection still, which remained at complete attention alongside his own, in concordance with the continued eroticism of the moment.

The sudden spike in stimulation caused Kensuke to take the faintest of gasps, though the delight of it made him rapidly relax into a giant puddle of hunky lion. His arms moved as though with an accord of their own; they reached up to embrace Panch's torso, one about level with the base of the tiger's rib cage and the other somewhat lower, fingers and forearms reveling with their closeness to Panch's living flesh. Their touch, though somewhat uncoordinated by any conscious effort on Ken's part, was light, somewhat like that which the tiger was applying to Ken himself, though necessarily a bit heavier due to the larger amount of mass and surface area in contact.

Panch had nibbled his way up the outside of the lion's jaw by the time Ken had more to say. The lion was being washed away by the loving treatment Panch was bestowing upon him, and the passion of the moment demanded more, as he'd never known how much more the tiger had to offer him in this way until now. "Oh,'re amazing...take me further...please..." The words, which he'd have likely thought somewhat cheesy if written somewhere, trickled from his mouth like snowmelt from icicles in the warm light of the sun--without inhibition, but with intervals that seemed to stem entirely from natural tendency and rhythm beyond orchestration.

Ken brought his head up again, a knowing smile this time upon his face. "I will." He brushed the lion's nose tip airily before suddenly rolling off him and onto the floor in a low crouch of a landing. Ken blearily raised his head to see what the tiger was doing, and noted that he'd briskly made his way to one of their suitcases and was digging through one of its pockets. Words came to his mouth out of trained response: "What are you...?"

The tiger evidently found what he was looking for: a small plastic bottle that appeared colorless and perhaps also transparent (he couldn't tell for sure from the distance; the plastic's reflectivity combined with his somewhat inundated sensory state made it a bit difficult to see within the diminutive vessel), which Panch popped into his mouth upon locating it, using his hands to quickly zip the luggage closed once again before bounding on all fours and taking an expert leap to return to his position immediately atop the lion he loved. A pleased purr, occasionally accompanied by notes of pleased tonal rumbling, streamed from the tiger's chest as he propped himself up with one hand, delving slowly but non-methodically into another kiss, blocking Kensuke's view of what he was doing with the other by way of fixating his muzzle at a certain angle.

An answer came to Kensuke by way of a series of unexpected sensations that had nothing at all to do with the lovely kiss Panch was giving him: a faint click, followed by a sensation of motion on Panch's part that was transmitted into Ken's body where they made contact, and then a pause, after which there was a curious cool sensation that developed at a small point on his lower abdomen. It took him a moment to wrest the identity of the entity behind all of these, but it came to him all the same: Panch had evidently surreptitiously snagged a travel-size (how handy) bottle of lubricant some time during the trip (he supposed it might have been while he'd been in the bathroom when they'd first arrived at the hotel) and secreted it away in one of the lesser pockets of the suitcase, enabling him to "unpack" without giving away the fact that he'd been prepared for this moment since before they'd even come back from the spa.

It wasn't long, though, even in his overstimulated state, before Ken realized what the introduction of this little secret weapon into Panch's arsenal meant. Ken had experimented occasionally with manual stimulation of his rear entrance when he'd been particularly in need of release, but he knew that would be quite unlike the real thing. His fingers weren't exactly tiny, but he was worried that perhaps it would be somewhat painful to take Panch's capable size, which was decidedly larger in girth.

Though he didn't consciously attempt to, he must have frozen up a little bit, as Panch seemed to notice something and backed out of the kiss carefully. "You alright, Ken?"

Ken blushed under his fur. "Y--yeah, I am, Panch. I'm just..."

Panch softly nuzzled him. "First-time jitters?"

Ken was glad his fur covered the fact his blush deepened further. "Yeah. I just...I want to make sure I do alright for you...we've waited so long, and I don't want to mess it up somehow..."

Panch leaned in and kissed him between the eyes. "You won't, Ken. I know you'll do great, and I know I'll like it no matter what because it's you I'm with. I love you, mate."

Ken felt a bit reassured, but some insecurities lingered. He smiled shakily and gave a faint nod. "I'm glad, bud."

Panch leaned back, shuffling his knees in reverse to move his body towards the end of the bed. He reached around the top of Ken's hips, grasping the base of the lion's gluteals and carefully lifting them upward and inward, tilting their angle to an oblique, which in turn directed Ken's legs towards the ceiling somewhat as well. In a feat of flexibility, he bent his head down to softly nuzzle at Ken's shaft, and then gave it a slow but decadent lick from root to tip. He felt the lion relax under his action, which was what he was hoping for; the pleased sigh that came from Kensuke's mouth was all the reward he needed.

He then leaned back again, resuming a more vertical posture. His own shaft was below Kensuke's suspended rear, ready to be moved into action. He slowly lowered Ken's rump until it was lightly touching his cocktip; then, with a bit of swiveling of his own hips (his hands were busy, after all), he maneuvered its softly flared end to Kensuke's velvet-ringed entrance. It was a somewhat small target, as it wasn't as though it had experienced much entry in the past, but once he found it, he knew he needed to work quickly to help ensure that Ken didn't potentially freeze up again with worry. He leaned forward, adjusting the angle of penetration to match as much as possible as he lowered Ken's hips, letting gravity do most of the work but moderating it carefully.

Ken realized that the moment had come and had to fight the reflexive action to tighten up his ring at the feeling of something touching and pushing against it. Though his automatic responses were working against him, he tried to remove every worry from his mind and focus on relaxing, to allow Panch access without any difficulty. He was grateful for the lubrication, as it made the process less painful and more enjoyable, but the slight constriction he couldn't completely remove still caused him a bit of a burning sting as Panch slowly pressed into his insides. His face was a solid wince; his teeth were only voluntarily unclenched as part of his attempt to avoid constriction, even though his back arched slightly despite his efforts. Still, it was undeniable that there was pleasure in the expansive mix of sensations he was experiencing, and he knew it would only improve...

Panch was enveloped in ecstasy at the soft warmth of Ken's interior slowly enfolding his sensitive member. All of the lonely nights that he'd used his paws to stimulate it were nothing compared to the feeling he was receiving now. He leaned forward further to try to aid the process along, but found that gravity alone would not be enough to get him inside Kensuke in a timely manner. He switched the action of his hands from pulling against gravity to pushing carefully with it, and in so doing made quicker headway until Ken's rear finally pressed against his groin, clasping the root of his shaft with its twin prominences.

They both released a whoosh of breath--Ken because he'd been holding it amidst the slightly painful process, and Panch because he'd been inhaling slowly in the euphoria of penetration. Panch took a few breaths before speaking: "Oh man,'re incredible...this is better than I had ever imagined..."

Ken smiled weakly, attempting to make it look like he was enraptured by it so far as Panch evidently was. "Thanks, bud...sheesh, I'd thought you were big before, but it's a completely different standard when it's inside you..."

Panch walked his palms forward, causing his hips to press in, raising Ken's slightly. He licked between the two halves of Ken's statuesque pectorals before speaking again: "You feel just right to me."

Ken blushed at the compliment--he'd never been particularly good at accepting them, and such a personal one from the tiger he loved really tickled him. "I'm glad you think so, Panch...give me a few seconds and we'll keep going--I just need to get adjusted, I think..."

"Sure thing, mate." Panch obligingly nibbled along the outer edge of Ken's left pectoral while softly running his fingertips along Ken's side, from slightly above nipple height to the outside corner of Ken's left gluteal. The paired actions sent all manner of tingles through Ken's body, helping him relax again as he once more found himself giving a pleasured sigh from the tiger's ministrations. Somehow Panch seemed to know how to push the lion's buttons very well--though of course, Ken didn't mind in the slightest; it made the experience all the more delightful for him, in fact.

Panch could feel the lion's ring slowly loosen around his shaft, and while it lowered the intensity of the stimulations he was experiencing, it also made things more comfortable--it had been almost a death grip at first. When he felt that it seemed about as loose as it was going to get at the moment, he raised his head from Ken's chest and looked him softly in the eye, his own eyes half-lidded with bliss and contentment. "Ready to keep going, mate?"

Ken opened his eyes--they'd been closed as he lost himself in Panch's delicate treatment--and hesitated only briefly before giving a small nod. "I think so, yeah." He silently resolved not to ask Panch to stop or let up unless he developed excruciating pain, because he knew that it would go away soon enough anyway. He wanted to make sure that Panch could let loose and enjoy it, since he knew that the tiger had been waiting for this just as much as Ken himself had.

"Alright, then. Here we go--I'll start slow just to make sure you're doing okay." The tiger extended his arms, using them to brace himself against the bed as he slowly drew his hips back. His shaft followed the motion, sliding with slight resistance out of Kensuke. He stopped when he reached the flange of its tip, as it met with considerably more resistance at Ken's ring due to its ridge. As such, he paused there only for the briefest of moments before pushing with his knees to return to the decadent embrace of Ken's passages.

The feeling of being emptied almost completely left Ken with a strange sensation that he didn't think he particularly liked--even though it had been a considerable trial to get Panch's shaft in all the way, taking it out was still very slightly painful, and the void it left wasn't exactly enjoyable. He felt somewhat grateful when Panch pushed back in, as the continued faint burn at his entrance was something of a given, but at least he felt pleasantly filled when it was inside. Panch's solid rod was hitting nerve endings inside him that he didn't even know he possessed, and while the stimulation was for now somewhat slow and methodical, he was beginning to eagerly anticipate the time when things would speed up and gain momentum--because the sensations would become that much more powerful, and given how pleasant they were already, things were gonna be good.

Panch watched Ken as carefully as he could amidst the amazing feeling of finally getting to share a sexual experience with him. He noticed that the lion appeared to be enjoying it progressively more as Panch continued to carefully enter and withdraw, and this fact, coupled with the fact that he was encountering slightly less and less resistance with each thrust, led him to pick up his tempo and force with a methodical pace, ensuring that he never at any point tried to give the lion more than he was ready to handle.

And indeed, Ken found that the pain was receding behind ever increasing waves of pleasure; though it was never completely gone, it became so faint after a while that he could only notice it if he tried--which he didn't, for long, since there was no point in that. Sheer physical stimulation wasn't all he got, either; the fact that he was so close and intimate with the hunk of a tiger that was above him, let alone the fact that he loved that tiger with all of his heart, was doing wonders to his emotions alongside the panoply of mechanical stimuli. He was able to lay back and simply let the sensations flood over him, content in the moment and eager to enjoy it as much as possible, since the two of them really had been waiting for this for such a long time. His erection remained as hard as ever, and from the pounding his insides were receiving, along with the arousal level he was experiencing, it was no surprise that pre-ejaculate was now being poured slowly from its tip, running down its length to the root, and dripping a pearl periodically when a more forceful production of the liquid occasionally issued forth.

Panch found that he was becoming progressively more riled up as time passed, and he exerted less restraint as his passion began to flare even stronger. Soon he was veritably hammering away, the bedsprings squeaking occasionally from the force of his repeated thrusts. What small portion of concerned control in his mind that remained watched with approval as Ken's feedback in motion and noises supported this continuation. Small growls and grunts let themselves fly from his chest with some of his thrusts; the force of his actions was likely simply shoving the air past his vocal cords, because he usually wasn't actively trying to make the sounds. He found that he wanted to change position to something perhaps more primal in nature, but the concern exerted itself at that point, reminding him that this was Ken's first time, and that this position was one that was fairly comfortable even for those with little experience, compared to ones that would let Panch let loose even further. Still, he was pleased that his own pre-ejaculate was also streaming forth gratuitously into Ken's passages, making his motions inside Ken even more pleasant and painless for them both.

This went on for ten minutes or so, with Panch reaching something of a plateau of tempo that was comfortable enough to sustain, but vigorous enough to maximize the pleasure for both of them. He occasionally moved the placement of his hands to forestall stiffness, but he couldn't use them to pleasure the lion below him because he needed them to brace himself against the momentum of his own thrusts. Ken was helping, too, as by this point he'd realized that he'd be jammed up against the headboard before long if he didn't do something, and so he'd wedged his left arm against the headboard to help keep him in one place. With the other hand, he groped Panch's carved chest and torso, savoring the texture of the fur-coated flexing flesh under his fingertips, while adding to the stimulation his mate was receiving as well.

The two of them were so inundated with this new experience, however, that their orgasm was not going to be held off for long. Indeed, both had given themselves over to enjoying it as much as possible that restraint was not even considered, and as such Ken found himself soon moaning involuntarily as with each thrust he began to approach the point of no return. His passionate, guttural sounds reached into Panch's subconscious and hit some kind of metaphorical switch, causing him to amp into overdrive for what some part of him knew would be a rock-shattering climax. He moved his hands to Ken's shoulders, amplifying the force of his thrusts by pulling on the lion even as he pushed into him. He found himself growling through clenched teeth as involuntary contractions inside Ken's body pulled and fondled at the nerve-rich tissues of his shaft.

Though ineffable in the way that most sexual experiences are, Ken's sensations of the incoming moment were somewhat like the ocean he'd been immersed in earlier that day; they arrived in waves that washed over him soothingly and delightfully--until suddenly the brink of climax was breached and it was as though he was at the bottom of that sea, immersed and pressed in by the incredible weight of it all, engulfed entirely in pleasure beyond measure. It was so immensely new and far beyond any orgasm he'd ever experienced before that even typical response deserted him; he clenched his teeth for the first several moments of it, growling intensely as he rode out the massive spike of sensation. His member, still as solidified with arousal as ever, unleashed bursts of his semen onto his torso and Panch's in remarkable quantities; however, this was perhaps to be expected, given the measure of intensity of the climax itself.

Panch was nearly upon the precipice of orgasm himself when Ken's took hold, but the combination of the contractions that racked Ken's body involuntarily and the sight and sounds given off by the climax-riding, muscular lion below him caused him to go careening off the brink himself. He, too, wasn't quite prepared for it, and he found that a half-roar, half-yell came from his lungs without a thought to that end as his shaft pulsated deep within Kensuke, unloading bolts of the tiger's essence inside the lion. His grip on the shoulders of the lion intensified involuntarily, causing extra stimulation for Kensuke that normally might have been a bit painful, but which was incorporated by the mighty flood of pleasure instead.

When the largest waves of pleasure began to wane, Ken found he could unclench his jaw again, and with that came forth words in short bursts even as his own seed continued to do the same: "Oh gosh...Panch...oh man...that was...incredible!" He drew in breath again, with a ragged overtone as his orgasm slowly subsided.

Panch's yell, too, began to fade as his lungs demanded air, oxygen demand high from the immense perfusion to his tissues that accompanied his orgasm. Sounding as though he'd run a mile (or possibly several), he took a few breaths of his own before responding, his usual suave smile slow to return given the circumstances. "I'm right there with ya, did amazing yourself, y'know that?" He leaned in for a quick breathless smooch with the lion he loved, slowly drawing out his shaft to give him a bit more flexibility.

Kensuke stole a nuzzle with Panch after the kiss. His senses were beginning to clear, but he found that instead of his loins being uncomfortably hypersensitized, as was generally the case after orgasms he'd had in the past, his erection remained rather stiff, and the sensations of his and Panch's fur around it were still just as pleasurable as before. He also didn't exactly feel like he was quite finished, as the sensation of Panch's manhood leaving his body left behind something of a hunger in the more primal areas of his emotions. As he watched Panch, who was finishing up the job of licking Ken's tasty seed from his fur with all the thoroughness of a kitten cleaning a saucer of milk, it wasn't a difficult thing for him to decide what would work well next--in fact, he wasn't sure he had to think about it at all--even though he could only guess at the reasons that had afforded him the opportunity. Perhaps it was that he'd been craving this kind of experience with Panch for so long that it was all coming out now in a flood of stamina and passion? Or maybe it was just since the stimulation on his member had been fairly manual (particularly in comparison to self-stimulation, which was the only avenue he'd been able to explore thus far) any rate, he had a feeling Panch was going to enjoy it as much as he himself was. In a slightly less-than-elegant maneuver (he was still a bit foggy with afterglow, after all), he let out a devilish purr as he braced his paws against Panch, pushing with his own elbows to flip the tiger onto the bed aside him, while at the same time rolling his own body so that he would now be above the tiger.

Panch was remotely surprised by the turn of events, but he wasn't at all displeased; he knew Ken's orgasm had been one primarily brought on by the intensity of the internal stimulation Panch had given him, which of course was even greater because Ken had never experienced it before. As such, he'd had a passing feeling that Ken might choose to exercise some "top-notch" options given some time--he simply hadn't anticipated it being quite so soon. He did his best to present a suave, knowing affect: "So they -were- right about turnabout being fair play in love!"

Ken murred again, his grin widening to the extent his muzzle would allow without showing fangs. "And this is definitely about as far from war as things get, bud. You did such an incredible job on me that I can't help but hope I can do the same for you, so I hope you don't mind my taking the liberty of doing so..." He idly drew light traceries on Panch's left pectorals with his right hand, intending to take a similar role that the tiger had himself exercised on him earlier.

A faint shiver ran up Panch's spine with eager anticipation and the sensations of his lover's touch on his prominent chest. "Don't mind if you do!" He helpfully drew up his legs, inclining his hips upward a touch, anticipating Ken performing the same position that he himself had utilized not long before.

Ken glanced askance. "Where'd you put that lube, though? I don't want this to be too rough."

Panch turned his head to the nightstand, where the clear bottle still stood. "Right where I left it after I used it on you, silly."

A playful growl ran through the lion as he playfully flicked his gaze at the tiger, before he reached over, fumbling a bit to gain proper purchase on the bottle, as a little of the lubricant had apparently gotten on its sides the first time Panch had used it. He straightened up his torso somewhat, running one hand in a spidery fashion up Panch's laid-out torso to tickle him as he flicked open the lid on the bottle and shook/squeezed a helping of it onto his own member. The tiger giggled and squirmed, but because of the setting and the hormones that still were running about like caffeinated adolescents in his bloodstream, he also found it to be remarkably stimulating.

A few moments later, the bottle was safely back on the nightstand, its contents having satisfactorily slicked up the lion's shaft, and Ken, in a move Panch hadn't particularly expected, was twisting the tiger's legs so that they were nearly perpendicular to their usual forward-facing direction. He was doing so with care--it wasn't at all painful, as the tiger wasn't inflexible--but it was a bit of a change from the missionary position the tiger anticipated. When Ken then got up onto his knees in something of a kneeling position, raising the tiger's upward-angled leg over one of his shoulders, it dawned on him what was going to happen: Ken was using a position that Panch had heard of before, which was often colloquially referred to as "sloppy sideways," and which had a reputation for an intensely unique set of sensations, mostly due to the angles involved. Its only downside was that the splayed angle of the legs meant that the experience was generally less tight-feeling for the penetrating person, which was usually a bad thing--but Panch had never been penetrated by an erection before, and so he decided to himself that this might be a way Ken was trying to make sure that he didn't hurt Panch any more than might be unavoidable, given the circumstances.

Ken wasn't thinking too clearly, relatively speaking, about much; his passion was beginning to take hold in this alternate role with a ferocious fervor, and the position was one he'd somehow decided on without any articulated thought. Though he could scarcely remember the fact, he'd on occasion fantasized about this position in previous solo experiences; while it wasn't as though it was spectacularly more appealing to him than any other he'd imagined and played out in his mind, there was the indisputable fact that he'd certainly still liked the idea back then. Now he'd have a chance to play it out in full.

He wasted no time in using one hand to aim his shaft securely at Panch's ring, as the erectness of his member would have made it extremely awkward to try to position it with hip movements alone. Then, with considerate moderation, he pressed inward, his shaft bending ever so slightly with the resistance of Panch's back door.

Panch, being the larger of the two, had a less painful time of it than Ken, but the experience was still a set of stimuli that he was quite unprepared for. His teeth gripped tightly and his lips parted ever so slightly in something of a grimace, his eyes slipping shut subconsciously as the tactile moment lit up his senses in a way he'd never before experienced.

The feeling of his pulsing shaft being completely enfolded in his lover was intoxicating to Kensuke. Nothing had (or would, he would later decide) ever come close to approximating that sensation; intensified by passion and shared intimately, it was the pinnacle of the long and romantic bond that had been drawing the two of them ever closer since they met. It was an intense feeling of connection wrapped up in a package so appealing that words, though plentiful and capable in their own right, would still fail to do it the justice it deserved. He pushed in until his loins were pressed solidly against Panch's, their fur becoming enmeshed as their bodies also were. A few small but involuntary thrust-like jerks passed through his hips after he was hilted, betraying the subconscious desire that had been harbored so long in the recesses of his psyche. Though it would of course ensure that Panch became acclimated to having Ken's shaft inside him, the primary reason for Kensuke's lingering in that position was simply because it felt like one that could last an eternity and never become unwanted--he was savoring it without any articulate thought; merely drinking in the pure experience, he awaited for the proper moment to move on.

Panch found that the pain, reasonable though it was in intensity, melted away as his insides adjusted to the solicited intrusion that was Ken's solid member. He could feel, faintly, the pulse of Kensuke's lifeblood along his passages, as the lion's erection was likely the most engorged it had ever been, and so it veritably throbbed with each beat of his athletically-acclimated heart. It felt amazing to finally feel his lover inside of him--almost like the sensation he experienced whenever he and Ken just held each other and snuggled close, but magnified hundreds of times in intensity and pleasure. Yet it provoked in him again the need for the sensations of mating, and not long after the slight discomfort ebbed to a practically-unnoticeable threshold, he glanced up at Kensuke with a come-hither look in his eyes and gave a seductive nod.

Feeling the movement below him, Kensuke opened his nearly-shut eyes and caught the glimpse. The look rekindled the primal desires that had momentarily been forgotten in the intense moment of connection, and he found that instinct was giving him cues that were impossible to ignore. He returned a curt nod and began to draw out slowly, before thrusting back in with increased speed (and thus greater force, as well). At first his rhythm continued like this, with a slow withdrawal and a rapid thrust, but eventually his body craved more and the pulling began to adopt a similar pace to the slowly-quickening inward thrusts.

Panch nearly writhed each time the slow sortie occurred, as the feeling of the solid flesh dragging across his insides set up strange but ever-so-decadent impulses along his passages, building in intensity until each one ended in the forceful return to embeddedness that sent jolts of delight through his sensitive nerve endings and occasionally tore ragged, tongue-lolling purrs of enjoyment from his lungs. Each was almost like a mini-climax in itself, building in intensity. He was almost sad when the speed of removal began to pick up, as it became less uniquely stimulating than the methodical version, but as the passion of the moment continued to build, the desire for frenetic and lusty coitus obliterated all concerns about gourmet sensations.

Soon Kensuke was pistoning in and out of the body of the tiger he loved with a force and regularity that would make any engineer proud. The unique angle of the position made it quite a treat, but he found that some kind of curious impulse to dominate the moment slowly built in his mind. He would later assume it had something to do with the fact that he had already allowed himself to be penetrated and felt that it was now his turn to run things, but regardless of reasoning the impulse took hold and he abruptly withdrew from Panch's insides, leaving the tiger blearily looking at him in confusion. He made his intent clear by rotating the tiger's hips further (though with a degree of care in doing so that would later surprise him, considering the impulsiveness he was experiencing) so that they were facing the bed, and then lifting under the tiger's torso--a hint which Panch picked up on quickly and propped himself up on his hands and knees accordingly.

Then Ken brought his feet underneath himself and stood up about halfway, placing his hands upon the tiger's rippled shoulders and driving his shaft into the tiger. Now he was using something of a bouncing motion to pound into Panch at a sharply oblique angle, which tweaked his shaft into an angle it rarely experienced while at the same time completely revamping the sensations both of them felt.

Panch found it to be remarkably more potent than even before, which was hard to imagine. "Ah!" he said, half-gasping as he did so, as Ken penetrated him somewhat roughly and began to piston away again with no further ado. ",gosh, Ken...that's incredible!...Give it to me...more!"

Ken obliged, occasionally grunting or growling with the intensity of each impact and the heat of the moment. Soft, euphoria-impregnated moans occasionally answered him from the tiger below him, spurring him onward. He found his teeth clenching involuntarily as he rode the tiger with reckless abandon, finding reserves of strength and energy that he poured into mating the tiger as hard and delightfully as he possibly could.

It amazed Panch how much passion Kensuke was lavishing upon him, as he'd never before seen Kensuke be so amazingly passion-captivated before. The devoted lust of the lion aroused him mightily, and he found that the combination of the sensation and the situation were roughly forcing him towards an orgasm that was bound to be an earth-shaker. He clenched his teeth in anticipation, hoping to ride the pre-climactic high for as long as possible...

Ken was so lost in the moment that he scarcely even noticed the incoming climax he was about to experience. Instead, the sheer reflexiveness of the situation caused him to ramp up his last barrage of thrusts to intensity levels he never knew he could provide before the inevitable surge erupted from his nerve centers and erection alike. With a roar that he would later realize would probably be audible clear across the resort, his orgasm took hold, and his essence began to erupt into Panch with the lion's last mighty thrust, producing scads of the stuff that Kensuke never knew he could make--let alone so soon after another climax.

Panch was already nearly at the brink; the final ramp-up of intensity in Ken's actions signaled his deep instincts that the time had come, and just as Ken's roar reached his ears, he, too, found himself blasting his seed once more, this time into the coitus-ruffled sheets, not caring a bit about the mess it would make. He unleashed a roar as well, initially intending for it to be Ken's name that he proclaimed, but becoming so lost in the all-enveloping surge of euphoria that he never did put any syllables into the sound. His back arched involuntarily, causing his lumbar region to come into contact with his mate's sculpted abdominals as the two rode out what would be a climax they would never be able (nor want) to forget.

Their roars soon died away, as their bodies were exhausted and their energy dwindling in accordance with their normal circadian rhythm. Panch slowly let himself down, and Ken followed him, both rolling to the side a bit to relax into a comfortable spooning position as Ken's arms wrapped around the torso of the tiger he loved.

"Thank you...Panch," Ken said, the entrancing waves of afterglow mixing with his advancing fatigue to create an almost dreamlike ambience in his consciousness. "Let' that again some time...okay? I really...liked it." He sleepily smacked his lips and nuzzled the edge of Panch's jawline.

Panch yawned blearily, then smiled. "I know we will, mate...we have the rest of our lives together to do it in."

The lion rubbed his cheek against the neck of the tiger he loved, almost like a young kitten, as he slowly drifted away into dreams, a faint purr rumbling from his simply happy body. The future might be uncertain for the two of them, Panch thought, but he knew that they'd always get through it. They would be together forever, and always they would have the strength and love of each other to rely upon, no matter how harsh or facile the circumstances. The thought made him purr, too, as sleep rolled in on him like a soft blanket in the warm, soothing room.