Raiyev Part 14

Story by J. M. Sutherland on SoFurry

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#14 of Raiyev

The heavy flick of a large switch echoed loudly, and a harsh and bright white light shined onto Raiyev, coaxing him out of his slumber. He writhed as he awoke, but found that he couldn't move. He was laying flat on his back, facing up into a blinding light that stung his eyes. He looked around quickly--anything to get that light out of his eyes--and saw that all four of his paws were bound to the table, strapped down in heavy metal clasps, with a similar, larger clasp running over his naked torso.

He was on some sort of metallic table or platform--he couldn't really tell from his position, and the only light in the room was shining down right on him, a heavily focused beam that warmed his body. All around him was a vast blackness, obscuring the size and orientation of the room he was in. He struggled under his restraints, trying to free himself, but he couldn't. He called for help, but there was no answer. After a while, he felt drowsy, and once again fell into sleep (despite the brightness of the light above him), fitful due to the nightmare that took him.


The metropolis bustled with activity, as it did on any normal day, and Jacob was making his rounds in the office building where he delivered mail every day. He was trying to think of happy thoughts, like his wife and kids, to pass the time and keep his mind off of how he was barely making enough to scrape by. Just as he was handing Mr. Ticheli of Accounting on the Third Floor his package, the building suddenly swayed violently, and a deep, rumbling boom roared loudly. Lights flickered, and everyone fell to the ground, only to get back up, looking around frantically. Some people near the office windows started screaming, and Jacob quickly turned his head towards them, seeing out the window in the distance a massive dark wall that seemed to be heading straight for them.

Everything outside suddenly went dark, the sunlight of what had been an almost cloudless day now completely blacked out in a sudden eclipse. Everyone around Jacob was getting up and running for the fire exit stairwells, while Jacob (and a few others) stood transfixed by this unknown, impending doom. He kept staring out the windows, trying to see what was there, but he couldn't see anything. Suddenly, the ceiling above him started crumbling and falling on him, and before he could even look all the way up, he was no more--along with the rest of the building and all its occupants.

The people of this city had never before even dreamt of such a magnificent beast, but now, without any warning or any knowledge of where he came from, a giant raccoon was looming over the city, casting many city blocks in his shadow, one of his hindpaws having just come to rest on a couple of skyscrapers. The people panicked, running around almost aimlessly--anything to get away from this mile-high harbinger of death and destruction.

The raccoon's eyes were narrowed, the twisted grin on his muzzle an ominous message of hopelessness to all the victims of this city. He lifted up his other hindpaw with malicious glee and brought it back down forcefully on another set of buildings, flattening them instantly and making some surrounding buildings crumble by the sheer force of the resulting quake.

The raccoon laughed dominantly, his deep bass voice resonating for miles on end, and his great tail, over 3,000 feet long, swished and swayed over a suburb of the city, wiping through all the homes like a massive and long wrecking ball. The raccoon looked back at the destruction his tail inadvertently had just caused, and grinned even wider. This feeling of absolute power he had was a euphoria, and his sheath twitched and began to swell at the thought of destroying the puny city so easily.

He stroked his growing member idly a moment before continuing on, remembering how much he simply wanted to obliterate the entire city. Crouching down (and knocking over a few buildings in the process), he watched the tiny people scurry around, attempting desperately to flee his wrathful demolition. He chuckled darkly and reached down, scooping up a pawful of dozens of these pathetic little bugs, and snarled at them as he lifted them to his muzzle. They screamed and pleaded, some even jumping off the edge of his paw towards a better fate, and their panic made him smile wryly before he simply tilted his head back and opened wide, dumping the entire load into his muzzle. He felt them struggle within his mighty maw, chuckling to himself as he played with them. His tongue tossed them all around for a moment before he finally started chewing, relishing in the feeling of the tiny bodies grinding into useful meat and pulp between his teeth. He swallowed the lot but was hungry for more.

This time, he took up a skyscraper, wrapping his fingers carefully around the structure and yanking it from its foundations. He could see the people trapped inside as they screamed and panicked, their faces contorted in terror as they beheld their doom. With the bottom of the building open and free, the giant raccoon held a paw underneath the opening and shook the building hard, squeezing some to break away the different floors. All manner of things poured out into his paw--debris, furniture, and of course the most delightful part of the meal, the people. Some fell to the ground, but he didn't care; once his paw was pleasantly full, he stuffed the contents into his muzzle and chowed down hungrily. He swallowed the furniture and debris, too, but he enjoyed every moment of it as it just reminded him of the power of destruction he held over the city. He dumped more into his paw and repeated the process, until he felt satiated. He then looked at the few broken bodies that had missed his paw, and decided to slam the remaining shell of a building down on them, grinding the mess into the ground with glee.

He stood up and noticed his now fully erect malehood, throbbing needily. Looking around at all the destruction that was still left to accomplish, the raccoon got an idea. He stomped his way over to a section of the city that had so far been untouched by his malice, and sat down in the thick of it all, his rear and tail crashing down on scores of buildings. He raked his fingers through a clean part of the city, gathering up building after building in his paws, and then mashed them all against his swollen cock. He churred deeply, moaning as he felt the destruction against his most sensitive flesh. He rubbed the buildings and their inhabitants into ruin against his thick organ, until it became a mass of rubble, broken bodies, and his own oozing precum.

Needing more, he laid down on his belly and dragged his cock through whole city blocks, plowing through countless buildings and people, the feeling of so much death making him groan in ecstasy. A deep trough formed in the city from his unstoppable cock, and he sped up, huge dollops of precum drizzling out of the tip. He reached around, spreading his arms and legs wide throughout the city, simply wiping through as much as he could, like making a snow angel of catastrophic ruin.

All this power, this death, this destruction, this pleasure--it was almost too much for the giant raccoon, and he thrust violently in the self-made trough until he threw his head back and cried out his orgasm, his voice booming for dozens of miles as he shot thousands of gallons of his thick, hot seed into the streets of the city. It flooded the area, coating building after building in the sticky stuff. A playground was buried under tons of the hot jism, and people drowned as they were knocked over by the tsunami rushing up on them.

After a few moments, the raccoon's climax waned, and he slowly got up as his spent member retracted into its sheath. He surveyed the destruction his cruel fuck had just caused, and with his hands on his hips, he laughed evilly. His head swarmed with an ecstatic bliss as he realized just how powerful he was over the people of this city, and he decided to finish off the job, going on a stomping spree until all that was left of the city were miles of ruin and corpses, fires springing up here and there from the devastation that had been laid upon the metropolis that had once been a cornerstone of industry in its nation. Very few survivors were left, and they only emerged when they realized that the giant god of destruction had disappeared as quickly and as mysteriously as he had arrived.