The Door

I walk by the large door again; this time, stopping to stare at it. it's a large sullen looking stone frame enveloped the heavy iron door.

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dragon gate

Inside was dragon city this door could only be opened by a human and dragon working together to open the twin doors.

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Trapped In The Doggy Door - Exclusive Teaser

With a sigh, rubbing the back of her neck with a fingerless-gloved paw, the husky stepped back from the door.

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Praenomen & Painted Door

Praenomen & painted door * * * hell heeds for the child, who, by manners, seemed most mild, when compared to by the lot, or else be singled out and shot.

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This story took its inspiration from a story of wolphin, also about an unusual door-to-door salesman.

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Hoshi loves Oka

A very short story about a teenager named hoshi and his girlfriend named oka a teenager walked through the wooden door; he stood there, wearing black jeans and a black t-shirt.

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Why I haven't uploaded in ages 1-1

You yank the door open revealing a wooden staircase. it doesn't go up far, and there's no other way to go any who. the stairs creak under your weight, not because your heavy, but because of age. finally you come to another door.

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Door to Door

"i saw you going up and down the street, door to door. figured you'd swing by here eventually. sorry to disappoint you, kid, but i'm not interested." "oh, uh, i see," fernald mumbled. his smile faltered slightly.

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Door to Door

Naturally a door to door salesman was in the sun a lot. croix's mouth watered, his lip twitching. he stared dumbfounded, conflicted whether or not to go for it.

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Door to Door

He was a door to door salesman. rob was given a list of addresses each day and he spoke to the owner of the home at each address... no matter what.

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Anthera Chapter 3 "The Hidden World"

They stopped near the biggest tree in the forest, he watched as she bent down and grabbed, what looked like a handle of a hidden door. she pulled as he watched the door open up, nothing but a flight of stairs and darkness below.

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Sarah unlocked and opened her front door. "come on inside." she said, nodding inward. i shrugged to myself. sure, why not? i stepped across the threshold and kicked off my shoes. she followed my lead.

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