Raiyev Part 12

Story by J. M. Sutherland on SoFurry

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#12 of Raiyev

"GODDAMMIT, RAIYEV!" the grizzled old horse shouted at the giant raccoon. The sky was a dry, pale blue, and the sun scorched down from above, slowly burning Raiyev's back as he slouched over, his head hanging down and his tail limp. He couldn't fit inside the buildings of EarthTech Labs anymore, so Dr. Phillips, president and CEO of the company, had to berate the now-14-foot-tall raccoon outside on the company grounds.

Raiyev hadn't ever been on the best of terms with the aging equine that led the company, but all the small accidents and other clumsy moments had been contested by Dr. Frost, who was now standing next to Raiyev as she had done many times before, trying to console him as she spoke to Phillips.

"Please, Sir," she begged, "I know it looks bad, but Raiyev is one of our top minds, and he can help rebuild this--"

"Oh, is he really?" Phillips spat. "I know his file well enough to know that he's one of the weakest employees of this company! Don't you try to bullshit his way out of this!" he continued, flailing his arms about to point at both Frost and Raiyev.

Raiyev simply stood by, every so often glancing over at the nearby Chemistry building, which still had a steady column of wispy smoke rising from the closest side of the building. That part of the building itself looked like it was in ruins. Apparently, a fire had started in one of the labs yesterday evening, and though it set off the fire alarm and sprinklers, it wasn't enough to contain the fire before it reached some containers of flammable chemicals. An entire quarter of the Chemistry building went up immediately in an explosive fireball that could be seen hundreds of yards away.

Now, after firefighters worked through the night to put out the flames, the building stood ruined and still smoking, with a few firefighters still about to finish the job. And as if it wasn't bad enough that other employees were gawking at Raiyev, now firefighters had seen him, and he feared that soon his face would be plastered all over the news, and not just for setting some building on fire.

"This is truly the last straw, Mr. Kosekovic," Phillips muttered in a low voice, his teeth bared and his large nostrils flaring even larger. "You're fired! And you're expected to pay for these damages!"

"But, Sir," Raiyev began, his large, frightened face looming over the much smaller horse, "I need to be here! Look at me! I need to be able to be here to reverse what's happened to me!" And it was true. Now that Raiyev had grown so much, he was having a hard time keeping himself and his problem much of a secret. He even had to tie a large bed sheet around himself as a sort of crude loincloth just to stay somewhat decent. He was in no mood for public attention, either, especially after the way people had started treating him. No matter how well he tried to explain himself, most people either ran away screaming, or hid their children as they called him a freak or a monster.

"That's not my concern," Phillips said, brushing the matter off his shoulder as plainly as if Raiyev had mentioned that his parents were going to ground him. "My concern is this company, its facilities, and the people who work here. Since you no longer work here, there's nothing this company can do, will do, or CARES to do for the likes of you! Now give me your security pass and get off this property before I have security escort you off!"

The final threat was admittedly an empty one, seeing as how no furson around was in any position to physically force Raiyev anywhere by his or her own paws. Nevertheless, Raiyev knew when he wasn't wanted, and after handing the security pass he had attached to the bed sheet, he slowly walked away to the parking lot, his head hanging lower than ever, and his 9-foot-long tail dragging slowly behind him.

Brad had rented out a moving truck to help transport Raiyev in secrecy and with efficiency, seeing as how Raiyev could no longer fit inside their little convertible anymore, and now weighed a good deal over a ton. Tears were starting to roll down his cheeks as Brad opened up the back of the truck for Raiyev to get in. The smaller raccoon stopped, though, and took a moment to suddenly hug his fiancée's leg. Raiyev looked down, sniffling, and bent down on his knees to hug his lover better. The two embraced, Raiyev hugging Brad carefully into his chest, and Brad nuzzling Raiyev as best as he could, his small arms wrapped around Raiyev's large neck.

Large tears rolled down Raiyev's muzzle and onto Brad's back, soaking his clothing, but Brad didn't care--it was well worth it, if it meant he could console the fur that meant more to him than anything. After a few moments of simply staying there, hugging, Raiyev finally let up, and got inside the truck.

"I have an idea," Brad said, looking in at Raiyev, who was sitting down cross-legged, facing the opening. "Just trust me," he said with a kind smile as he closed the door.


Sometime later, after riding around in the dark, Raiyev finally felt the truck stop, heard Brad get out and walk around to the back, and saw him open the door to reveal one of the most beautiful spots of untouched nature Raiyev had ever seen.

"I know that people have started to...not take too kindly to your changes, Raiyev," Brad began as Raiyev simply looked out in wide-eyed wonder.

"Where are we?" Raiyev asked.

"Well, I decided that taking you here for a visit could help you get away from everyone. We don't need people constantly gawking at you, and running away in fear from you."

Raiyev cast his eyes down knowingly. As far as he was concerned, everyone who had stared at him, run from him, screamed at him or called him a freak or a monster was only doing so because of that slip-up in the lab when he injected himself with that chemical, which was, of course, his own fault. Everything bad that had been happening to him since that day was his fault.

"This place is really out of the way," Brad continued. "Not too many people know how to get here. There aren't even any campsites or anything here." Raiyev stared blankly at Brad. "Come on," Brad pleaded, "please come out. It's safe here--I promise."

Raiyev cautiously stepped out of the truck, looking around to see if anyone else was close by. To his great relief, he and Brad were the only ones there, and the sight of the surrounding landscape took Raiyev's breath away. For some reason, Raiyev started to get a feeling deep inside of him, yet still subtle and slight, that he belonged here, that this was far better than the world of science he had grown up around and come to love and live by.

The strong scent of pine permeated the air, and all Raiyev could see was a mixture of blue and green surrounding them. They were in a valley, surrounded by tall foothills on all sides, and all covered with large, robust trees, with sprinklings of open patches of fields and meadows here and there. Raiyev stood currently in such a meadow, the tall grass tickling his ankles. A lake could be seen not half a mile from where he was, and its water looked cool and refreshing, especially under the hot sun of the day.

"I thought you might like it," Brad said with a slight smirk that changed into a warm smile, seeing his giant lover looking all around, his mouth open and tail swishing back and forth. Suddenly, Raiyev looked down at Brad, and he quickly bent down and--much to the surprise of Brad--picked him up swiftly and hugged him tightly against his chest.

"Oof!" Brad heaved as he was hugged by the massively strong arms, but then settled in, murring as he hugged back.

"Thank you," Raiyev whispered softly into Brad's ear. He held the smaller raccoon back a bit, noticing how much like a doll he was to him now, and just as suddenly as he picked him up, Raiyev brought him up to his face to plant a large and wet--but still heartfelt--kiss. The kiss became more tender and less aggressive, and Brad kissed back, his smaller muzzle locking lips as best as he could with Raiyev's.

"I love you," Raiyev said gently, pulling out of the kiss momentarily.

"And I love you, my dearest friend," Brad replied, and found himself back kissing the giant raccoon, his legs dangling down in front of Raiyev's loincloth. As he pressed his body closer, his hind paws picked up on the swelling rod that was hidden by the giant's loincloth, and he gave a knowing murr.

"No...I can't..." Raiyev said, blushing as he pulled Brad away from him again.

"Why not?" Brad asked.

"It'd be too much for you...I don't want to hurt you."

"Trust me," Brad said, massaging the large member through the cloth with a hind paw. "You won't hurt me. We can be careful."

"Really?" Raiyev's eyes were hopeful but still unsure as they gazed into Brad's, searching for assurance.

"Really," Brad promised. And with that, Raiyev laid down in the grass after setting Brad back down and removed the cloth from around his waist. Brad, too, removed his clothes, and climbed on top of the giant raccoon, snuggling against his large chest, laying his head down to listen to the deep, muffled thump of his lover's heartbeat. Raiyev simply petted Brad, stroking a large paw down his back, smiling as he watched Brad's tail swish merrily.

Raiyev's malehood was standing firmly erect, some 18 inches tall, and when Brad found himself fully hard, he crawled around and started to give the giant cock his full attention. He started by licking the tip, his tongue working all around the 5-inch-thick crown. He made Raiyev moan when he attached his muzzle to the slit, sucking and licking it while stroking the shaft with one paw, and stroking his own hard cock with his other paw.

Raiyev started to buck gently, but then remembered that he should probably try to restrain himself, for Brad's sake. Brad, however, hopped off of Raiyev and starting fondling his ballsac, kneeling in front of the large furry orbs. Each testicle was a pawful for Brad, and he rubbed and massaged them gently, giving them a lick every now and again when his tongue wasn't preoccupied with licking the massive shaft in front of him.

Raiyev couldn't stand his own restraint anymore, and started bucking again, and Brad hugged himself against the bucking rod, precum starting to drizzle out of the tip. Brad's own cock was rubbing against the ballsac, and he started to really throw himself into it, licking and stroking the massive cock with relish, sending Raiyev into an ecstatic frenzy of pleasure.

They kept at it like this for a short while until Brad heard Raiyev cry out something that sounded like "I'm about to explode!" just as Brad himself was shooting his load, coating the giant raccoon's furry ballsac. Brad eased up just a bit as his climax started to wane, not sure how powerful Raiyev's cumming would be, and prepared himself. They both thought it was quite remarkable when Raiyev finally came, shooting huge jets of cum into the air, arcing high and coming back down again with an audible SPLAT! against Raiyev's chest and stomach. He released an entire quart of his seed, and Brad simply stood there, panting heavily and watching with great delight.

After it was all finished, Brad came around and started to lap up all the cum that had been shot out of the great cannon that was Raiyev's cock. Raiyev helped him out, cleaning himself up much more quickly and efficiently. After they were done, Brad collapsed onto Raiyev, and they both fell asleep for a long nap, snuggling each other dearly, their minds only concentrating on how much they loved each other.