Half-Blood Chapter XXIV

Story by Artwolf5 on SoFurry

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#25 of Half-Blood

Here we go folks! this will probably be the last chapter before Christmas (and the possible end of the world :P) thanks as usual go to RuthofPern for editing and Ciel Kliendell for leting me use Xander

Here we go folks! this will probably be the last chapter before Christmas (and the possible end of the world :P) thanks as usual go to Pern for editing and Newbie for leting me use Xander

Chapter 24- Nocte Consurgens Pt: 1 (Noctis' awakening )

Ian yawned as he awoke from his slumber. It felt nice to sleep in after staying awake for so long at the hospital. He looked down and saw Lucas curled up against him still asleep. The young vulpine's head was rested on his chest and Ian just watched as the boy's tiny ribcage rose and fell as he breathed. Ian blushed a bit as he felt his cock harden and slip out of its sheath. He wanted nothing more than to mate the fox beside him but at the same time he didn't want to rush the fox into something he didn't want to do... he couldn't do that! Sighing he decided it would probably be good to get out of the bed before his hormones took over. Gently he untangled himself out of the vulpine's grasp and got dressed quietly as he could.

He decided that he should maybe get something to eat, so he quickly went upstairs and nearly ran into Jonah along the way. "Hey, watch it!" the dingo snarled and Ian just snarled back at the asshole.

"I apologize about running into you, but you don't have to be a total ass about it!" he growled towards the smaller canine. He still didn't much like the dingo... he was a total prick as far as Ian was concerned. Richard seemed to get along with him quite well though for whatever reason... the dingo just shrugged before shoving Ian aside and going down the stairs. Ian yelled at him for being an ass, but the dingo continued to ignore him until he faded from Ian's view. Grumbling the wolf went into the kitchen, not very surprised to see Greg in there. He greeted the tiger cheerfully and the tiger responded in kind.

"Morning Ian, I was just about to get you two up... where's Lucas?" he asked.

"Still asleep... I thought it best to let him rest a bit longer; he's had a hard last few days," Ian said softly, ears folding back somewhat.

Greg sighed and nodded in agreement. The kit had indeed had a very rough time the last few days, what with his mom being killed and all. The large tiger just went back to what he was doing. There was silence for a little bit before he spoke again.

"We need to talk..." The older boy spoke finally. He seemed a little bit upset for some reason though Ian wasn't exactly sure why he was upset. He briefly wondered if it was about him running off into the hospital Friday?

"What do we need to talk about?" Ian asked as innocently as possible.

Greg quickly silenced him with a glare causing Ian to wince. He must have really been upset about something...

"Don't play dumb with me Ian! You know what I'd be talking about! You running off into the hospital on Friday! That was an incredibly stupid thing to do! For all we know the Cabal could have been waiting inside so they could grab you! Do you know how much damage it would cause the clans if the heir to the Mansfield clan got captured by a terrorist group?"

Ian winced at that. He actually hadn't thought about the possibility of the Cabal hiding in the hospital... the thought never crossed his mind... "But why would they risk kidnapping me at a hospital? It'd be too risky for them..."

Greg just sighed before he spoke again, "The Cabal is unpredictable Ian, we never know what they might be up to... We have to always be on our guard. That was what I learned during my training."

Ian nodded. He still remembered when they were little and Greg came home covered in bruises. Thankfully Ian's mom was pretty good at patching the bruises up because it would be hard to explain why the tiger was so beat up all the time. They hardly got to speak during those days, because the tiger was so exhausted from the training he barely was able to stay awake in school. Honestly Ian wished Greg had never decided to go through the training... he missed the friendship they had when they were little and didn't have the whole master/servant deal going on. It took him nearly a year before he could get Greg to call him Ian again instead of master or sir... Ian had gotten enough of that with the other kids his age. He didn't want to deal with that from Greg as well. Most of all Greg himself had changed. Before he started his training he was cheerful and goofy, but after his training he became the solemn serious tiger he was now.

"I know Greg... I messed up and I'm sorry that I worried you... but I had to get to Lucas," he said looking away from the tiger's large brown eyes, "I was so afraid that I lost him for good that I wasn't thinking straight..."

"Exactly, they could've been using Lucas to lure you in... my duty is to protect you Ian, I'd gladly give my life to keep you safe. You need to understand that, keeping you and Richard safe is my main priority. Anything else including my own needs are secondary to that. I care for Lucas as well but you come first. I will do my best to protect everybody but keeping you safe is my main priority."

Ian looked away uncomfortably... they'd had this conversation plenty of times and Ian never liked it. "You need something in your life besides protecting me Greg. I appreciate that you always have my back, but I want you to have a life of your own. You're like a brother to me I hate being treated like something I'm not! I'm just as much as a person as you are!"

Greg just shook his head and sighed a bit before speaking again, "I'm well aware of your belief on the issue Ian, but the fact is you are more important than I am. You are the future head of Scotland... I'm just a servant, my duty is to keep you safe. I think of you as a brother as well but my duty comes before my feeling as they should. My life is secondary to yours."

Ian snapped at that, "Nobody is worth more than anyone else! We're all Fur's! Your life is just as important as mine! You're my best mate Greg! You're not some slave!"

Greg just stared right into Ian's eyes and asked the wolf something, "And what would you do if something happened to Lucas? Would you not do anything to protect him? If you love him as much as you claim how far would you go to keep him safe? Would you fight the Clans? Fight your own family to keep him safe?"

Ian just flushed at that, horrified from the question. But to be honest... just how far would go? He knew he loved Lucas even though they'd only known each other for such a short time, he was positive of his feelings for the fox... Greg was right... just how far would he go to protect Lucas? "I don't know... I love him... I'm positive of that as stupid as it sounds but I do... I would do anything to protect him but fight the Clans? I don't know..." He sighed.

"I'd fight the Clan's to protect you, my duty is to you first and others second," Greg stated calmly, "I took that vow when I accepted my position as your Protector."

"Greg..." Ian stated shocked. Greg just shrugged and turned back to the oven. He stayed silent for several long minutes before he spoke again.

"I mean what I say Ian, but now go get Lucas and Jonah, I'll be fixing tea soon might as well get them up," he said as he started getting things together.

Ian just nodded and left the kitchen and quickly started downstairs. SO many thoughts were running through his head. Greg's proclamation...And would he do the same for Lucas? He loved the fox but he also loved his family...could he really fight his own family over Lucas? He rubbed his head as if trying to stop a headache from forming.

"It must have taken a lot of guts for Stripes to say he would challenge the clans to protect you huh?" A voice asked out of nowhere causing Ian to jump and flail briefly before he regained control over himself. He quickly turned around and snarled at the smirking dingo standing behind him. "Wow, I should sneak up on people more often! Their reactions are always hilarious!" Jonah snickered as Ian continued to snarl. When he noticed Ian's reaction he gave another chuckle before speaking. "Calm down M' Lord, I was joking. Surely you know what joking is, don't cha?" He chuckled again when Ian winced at that.

"Don't call me that!" Ian growled out.

"Why don't you like being called by what your status mandates you be called? You're a Mansfield, most powerful clan in all of Scotland. Hell, I'd wager one of the strongest clans in Britain period... my parents were Mundanes... bastards they were, got away from them when I was merely a pup," he stated calmly, "You grew up in a wealthy and loving family, but you do not like being called Lord...?"

"Because I hate it..." Ian admitted looking away from the dingo focusing on the table near the stairs. "I hate being put on the spot all the time... Heir of the Mansfield Clan, Future head of Scotland, Lord Mansfield's grandson... I hate it! The pressure! They expect me to be just as good a leader as my grandfather! I'm not cut out for that kind of stuff! I don't want to be Family Head! Gods know Richard would be the better choice! But since I'm the first-borne I get no choice in the matter."

"So are you afraid of the responsibility that the position holds?" The dingo asked oddly sincere.

"Yes, it terrifies me! The very thought of ruling over the Clans makes me sick to the stomach... I just want to live and be a normal person... or well a normal Mage at least. I just want to live my life and be happy... be with Lucas."

"You really love the Kit don't you?" The dingo asked softly. Seeing Ian nod he sighed. "Then keep the Kit safe Master Ian..." Jonah said before walking away.

"Hey, um Jonah, Greg's going to be fixing tea soon alright?" The dingo just shrugged and continued to walk away from the wolf, 'What a strange Dingo,' Ian reasoned before shaking his head as he continued downstairs. He was just about to open the door when he heard crying. Worried he quickly burst through the door and saw Lucas curled up around himself crying. Panicked Ian quickly ran up to the Kit and held him close. He felt Lucas jump a bit before resting his head against Ian's shirt staining it with his tears. The wolf held the fox for several minutes until the boy ran out of tears, however the boy continued to cuddle up against the wolf.

After several minutes Ian thought it good to ask why he was crying. "What's wrong love? Are you alright?" Lucas just shook his head burying his head even further into Ian's chest. "What's happened?"

"I saw mom again..." he muttered before bursting into tears again.

Ian was rendered speechless at that. It took him several minutes before he could think up a tactful reply to the Fox. What could be said? It wasn't real... Monet had pretty much concluded it a mere illusion brought on by the stress he was under. But how could he tell that to the fox and not have the boy snap at him?

"It isn't real Lucas," he eventually managed carefully, "We both know that... It's just an illusion."

"How do you know that?" Lucas asked softly in an almost deadpan manner, "How do you know it really isn't her and how she really feels?"

Ian sighed before he spoke once more. The fox wasn't thinking straight he reasoned... he wouldn't either if it was... he stopped right there not even able to finish the thought... just the mere thought of his mom dying was just to terrible to even contemplate. "You aren't a medium Lucas, you can't talk to the dead... that much is simple, that power is locked away from us... and though I never met her, I'm sure your mom would never hate you or blame you for her death..." He spoke holding Lucas close and kissing his forehead," Just trust me Lucas okay, she doesn't blame you I'm sure of it!"

Lucas just whimpered a bit once again but he had managed to stop crying, "Why are you so nice to me?" He asked quietly, "I don't deserve it..."

Ian sighed at that, "Don't talk like that Lucas, I'm nice because I love you. I love you with all my heart and I want you to be happy."

"But why do you love me? Of all Furs why me? I'm positive there are a lot of furs who are a lot better looking than I am and who aren't crazy," he said trying to get out of Ian's grasp, but the wolf held tight snuggling the fox deeper into his broad chest.

He held the fox close before speaking in the fox's twitched ear, "Do I need a reason to love you? All that matters to me is that I do love you. You make me happy Lucas, and I want you to be happy. I don't care about looks, though I find you the most attractive person I've seen..." He stated in a semi-joking nature as he licked the boy's ear causing him to jump and yelp a bit, "And I don't think you're crazy, I just think you're a Kit who's been through a horrible ordeal and just needs time to heal. I'll stand by you no matter what Lucas, I swear it," he said before pinning the fox down. The boy was still naked and his scent was driving Ian insane, "But right now I'm going to help you relax," he said before slamming his lips onto Lucas' own.

The Fox gave a startled yelp before he melted into the kiss returning it with an almost equal amount of passion. Ian chuckled a bit as he felt Lucas' dick stiffen against his chest. Lucas moaning loudly as Ian reached between them and grabbed the throbbing mass.

He quickly remembered that he had yet to put up a silencing spell and let go of Lucas briefly and locked the door and quickly placed a silencing charm to keep their privacy. Quick as a flash Ian stripped his own clothing off and went right back on top of the panting fox. After dominating the boy's mouth Ian decided to move down a bit until he reached the boy's nipples. He wrapped his tongue around one of the sensitive nubs causing Lucas to give an erotic yelp. Growing bored he moved to the other one and eventually down to the boy's crotch. He immediately grabbed the boy's foxhood into his jaws and began to suckle on it. Lucas was driven near delirious from the pressure and he kept on thrusting into the wolf's maw panting and murring for all it was worth, while Ian growled dominantly from his position and bit down gently for a bit.

On a whim he brought one of his large paws and placed it around the boy's tail-hole and started to play around with it. This caused Lucas to nearly scream in pleasure as Ian began to slowly move one of his fingers into the tight confines of Lucas' rear. The tightness and heat that surrounded his finger made him shiver and his cock twitch at the very thought of being embedded balls deep into the fox. After moving around Ian finally managed to find Lucas' prostate and pressed down on it hard. This brought on Lucas' climax. The Fox's howl nearly deafened him and he was rewarded with the fox's sweet, tangy seed on his tongue. He lapped it up as much as he could careful to not let a drop of the precious liquid be dropped.

Eventually Lucas was rendered a panting sweaty mess and Ian let go of the boy's now softening member and kissed the boy's lips. "Now *pant* do you feel better now *pant*?"

Lucas just nodded as if unable to speak.

Eventually he did catch his breath to say one thing. "That was incredible... thank you..." he said blushing, "Do you want me to return the favour?" He asked the wolf boldly looking at the wolf's aching member.

Ian just chuckled and grabbed the Fox's paw before he could wrap around his sensitive flesh. "No prob... and you can repay me in the shower, Greg should have tea done by then," he said before getting up. He gathered up his own clothes as did Lucas but before they exited he turned around and kissed the Fox softly, "I love you so much Lucas, I hope you know that... words can't begin to describe how I feel."

Lucas just flushed and looked away shyly. Ian frowned a bit hoping the Fox would say he loved him back... he had yet to hear those words from the shy fox. He shrugged it off though. He knew Lucas wasn't the best at expressing his feeling and decided to give him more time. He knew the boy at least felt something for him... for now that was enough for Ian. He was just happy to have Lucas at his side, and he quietly decided to himself that Lucas was indeed worth facing the Clans for... He would protect the fox with his last breath. That much he was sure on. "You coming?" he asked looking behind to see Lucas scrambling for clothes once he got it all together Lucas just nodded sheepishly and they exited the room to go into the shower.


Richard sighed as he looked towards the blackboard... 6th period History was so boring... he briefly looked over to see Monet dutifully taking notes though he seriously doubted she needed them... the girl seemed too know just about everything. He shook his head and looked back at his own paltry notes. He had never been good with History... he was ace at Maths and he was pretty good with Science and English, but History could never catch his attention. He never saw the point about learning about a bunch of old men who died a hundred years ago... shaking his head he turned to look at the blackboard again and tries his best to catch up with his notes. He kinda envied Ian and Lucas a bit. They got to stay home and sleep in, but he immediately felt guilty about that... Lucas had been through a pretty bad ordeal these fast few days.

He briefly took a look towards Erin who was also taking notes and looking just as bored as he was. He wondered how she was holding up. The last few days could not have been easy for her... he felt sorry for her and her brother. He briefly scratched his left ear before going back to taking notes. 'So bored,' he thought quietly to himself. Eventually, mercifully the class ended and Mrs Perkins the solemn lioness teacher dismissed them from class. Quickly Richard gathered up his things and went out the door to wait for Erin and Monet to exit the room. He was planning on waiting quietly for them before...

"Hello Richard," a silky smooth voice spoke to him breaking out of his stupor. He quickly turned and saw a pretty poodle girl standing in front of him.

"Hullo Mandy," he replied in a wary fashion. He was wondering why the girl had come up to him. They hadn't even spoken to each other before this, "What do you want?"

She just giggled a bit before speaking, laying a delicate paw on his chest. He was just about to tell her to get her paws off of him before she spoke again, "What? Can I not walk up and talk to a fellow classmate?" she asked him sweetly.

"Not when you have shown no interest in talking to me before... really what do you want?" He said looking towards the classroom wondering what was keeping Erin and Monet. As if reading his mind Mandy spoke once again.

"Monet wanted to talk to Mrs Perkins about the lesson... Erin is with her... it should be awhile before they will be out... so... I was wondering if you would sit with me and my friends at lunch tomorrow?" She asked him in an almost giggly tone, "Surely we'd be better company than the usual sort you have been hanging out with."

"What do you mean?" He asked her confused.

She merely sighed at him as if annoyed at how clueless he seemed, "I mean faggots like Lucas Mason and that new boy... Rose isn't it? Why would you want to hang out with them?"

"Because they're nice guys... and they've all been staying at our house for the last few days... what's your beef with Lucas anyway? Surely he's done nothing to you?"

She just huffed at that as if annoyed, "He's a freak, always has been and always will be... I just find him creepy... he never smiles or talks, it's just... creepy."

"Well I say he has his reasons for being like that... not everybody has to be social all the time." Richard reasoned, "And have you ever even actually met Xander? He's a pretty nice guy."

Mandy just shrugged coolly, "Still doesn't stop them from being fags though."

"Where I come from a fag is a cigarette... highly doubt you can smoke them..." Richard spoke seriously.

Mandy just rolled her eyes at that, "Whatever, so do you want to hang out with me and my friends instead of those filthy faggots, I'm damn sure we'd be better company than either of the Masons or Monet..."

"Nah, I'm fine with the friends I got. Sorry but I like my friends..." He told her as nicely as he could, "Besides I actual have no problem with gays, it's never been an issue for me." 'Besides my brother's gay, what would you do if you had a gay sibling?' He added mentally. "But thank you for asking Mandy..." he replied.

She just harrumphed and started to walk away, "Fine then, be a fag lover... see what I care!" Before she marched off leaving Richard with a stunned look on his face.

'What a piece of work she is...' he thought to himself mildly.

"That she is Mansfield," A soft cool voice spoke causing Richard to jump a little bit in surprise. He managed to recover his nerve quickly enough and turned to see Monet standing next to him looking faintly amused. He glared at her briefly hoping to Zeus he wasn't blushing.

"You enjoy doing that don't you? Sneaking up on people?" He asked her.

"Very much so..." She replied simply.

He just sighed and spoke once again, "So what did you need to talk to Mrs Perkins about?" He asked her in a curious fashion.

"It was nothing, she asked me if I was willing to help in the student tutoring group she is starting. I told her no because I simply do not have the time..."

Richard merely nodded at that. He briefly wondered if he'd feel sorry for the person who would've gotten her as a tutor if she had agreed... Monet could be pretty intimidating most of the time.

"Where's Erin? Wasn't she with you?" he asked her curiously.

Monet merely shrugged indifferently before she answered his question, "She will be out shortly she wanted to ask Mrs Perkins about something different," she answered quickly enough.

After several minutes Erin came rushing out of the class. The trio then started to head towards their next class making it just in the nick of time. Richard quickly took his seat next to Meng. The tubby panda seemed to be distracted but considering his father had just died might have been the reason. Maybe he could talk to the boy later? Eventually the school day ended and Richard got a call from his dad telling him that Agent Wallace was running late for whatever reason. He sighed briefly, a bit annoyed at having to wait. The day had been boring and all he wanted to do was go home and relax. Looking around the courtyard he saw Meng sitting alone at one of the benches. He looked around again and saw Erin chatting with some of her friends. Monet was also around doing her own thing reading underneath one of the large tree's. Deciding it was either now or never he went up to Meng and plopped down next to the panda.

"Hey Meng, how are you?" he asked the other male kindly.

"I am doing well Mr Richard, thank you for asking," the boy replied politely.

"I'm sorry about your father man," he said to the panda as politely as he could, "How are you holding up?"

The Panda merely shrugged for a bit before deciding to speak and Richard was mildly surprised just how... unaffected the Panda seemed about the loss of his parent. "My father and I never got along, the man was an awful person so I do not miss him that much as bad as that sounds..." The panda said looking down at his hind-paws. "He treated both me and my brother terribly and his treatment of our mother was no better. He was fine before he joined that stupid cult!"

Richard winced a bit when Meng slammed his fists down onto the table. "Cult?" he asked the panda tilting his head slightly. He already knew what the boy was talking about but he wanted to hear what Meng had to say about the Hunters.

Meng growled briefly before speaking up, "When I was around ten my father started to hang around some shady looking men... as time wore on he became more and more paranoid talking about demons who walk in the flesh of a man using their evil magics to control people... he eventually started drinking and becoming abusive towards both me and my brother. That cult changed him into a monster... I do not miss the man who died because my father had died long before that." Meng seemed to be near tears at that clenching his paws into fist.

All Richard could do was pat the other boy's back gently as possible until the panda calmed down. After several minutes he did so. "Thank you Mr Richard, but I think my mother is waiting for me..." He said gesturing over to a kindly looking panda woman standing near a car with a younger panda boy sitting in the back seat. Meng quickly got up and started to walk away from Richard pausing for a moment. "Oh, and tell Mr Lucas that I am sorry about the loss of his mother, I've already told Ms Erin the same thing..." He stated before walking off to the car and climbing in, but not before embracing his mother.

"I will," he said mostly to himself as he watched the car the boy got into drive off.

"Meng is a good man, nothing like his father." A voice said from beside him. He jumped once again to see Monet standing there.

"Will you stop doing that!?" He asked torn between humiliation and exasperation.

The coyote merely chuckled and shook her head. "And why should I do that? It is good training for me," she said softly, "As an assassin my job is to do my job as quickly and quietly as possible and get out before getting discovered."

"Sounds like a Ninja to me..." Richard muttered to himself.

"Indeed as part of my training I was instructed on how to be a proper Kunoichi... A female ninja..." She offered when she saw Richard's confused face.

"Oh, cool..." Was all Richard could say. "So... are you coming with us back home?" He sounded like a lost puppy but he couldn't find it in himself to care. He liked hanging out with Monet... she was pretty cool...

"No, sorry but I have other things to do. Such as returning to my training with Master Luo, I had taken last week off but I really need to return."

Richard's heart sank at that but he did his best to not let the girl notice his disappointment. "Well that sucks..." He muttered somberly.

"It is okay Mansfield, I say we will see quite a lot of each other as time goes on," Monet told him softly in an almost teasing manner causing Richard to blush and be very thankful for his dark fur." But yes, fate does seem to be pushing us all together and with the threat of both the Hunters and Cabal lingering over your heads I cannot on good conscious leave you all alone."

"Oh... um, thank you?" he said but she merely waved his remark off with a wave of her paw.

"It is no issue Mansfield, the Cabal and the Hunters are as much my enemies as they are yours... now I believe that is Agent Wallace coming up... I will see you again tomorrow, good-bye Mansfield," she stated before running off.

Richard watched her running briefly taking a look at her retreating rump hoping briefly that she wouldn't turn around and catch him stating... he didn't fancy his chances against the coyote. The Mercedes pulled up near the parking-lot with the jolly looking grizzly in the drivers seat. Richard quickly managed to gather up Xander (who was talking with a massive wolf named Tyler) and Erin pretty quickly and soon enough they were all in the car being driven home.

"Sorry for being late, I got caught in traffic..."

"It's no problem Agent Wallace... so um... what kind of Mage are you?" Erin asked him curiously.

Richard gave her a slight look at the question. Asking a Mage what type they were was considered rude especially to Non-Elemental Mage's he hoped Agent Wallace wasn't

insulted but then again Erin was still pretty new to the whole magic thing...

Thankfully the grizzly took the question in a good-natured way and answered in an almost cheerful tone. "Nothing special like you Ms Erin, I'm a Non-elemental Mage sadly. Pretty much my entire family were Non-Elementals, as are the majority of Mage's. You Elemental's tend to be a rare bunch... Master Ian and Master Lucas are particularly unusual as Light and Dark Mage's are the rarest Mage's in existence."'

Erin nodded briefly and Richard just relaxed... he hoped today would be drama free so he could relax for once...


Lucas laid curled up against Ian in the wolf's bed. They were naked again. They weren't doing anything at the moment besides cuddling but Lucas didn't mind... it felt nice being cuddled up to someone, and Ian loved to cuddle. Lucas was content to lie back on Ian's chest and listen to the boy's softly beating heart. The wolf had actually drifted off to sleep a little bit ago and Lucas was sure he would follow the wolf into dream-land shortly but for now he was quite awake and thinking about the day so far. It had been pretty pleasant. Greg had cooked a pretty tasting lunch for them, some kind of Indian dish he figured. Erin would probably know what but the name of it escaped his mind at the moment. He had helped the tiger with washing the dishes and they had talked a bit.

Eventually Ian had grown horny and dragged him back into the bedroom where they now lay. Ian had blown him off again and played with his tail-hole while he did so... Lucas didn't want to admit it but he enjoyed that the most... and he briefly wondered what it would be like to have Ian's dick inside him instead of his fingers. He shivered briefly at the thought. Ian was quite big down there and Lucas had never done anything like that. He had considered asking Xander to see if he knew about how to go about having sex, but he didn't feel comfortable about asking the other fox about sex considering the boy's traumatic experience of being a prostitute. He hated that word in regards to Xander... It just felt... dirty... He was broken from his thoughts when Ian grumbled in his sleep and pulled the smaller boy closer to his body. He felt the boy's hard-on on his belly and resisted the urge to blush. They'd been sleeping in the same bed for roughly a week now... he should be used to seeing the boy so undressed. Thinking about Ian's nakedness eventually triggered his own arousal and he felt his member start to slip out of it's sheath and he had the sudden feeling of needing to pee for some reason. Quietly as he could Lucas managed to untangle himself from Ian's grasp and got off the bed.

This however caused the wolf to stir a bit, "Where you going love?" he asked Lucas in a drowsy manner as the fox slipped on a pair of shorts on.

"Just to the bathroom... I'll be right back okay? Go back to sleep..."

The wolf just nodded sleepily and did as Lucas bade him. After walking out he took out his cellphone and took a look at it to see if he had any messages or missed calls. Sure enough he had one from his dad saying he would be in town tomorrow night and that his flight had been delayed because of a storm going on. He growled at the message for a bit before sighing and clicking off of it. He wondered how he would handle seeing his dad knowing what he knew? What could he say to the man who sired him? He just shook his head briefly trying to get the thoughts out of his head, and then checked the time... School should be out by now so the others should be home any minute. He was hoping to take a nap along with Ian but he doubted Erin would let him sleep the rest of the day away.

His thoughts eventually drifted back to Ian and his arousal swelled even more. He blushed and sighed as he reached the toilet and started to take a leak. After he was done Lucas flushed the toilet and checked himself out in the mirror. He looked the same as ever... scrawny, snowy-furred and short. What did Ian see in him he wondered? He wasn't particularly strong or skilled in anything. Sure he had good marks in school but he was hardly a genius... what did Ian see in him?

"To be honest I don't see what he sees in you either." He heard a voice say from behind him.

He stiffened at hearing it... he knew the voice it was the same one that had been haunting him before. Turning around he saw the beautiful vixen with bright reddish fur. Her wound had vanished for whatever reason but here she stood the ghost of his own mother.

"Mom," he spoke meekly, "What are you doing here?"

The vixen just chuckled coldly causing the boy to wince at the sound. "To make you miserable...Worthless things like you do not deserve to be happy. You're weak and useless. Not worth the air you breathe or the space you take! Mark my words boy, the wolf will eventually grow tired of you... I mean really why should he stay with you? He comes from one of the most prestigious Clans on the planet... someone of his status deserves a far better mate than you!"

Lucas winced a bit hurt by the ixen's harsh words, "That's not true!" He yelled weakly, "Ian isn't like that!"

The Vixen just chuckled again, "You don't really believe that do you? You are afraid of that very fact. That is why you have yet to say you love him back isn't it? Afraid of getting hurt? Pathetic!" she snarled and slapped him across the face.

He was jerked back by the force of the blow and whimpered on the ground where he landed. The woman then started to kick him when he was down causing him to whimper even more. She kept on shouting obscenities at him calling him weak and stupid and worthless. He didn't fight back though because deep down he knew she was right. His heart dropped a bit she was right... he was worthless. Not deserving to live. He felt tears drip down his face. The horrible spectre had vanished leaving him all alone.

"She's right..." He said in a dim-tone tears continuing to stream down his face. He barely even heard Ian step into the bathroom.

"Hey Lucas, you okay?" He asked the fox gently when he saw the other boy was crying. "Do you want to talk about it?" The fox just shook his head no, "You sure? I'm not going to leave until I know you're okay..." He told the fox firmly.

Lucas could feel... something rising in his chest. It felt like the madness that had consumed him a few days ago but different somehow he just shook his head again before speaking. "Go away Ian..."

"No! I'm not leaving you alone!" Ian told him refusing to budge.

Anger arose in Lucas' chest as he felt a large amount of dark energy start to flow around his body. "I said go away!" he shouted. He could slowly feel his eyes starting to change colour again. "Leave me alone Ian! I'm Fine!" But the damned wolf stood firm.

"No, I'm not going to leave you alone!" And then something else, "Um... Lucas I don't know if you know this but I think something is forming behind you..."

Lucas glared at him but turned around and sure enough he saw some inky figure take shape from the shadows coming from Lucas' magic. Slowly the form began to take shape into something that looked vaguely fur-like. Soon enough where a few seconds ago had been an empty space stood a massive wolf-looking creature with blood-red eyes and massive demonic wings. Lucas gave out a yelp of shock before backing slowly away from the creature.

"Lucas, what is this thing!?" Ian asked in an almost scared manner.

"I don't know!" Lucas replied back but was silenced when he heard an icy sounding voice ring inside his head. 'Free, after so many years I'm free!'

"What are you?" Lucas asked the beast in front of him.

He just heard the beast chuckle coldly._ 'I am nothing more than the embodiment of your darkest emotions... your anger, your fear, all of your darkest secrets they gave me power, and finally after years of being stuck inside your head I'm finally able to manifest myself!'_ The beast roared, _'Now, you are going to prove to me that you are worthy for me to continue feeding on!' _It growled before it began to attack...