Brian's New Found Love

Story by Frank Foxx on SoFurry

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Brian finds his true love. <3

Yep I am back with another story, I know it's been a looong time -_-, hope you enjoy :)

Edited by domafox

~Frank Foxx

Brian woke up extra early in the morning yet again; he hasn't been able to sleep very well at all lately. Brian opened on eye and lifted his head and looked around the room to see Peter and Louis were still asleep. Brian groaned as he jumped off the bed and stretched, he looked at the clock. Brian grunted as he saw 5:13 am on the digital clock. Brian padded into the bathroom shutting the door and looked at himself in the mirror letting out a sigh; he took off his collar and grabbed a towel.

"Why can't find someone to love...?" Brian asked himself as he stepped into the shower turning it on.

Brian knew he was not sleeping because he was worried about not finding the right girl. He hadn't had sex for so long he can't even remember when he last had it. Smoking and drinking weren't making him cheer up anymore either it just made him more depressed. Brian masked most of it while around the family but when it was brought up, he had to be excused. He hasn't seen or heard from his loving cousin Jasper in a while now and was missing him.

He turned the water more towards hot to relax his aching muscles. He tilted his head back as he let the water run down his soft fur. Brian let out some 'mmm's as his paws explored his body soon finding himself rubbing his stirring sheath. He let out a low moan leaning against the wall and rolling his balls in his paw. After his full meat was erected and exposed out of his sheath. Brian stopped to look at his throbbing member; he's been worked up for days. He watched himself paw along his cock from base to leaking tip as he lightly panted. Brian then suddenly stopped pawing and used his dog flexibility wrapping his lips around his own cock sucking heavily onto it. He let out a few moans taking in his whole length and bobbing his head quickly along it with his eyes close. He rolls his balls in his paw as they went up to him and cummed heavily into his own maw swallowing every drop.

Brian pulled off his cock and his eyes went wide as what to he just did, he shocked himself. He just sucked himself off; a lot of questions ran through his mind. "Does -... Does this mean? No, no it can't mean anything; it's my own cock..." Brian rambled to himself as he shampooed and conditioned his fur before getting out. He dried himself and put his collar back on, and walked down into the kitchen.

Brian made himself a pot of coffee, got a cup and went out to the front yard to grab the newspaper. As he opened the door the breeze hit him right away, it was a beautiful sunny and windy day. Brian smiled as the wind hit his fur.

"It's a very nice day today" Brian said grabbing the paper and heading back inside.

Brian took a sip of his coffee as he went back into the kitchen and sat down to read the paper. As he read through it his mind kept going back to how he sucked himself off earlier debating with himself. The taste of his cock and cum wouldn't leave his mouth; he was both liking it and hating that. Soon the family came into the kitchen in the middle of his thinking. All saying their good mornings and slanders at Meg. Stewie got impatient fast and shot a laser at Louis, missing her and no one seemed to noticed, or cared if they did.

"Louis!" Peter whined.

"What is it Peter?" Louis said sounded annoyed already.

"My toast is too floppy, soft, and dry!" Peter continued to whine out like a child.

"That's because it's just bread Peter, you have to put in the toaster." Louis replied as she made bacon and eggs.

"Oh," Peter throws the bread. "Bread is stupid..." Peter said folding his arms.


Luckily the shenanigans at breakfast got Brian to get his mind off his self-pleasure this morning. After Brian finished his food, he told the family he was going for a walk. Louis nodded as she was still dealing with Peter and his stupid idea for the day. Brian went out the door as he started to walk down the street and enjoying the fresh air.

Brian soon walked his way to the park, as he was walking along the path his cell starts to ring. Brian took it out of his pocket and looked at it. "Jasper," he said softly with a smile right before he answered.

"Hey Jasper, what's up?"

"Heeeeyyy Cousinnnnn! Um, I have something I like to ask youuuuuu." Jasper spoke happily.

"Sure, what do ya need?" Brian replied with a wag in his tail, Brian enjoyed hanging around his favorite cousin, even talking to him cheers him up.

"Well you see my old friend Frankie Foxxie has been staying with me for a bit in my place in Quahog now and I been telling him about you and he's been BUGGING me to introduce you to, would you like to meet him? He's a very nice foxy." Jasper explained while swaying his tail on his end of the phone.

While Jasper was talking Peter was in the background running and waving around a bikini bra doing his Peter laugh. Peter runs off screen followed by a hot blond chick hiding her bare chest with her arms and chases Peter. Peter runs back still laughing and grind the bra along between his legs then runs off the other direction followed by the Girl. The girl had a stereotype cop with a Mario mustache with a night stick and chased Peter off screen once again. As Peter comes back again he his hit in the head with the cop's night stick and falls face first. The girl runs up to grab her bra and kicks Peter in the gut. Cop walks up casually to grab his stick and started to beat Peter with it.

"Ahhhh oo ow! Ahhh! Ahh!" Peter yells, soon the cop stops and walks off. Peter sits up. "SSSss, ahhhh. Sssss, ahhhh" Peter goes.

The screen goes back to Brian. "Sure Jasper I'll meet up with him."

"Yay, this will make him so happy! Meet him at the Coffee shop near the park." Jasper says happily.

"Sure... when Jasper?" Brian said as he noticed he didn't say when.

"Oh Uhhh... one sec." Jasper hesitates and leaves phone; as Jasper comes back he tells Brian that Frank would like to "In a couple hours?" Jasper asked wincing bit unsurely.

"Couple hours? Hmm Okay, I'm free all day anyway." Brain said as he shrugged.

"Wonderful! He'll see you there!" Jasper said happily and hung up the phone.

Brian smiled as he put his phone away and continued his walk thinking about how Frank might be. "What did Jasper mean when he said he been telling his friend about me and what could he have told him that would make a fox like Frank want to me ME?" Brain spoke to himself. "I mean I am not a great guy... obviously or else I would have been able to keep a girlfriend... BUT maybe getting a new friend might distract me." Brian finished talking and headed home to eat and wait for the time to head to the coffee shop.

This time heading toward the park Brian decided to drive in case Frank would like to go somewhere or something. Brian entered the coffee shop and didn't see him yet so Brian walked up to the counter and ordered a cappuccino with cream. He sat at the back of the store and waited.


"Jasper? Are you sure Brian will like me?" Frank asked, nervous to meet Brian.

"Of course why wouldn't he?" Jasper asked as they sat on the couch together.

Frank is all ready to head to the coffee shop. He's wearing baggy stone-washed jeans and a maroon and black shirt an extra size bigger than he is. "Well cause, you're his gay cousin right? Well to him I am just another guy, and I let him know I am gay and kind of have a crush on him... he may not like that."

"C'mon hon! Brian is the complete opposite of a homophobe, yeah he may be a bit awkward but that's normal. And by the by sweetie, 'kind of"? Sweetheart I see the way you look at the pictures of him. You have a major crush! In fact I think you're in love! It's cuuuuute!!!" Jasper teased Frank making him blush very heavily and fondling his paws. Jasper gave him an insuring hug before Frank got up and left.

Frank drove a red 2004 Chevy Caviler LS. He got in and drove to the café and he unknowingly parked next to Brian's car. Frank got out and noticed the car, "Hm... nice car here. Very... uhhh, green-ish..." Frank said to himself. He walked inside and looked around a bit before spotting Brian and smiled as he walked over to the Labrador sitting in front of him at the table.

"Hey there," Frank said happily.

"Hello... Frank right?" Brian asked.

Yeah, nice to meet you Brian!" Franks said as he shook Brian's paw.

Frank ordered a Kona blend coffee medium with three sugars. They both spoke about many different things, such as: family, politics, religion, and some random stuff; however, Frank and Brian seemed to agree with one another on politics and religion. Brian enjoyed having another canine that sees things like he does with that kind of stuff. Brian was starting too really like Frank and caught himself looking into his eyes a little too long a few times. Frank noticed as well but said nothing and just blushed under his fur.

They quickly finished up in the Café. "So want to come back to my place Frank? Family is out for the night, they went to Louis' dad's place." Brian spoke.

"Sure, sounds great." Frank said with a wag in his tail.

They both got into their cars and Frank followed Brian back to his place. Brian parked in the driveway with Frank behind him. Frank got out of the car, looked at the house and nodded to himself. Brian stepped out of his car, smiled at Frank and led him up to the backdoor, unlocking and opening it.

"Make yourself at home," Brian said tossing his keys onto the counter and padded over to the fridge.

"Thank you. You have a nice place here, how long you been with them?" Frank asked as he sat at the dining table.

"This family saved my life... they took me in as a stray a few years back." Brian mentioned. "You want anything?"

"No, thank you. And wow, this family must be very kind and wonderful... is that a whole in the wall?" Frank said tilting his head.

Brian looked and shrugged. "Yeah that's from Peter's homemade slingshot last night, only his head went through. While he was stuck, however; we used his ass as a piñata." Brian chuckled out.

"Sounds like you got yourself a pawful of a family here." Frank mention laying his arm in a cross on the table.

"Yeah I do..."' Brian responded, as his said 'fuck it' in his head and grabbed a beer, then came back to the table.

"Ooo..." Frank winced. "You drink?"

"Yeah" Brian shrugged, "why?" Brian opened it and sipped it.

"I don't like drinking, or drinkers, or alcohol at all. The smell, the purpose or anything..." Frank said confidently, with some shy in it with a slight lower of the ears.

"Oh, sorry... don't want to be rude." Brian got up and put it back in the fridge and grabbed a water bottle.

"You didn't have to do that. That was sweet..." Frank smiled.

Brian shrugged and looked at Frank and blurted out. "Are you gay?"

The question made Frank's eyes go wide and looked around a little wondering why Brian would ask such a personal question like that. He was wondering if he was being too obvious or showing signs that he liked the white Labrador. Frank sighed, he didn't want to lie or deny it. Frank nodded.

"Why'd you ask?" Frank asked softly.

Brian smirked, "Because you're a good friend of Jasper's and how he spoke about you, I just thought you might be. Also I have a feeling you have a crush on me."

"What!?" Frank responded surprisingly, "Ummm..." he lowered his head slightly.

Brian laughed. "I felt eyes on my ass when I was going through the fridge, plus... I can smell a certain fox's arousal in this room."

Frank's eyes went wide again, it was true. His sheath stirred in his pants, just by the sight he saw of Brian's rump and his fantasy thoughts. Frank wiggled in his seat, which caused a chuckle from Brian.

"It's alright, I have nothing against gays. This is why I am so close to Jasper." Brian said as Frank nodded in response.

"Brian?" Frank muttered.

"Yes?" Brian paid full attention.

"I-...I'm attracted to you, I think you're a great guy, funny, sexy, cute, and we seem like we have stuff in common so far, except for smoking and drinking of course..." Frank said stammering.

Brian eyes went wide for a bit as Frank told him he liked him. Unsure on what to say Brian just sat there looking at the fox and tilting his head. That caused Frank to flatten his ears and look down at his paws until Brian spoke.

"I think you're a good guy, but I never even thought of being with another guy." Brian shrugged. "I guess I could try it." Brian tail went into a wag.

Frank perked up and wagged his tail as well. "SERIOUSLY!?"

Brian nodded. "Yeah, I'm a little horny myself. I would like to fool around with you if you want." Brian winked.

Frank shot up from his seat as he agreed while wagging his tail smiled. Brian smiled with a giggle and held Frank's paw leading him to Peter's and Louis' room. As they arrived in Brian locked the door and turned to Frank to kiss him straight on the lips. Frank jumped in surprise at first but then murred into the kiss. They wrestled tongues as Brian started to strip Frank of his clothes and Frank took Brian's collar off. Frank was feeling along Brian's back to his ass and groped it, causing Brian to moan into the kiss. They broke for air then Brian finished undressing Frank and took a step back looking him over nodding in approval. Frank blushed and embraced Brian with a grope on Brian's junk. Brian smiled and closed his eyes returning the same thing to Frank.

"So, are you going to want to do anything with me, or you just want me to suck you and let you fuck me?" Frank asked curiously. "Because I am a top and bottom, but I don't want to force you into anything."

Brian just smiled appreciating the consideration and kneeled down in front of Frank, then licked his balls taking them into his mouth suckling on them. Frank moaned and soon got fully hard and petted Brian's head as he suckled on his balls. Brian oddly liked the taste and enjoyed doing this so far; he then stroked Frank's cock as he took the set of balls out of his mouth and looked along Frank's length.

"How big are you Frank?" Brian asked while stoking him.

Frank let out a moan. "About six and a half inches, you?"

"About six as well" Brian said.

"Can't wait to taste it." Frank said in a flirty tone as he eyes it quickly.

Frank then takes his cock in his paws as Brian lets go of it and opens his mouth slightly. Frank slaps Brian in the face a few times as a tease, Brian murred and opened his mouth wider. Frank moved his cock so it lay on Brian's tongue and Brian closed his mouth around it moaning. Brian caressed Frank's balls as he closed his eyes and slowly took it Frank's cock until it fully disappeared in the moist warm mouth.

Frank tilted his back moaning as Brian's blew him; Brian sliding back and forth on his cock working his tongue along it and tilting his head slightly. He was enjoying the salty, warm taste of Frank's cock; he was enjoying this more than he thought. Frank was panting as he could feel his pre leaking into Brian's throat. As Frank wagged his tail he bucked into Brian a few times then Brian pulled of.

"It'll only be fair for you to have a turn; I don't want to finish you off just yet." Brian said with a wink and one last lick against Frank's cock head.

Frank smiled and nodded at him as Brian stood up, kissed Frank, then walking over to the bed and laid on his back on the edge of the bed, legs facing Frank and them spread. Frank murred as he soon joined Brian with his head between his legs, Brian looked at Frank, he saw Frank stroking and lapping at his cock. Brian moaned from the attention Frank was giving him and before he knew it Frank was blowing him, like he was to Frank, but better. 'Oh god he's better than any girl to suck me!' Brian thought as he panted and watched Frank work him.

As Frank tasted some pre he pulled off and licked down along Brian's cock to his balls. Frank licked Brian's balls as he snuck a finger to Brian's tail hole hopping Brian allows it. Brian just gasped at first then moaned louder, Brian actually feels like he wanted to try being fucked. He thought he sound hot, which he thought he never would think that would sound hot being done to his butt. Frank entered his whole finger in slowly and pumped it a few times then entered a second one continuing to finger Brian as Frank moved from his balls licking down to his taint the to his hole.

Frank spread Brian's cheeks and started eating him out; Licking at Brian's pucker causing him to moan aloud. After a little bit of licking and lapping over Brian's tail hole Frank was able to stick his tongue inside Brian, making him moan more outta lust and he was panting heavier.

"F-Frank... please, f-f-fuck me!" Brian said out loud in-between pants.

Frank, though a little surprised to hear him say that, giggled and stopped as he stood up and over Brian. Paw on each side of his head looking into Brian's lust filled eyes as he poked his tail hole's entrance. Frank leaned down and kissed Brian deeply as he pushed into him, both of them moaned into the kiss. Frank hilted Brian and they broke the kiss, both panting heavily. Brian feeling slight pain but do to the lubing from the rim job it quickly faded.

"Oh jeez... mmm you're so wonderfully tight and warm. Such a sexy ass!" Frank said, and Brian responded with a giggle.

Frank slowly pulled out to his tip and then slowly pushing back in until hilted. "Mmm fuck me with your big filling cock Frank!"

Frank smirked and held Brian close quickening his speed, pumping into and out of Brian's sweet ass. Both of them with eyes shut tight and moaning, Frank fucked Brian as fast and hard as he could. Brian could feel the thrusting on his prostate sending shockwaves of pleasure through his body. Brian cock started to throb and leak pre while Frank's knot grew and began to kiss Brian's hole with each thrust.

"Oh fuck..." Brian grunted out as he shot his seed, smearing it between both their chests.

Seeing Brian cum, and feeling the extra tightness around his cock, Frank couldn't hold back anymore so he thrusted very hard into him, hard enough for his knot to slip in and he began to cum into Brian's ass as he moaned loudly. As they both moaned softly thereafter, and panting heavily, Frank moved along the bed so they were in a spooning position.

"We should to this again sometime..." Brian said while blushing. "Want to go to a movie tomorrow?"

Frank smiled. "A thousand times yes Brian!" he said as he squeezed him in a hug.

Hope you enjoyed this little piece of mine. I love Brian so much on Family Guy, and I wish I could REALLY have him so this is like a fan fantasy, now I know all the episodes of Family Guy and been watching since 1999 when it aired first. So I hope I was at least a little accurate catching the personality of it in the beginning.

Please Rate, Comment, and Vote/Watch.

<3 Frank Foxx

High School Is Hard - Final Chapter

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