A Blast From the Past Ch. 3
#3 of Blast From the Past
A haze lifted through Kaga's eyes, as time passed. Day's went on ahead against Kaga's will till the next important memory for Kaga. For Kaga, this day was the day... of....
"Congratulations Sir it's a girl!"
Kaga stood teary eyed as he watched the baby get handed off to his wife. They've been through so much this long while. Holding his wife's hand, he felt her finger's slip away to hold the small furless baby, soon it would sprout fur like no tomorrow, smiling Kaga kissed Rose's forehead only to whisper to her, "I'm so happy.. oh my god..."
Rose was covered with tears her face beet red as she held the new born in her arms wrapped around a small blanket as she rocked it slowly in her arms. It cried loudly it's small deformed looking face, head larger than the body, tail flicking back and forth alittle under it's blanket as it cried while mother and father gazed down at new born daughter in such delight.
The baby girl was so...tiny. So fragile. Kaga could only watch his new wife hold her tenderly while she wiggled and cried for food. He couldn't believe it. Together they'd brought something special into the world.
He let out a sigh and collapsed into the chair next to Rose's hospital bed. The whole time he'd been a bundle of nerves...his tail was developing a cramp from being wrapped into a tight ball for the last hours. He'd read up on this of course. They went to classes together and had pep talks and all kinds of therapy to deal with the stress that built up. But none of it was really a preparation for the real thing. But...if he had to go through it all again...he definitely would have done the same.
"My baby..." Rose cooed softly to her daughter. "My dear little angel... Kaga? What do you want to name her?" She looked up at him with soft wet eyes. "You said you hoped she'd be a girl...you decide."
"No, I couldn't. Besides, we can talk about it once you've rested up." The reptile stroked Rose's hair gently, soothing her from the exhaustion of child bearing.
The doctor walked up to Kaga patting him on the shoulder to whisper to him, it was a middle aged man, a tiger, about five nine in height with short curly hair and light green eyes. With a smile the doctor moved his hand away after getting Kaga's attention speaking to him saying, "Sir.... Kagas'koro was it?"
Groaning at that name, Kaga nods and murmurs, "Just call me Kaga... but yeah, anyway did you need me?"
"No... I just wanted to give you some advice... I've been a father for twelve years now, and three children." The doctor offered his hand and said, "I'm Doctor McKinley. Pleasure to meet you Kaga..."
Kaga blinked than slowly lifted his hand looking over to see his wife breast feeding his child, his daughter. It made him smile. Soon he looked back to the doctor and said, "Pleasures all mine..."
"Here..." After the firm handshake, Dr. McKinley pulled his hand away and said, "While your wife is resting, unless you want to stay in here and rest as well... Can you come out into the lobby... So we can talk...." Waving a hand over to the door and moving out of the way as he said this, The doctor smiled kindly in his white coat.
Kaga looked to his wife as he stood, turning to the tiger he nodded to him walking over to his wife as he kissed her on the forehead seeing that she had drifted off holding the baby while it latched to her breast suckling and feeding. Kaga backed up and looked over to the tiger before moving to walk by him nodding with a smile as he said, "So what do you want to talk to me about as he grabbed hold of the door handle on the other side of the room getting ready to open it."
Dr. McKinley chuckled and said, "Nothing more than some advice... I have a daughter myself... just in case you aren't exactly ready I want you to know what's coming.. your really young to have a kid... so... yeah.. We'll talk when we get in the lobby"
Kaga nodded opening the door slowly, as he stepped out he held the door for the tiger, who walked out behind him. The two walked straight across the hall and Dr. McKinley pressed the down button on the elevator, "So... first marriage?"
"Uh huh..." Kaga nodded stuffing his hands into his pockets and lowering his head as the door behind him finally clicked shut. "Why you ask?"
"I've been married twice..." The tiger said, "I have three kids... one twelve, one eight... and one two..." Looking to Kaga the tiger smiled, "The twelve year old is from my first marriage... my daughter... Just now hitting puberty..." shaking his head he laughed alittle, "You know how you don't quite understand your's wifes problems with that...."
Kaga blinked, "I sorta understand it... I mean... I know alot about female anatomy... I believe...."
"Not the point... you don't really know... so... when your daughter comes up to you and says... 'Dad I'm bleeding out my private... what's wrong with me?' How do you react?" Looking to Kaga, Dr. McKinley smiled. The elevator dinged and the door opened with no one inside, Dr. McKinley put his hand to the door and waved inside saying, "Me... I cried myself not knowing what to do... I felt like a horrible parent..."
Kaga frowned and looked down thinking about it for a moment, how would he react to something like that? "I don't know what I would do... I mean... this is all a first for me..."
"It was for me too... my first marriage... my first born... everything... same situation for me... I'm giving you my experience though..." Smiling as Kaga walked into the elevator he would follow suit and push the lobby button as the doors closed to say, "Unless you think you can handle things on your own..." Looking to Kaga with a grin.
Kaga frowned at the grin, "What's that mean?"
"I mean... you are younger than I was when my first born was brought to the world... and I wasn't even ready... so I'm wondering if you think you are?" Dr. McKinley said with a nod.
"Really?" Kaga frowned and looked down as gravty dawned on him... literally... the elevator started to move. With a sigh he mumbled, "No.... honestly I don't... think I am ready. But... I know that if I put my heart into this, I will be able to take care of her and Rosetta."
Dr. McKinley smiles and mumbles, "Good..." looking over to the doors he says, "All you need is the will to continue... if you don't have that... you might as well give up.... It's a good thing that you have that..." looking down he put his hands in his pockets and said. "Kaga... Don't ever lose hope... you'll be a great father... even if you don't know everything... you just have to try... they'll be times your daughter is going to cry... they'll be times your going to have to just let her cry... you can't baby her... she has to learn things on her own... but if she ever comes to you... that's your chance to say something that might lead her in the right direction in life... okay..."
Kaga's eyes widened and he turned his head to look at the Doctor, slowly looking away he bit his lip and thought a moment, actually a long time... because... he didn't even realize the door open and people walking in, The Doctor walked out and held it open before barking, "Kaga!" jolting his head up he looked around than blushed and slowly slipped out the door mumbling sorries to worried people in the elevator. With a frown he looked to Dr. McKinley leaning to him and saying, "Thank you.. that means alot what you said... I'll... I'll try that okay...." looking away he frowned as the tiger set a hand on his shoulder and petted it with a smile.
Three days later and Kaga was back beside Rose, watching her nuzzle the baby. His sweet little daughter cooed and wriggled in her mother's arms, seeking her warmth. Rose had regained a lot of her strength but still felt tired a lot of the time and mostly slept when she wasn't holding their child. Kaga didn't mind...he spent all his spare time with her, keeping her company when she was awake or just sitting quietly when she slept.
At last when the little pup had tired herself out he leaned over and nuzzled his wife on the cheek, murmuring "She's beautiful...she has your ears. And fur too."
"Ahh...but she's got your eyes love." Rose giggled softly and lay back. She'd be awake soon enough for another feeding. Motherhood came to her so easily...like her life had built up to this trial and her whole body was eager to meet the challenge. "So...have you thought of a name for her yet?" She smiled and licked Kaga's snout.
"I have a few names. I've had some time to think after all."
When Rose saw the piece of foolscap covered in his scrawling writing she blinked. "You sure have..."
"So...what about Caasndra?"
Rose thought then shook her head. "It doesn't roll of the tongue so easy..."
"Too short."
Kaga grinned. This was getting fun. "Sam?"
"After your sister?" Rose suddenly looked thoughtful. "Maybe...I kind of like it." She nuzzled the baby and smiled gently. "What do you think sweetheart? Do you like it?" After a moment she shook her head. "She's not crazy about it..."
"Then how about Violet?"
At the name the baby girl squirmed suddenly and yawned, gaping her tiny mouth sweetly. Rose gave her a light pat and raised her to her breast for another feeding. "I think...she likes it..."
"Violet huh?" Kaga looked to his daughter and stared, almost like a blank stare, that's what other's would get out of it. But to Kaga. He was pouring his heart from his eyes. Looking at the newborning seeing those little paws wiggle and clench like they had a mind of their own. It was almost heart clenching to know that this little baby... this little tiny creature was brought to the world by something that He did.
"Babe?" Kaga jerked turning to look at those loving eyes and that smile of a mother. "She's beautiful isn't she..."
"Like an angel..." Kaga said softly turning to look back as the two stared at their daughter feeding. "I came up with her name Rose... have you thought of something for a middle name?"
"Marie" Rose said with a smile, she didn't think twice about it. She wanted Marie...
"Violet... Marie Sage?" Kaga thought for a moment than reached a hand out and petted his daughters cheek with nothing more than a finger saying, "Pleasure to bring you to the world my daughter...." he smiled and almost felt a tear fall from his eye... he didn't really... but he thought he did, and it shocked him nontheless.
Later that night we find our loving father holding his daughter for the first time.... Rose finally had fallen asleep and let Kaga have his time to hold the baby, he also had to build up the courage to hold the small newborn he felt that classic feeling that it was just too small for him and she would fall and break. With a blush he soon was cradling the girl in his arms looking at her coo and squirm before resting and nuzzling into Kaga's chest. Kaga felt a warmth in his chest at the sight of the little girl in his arms, it was so cute to hold the small whip like tail wagging back and forth as he held it in the blanket, but it's tail did poke through the little wrapping wagging and whipping back and forth slapping at Kaga's arm alittle. Kaga couldn't help but nuzzling into the soft fur of the little female in his arms, she was so adorable. She was his blood... his born offspring... to think he brought this person into the world. How happy he was with this, he couldn't begin to explain it.
The next weeks passed quickly. At last Rose was deemed well enough to be released into her home, under the loving care of her husband of course. He annoyed her for the next little while by doting on her hand and foot, spending every waking minute that he wasn't working with them. Though to be honest, she needed the help. Neither of them really knew what was coming. The first night that Violet Marie Sage woke up crying to be fed both had been convinced she'd bit her cheek. And it took time and practice before diapers were mastered.
But still, they both knew they would never have it any other way. Just looking into the baby's big bright eyes as she giggled and squealed throughout the day made the exhaustion go away.
And of course, as new parents they naturally spoiled her. First thing, they bought her a big stuffed dragon and she took to the toy like a fish to water. Next was the little plastic ring with bells that she would bang away with all day long. Then the mobile with stars and planets over her crib. Little Violet loved every bit of the attention, and her smile paid them back.
Of course they eventually came to their senses but not before half a dozen of her toys were scattered over the room.
It was about two months after Violet was born. Rose and Kaga were in bed. Violet was out like a light in the crib right next to the bed. Kaga stayed awake and so did Rose, holding onto each other in the softest of embraces kissing and hugging. Rose finally broke the loving hold and nuzzled Kaga on the lips whispering. "I'm so happy I'm with you... and you stayed with me through this..."
"Oh stop it... your pouring on the love too much... you've said this so many times... I get it... your happy... I'm happy too... really happy... I love my daughter... I couldn't have lived with mysel if I ever left you..." Kaga whispered back to Rose, slowly rubbing the huskies spine. "I'm just shocked at how hyper she is.... Violet that is... she's all over the house now that she can crawl..." chuckling he whispered into Rose's ear, "She's so beautiful... she reminds me of you...."
"Thank you Kaga..." Rose whispered slowly drifting into slumber along side the rhizard lover of her's.