Chapter 2: The Dorms

Story by Axis on SoFurry

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Things had taken a turn for the better, or at least for a few fleeting seconds. She had lost the Royal Guards chasing her, and now resumed her journey to the Palace when the shouting and gunshots behind Mayatei heralded the worst possible scenario.

"Kill her! KILL HER!"

Screaming, energy surged to the tips of her fingers as she felt her magic charging. The air before her rippled and distorted, forming a shield just quick enough to trap the first bullet in the center of it. More shots from the hunter's pistols bounced off. The five hunters fired three more times before they stopped to reload. The magazines they produced held blue tipped bullets enchanted to pierce barriers like the one she hid behind.

The bullets never came though. Without warning, a thunderclap split the air as the stone path they stood upon shattered, crushed by an invisible force. The force acted on the hunters too, breaking their legs and sending them screaming to the ground. With the hunters disabled, the clatter of armor was the first thing she heard, as guardsmen set upon the disabled hunters, flipping them over and pinning them down to handcuff them. Even with their legs broken, one still went for his gun before it was kicked away by a guard. A few more seconds passed before Mayatei felt safe enough to drop her barrier, first seeing the guard sergeant from before extending a hand for her, still with a friendly smile on his face. His hands crackled, the remnants of what must have been the telekinetics spell that hit the hunters.

"Pretty popular girl aren't you? Let's get you on your feet."

Mayatei gingerly took his hand. "Thank you." She stood up and inspected her still damp clothes, a set of black traditional draconian priestess robes, tattered, torn and stained by her journey. Sand and dirt from the beach clung to them, and her attempts to brush it off were fruitless

The sergeant leaned in to take a look, then suddenly recoiled, wrinkling his nose. That was when the stench hit Mayatei too. In her flight for the Exiles, she had neglected bathing, having put more priority in covering ground. While the sacrifice made sense in the long run, the stink of her robes still made her regret it.

Composing and steeling himself against the stench, the sergeant put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Well I can see why you were running away. We'll make sure they can't hurt you anymore, okay? Why don't you come with us and we'll get you cleaned up and bedded down for the night while we figure you out."

Still unsure, Mayatei would normally have refused, but seeing how easily the guards put down the hunters and how powerful their spell casters were, he reconsidered her opinion of them. Maybe they could protect her after all. She nodded and allowed him to lead her away.

As they left the beach path, she watched as the hunters were strapped to stretchers and restrained. The leader gave her a murderous look as he mouthed the word "Traitor" to her. The word stung Mayatei and made her convince herself again that what he was doing was right.

Further down the path, the sergeant ran into another pair of dragons, a mated male and female pair in swimwear. The male, burgandy and grey, gave a worried frown to the sergeant. "Is everything alright Seregeant Jitka? We heard gunshots."

"Yes si-I mean Lord Eryx." He back pedalled a bit verbally. "Still getting used to that."

The male dismissed the sergeant's mistake. "Don't worry, I was just officially inducted into the Martial Lords only a week ago, and I haven't even been knighted by the Queen yet."

"Ah okay. Anyways, yeah, everything is handled, and thanks for the hand back there by the way. Command wants us to get her sorted." He said, presenting Mayatei. "She made her way into the city through the Robertson Canal wall portal on the eastern end of town. Judging by her smell and clothes, she's probably just a wandering vagrant-"

"Excuse me, I am not a vagrant!" Mayatei snapped indignantly.

"And she doesn't speak English to boot. Probably a regional Asahyr dialect, my guess is Varlya or some other minor plains clan."

The white and gold female interrupted. "I don't thin that's a clan dialect; I'm studying Asahyr linguistics and I would have at least recognized it."

Cocking his head quizzically, he frowned in response. "Well, nothing we can do with her aside from waiting till morning when the translators come back on duty. At any rate, I need to get her back to headquarters so she can clean up."

The two waved goodbye and the sergeant once again lead her along. He turned to her and offered another one of his friendly smiles. "By the way, I'm Sergeant Atacama Jitka of the Akival clan, if you can understand that."

Mayatei gave an angry huff at the continued ignorance of the fact that he spoke English. "I'm Priestess of the Divines Mayatei Thyrn of the..." She paused at her clan name. No doubt the name An'Mansa would unnecessarily draw attention to who she was. "Also, in case you haven't noticed, I speak perfectly good English you asshat."


As Lacyus, Sunset, Ennica and Saiul entered the front entry hall for the Rhomma Feizal Dormatories, they were greeted by an annoyed rat. He scowled as he approached the group, singling out Ennica and Lacyus. "You guys better rein in that roomie of yours! He's been blasting music ever since you left!"

Sunset knew exactly what came next. Ennica and Lacyus took off down the hallways, then hung a quick left to climb the stairs. Both her and Saiul followed, though not as fast. By the time they got to the third floor and entered their dorm room, Lacyus had hoisted Daniel Westington, a fairly large grey wolf two years older, off the ground by his collar. Daniel, while large for a wolf, only came up to Lacyus's shoulder in height, despite all of his muscle. The son of the university's Dean, Daniel had gotten essentially a free ride through his classes, focusing more on maintaining his image as the resident tough guy. Of course, his bad boy image attracted quite a bit of company from the opposite sex, making that the main reason why he moved into the co-ed dorms. amd with his lackadaisical attitude, he had drawn quite a bit of hostility from Ennica, his music quite often drowning out her thoughts, and from Lacyus, for his constant passes at Sunset.

Lacyus shook him a little, holding him effortlessly in the air. Ennica stood by, just as angry, and their conversation was barely audible over the hardcore rap that blasted out of the stereo system.

"I've told you to keep the music down so you don't keep half the dorms up until 3 in the morning!" Lacyus was absolutely livid as he dangled Daniel in front of him.

Daniel, unphased snorted in response. "Fuck you, who cares if you don't like my music?!"

Without dropping Daniel, Lacyus let go with this left mechanical arm, wound up and punched Daniel directly in the face. The arm clanked as the structure suddenly compressed, shock absorbers hissing briefly. "There's more if you don't turn off the music!"

Daniel toppled over as Lacyus released him. Still giving Lacyus the evil eye and nursing his bleeding nose, he slapped the pause button on the stereo. "There, you happy asshole?"

With the music gone, Lacyus turned to Sunset. "We'll deal with him, go check on Mahz."

She nodded in response and turned down the hallway to the bedrooms. All the doors were open and dark save for one. Light glowed around the seams and spilled out from underneath. Sunset knocked politely once, then again as she got no response. Opening it slowly, she peeked in and called softly. "Mahz, you there?"

With no evident response, Sunset opened the door fully and found Mahz at her desk, headphones over her ears as she typed away on her laptop. The 18 foot long serpentess was covered in light blue scales with black bands all the way down her body. Unlike most snakes which were closer to their feral cousins, a bit of mammilian heritage from her father's side shined through in her in the form of cobalt hair. From her appearance, Sunset figured Mahz had never left her dorm, nor had the inclination to do so. Her hair was still messy with bed head-like frizz and her pyjama top was still on.

Sunset walked over and tapped Mahz on the shoulder. She turned, facing Sunset with weary, bloodshot eyes, removed her headphones and smiled. "Only half a page left!"

Snorting, Sunset sat down on the snake's bed. "So the teacher's offering no explanation why he got your paper back late? No extensions beyond tomorrow's due date?"

"None, and I don't think that asshole will ever have one. He just delayed it because I called him on the mistakes he made on our tests."

"Huh, and to think I almost took a class he teaches." Sunset leaned slightly to look at Mahz's paper. "Well I could help you finish the editing quicker."

Before Sunset had a chance to continue, more shouting came from the living room, with Daniel yelling at Lacyus. "You know what, fuck you all! I sleeping at my buddy's tonight! At least he doesn't have delicate ears like you guys do!" The outside door slammed shut and she could hear Lacyus and Ennica cheer quietly.

Mahz sighed in relief. "Finally some peace and quiet. I couldn't even drown it out with my own music."

Frowning and sighing, Sunset flopped backwards onto the bed. "I can't believe he's the Dean's son."

"Or that the Dean still lets him keep taking classes with how low his marks are." Mahz shook her head. "All he aims to do is pick up as many girls here as he possibly can."

There was a quick rap on the doorframe and Ennica's head popped in. "I'm gonna just grab a change of clothes and head over to Saiul's place tonight, and Lacyus is going to drop another complaint form at the student housing office downstairs right now."

A sly smile spread across Sunset's face. "Have fun, and don't scream too loud when you two go at it."

Ennica blushed and bash fully shuffled away. Mahz laughed at her reaction. "So, you staying here with Lacyus tonight?"

"That's the plan. No classes for the rest of the summer for me, so we've got all night." Sunset sat up. "And don't worry, all we have planned is just a quiet movie on his computer. Anyways, you want some help?"

Mahz offered a smile. "Nah, go wait for Lacyus, you two deserve some couple time alone. After all, you two haven't even been on a proper date ever since the semester began."

"We have a couple times."

Brushing a frizzy lock of hair aside, Mahz gestured as she spoke, opening one hand, then the other. "Study sessions alone and going to the other's room after study sessions and passing out doesn't count."

Sunset leaned in, her face adopted a more serious look. "Speaking of dates, how'd it go with Vektir yesterday?"

Mahz's expression flipped from happy to exasperated and strained. "Don't get me started."

"Was it really that bad?"

Giving a cynical laugh, she nodded. "The first half hour was nice, then it was all money money money, the fucking ass."

While not super wealthy, Mahz was definitely better off than most other people. Her parents, mother a pureblooded blue-tipped krait sea snake, father an anaconda-king cobra cross, owned a vineyard on the outskirts of Shuuya Tiybha, the draconian capital city and the place where Lacyus, Sunset, Ennica and her had grown up. Of course, her wealth made her a popular target for suitors and others pining for her affections. The result was that Mahz had not yet had a meaningful relationship, leaving her alone, save for a few failed dates.

"I tell Vektir that I didn't wanna talk about it, but he just kept pushing and pushing and eventually I went to leave and so he has a change of heart." She gave an exasperated sigh. "He didn't even try to hide it. I mean, come on, why can't I just get one guy to just love me for me, not for my family fortune or my money?"

Sunset gave a reassuring but also regretful smile. "I would say that there's always the perfect guy waiting out there, but I can tell you're losing faith in that."

The serpentess nodded. "You and Lacyus are one in a million, like the gods themselves created you guys for each other."

"I wouldn't say one in a million Mahz, we were just friends before we started dating."

The two looked up to see Lacyus standing in the doorway leaning against the frame.

"Why don't you try just talking it out with one of you friends, maybe they can point you in the right direction to a good guy."

Mahz shook her head. "I don't date friends or friends of friends. If we break it off after a while, I lose both a friend and a boyfriend." She pushed off from Sunset and rolled back to her desk. "But enough of me making you two depressed." She made a shooing gesture and gave the two a sly smile. "Go, get out, spend some time together, have sex, do whatever, just leave me to my academic misery and let me get this damn paper done."

Sunset got up but held for a moment. "Okay, but you're sure you're fine?"

Turning to her desk, Mahz pushed Sunset away. "I'm sure, now shoo, you two lovebirds!"

Chucking a little, Lacyus took Sunset's hand and lead her across the hallway to his bedroom. The two entered, closing the door behind them. The room itself fit your typical exam-period college student dorm room. All through the room, Sunset smelled the familiar smell of her mate and her love. Laundry was strewn randomly about the room, with very little in the bin where it was supposed to be. Against the wall opposite the door sat Lacyus' desk, and with it, his computer, though the keyboard was barely visible under the papers. Beside it sat a picture of them during their grad dinner-dance, the two lip locked after being declared the school's best couple. Above the desk, posters were neatly arranged on the wall, each one from a theatre production Lacyus had worked on. Beyond that, however, the warm brown walls were empty. In the corner sat a couch, a well worn hand-me-down from his older sister, and a favorite cuddle spot for the two during the winter. The center of the room was dominated by his queen sized bed, the dark blue sheets and blanket rumpled and tossed aside, with no apparent effor to attempt to neaten it.

Before Lacyus had the chance to do anything, Sunset turned him around and drew him into an embrace, planting a kiss on his lips, one that he eagerly returned. Without breaking the kiss, Lacyus maneuvered the two, flopping themselves over his bed.

Finally, she broke the kiss and gently nuzzled him, eyes still closed. A slight hint of alchohol wafted through her nose as she smelled his breath. "Exams are done and finally we have time."

Lacyus' arms encircled her lower back and pulled her close. "I swear, university has been the worst thing for us since... Well..."

Giggling at his lack of analogy, she nipped his nose and pulled him close with her arms around his neck. "Had a little too much to drink love?"

"I hope not, I'd much rather be all here for you tonight." He spied the clock on his nightstand over her shoulder, which glowed faintly with the numbers 1:21. "Well, seeing as you're still in your bikini, you may wanna grab your PJs from my dresser and get a little more comfy. I'll load up the movie on my PC." He rolled onto his back to give Sunset some room to get up.

Before he could make any more moves however, she flipped over and straddled his hips, grinding hers firmly against. A suggestive smile spread across her lips as she leaned in. "I feel more like going naked then getting into pyjamas, and you can load up your movie with your phone."

He chuckled in response, his voice dropping to a murmur. "So how did we go from movie to sex?"

The only answer Lacyus got was another playful nip. A little tickle along Sunset's outer thigh drew her attention as Lacyus's tail snaked up and pressed itself into the middle of the left side knot on the hip strings of her bottom. The two kissed deeply, tongues intertwining, soft moans and purrs egging the other on. Sunset's tail was busy as well, hooking Lacyus's trunks and slowly pulling them down, while his tail worked on the second knot. The two pulled each other close, his hands tugging the knots on her top undone, which he promptly tossed away. Sunset whimpered as she finally felt the lips of her treasure grind up against the underside of his cock. As she rolled her hips, it pressed firmly against her clit for a moment, making her eyes flutter closed and eliciting a soft moan from her. She made sure that she moaned into Lacyus' ear, knowing how much he loved it when she did that.

That simple action earned a swift reaction as he grabbed her rump and pressed down while thrusting up, the tip of cock just barely penetrating her. The initial shock of pleasure elicited a airy "Oh gods!" from her, everything on her tingling as she rolled her hips and felt him begin to slide in. She kissed him again, their lips sealed, whimpering as the familiar filling sensation returned. As she descended, jolts of pleasure arcing from her nethers all over her body as long neglected muscles were stretched. Then as she reached the bottom, Sunset felt her favorite part of Lacyus starting to slide in.

Like most other dragons, Lacyus's member had ridges near the bottom made specifically to stimulate females and Sunset made sure he made good use of them. She broke their kiss to shift her position, moving down slightly so that she wailed each time a ridge pressed against her clit. Lacyus took the opportunity to kiss her nipples, first one then the other. Finally after an eternity in the lovers eyes, the two were as close as they could be, whimpering and grunting together.

Drunk on pleasure, Sunset felt his cock pulsing fiercely inside her as little spurts of precum rolled out. Her tail hooked the covers to flip them on top of the two before her hips began to roll and rise. The two twitched and groaned as the friction between them grew, the ridges doing their job perfectly, making her feel lightheaded with pleasure. A sudden contraction and the ridges pressed right into her g-spot, a hot yelp drifting out as she involuntarily clawed at Lacyus' back. In response, his hands landed on her butt, helping himself thrust upwards, making him spear deeper, driving her mad. A shudder ran through her body as she desperately clung to sanity through her pleasured haze. However, with how long is had been since the two's last night of lovemaking, she doubted she could hold onto it for long.

One of Lacyus's hands left her rump to gently guide her into a deep kiss. Purring, she stopped riding him, simply enjoying the intimate moment. As the two kissed, he moved his hand from her face to massage her clit, drawing a long moan from her and signalling her to start again. But before she had a chance, he pushed down firmly on her hips, not allowing her to rise.

Lacyus broke the kiss, nuzzling her and murmuring into her ear. "Do you want to try something new love?"

Speaking for Sunset, on the other hand, was difficult at best, as Lacyus' lazy massage on her clit nearly made coherent communication impossible. "Nnnnnnhh... Wh.... What's... that?"

"Roll your hips. I heard most dragonesses really get off on that."

Sunset needed no more prompting. Kissing him again, she began to move her hips in a circular pattern, playing with his cock. As she kept going, Lacyus pressed up, putting him in just the right place, making her twitch and hook his leg with one of hers. A little jab from him made her back arch, letting him kiss her breasts. The combination of his clit massage and kisses sent Sunset over the edge, spots appearing before her eyes as she thrust down, her orgasm tearing through her. Wailing, she through restraint to the wind, hugging her love tightly, the first spurts of cum starting to fill her. Bits of her nectar leaked out, dripping down her leg as she rode out her high.

As she came down, a warm, soft feeling set in as she purred and cuddled up to Lacyus. He rolled the two onto their sides, making her twitch as the movement stimulated her overly sensitive treasure. Closing her eyes, Sunset was the first to move, kissing him and gently crading his cheek.

"I love you Lacyus." She murmured, nuzzling him.

Lacyus planted a kiss on her forehead and pulled her close. "I love you too Sunset, more than anything."

The two laid silently, words not needed to tell the other how they felt. And while the movie was forgotten by the two, it didn't quite matter for the two, so long as the had their best friend, lover and mate in their arms.

Chapter 1

A splitting headache is never the best thing to wake up to, especially when you couldn't remember what lead up to the pain. Then again, this was nothing new to him sadly, the familiarity from the last two months of poverty and misery. Nights of...

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Chapter One: Quickening

Warm sea air flowed with the wind, catching blades of grass in the medows below and fluttering them like feathers. The rolling hills were covered, like mats of green placed upon the landscape by the gods themselves, stopped only by the sands of the...

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Prolouge: The Exile

Author's Note: Hey there! It's been a good couple of years since I've posted here, but rest assured, I still haven't forgot my stories. This new series will be my attempt to reboot my Twin World series. For those of you who have not read them yet,...

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