All Hallow's Eve: Becoming Yourself

Story by Vincent Wolfe on SoFurry

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All characters belong to korrado-xan and are from his story series All Hallow's Eve. This story however, was written by me. Please support the original creator.

Tio knew how to keep a steady rhythm. The large brown wolf counted each time the headboard smacked the wall to a perfect 4/4 measure as his muscular hips collided with Nicky's tight rump. Each thrust, was met by the black feline's counter thrust, the panting hard and eager and yet, the timing was perfect. There was no deviation, just a steady beat.

Nicky arched against the wolf like clockwork, mewling as he began to grind back with each counter thrust. Tio knew that was the sign and as he pressed his ample frame over the lithe male the pace quickened. Each thrust was a short, yet powerful jerk deep within the recesses of the feline as he growled over him. The Wolf's silver eyes closed slightly as his hips unmercifully pounded away at the warm black kitty flesh below him; his hands now clutching tugging in the feline's pecks firmly knowing that he'd leave his mark there and that the cat wouldn't care.

As he squeezed and tugged on Nicky's chest, the wolf could feel the black cat's ass squeeze and release in time with his thrusts egging him on, begging for his release. Tio growled in Nicky's ear and as the cat nodded. Tio pulled his hips back, leaving just the tip in and slammed the ruler long length home hard and fast. Nicky yowled. Tio growled. A few minutes later they came. It was all very routine.

The big brown wolf rolled off of his partner and slowly pulled him over to his side, holding him gently, as he stared up at the cobwebs on the ceiling. His gaze slowly drifted around the room. It was a messy room and not just from their tryst. The fact of the matter was that while Nicky wasn't much of a housekeeper and tended to let things drop as he wandered through the clothes strewn floor and poster plastered walls that comprised the room. The mess had not been truly off putting; however, at some point he'd figured that maybe the feline would pick up once in a while.

Tio's gaze drifted over to the digital alarm that read 2:40 PM. He sighed quietly to himself as he remembered the job interview he had over at the Puritan's Pot, a coffee house located on Proctor. If traffic wasn't too bad he might be able to get there in forty five minutes. He continued to stare at the clock until a black paw waved in front of his face, "Hello! Earth to Tio!"

Tio blinked, "What?"

"I asked why you didn't transform or use the knot this time."

"Oh. I'm sorry. I guess I was just thinking about something was all."

Nicky slowly slid his long lithe form over the wolf his red spiky hair bobbing a bit, "During sex?"

Tio blinked a bit realizing what he'd said as he put his hands on the cat's hips, "I have a job interview at 5 for hopefully some weekend shifts over at that coffee place on Tremont. You know it would take a while for me to shift, knot you and calm down enough to pull out, shift down, shower and get dressed."

"Oh, whatever," muttered Nicky, "You don't need some job serving coffee."

"Well, money'd be nice."

Nicky slowly rolled off of him. The skinny black framed feline moved effortlessly through the debris as he made his way to the desk that was buried under a different pile of clothing. "That's not it. You've been like this for weeks now," he said a bit louder, "What's really on your mind Talbot-bait?"

"Nothing. Weren't we supposed to go over your SAT prep and all?"

Nicky rolled his eyes, "SAT prep is one of the biggest wastes of time next to a current events class and keyboarding. Good lord wolf; don't make me pry it out of you."

Tio could feel his heart start to pound as he looked down a bit sheepishly, "Well, I mean," he began as he sat up in bed, his silver eyes shifting back and forth looking for the best way to put what he wanted to say, finally settling on, "Well, this is all we pretty much do."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean," said Tio straightening up, "You call me up and invite me over for, whatever it may be. This time it was SAT prep stuff, before that it was Expendables 2 and somewhere in between it was a whole bunch of other stuff from X-box to just being horny."


"What do you mean and?"

"You're bored."

"Well," Tio looked bashful, "I just want to occasionally do something else you know?"

Nicky tilted his head and grinned in disappointment. His gaze frosted over as the air grew heavy. For someone with no magical ability and no supernatural powers, Nicky certainly had the skill to make the werewolf sit on edge. After what seemed like an eternity Nicky finally spoke, "Am I your boyfriend?"

Tio blinked unsure of what to make of the question, "What?"

"It's a simple question big guy. Am I your boyfriend? Are we dating," the black cat arched his eyebrow, "Am I wearing your promise ring or some sort of sports pin?"

"Um, no."

Nicky nodded, "That's right," he cleared his throat, "You're not. You are under no obligation to be here."

Tio blinked as Nicky continued, "When my brother gained his magical talisman thing, I wanted to meet 'monsters'. I wanted to be fucked by a werewolf. I guess I was curious and let me tell you big guy you fill the bill wonderfully."

Tio didn't know whether to be insulted or relieved or what. He started to ask what was going on and Nicky raised a hand, "No Tio. I'm going to make this clear. You are friendly and I like you enough to screw around with you. Frankly, when you're in full on werewolf mode nobody is better than you, and I've been double penetrated. But, all I want from you really is that knot and cock that you could club a baby seal with."

Tio issued a low fuming rumble as he spoke, "That's the only reason?"

"Well, like I said, you're friendly and we are friends and all," said the black cat his tail swishing agitatedly behind him, "I go to school and I have SATs and bullies to deal with and all that happy crap."

"Evan and I already took care of them. You haven't been picked on in a year!"

"Details. Details. The point is, I like sex. I love having someone over me and I especially like having you over me but," he said as his gaze caught fire with a not so well hidden frustrated rage, "I love being pounded hard and long. If you can't give me that then, "He paused again jerking his head back to the computer monitor, "Get your shit and go to your job interview if I'm so boring."

Tio growled louder, "Jesus, I should have just kept my mouth shut. Fine, you want me to leave," he shouted dressing, "That's fine by me. I don't need this garbage."

Nicky didn't say anything and just continued to stare at the monitor, but as soon as Tio slammed the door he was convinced he could hear a sob coming from the bedroom. Tio muttered to himself as he walked down the stairs then down the hallway and down yet another flight of stairs to the well-appointed living room where his shoes awaited him.

As he tied his shoes Tio could hear the door unlocking. The door opened revealing Nicky's mother. "Why Tio, leaving so soon? I thought that you and Nickolas were studying for the SATs," she inquired.

"Hello Ms. Cannaught. Yes, I am it's..." he sighed, his frustration showing, "I have a job interview at five so I'm going to go."

"Cassandra, dear. Where at?"

"The Puritan's Pot. It's on Proctor. "

"But," started Cassandra looking over his shoulder at the clock, "You don't have a car how are you going to get to it?"

"Well, I guess I hadn't thought about it."

Cassandra sighed as she tilted her head upward as some rather loud emo music started echoing through the ceiling. "Come on let's go. I'll drive you down. "


"You can tell me why you're huffy and why I'm almost certain my son is going to be moping around the house for the next week or so."

Tio blinked as Cassandra grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him to her British racing green Jaguar. As she walked around the car Tio couldn't help but notice, as he often did, her dangerous curves. She could have been a model if she weren't a lawyer. "They've been finishing up some late road work down there, so we have to hurry. "

"Yes Ms. Cannaught," he said climbing into the Jag.

Cassandra began to raise the top noting that there was a nip in the air as they pulled out of the drive way and headed down the road. As she drove she reached into her purse, pulled out a Slim, placed it in her mouth and lit it quickly. She inhaled the cigarette holding the smoke in her lungs just a bit before exhaling. Tio watched in minor amazement at how she managed to do all of that with one hand while the other held onto the steering wheel. "So, what did you two fight about," she asked as she pulled up to a red light.

Tio coughed, having been put on the spot, "Well, I mean how much do you know about Nickolas and I?"

Cassandra looked over at him and gave him a knowingly predatory smirk. Her clear blue eyes stared deeply back into his forcing him to look away. "I know enough Tio. I've just been good at playing dumb. "

Tio felt a fire run through his ears and face. There was something about the way she had said what she'd said that made him feel like he'd been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. "Well then, you know what we do. Right?"

She took another puff in her cigarette and honked the horn at the driver in front of her, "You two get it on more often than not. Well, that is if the moaning and thumping is to be believed."


"Don't be too embarrassed Tio," she said as she put the car in drive, "So, what was it about?"

Tio explained it all to her. She listened attentively but, kept her focus on the road and he looked out the window watching that various homes and businesses pass by his window. Finally, he stopped and there was a short pause; Tio looked over at her not quite sure if what he'd said had had any impact.

They pulled to another red light and it was then she said, "Just after sex?"

Tio blushed and looked down, "Yeah."

Cassandra chewed on briefly on her lower lip and then gave him a sidelong glance, "You're not someone who understands that thing we call timing are you?"

"Well, I didn't mean for it to come up. It just did."

"Yes, that it did," She put out the rest of her cigarette and looked squarely at him, "If it makes you feel any better, Nicky is terrible when he doesn't get his way."

"Yeah, I know."

Cassandra sighed, "He gets that from his father along with some of his other quirks as well. It can make him very engaging but, sort of a pain in the neck too."

Tio didn't know what to say to that and uttered a noncommittal grunt. Cassandra continued, "However, unlike my husband deep down Nickolas has a good heart. He's just not mature enough yet to understand that things don't always stay the same. Sometimes, you can't always get your way if you want to keep things moving forward."

"Lose the battle win the war?"

"Exactly," she said with a slight smile, "Give him some time. He'll come around eventually but, you need to be less available too and put forth some conditions, make him meet you some place and all. Force him to, dare I say, work for it."

Tio blinked, "So, what's going to happen?" "Well, I'll probably have to listen to that God awful whiney garbage music for a while. Then, like I said he'll mope about for a bit and I'll listen to that as well. He may even throw out a 'You don't understand' or two in my direction. Believe me, there will be plenty to do on my end. Don't worry it will all sort itself out."

At that moment Cassandra made an illegal U-turn and floored it sending Tio into the passenger side door. He looked at her as if she'd suddenly gone mad as she pulled into Sun Briar Mall. "Tio, you can't possibly hope to hold a job at that coffee shop. It's too far away. However, I have it on good authority that several of the stores here are hiring. I was going to suggest something to my boys for some extra spending cash but, I figure since you're in my car I'll give you first dibs on finding something."

"Okay," panted the wolf, "Thanks for the ride. "

She nodded, "Will you need me to pick you up?"

"No, no. I think I can get hold of one of my brothers."

Cassandra nodded reaching into her purse and pulled out a business card. She handed it to him, "That has my cell number on it so, if you can't get a hold of them do get ahold of me?"

"I will thanks," said Tio getting out of the car.

It was the same response in each store. "I'm sorry sir but, we only take applications online." It was a phrase that had begun to agitate the teen more and more. He didn't have a computer. He really hadn't needed one and had managed just fine without it 'til now. Tio continued to wander through the mall. It wasn't particularly crowded, which was unusual for a Saturday. Still, the werewolf continued to let his mind wander as he passed by a Gamestop and found himself looking through the window of a pet store. As he looked at the display of guinea pigs he thought that he heard someone calling his name. Glancing about the werewolf caught sight of someone he hadn't really seen in a long time. "Hey Tio," said a young raccoon walking up to him.

"Talia," exclaimed the werewolf taken aback, "It's been forever. "

The werewolf looked over the young raccoon. She'd lost weight since the last time he'd seen her. While she wasn't exactly thin, she did curve nicely. Her hair was now straight too, her bangs occasionally falling into her big brown eyes. Tio smirked a bit, "You look good."

"Thanks. So, what are you doing here?"

"Eh, looking for a job. I mean, I've got a little cash hidden beneath my mattress but it would be nice to get cash on a regular basis and not just on say a birthday or a yard sale or something."

"Well," said Talia brightly, "I hope you find what you're looking for."

"Thanks. It's kind of rough though, most places require that I apply online and it's not like I have a computer."

"Why don't you use Nick's?"

Tio offered a pained smile, "We sort of had a fight earlier today and I don't think I'll be over there too often anymore."

Talia frowned a little, "Well that's a shame. You know, if you happen to be in the neighborhood you could use mine."


"Sure what are friends for!"

Tio blinked a bit. Friends? Granted he had seen her a few times but it was mostly in a group setting with a lot of other folks like Nicky and Kyle. The one time they had seen one another alone it was at the Halloween dance the previous year. At that time they'd gotten up close and personal when it came to "examining" the accuracy of each other's costumes. Even after that neither one of them had really spoken all that much, something he'd always kind of regretted. "Well, thanks Talia. That would be a real help! So, why are you here?"

"Oh I'm here to pick up Stevie."


"Oh, this guy I'm dating."

"Ah. Is he nice?"

She shrugged a bit, "He's okay I guess."

"Just okay?"

Talia cocked her head and nodded. Tio sighed a bit and asked if she had a pen which she promptly produced from her hand bag. The werewolf disappeared into the pet store and came out with a long piece of register tape. By the time he came out of the store Tio had noticed that a squirrel in overly baggy clothing had sidled up next to Talia and was talking agitatedly but quietly to her.

Tio brushed by him causing Talia to respond, "Tio this is Stevie. Stevie this is Tio, a friend."

"S'up busta why you steppin' on me?"

Tio smirked at the undersized squirrel with the silly way of speaking and thin facial hair. "Nice to meet you," he said before turning to Talia, "If you ever need help on that calculus just give me a call. Oh, and you said I can borrow your computer so if you could give me your number that would be cool."

"Don't ignore me!"

"It's okay Stevie," she said nervously writing out her number, "Here, I'll see you around okay?"

"Yeah," said the wolf stepping back, "thanks."

"You better step," called Stevie, "Tal is mine! You hear me? Mine!"

It was only 7:30 but, it was already dark when he got home and flopped down on his bed. The day's events swirled in his mind as he stared up at the ceiling. Why were these so called "normal" teens so weird? Nicky had said he just wanted sex. Talia is dating a guy that Tio was convinced was more than a little retarded and somewhere in the mix of all of it he'd blown off one interview for the promise of more applications. It hadn't been that great of a day and yet, when he looked at the phone number he'd gotten from Talia he couldn't help but smile a little.

There was a knock on his bedroom door and Tio sat up, "Yeah."

Jaken, one of Tio's older brothers opened the door, "Hey runt, don't you ever clean this room?"

"It is clean. The only things on the floor are my shoes," muttered Tio to his even larger, black pelted older brother.

Jaken cocked his head in concern, "Are you okay?"

"I'm just confused is all."

"What about?"

"I really don't want to go into it right now."

Jaken nodded, "Okay. Well, I just thought I'd let you know that we have chicken."

"Thanks," Tio nodded but then looked over at his brother, "Is Thom going to be on TV tomorrow?"

Jaken shrugged, "Probably not. University of Massachusetts doesn't tend to have their games on TV."


"Are you sure you don't want to talk?"

Tio sat up, "Well, what the hell is wrong with everyone I know?"

"They're teenagers," chuckled Jaken, "Just like you."

Tio rolled his eyes as Jaken continued, "Look, as you get older, go through some school, take on some responsibilities and jobs and all you start to learn what really matters. Frankly, if you're asking this question you may be a bit ahead of the curve."

"I guess."

"Just do what you know in your gut is right. If you follow that you'll be okay."

"Yeah. Thanks bro."

"No problem. Now quit being a pussy and come get some chicken," said Jaken yanking him up and taking him down to dinner.

It had been a tough two weeks for Tio. Nicky hadn't called in that time; it was something he would have done at least six or seven times by now. On top of that, everyone who knew Nicky had become quieter around him as well. The conversations tended to the short side of things and while it made sense that Kyle or Evan wouldn't want to talk as much it still didn't make it easier.

Tio flipped through the channels as he searched for something to watch when the phone rang. After about three jangles on the old rotary phone Tio answered. At first he couldn't make out who was calling but after a minute he realized it was Talia.

"Talia? What's wrong? Where are you?"

As Tio deciphered what the panicked Talia was saying he could feel an intense rage growing within his chest. It took every fiber of his being not to growl over the phone and when he hung up his gut was telling him what he needed to do.

"Bro I need your car!"

Jaken who had been sleeping awoke with a start, "What? What's going on I have work in the morning."

"Jaken seriously, I need it."

"You don't even have your license yet."

"It's important Jaken," growled Tio, "Talia got beat up."

"Who," started Jaken but, stopped and grabbed his keys off the bedside table, "Don't wreck the car okay and if you get in trouble get back here quick."

"Right, thanks," shouted Tio as he ran out of the house.

Tio made it to McAultry Park in record time and other than scaring a lot of the smaller wildlife in the area hadn't managed to wreck the Wrangler. Tio jumped out of the car and ran full speed to the deflated and sobbing raccoon who sat on the edge of the park.

"What happened? Are you okay," asked Tio in rapid fire, "Did he rape you?"

Talia shook her head and began talking. Apparently, even though they had been dating, she hadn't wanted to actually do anything with Stevie outside of some making out. When she wouldn't put out; Stevie lashed out striking her repeatedly and cursing her before taking off back to a friend's house near the park.

Tio didn't growl. The werewolf didn't say anything about what had happened and just took his jacket off putting it about the mud covered raccoon before helping her up into the Wrangler. He stared out the windshield for a bit before finally asking, "Where's this friend live?"

Five minutes of slowly driving up and down the street led Tio to the house. Considering the cars in the driveway and the guys out front, it was obvious that it was one of those, a bunch of guys get together and get drunk parties. Tio parked the car and scanned the guys out front as Talia looked at him. He could tell she wanted to say something yet remained quiet just the same. After about three minutes Stevie exited the front door, as he did, Tio got out of the Wrangler and began crossing the street.

"The fuck! Who... it's that faggot who stepped up on me," shouted Stevie as some of his friends gathered about him.

"We got your back," said an equally unimpressive lapin.

Stevie smirked, "You heard that you swolle' up little bitch? There's five of us and I know that bitch is in the car. You can take that dumb cunt the fuck out of...."

The last word never crossed his lips as in mid stride Tio transformed into his full on werewolf form. The massive wolf had practically destroyed his clothing in the process. With a quick right swipe of his claw, he shattered the jaw of the mouthy squirrel leaving only a gurgling sound in its place. His friends backed away quickly, as Tio smacked the other side of his jaw shattering the left side as well.

He growled and picked him up holding him a good ten feet off of the ground and looked at Stevie's friends with a fiery scorn that rivaled Hell's own inferno. Tio never said a word but the message was clear; and judging by the smell the emanated from Stevie's friends, they understood it.

Tio tossed Stevie into the driveway. With the sound he made as he hit the concrete he was certain that at least a couple of more bones had broken. By the time he'd crossed back to the Wrangler he had to hold his pants up with one hand. As he looked in at Talia she seemed dazed by what had just happened, yet all the werewolf would say was, "You can do better than him you know."

The drive back to her place was mostly silent. When they pulled into her driveway she looked over to him, "You... can spend the night. I mean, that is if you want."

Tio chuckled a bit, "Talia, I have no clothes."

"That's okay."

He shook his head, "No. It's not you but, you do need to sort some stuff out okay? You've gotta figure out what and who's important." He looked at her as she looked down somewhat disappointed, "I'm a phone call away okay?"

She nodded and then kissed his cheek before getting out of the car, "Thank you for being here for me."


By the time Tio got home Jaken was waiting in the doorway holding a large cup of coffee. At first he wanted to laugh as he watched his younger brother walk to the front door of their house but, instead said, "So, apparently there's a bear on the loose near McAultry Park."

"You don't say."

"You should be careful if you happen to go around there."

"I will."

"By the way," said Jaken as Tio entered the house, "Nicky called, he wants you to come over tonight."

Tio shook his head with a sigh as Jaken responded, "I told him you weren't feeling quite yourself and had gone to bed early."


"You're welcome," said Jaken with a pause, "Are you going to call him back?"

"Maybe tomorrow after I call Talia to make sure she's okay. Heck, maybe we can all get some coffee or something."

"Fair enough," nodded Jaken as Tio started upstairs, "The real question though, oh Bear of McAultry Park, is how do you feel?"

Tio thought about it for a moment. How did he feel? With a shrug Tio answered, "I feel good."

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