Turbulence in Transit

Story by Cyan Spirt on SoFurry

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Salutations to returning readers and new ones,

Geez, where to begin. I had to actually check my last story journal to see where I left all in telling the downward spiral that things have become. Well..it does seem to suggest that I'm still alive and relitivly sane/competient...otherwise I'm perhapes a better actor then I thought I was. No horrible physical deformities to speak of yet, so atleast I get to keep my pretty face (that's sarcasm if you couldn't tell).

I'm actually relitivly happy with how this story came out. I'm not quite sure if the naughty scenes will be up to par, but I love the character development and the emotions that are illustrated. This is actually the first time I really admire a part of my own work....Maybe I really am going insane. I do have another story that's half way done that went on hold so I could finish this one...so that will be my next target.

I've got my weekends pretty booked with parties of booze and general debachelry, along with going to NY comic con on the 19th of this month. I'm going dressed as Ness from Earthbound, got the whole costume including yo-yo, baseball bat, and PK fire/thunder/flash things. Should be an intresting time...esspecially if I get as drunk as I hope I will...probably be trying to 'home-run' everyone at the hotel. It isn't alot...but cos-playing is something I look forewards to becuase I no longer have to be myself...I'm a well known (and sometimes well loved) charater.

I still detest waking up in the morning since my dreams are the main reason I'm even able to smile these days....mostly it's becuase I'm daydreaming about something romantic or whatnot. Nine times out of ten, I simply zone out at nothing, or flash back to a previously played and recorded daydream. My appitite seems have increased, at least I don't have to drag my ass to the dinning hall like a forced march, though I do tend to go alot longer periods without food or drink simply because I've gotten used to it. Finally saw the movie, "Howl's moving Castle" and it was fantastic....wish I had someone to snuggle up with though [sighs] I guess it cna't be perfect.

I've lost a few other 'friends' since my last story, but I gained one much better one, so to those who have left me, if you are reading this, good riddence. Leaving someone in a depression only to come back later and expect them to be fine is like planting a garden and leaving it unattended for months and expoect to find vegtables when you return.....you'd be even more niave then I am to expect that I'll fall in love again.

But alas, I've grown not to mind keeping my vow of celibacy; it's more just the lonliness durring the waiting period between that gets to me on a daily basis. It doesn't help that now a good majoritiy of my friends are dating someone....or just having lots of random sex, which by the way, I don't envy. Some one I know will actually be having a party when she hits forty....no, not forty years old, forty different sexual partners! Sadly, I'll be attending since I like her as a friend and there will be lots of booze to quiet the voices in my heads, but still....40!....i haven't even begun to climb the mountain and she's already at the damn top. Oh well, I guess that's just something I'll have to live with as well.

Nonetheless, now that I've ranted and raved about my life for about a page, I figure you diserve to actually see the story that you have been waiting for. So, like ususal, all of these characters are my intillectuall property, so unless you have my explicet permission, the most you can do is look and fantisize. No one under 18...or whatever the age is around these parts..should be here...but hey, we aren't checking. And now, without furter interruption, my story.

Sicnerly your barely breathing wolf,

Cyan Spirt

p.s. This chapter is dedicated to my dog who passed away this January after 8 years of faithfull service and love, may you enjoy your well-earned rest, and I hope to see you again once day.

It had been almost four hours since the plane had left the ground, and still, none of the passengers felt any closer to their destination compared to when they were sitting in the terminal waiting for their plane's arrival, or back on the tarmac waiting for take off into the yonder blue skies. Well, the skies certainly weren't blue anymore, at least not with it nearing dusk as they hurdled at incredible speeds over towns and cities that littered the landscape below. Plus, being in the cramped coach section of a Boeing 747 didn't help matters much either for the wolf and fox sitting in seats H24 and H25 respectively.

They were returning back home after a series of expansive book tours resulting from the publication of the wolf's most recent book, 101 Ways to Keep Warm. It had shot to the top of the literary charts within a week of being on bookstore shelves; and it seemed no one could keep the manuscript in stock before having to order more to feed the hungry throngs of readers. The pair had just left a tropical resort where the final signing and talk had taken place less then ten hours prior, and were now flying back to their snowy mountain retreat. Glancing down the isle quickly, the wolf managed to catch sight of the large television screen located just over the doorway into first class. He could see their flight path, a red dotted line, showing that they still had another three and a half hours of flight time before touching down, and that was without any problems, traffic, or other such unforeseen occurrences.

Reclining in his seat, having long ago unbuckled the seatbelt, the lupine reached out to gently massage his pads. The male's wrists were still stiff from all the gesturing and autographing he had done at the various conventions; the few freshly made paper cuts that were proof of their endeavor, stung as he rotated his paw around. "It will be a relief once we get home and out of these clothes, huh Ivory?" he asked his mate, turning to his right to face the fox who was busy staring blankly out of their little pilot window. The silver colored male appeared too distracted in watching the darkened clouds pass by the double lined plastic to notice that the wolf had spoken.

"Hmm?...Yeah Ravery," the vulpine muttered, his eyes still lazily focused on the tip of the plane's wing as it sliced through the colors of the setting sun, the bright reds and oranges entrancing him.

The two were still dressed in the same clothes that they had worn during the wolf's final press conference, neither having time to get changed back the hotel before being rushed into a waiting limo and escorted to the airport. They had downgraded their first class tickets in exchange for both frequent flier miles and two adjacent seats on the next plane home, a decision both furrs were starting to regret. The wolf was dressed to the nines in black loafers, a pair of straight legged black slacks with a black leather belt securing it around his waist; he had on a white buttoned down dress shirt compete with pleats and sapphire cuff links, over which he wore a navy blue vest, a matching bow tie secured snuggly around his throat. Ivory had dressed down for the occasion, this convention being the last one of their trips. The fox still had on his pair of original styled converse high tops, over which a pair of khaki colored jeans nicely gripped his toned legs and rear. His tail perked through the back and ruffled up against his muted lime green polo shirt with the breast pocket on the left side. His hair was tied behind his black tipped ears with a small blue ribbon, color coordinated to match with his mate's vest.

So here they sat, in their wrinkled clothes, still sweaty from the hustle and bustle of rushing to the terminal on time before their plane took off, each feeling rather uncomfortable. Seeing as how his mate would rather stare blankly at the sky then talk to him, the wolf resigned to start flicking the dirt out from under his claws. The repetitive motions allowed his mind to drift back to the past few weeks of constant 'get up and go' traveling, all of his loyal readers, the same interview again and again, the first class hotel rooms, the fancy five star dinners, never having any time to relax.

Ravery awoke from his daze as something hard and cold smacked into his left knee, which had been lying across his right. Startled from his daydream, he looked up to see a large metal box pushed down the row by a female skunk, her face plastered with a wide smile as she glanced at him. She was dressed in a navy blue skirt that just passed her knees, white blouse, and matching blue petticoat with a small lapel ping of a pair of wings. "Can I get you or your friend anything to drink, Sir?" the stewardess asked politely, bending over to lower the wolf's tray for him. Ravery looked up to smile at her, accidentally taking an unnoticed glance down the collar of her shirt as he did, seeing the rim of her pink bra that supported her ample breasts.

Reaching up, the wolf dragged his fingers over his face as he wiped the sleep from his yellow eyes. "Ummm...I'll just have a ginger ale. I here that's supposed to calm your stomach," he mumbled before turning back and gently nudging the fox's shoulder, "You want anything Ivory?"

For the first time in over an hour, the vulpine turned around, his obsidian orbs meeting his partner's before glancing upwards at the stewardess. "Nah...I'm fine," he said casually, though the wolf thought he could detect some coldness in his voice.

"You sure?" Ravery asked again, tilting his head a bit as he tried to discern what it was that seemed to be bothering his mate.

"I'm sure," he said sternly, eyes squaring off with the other's; his tail's black tip sternly swaying behind him in the seat, a clear signal he didn't want to be trifled with right now.

Ravery chuckled softly as he licked his own nose, trying to get the other male to smile, "Because...I mean-"

"I said...I'm fine," the vulpine repeated flatly, crossing his legs stiffly and turning his attention back to window, though keeping watch on his mate by the corner of his eye.

The yellow eyes blinked at Ivory's harsh demeanor before they turned back towards the skunk. "Umm...just one ginger ale then," he said, adding in some nervous laugher as an after effect.

"Very good sir," she said with a perky little giggle, way too perky for any normal creature on a seven hour flight; she was certainly a pro at this. Returning her attention back to her cart, her black paws began rooting through several different plastic bins filled with various cans and bottles of soda and juice till she at last pulled out a can of ale and a small plastic cup, setting both along with a napkin, on his plastic table.

As she was ready to leave, the lupine reached out and gently pulled on the hem of her sleeve to get her attention again. "Excuse me...but will you be coming back anytime soon with something to eat?" he asked with a comforting smile, eyes motioning to the male next to him.

Nodding slowly, "Someone will be around in about an hour with snacks, probably pretzels or chips of some kind, I haven't checked." And with that, she left, walking her cart down the isle as her hips had this very feminine swagger to it. A motion the wolf couldn't help but watch, the skunk's tail arching high over the hem of her skit, with the white tip cresting just low enough so as to brush against the armrests of the chairs she passed.

"Will you be coming back around....humph," Ivory repeated from behind Ravery, causing the wolf's ears to swivel around to catch the words before his head joined in the turn.

Taking a deep breath, the lupine knew better then to respond to his mate's words, but he ignored the voice in his head and went ahead with it anyways. "What's wrong with that?" he asked, reaching out to gently take the fox's white paw in his two black ones, only to have it pulled away from him as soon as his fingers toughed fur.

"What's wrong, is that you were flirting with her," he said forcefully, "And with me sitting right next to you to boot." his lips were curling, revealing the sharp pearly white canines to the wolf, his tail bristling before he reached back and pulled it into his lap to smooth down his fur.

"Flirting?!?" the lupine exclaimed, though then remembering where they were, he did his best to keep his voice calm and low, hopefully inspiring the fox to do the same. "Where'd you get an idea like that Ivory?" he asked, eyes pleading with his mate to try and be a bit understanding; they were both tired, sweaty, and uncomfortable, maybe that's what was sapping the vulpine's patience.

Scoffing, the arctic fox rolled his eyes, "Oh please Ravery. I saw the way you were looking at her ass." Crossing his arms over his chest, he didn't care if the other passengers around them heard their conversation; though it appeared everyone else was either sleeping, or listening to the in-flight movie with headphones.

"Now foxie," the wolf said calmly, reaching out and placing his paw on his mate's shoulder, "I think you are being a bit paranoid here. Look...we're both tired, and at the end of our ropes. Why don't we discuss this back at the cabin?"

"Oh no..." the male said warningly, "You are not going to weasel out of another one of our little arguments like that. We are going to talk about this here and now!" His large teeth were once again flaring; his arms were now down at his sides with paws gripping the armrests with white knuckles, threatening to tear them off.

The wolf's black paw quickly slid down the furr's arm and took a firm hold of his paw, refusing to let go even when his mate tried to pull it back. "Listen to me Ivory, I wasn't trying to-"

"Don't start giving me your excuses Ravery!" the fox exclaimed fiercely, "The way you looked at her was the same way you...you...used to look at me." His tone sounded cruel, but his eyes showed a deep sadness as he turned his head and gazed back out the window.

The obsidian pelted lupine gulped loudly, suddenly seeing where this conversation was starting to go, "Please...kit...look at me," he whined, still clutching the vulpine's paw to his own.

Spinning around suddenly, a bit of wetness at the corner of his eyes, Ivory used his other paw to wipe his nose. "Do you even love me anymore?" he asked tearfully, though it was pretty clear that this had been building up for a while, far longer then just the four hour plane ride.

"What?" the wolf responded in surprise, though quickly recanting his thoughts as he began to gently rub the top of the fox's white paw still clasped between his two black ones, "Of course I do Ivory."

"Then say it..." the vulpine replied in kind, his black tipped ears falling against his head as he tried to force a smile.

"Say what?" Ravery asked, a bit confused as he tilted his head to the fox's command.

"That you love me damn it!" he shouted, a bit too loudly as the pair got a few odd looks from the furrs sitting across the isle from them, though no words were exchanged.

The writer's black cheeks blushed, "Aww come on Ivory...you know I do," he said softly, his toes clenching and unclenching in his shoes.

"Then you should have no problem saying it..." the smaller furr demanded again, obviously not letting the idea go. He could see the lupine's face twist at what should be a simple task, that black muzzle open and close repeatedly, each time no words leaving his throat. Ravery looked like he was grasping for straws, gasping at words that should've just rolled off of his tongue. Suddenly, a thought dawned on the arctic fox as he sat there; his eyes began getting misty as he started sniffling "You don't...do you?"

"I don't know what you are getting at," he said defensively, "I'm just nervous is all...doing this sort of PDA in front of such a captive audience."

"You never had a problem saying it public before, Ravery," Ivory said, calling his mate's bluff as their eyes met again, the moment seeming to last forever as the wolf felt a entire plethora of emotions whirl around in his head.

"Look," the said coldly, softening his tone as his words continued on in a scattered manner as he tried to capture his thoughts; "Ivory...I mean...I just, you know...what I'm trying to say is...that, well...I...I-I just don't want to get into it now," and with that he released his mate's paw and pushed himself up from his seat. Before the fox could object, he had turned and was heading down the main isle of the plane towards where the bathrooms had been indicated at the start of their flight. Thankfully one was unused, and with little effort, he managed to unhinge it and slide in before closing it and turning the knob to indicate its occupancy.

As soon as the door closed, his back was against it as he buried his face in his paws and sighed heavily. Wiping the sleep and tears from his eyes, the lupine staggered to his feet and moved towards the small counter in the minute airplane restroom. The walls were a tasteless off white eggshell color, the counter a faux granite plastic, and the other amenities were cold stainless steel save for the green plastic soap dispenser and mirror. Looking behind him quickly, he took sight of the milky porcelain throne coupled with empty magazine rack and metal toilet paper bar positioned right over it. The room could fit one person relatively comfortably....two people if they squeezed; three if they were all masochists.

So with paws pressed against the counter, arms locked in place, he supported himself leaning over his center of balance to glare unwaveringly at the reflected face in the mirror. "You're such an idiot...A damned fool," he told himself, spitting into the sink as he did so, "You had to run, you couldn't just tell him that you loved him, could you?" Ravery didn't bother answering his own question as he scoffed at himself and averted his eyes of the other wolf. Backing up till the back of his calfs came in contact with the toilet seat, he figured that while he was here, might as well do his business anyways. His fingers popped the snap on his fly easy enough, and with that down went his slacks and red silk boxers before he took his seat on the badly molded plastic seat, thee cold material sending shivers along his spine. Nonetheless, it didn't deter him, and moments later he was finished with the dirty work and took the time in the isolated cell to try and do some quick soul searching.

Clasping his paws in his lap, he looked up and could just see just above the crest of his nose in mirror, his yellow eyes silhouetting a silent sort of sadness in his complexion. "He hates you now....You realize that, don't you?" he asked of himself, fingers twiddling as he sniffled some. "Yeah...I know," the lupine responded sadly, hunching his body over till his forehead pressed against the tops of his furry knees. It wasn't that he didn't love the fox, of course he did, it was just that he had a lot on his mind these past couple on months that left little room for a serious concentration on his emotions. That vulpine was everything to him, perfect in every way, contoured to him flawlessly, it was just that he-

The sound of someone's clenched knocked on the door echoed through the diminutive chamber, derailing his current train of thought. "Someone's in here" he exclaimed as he reached back and flushed the toilet before standing up and pulling his pants back up. It took a moment, but it looked like whoever it was on the other side of the door didn't hear him, for they continued to bang upon the metal surface. "Can't you read the sign that says it's occupied?" he asked loudly, not appreciating the interruption from his thoughts. Reaching back, he grabbed the can of scented air and sprayed around the area out of common courtesy; while the bottle said that it was supposed to smell like a field of lilacs, the wolf thought that the garden must have been planted near toxic runoff.

Once again, his words seemed to have fallen on deaf ears, for the sounds continued to come, now even stronger the before as the thumps began now echoing in his head as well. Moving over to the small sink, he started washing his paws as they clenched into small fists in response to the sounds of the impatient bastard waiting for him to leave. "He'd better have explosive diarrhea or something," he mumbled to himself; "I'm getting out now, sheesh, hold your hor-" Ravery began again, but this time a familiar pattern could be heard in the chimes. It was a simple repetition of a one-three-two system that he and Ivory had invented after a series of robberies where they lived as a method of identifying themselves from the other side of the door. "Alright kit, I'm coming," the fast pace of the fox's knocks indicated that something was urgently wrong or important. Not bothering to dry his paws, the wolf unlocked and threw open the door, only to be greeted by the vulpine's angry face.

The fox said nothing as he pushed the wolf back into the bathroom, quickly following on his heels before turning to lock the door behind them. "I don't think anyone saw me..." he muttered before giving his full attention to his mate, who stood there with a rather surprised look drawn upon his face. "What?" he asked defiantly, his paws resting on his hips as he scowled it the lupine, "You didn't think you were going to be able to avoid talking like that, did you?"

"I wasn't trying to avoid you," the wolf pleaded, backing up against the wall as the fox advanced on him, a menacing look in his eyes. Waving his black paws defensively as though warding off a swarm of oncoming flies, "Honest kit, I was just going to the bathr-"

"Do you really expect me to buy that lie? Do you really think I'm that naive Ravery?" he demanded to know of his mate.

"Of course not..." the furr started to say, "I mean, no...It isn't a lie. I-" his words cut off by a growl from the fox's throat that told him to shut-up.

"And what's with this 'kit' business anyways?" Ivory inquired, his paws balling into tight fists at his side, "Just how old do you think I am anyways?"

Gulping audibly, "Well, you're no pup," he stated softly, "You've seen your share of winters and phases of the moo-" he tried to get out before a silver paw slapped his firmly across his muzzle, causing a stiff bark to emanate from his lips.

"So I'm too old for you! Is that what you're trying to get at?" the vulpine's eyes flaring as he spoke, hot breath cascading over his lower lip and sticking to the wolf's collar. His chest heaved with every word, the boy's lithe form starting to shake from all the pent up emotion, his tail standing stiffly behind him as he intimidated the larger male.

"What? No!" Ravery cried out, his muzzle still stinging from the hit as he tried to make his way out of the proverbial corner that the fox had backed him up into.

"Damn it wolf!" he shouted, fist slamming into the wall next to the black canid's head, the echo nearly deafening him in his left ear. Squinting, as though drinking in his mate's fear through his eyes, he spoke slower this time; "I saw the lust in your eyes when that hussy bent over," he said flatly, "I guess you like 'em all pert and perky now, huh?"

"No!" Ravery cried out, denying the charges.

"I guess I just don't do it for you anymore, right?" he said again, his words piercing the other furr's heart like so many daggers.

"No!" came again, the wolf could feel his heart trying to force its way up his throat.

"Am I not as talented a cocksucker anymore?"


"Am I too loose for you now?"


"Does my throat not suckle you like it used to?"


"Does my ass simply not grip your knot the way it used to?


"Or are you just in the mood for a nice tight virgin cherry to pop for some desert after you've had you fun fucking me?" Ivory hypothesized. With each statement, he seemed to become farther consumed by his rage as he reached up and took the wolf by the bow tie, forcing his face even with his own. It seemed that no matter what was said, his rage just twisted the words around to fuel his anger even more.

"No! That's not true at all!" he screamed again, not caring if the passengers outside could hear their debate; though no one made any attempt to interrupt or resolve their argument. His bright yellow eyes met his mate's solemn black ones for a brief moment, neither one saying anything till the fox slowly released his grip on the wolf's collar, softly shoving him back against the wall as he turned away to gaze into the mirror.

Sighing sadly, Ivory sat about gently brushing the stray strands of hair from his face, hooking them behind his ears as he stared longingly into the metal sink below him. "Not like it's that surprising anyways," he muttered out loud, "I should have seen this coming for a while now. I guess this trip just drilled it home for me is all."

Ravery thought about reaching out to touch the boy's shoulder, he seriously considered it, but the fear of setting the fox off on another tangent was too great a risk. "What are you talking about?" he asked softly, ears flat against his head as he straightened his tie out of nervousness.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about!" the vulpine snapped back, twisting his head around to glare at his mate; those beady little eyes appearing as to though stare right through the wolf's body and directly into his soul. "During this entire trip, the whole vacation 'get-away' as you put it, and do you know how many days we spent together just you and me? Can you remember how many times we made love?" the fox went quiet for a few second, though seeing that the lupine was not brave enough to answer, he stepped in. "Well, I'll tall you," he announced, "A huge fuck'n zero on both counts!"

A tiny whine escaped the black muzzle as his head dipped low in submission, "Ivory, I-"

"Do you have any idea how many nights I sat up alone waiting for you to come back so we could have some time together? How many movies I rented from pay-per-view? How many half-hearted excuses you'd give me about having to get up in the morning, or being too winded from the night's activities? How many times you'd simply forget the excuse all together and simply roll over and go to sleep, telling me to shut off the television when my movie was finished, never getting the OBVIOUS hints that I'd leave out for you?" The arctic fox's list seeming endless to the berated wolf, each a question that wasn't looking for a verbal answer, merely a guilty response.

"Please," the wolf whimpered was he watched his love life crash down around him, "I didn't kn-"

"Don't give me that you didn't know what you were doing," the silver pelted furr spat at him. Turning his body fully back around to face his wolf, his balled-up paws back on his hips, eyes seething with distraught and anger, he made his way over towards Ravery till their noses were almost touching. "You remember that time when we had rented that sedan and were driving through the desert towards our third tour stop?" he asked, getting a shaky nod in return; "You remember stopping for the night at that little roadside motel?" once again, another affirmative nod; "You remember what we did that night?" this time, the wolf's face staid blank as he tried to recall what had happened over three weeks ago.

Reaching up to finger his collar, the shirt making the lupine sweat profusely as his mate's hot breath constantly coated his face and dripped down his neck. "I don't see what that night has to do with anything..." Ravery said, his words hanging in the stale bathroom air, the scent of lilacs permeating every square inch of space till the smell was almost unbearable.

"Then allow me to remind you, and don't worry, I'll spare you the boring details," he said; if his intention was to strike another blow to the wolf, he hit a dead center bulls-eye. His lungs inhaled a deep breath of flower scented air, eyes watering slightly at the pungent odor. "Suffice to say, that night I had asked you if you were in the mood for a little bit pf fun, to which you replied a very vague remark of 'sure'. Nonetheless, you scooted very slowly onto the bed, not looking at all interested in what was about to happen, and I followed suit. After proceeding to get your belt undone and fly open, I had to struggle to get you to even move your legs and let me get your pants off,. Eventually I gave up and decided to simply blow you through the slit in your boxers. I'm in the middle of it, with your cock stuffed halfway down my gullet, and decide to look up at your face for some encouragement...and what do I see?" The wolf remained quiet, his eyes downcast towards the linoleum tile. "What I see," Ivory continued, his voice quickly rising in volume, "Is you peacefully sleeping!"

"Wait, I can explain!" the black furred male shouted, but to no avail.

"Goddamn it Ravery! You were so fucking bored of looking at me, you fell asleep while I was giving you head!" he screamed out, tears reforming in his eyes. Turning away quickly so as to not let the lupine see him cry, he brushed his face clear of sobs, "For your information, I didn't even bother finishing; I just pulled off and ran to the bathroom to bawl my eyes out. Even when I returned, you were still sleeping, so I just stripped to my boxers and climbed into the other bed and fell asleep." With his tale finished, the fox speared defeated as he rested his paws loosely on the counter, his normally brilliant obsidian eyes lack-luster and hazy as they stared at his reflection, "I give up Ravery...I really do."

Ravery blinked as the revelation hit his ears. "Wh-what are you talking about Ivory?" he asked hesitantly, his voice cracking as he felt the familiar sensation of tears welling up in the corners of his eyes.

"Are you that dense?" the vulpine screamed at him, head snapping back to glare at the wolf with a glare so forceful it almost caused the other furr to loose his balance. "What the hell does it sound like I'm talking about?" he didn't give the lupine a chance to answer before jumping down his throat, "It means that when we get back home, I'm packing up my things and moving out. We're done! Through! Over!" he hollered, tears running down his face as he turned and took a step towards the bathroom door.

He could feel the air leave him as if he had been punched in the chest. "But...but why?" he managed to gasp out, stumbling forwards, catching his mate by the shoulder to hold him in place.

"Why? Why!" the fox hollered at him, "Because you can't seem to be able to give me one damn fucking reason as to what the hell is going through your head. Because you are giving me no other possible answers as to why you have been acting like you have been over these past months. Because you've become so self-absorbed in your work and I'm sick of being pushed to the outside. B-Because...because I still love you Ravery, and...and, it's too hard to see that you don't anymore." And with those final words, the silver fox slowly slipped himself free from the wolf's paw, turned his back on the furr, and took the last step, his fingers clutching the door's handle which would lead back to the plane's main cabin.

It felt like he was watching a movie in slow motion as the wolf. Still struggling to comprehend that the love of his life was ending their relationship; he wanted to break down, to turn away and cry, but there was no place to go, no room to hide, he had to face it, and swallow whatever shreds of pride he still clung to. With tears rolling down his obsidian cheeks, arms shaking as they clutched at nothing but thin air, he threw his head back and screamed for all he was worth. "I'm doing this because you are too good for me! Because you deserve far better then anything I could ever offer you! I'm doing it because if I make you hate me, you'll leave and find someone who can make you truly happy! I'm doing it....I...I wanted to do it, to let you go, to let you walk out that door....but I can't. It's too painful and I'm too weak...I love you Ivory, with every fiber of my being, and with every beat of my heart." Ravery then proceeded to cry.

As big tears began washing down the wolf's face, he had to turn away to rest his head on the vanity for fear that he'd simply topple over, folding his arms tightly around his face to hide his shame. But what he didn't see was the fox stopping in his tracks and looking over his shoulder at the slumped over form of the furr against the faux marble counter top. "Wh...what are you talking about?" he asked hesitantly, weary of any sort of trickery, though the wolf's pain and tears did seem pretty genuine.

"What I'm talking about, is that it killed me inside to see you like that!" he cried, turning to face the vulpine, their eyes meeting for a brief second, before he spun back around to cover up his tears. "It ate me up every night, watching your face as I turned you away to try and get sleep. It destroyed me having to disappoint you time and time again by canceling our dates and constantly rushing from one place to another without making room for you. By the end of the first week, I could barely look at myself anymore without gritting my teeth and clenching my paws." He seemed to get a little ahead of himself, taking a moment to breath in deeply while constantly wiping away tears that would travel down his muzzle as he spoke. "I...I couldn't bear to watch other couples in the places where we stayed. Simply seeing them holding hands, laughing, enjoying each other's company like we used to made me angry, jealous, and depressed that we had become distant."

Ivory had never seen his mate this distraught, to be honest, he had never imagined that the lupine had kept all of these feelings locked away inside some vault in his head. His anger and rage seemed to cool instantly as he took in the sight of the always proud and noble black wolf he had known, sobbing and crying as he let his figurative emotional wound bleed. "So why did you let it happen?" he asked, his voice showing traces on concern as he watched from the doorway; his paw still gripping the handle.

"Because I felt like I had no choice," he admitted with ears lowered, "I know it's a bad excuse, but-"

"You're right, it is a bad excuse," the fox interrupted him, drawing a soft whimper from the wolf, "but continue..."

The wolf wiped his eyes dry as he nodded, mouthing a silent 'thanks' before continuing. "Because I thought that if I didn't go out with all the big-shot publishers anytime they wanted that I wouldn't get a good contract deal. Because every time I was about to go and call it a night so that I could still make it home to you, they'd make a suggestion to go out for dinner, a beer, coffee, desert, or the nearest club. Because I was too afraid of telling them no and ruining what I had dreamed of for as long as I could remember, and making everything we did in vain." He silenced for the moment, still not having the courage to face the vulpine just yet, his eyes peering into the saddened reflection he cast in the mirror across from him, "Because...I was doing it for us...for you."

Slowly his silver paw released the door handle as he took a hesitant step forwards, his eyes still red and puffy as he found it hard to swallow before speaking. "And what about that night I mentioned?" he asked, taking another tiny step as he bent down to try and peer under the wolf's arms and into his face, "You didn't have them to distract you then."

Slowly the lupine stood up straight, his cheeks dampened with tears as he turned to face the fox, paws held loosely at his side. "That morning, while you were busy packing our things and checking out, I was down in the gym playing four-wall racquetball with one of the head publishers from the previous night. I was told by my agent that he was a fiend on the court, and I'd get on his good side if I asked him to a game." Taking a deep breath, he halted his speech for a moment to gently wipe his eyes free of moisture before continuing. "Well, he more then lived up to his reputation, beat me twenty-one to eight, but he seemed pretty happy after the game and told me to contact his secretary when I got back to my office. It wasn't until later, when I hit the showers so you wouldn't have to smell my sweat while we drove, that I realized that I had pulled my back. That's why it was hard for me to get into bed, why I couldn't get my pants off, and why I ultimately passed out....It was from the pain due to pressure on my legs, not because I got tired of you...I could never get bored of you Ivory."

Ivory's complexion softened considerably as he heard the truth, everything now falling in place. "Why didn't you tell me all of this back then? You know I would have understood," he said softly, unable to understand why his mate didn't feel that he could confide in him anymore.

The black furr took a small step towards the other, closing the gap between them as he reached out to try and take the fox's own paws within his, and much to his surprise Ivory allowed him. He held on to those warm, furry fingers, clasping the two white paws between his black ones as they remained loose. "I didn't tell you because.....because you looked so happy," he said softly, braving a look into the vulpine's obsidian orbs etched with emotions. Seeing he'd have to go into more detail, he tried to sum up all his thoughts before spilling them out. "When we pulled in to the hotel, you were positively ecstatic because you knew that I wasn't going anywhere and that we'd have the night to ourselves. I didn't tell you because I wanted to try, despite the discomfort....Because I felt that I owed you at least one night where we could be together...Because that pain paled in comparison to what I'd see in your eyes. Because..." and with this, he brought those cupped white paws to his chest, pressing them against his beating heart as he gulped and stared into the eyes of the furr he still loved, "...no agony, no physical hurt could ever stop me from wanting to make you happy Ivory. I know I fucked up badly. I know I've done you wrong.....But all I can do is say I'm sorry and pledge to do better."

"Oh Ravery..." the fox said after a bit of haunting silence, his paws still clutched to the other male's chest as he gulped and gently wiggled his right paw free from where it was held. Those yellow eyes softly closed, a silent tear building up on the lashes as the lupine expected the fox to turn and walk away, but much to his surprise, he felt the gentle touch of someone's finger against his face, brushing away his tears.

Opening his eyes hesitantly, he was even more astonished to see the face of the vulpine's positioned right in front of his, a small twinkle in his eyes as a tear grew in the corner of his black eye. Letting go of the remaining paw with his left one, he reached up and whipped that small bit of moisture away. What he didn't expect was the fox leaning and pushing his soft, fragrant, lips passionately against his, but that's exactly what happened. He melted into the brace as the object of his affection began to softly nibble on his lower lip once their muzzles had parted. "So...does this mean that you're not leaving me, Ivory?" he asked with a gentle smile, ears folded back against his head.

"Not on your life Wolfie..." the furr echoed. Now openly crying, they pulled each other into a hug, arms wrapping tightly around the other's waist before burying their faces into their mate's scent. They couldn't get enough of that sweet musk, the smell each feared they'd be denied if they had ended up falling apart. Bring fistfulls of fur against their noses, taking in deep breaths of that aroma till each was swimming inside their own head. "I'm so sorry Ravery..." the fox admitted as he rested his head against the wolf's chest, hearing his heart beating through his clothes, "I let my emotions get the better of me, and I accused you before finding out all the facts."

"You have nothing to apologize for my sweet angel," the wolf responded, running his fingers through his mate's silky hair as he hugged him as if his life depended on it, "I should have told you everything, I-"

Pressing a finger against the black muzzle, he could only smile, "It doesn't matter now, does it?" Not waiting for an answer, he replaced his finger with his lips as they kissed again. This time the mystery and uncertainty was gone, they were staying together as mates, and it showed as they embraced harder then before. Each shed tears of joy as their eyes expelled previous fears; their tongues mingled in their open muzzles, licking and suckling as a new page in their story was written, and a new flame of passion burned within them.

This one lasted longer, their legs becoming entwined as two tail wrapped around their waists in a monochrome blanket of warmth. Even once the kiss broke, they still had their noses pressed up to one another, breathing in the same air mixed with the other's scent. Ravery was the first to break the silence. "There's something I wanted to tell you when we got back to the cabin, but I think it's better if I say it now," he said slowly, running his paw over the fox's cheek as they wept with happiness. "I've been dwelling on some things," he admitted, still keeping his smile about him, "And I've realized something; for me to be where I am now, a successful writer, you had to sacrifice so much....family, friends, just so you could move to that cabin and be with me."

"I did it because I loved you...Because I wanted to be with you," the vulpine interjected, cupping his mates chiseled jaw in his paw as he smiled softly.

"You gave up your dreams of becoming a famous chef, of teaching students at a culinary institute....all because of my dreams and aspirations," the lupine said softly, sniffling as he held the boy closer and tighter then he ever had before.

Ivory was sniffling as well, trying to hold back even larger floodgates. "That's because I believed in you...in your dreams, and I'd do it again in an instant," he added, giggling a few times before the sniffles caught up with him.

Leaning in a bit, the wolf kissed his fox on the forehead ever so gently, fingers brushing over his crushed velvet ears as he swallowed quite visibly. "Well now I...I want to return the favor Ivory. I want to give up everything I have so that you can follow your heart...So that you can achieve your dreams," as he spoke, new tears started forming in his eyes. "I want to give you everything that you have given me. I want to put my writing on hold, just like you did your cooking, and I want to do whatever it is necessity to let you spread your wings and leave a mark on this world...I-I...I want to see you shine like the star you are." And with that, having broken down all the walls of pride and poise he had built up, the wolf kissed his mate on the nose and waited.

"You really mean that?" he asked, returning the wolf's kiss with a quick swipe of his tongue across those black lips.

The wolf nodded, "Every word of it. Now, how about we go back to our seats and start smoothing out the details of what needs to be packed and where you want to go, hmmm?" He didn't wait for an answer as he moved around the fox and made his way to the door, eager to get out the cramped and stuffy airline bathroom. He was halted with a firm tug at the base of his tail, which told him his mate had other ideas.

"Where do you think you're going?" Ivory asked him in a seductive undertone, pulling the wolf back till the fox's crotch was pressing tightly against his clothed rear. The smaller canid wrapped his arms around the larger furr's waist, balancing on his toes as he used his tongue to trace around the wolf's right ear as he spoke. "After leaving me blue-balled for over a month, you don't think you're going to escape me that easily, do you Ravery?" he teased, clicking his tongue against his sharp teeth. He could feel his mate shiver as he traced the sensitive pink interior with the tip of his fangs, gliding ever so gently to just prickle the naked flesh.

"Not unscathed, no..." he admitted, whimpering playfully as he felt the bulge in the fox's pants press against his tail, his own sheath already starting to swell. Turning around, the vulpine dropped back to his flat feet as his mate teasingly shoved him back until the lip of the counter was pressing against the base of his tail. "But I also figured that you'd want to make love in someplace a bit more romantic then a bathroom," he said, a twinkle in his eye as he kissed that silver muzzle.

Ivory chuckled as he reached up, gently fingering the bow tie as he wiggled his hips against those of his mate. "If I wanted to make love, you'd be right," a knowing smirk carving itself across his alabaster colored muzzle, "But giving into my lust has no such requirements!" And with that, he took a powerful step forwards, pushing the wolf backwards in the process, watching with a sexy smile as Ravery stumbled backwards and fell on the closed toilet lid with a loud thud.

"Ivory..." the wolf replied softly, watching with intense interest as the fox before him started to undress, despite the fact that he wanted to turn away. "Someone could knock on that door at any moment," he pleaded, trying to stand up from his ringside seat, "Can't you at least wait till we get to the car?"

"No!" the fox exclaimed, pushing the wolf back onto the toilet, "Now, sit down and enjoy the show." The vulpine began swaying back and forth to beats only he could hear, his paws gliding seductively over his lower chest and groin as the dance begun. Turning around, he bent over to let his furry silver tail brush a single line from the wolf's tented slacks, up along the center of his chest, to underneath his muzzle, and finally giving him a playful smack across the nose.

"Mind if I help?" the lupine murred, reaching forwards as he slid his fingers under the hem of his green polo shirt. As those paws started teasingly scratching the younger male's back, they began to rise, slowly taking the shirt with it to reveal that silver pelt. But Ravery didn't get too far, for the fox quickly turned to swipe those exploring pads away from him.

Wagging his finger in mock scolding, "Oh no you don't wolfie..." he said as he pulled his shirt back down, "Now you had better buckle up, cause I'm gonna give you the ride of your life." And with that, he leaned over and pressed his muzzle against his mate's, trapping him against his seat while his paws made quick work of his belt. Ivory could feel the wolf jerk upwards into the kiss as one white paw yanked the belt off, while the other undid his fly and took hold of his lupinehood through his silk boxers.

The most Ravery could do was moan into the fox's muzzle, his body completely at the vulpine's mercy, and as much as he was worried that they'd be caught, his stiff erection spoke to his other desires. His black paws gripped the toilet lid tensely, resisting the urge to rip off his clothes and paw off. He hadn't had any action over their trip either; but with his mind constantly busy on office politics, he hadn't allowed much time to dwell on his lack of sex. With Ivory stroking him through the silk cloth of his boxers, the cold fabric rubbing along his sensitive skin, that door didn't stay closed for much longer.

"You're like a faucet down there," the fox commented, feeling a puddle of wetness developing on the front of the wolf's boxers. He couldn't help but giggle as the insides of his mate's ears turned from pale pink to bright crimson, a soft moan leaving his throat as the pawing continued. Bathing the black muzzle with his tongue, Ivory slipped his right paw into the slit of his boxers, fingers curling around the slippery length of solid wolf. His acute hearing picked up the muffled gasps as those soft pads came in contact with the tapered tip, just ever so gently moving up and down the bulging veins the ran down the center of his pulsating shaft. "You seem really plugged up," the vulpine teased, dragging his tongue along the other male's nose and down the side of his cheek towards his neck.

Tipping his head to the side as he felt the silver muzzle glide across his pelt, the wolf could help but moan as the fox began pushing his buttons. "You should be a plumber," he said with his eyes closed, pushing his hips against those warm pads. Finally opening his eyes as a set of jaws loosely clamped onto where his neck met his left shoulder. Despite his loud moaning, he managed to catch sight of his thickened wolven pride. Having not bothered to continue to undress his mate, the fox had pulled the bright crimson spire through the hole in his boxers; the sheath of black furr was already straining to hold in his impressively sized knot.

"And why is that?" Ivory asked, both sets of fingers softly caressing his lupine's need. With delicate yet precise movements, he slid his lithe body down along the blue vest till his knees were on the questionably clean bathroom floor; eyes now level with the throbbing piece of wolf meat. Keeping one paw pressed flat against Ravery's chest as a signal to stay put, he used his left one to spread the lupine's legs a little farther apart. Pressing his cold nose against the spot where sheath met shaft, he felt his mate squirm as a rumbling moan left his muzzle.

The wolf couldn't help but lean his head back to pant, his tongue lolling out of the side of his muzzle as soft whiskers brushed across his sensitive glands. The feeling of furry silver lips quickly kissing along his length had him squirming, even before Ivory extended his tongue to gently lap across the crimson tip. Hissing loudly, Ravery had to grip the toilet seat with all his might to resist the temptation to just bury his length in the fox's gullet like he wanted to. "Because you're certainly good at handling my caulk..." he growled as the tip of that tongue tried to drill into his slit as a means of capping that leak of his.

The vulpine tried his best not to gag as he laughed at his mate's joke. "That's the worst pun I've ever had the displeasure of hearing. I'd hit you with the 'bad pun bat' if I could..." he said with a wink, "But I'm sure I can think of a substitute punishment." Opening up his maw, he lowered his face onto the lupine's cock and took it all the way to the base with no problem; pressing his front fangs into the pulsating shaft, he slowly began to drag the tips up along the entire length till they bumped against the ridge of the tapered head.

No longer caring where they were, Ravery couldn't help but cry out as the shivers rocketed along his spine. Those gentle pricks along the most sensitive part of his anatomy had him thrusting his penis up towards the fox, planting a few beads of pre on the vulpine's nose. "Oh god Ivory..." he mumbled, his head in a complete fog as the stale bathroom air failed to compare to the heated cavern of moisture that was his mate's muzzle.

"You really should learn to control yourself," Ivory berated his pleading wolf. Taking immense pleasure in licking the sticky fluid from his face, he moved his left paw to pressing the lupine's cock sternly against the blue vest; jerking it to pool pre along the head before making a rather obvious smear of fluid across the fabric. "Wouldn't want anyone to know what we were doing in here, would you?" he teased, pushing away any attempts by those black paws to try and reclaim in his shaft and paw himself off.

Closing his eyes, he gulped and nodded, "Please foxie..." he whimpered, ears splaying against his skull as he played the part of the submissive. He didn't know why, but something about this entire situation of them doing the nasty in a public place with the fox calling all the shots had him jumping through the roof. "I can't take it anymore...Please," he begged again, whining with need as the sensation of warm lips enclosing his head brought him nearly to an unscheduled release. He had to remind himself that Ivory was in charge, and that meant holding onto the metal toilet even tighter to restrain himself.

Hearing the usually strong and dominating wolf squirming in his seat like an excited puppy on his first sexual exploits gave the fox a high like none he could remember. Extending his tongue down, he stretched it till the tip was slipping underneath the midnight black sheath to lick at the hidden knot. He began finding it harder and harder not to laugh as he sounds of his mate whimpering, moaning, grunting, and crying brought him to smiles. Ivory decided to use all his talents in the art of felacio, wanting nothing more then to hear his lupine shout his name when he cummed. "That's better..." he cooed as he slipped his muzzle from around the impressive girth, giving the quivering mass another lick.

Those black cheeks flushed a bright red as he cracked his eyes open and looked down to see his mate's smiling face staring back up on him. The silver complexion that had minutes ago been ready to walk out the door, now kneeling before him with white paws gripped around his junk just under the swiftly forming knot. "God, you're sexy..." he whispered, his breathing coming in quick bursts as he felt the boy gently squeeze his nuts, causing his to choke mid-gasp.

Having covertly slipped a paw inside his mate's boxers to take a hold of the crushed velvet sac, he massaged the two large orbs between his fingers, rolling them around his pads as though he were at a market checking a purchase. "You're pretty hot too," he echoed, dragging his tongue from base to head before inhaling the slippery member back into the confines of his muzzle. Diving deeper this time, he felt his throat muscles open up to receive their gift as he pressed his nose into the musky crotch of his lover. The vulpine's mind was soon swimming with the scent of sex as he started to bob up and down on his favorite lollipop.

Ravery too was drowning in an ocean of lust and pleasure as the sensations of his first orgasm in almost a month were soon upon him. His entire body was slack and loose except for his rock hard cock that was currently disappearing and reappearing inside the snowy moist confines of that talented muzzle. He wasn't sure how much time had passed since rekindling their love. Ivory was busy constantly adjusting and changing his tempo, sometimes quick, other times painfully slow as he moved back and forth across the steel rail. And the constant fondling of his balls were nothing to joke at either. "I think I'm getting close," he said in a hushed voice, barely able to speak between his low droning of murrs and groans.

The warning appeared to go unnoticed as the fox continued his tongue barrage against the lupine's tower defenses. Not even taking the time to remove the phallus from his gullet so he could smirk at his mate, he merely looked up from his position as he inhaled the cock down to its base still hidden in the wolf's boxers; watching the wolf moan accordingly. Feeling the tapered tip of his cock descend deeper, it was then massaged by his talented throat muscles. He didn't need to ask if Ravery was enjoying the treatment, the way his balls tried to pull up to the base and those adorable squealing noise he made told him all he wanted to hear.

"I'm almost there!" the wolf howled, throwing his head back as he succumbed to those dastardly paws and muzzle that teased him ever so. Finally releasing his grip on the porcelain throne, he reached up to begin fingering his collar, clawing at the top button till he finally managed to undo it; then making quick work of his bowtie, he allowed for the two loose ends to drape down over his vest and sway with each pant. Reaching under the lip of his collar to gently scratch his shoulders with his left paw, he used his right one to softly massage his mate between the ears, causing the fox to moan around the rather large intrusion in his muzzle. "I don't know if I can last much longer," Ravery gasped between heavy breaths.

Still, the fox persisted in slurping on his mate's shaft like a kit feeding from its mother. His own foxhood was strained against the seam of his khakis, the tip brushing ever-so-slightly into the snap the held his pants around his waist. With each sway of his hips from bobbing up and down on the wolf's member, he would stifle a small squeak of pleasure. But Ivory had been with Ravery for years, and in that time he had picked up on the signals that the lupine's body would send him; he knew he hadn't passed his sexual threshold just yet. Determined to push the wolf's body to its limit and stop him just before he went over his peak, he reached his free paw farther into the writer's slacks to begin tracing a claw around his tense rosebud.

A shiver shot up along the black furr's spine as he tried to curl his tail between his legs and push the finger away, but his current position left him wide open to whatever his mate had planned. He could already feel the familiar tingling sensations of the cum boiling in his orbs, reading itself to come, like a torrent, out of his wolven-pride. Even though the fox was consistently trying to keep his sac from pulling upwards and prolonging his ordeal, he couldn't help but fidget in weak attempts to free himself. "I'm...I'm gonna blow my load!" he cried, closing his eyes as he felt those sliver lips and crimson tongue lap and suckle on his member.

Those words, or something to that extent, were what the vulpine had been waiting to hear; and as swiftly as he could, he slipped his muzzle off from around his mate's length and gripped it tightly at the base of the shaft. Eying the head, he waited to see if he had pushed him too far over the edge, but much to his enjoyment, not a dribble of white seed exited the tip. Ivory could feel his lover's shaft pulse against his pads as it yearned for release, desiring to give in to its orgasm. "Not yet my dear wolfie..." he teased, giving a slow, painful, and wanton lick along the underside of the lupine's cock, "We still have things left to do."

Ravery trembled under his mate's expert manipulation of his body, a soft whimper leaving his obsidian lips as he felt his orgasm denied. "Please..." he whined, bucking his hips against the silver paw that held him tightly around his sheath in an attempt to get himself off, "I'm soooo close kit." He knew better then to try and paw himself off; right now was Ivory's time to do whatever he wished, but damn the fox was a master at pushing his buttons just far enough to still leave him hanging. Even in this state of perpetual lust, when he saw that glint in his mate's eyes, the wolf knew that the love he had for that vulpine made it all worth it.

"Just close your eyes wolfie and I'll make all your dreams come true," the fox cooed softly as he rose from his knees. Leaning over the still seated lupine, he gently kissed him on the bridge of his muzzle, using his white fingers to gently press those yellow eyes shut. "Now, don't open them till I say so, understand?" he asked, licking the wet black nose once he got a small nod of acknowledgment.

With his sight cut off, his other senses instantly began sharpening as he tried to force himself to relax and not think about his raging erection. The formally fragrant and overpowering smell of lilacs had become rather diluted with time due to air circulation; instead, he could now easily pick up the scent of his sexual musk coupled with the vulpine's sweet aroma. He could feel those soft paws slowly glide over his chest and along his legs before disappearing from his body entirely. He then heard the small pop of a snap being undone, followed by the ruffling of cloth, and the shuffling of shoes on the metal floor.

Much to the wolf's unexpected surprise, the next thing he felt was the presence of paws on his shoulders before something...or rather, someone, hopped up and sat in his lap. "Umphf" Ravery coughed as the squirming body settled on his hips and coated his face in warm breath. With expert precision, that wiggling rear had managed to miss crushing his strained cock; rather, the hardened length was currently wedged along the crack of the fox's ass. A soft murr left his lips as he raised and lowered his hips, drawing the drooling tip back and forth along the crevice underneath his mate's tail. "Got me feeling rather cornered here..." he chuckled as he felt something poking him in the belly. Taking a strong whiff of the boy's scent; with the source almost directly under his nose, it made his eyes start to water as he strained to open them despite the tears.

"I didn't tell you, you could open your eyes yet, did I?" The vulpine asked, the wolf feeling those white paws clamp tightly across his face to restrict his sight. All the lupine could do was whimper at the treatment; that sound quickly turning into a soft, pleading moan as he felt his mate's legs firmly squeeze his hips. That forced his torrid shaft even tighter against that snowy silver pelt, his tapered head maybe just an inch or so away from the immense heat of the younger furr's tailhole.

"But Ivory," he cried out, "I want you so badly right now, I wan-" his vice getting interrupted by a bellowing howl as a set of jaws closed around the side of neck. Ravery hadn't even felt the breath of the fox until it was too late, and the boy had him completely at his mercy. The most he could offer was a pleading whimper of lust to his alpha of the moment, especially once those teeth began to slowly nibble their way up the side of his face till he felt the sharp pricks of teeth on the inner pink flesh of his ear.

Ivory felt a feeling of pride as he ran his tongue lovingly over his mate's face and ears, knowing that such a powerful creature was willing to be submissive to a smaller one like him. "I think you've earned your sight back...What do you think?" he whispered into the pointy black ear that shivered as his moist words coated the velveteen fur.

His chest was still heaving, head leaning backwards, as he felt those soft paws leave his face and slowly glide down his still clothed body. Ravery felt his cock pulse once again as something warm and furry brushed over the tip of it, sending shivers once again along his spine. "Oh yes..." he said, tipping his muzzle upwards as his mate dragged a finger along the underside of his chin. He managed to squeak out a soft "Please..." before lips were gently pressed against his own, a warm kiss enveloping him if only for a second and then it was gone; the sound of footsteps gingerly stepping away from him soon followed.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" the fox asked a few seconds later, still seeing that his mate's eyes remained closed "A personalized invitation?" Certainly needing no other coaxing, Ravery slowly opened his eyes; having to blink several times and wait for his irises to refocus from pitch black to bright industrial light. It took a good half minute till he managed to take a good look at what stood before him, and if he hadn't been salivating before at what was to come, he was sure drooling now at the prospect that lay in front of him. The wolf rubbed his eyes a few times, making sure he wasn't hallucinating at the vision of sex and lust which was displayed.

There was Ivory, his mate of many years, front half bent over the faux marble counter top, legs touching the floor, and rear suspended high in the air, looking positively sexy. He still had his khakis and boxers down around only one ankle, but otherwise, his lower half was completely devoid of clothing except for his converse. With legs spread slightly ajar, Ravery could easily make out the furry sac that clung to his lover's body; attached to that was his hard crimson member that swung stiffly against his chest, small beads of pre sliding down along the length to cling to the silver sheath. His ass was lifted far off the ground to be at perfect eye level with the sitting lupine; who gazed into the silver furr like a gypsy would her crystal ball, completely mesmerized by its beauty. For the future he saw for himself in those perfectly sculpted twin mounds of flesh was exquisite. That long bushy tail arched high over his back, showing off the pink rosebud hidden under the base, the tip dipping just low enough to float right above the smaller furr's head. The vulpine still wore his green polo shirt over his chest that sagged down a bit at the waist, the hem bumping into the tapered tip of his cock as he moved with each heavy breath. His neck was craned back, head looking over his left shoulder with the most seductive 'come-hither' look the wolf had ever seen, completing the whole ensemble. "Wow....." was all the male could stutter; his own cock jumping a good inch and dribbling a new stream of pre down over his fingers as he held it tightly in his black paw.

That one word was all it took to make the fox's silver complexion turn bright crimson, his ears flushing as he couldn't help but blush from embarrassment. He had to admit, his mate, sitting there on the toilet, still dressed in business attire, with his cock fully out of its sheath and dripping pre like a hose, looked pretty sexy too. "Well..." he began slowly, "If that's all I get, I'm gonna get goi-"

"Oh no you're not!" Ravery said, cutting off the fox as he rushed to his feet, nearly tripping and falling on his face. Once he managed to regain his balance, he closed the two step gap and was flush against his mate's upturned rump. Bending his own body to follow the contours of the vulpine's back, his wolfhood nestling between the furry crack of the other furr's ass, he slowly began tracing those black ears with his tongue. "What I meant to say was...You look so fucking hot right now, my little chef," he teased, gently pushing the head of his cock against the offered tailhole.

A soft squeak popped out of the Ivory's muzzle as he felt the added heat of someone on top of him. Wiggling his rear against the spire of flesh only served to make both of them even more randy then before, to the point that they could 'easily blow their loads before penetration ever happened. "You know..." he said softly, looking at their reflection in the large mirror before him, "This reminds me a lot of those mischievous times we had back in our college days."

That got the lupine thinking, primarily about their younger days when they were just two fresh-faced undergrads at a large public university. "You mean like how we used to sneak into empty classrooms before the buildings closed to have some fun?" he asked with a chuckle as he rocked his hips back and forth against his mate, drawing a quivering moan from those silver lips. "I swear...sometimes, I was sure we were going to be caught," he mumbled as he slipped his paws under the green fabric to run along the sinewy curves of the fox.

"I thought that's why you liked it so much," Ivory said as he pushed back into the wolf's crotch, "The idea that we could be found out made it taboo and exciting."

Ravery chuckled as he began to softly flick his claws over the tense nubs of flesh on his mate's chest, feeling the furr under him stiffen and moan. "Really? Cause I thought it was since we were two guys, that made it risqué...and our role-playing that made it arousing." Letting his free paw slip down the vulpine's waist, gently brushing his pads over the tender tip of his cock that was currently leaking profusely.

"Well, a bit from column A and a bit from column B-eeeeeee!" the vulpine squealed as the wolf's black fist firmly squeezed his aching shaft, encasing the tapered head in a cocoon of flesh and fur. He couldn't help but arch his back against his mate's chest, closing his eyes as he rode out the newest wave of pleasure that was coursing through his body.

Shrugging his shoulders amidst a small giggle, the wolf gently traced the fox's spine with his blunt, wet, cold, and black nose. "I suppose it doesn't matter one way or another," he muttered during his travels, taking in the sounds and sights of his mate's body along the tour. Like a train stuck to its tracks, his nose continued along the path till he was hunched over, almost in half, at the base of the fox's tail; nuzzling the bushy tail out of the way, he felt the soft fur glide across the side of his face as he slowly stood up. Leaning back, he let his cock slip down the crack of his mate's ass for the last time before budding the tip up against the puckered hole, "I love you."

"I love you to-Oooooo!" the fox's voice permeated by his howling moan as his sphincter dimpled inwards and the head of his mate's member sunk into his warm depths. Curling his fingers on the faux marble countertop, Ivory couldn't help but wag his tail slowly back and forth to show his enjoyment. Rocking back on the heels of his converse as the wolf stuffed another crimson inch inside his needing rosebud, his own member dripping pre down his leg. Craning his neck forewords as far as it would go; he closed his eyes and cried another lustful yip to the heavens. The vulpine reached back with his right paw to feel the amount of cock that was still left to be stuffed inside of him; and he was sliding up and down the length for only a fraction of a second before he had his arm pinned to the counter next to head by a much stronger black paw.

"You can't tell me that you've already forgotten my dimensions," Ravery hissed into the fox's ear, tracing the pink rip with the tip of his dexterous tongue. With that, he managed to get another inch and a half into his mate, who moaned loudly as he pressed his back up against the wolf's chest. The vulpine weakly tried to escape the lupine's grasp, whimpering pleasantly while his tailhole got filled with wolf meat. A firm open palmed smack against the left rump cheek got him to quiet down with a small yelp that slowly turned into a rumbling purr as warm pads massaged the slightly reddened area. "Liked that?" the wolf asked as he gently scrapped over the delicate ears with the tips of his fangs.

Having not expected to be spanked like that, Ivory was surprised that he felt himself blushing as he head lowered to the faux marble, the cold plastic pressing against his cheek. "Yes..." he admitted, wiggling his rear back and forth with a little less then half of his mate inside of him. Feeling another quick smack, he yipped again as he felt the black paw try to steady his swaying ass for further entry. "Fill me Ravery!" he screamed at the top of his lungs, unable to be tormented by such teasing manipulation of his sensual spots, "Take me now and fuck me hard!"

The lupine's body sprung into action at the sound of the request. Quickly releasing the boy's arm, he pressed his right paw down on the center of his back, effectually pinning him into position. His other paw hiked up the bushy tail till he could grasp the tip in his jaws; he didn't need anymore sly maneuvering prolonging their engagement. With his muzzle clamped down tightly he could free his paw, slidding it down his clothed body to help position the rest of his cock for entrance. Drawing his hips back, fully freeing the few inches from the confines of the furrs sacred entrance, he felt it rude to give a warning indication before thrusting himself forwards, burying his entire bone inside the body of his lover.

Those black eyes nearly bulged out of his skull; his entire body pushed firmly up against the counter top with the force of being fully sheathed. Ivory's lower lips trembled for the briefest of moments before a loud sexually charged moan hurdled out, filling the tiny compartment with the combined echo of his voice and the slap of two furry bodies combining to become one. "You haven't lost your touch," he gasped out once he managed to recapture his breath. He could feel the impressive girth currently embedded in his backside, each ridge and muscle pulsating with raw sexual power.

The deep voiced victory moan of a predator taking his prey tumbled out of the obsidian pelted male to mix with his lover's sounds. Ravery couldn't remember his mate being this tight, this hot, this...everything, since the last time he had yiffed him. "I was saving up for a power attack!" the wolf explained, the tail falling out of his jaw to brush lovingly across his chest. His own breaths starting to come in short bursts as he slowly swiveled his cock around like a spoon in a mixing bowl as he slowly drew it back out before plunging it back in forcibly; much to the delight of both males as echoing cries of pleasure filled their ears. He could feel every constricted squeeze of those muscles around his cock as they edged him ever closer to his eventual release.

"That's bullshit and you know it!" the fox moaned as his face slid across the plastic counter on tracks of sweat and drool. Closing his eyes, he felt his body jump forwards every time the wolf slammed into his body, causing him to 'eep' at each thrust. His own stiff malehood, which swung freely between his legs, was dripping pre along the insides of his thighs; the beads coating the silver fur before being absorbed by his socks.

"Not like you really care!" he retorted, his voice raspy from all the groaning that he had been doing with each pump into his mate's tailhole. The wolf could feel the fox already starting to the tense up, and he didn't want their little session to be over that quickly. Feeling that Ivory wasn't going anywhere, he slowly took his left paw from off the silver rump, keeping the right pressed down on his back. And before the boy could raise an objection, he had slipped his fingers down along the vulpine's chest and encircled his sheath, gently tugging down the soft furry covering till his bulbous knot was revealed. Without a second though, he hooked his fingers behind the bulge and pulled outwards, making the furr under him struggle not to cry out in ecstasy. "Didn't want you shooting too early now..." he muttered, "I still have to deposit my payload in your cargo bay."

The smaller male puckered his lips and let out a long "Oooooh" as he felt his bright red member being lifted free from its sheath, only to be pushed against the cold metal along the underside of the counter. Those two claws trapping his knot in a furry embrace as they teasingly traced patterns in the soft flesh. Every follicle stood on end as the sexual energy flowed through him like an electrical current, and made his ass clamp down even harder on the invading member, which in turn caused the lupine to buck even harder against his rear. "Better hurry," he warned through clenched teeth, "This pilot is going to have to make an emergency ejection."

Ravery began to get rather hot under all his black fur and clothes, not to mention the physical exertion of pounding his chef relentlessly for the past few minutes certainly didn't help cool him down. Releasing his hold on the vulpine's back, he lifted his right paw up to pop the next two buttons of his shirt. Reaching under his now fully open collar, he began running his fingers through his ebony pelted chest as he felt himself arc back, his cock once again sinking into the warm depths of his mate. "I'm willing to try anyways," he murred, tweaking one of his nipples as he continued to piston in and out of the now tender hole; his knot starting to distinguish itself from the rest of his endowment.

Ivory felt the bulb of flesh begin to push his sacred entrance open ever further, a soft whimper squeezed from between tightly pressed lips. "We don't have time to let your knot shrink if we tie," the muttered in a moment of mental clarity; still realizing that they were in an airplane bathroom, surrounded on all sides by possible witnesses to their less then wholesome activities. His sweaty palms left streaks across the counter top, clenching and relaxing his fingers as each thrust pushed the pointed tip of his mate's cock against his sensitive innards, as though it were searching for a deeper, darker place to burrow.

Stopping his thrusts, the wolf let out a soft sigh, "When you're right, you're right..." he admitted just before pulling all the way out and slamming it home, causing both males to moan out loud. After the momentary lull, he quickly got back into the rhythm, being ever careful to not push to hard and accidentally lock them together. "But that doesn't mean I can't enjoy it!" he said with a laugh as he began to paw off his mate under him as he continued to pound his backside.

"You're insatiable," the fox said as he bucked his hips back into the lupine's crotch, feeling the heat emanating from his body and soft fur brush across his backside. The consistent smacking sound of the black sac slapping against his right thigh echoed in the small chamber, carried on the sounds of two males approaching orgasm. His green polo shirt was damp with perspiration and clung to his chest, hanging down just enough to delicately brush over the sensitive glands of his cock as the wolf continued to stroke him.

"And you love it," Ravery retorted, tracing along the underside of the fox's leaky member with his claws, eliciting soft moans from the boy. As they continued rocking together, the familiar sensations of his orbs drawing up closer to his body spoke to is oncoming release. The soft gusts of wind from his tail wagging happily behind him sent shivers along his spine, his fingers continuing to toy with his nipples while he thrust in lustful abandon.

Arching his back, Ivory cried out as he felt something come in contact with the wound up ball of white fire located deep inside his sacred channel. It was like searing magma flowed through his veins as he shook in pleasure, his tail convulsing against the wolf's chest. A new wave of pre dripped from his slit only to be swiped up by the black that was intent on pawing him off. "Yeah...I know," he said with baited breath, giggling between moans as his cheeks turn a pale pink.

"Good," he said amid heavy breathing, "Cause you're about to get a full tank of wolf seed, Ivory!" Despite his best intentions to last as long as possible, the wolf felt his eyes close as he thrust one last time, burying himself up to the ridge of his knot before he felt the flood gates burst open. The large bulb of flesh vibrated as instinct told it to expand and lock onto the fictitious female. A loud howl emanated from his muzzle as thick ropes of lupine cum began coating the fox's inside, his body bucking back and forth as the monumental release ravaged his system. Ravery saw stars as he was overcome by the power of his own orgasm, the feeling of his balls sending jets of warm seed into the tail of his mate.

"Awwwww Wolfie..." Ivory moaned aloud as he felt his body being filled up to the brim. His tail strained to try and hold in the torrent of cum that was being deposited inside of him as he cried out with each short pulse of the cock still embedded in him. As the small jabs began increasing as the raw sexual energy began to leave his mate, the tapered tip began to rub against the tightly wounded coils of the vulpine's prostate. "

Ahh....Ohh....Uhhh...Oh God!" he cried out, closing his eyes and pushing himself back against his mate's body as that black paw pumped him over the edge.

Seconds after the wolf had stopped howling, the fox took his place as his body was finally pushed over the edge. Ravery felt the crimson cock tremble between his fingers moments before a surge of sticky whiteness came shooting out of the tip to coat the side of the counter top. He couldn't help but smile as the boy under him writhed in ecstasy, with each pulse of his body more of his sweet seed came spilling out to drip down the metal surface. "Is that all you got?" he asked with a chuckle, fingers still squeezing the furr's substantial knot.

"I...I think so..." he managed to gasp, his voice slightly raspy from his howling. His tailhole felt rather tender as it still gripped his mate's cock, but it was a good kind of tender, one he wouldn't trade away for anything. Closing his eyes softly, he felt the cool material of the counter against his face, its faux marble surface the only thing holding him up right now, his legs having gone slack during the course of his orgasm.

"I don't believe you," the lupine said sternly, his paw still in firm hold of his mate's cock. Alternating pressure on his fingers as though he were playing the trumpet, he began to pump his clenched fist up and down the still sensitive glands. The move elicited wanton moans and squeaks from the fox under him as his member was stroked after such an explosive orgasm. "Come on..." he cooed, gently pressing his still slightly hard wolfhood to massage his mate's prostate, "I think you're holding back on me." By this time, his face was right next to the silver furr's face, his moist breath coating his ears, as he continued to milk the smaller fox's cock.

Ivory yipped under his breath as he bucked like a feral in heat against the wolf's paw. "I wouldn't dream of it," the boy muttered just as a familiar tingling sensation came bubbling up from his loins. Squeezing his eyes tightly shut, he felt a few more pulses of cum dribble from of his crimson tip to soak into his mate's black fur as he continued to paw-off his squirming mate. Letting out a high pitched squeal as the rest of his reserves were flushed from his balls to use as lubricant to further the lupine's lustful torture. He couldn't help by cry out in pleasure.

Finally taking his fingers off from around the vulpine's now softening member, he massaged the boy's seed between the pads of his fingers as though testing its consistency. "Then what's this?" he asked with a knowing smirk, licking his fingers like they were covered in the sweetest honey. Savoring the taste that coated his lips, he made sure to suck his claws clean.

"I've no idea wolfie," he said, grinning mischievously as he felt his crimson shaft begin the long, slow, retreat back into his silver sheath. "Now, could you possibly get out of my ass, lover?" using his right leg to gently run along the back of the lupine's calf.

"Awww...Do I have to?" Ravery teased, moving his softening cock around the now squishy insides of the fox, both males sighing pleasantly as a few faint tingling ripples spread across their bodies. Running his paws down the vulpine's chest, caressing his sides in a single stroke over his body, "It's just so nice and warm in there."

"Yes, you have to," his mate replied sternly, "I'm sure someone's noticed our prolonged absences by now, and the less explanation, the better." In truth, he wished that the other furr would never pull out of him, but he knew that they couldn't stay locked in this bathroom till the plane touched down.

Nodding slowly, the wolf ruffled the fox's black hair as he gave on final small trust, pushing their hips flush together for the last time before starting to pull out. "Yeah, I guess so..." he muttered, "Plus, it will be nice to sit down again."And with that, he slipped completely free from the tender tailhole, watching with a giggle as he saw that brilliant red rosebud flinch now that the intruder was gone. With all the grace of a customer finished paying for his prostitute, he fluffed his wolfhood into its protective black sheath before stuffing it back into his pants and fastening his fly. Stumbling the few steps backwards, he situated himself on the closed toilet seat again as he let the boy clean himself up.

"Now you're preaching to the choir!" Ivory responded as he slipped his boxers and khakis up his legs, tucking his bushy tail through the small loop in back before securing them around his waist. He was just about finished lacing up his left shoe when he felt a presence standing before him, looking up, was the site of his mate waiting for him. As he straightened up, Ravery gently embraced him, pulling him closer so they could rest their heads on the other's shoulders. Closing his eyes, he wrapped his arms firmly around the wolf's waist as he hugged him; "I love you Ravery," he whispered, leaning back just enough to plant a tender kiss on those black lips.

"I love you too Ivory," he responded in kind, pressing his lips against his silver forehead as his eyes gazed between those two pert black ears at the mirror before him, and the vision it reflected at him. The canine couldn't help but grin as he saw the genuine smile on his face, the sincere glint of happiness in those former dull yellow eyes. "Turn around..." he said softly as he tried to spin the boy by his shoulders.

"Why?" the vulpine responded, though putting up no resistance till they were once again front to back; looking over his shoulder into his mate's kind face, "Okay, now what?"

Directing him to stare into his reflection...their reflection, the larger male slowly draped his arms over the smaller furr's shoulders to gently clasp together at his midsection. "I want you to commit this image to memory like I am...to soak in the sight of us together, of us happy. Because I never want you to feel like anything other this again." After finishing his explanation, he pressed his cold nose into the back of the fox's head and nuzzled his ears, taking his time with each one, eyes always focused on their reflection.

Ivory purred at his mate's treatment as he followed his direction and tried to memorize the sight before him. The mirror was like a moving portrait, a thousand pictures being painted and flashing across the screen. He did see how happy he was, how content he appeared with those strong arms protecting him, and the post-coital afterglow of sex that radiated from their bodies. Once he could close his eyes and still see the picture he gently tapped the wolf's arm, "Alright, I think we should finally get going."

"I think you're right," Ravery said, kissing the male on the side of his face before slipping his arms from around his neck. He took one last look in the mirror before turning to place his hand upon the door handle.

"Whoops. Hold up there sweety!" the vulpine quipped, rushing to catch his mate before he left the room. Spinning the wolf around, he quickly redid the top three buttons on the lupine's shirt that had come undone during their intimacy. "Wouldn't want to make it too obvious..." he laughed, fixing the undone bowtie before deeming his mate's outfit acceptable.

Chuckling, Ravery reached out to ruffle the fox's hair, "I don't think we could make it any more obvious unless we strolled out with our pants around our ankles." With that, he unlocked the door and stepped out into the plane's main cabin with the fox's white paw clasped in his black one. The row of seats right beyond the bathroom was occupied by an elderly pair of panthers, their knowing look and slightly uncomfortable smile, spoke volumes that their words wouldn't. Walking back to their seats meant passing through a gauntlet of estranged looks, whispered voices, and impolite pointing; each row appearing to have heard more then the previous one.

Ivory handed his mate his ginger ale before slipping back into his window seat, the wolf retaking the isle one. Pulling his tail into his lap, he began to absentmindedly pet and groom it. "That wasn't awkward at all," the silver vulpine whispered under his breath, a slight blush forming on those furry cheeks.

"Nope...Not at all," the wolf repeated with a chuckle of his own. Reaching over, he placed his paw atop his mate's, squeezing the delicate fingers between his own. They turned to face each other, their eyes meeting briefly as relaxed smiles etched into the muzzles; the moment lasting only until they were interrupted by the sound of wheels rolling up the isle.

Turning towards the source of the sound, both males saw the familiar form of the stewardess from earlier strutting down the lane with a new cart in tow. Her tail was still hiked high, constantly bumping into the back of several passengers' as she maneuvered down the camped path. Stopping at each row to hand out small bags to the awaiting passengers, she finally made her way up to their row. Seeing who sat in those seats, Ravery could almost see the small lines of dread crease on her forehead. "Is there anything I can get for you Sirs?" she asked hesitantly, not wishing for another lover's spat like before.

Running his fingers along the rim of the can in front of him, The wolf looked up with a pleased smile. "I'll just take a bag of potato chips," he said softly, finally opening his drink and filling his glass half full.

The skunk opened the middle plastic drawer, "We have original or BBQ flavored," she commented.

"I'll take BBQ, been feeling a little hot under the collar," he said with a smirk and sideways glance to his mate, seeing just a hint of laughter bubbling under the surface.

"And I'll have a bottle of V8 and a bag of pretzel sticks," the fox quipped from behind the wolf's shoulder, his appetite having returned to him.

The stewardess appeared pleasantly surprised at the complete 180 the two furrs had taken in the course of less then an hour, the cause no doubt obvious. Quickly fishing the requested food from her cart, she handed it to the wolf, leaning over to whisper in his ear as she did so. "I know how cramped in can get in there with another body," she said with a hint of expertise, watching those black ears swivel to catch her words. Standing up abruptly, the young lady brushed her skirt free of dirt and grime before straightening her wings. "We should be landing in about 3 hours give or take," she announced before setting off down the isle to finish her snack run.

"What was that about?" Ivory asked nonchalantly as he opened his bag of pretzels and began munching.

Still recovering for their server's confession, it took a moment before the lupine turned to face his lover; "Just met another happy member of the Mile-High Club," he admitted with a snicker, before taking a sip of his soda.

Nodding slowly, "Oh........OOOooooh!" he exclaimed after a moment of silence, finally getting the hint, both boys breaking into chuckles.

It was then that the speaker's static alerted the occupants that their captain was about to speak. "Welcome and salutations to the passengers of Furr-Airs flight 1904. It seems we will be running into a bit of turbulence from a neighboring storm system. It's nothing serious, but your stewards will be instructing you on emergency protocol as a precaution. I will be turning on the 'seatbelts' light as well. I hope you've had a pleasant flight."

As the skunk at the front began demonstrating the passengers on how to operate their oxygen masks, Ivory turned to face his mate, ears flattened against his head and half a pretzel sticking out of the side of his muzzle, concern written on his face. Much to his surprise, Ravery leaned over and kissed him tenderly, eating the pretzel in the process. "Don't worry foxie. If we could survive the storm earlier today, a little turbulence should be no problem," reaching over, he gently massaged the vulpine's shoulder, "Now, let's start figuring out what to pack."


Well, that's that, hoped you liked the tale I wove for you on a string of words in the tapestry they call, language. Comments, questions, and critiques are always welcome down below, as well as rating me.

If you feel like talking to me personally, I can be reached by email at [email protected] or you can just give me a poke on my MSN live account by that same name. Till next we meet on the battlefields of my imagenation.

Wrong Bride, Right Groom - Shooting Through the Walls of Heartache

Salutations to old fans and new readers, Seems I've still managed to keep myself alive...surprising I know. I'm quite shocked to see myself whenever I look into my mirror...fully ready to see a blank slate of glass, or at least some sort of...

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Express Lane: Chapter 2, Part 1 - Early-Bird Special

Salutations new readers and loyal fans alike. I know it certainly has been a while since I posted anything, Though that's probably bue to my lack of motivation and/or little free time to spend in front of the computer typing out my romantic fantasies...

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Wrong Bride, Right Groom - Two Sides of the Same Coin

Well...as previously promiced, I have delivered unto you the next chapter into the continueing legacy that is my series. Sorry it took a while, though now I plan to write two difference stories simultaniously, that way if I get tired of one, i can...

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