Fluffed and Stuffed

Story by Maio on SoFurry

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A story of a man in an unfortunate factory accident who finds a new life.

(Warning this story contains bizarre body modifications/mutilation and rape if this offends you don't read it)

Fluffed and Stuffed

Things were going great for Tyrone he had just gotten a new job working as night security for a sex toy factory. Walking the perimeter he saw nothing out of the ordinary everything seemed fine outside so he headed inside, making his way along the catwalk overhanging the production lines. Never having seen the bulk of what goes on in the factory yet he was happy to look over at all the machinery working away below him. The other workers mostly at home by this time of the night only him, one other guard and a machinery operator who was busy taking a nap. Tyrone stopped for a moment looking over at a large container full of blanks, life size dolls that come from the same mould to save production costs. They were eerie looking all jumbled together, neither male nor female and wrapped in plastic bags to prevent them from damaging one another. Tyrone shuddered slightly at the odd look of them before turning around to continue his walk when something hit him in the side of the head, knocking him sideways into the rail. Tyrone stumbled woozily before blacking out and falling over the rail. His shirt catching on something as he fell ripping it from his chest, he landed with a thud in the container full of blanks unconscious.

The machine unaware anything was wrong pulling his limp body through onto a conveyor, the only one capable of stopping the machine snoring at his workstation. Tyrone was out cold unaware what was happening to him as he was pulled further into the machine. It lifting him up a blade slicing between his legs designed to remove the plastic bags from the blanks, instead finding his pants ripping them off and cutting into his groin damaging his member and balls. At this point a normal awake person would be screaming in pain as they were brutalised by the machine, but Tyrone was well and truly oblivious to what was happening his body already in shock from the being knocked out. The conveyor continued with his limp bleeding body now entering the attachment area. Lifted up again various latex items were being brought in to change the shape of the blanks. First up being hip and buttock padding glued directly to his skin with industrial glue, specifically designed to withstand rough handling and bodily fluids like sweat to prevent parts dropping off during sex. Next along the line were the breasts glued to his chest, again with the same glue leaving him with a very feminine shape. The final piece in this section was the faux vagina this being pressed into his mangled groin, forcing his member to be pushed in with it and severing what was left of his balls.

Tyrone's limp mangled body continued deeper into the machine, as it sent him to another section. This section designed for extra modifications to suite a wider market. Paw like items were glued in place over his hands and feet, a tail being stitched to his lower back. Next a feline muzzle with a O shaped mouth and tube is glued to his face, the end of the tube in his mouth. Two slicing blades went up the side of his head cutting off his ears, the holes being filed with latex plugs and new ears sewn to the top of his head. Then came the furring section, hundreds of needles worked over his body effectively injecting the fake fur directly into his skin. Deep enough not to be easily pulled free and piercing the additions, securing them even better to his flesh. Shavers came in after to shape the fur to the correct length for each area. The machine finally done with him placing his still limp body into a box and strapping him in, closing it up and placing it on a pallet with other such boxes ready for shipping. The demand was high for sex toys of this quality and it wasn't long before his pallet was loaded onto a truck, no one aware he was in one of the boxes as they were taken straight to the stores.

On about the third stop Tyrone's box along with two others were taken off and wheeled into a sex store. The boxes were put on display no one noticing the slow breathing of the still unconscious Tyrone. That evening he finally awoke to an odd feeling in his groin and a tingling all over his body. As he stirred he opened his eyes seeing someone through the clear plastic in front of his face there hand down low, a finger through a hole in the plastic. Tyrone jumped, or at least tried to jump but he was tied down. He tried to yell out but something was in his mouth muffling him. The man in front of him stopped what he was doing and looked at him startled for a second before smiling. He said in a whisper "don't worry I will help you" made all the harder to hear because of the latex plugs in Tyrone's ears. The man walked away then Tyrone hearing little bits of conversation, he heard purchase and I don't need any help come from the man. A cash register rang then he felt his box being moved on some sort of trolley, he tried to wiggle to tip it over without success as he was taken and put into a van.

Finally the van stopped after a modest trip. Tyrone's box was taken out and up to a big house and wheeled straight to a bedroom. "Hello my lovely" The man spoke again "don't worry you will enjoy being mine" he said before opening the box, Tyrone still strapped down and weak as a collar was locked around his neck. Being slid from the box untied and laid onto the bed, he tried to move but he was sore and still a little woozy after he woke up. The man left the room returning with a syringe, Tyrone's eyes widened when he saw it. He tried to get up staggered a few steps then was stopped as a chain attached to his collar become tight. He turned around looking at the approaching man and the tight chain. Franticly he grabbed for the collar but his hands were trapped in some sort of mitts which stopped him from grabbing anything. He tried tried yelling again but was still gagged before the man finally got to him injecting him and dragging him back to the bed as everything slowly went black.

Tyrone slowly woke again, he sat up quick hoping it was just some sort of bad dream but it wasn't he was still in the man's bedroom. He stood up cautiously still a little woozy from the drug he was given, he felt a tug in his arm. Looking down he saw why, there was a drip in his arm but that was not all his arm was covered in orange fur with black stripes. His hand still in a paw like mitten and useless, he stumbled over to a mirror looking at himself. He gasped inaudibly into the gag as he saw himself, or should I say herself. Reflected in the mirror was a orange and black tigress with a white belly, she even had a tail. As Tyrone looked Herself over she started to cry the sound muffled by the gag, tears running down through her facial fur. She slowly remembered her last night at work and the bump on the head, the feeling of falling before everything went black. He had fallen into the machine and now was a "she", or "it" as she was closer to an animal than a human now as well as being a sex doll. She curled up in a corner crying hoping this nightmare would end.

The man finally returned home a few hours later "hello sweety" he said as he came into the room. "I see you are awake good you were in bad shape when I pulled you from your box" He said as he approached her. He explained how he corrected her urinary tract allowing her the ability to relieve herself when needed and how he cut the end off the gag so she could eat and drink through it. He patted her gently as she sobbed before he reached out and inverted the gag, "when inverted like this you should be able to talk" he said. She continued to sob stopping between to ask why and how, the man replying with all the information he had. He told her how he was a plastic surgeon, which was fortuitous as without surgery she would have died from complications. He also told her how even if she found someone willing to help she would still never be male again just a shadow of her former self, left scared and castrated. He pointed to a door, telling her it was the en suite and that the chain should be long enough for her to use it if needed. She began to sob louder, unable to stand it any longer the man pushed the gag back into place saying he will be back later to partake in his newest toy for the first time.

A few hours later he returned as he stepped through the door she was waiting for him and ran at him trying to hurt him. He stepped back casually as her chain caught and she stopped short her paws just able to beat on his chest as he laughed. "Spirited I see good it's time for our fun anyway" He said as she tried in vain to hurt him. He grabbed her arms stopping the flailing and pushed her back, still recovering from the recent events she was no match for him as he pinned her to the bed. She tried hard to throw him off but he had her pinned, he waited for the struggling to subside a little as he undid his pants sliding them off revealing his stiff penis. She struggled again as she realised what was happening all too late as he pinned her again. He held her down as he slid his penis into her vagina he moaned softly "mmm a tight little kitty arn't we" he said as he began to thrust into her. The new feelings she was experiencing were troubling for her, there was pain when he first inserted himself into her and the fear and loathing she had against him. She was also feeling aroused and a little bit pleasured as he ploughed his member deeper and faster into her virgin faux vagina.

He grunted and huffed as he thrust deep and hard into his toy, her mind slipping slightly as a small moan tried to escape through the gag. Leaning in he kissed her on the muzzle lips his tongue slipping inside her gag as he worked his member inside her. Her vagina designed for maximum enjoyment stimulating his penis as he ploughed it deep. Panting as he neared the end he thrust in hard and fast one last time going as deep as he could before he shuddered, his throbbing member shooting his cum into his new toys vagina. Her eyes opened wide as she realised what had just happened, a tear rolling down her furry cheek. He gently wiped it off before kissing her again "from now on toy when permitted to speak you will refer to me as master and henceforth you will be known as toy or kitty". He slid himself off her pulling his pants back up before saying he was going to get some food and drink for his toy and that he would be back soon. As he left she curled up on the bed and sobbed again as she came to realise she was trapped in her new body by this man determined to use her.

He returned a short while later with a tray of food and drink, when he opened the door he found she had cried herself to sleep. He looked saddened as he placed the tray on a small table petted her softly and left her to sleep quietly closing the door as he left. Kitty's sleep was interrupted by nightmares as she sat bolt upright on the bed she realised the nightmares were real. Looking over she saw the food left for her on the table and her tummy rumbled. She got up and sat by the table looking at what was left for her, a bowl of soup, some small bread chunks, a banana and large jug of water with a cup. Grabbing the bowl of soup she noticed it was still warm meaning it had not been long since it was left there for her, she looked around for a spoon but the only thing on the tray was a straw. Realising what to do she began to drink the soup through the straw, a very tricky feat without thumbs. Next she tried the banana, lucky for her it was already peeled as she picked it up and slid it into her mouth the thought of what it must look like to anyone watching not stopping her as she was starving. The small bread chunks were tricky but she managed to get them down before drinking a few glasses of water. The food and fluid intake stopping her tummy grumbles but stirring another feeling as she rose and headed for the other door.

The en suite was clean but small, a shower and a toilet with a small sink was all that was in the white tiled room. Making her way to the toilet she found that there was plenty of chain for her to access this room, she stood over it before realising she had to sit all the time now. Sitting down her tail got in the way, she moved it aside and made a note to be careful in the future. She began to relieve herself and what a relief she must have needed to go for a while but her body didn't let her know. She expected after everything for it to be painful but the doc sure knew what he was doing and had fixed her up good. As she finished up she knew she had to wipe now a dificult task with paws she managed just, she flushed the toilet and went to wash her hands. Running them under water made her notice just how different they were, she could feel the cool of the water through them but her hands inside stayed dry. Rubbing them together to make sure the water and soap got into the fur between the soft leathery pads she tested just how flexible they were before trying to dry them with a towel. She looked at herself in the mirror again this time examining herself thoroughly playing with her new kitty ears and tail, rubbing her fake breasts and seeing the same soft leathery pads on the bottom of her foot paws.

Looking around the room she noticed there was only one small window above the bed, not even big enough to squeeze through. She then followed the chain to find it firmly attached to the wall and in good condition. Giving up on that idea she opened the wardrobe, inside were a few fetish style outfits including a maids dress. Thinking she had been naked up until now and seeing the selection, she decided not to change that as she closed the wardrobe and headed for the bedside table. Opening it she found a selection of sex toys, she sifted through them none looking like they would make any sort of weapon. As she looked she thought how apart from the rape she hadn't really examined that part of her new body yet, so she grabbed the biggest vibrator in there and decided to do some exploring. Laying on the bed she turned it on and ran it around her new opening, feeling it almost everywhere though sometimes barely as it ran over the latex parts of her anatomy. Running it along her slit she felt it hit a spot she had never had before that made her shiver, she noted where it was for future reference before plunging the dildo inside herself.

Kitty moaned out as the vibrating dildo bottomed out inside her, the new feelings astounding her as she worked it inside herself. It wasn't long before she felt her first orgasm building, continuing on she pushed it in as far as it would go before slowly sliding it out again. She shuddered as she felt her vagina clamp down onto the the vibrator causing her to moan again. Just then after one more deep thrust her whole body tensed up and she had her first female orgasm. It blew her mind how good it was, she continued having at least two more before feeling tired enough to call it quits and go to bed. Turning the vibrator off she put it away and with a smile went to sleep, only good dreams coming to her that night. Meanwhile a few rooms over the Dr was watching his new toy enjoying herself as he used up a few tissues cleaning the mess he just made. With a smile he went to bed also thinking of how well she was coming along towards becoming his toy forever.

Kitty awoke in the morning with a big stretch and yawn, before leaving for work the doc had replaced the empty food tray with a full one. She looked at the selection, there was oatmeal, juice, milk, another banana and a big jug of water. Assuming the jug was to last the whole day she set about consuming her breakfast, this time a plastic spoon had been provided to aid her but it was still difficult with the gag in. Washing it all down with the milk she got up examining herself again each time noticing something new before she felt the familiar need to use the facilities. Remembering to keep her tail out of the way she sat down and went, this time she had to do more than relieve her bladder. After she finished she wiped and found more problems, her paws not giving enough dexterity to wipe properly she ended up making a mess of herself. She sighed and decided to have a shower, thinking of ways to solve the toilet problem. As she showered she discovered even more about her body her fur was very deeply inserted and unlikely to be pulled free. Her breasts and other attachments took the water well as she washed herself clean. A thought occurring to her, obviously they intended the toys to be cleaned easily especially after the mess that gets made of them.

She towelled off drying her fur as best she could, not a single strand being pulled out. Kitty began to rummage through the bathroom but found nothing of use there wasn't even a used shaver. Disappointed she went back to the other room and went through the other bedside table, only finding a book about 50's housewives. Tossing it aside she looked for something else to keep her occupied pacing about the room before stopping and getting a drink of water. Sitting on the bed lost in though she began to play with her tail examining it, she found the end was stiffer than the rest almost as if... She had an idea laying back she tickled herself between her legs with the tip if her tail before inserting it inside her. It tickled as she pushed it deeper her moans getting louder as it went, it seemed a perfect fit as she worked it inside her. Obviously designed for the purpose or something similar, she began to thrust it into herself faster and faster before she bought herself to orgasm. Unable to stop as pleasure surged through her body she shuddered working herself into two more before withdrawing he new appendage from her vagina. It was dripping with her fluids as she made her way to the bathroom to clean up again. She was panting slightly and smiling beneath her muzzle thinking about trying that again sometime.

The doc returned home, coming into his toys room ready for some fun. He called her over, she came but slowly and cautiously as he told her to kneel before him. She did as she was told for now, she wasn't keen on being handled roughly again. He reached out and petted her head softly as he stood before her, so close she was looking up at him. He told her what a good kitty she was being before undoing his pants, she looked on with apprehension not liking where this was going. Sliding his pants down she could see his cock tenting his underwear, he grabbed her by the ear with one hand holding her head in place as he slipped his briefs off. Standing for all it glory before her was his throbbing member as he tapped it on her nose he bought her head closer putting the tip inside her muzzle. Pushing on the back of her head he thrust in his cock burying it deep into the gag in her mouth. He told her to lick the tip, which she did reluctantly at the same time trying to bite down. Gasping a little he told her what a good toy she was as he felt her muzzle tighten and pulse around his member as she licked and tried to bite. She was loathing every minute especially when she started to taste his pre on her tongue. Trying to pull away was impossible as he was holding her there as he thrust into her mouth. It wasn't long before her moaned and grunted shooting a load of warm cum right to the back of her mouth as she coughed and spluttered under the gag.

He pulled out slowly making sure she didn't spit it out, he told her to swallow it as he pulled his pants back up. She almost gagged on it before she finally managed to swallow it down she went and got her water getting a drink which didn't help. The doc left the room to her as he went to get her dinner bringing it in for her and placing it on the table. "not sure you would want this after the meal I just gave you" he said with a laugh petting her on the head again, she was scowling at him behind the gag. Leaving her alone again he left as she ate her dinner hoping that it will help get rid of the taste in her mouth, it didn't. She was sobbing again as she went to bed, tonight was going to be full of bad dreams again as she tried to sleep. Waking in the morning after a restless night, she saw her breakfast waiting and something else. There was a TV and a DVD player in the room just out of reach. She looked around and on the bedside table was a remote with just one button she aimed it at the TV and pressed it. Both the TV and DVD started up, the doc was on the screen "morning kitty" he began as he started to tell her more about her new life there as his toy. The plan was to reinforce the inescapably of her predicament and of who was the master and who was the toy. Disgusted she tried the button again but nothing happened she would have to listen to him all day as the DVD looped.

When he came home he went straight to her room turning off the TV finally and calling her out. She made her way from the bathroom where she was trying in vain not to listen to the tape for the hundredth time. Kneeling before him like she was asked, she wished anything for some way to escape but for now she just had to do as she was told. He asked her to point at her master and with a scowl hidden behind the muzzle she pointed at him. Then he asked her who the toy was and with another hidden scowl she pointed at herself. Patting her on the head he then asked if she was going to obey properly now and she nodded yes grumbling into the gag inaudibly. "Good kitty" he said as he told her to ready herself on the bed for him as he was ready to partake in his obedient toy. Wincing slightly she got up off the floor and made her way to the bed laying on her back and spreading her legs for him. Her disdain for this only just hidden behind the mask and fur as he knelt between her legs stroking them as he moved in closer. He ran his hands along the insides of her thighs as he closed on her, he ran a finger along her slit teasing her opening with the tip. Laying on top of her he kissed her muzzle tonguing it again as he pressed his stiff member against her soft folds.

She grunted mostly out of disgust as he pressed in hard and fast, his meaty rod sliding inside her easily. Moaning softly as he began to thrust into her opening the ripples inside working him into a frenzy. She didn't struggle knowing it was pointless but as she lay there she felt pleasure start to flow through her body, a stifled moan escaping her lips. An unexpected orgasm started to build inside her as he ploughed into her. Her sex constricting slightly around the invading member, causing him to moan into the kiss. He bottomed out inside her as she hit her peak, her body tensing as she orgasmed, a smile on his face as he said "looks like my kitty is enjoying this". Moaning and bucking uncontrollably into him as another orgasm built, her slicked vagina tightening around his throbbing shaft. He thrust in hard, fast and deep his pulsing member pushing her over the edge as they orgasmed together. They laid there panting as his member stayed locked inside her. A small purr like noise emanating from her as he stroked and kissed her.

"Things could be worse" she thought with a smile as he returned with her dinner. Enticing him to the bed laying him down before she mounted and rode him to orgasm.

The End

Of latex and Love-dolls

**Of Latex and Love-dolls** One fine day a tiger was walking to work, his job was pretty meaningless selling electrical goods. He arrived at work on time an proceeded onto the sales floor to begin his shift, by the end of the day he was exhausted...

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