Sandwich Meats
Fell off a cliff in the forest? You're screwed. (By griffins.)
Author's Note:
This is an experiment in experimental experimentation. Explore an odd idea, write a super-short about it, post it with zero editing or prettyness. Then see what happens...
Okay, so I decided to clean it up. Woots. It's still a FapScrap. Deal wiffit.
Sandwich Meats
A Fapscrap
The beauty of the mountains was always stunning. Cool breezes rustling through the trees, the calls of various small creatures. Out here in the middle of nowhere was the best place to be. Nothing around for dozens of miles but the tall trees of the forest, the smooth rocks of the streams, and the soft moss that made an excellent bed on short getaways.
Most of the time it was the best place to be.
As for this moment in time, Brad was definitely not in a good place to be. Admittedly, in under a second he'd be in a worse place. That worse place would be a few feet below him when he hit the ground after the eighty or so feet he'd fallen so far from the crumbled cliff edge. He was shocked at how calm he was all the way down. No screaming. No flailing. He didn't want to die, not at all, but gravity was the law. Quite a bummer.
It hurt when he hit, but only for a moment. Then nothing.
"Oh, you're awake! Don't try to move. You got very smashed up.
Brad felt very muddy headed. This was unexpected of course. He was pretty sure he should be dead at the base of a cliff, not feeling muddy-headed. He couldn't see anything. He had to think about that for a moment as well. His eyes were bandaged over.
"I... fell... right?
"You did," the voice said. It was female with a thick accent that he didn't recognize.
He took a deep breath. He felt better than he'd think he would after falling off a cliff.
He tried to sit up, but something pressed heavily on his chest and pushed him back. "Don't try to move," she said again.
He paid more attention to his surroundings now. Something was odd. "Where am I?" he finally asked. "I'm not in a hospital. There's also too much echoing..."
"Don't worry about it. You'll be fine soon. Now sleep," she said. He felt very sleepy suddenly and yawned widely, starting to doze off but not completely. It was like he was halfway asleep, kind of dreaming, but not really.
"I don't think you did that right," a voice said. Sounded like a man, also with a thick accent.
"How would you know?" the woman's voice retorted in a whisper.
"Okay, it's okay, you know best. I still don't see why we didn't just eat him."
Brad wanted to say something, but he couldn't. Eat him?!
"He hikes around here a lot and has a good aura," the female replied. "It wouldn't be nice. They are sentients, you know."
"That doesn't always stop anybody," the man observed. "You're sure this won't have any bad effects? It seems like we're flying with a bad wing here. Something feels wrong."
"Maybe you're still stiff from him landing on you."
"I like the sun there," he said. "I didn't expect a hiker to fall to his death and hit me."
Brad felt like he was stuck in a dream and couldn't wake up or scream or anything despite how much he wanted to. Landed on the guy? It was all rocks down there on the trip down.
"Well, it's not like he aimed for you or anything. Can't aim for what you can't see."
"It still feels wrong. We should've eaten him."
"Get off that. Not polite. Everything's hidden anyway. I'll take the blindfold off and he'll wake up and think he just had a bad dream."
"And his clothes? I don't think he hikes nude ever. I haven't seen him do so."
Brad felt a tug at the bandage around his eyes as that last question was being asked and it pulled off his head. His eyes were shut and he couldn't open them, so he still had no idea what was going on. There was silence for a moment.
"Ummm... I dunno. I can't fix his clothes."
"See? We can still just eat him you know."
"After I did all this work to save him?! Definitely not! I don't know about the clothing, but it won't matter for us. He's alive, he'll have to figure out the clothing thing himself. We did a good deed."
"My stomach would disagree with you."
"Eat a rabbit after I let him go. Here, I'll do it now so you can stuff your face sooner."
Brad gasped as he came fully conscious and his eyes shot open. He scrambled to his feet, rubbing his eyes furiously and trying to get them clear.
"See? Not too bad for a guy who fell on you three hours ago."
He finally blinked some tears out of them and looked around, noting the two shapes nearby. Then he froze, staring.
"What's he doing now?" the male asked.
"I dunno. He looks kinda dazed."
"He smells afraid for some reason," the male said, taking a few steps closer to the man.
Brad took a step back and stumbled over something, falling backward and landing on something thankfully soft enough to break his fall without breaking him. The female one glanced over her shoulder curiously, then looked back at him. "Ummm... ooooooooh kaaaaay... Yeah, he's acting weird."
She walked up to him, peering at him past a razor-sharp beak that was quite bigger than any he had seen before. He scrambled backwards, not feeling up to getting to his feet on the uneven surface, but not wanting to stick too close to the huge - and really weird - animal.
"You did it wrong. I knew it," the male said, sitting down. "I'll bet he can see us or something."
"No, I'm pretty sure he could only hear me when I worked very hard to make him do so, but can't see us. That would be like all kinds of messed up."
Brad's brain finally clicked. "Gryphons!! You're god-damned gryphons!"
"You were saying?" the male observed to the female.
"He... he can see us..." the female muttered, her feathers ruffling. "Ooooooooooooh, this is not good."
"What's not good?" a new voice asked.
Brad's head jerked around as he finally took his attention off the creatures for the first time. He was in a very shallow cave. In fact, he recognized it as a place he'd slept before when hiking. Quite often in fact. But it was full of stuff now. Shelves, bowls, a table, some thick carpet, and a huge nest that he was currently fallen over into. None of this had ever been here before, nor had the two gryphons. Or griffins. Or whatever.
They were probably about tall enough to stare at his chest if he weren't flat on his ass in what he assumed to be their nest. Being quadrupedal, that told him they likely weighed a good ton or more. Maybe. They had huge, feathered wings, so they might weigh less to be able to fly. Full feline bodies, bird heads, and bird wings. Yeah... He was pretty sure he fell off a cliff, but now he wasn't sure about much of anything.
The new voice, on the other hand, was not one of them. As its owner flitted in the entrance and landed on a rock nearby, the griffins looked at each other worriedly.
"Nothing, no worries," the female said. "But you should leave."
"Oh? Why?" the tiny dragon thing asked. Brad just stared, but it seemed to be ignoring him for the most part. Tiny in this case was about thirty-five pounds, which Brad assumed was tiny for a dragon, since stories always had them as big as a house. That's what the thing looked like, at least. A little, winged lizard.
"She started her heat this morning," the male said suddenly. "Any moment now it'll hit at full strength and you don't want to be tempted." The female shot him a dirty look.
"Ack, true," the little dragon said, spreading its wings. "See ya! Stay safe!" It took off and flew out quickly.
"Heat? Really?" the female asked the male accusingly when the dragon was gone.
"Hey, it worked."
"Conceded. But now he may get confused about my timing when I really do."
"Worry about that later. Right now we've got to figure out what to do about that," he said, lifting a paw to gesture at Brad.
"Good point. I think he saw Spark, too."
"Wait... Maybe... What if we intentionally use the curse? I mean, it would do precisely what we need it to do, right?"
The female stared at the male for a moment like he'd gone crazy, then squinted thoughtfully. "Actually, you're right," she said slowly. "It would kick us out into his world and cut us off from ours if we got hit by it. That's bad for us, but good for him."
Brad finally shook his head. "Curse? World? Dragons and griffins and what the fuck is going on?"
Both of the creatures jumped, as if suddenly realizing he was there. The female ruffled her feathers again. "You forgot he can hear us, you ditz."
"You did too."
She sighed. "Okay, good point." She turned her attention to the human. "Okay, mister human person, we're very sorry. We're not used to you being able to see or hear us or anything at all. So normally we just talk about you as if you're not here. But you fell on Yash, and I thought it would be nice to heal you up since you hike here so often, and I think I broke something, because you still shouldn't be able to see or hear us or touch our nest or stuff."
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment. "I'm dead. Or dreaming. I'm gonna wake up and this'll be over."
"Yeeaaaaaahhhh..." the male said slowly. "You're dreaming, and you want to wake up. So just work with us here. Can't have anything go bad that you won't just wake up from, right?" He jerked his head at the female. "Go present," he hissed at her.
The female jumped and then nodded avidly. She padded up to the befuddled human. Brad started to shy away from the extremely dangerous beast again, but he had no place to back any further. Then she spun her tail end to him. "Are you sure it won't get me too?" she asked the male, looking worried for a moment.
"He'll just use his paw, so it won't get you," the male said. "If it does, I still have one token of power so I'll bring you back."
"I'd hate for you to have to waste your token."
"You'll be fine."
She nodded and took a deep breath, then simply lifted her leonine tail. Brad briefly wondered: If they flew, how would such a thin tail ever help?
The male sat down suddenly, drawing the man's attention. "Now, just stick your digit in her."
"I... Wait, what?"
"Your forepaw. Hand? Finger... That's it. Pretend you're using it to mate her and stick it in."
Brad blanched. "WHAT?!"
The griffin paused. "It's a dream, mister human. Just play along, kay? It's the best way to get to the next, important part of the dream. Alternately, I could eat you."
"You wouldn't!" the female snapped.
"Don't tell him that." The male turned his attention back to the human. "Just do it please. Look at it this way. Either this is a dream, so it won't hurt you but getting eaten would be a nightmare. Or this isn't a dream and sticking it in her is the only way to not get eaten by me. Your choice."
Brad grew even more pale. "Right, then," he muttered to himself. This was insane, but the logic was inescapable. He eyed the feline rump hovering in front of him.
Timidly he poked a finger forward, aiming for what he was pretty sure was the proper place. He averted his gaze a little as the tip of his finger slipped between some fluff, then he gritted his teeth and pushed carefully as directed. He froze, shocked at the results, his jaw dropping open.
"Did it work?" the male asked finally, peering at the stunned human.
The female was purring a little. "It... it felt good. Actually... it still does. Um... So I don't think it worked, because I can still feel him."
"WHAT?! Nononononono... The curse is the only way to do this that I know. It has to work!" The male started pacing back and forth rapidly. "Has to work. Damn, what's wrong with him?"
Brad swallowed. "What is ... what's going on exactly, and why does this make my finger feel so good?"
The male looked flustered. "Okay, mister human, this really isn't a dream. Seriously, this is a big problem. I'm sorry I lied to you and everything, but... wait... yes this is a dream! Wait... Aw crash!" He shook his head furiously.
"Okay, brief summary. This isn't a dream. Creatures and things that you humans can't see are all over the place. You can't see us or touch us or hear us or our stuff or anything. This keeps us safe. We ran away from your kind a long time ago. Then suddenly you fell on me." He paused, thinking. "You didn't actually really hit me at first, but because you were nearly dead after kind of bouncing, you did. Brea decided she's seen you hiking so often that she'd heal you up. After all, when you were patched up, you'd just be back in your own world and it'd be good." He skipped the part about his idea to eat the dying human.
"Anyway, something went wrong and now you can see us and our stuff. So we thought we'd use the curse to kick you back into your own world, but it didn't work. So now we're flying with singed feathers." The male finished with a huff and looked even more frazzled now.
"Curse?" Brad asked numbly, not really paying attention to the fact that he still had his finger buried into a griffin's pussy and it felt better on his finger than it should have any right to.
The male nodded so hard and fast that Brad thought his head might fly off. "We're all immortal for the most part. We don't die of old age, but we can be killed. Some wizards thought that we would hide and reproduce and end up becoming so numerous, protected away from normal humans, that we would then drop the veil and slaughter the humans. So they mass-cursed the lot of us. Contact to mate, even a little, strips the veil and puts us on the other side. That would expose us to human people and we wouldn't last long there at all."
Brad sat there quietly for a moment, then spoke. "Sooooo... you thought that by having me make mating contact with ... Brea was your name? ... it would hit me with the curse and kick me out of your world and back into mine. I.. guess that makes sense. But my finger isn't mating, is it?"
"Doesn't matter," the male answered. Brad thought for a moment. His name was Yash? "It's based on the initiator and the anatomy, otherwise we'd just do what you do with your cows if we wanted offspring and give each other a lick or a rub for companionship and entertainment. You poke her there and you should be kicked out. If she got kicked out, I'd have to spend a token to get her back to safety."
"Magic thingy. Don't worry about it. Now I'm pretty sure that since that didn't work, we'll have to try the whole thing and then I'll definitely have to spend my token." The male griffin sighed.
"Oh, Yash... Tokens are hard to get."
"Would you be happier if I just ate him?"
She was silent.
"Didn't think so. Winds, Brea, I promise I'll bring you back to this side of the veil. We can't leave him around. You know what would happen if we did."
She nodded and for the first time since Brad had slipped his finger in, she stopped purring. Brad was surprised though to feel her juices starting to run along his finger and hand. "I guess then that I'll be sad for you not being able to enjoy this kind of thing. It feels soooooo good. I didn't think I'd ever get to feel something like this again."
She reluctantly pulled herself away from the human, leaving him with a bemused expression as he examined his wet finger and hand. She stepped further into the clear area and dropped down onto her belly, lifting her hind legs enough to present herself better.
"Well, go on, then," Yash said.
"Go... on?"
The griffin stared at him like he was nuts. "Mount her. For some reason the curse didn't catch you when you put a finger in her, but we know for a fact it will catch both of you when you even start to enter her. Then you'll be back in your own world and I'll bring her back to ours and everything will be normal for you." He nodded. Then considered for a moment. "Well, except you won't be dead at the bottom of a cliff. Which is good for you."
"But you're animals!"
The griffin looked highly offended. "And just what do you think you are, monkey? I'm getting tired of this. Now do it, or I'll eat you and be done with it."
"But... but I can't just perform on command! I need to be..." Brad started, then stopped in realization. Yeah. His finger had felt way too good in her.
"You already are," Yash hissed, suddenly much closer than Brad had realized. Brad yelped as the huge male grabbed him with surprisingly-dextrous forepaws, claws just barely pricking into his skin as the griffin swung him around and almost threw him onto Brea. There was just enough of a pause to position the poor human well enough to ensure entry and then a push, a delightful slip, and it was done.
Brad winced at the puncture wounds from the claws, though the huge paws no longer gripped him. Brea was still under him and after the push he got from Yash, he was deep inside her in a way that would get him hanged in some states. That made sense, he supposed, since according to Yash, the curse would kick both of them out.
Brea was making soft little sounds and panting deeply while Brad just collapsed forward across her back, stunned by the feeling. It had made his finger feel as good as his cock normally would. In this case, it actually was his cock. This was insanely good.
Brea looked back over her shoulder at him. "Winds, this feels so good. Quick, do more before he pulls me back, it's been soooo long."
Brad was torn. On one hand, it felt better than anything should ever have a right to. On the other hand, she was a griffin. This was soooo wrong in so many ways. But it felt soooo good. And she did save his life...
"Crash and brokefeathers!!!" Yash exclaimed. "You're STILL HERE!" Both Brad and Brea jumped. Maybe guiltily. Maybe not. Yash huffed from behind the human. "Fine, I'll do it myself!"
Brad's eyes widened as a massive weight suddenly fell on his back and pressed him just shy of crushingly against Brea's back. He would have cried out in extreme protest at the treatment had Yash's chest not pressed his face firmly into Brea's feathers between her wings.
The weight wasn't too bad upon consideration, even when Yash gripped past him to wrap forepaws beneath Brea. Really, though, as something hot, slick, and hard suddenly made itself VERY apparent against his rear, muffled protests were all that Brad could present before he became the filling of a griffin sandwich.
There was not a ruddy thing a mere human muscle was going to do against a griffin cock with that much determination behind it, impaling the man on griffin meat in short order. His virginity in that way was taken in a single, swift, unmitigatable thrust. Despite his complete lack of interest in such a thing, just like his finger had, this felt too damn good.
"Crash... and... curse... and... get... back... to... your... SIDE!!!!" Yash exclaimed with each word accompanied by a strong thrust that brought a feather-drowned yelp from the human he was inside and a delighted moan from the griffiness at the bottom.
So intent was the male on achieving his goal of cursing the human out of the veil that he completely missed the squawk of delight from Brea as she experienced her first peak in centuries. Nor did he note the whimpering moan from the nearly-squished human as the man succumbed to the pleasure. The squeezes around his own flesh from that last bit though brought his attention completely away from anything else as his body shuddered and he unwittingly unloaded his own seed deep into the unfortunate human.
Yash panted furiously as he finally started to come back to his senses. Brea was flat on her belly, her legs splayed out behind her and a beatific look on her face from the pounding she had just gotten from Yash via proxy.
Yash carefully lifted himself a little and peered down his chest. "Storms! He's still here!" he exclaimed, shocked.
"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?!?!?!?" Spark suddenly exclaimed from the entryway.
Both griffins felt their heart hit their craws.
"You're like humping her so hard and she was like Ooooooooh and you were like aaaaaah and squawk and you look so happy and..." The small dragon was dancing all around them, pestering them for details, when he suddenly noticed Brad's heel twitch behind Yash. Spark froze and peered to the side of the griffins, spotting a bare arm. "What... is... THAT?!?!"
Brad made a weak, muffled sound, prompting Yash to hop off in a heartbeat. The human gasped for air and spat out a small piece of feather. He had an urge to leap off and run like a chased gazelle, screaming his head off, but in reality it was all he could do to barely lift himself upright with his hands on Brea's back. A perfect mix of being squished between two griffins combined with the afterglow of an event which, in his sworn opinion, probably registered a 12.5 on the orgasm Richter scale, kept the human about as with-it as... well... nothing is normally that zonked.
"Am I c-cursed yet?" Brad mumbled.
"IT'S TOUCHING YOU!!!" Spark screamed, then took wing out of the cave as fast as he could, screaming incoherently the whole way into the distance.
"You're not cursed..." Yash said numbly. "You're still here." He blinked. "Wait... and WE'RE still here too." If a beak were capable of a grin...
"Let's... Let's do that again," Brea growled sultrily.
"If that works for anybody at all, this human person..." Yash murmured, realization dawning. "But there wouldn't be any cubs or eggs or anything," he said worriedly.
"We just had the most fair winds mating ever an' you're worried that we won't have cubs?" Brea demanded incredulously. "Do you know how many tokens we could get and friends we can help with this human person? Shresh is always whining about it, right?"
Brad finally caught some of his wits. "Wait.. wait... what's going on? I'm not back on my side of this veil thing, and now it sounds like you're going to pimp me out to others?"
"We did save you from being completely dead," Brea pointed out. Then she purred and cooed at him, "Based on what I felt, I know you liked it too." She shifted her haunches and gave him a squeeze inside, making him moan and almost collapse onto her back once more.
"Do I even have a choice?" he finally managed to gasp.
Brea stretched languidly below him, pulling her legs to her body and lifting her rump against him, completing his collapse of pleasure against her as his own rear was lifted to show off to the griffin behind him again. "Hmmm... Do you?" she asked with a lustful growl.
Yash's chest was against his back again, though with less weight and more care this time before a hot shaft prodded an already-gooey hole and lodged just its tip in. "I vote no," Yash said conversationally, his muscles tensing in preparation for a good starting thrust to bury him in the human once more.
"As do I," Brea huffed happily.
Brad just squeaked quietly against her back. Guess he didn't have a choice. Though he might not complain.
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