A Worthy Stud

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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The sound of hoof falls were dulled by the thick layer of sawdust as the stallion turned in a smooth circle. The thick spill of his mane tumbled down along his neck as his lips curled back slightly at the light tug on the bit. His hind hoof rose and fell nearly in the same spot until he was nearly turned a full circle. He listened with every fiber of his being to the mare on his back. The concentration stretched between the two as an almost visible chord as he straightened out and began to move forward. His stride stretched out as he arched his thick neck and flagged up his tail. His heavy feathered hooves danced over the earth as if he was balancing earth and sky together in his very being.

The mare on his back moved in time with a liquid roll of her hips as if she was merely an extension of his being, not just a passenger. Her white gloved hands gripped the reins as her long leonine tail remained curled around her own leg so it didn't get in the way. She counted the beats of his stride as they made their circuit around the ring, intimately aware of each shift of his muscles and the great stallion's mood. It wasn't until his rider shifted and the balance between rider and horse was broken by an ill timed shift in the saddle seat which made him falter in his steps. A soft curse came from his rider's lips and the stallion flicked his ears back.

"Sorry, love, it's not your fault." The unicorn leaned forward and rested her hand lightly along the warm black neck. "Damnitall..."

Kalan settled back in the seat and tried not to let her frustration bleed into the set she was trying to work out. Something that was easier said than done as the high spirited stallion gave as short buck in annoyance so she had to settle back into the seat and let him fidget his frustrations out in a slow prance around the ring. Her tail tip twitched as she tried to ignore the soft sound of male voices that came from the edge of the ring and the watchers that made it a habit to see her and Duncan's practices. She tightened her legs around the large friesian's sides and gave him a slight tug that turned him away from the fence line. She fought to keep her ears from pinning down as she saw a pair of rough looking stallions leaning over the top rail and making comments.

Damn them, I can't get enough peace to even practice. Her red eyes narrowed down to slits as she guided her stallion to the end with the gate and away from them.

Her frustration was mounting, rapidly. She had spent the last week at the stables with the workers that normally ignored her perking up with an interest that deserved a slap across the cheek. In the city they would have been firmly disciplined and she would have had a chance to bring up her complaints to the authority. It was considered crude and vulgar to even outwardly acknowledge when a mare was in season. It was considered barbaric behavior by the lowest classes of citizens and there were laws in place to protect the nobles from being forced to deal with unwanted suitors. Out here, in the midst of the rough country that she had moved to, the laws were vague and the most she could do was ignore their attempts at garnering her attention. Like now. But damned if it wasn't had not to want to give them a kick in the stomach.

Duncan tossed his head and let out an annoyed snort as she shifted in his saddle and swung her leg over his polished black saddle. Her top hat shifted on her head so she had to push it back as she dropped down onto her cloven hooves and caught up his reins. She could have called one of the grooms over to help her, but they were staring again. That intent, slightly unfocused gaze that made her want to bare her teeth at them and snap. She had no desire for any of them. She was a noble, bred from a line of unicorns so long that their names had been lost to time. They were horses and not even of a breed that one could be proud of. They were as common as ponies and not half so adorable.

Duncan's large black muzzle bumped against her shoulder as she pulled the gate open and led him through it. Her tail tip snapped and cracked against the ground with her mood as her hand remaind firm on the reins. She kept her ears backwards, mostly hidden against the thick spill of her mane as she heard one of the stallions made a comment that deserved a kick.

"Shaved her tail down I hear, got herself some surgery in the towns.." One drawled out. "That mare is just waitin' fer a stallion between her legs."

Kalan stopped and drew in a breath, a steadying draw that flared her nostrils wide as she led the heavy bodied stallion down between the stalls. Bastards. Eventually she'd take them in hand, but not when she was in season. Oh no, violence and sex came hand in hand for her. Others of her kind were sweet as the sugar they were colored after. Confections of creatures that enjoyed music and entertainment without a thought for the darker parts of the world. She snorted roughly as she led Duncan out of the main stable and down towards the private lane that held the horses that she and a few other nobles kept. No, they would never look at her or her horse and think of her as light and sweetness. She was darkness and fire, pain and fury, anger and...

And overly dramatic.. The fallen unicorn gave her blue-black mane a shake as she led Duncan up towards the small private stable. Let them have their peace, my kind keep the fires of the world going. We give them their peace.

_ _

A horn, such a small thing to give up to answer the call. She could barely remember a time that she had held it, she only knew that it had shattered the peace in her soul. Her kind above all others were to be watched warily, whether the beasts of the stable knew it or not. When she was out of season she'd deal with them. When her scent no longer made their eyes unfocus and their nostrils flare she'd whip them into shape and teach them proper respect for the noble lords. None of them were worthy of her, none of them could ever be worthy of her.

"Come on, my lad.." She pulled Duncan into the grooming area that was set up between four large loose boxes. "Let's get you cleaned up eh"

The stallion flicked his ears up as if he were listening and nuzzled up against one of her pockets. The thick velvety lips plucked against the edge and pulled a little bit against the white material. Kalan tugged her hat off and set it to one side with a snort of amusement before pushing his large muzzle away. Duncan, she would always understand him. The stallion had been carefully bred for grace, beauty and most of all his color. His dark coat was a match for her own, a gleaming ebony that made them a striking pair when they practiced dressage. The fact his high spirits created a challenge was always a thrill. She pushed her hand into her pocket before pulling out a white and red peppermint to offer him. The short whiskered chin tickled her palm as he lipped it up greedily.

"You'd better watch out or you'll get fat." She admonished and trailed her fingers along the edges of the polished leather bridled. "Not that I'd ever see you with an ounce of fat..."

The tapered ears flicked upwards at the sound of her voice while he crunched his treat and subtly angled his head down so that his ears were in a position to be stroked. She obliged him by taking off her gloves and worked her fingers into the thick spill of his mane until he started to hummer softly to himself. The mane was far thicker than any of the common warm bloods found in the barn. His mane and tail were his best features in her not too humble opinion. Long and silky, she had let them grow out until they were a force to be reckoned with when it came to grooming him. Not that she would ever complain, any time spent with him was a joy that made the politics and war of her real life fade away.

The soft muzzle pressed against her stomach and puffed out a warm breath that flattened her blouse against her belly as she teased along the edges of his neck. Her nails ran along the fur where she knew he was likely to have an itchy spot and started to rub back and forth briskly. The big stallion pushed into her touch as he pushed his forehead right up against her breasts so he was nearly leaning the entire weight of his head against her. She lowered her lips and murmured meaningless soothing words as she let herself bask in the comforting presence of a beast that didn't care for her blood line or make any demands upon her. Her one honest friend and companion. She had spent countless hours here resting against him and it soothed her ruffled temper as he started to make soft whirring sounds against her lower belly.

Perhaps it was simply the fact that she had been around him so long. Perhaps it was her already ruffled emotions that made her so oblivious to the fact that the Friesian was pushed up tight against her stomach. His breathing grew deeper so that his chest belled out and then the heat was blown back against her blouse before he drew in another breath. The soft musk-scent of horse was a bit stronger as he rubbed his head against her. The sensation was strangely intimate as his forehead pushed right along the swell of her breasts. He pushed his head downwards and the bridge of his nose drifted until the next hot breath hit right along the taut riding pants that covered her loins.

Kalan froze, her ears flicked backwards slightly as the breath came again, this time with a gentle push forward. The warmth spread along her loins as he let out a deep noise in his throat and the lips started to dance lightly downwards. It still didn't really hit until the blunt teeth suddenly gripped against her inner thighs in an intimate bite that made her jerk back. Her leonine tail snapped against the ground as Duncan stepped forward after her. His tapered ears flicked up high as he tried to come after the scent, his velvety upper lip quivered a little bit while she backed away again. The large feathered hooves clopped against the ground as he followed her with his ears up and interested as she backed away and pushed right back against the stall wall.

She could have dodged to one side, or grabbed his reins to force his head down, instead the mare watched as her stallion extended his neck and lightly whuffled against her inner thigh. The teeth nipped again, this time with enough force that it drew a protesting sound past her lips. It wasn't that it hurt, it made her stomach tighten almost painfully as she became very very aware that she wasn't just standing in front of her horse. She was standing in front of an intact stud who was trying to court her. His upper lip twitched back as he lifted his muzzle up and brushed against the padded lining of her pants before bumping lightly between her thighs.

His nose was large, far larger than anything she could imagine on an anthro, and he drew in a deep breath. It wasn't unheard of for a feral animal to react to an anthros season, but it was generally assumed that their scents were different enough that it simply confused the poor beasts. They would sniff a little and then go about their time, but Duncan wasn't. The midnight black stallion lifted his had up and peeled back his upper lip as he sucked in her scent. His bridle jingled slightly as she watched him drawing in each breath a bit faster before dropping his had to nestle between her thighs again. Kalan's mind started to blank slightly. She should leave, she should grab his reins and force his head away from her. There was any number of things a mare from a noble house should have done, and the very last thing was to stand still as the stallion inspected her.

The hooves clattered against the ground as the dark formed shifted and her red eyes were drawn down to the curve of his belly. Her breath came faster as she watched the blunt tip spilling downwards in reaction to her scent. He wasn't confused about her or just curious, his body was reacting in a way that made her heart pick up speed and the warmth spread along her lower belly. She drew in a breath as another soft inch spilled down, the heaviness of the tip carried it downwards steadily towards the ground. A forbidden delight that made her reach out to claim her horse's reins for herself. She forced his head up and away from her loins until he was nearly pressed nose to nose with her.

The familiar scent of the horse was sharper today, she drew it in and found it clean and fresh. Not foul and sharp like the grooms that had been watching her so carefully. It cleared her head even as it made her thoughts something that no unicorn should have ever thought. Not even a hornless one. She pulled his reins back so the large stallion stepped back with the muscles rippling along his dark coat. Her eyes flicked towards the door before she pulled him back into the grooming stall. A stall reserved for her use and the two nobles who kept horses here. Nobles who never came here unless they needed their carriage horses. A place where no groom stepped foot in unless it was evening or morning.

"Easy, m'lad.. easy.." The stallion let out a short squeal as she forced him back and nipped out against her leg again.

Duncan's eyes flashed as he threw his head back against the reins and fought them as if he were being given a command he did not like. She stepped back with him until they were back in the grooming stall. The mare's eyes flicked about and she licked her lips. It wasn't nerves, not quite, but a titillating thrill that made her keenly aware of what she'd pushed to the back of her mind. The feel of her body and parts of herself that had become swollen and overly sensitive. Any well bred mare ignored such sensations, but not today. Today she could feel the cloth of her pants pressed against her mound, feel the pulse of her heart beat raging through her, and scent the sharp clean scent of stallion on the air. A stallion of grace and beauty, breeding and finesse, everything that the grooms lacked.

She released the reins and hooked her thumbs into a carefully packed bale of straw before dragging it across the ground. That left Duncan's head free and the big stallion suddenly darted forward to nip right at the base of her tail. His breath came out hot and sharp as she jerked her tail up in reaction. She flicked her ears backwards slightly and let out a low whicker back at him that was more of a throaty purr. Her stallion's ears lifted and he nipped against her tail again as it remained curled slightly up. She was gone, as far gone as the stallions she accused of thinking with their loins, and it was too much bother to care about anything other than the stallions reactions to her.

The heavy ebony and pink flesh swayed under his belly, thickening out so that the medial ring stood out as it started to swell and harden. The blunt tip oozed out a dribble of viscous precum as he tried to push against her haunches. Duncan started to prance with his long tail lashing back and forth as he darted from side to side as he nipped her hips. His frustration plain as he pushed forward briefly as she tried to get the bale in place. Kalan braced herself as she nearly fell forward only to have him drop back again. His cock jutted out hard and firm beneath his belly and slapped up against his chest with a lewd wet noise before it dropped back down again.

"Easy, easy..." The words spilled past the mare's lip in a rich purr, but the stallion nipped her side again as she dropped her hands down against the bale.

She eyed the swollen girth warily, it was large, far larger than anything an anthro should ever think of taking. A stallion of her kind would have never been any where near that size. The tip alone would be enough to nearly cover her folds. The dribbling precum clung around the edges as she moved one hand down and hooked them agains the edge of her riding pants. She wriggled them downwards with a slight twist of her hips so the tight material slipped down over the curve of her dark ass cheeks. A hot muzzle pushed down against her rump and suddenly snuffled hotly as she wiggled them down near her knees. She didn't get them any further.

Duncan's hot tongue flicked out and rubbed right over the exposed swollen folds so a cry burst out of her throat. Her back arched up as the probing touch rubbed and slipped upwards before going down again. She moved her knee up against the edge to try and brace herself, but there wasn't much she could do to keep herself in place as the tongue pushed upwards again. The stallion's shaft slapped up beneath him again with a wet sound before the thickness of the tip dragged it down to hang in a heavy arch. The warm lips plucked against the soft tear shaped folds so her hand clutched against the straw convulsively. The warm wet velvet of his tongue sent shivers down her spine, but she couldn't give into it. She had to keep some semblance of control.

The mare twisted her hand back and caught one of the reins with her hand before giving it a light tug. The Friesian let out a squeal and jerked his head up before prancing about. His long tail snapped faster behind him as he tried to drop his head, but she pulled his had upwards. The next crash of the hooves came on either side of the bale as she drew him forward. The warmth of his breath tickled against her neck as he shifted his haunches and drew his forelegs together to try and wrap against her support. Her glistening heat swollen lips winked as she flicked her tail upwards and let it spill up and over her back while pressing her hips upwards trying to at least try to gain the height of a mare.

The powerful haunches splayed open before something hard, slippery and warm pushed up against her rump cheek. She kept her grip loosely on the reins, but didn't stop the stallion as he dropped his head and the blunt teeth gripped her neck. He dug in roughly as if afraid she might try to escape. She was too far gone to escape, gods, it wasn't even on her mind as the slippery girth pushed and jabbed against her rump cheeks. She let her fingers slip away from the last bit of control she had on his reins and braced herself against the bale as the hot breath teased the back of her neck. Her legs trembled slightly as the cock tip rubbed along the crease of her rump and trailed downwards until it kissed right up against her vulnerable unprotected folds.

She barely had time to brace herself as the haunches drove forward with a powerful stroke that pushed the tip right up against her lips. The outer folds were pushed in on themselves as the stallion's grip on her neck tightened and the forelegs wedged to either side of the bale. His hips dropped down low so the hind hooves skidded forward as the heavy mottled shaft bowed under the pressure. Kalan's fingers dug into the straw before a short sharp squeal was forced out of her throat as her passage strained open wider and wider. The pressure forcing him inwards no matter that she started to writhe at feeling her body straining almost to the point of breaking.

The dark back arched up and gave a short thrust that spilled a thick dribble of precum into her until he plunged forward with a lewd wet noise. Her inner walls clamped down tightly around him as his hips continued to drop down and push forward. The mare finally moved out to grasp his forelegs to brace herself as steadily the inches splayed her open. The silken inner walls caressed around him as the beast was large enough to caress places in her body no anthro should have been able to touch. Her back arched upwards she dug her cloven hooves on the ground to keep herself from being knocked over. The hot snorts came time and again as the bowed girth pushed inwards while slippery spills of viscous precum helped lubricate her.

Kalan's ears fell backwards and her lips parted with a soft cry as she tried to give herself over to sensations that were overwhelming. Her body wanted this, it burned with a need that was older than her species, older than time itself. It had been born in her and carefully masked with society, but was stripped away to a need that overwhelmed everything. Her fingers gripped the forelegs as the stirrups brushed against her back as Duncan gave a sharper buck and she squealed out as the tip suddenly pushed up hard right against her cervix. It rubbed right over the spongy opening while the thick medial ring ground itself right along her outer lips and brushed against the swollen nub of her clit. It sent a rush of pleasure through her as she snapped her ears back and gave a push back with her hips before her stallion drew backwards.

Her inner walls contracted tightly around him as he withdrew, her own arousal mingling with his precum as inch after slippery inch pulled free. The thick tip tugged along her passage and caressed right over her g-spot so she jerked slightly before he gave a final tug. Her folds spread open wide before his tip slipped out with a lewd sound and a spill of precum ran down along her inner thighs before he launched forward. He didn't pause, didn't even give her time to protest, his tip pushed up against her folds and forced them apart for him. The Friesian twisted his head again and jerked her head up as if demanding the proud arch of her neck as he bred her.

The equine cry that spilled out of her lips was an eerie echo of the many mares she had watched Duncan claim. She had seen him mount them, breed them, pin them, claim them, as they bucked and squealed. Her ears pinned flat to her head as she felt the intimate rub of swollen flesh spreading her open until the tip suddenly pushed up hard against her cervix. The drool of precum was warm as it spread inside of her before he pulled backwards again. This time he didn't try to draw all the way out, he only tugged a few inches free before driving forward again. The sound of his hooves seemed loud in the small stall as the large stud arched his back with each thrust that spread his haunches wide.

The half clothed mare gave herself over to it. She was being stretched, half afraid she'd be broken if he didn't stop, but she didn't try to grab his reins. She gave herself over to the driving thrusts that drove the medial ring up against her outer lips time and again. Pushing and grinding against her overly sensitive clit until her heat swollen walls squeezed and suckled around the powerful shaft. Her body was lewdly stretched as she moved her hind legs up and pushed back against him as he drove forward. It didn't matter, nothing mattered except the primal need for him, the heat that enflamed her core and made her breath come out raggedly. A slight gleam of sweat showed along the curve of her neck as her blood red eyes squeezed shut.

Each thrust was harder than the last as the medial ring worked to strain her open. He shifted and pushed, wedging her body open wider and wider as the tip pushed against her cervix. She could feel the pulses running along the mottled girth moments before each fresh dribble of precum. It mingled with her own arousal, the scent of raw sex on the air, sharp enough that her stomach started to tense up. Her body was nearly shaking as the stallion gave another driving thrust and a harsh squeal burst past her lips. The medial ring sank into her, stretching her open wider as the girth bowed so he could fit within her. It briefly brushed against the sensitive rise of her g-spot and pushed her over the edge.

What did it matter that she was being bred by her mount? What did it matter that her blood line would be tainted by his foal? All that mattered was the sudden rush of pleasure that spilled through her and hit in waves. Her entire body went tense as the rapid pounding of her heart could be felt fluttering around the mottled girth. Duncan worked through her quivering walls time and time again. The short bucks pulled the medial ring out before sinking it in again as the tip began to spread open wider and wider. Kalan jerked and writhed under him, pulling against the grip on her neck when the large stallion dropped down against her.

His chest pinned her, the weight almost pushing the breath from her as the swelling glans pushed roughly up against her cervix. The urethra jutted forward so that narrow opening nestled right against the vulnerable passage to her unprotected womb. She was being spread too wide, too much, she couldn't take any more. Her mind wasn't even able to come up with the words as the teeth released her neck and the shuddering bucks came to a halt. She was dimly aware of the wild bugle of the stallion as he screamed out his claim and the first pulse rippled along the too large shaft.

Her body trembled as the first thick spill of seed erupted against her cervix. No, not against her cervix, the urethra meshed right against the opening as it jutted forward so the thick creamy ropes were pushed into it. The pressure building as the rich seed plunged deep into her fertile womb. Her legs started to shake as she could almost feel the gooey rush pushing past the opening. The stallion didn't move back, but remained standing above her as her body was flooded, overcome, and doomed by the sperm rich flood that spread into her body. Her walls milked around him, helping him as she pulled around the stallion's girth. She drew it in deeper as the medial ring kept the pressure against her g-spot making it all a moment sharply edged with pleasure.

Pleasure. So simple a word with the mingling of erotic relief and the relaxation that started to fill her limbs. The pulses slowed within her passage as Duncan's muzzle nearly brushed against her neck. His chest rose and fell with short rough breaths while his shaft began to soften within her achingly filled body. He wasn't done, he possessed a trick her kind had lost by gaining the use of only two legs. With a rolling push that kept his tip pushed against her cervix something thicker oozed out of the tip. Thick sticky gel drooled out of him and smeared along the opening, closing it and forcing her body to keep the seed he'd pushed into her. The unicorn arched her back and gave a rolling push backwards against him in response.

"G... good boy.." She panted out softly and reached a hand up to brush against his cheek.

The large dark muzzle nuzzled against the back of her neck as slowly his mottled girth started to draw backwards as it softened. After a few second he moved backwards with a loud clop of his hooves and tugged his girth backwards. Kalan let out a hiss as the still flared tip rubbed through her over sensitive folds. It popped free with a lewd wet sound before some of the excess seed spilled free and clung to her soft abused folds. Her head dropped down and she didn't even care her pants were around her knees. She didn't want to move, even if she could have gotten her body to respond to her.

Her stallion arched his neck and dropped his nose so his warm breath tickled against her folds. She flinched a little before the soothing brush of his velvety tongue flicked out and started to stroke along her outer lips. The unicorn mare flicked her ears back a little and didn't push him away, but kept her tail flicked to one side as he slowly cleaned her with powerful strokes of her tongue. It wasn't as if she could stop his seed from taking even if she wanted too. At least now... she had a stud worthy of the name to entertain her in the stables.

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