Story Give-Away 2: Games with the Soul Dew

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is the second of the give-away stories that some people won. This one was won by Meheggs, and goes along with the image here: I hope that Meheggs like the story, and that the rest of you do as well. As I stated in the other story, this and the other two give-away stories will be posted exclusively here (by me at least), but the people that won them can post them anywhere they like, as long as I am credited with the writing.

The night time was the perfect part of the day to practice her powers, Latias thought to herself as she flew around the garden her brother and her lived in. Light splashes from the fountain and the soft whoosh of the wind were all the sounds that she could hear, allowing her to focus exclusively on practice.

Of course, the fact that she had been able to get the Soul Dew out of the fountain didn't hurt, either. The power from the swirling gem was enough to boost her own abilities to a level she had never considered. Summoning images of far off places and people, something that she usually had a lot of trouble making work right, was much easier with the Soul Dew in hand.

She knew that her brother wouldn't approve. It had the soul of a Latios from the past in it, and he probably believed that it was something that should never be touched. Latias never really understood why he thought that way. It was a piece of their city and their heritage, and it helped them protect the city better. And she never kept it out of the fountain for too long, always putting it back before the waters of Altomare could recede more than a little bit from their usual levels.

Besides, it was fun to use this thing. It made all of her powers much stronger, and she enjoyed surprising the humans that looked after them with what she could do with it. Usually, when she borrowed it, she'd make all sorts of little illusions, make herself faster, even sometimes take direct control of someone passing by and make them do silly little dances. It was all in good fun of course, and she made sure that they never remembered it later, so there was never a worry about being caught or getting into trouble.

But tonight, all of that sounded too boring for her. And she still had at least a half hour before she needed to put the gem back, and nothing to do with the time.

Chirping softly, she pressed her short, stubby arms against the gem. Maybe Latios saw something at the moment that would be interesting to play with. Her brother did move around the city a little more often than she did, after all. With the Soul Dew, it was only the work of a second to open her mind to their shared sight. It was a little blurry at first, as it always was, and she closed her eyes so that she could get a better view of what her brother saw.

Immediately the image solidified, and Latias blushed a bit as she realized her brother wasn't looking over the city. Instead, he was on his back, looking down at his belly. One of his short arms had reached down past his belly, rubbing at something very pink, and very slick looking. She'd never seen her brother's cock before, but she knew what they were, of course.

It took Latios a second or two to realize that they were sight sharing, and when he did, Latias felt him trying to push her out of his mind. She only giggled, leaving his mind on her own accord. With the Soul Dew, there was no way that he could have pushed her out, but she didn't want him to be scared.

Still, the thought of what she had had her curious. What would her brother be like to play with when he was feeling like that? What kind of other games might they be able to play? Particularly while she had the Soul Dew in hand?


Latios looked to the sky as he felt his sister flying towards him. Her presence was as clear as a beacon for him, getting closer and closer with every second.

And he still hadn't managed to put his cock away. A little red showed through the blue and white on his face, and he shook his head as he looked at his belly.

It just wouldn't go down. Even his powers weren't enough to force his body back to an unexcited state, or at least a state where he wasn't showing off just what he had. Even after the embarrassment of having his sister seeing him teasing himself, it was hard and throbbing, complete with a little dot of pre at the top. A part of him wanted to get back to teasing himself, to pleasuring himself, but with his sister coming towards him, there was no chance to finish up. It was embarrassing enough that she might see him like this. He wasn't going to cross the boundaries of letting his sister actually see him get off.

He looked up into the skies as he saw a shadow against the stars. That would be Latias, he thought to himself. There was a little twinkle in her hands, something that she was carrying. For a moment, he was a little confused. Then his eyes narrowed as he realized what it must be, and he took off, flying up to meet her as she descended to meet him.

They met about fifty feet above the gardens, and Latios glared at her as he saw the Soul Dew in her hands. "Why are you playing with that, sister?" he asked her, mind to mind. "You know that is supposed to stay in the fountain to make sure that the water stays at the right level."

"Please, Latios, I'm just playing with it," she said, a little blush crossing her face. Her eyes darted down for a second before coming up again, and Latios blushed as he realized what she had seen. "I'll put it back in time, don't worry. I'm just practicing with my powers while I use it. It makes it so much easier."

"Was it practicing when we started sharing our sight just a bit ago?" he asked, his eyes still narrowed in annoyance and embarrassment. All too conscious of his cock hanging out, he pressed on. "Latias, that was embarrassing. You know you should at least ask before sharing my sight, just like I do with you."

"I'll try to remember that next time, Latios," she said with a nod. Her eyes dipped down again, and this time they didn't come back up. She was staring his cock, and to his shock, she actually dipped down, flying just under him, looking at it very closely. "It looks different when I'm looking at it, instead of you."

"Latias, stop that!" He darted upwards, flying around her so that he wasn't so much on display. "That's private. And besides, we're related."

"Does that mean anything?" she asked.

"Of course it means something. It means that we shouldn't be looking at each other like that," he said, shaking his head. Flattering as it was to have any female look at him, he didn't want to have his sister looking at him with ideas like that.

She looked a little bit annoyed, but she didn't fly around to get a better look. Maybe he was getting through to her.

Then he saw her eyes drift down to the Soul Dew, and a glimmer, a twinkle, went over her eyes. Latios's eyes went wide as he realized what she was thinking. "Latias, no, no, don't you dare. Don't you -"

"Brother, why don't you just...calm down..." Latias said. The Soul Dew flashed, and a wave of psychic energy washed over him.

It was powerful, thick, with all the power of his sister and the Dew behind it. The sheer wave of hypnotic, psychic energy blasted against his mind, shredding his makeshift defenses in less than a second. He staggered in mid-air, his body falling a few feet before he managed to stop his descent. He shuddered, trying to pull himself together, trying to get his mind back, but another wave of energy slammed into him before he could stop it, washing over his mind, the wave battering down his thoughts and washing them away.

Wave after wave of hypnotic energy hit him, all accompanied by a little flash of the Soul Dew, and each one carried him a little further down to the ground again, always by a few feet each time. Soon, he didn't realize what he was fighting against, his mind blank of thought, of anything but the feeling of his cock throbbing harder and harder under his belly.


Latias followed her brother down to the garden below, barely able to hide her giggles as she watched the effects of her psychic barrage. The Soul Dew gave her so much extra power. Normally she was barely able to keep up with what Latios could throw at her, but with it, she was able to completely dominate him. It was more fun of a game than she had thought it would be, watching her brother lose more and more resistance as she blasted more and more of his thoughts of out of his mind.

Soon they were both on the ground again, Latios leaning back a bit, supported by the protrusions coming out of his back, his cock pointing up in the air. His eyes had changed color, the whites having gone black, and the normally light red going darker red. He looked ahead blankly, and he didn't move, not even to touch himself, or to talk to her.

She realized that he was completely empty of thought as she looked into his mind again, and she giggled softly. "Well, I did tell him to relax," Latias chirped to herself. She floated around her brother, circling him a few times as she looked down at his body. It was rather interesting to see him like this, knowing that he couldn't get away, knowing that she was the one in charge.

But that was only interesting to her for a little while, and soon she wanted to play a different game.

Floating down to the earthy ground of the garden, she leaned her face in close to her brother's cock. She sniffed at it lightly, taking in the slight musk that came off of it, and the stronger musk at the tip, where it was a little wet. Some clear stuff oozed from the tip, and she stuck out a hand, touching a clawed finger to it gently. Her brother's cock bobbed and swayed lightly at her touch, the clear stuff slick, but just sticky enough to stay on her finger. She pulled it back, curious, and licked her finger.

The taste wasn't bad. Almost pleasant, really. She smiled. "Latios, I'm going to play with this for a little while, okay?" she asked. "Nod your head."

Her brother slowly nodded his head as he was told, and she giggled a bit to herself. It was so fun to see her brother playing along with her like this. Maybe she could take the Soul Dew out a little more often, and find a few more games that they could play like this.

Still, with his cock bouncing in front of her, she wanted to play with it now, while she could. After all, don't put off til tomorrow what she could do today. Wasn't that what some people said?

She arched her neck out, pressing her lips to the head of the cock. It was pointed, very narrow at the tip but widening as it moved towards the base. The whole thing was covered in a slick sort of semi-slime, kind of like the goo that leaked out of his tip, but milder. It made his cock shimmer slightly in the moonlight, and she thought that it made it look very pretty, kissing it lightly.

Her touches seemed to excite her brother, as he started leaking more of the clear stuff from his tip. She licked it up eagerly, cleaning it off even as it kept pouring out. Lick, lick, lick went her tongue, 'cleaning' the tip of his cock of the goo, and swallowing it eagerly. Each lick seemed to make her brother happier, because he started to pant. She thought she even heard a little moan from his mind, but it was so quiet that she just wasn't sure if she had.

Considering that he just kept leaking that clear stuff, though, and not the white stuff, she knew that she needed to step things up a little bit. So, after giving his cock head another lick, she didn't pull back like she had been doing. Instead, she pushed her head forward and swallowed half of his cock into her mouth.

It throbbed immediately, and she could feel the flow of his clear stuff over her tongue, leaking out faster than it had with her licks. That was a good thing, she was sure, and she started to bob her head up and down along her brother's cock. Pushing her lips together as much as she could without using her teeth, she thrust her neck back and forth, pulling her lips all the way back to his tip before thrusting her head forward, taking more and more of his cock into her long muzzle and neck.

Little squirts shot down her neck when she took him deep, and the first time, she thought that meant he was shooting the white stuff. But when she pulled him back into her mouth, it was clear that it was only some more of the clear stuff. She was a little disappointed that it was taking so long, but she got right back to work, wanting to feel and taste her brother's cum. Even if this game took longer than she thought it was, it was still a fun game.

Latios was completely still, statue-like, and only the faster rising and falling of his chest told her that he was getting closer. His breathing was quiet, but fast, and with the Soul Dew still clasped in one hand, she could feel his excitement mounting in his mind. She thought that there might still be a bit of embarrassment in there too, but it was such a small part of his mind that it wouldn't be a problem. All that arousal in there, all that excitement, it would keep the embarrassed part of him from getting too out of control, and if he did come back to himself, well, she still had the Soul Dew, and she could start this whole thing going again.

Minutes passed, and Latias was starting to worry that her brother would need a little more encouragement to cum when she finally felt that first pulse through his cock that she had been waiting for. Grinning around his shaft, she pulled back, leaving just the tip inside of her mouth. She sucked hard, pulling her cheeks in as much as she could to make it tight for him, sucking all the goo coming out into her throat with the pressure she put out.

Then he came. The taste was all that she had been waiting for, a sort of salty cream that coated her mouth and the insides of her cheeks, musky and tasting just like she imagined her brother would taste. She smiled a little wider around his cock, holding it in her mouth as he kept shooting, string after string of cum hitting her tongue and her teeth, and some bit of it going down her throat.

When it slowed to an ooze, and her brother started to soften in her mouth, she slowly pulled her head back. A strand of the cum connected her lips to the tip of his shaft as she lay on the ground next to him, gasping and blushing softly.

The Soul Dew pulsed in her hand, and Latias was reminded that she only had about twenty minutes to get it back to the fountain before problems started occurring. Still, that was twenty minutes that she didn't want to waste, and there was one more game that she wanted to try with Latios before she had to make him forget about this.

A little work with the Soul Dew and her psychic powers, and the softening cock was rising up again, filled with new life and rigid as it had ever been. Latias smiled at her brother as she floated up a bit, letting his blanked mind see her from below. See how wet she was. See how much she wanted to keep playing.

"I've been wanting to play this game for a long time, Latios," she said. "I hope you like the game too."

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