Finding A Catgirl - Story 3 - Part 1

Story by John Willis on SoFurry

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#4 of Finding a Catgirl (First Story)

Story 3 - Newell & Adara

A Continuation of "Finding A Catgirl - Story 1"

Takes place 2 years after the epilogue of Story 1.

This can be viewed without knowing the previous story, but it is highly recommended to understand all the characters and the plot that is being developed.

Story one (parts 1-32) can be found in 3 pieces in my story list.

Update 17- 2/6/05 - First Posting - First H scene added.

This story revolves around the father of Tala's friend Suna, mentioned in the Epilogue of story 1. The story will include Story 1's characters, but are supporting characters for the new cast. Unlike story 1, where things get hot and heavy between the main characters very quickly, this one doesn't. However, another couple introduced, a F/F catgirl couple take up the slack for the time being.

1.6.10 - Notes

I never was able to finish story three, as my interests wandered away from it. I wrote quite a bit of material for it, and although not all of connects together, I will post the material up sometime in 2010 to finally get it all online.

Enjoy the F/F as it is here, and I will work on getting you the rest.




Sirens distantly blared in my mind as my subconscious screamed at me, prodding me enough to wake up, not understanding what was going on even in my own mind. A high pitched tone was shrieking through my head, loud enough to stop thought, making even the simplest action difficult as I tired to move, realizing I couldn't talk to the rest of my body. My eyes slowly opened to see nothing but shimmering white stars, reality peeking through behind them, the powdered cloth of an airbag draped over the twisted dashboard, the wreckage barely discernible, with or without a concussion. Senses were coming up, pain starting to creep in, the dull pain coming from my legs, the unique taste of blood in my mouth, ears beginning to pick up people talking next to me between the pauses of equipment rattling as they cut the twisted sculptures of aluminum, plastic and wires from my hazy view. My right arm suddenly moved on it's own, feeling something push it slightly, warmth from something other than myself under my hand, all my focus needed to try to turn and look, just able to see my hand resting on the dark stained clothing of someone beside me, starting to become aware of my situation, the last 10 minutes gone from my memory. My seat shook as the door popped off of the car, feeling the gloved hands start positioning the pneumatic spreader near my legs, the pressure starting to disappear. We were driving home... and... now... trapped... in the remains of my sedan - enough was clicking to realize what was going on. I tried to turn my head, my mind beginning to panic, looking for Hali, trying to see where she was, my head not moving the way I wanted. My hand again moved on it's own, realizing Hail's hand was moving it towards my lap, her fingers now just in my view, the dark red on her hands unable to cover the shine of her ring on her finger.

"N...Newell..." Hali whispered in my ear, her soft voice barely discernable. I tired to turn and look again, now realizing Hali's head was up against my ear and shoulder, unable to let mine turn. The firefighters gently pulled my hips up, a board sliding under me and pulling me away from Hali a few inches, turning my head enough to bring her face into focus. Hali looked up at me, part of her right cat-ear was missing, blood trickling from it down through her blond hair across her temple and cheek, The rest of her obscured by what remained of the passenger door twisted up over her. Hali's hazel eyes looked into mine, each of us trying to discern how the other was just by sight, her pale white skin scaring me, finally grasping it was her blood soaked into her clothes, the warm sticky fluid now covering my hand as she tried to hold mine. The board lurched, Hali disappearing from my view as I was moved, feeling her plant a faint kiss on my cheek as I was turned away from her, her hand sliding from mine, my fingers trying to grasp her, wanting her to come out with me, only feeling the stone on her ring pass under my fingertips. Hands held my shoulders to the board as I was slowly pulled away from her, my head turning again, looking into her eyes, each of our lips moving with no words audible, 'I love you' transmitted almost telepathically between us. The board leveled out, the railing of a gurney now blocking my view, moving me further away from the car, still desperate to stay with my wife. As I was slowly wheeled away from the accident, I caught a glimpse of the rear driver's side door laying kinked next to the car, small blue cubes of glass reflecting the strobe light onto Suna's car seat, laying discarded next to the wreck, the harness cut off. I reached for the seat, wondering where Suna was, but my arms were being pulled against me, feeling the compression straps being tightened down to hold me to the board. Firefighters climbed into my seat while paramedics were trying to get to Hali from the back seats, the hoses from the cutting and spreading equipment snaking into my car. My head was quickly turned up, a neck brace forcing my vision skyward, the sound of Hali's last words to me still fresh in my mind, still not understanding what had happened, learning the details of the worst day of my life the next morning when I woke up again in a hospital bed, finding out I'd be raising Suna alone.

Part 1

The garage door shut behind me as I stepped into the house, another long day over with, frustrations with the servers over at Livt Primary School finally over, all thanks to a 12 hour day. I tossed my bag down in the corner of the living room, network wires snaking from the sides, an errant diagnostic CD rolling along the floor. Walking into the kitchen, seeing the fall sunset through one of the windows, I grabbed a covered plate from the fridge, leftovers from yesterday. Nuking the cold meal in the microwave, I grabbed a can of soda from the fridge and heading back to the couch, flipping on the football semifinals, the game expected to be close - just one or two goals. Sitting back and enjoying the game, I expected the doorbell to ring at any moment, but the phone next to the lamp rang instead. I picked it up, hearing my daughter greet me.

"Hi Daddy!"

"Hi you! did you have a good day at school?"

"Yes, it was fun. is it OK if I spend the night at Tala's again?" Suna had been spending 2 nights a week up at her best friend Tala's house, going the school the next day with her, the second graders in the same class as one another, Offering me a break during the week, and letting her spend time with maternal figures.

"Sure, do you have a change of clothes for tomorrow? Did Tala's mom say it was Ok?"

"Midori says I have clothes from last time, and Triela says it is Ok..."

"Ok then, have a good time dear, I'll see you tomorrow night. Love you..."

"Love you too Daddy, Bye bye!" the precocious little catgirl hung up as I clicked off the phone, tossing it on a nearby cushion on the couch. As if it was waiting for my call to end, my cell went off. Digging it out of my pocket, flipped it open, answering a call from my boss.

"Hey Newell, hows it going?"

"Good Noah, what's up?"

"Good job getting all the stuff done at LPS. Head down to Southside Primary in the morning, and we'll begin redoing the student and DNS servers there. Plus, a lot of the new network drops aren't working correctly, I'm going to send Colin over to check 'em while you're there, help him out if you have time. I'll drop you an email with the new IP's for the servers..."

"Cool... you coming down in the morning with the kids then? Suna is spending the night again..." My boss also her best friend's Father, married to Triela for the past 7 years.

"Yea, I'll be coming by in the morning, then I got to get back to the district office to get them on the same page." Noah said, being distracted by something else.

"Ok, then I'll see you with the girls tomorrow."

"Yep, see ya then..."

"See ya..." I flipped the phone closed, tossing next to the land-line. finishing up watching the game, an eight to one blowout, then heading off to bed.

The smell of coffee already filled the apartment when my alarm went off, Taryn already up and moving at six, getting ready to head off to work. The first 2 weeks of getting back in the swing of things for school always a tough one for teachers and students alike, all made worse by our recent move here to Livt. Sleepily crawling out from under the covers, I slapped the alarm clock as the snooze went off again, knocking a book off onto the floor. Letting out a big yawn, I felt the hair along my tail prickling up, seemingly having a morning routine of it's own - but luckily both of ours included a shower. I slowly got out of bed, the carpet tickling the pads on my paws, opening the small door to the bathroom, catching a glimpse of at my ears sticking up through tussled mess short wavy red hair in the mirror, disappearing for a moment as I pulled off my nightie. I threw a towel over the curtain rod and stepped into the shower, the hot water begging to steam up the confined place.. Maybe I'll be awake in 20 minutes....

Slowly buttoning up my blouse, I headed out of my room, seeking a cup of coffee, finding Taryn slipping her lab coat over her shoulders ready to leave, her short brown hair and thin build matching the stereotype of a young research scientist or lab tech, save for the brown pointy ears on the top of her head, her tail tucked under her lab coat. She was definitely the early riser this apartment of 3 catgirls from Parthel.

"Coffee's made Adara, I'm late... I'll see you tonight after work. I'm meeting you at the school, right?" Taryn asked, meeting me at the school, going out for dinner tonight with Cali and I, a cheerful little eastern catgirl who recently started working at the school as well, who I'm trying to fix Taryn up with.

"Yea, we'll see ya there around six, right?"

"Yep, I'm coming home to get changed first... Bye!" Taryn slipped out the apartment door into the cold autumn morning, headed off to her beat up little blue hatchback, off to work. Poking my nose into the kitchen, a cup of hot coffee sat waiting for me in my mug, a little post-it note with a smiley drawn on it, Taryn's initials in the corner. Headed back to the living room, I rapped on Remy's door, usually up by now at least.

"Remy! You up? you gotta get going!" Remy having a habit of sleeping in late, up playing video games or wasting away her night online til early in the morning.

"mmm... Yea I'm up now... Thanks..." Remy answered back, most of her still mind asleep. I took a draw off the cup of coffee and opened her door, finding her head peeking out of covers on one side, her short purple hair curling over her face from the sunlight beginning to creep in through the windows. I set the coffee on her nightstand on top of her closed laptop.

"Here ya go, drink up and get going, it's already seven..."

"Thaaannkks.." Remy replied through a yawn. I headed back out the door, grabbing my books and paperwork in a big bag near the door, headed off to all the munchkins waiting to see me.

"Hey Newell, you check the drops in rooms four, five and six for me? None of the new ones are showing up right..." Colin asked from behind me, hunched under a forest of blue Ethernet wires coursing from the main hub, as both of us toiled away in the network closet on the far side of the school. Spending the morning watching the blue bar advance as I reinstalled the operating systems on the new servers wasn't too entertaining.

"Sure Colin, you want to go in room sequence right?"

"yea four-a, four-b, five-a, five-b, etc. I'll switch the tester to them as you go along." motioning to the other little device, one that talks to the one I would be plugging in on the other end of the questionable wire. I headed out the door, walking around the open hallways between buildings, hearing the teachers going over the basic lessons, art projects and class assignments covering the window of each room. Stepping into room 4, Mrs. Lehto's 1st grade class, I nodded to her as the kids looked over at me, interrupting their focus. Suna had been in Mrs. Lehto's class last year, a teacher who has been at Southside primary for over 20 years, a fixture around this place. She didn't miss a beat, bringing the kids attention back up front, noting the 6 pairs of little ears perking up, a couple more cat-eared kids in a class every year, usually. I walked back and I pulled the cables out of the small white flat-panel all-in-one computers, a recent purchase to go along with the upgraded network, Southside being a wealthy charter school - educating the upper class kids with the finest equipment donations could buy. The tester revealed one by one that the installers had put all the pairs in reversed, a feat considering they're all color coded. Guess this would be the last job they did for us. I left them all unplugged, heading to the next room, finding the door locked and the lights off, unlocking it with my loaner keys, wading through the small backpacks towards the back of the room, the results the same. I flipped open my phone, calling Noah.

"Whats up Newell?"

"Looks like the drop guys screwed up all the connections - all the pairs are reversed. we're going to have to get another crew to come out here are and repunch all the drops. "

"You're kidding me! Shit.. Well... I'll have Laria call around and find another company to get over there tomorrow and do network drops. Get the servers all ready so when the wires are fixed, it's all good to go."

"Ok man, I will. I'll call ya if anything else comes up."

"Cool, talk to ya later..." Noah hung up, sounding like he was having a problem of his own up at the district. I headed off to room six, making sure they were all bad. Stepping into the room, A new face greeted me, one of the new hires for this year, my room chart saying it was Ms. Morsella's room. She was walking the kids through their final tasks before going to lunch, the young red headed catgirl walked through the room, her long black skirt and white blouse making her hair stick out even more, a matching long red tail following her around. Her Attire and demeanor with the kids contradicting her probable age, guessing in her mid twenties, just out of college. Letting students go out the door after they sat still and waited to be dismissed, I slipped in and headed over to the computers, checking the wires as the group of noisy 4th graders headed down the hallway.

"Still not working, huh?" she said from behind me, addressing the unused little flat panels.

"Yea, but they'll be up on monday, we're going to get the wiring fixed..."

"Good, I wanted to start getting the kids on them for the reading programs..." She quipped, looking over my shoulder at the little box blinking the lights in alternating patterns. I unclipped the little tester from the final wire, turning and looking at her walking around the room, straightening the chairs.

"So how do you like teaching here Ms. Morsella? My daughter goes here, she's next you you in room 7, Mr. Tallman's class... The couple kids in my company go here..."

"Oh Really? Call me Adara. And you are?" she asked politely.

"Newell, I work with the school district to keep the computers running."

Well Newell, It's been hectic, but the first month usually is... It's great finally teaching in a nice place. I went to school in Parthel, but the schools up there are horrible compared to here..."

"Yea, I spent some time up there too... it's where Suna, my daughter was born. We moved down here about 7 years ago, much nicer." Adara smiling at the mention of Suna.

"Oh, you're Suna's dad... I see her with Tala all the time, she's in my class in the afternoons, and they're inseparable."

"Yea, it helps when your boss' kid is friends with yours... that and Midori helps look after Suna when I'm not home..." Assuming she knows who picks them both up in the afternoon.

"Well, it looks like she's doing fine with just dad around..." Adara smirked at me, Smiling as she turned around, picking her mug off the desk. "Well, it's lunch time, you want to go get some food?"

"Sure, I could use some coffee too..." I said, motioning to her coffee cup. Both of us left and headed down the hallway, a call telling Colin I wouldn't be back there for a while.

"Well this was fun Newell, you want to come along with me and my friends tonight to dinner? I'm hooking two of my friends up, and I'd enjoy some company too... " Adara queried, grinning back across the table in the staff room, sipping the last of the coffee from her mug. Spending the last 30 minutes talking to Adara about her time here in Livt, our shared experiences of living in Parthel, as well as out horror stories working for the school district was more enjoyable than I imagined, dinner sounding like a great time out, the first in quite a while...

"Sure that sounds great... let me call and get Suna taken care of...."I pulled out my phone, speed-dialing Midori. she answered on the second ring.

"Hey Newell, what's up -myu?"

"Something came up this evening, I was wondering if you could keep Suna there this evening?"

"Sure, shouldn't be an issue. Everything going OK -myu?" Midori worried that something bad was happening.

"Yep, everything's great, I'll talk to ya about it tomorrow. I'll tell Suna while I'm here at the school. Thanks again..."

"No Prob.. Have a good tiiimmme-Myu.." Midori teased me, realizing what I was setting up, clicking off the phone.

Adara got up from the table, rinsing out her cup in the small sink, as I got up, tossing my paper cup in the trash.

"So it's set then, I'll see you tonight at dinner? be here at the school at 6, ok?" Adara asked, elbowing me a bit as I put my phone away.

"Yea, I'll see ya here tonight..." I replied, as we headed out of the staff break room.

"Ok, see ya then..." Adara turned and walked down the hallway towards her room, tail swishing in her wake.

I pulled into the staff parking lot, parking off to one side, returning to the school after leaving in the afternoon after I finished up with Colin, Briefly telling Midori what was going on, pretty sure I wouldn't hear the end of it from either her or Triela, both of them bugging me to get back onto the dating scene and stop spending my nights in front of a screen or on the couch. The amber flood lights dotted the small parking lot, everything a color of yellow or black, seeing a couple other women standing under one of the floods near the main entrance.

"Hey Newell!" Adara yelled to me, her voice giving her away, as I approached the two of them.

"Evening Adara, thanks for letting me tag along with ya..." stepping up and greeting the pair.

"No Prob Newell... This is Cali, she works here at the school, an assistant."

"Nice to meet you Newell."

"Nice to meet you as well Cali", noting her lack of paws, wearing a pair of heels, in contrast to Adara's black furry paws on the ground. The eastern catgirl was dressed in long black skirt with a grey sweater, doing it's best to hide how well endowed she was, with a long black jacket over it all. The darker colors contrasted with her bright yellow hair, the long curling strands looking like big yellow springs coming off of her head, draping down over her shoulders, the tips of her ears barely visible.

"So how do you know Adara? I was hired with her this summer to work here at the school."

"I actually just met Adara this morning here at the school," looking over at her, " I work for a small company that does tech work for the school, keeping the computers working. We've been working with the district for about 3 years now..." Pausing as another car entered into the parking lot. "Is that the other person?" looking at Adara.

"Yep, Taryn's here." Watching a small blue car park over next to mine, a tall thin catgirl get out wearing brown pants and jacket over a dark pink shirt, the brown complimenting her short brown hair and ears. She headed towards us, waving hello.

"Hey Taryn, this is Newell, he'll be joining us tonight..." Nodding towards me " Cali, this is my friend Taryn. Taryn, Cali." just realizing that Adara was fixing up two of her girlfriends with one another, not thinking of the possibility.

"Nice to meet you Taryn." Cali said with a smile, leaning and giving her a friendly hug.

"Well, lets get going gang..." Adara called, already walking over to her small little silver car, the other two turning and following, jumping into the back seats.

This should be an interesting night....

"No really, it took him 6 months for her to even talk to him again!" taking a sip of the soda in front of me.

"Really?" Adara said while laughing, "Damn that's funny!" Reaching and setting down her wine glass, pulling her fingers through the edge of her hair, looking over at Cali and Taryn, Cali whispering something in Taryn's ear, both of the buzzed catgirls giggling with the shared joke. The two of them spent the last hour or so talking and drinking most of the bottle of wine the three ordered, leaving Adara and I talking with each other, hearing stories about the three of the girls going to college in downtown Parthel, when I was spending most of my time in the northern burbs, never seeming to have a common place in the large city. Adara was engaging, and nice enough to laugh at my good and bad jokes, the two of us finally sitting down and talking, the first time sitting and talking with someone else for me in quite some time, the idea of being out on a 'date' was something that I hasn't crossed my mind in years. I drank down the last of my drink, I glanced over at the other two, Taryn's face disappeared behind Cali's long curls as as she whispered something else in her ear, or so I thought, as Taryn's tail briefly flitted over the edge of the table as Cali kissed her neck, slowly pulling away with a wide grin on her face, Taryn looking over at Adara, ears twitching.

"Hey, umm. I think the two of us are ready to go..." her cheeks a little red, a little of Cali's lipstick on one side.

"I guess so... I see you two had a good dinner..." Adara said with a grin as she reached for her purse, my credit card getting to the small tray quicker.

"No Need, I got It Adara..." as she realized I got the tables tab.

"Thanks Newell, that's sweet of you..." all of us scooting out of the booth, getting up to leave, the night wrapping up. Heading out to Adara's car, Cali was leaning on Taryn's shoulder, walking behind Adara and I, as we occasionally bumped shoulders.

I made the turn into the school's deserted parking lot, the three other cars sticking out, lucky that SPS doesn't close off the outer lot at night. A quick glance in the rear view mirror revealed Taryn and Cali were still kissing one another between smiles and fits of giggling, the bottle of wine doing it's job, bringing out a rarely seen side of Taryn. Newell was digging his car keys from his pocket, Pulling up near his car.

"Thanks for the good time tonight Adara, It was fun... I'll bump into you tomorrow..."

"I look forward to it, Newell.." pausing, leaning over and pecking a kiss on his cheek, a small thank you for the fun evening, making him blush a little. after a moment, he turned and looked at the two in the back.

"You two behave now..." he said teasingly both of them saying bye between kisses.

"See ya tomorrow Newell!" I yelled as he closed the door.

"Adara, I don't think Cali should be driving... can you just take us back to the apartment?"

I looked back over my shoulder, Taryn's head leaning against Cali's as she leaned on Taryn's shoulder.

"Just try not to keep me or Remy up half the night, Okay?" Taryn nodded, as I turned and waved to Newell getting into his car, speeding off towards the apartment.

"Good night you two..." Adara smiled at us as I shut the door to my room, feeling Cali's hands stretching around my waist, pulling me close to her, an errant blonde curl coming over my shoulder. She tugged at me, slowly pulling me back over towards the bed, feeling her missteps as she kicked off her heels, landing next to her jacket draped over my desk chair. Slowly sitting down on the bed, Cali pulled on my shoulders, laying my down on the bed, curls dangling down on my face as she leaned in, kissing my forehead, the dense curls blocking out the light from my 2 lamps briefly.

"I've had a good night tonight, Taryn" Cali whispered in my ear

"me too, it's been a while since I've been out on a date..." Thinking back to my last girlfriend over a year ago. Sitting up next to me, Cali's hands slowly traced down the outside of my jeans, stopping at the cuff.

"I've been looking at your paws all evening..." Cali remarked as she ran her fingers through the fine soft dark brown fur covering my odd ankle, feeling her way along the top of my paw, fingers slowly slipping in between my pads. I stretched and extended my claws, the muscles contracting and trapping her fingers between my pads, her other hand tapping on the hardened claws, the tips filed a little blunt to avoid catching on things, always growing sharp again over time. I relaxed and released her fingers as Cali ran her nails between my paw's digits, a small amount of pressure manually extending a claw in and out, something most people new to Cat-people's paws find so intriguing.

"I've never felt paws before..." Cali remarked, confirming what I thought, tracing her fingers over my bottom pads feeling the rough calluses on them, brushing off dust trapped in the surrounding fur, dirty from walking around all day. I reached up, patting her back, softly running my fingers through the long tussled curls on her shoulders, her soft blonde tail softly twitching as I ran my fingers down her back, a long while since someone has shown this much interest in me, let alone my paws.

"So you've never been with another catgirl before?"

"Umm.. A couple other eastern Girls like me, but no furry girls..." Cali's small fingers slowly ran through the fur on my paws, tracing up my legs over my jeans, turning and facing me once again, her hands stopping at the waist of my jeans. Her eyes locked into mine as my hands reached up around her sides, tracing up over her chest to her shoulders, one finding it's place at her neck, softly scratching her neck up by her ear next to the small little purple marks I left there earlier. My gaze still lingered back at her chest, the short blonde little catgirl endowed with a very large set, probably a double D, a far cry from my B cups.

"They always get lots of attention..." Cali noted, seeing that I was staring at her breasts, her hands tugging at my sweater around my waist.

"Can I see how far up your leg fur goes?" Cali asked, looking up to see her grinning, one of her incisors biting her lip, rolling down on the bed next to me, laying on her side, looking over at me, her toes running through the fur between my pads as she pulled me tighter and kissed me, both us taking turns leaving little marks all over one another. My hands moved down from her neck over her chest briefly cupping the pair, sliding down, tugging on the grey turtleneck , a little of her tummy peeking through.

"I'll trade ya... My jeans for your turtleneck..." I softly said, probably blushing as much as I was in the restaurant, as I rolled on my back, slowly moving and unbuttoned my jeans, Arching my back to slip my jeans off, pulling slowly to make sure my tail escaped. I kicked my jeans onto the floor as Cali sat up pulled off her turtleneck, revealing the white bra she was wearing underneath, my hands tracing up her warm tanned tummy to the side of one of the cups as she cautiously pulled the turtleneck over her head, the curls avalanching back down around her shoulders as she pulled it off. Cali leaned over looked down down at me, her chest near my face, letting me plant a couple kisses on her cleavage, hands sliding up over her shoulders, slipping off the straps, still managing to stay on. As my hands protested her to stay, Cali sat up, sliding down me to my paws, hands tracing up the fur that extended up just past my knees, sliding up to my waist, fingers lipping under the waistband of my panties up under my sweater, tugging at the pink pair I was wearing that day. She left them on, pulling her hands back down my legs around my paws, standing up at the foot of the bed, unzipping and dropping her long black skirt on the floor, her simple white garters and panties now in view, holding up her black stockings, her blonde tail wrapping around her waist. leaning up and crawling up over me, hands slipping around my waist, pulling my sweater up, letting her pull it up and over my head, feeling her thin, tickling curls advancing up over my stomach and chest, a couple soft bites on my nipple, feeling cali's warm cheek on my chest as she squirmed and finished pulling my sweater off over my head, a kiss greeting my lips as it slid over my face, feeling the warm weight of cali's chest pressed into mine, her bra joining my sweater on the growing heap of clothes at the foot of the bed. Cali rolled to her side, as i enjoyed her pulling me close, feeling her calves slide along my fur. I reached down, unclasping the the 2 little hooks holding up one of her stockings, a carefully placed claw tugging on the toe, pulling it off slowly, cali wiggling her leg out of it, my other leg wrapping over the other, watching her smile broaden as my leg fur glided over her skin.

"Your fur feels wonderful -myo" Cali murmured, looking surprised as she finished her sentence, her suffix finally slipping out. I kissed her nose, hearing her explanation as she pulled away. "I managed to train myself to get rid of my suffix, but it still comes out when I'm aroused...." she said sheepishly, feeling her hands start to go around my waist, one venturing down between my legs, softly stroking my panties. "Let's see what noises you make" She said with a smirk on her face. I reached around her arm, fingers feeling out the patterned lace of her panties, our legs shifting to let each others hands move freely, as I found her warm moist spot, each of us slowly massaging one another, watching each others face turn flush, as i felt Cali's chest press against me a little harder as her breathing got heavier, barely able to keep my eyes on her as my muscles began to contract a bit as her fingers pushed aside my undies and slowly pushed into me, mine following her lead, hoping she was enjoying it as much as I was as we both fingered one another. Cali's purring began to match my own, the soft vibration in my throat making hard to hear her, as I leaned down and kissed her chest, Cali's first soft "mmmyyyooo" escaping, quietly moaning her suffix, as I felt her kiss the top of my head, my legs moving a bit, the fur tickling her legs, making her -myo a bit more, enjoying the new tactile sensation, her rhythm slowing a bit as she got lost in the sensations. I flicked my tail over my leg, meandering it between her legs, wrapping it around her upper leg, slowly pulling it back and rewrapping it, As she her softer moans became louder, her blonde curls bouncing a bit as her breathing became heavier and heavier, her legs clamping down around my hand and tail as she came, her legs slowly relaxing, A contented grin appearing on her face.

"I didn't know you could do that with a tail... Mine's too short for that..." Cali whispered, moving to continue on with me.

"Nice being with a furry girl, isn't it?" I said, flinging my tail up and over her waist as she scooted down, her face in my chest, softly sucking on my breast, her fingers renewing their efforts, the mental image of Cali coming was still more arousing than her fingers. Her efforts were quickly rewarded, moaning as I curled up against her, feeling the wonderful sensations pulse through me, pulling her tightly against me, slowly letting go as is it ebbed away, Cali's hand retreating from between my legs, reaching and pulling herself up to my eye level, giving her another thank-you kiss. Cali softly turned over, letting me reach around the smaller catgirl, her tail softly twitching against my legs as I reached around her, pulling her tight, getting a chance to softly grasp her chest, kissing the top of her head. I felt her tail twitch a little faster, her feet moving and sliding along my furry shins, toes slipping between a couple of my pads, as she turned and looked up over her shoulder at me.

"Umm.. Taryn..." she said slowly, her big toe slipping around one of my claws, "Do you think you can show me that tail trick again?" a grin appearing on her face. I softly kissed her cheek, giving her chest a small squeeze.

"How bout I show ya a better one?" her grin giving way to a wide smile as I rolled over, showing her a few new things to look forward to again next time.

I poured coffee into 3 mugs, drizzling the sugar and hot chocolate mix liberally in all the mugs, stirring all of them with the same spoon, setting it down in the middle of the mess as I grabbed the 2 extra cups and headed over to Taryn's door. I opened the door, finding a big heap of blankets on the bed, a black and blonde tail sticking out of either side, pieces of clothing strewn about all over the floor. Both of them were still asleep, a faint purring coming from the center of the blankets. I tugged on one tail then the other, the blankets shifting, a mass of tussled, messy curls popping out first, Cali's face appearing from it.

"Good morning Adara..." Cali said sleepily, an idea popping into her head as her eyes went wide, ducking back under the covers, a violent shake and giggling erupted, as Taryn's head popped out the other side looking in my direction.

"Yess mom?" Taryn asked sarcastically, still wound up somehow.

"I brought you guys coffee, you guys better get ready for work... " Cali stuck her head back out.

"Can I get a ride to work Adara?"

"Sure, but you have 20 minutes...." checking the time against my watch "It's already 7:30..."

"Oh Shit!" Taryn's ears perked up, hopping up from under the covers, jumping quickly into her bathroom wearing just her tail, about a half hour late for work.

"Wait up!" Cali yelled, throwing back the covers and bounding in after Taryn, still wearing a stocking from the night before.

I set their mugs down next to the bathroom door, picking the errant garments off the floor, laying out cali's so she'd have something to wear to work.

Both of us ended up arriving at school a little late, taking forever to get those 2 out of the bathroom. As I pulled into the school, Newell's car was in the far lot. Today's going to be a good day.
