A Blast from the Past Ch. 4

Story by Spike Sethen on SoFurry

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#4 of Blast From the Past


"Jesus!" Max ducked his head, it seemed a revolver shot off not far by... the bang was sure loud. It shot over most of the assualt rifle shots. Sighing, Max reached around his back grabbing one of the two grenades he had left on him, turning and looking slightly past the building that he took refuge at he would look over sighing before looking back to his fallen brother. If he threw this right he would still probably harm someone that could help Kaga. "Damnit!" not removing the grenade he would reach a hand out and think a moment, "Davis..... maybe he can help....." standing up Max pulled Kaga up onto his shoulder looking around for a clear place to run so he could get to the tent, only just a few feet away from him.

Making an almost mad dash away from the hospital district Max ran almost full speed holding firmly onto Kaga to make sure he didn't fall leaving a trail of blood where he ran. With a skid he jumped into a tent praying silently that no enemy troops were in the tent. Smiling as he saw a wolf sitting on his knees with a Spaz shotgun in his hands Max would say, "Dave! Thank you!" he shook his head and walked over to Davis which by this time the wolf had said, "Dave... it's Kag's... he's wounded your the only medically trained fieldsmen that I know... please..." lowering Kaga on to the floor he would murmur, "Please help him...."

Dave blinked slowly lowering the gun and holding it still in one hand before frowning to look at the unconsious face of his friend... Kaga was the first person that he had met in military training.... frowning he said, "Do you know where he was hit?"

"The lung I think... he passed out pretty quick... I think a major artery was struck he's bleeding really bad... please... help him..." Max frowned saying, "Here give me the shotgun... I'll hold off anyone that comes by while you take care of Kaga... please...."

As if to punctuate the desparate plea Kaga groaned in pain, twisting in his sleep. Davis looked close at the rhizard's twisted face and nodded. "Bring him in..."

Once Kaga was stretched out on his cot the wolf passed Max his shot gun. He said no words. None needed to be said. They'd both do what they could for their friend. But when he took a closer look he knew the chances were slim that the rhizard would wake up again.

The wound was still bleeding. Blood flow was slow but steady, and the right side of his shirt was wet and sticky. Some had dried and Davis had to peel fabric away so he could see the injury. The wound itself was deep...and it had definitely punctured the lung. Maybe shattered a rib too. Kaga wheezed with each breath but at least he didn't have trouble breathing. That could change at any moment though. Davis knew that he had to work quickly. Casting a glance back at Max, he sighed. "Kaga...I never thought I'd be operating on you..."

Davis always kept his med kit under his cot, plus a few other things that the medical corps had on hand. One was a syringe with a shot of morphine. There was a chance it would addict his friend but...he needed him to lie quietly. It didn't take long to find a vein and the injection was even shorter. The drug took effect quickly...Kaga's painful twitches lessened slowly. At last he lay limp and still.

He looked more dead than alive.

Max held the gun that had been handed to him slowly turning to look back at Kaga seeing him laying limp on the bed it frightened him, "Is he...."

"No... it's just morphine.... he's fine..." Davis turned to Look at Kaga before rolling him onto his back and readying for surgery.

Kaga though didn't feel any of the events... but the sights in his head flashed by.... two the day of Violet's very first steps...

"Oh my god! Babe come here!" Rose screamed gleefully waving off from the living room as Kaga jumped and ran off to the living room to see Violet smiling on her feet waving her arms around trying to keep her balance. Rose patted her knees and said, "Right here baby girl... Come on... your doing so good!"

Kaga eyes went wide and he stayed behind Violet not to distract her as the little pup took a step than toppled over face first landing on all fours...

Rose aw'ed than said, "Come on, you were almost there... you can do it!" She patted her knees and smiled.

Violet slowly stood up onto her feet again woddling from side to side on her feet before she practically ran full trot forward into Rose's arms where her mother wrapped her arms around the small pup hugging her loosely in a tender hug nuzzling the little girls fur...

Kaga on the other hand... held his hand to his mouth hiding his want to say how proud he was.... but Rose looked so happy... and he was so happy inside... he didn't want to ruin the moment... Why? It was his daughter too... maybe he was just alittle shy right now. Almost tearing with joy he walked up to Rose and kneeled down before ruffling the little girls hair before sniffling, as he said, "I'm so proud of you my baby girl..."

The little girl wagged her tufted tail... small and fragile she looked up at Kaga her thick tongue sticking out of her mouth as she hugged her mommy.

Kaga sighed and relaxed his tears drying as he would lean up and nuzzle Rose's cheek whispering, "We should have got that on camera...." chuckling a little as he said that.

The male knelt down beside his wife and daughter and wrapped them up in his strong arms. Little Violet giggled and Rose smiled. Sighing, she leaned over their daughter and nuzzled him on the shoulder. "You know...when I was carrying her I thought that this could be the end of our lives. I sure wasn't ready for it."

Kaga nodded slowly, slumping down beside Rose as he tussled Violet's soft hair, making her coo in joy.

"Is this what you expected? Being married and having a child?"

"I expected it would be very hard. I figured that every day I would ask myself if it was worth it to go through with all of this..."

Rose's jaw dropped much to Violet's amusement.

Kaga let the silence go on for a few seconds before cracking a grin. "Instead it's the most wonderful thing I've ever experienced! You two...you're the light of my life and if I had to go back and do everything over again I wouldn't change a thing." His thick strong tail came up to curl around the two huskeys and pulled them close as he hissed gently. "I love you..."

The worried look dissipated and Rose smiled, letting herself rest against her husband's shoulder. Once again, he reminded her of how important he was to her...

Leaning back alittle and slowly taking Violet up into his arms as he stood lifting her high up looking face to face with her as Kaga said, "I'm so proud of you my baby girl!" Bringing the pup to his chest he would cradle her watching Violet wiggle alittle than fap her tail back and forth as she lifted her hand up and patted at Kaga's nose gooing and gahing at him.

Rose smiled looking at the fatherly side of the man she loves, "Want me to finish making breakfast hun?"

"Huh" Kaga was busy nuzzling Violet's belly before blinking and turning his head back... than turning to look over to the kitchen where he came from he would murmur, "Oh yeah... that's what I was making."

Rose would stand up than giggle and say, "Don't cuddle her to death babe..." walking off over to the kitchen as she would pick up the pan setting the pan on the burner and turning it on high before sticking a slab of butter on the pan as it started to sizzle, before glancing over her shoulder to spy Kaga cuddling their daughter in his arms on the couch.

Semi-alone for the moment, Kaga grinned as Violet cooed and nuzzled his blunt scaly snout. When she began to wiggle he leaned back on the couch and relaxed his hold, allowing her to crawl all over him. Giggling, the baby girl curled up on her father's chest with her tail to her nose and pretended to sleep. Sometimes when she slept her daddy would sing to her, and make her feel all loved and safe.

Kaga hissed...and pressed a soft kiss to Violet's hair before whispering the words to a lullaby. He knew that she wasn't asleep of course. But he could never deny little Violet anything.

"Sleep my child and peace attend thee,

All through the night

Guardian angels God will send thee,

All through the night;

Soft the drowsy hours are creeping,

Hill and vale in slumber sleeping,

I my loved ones' watch am keeping,

All through the night."

And he finished by reaching out and tickling her snout, smiling when she giggled and clambered up to him. "I love you baby...you're special." And with that he lifted her up into the air, making her squeal with laughter as he tickled her.

Rose smiled at the picture before the sizzle of the butter caught her ears and made her turn back to her duty, pouring the pre-stirred egg into the pan she would pick up a flat stirring spoon and mixed the egg, as it sizzled on the plate, looking over her shoulder she continued to watch her husband play with their daughter... it was amazing, through all the time they have been together, she's never seen this side of him, it was sweeter, more loving then he had even shown her in her most needy times. It made her smile to know that Violet was in good hands. Smiling to herself she would stir at the eggs till they clustered together and cooked to a more solid form, The baby was still too young to eat solid food, so they fed her baby food but this was for them, though Violet was persistent in trying to get at their food...

Rose poured out the cooked eggs onto a big plate after pulling it out of a cabinet with a smile she would turn and wave to Kaga saying, "Come on babe... breakfast is done..." popping four pieces of bread into the toaster smiling as she grabbed two small plates from the cabinet and set them down along with a small jar of baby food strawberry banana flavored. She liked that one the best for some reason, than again, if Rose had a choice, she would eat it too! Giggling she would turn around seeing Kaga still playing with Violet on the couch cuddling up and nuzzling with her. Petting the small pup resting on his chest.

Rose smiled and looking at her husband... she didn't want to bother him, but... it was breakfast time, so with a light hum, she said, "Kagas'koro... dear... it's time for breakfast babe...."

Kaga perked up still rubbing at his daughter's back that nodded saying, "Oh... um... she just fell asleep..."

Rose aw'ed than sighed and walked over to the couch nodding she murmured, "Carry her to the crib and than come get something to eat.... but be quiet about it... we don't need a crying baby girl." giggling as she said that.

Kaga nods lightly and put his arms around the pup on his chest to hold her to him slowly sitting up but careful to hold Violet to the same part of his chest as she was so as not to wake her, humming to her lightly with a thrumming in his chest he would stand up than slowly walk over to the hallway slowly making his way to his bedroom. When he got to the crib he slowly set Violet down and lifted a blanket up over her turning on the little toy above her that played a dinging version of twinkle twinkle little star. Smiling at the pup. Kaga perked quickly feeling an arm wrap around his waist before turning over to look behind himself than smiled seeing his wife, with a whisper he would say, "She's so beautiful.... I can't believe she's partly my DNA... I mean.... Look at ugly old me than...." turning down to look at the little pup who's thumb found her mouth like a pacifier. "Look... at her...."

"Oh Kag's... Your not ugly... she has your eyes.... that's the most beautiful part about her..." Grinning Rose rested her cheek on Kaga's shoulder whispering, "Don't underestimate yourself babe... you'll go far in this world if you try...."

Kaga smiled and leaned back slowly turning in Rose's arms kissing her on the cheek and wrapping his arms around her waist and nuzzling along her cheek with a rurr as he whispered, "Thank you Rose... your sweet... really sweet..."

"Of course I am..." Rose whispered, slowly pulling out of Kaga's arms she would wave him off saying, "Let's go have breakfast..." turning and slapping her tail at his side with a light giggle almost silent as she walked off leaving Kaga to blush.

Later that night... around nine o clock it was dark out the house was dark, Rose and Kaga were hugging up on each other on the couch. With a murr Rose would said, "Babe... I want to ask... it's been awhile... do you think maybe we could...?"

"You want to?" Kaga asked with a blush as he leaned close licking her lips, "What about Violet... I mean... wouldn't we look like bad parents if we do that?"

"The monitor's on.. if she wakes up we'll here her and stop... I just... I want to be close to you again... we don't have to do it in the bedroom where she could see..." Rose smiled and looked to Kaga planting a soft kiss on his lips murring as she would say, "If you don't want to you don't have to... I understand... but if you do... there's condom's in the drawer... I rather you get one...."

Kaga blinked, "But we haven't used one since the before we learned we both are clean..."

"But I rather not risk getting pregnant again if we do have sex Kaga..."

Kaga looked to Rose than blushed and nodded saying, "Alright Rose....." blushing as he stood up and looking to Rose he smiled, "I'll go get one...." heading down the hall and grabbing a condom real quick he was on his way back when he heard Rose humming. Peaking around the corner, what he saw made his breath hitch in his throat.

Rose had taken the liberty of stripping herself bare when he'd left the room. When he peeked inside she was laying on her front with her chin in her hands, kicking lightly at the air. She looked so peaceful then...humming some old tune that she liked, silver grey eyes half closed, lips turned up in a smile. Kaga almost didn't have the heart to interrupt her, she looked so beautiful.

Her keen huskey ears pricked up suddenly and she turned toward the door. "Hey hun..." Her voice was a soft syrupy murr that made the reptile's scales shiver. "Come on over."

Like a zombie Kaga's crossed the room and knelt beside his wife, the condom packet clutched tightly in his hand. Looking her up and down, he grinned. "Wow. You weren't kidding when you said that you wanted to be close tonight..."

Rose giggled, fapping him in the face with her tail. "You know I can't resist you playboy."

"Playboy?" Pushing her tail aside, Kaga trailed a hand slowly up her back. "That's a new one." Smiling at her sweet murr, he set the condom on the arm of the couch and nipped her gently along the shoulders and back.

Murring warmly to the gentle nips, Rose rolled onto her back and placed a hand at Kaga's cheek rubbing at his scaly flesh before leaning in kissing him on the lips parting her's and pressing her tongue into his mouth, he didn't struggle, it wasn't a shock to her to see him relax into the kiss as his hand found her stomach rubbing at it while they kissed deeply to each other, tongues twisting and dancing together in a loving, compassionate manner.

Kaga's hand reached up passing by Rose's bare breast moving to her neck running his fingers into her flesh under her fur, it made her moan into the kiss, and almost fall limp.

Rose's hand came up reaching to press against Kaga's chest before gripping his shirt, tugging at it...

Kaga felt the tug and parting from the kiss for a moment he would reach under his shirt and pull it off revealing his small lithe body thin and petite he would stand up and unbutton his pants dropping them onto the floor with his boxers slowly lifting a leg over Rose's form placing his knees at her thighs, lining their groins together, both nude together, Kaga would lay over Rose reaching for the condom holding it in his palm as he kissed at Rose's neck listening to her moan for a few moments before leaning to kiss her breast. Licking at her nipple till it erected in his mouth suckling on it he smiled and nibbled alittle on her listening to her pant and moan in delight.

Rose reached for the condom feeling something wet poke at her thigh as she pulled the condom from Kaga's hand she would tear it open and moan out to him with a light soft blush on her cheeks, painting the purple color moron. "Want me to help you with this babe?"

Nodding, Kaga slipped off her chest and kneeled back, his firm now seven inch length standing proud, his slit stretched by the thickness of him, though he was small and weak looking, he was well endowed for certain. Watching as Rose leaned forward he saw her pop the condom in her mouth than blushing he felt her push him back alittle than place her lips to his shaft. Letting out a light moan he blushed and felt the tightness of the latex wrap slipping around his length almost feeling like it was compressing him. Causing his heartbeat to pound in his groin, small spurts of precum lunged into the reservoir tip to puff up alittle bit.

As Rose's lips left his shaft after literally suckling down his entire length she would smile and lean up to kiss at Kaga's neck, her sex was dripping onto the couch probably staining it with her juices, but she was needy for him, nuzzling Kaga lightly she wrapped her arms around his back and slowly laid back resting him onto her before kissing him warmly on the lips as she felt him lining up with her.

"Oh Rose...I love you!" Grunting from the feel of it all, Kaga kissed her back passionately and thrust deep inside Rose's body. Her cry of need was swallowed, and he kept driving in until he was sheathed fully in her body. Only then did he part the kiss and hiss in delight. "You feel so good hun..."

Rose blushed a deep red as his clawed hands began to grope her body. She was very well endowed, and though it was a pain finding bras that fit her husband loved her breasts. "You tease...I love you too!" Giggling, she wrapped her arms around his neck and lay back on the bed...not forcing him to make love to her but letting him do his thing. he was a slow lover and always took his time. This held true even now, when he returned to nipping her breasts, licking with his long thin tongue all around.

He surprised her though, by rolling over onto his back and lifting her on top of him, nearly knocking both of them onto the floor. Yelping, Rose looked down at her husband. "Kaga?"

"Heh. I was on top last time hun. I thought that you might like a turn."

"But...you're always on top."

"Then it's about time you got a say, isn't it?" Laughing, Kaga released her breasts and let his hands trail down her slim curvy body, feeling her up the whole way.

Rose blushed than placed her hands on his chest and smiled to Kaga whispering, "Alright, But I'm not stopping once you cum..." winking at him letting him know that he will cum more than once tonight.... good thing this was a very stretchy brand, tested it herself she did! Licking her lips she planted a hand on her clitorus and rubbed alittle moaning as she lifted her self up than slid down his shaft moaning following suit with another buck on his shaft, moaning as she started to ride him.

Kaga planted his hands softly on Rose's thighs every time she came down he gave a light tug pushing her down harder with a moan he started to grind into her feeling her inner walls clench and pulse around his shaft in tiny climaxes.

Rose by now had her head tossed back hair drapping down her shoulders and spine some covering her large DD breasts full and plump with milk from breast feeding lifting a hand up she squeezed lightly at her nipple blushing as she felt a light trickling down her fingers but it didn't stop her from riding Kaga in fact it felt good.

Kaga moaned soon he felt a droplet hit him on his taut stomach. Looking to her, he saw whiteness dripping from her nipple down onto him blushing he realised she was lactating moaning he felt the sudden urge to get a taste, sitting up alittle he flicked his tongue over her nipple tasting the sweet milky flavor before latching onto her breast and suckling on her feeding off her as she stopped her rough ridding to blush and moan grinding against Kaga's groin.

Rose put a hand on Kaga's head pulling him closer as she rubbed at her clit simutaniously blushing as she felt a climax approaching blushing she moaned out to Kaga, "Ohh... I'm close babe... keep going...."

Kaga mumbled against her breath and squeezed lightly, urged on by her needy pleas to buck his hips and thrust deep into her sex. A stream of milk shot briefly into his mouth and he swallowed with delight, driven on by her moaning. It was hard to resist the urge to flip her over and take her. She didn't give him any choice in the matter though...suddenly she grabbed him by the shoulders and pinned him down, grinding tightly against his body.

"Oh...Kaga...I'm...!" Her pleas fell apart into a long, low moan, and she clamped her legs tightly around his thighs. When her climax struck her whole body tightened up. The wonderful heat and pressure were enough to drive Kaga over the edge too. Soon his hoarse cries mingled with hers as they writhed together in a passionate embrace.

At last they fell back onto the couch, spent for the moment. Rose murred lightly. "Hun...I love- mmph!" She couldn't finish. Her darling husband had just raised her breast and pressed the nipple between her lips. Blushing Rose licked at her breast than pressed a hand to his holding it in her mouth suckling as she lactated in her mouth suckling down her milk moaning as she looked to him with soft eyes before slipping from the nipple and leaning over Kaga kissing him with a mouth full of milk as soon as their lips met milk gushed from between their mouths and spread onto their bodies painting them a white color sliding off of Kaga's shaft now slightly limp she would pull the condom off of him and holding it she flipped it out onto his chest spilling his seed out on his chest, she wanted this to be messy and the kiss... was really messy....

Kaga moaned and licked at the inside of her mouth sucking softly with a smile on his lips feeling the warmth spread over his body of the milk and juices spreading onto him soon mushed onto him by the huskies body pressing to his pressing the mixture into her fur staining and matting it with his cum and her milk. He wanted to stay awake for more... but he was so tired from cumming, he came so hard just than, and actually so did Rose... The two actually passed out with their lips locked together... it was a odd sight at first glance... but a closer look you saw two loving people holding each other in a beautiful embrace.

Hope you enjoyed this story... I had to add something so someone would notice me... so I finally decided to put effort into the story and so did Kagas'Koro... hope you liked it... we sure did.... please Rate and Comment!

A Blast From the Past: ch. 5

"WAHHHHHHHH! Hehe! AHHHH!" Rose yelped at the loud squealing cry, rolling off of Kaga her body still messy with a frown she stood up slowly and looked down herself, she was dry. Picking up her pants and shirt and bra and looked to Kaga shoving him...

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Dearest Husky Ch. 5

WHOOM! The storm outside whirled, Spike still in the woods, now in a smaller cabin with a fox friend he had come to grow close to over the past while he's been living with him. Niklas has supplied food, shelter, water, and heating for Spike while...

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A Blast From the Past Ch. 3

A haze lifted through Kaga's eyes, as time passed. Day's went on ahead against Kaga's will till the next important memory for Kaga. For Kaga, this day was the day... of.... * * * "WAHHHHHHHHHH!" "Congratulations Sir it's a girl!" ...

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