In the Daylight, I’ll Have to Go

Story by arxidan on SoFurry

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This story contains homosexual furry erotica, if you are underaged or turned off by such things, please, navigate away from this page, otherwise, enjoy!

In the Daylight, I'll Have to Go

Christmas Eve was a night that seemed to go on forever for the poor lonely G.I. His heart was racing with the thought of seeing his wonderful sexy fox who is just sitting at home unsuspecting of the fact that he got leave to come home for Christmas Day. Sure, it was only Christmas Day, but he was content with any time spent with his mate.

"You have anyone special for the holidays Stein?" His buddy back at camp asked as he was packing up to go.

"Something like that," he responded, although the army was more lenient on homosexuals, he still wasn't keen with sharing his personal life with his comrades.

"She got a nice ass?" His buddy asked with a hearty grin on his face attempting to get the gossip. Private Lee Stein decided that the holidays were reason enough to dish some info.

"The nicest, so plump and just perfectly squeezable!" He was getting way to excited describing his mate's ass.

Now he sat in the airport awaiting a cab to take him to his home. The place where his love lived. The young wolf was in anticipation with every car that would drive by. His ears perked up, his head jolted from his twiddled fingers to the curb and his tail started wagging, but every time one would just drive by, his pep died and he returned to looking at his twiddled thumbs.

It was 6 A.M. The cold winter air brushed through his furs. He shivered slightly and made him desire his fox even more. He was always so warm, his fur so soft, just like his touch. He loved his little guy, his adorable little fox who always put a smile on his face. One more day with his fox would make the year seem perfect. By the time the cab had pulled up, he was far too deep into thoughts of the coming day to realize it. The honking of the cab jolted him up from his seat as he grabbed his bag for the day and got into the back seat.

Upon getting himself settled in the seat he handed the taxi driver a slip with the address, only about ten minutes from the airport thankfully. The cab driver noticed the wolf's fatigues and smiled, this being his first fair of the day that wasn't some drunken slob stumbling his way into the car. His heart swelled as he looked at the eagerness of the G.I. to get home to someone who lived at this address. He punched the address into his GPS and started on his way, happy to get the wolf home as quickly and easily as possible. This is why he likes to work on holidays. Not having any real loved ones to celebrate with, it makes him feel good to help others get to their loved ones.

Lee was shaking his leg in joy. Yes, he was excited, in more ways than one. He hadn't felt his love's touch in close to a year, he was deprived, there is only so much one's own paw can do.

By the time the cab had pulled up to the driveway, Lee had already ran through so many of the possibilities of the day. Everything that him and his fox could do. Most of all, he just wanted to hold him and lock muzzles for the next few hours. However, he knew that was very unlikely. Likewise, there is only so much one's own paw could do, even with some assistance. He handed the driver two twenties, and requested that he kept the money, no amount of money was enough to make up the value of seeing his fox on Christmas. The driver refused, a smile on his muzzle.

"I'm happy to serve those who are serving our country."

Lee insisted, but the cabbie would have none of it so he backed off and got out of the car. The cab rolled off and disappeared around the corner. Lee walked up the driveway and to the front door, pulling out the key that he had kept with him all this time. He unlocked the door as quietly as possible and closed and locked it in the same manner. He snuck through the house much like one of the simulations in basic training. He didn't make a sound and made his way into the bedroom.

His fox was dead asleep in the bed much to his amusement, he was even snoring slightly, adorably as Lee had always seen. Lee dropped his bag on the floor and slipped out of his fatigues down to his black briefs before walking up and slipping into the bed and shifting close this his fox.

The fox shifted onto his side instinctually, although he placed his elbow on Lee's face in order to grab leverage. Lee took it with caution to keep from making a sound. He'd take anything to cuddle with his fox like this. He shifted into his place behind his fox, slipping one arm under him and the other around the slim fox's soft, furry, mostly naked body. Lee pressed his body against his fox's and his fox pushed back, also instinctually. Both let out a long sigh of relief. Happy to be with the fox still unaware of it though.

Lee was so comfortable with his fox, he wanted to stay up and just watch his fox wake up, but he couldn't fight anymore and be slowly drifted off. The only thing that awoke him was the fox in his arms jolting awake after realizing that him being in someone's arms was not just a dream. Lee looked up at the handsome, slim, sexy, red furred fox in a pair of red briefs.

"Lee!?" The wide eyed fox exclaimed, wiping his eyes to clear his vision. His eyes started watering as he came to realize that it was indeed his wolf.

"Hey Grant," the wolf said as he got up out of bed to stand in front of the fox. Grant brought a hand up to Lee's cheek. He was real, not just another dream. He quickly wrapped his arms around Lee's neck and pressed his muzzle against Lee's. The wolf returned the kiss and placed his arms around the fox's waist. He pulled his fox close to him and enjoyed their locked muzzles and the warmth of his fox. This is where he belonged, not out on the fields, fighting, he belonged in the arms of his fox, keeping him warm and safe. His heart was beating erratically. Their tongues wrestled and caressed each other, making up for lost time.

Lee started to feel a tingle in his crotch, his pink member has started to poke out if his sheath and was pressing up against the growing bulge in Grant's pair of stretching red undies. Lee reached a paw down and grabbed onto his fox's cute cheeks, squeezing them and caressing them, running his paws all over the parts of his fox which he missed so much. He brought his paws under his fox and lifted him up, turning him around and dropping them onto the bed, Lee hovering over Grant, staring into his eyes the way he always had, in that loving and lusting way.

Their lips returned to each other, continuing to open and close for each other. Lee ground his hips against Grant's, their cocks brushing up against each other. A loud moan was made from both of them. Deprivation had made both of them extra sensitive. Their briefs were both betting soaked in pre. Grant reached down and grabbed hold of Lee's brief's waistband and pulled them down slightly to reveal the wolf's firm ass. Grant grabbed hold on the perfectly sculpted ass and pulled it towards him to increase the friction on his member. He bit his lip slight. Lee saw this and got up, knowing that his mate was enjoying the dry humping a bit too much for what he had in store.

Lee pulled himself up and removed his briefs. He went down to Grant, grabbing hold of his hips and flipping him over onto his stomach. He grabbed onto the underwear on Grant and quickly swiped them off. He quickly returned his paws the the furry bulges that were the fox's ass. He started to massage them and squeeze, at times a bit too tight for Grant's comfort, but it certainly helped pump more pre onto the bed sheets. Grant started to moan at the pleasure of getting his cheeks massaged.

The wolf's paws started to move up onto the fox's back. A low grumble came out of Grant's muzzle as all the cares of the past months just melted away. The paws massaged all the way up to his shoulders and went down to each of his forearms. The fuzzy little fox in sheer ecstasy of having his wolf treat him like royalty.

The paws returned to the fox's rear and spread open the fluffy cheeks to reveal the fox's pink tail hole. Grant looked back to find his wolf staring down at his ass. He smiled cheekily and closed his eyes again as the paws started massaging his cheeks again. He laid there, his ass being toyed with by his strong, muscular, handsome wolf.

Grant jolted up, tensing his tail hole, but then immediately relaxing even more than before the moment Lee's tongue grazed over Grant's tail hole. Lee chuckled at how much Grant took pleasure at having his tail eaten out, this only cause greater vibrations for the fox to enjoy and brought a moan out of his lips. Lee kept up his fox's treatment, each lap at the soft pink pucker causing another moan. He continued until he heard the fox's moans become more drawn out and almost pouty. Grant wanted Lee so badly, he had had enough foreplay, he wanted that wolf cock.

Lee gave one last long drawn out lap at Grant and stood up. Grant quickly got up and turned around, he got off the bed and onto his knees and found the wolf member almost touching his face. He stuck out his tongue and lapped at the tip, the drops of pre leaking out onto his tongue and giving him a taste at that wonderful pre. He took a paw to the base of the forming knot and gave it a squeeze, making more pre to seep out of his cock. He lowered himself and licked up his shaft. Lee shuttered at the sensation and moaned loudly. He bit his lip and groaned as Grant stuck the first inch of his thick cock head into into his muzzle, the wet warm space hit just the spot for Lee and made more and more pre shoot into Grant's muzzle. Grant showed his appreciation by moaning with Lee's cock in his mouth, the vibration causing a new stream of pre to leak. Lee knew that he would not be able to take this onslaught of pleasure much longer without blowing his load in Grant's muzzle. It wasn't a muzzle he was after, he knew that he didn't have much time, and he didn't want to squander this time on some muzzle action, he wanted to pleasure his fox the way only he could. He lifted up his fox's muzzle and saw those glistening brown eyes in the morning light. He pulled him up and their muzzles collided again. Lee pushed them over to the bed and they fell again.

Lee positioned himself at the fox's tail hole. Grant was making loud lusty moans, begging for the wolf's cock in his tail hole. Lee obliged as he started pushing his hips forward. His cock pushed against Grant's tight hole with much resistance, but after a moment, the first inch made its way into the warm tight hole. Grant yipped quietly and clenched his teeth as he got through the first push. Lee's cock went deeper and deeper, each inch causing Grant to clench his teeth harder and harder. Grant wasn't used to going so suddenly to this huge of a cock without much preparation, thankfully, the foreplay helped him loosen up quite a bit. As soon as Lee's knot had hit the entrance of Grant's tail he pulled out, a loud moan bursting from Grant as it rubbed against all the right places. Lee shoot a steady stream of pre as Grant's tail hole clenched around his member.

He began his second thrust and Grant couldn't help but let out a low murr. His tail was up and swaying slightly now and his ears perked up. He was in ecstasy the second thrust. His stomach was covered in his own pre as his cock twitched with every thrust. Lee bent over and stole a few quick kisses from the fox's moaning muzzle, not stopping his pace at the slightest. He lifted himself back up and place a paw at the fox's white furred chest and caressed it until he found his way to his nipple and started teasing it. This made Grant bark out in even more pleasure. Lee knew that this wouldn't last long with him teasing Grant's nipples, but he also knew that he wouldn't be able to endure the onslaught of pleasure from pounding Grant's tail hole. He continued to play with Grant's nipples and pounded into his ass harder and harder. Grant reach a paw down at his cock and started stroking it hard and fast, realizing that he had already passed the edge. He quickly pawed himself as fast as he could.

His tail hole clenched tightly causing him to moan loudly as his cock started spewing rope after glimmering rope of his seed onto his chest and Lee's arm. Lee pounded that last extra inches of knotted goodness into Grants tail hole, causing another set of ropes to explode from Grant's cock onto his chest. Lee could feel his hot cum seeping out of his cock and filling his fox up with that precious seed of his. Grant had so greatly missed this feeling of being knotted to the one that he loved so much. It was warm, comforting, relaxing, he felt like nothing could bother him from that point. Lee collapsed on top of him, Grant's cum acting as another factor keeping then together.

The two of them were exhausted after the best sex they've had in a couple of years. They shifted into a better position and fell asleep in each others arms, Lee's knot still holding them together as they slumbered.

Lee awoke to an empty bed later that day. He lifted his groggy self up and checked the digital red numbers floating on the night stand. 1:30. He slept for a good while. He was sad to not have woken up with his fox in his arms, but as soon as he gave a good sniff, he wasn't very sad. He got himself out of bed and retrieved his briefs from the floor and walked out the room and made his way into the kitchen to find Grant at the stove with nothing more than a kitchen apron and his briefs, giving Lee a perfect view of the fox's tail. He walked up to the fox and wrapped his arms around his waist and planted his chin on the fox's shoulder.

"Good, you're up!" The first earshot of the fox's voice today. Lee had missed that very much, the fox's soft but masculine voice, how sweet he always sounded while still having some strength behind it. "Breakfast is almost ready!" Grant loved to cook for one's he loved. It made him feel a greater sense of purpose, especially when that loved one was his wolf.

Lee took another sniff into the air and looked down at the pan. He could see pancakes being made on the pan and smelled various meats already made. Grant has always known how much of a carnivore Lee was, he made sure that he cooked a side dish of some extra meat whenever he cooked for Lee. Today he had cooked a package of bacon, some sausage, and some eggs to compliment the pancakes.

"Go get a seat babe, I'll serve you a plate." Lee said as he turned off the stove and took the last pancake of the pan. He placed a stack of pancakes on one plate and a couple of sunny-side-up eggs, several strips of bacon, and a few sausage links on a other plate. He took the two plates and placed it in front of his wolf. He watched as Lee took the first few bites of bacon, he always rushed towards the meat. Grant made his way to the fridge and pulled out the jug of orange juice and poured himself and Lee a cup. He placed them at both ends of the small dining table. Lee gave a muffled "thank you" to the fox before continuing his scarfing down of food. Lee mad himself a plate, enough to fit onto one plate, Grant never ate much, although, seeing as he never really did much, he didn't need the extra energy from the food that Lee needed.

Grant took a seat across from Lee and began eat his food. After finishing his first sausage link he looked up and noticed Lee swallow hard and lean backwards, placing his paws on his stomach and sighing contently. That sight was always to die for for Grant, he always loved seeing his wolf happy, full, and content. Grant continued to eat his food while Lee watched.

"Damn Grant, you really got breakfast mastered! I haven't had a breakfast like that since the last time you cooked for me. Nobody can do it quite like you can." Grant took pride at his wolf's comment and have a smug smile. "How can you make such great food but eat so slowly?" Grant just continued smiling and shrugged.

Once lee finished they went into the living room and made themselves comfy on the couch. They got into a spooning position. Lee held Grant tightly to his chest, he wanted to never let go, although he knew that by sunlight the next day, he would, so he kept his fox close to him through the day, lying on that couch, they turned the tv on and started watching "It's a Wonderful Life" they had made a tradition of it in the past few years before he enlisted. Lee held his fox closely, his grip never wavering. He ran his paw through his fox's belly furs, his stomach has not definition, but also has no fat, it was simply flat. Lee always loved massaging Grant, he loved to have his fox warm and relaxed. Having Grant relaxed always helped to relax Lee.

They laid there until daylight fell and continued to lay there, watching various programs. Occasionally Lee would whisper something sweet and wonderful, causing Grant to swell with joy, his heart ready to burst, much like the tears that almost made their way into the world. He didn't want to cry today, today was a great day, another day with his wolf was not something to be squandered with crying. He just laid there, replying with similarly adorable comments that made Lee squeeze him even harder.

Lee began to grin as his paw began to reach down, he grabbed onto his fox's member and start to stroke, taking a moment to massage his balls first. Grant moaned at the touch and pressed his hips forward then back again, pressing his tail against Lee's crotch causing the wolf to moan as his already erect member felt that delectable rump again. Lee pulled down Grant's underwear and took hold of his member, stroking it vigorously, the fox's moans egging him on. He only moved his paw away from the warm pulsating cock in order to get his underwear off and position himself at his fox's rear entrance. He pressed himself in, much easier this time as he was already somewhat loose from earlier that day. His cock spurted more pre into the fox's tail hole as the fox moaned, his cock shooting its own pre onto the couch.

Grant and Lee continued moaning loudly. Their cocks bombarded with the pleasure from the other. Grant was always extremely susceptible to Lee's paw. It was always so soft and firm, perfect grip and perfect motions. He was never able to last long with his cock in his wolf's paw, especially with that cock in his tail hole, it was all too much to take as Lee pounded into his tail, each thrust getting him closer and closer to climax as his eyes closed and he started biting his lip. He was close, really close. He turned his head around and met his muzzle with Lee's, moaning into it loudly. Lee loved this, the sound of his fox's pleasure, it was always his favorite button. He gave a few strong piston thrusts into the tail hole until his knot popped in, and he continued to thrust as he came deep within the fox's nether region. Meanwhile the fox exploded, his cum shooting off the couch and even landing on the coffee table, a good couple feet away from the couch.

"Oh, Grant! I never want to leave you!" Lee said in post orgasmic ecstasy.

"I never want you to leave either." Although he hadn't been told, he knew that Lee only had the day. In the morning, someone would come knocking on the door for him, that's how it was the first time he left. Someone came knocking on the door and took the wolf away from him. He cherished this moment with him. This post orgasmic moment of sheer love, at least for as long as he could before he couldn't fight off the sleep any longer. He passed out with his tail hole happily full of cock and cum.

Lee nudged Grant awake. He was dressed in his fatigues already and Grant found himself in his underwear again.

"It's time for me to go." He said somberly.

"No, please, just stay with me! You don't have to go!" Grant didn't want to believe it. "You can just stay with me forever!" He refused to believe it. "I don't want to lose you again."

"I'm sorry Grant, it already time for me to go." Lee was as sad as Grant, but he tried to hold strong, for Grant's sake, all of this was for him, after all, sure, Lee enjoyed it, but that wasn't his goal, his goal was to comfort his fox.

"I can't lose you again! Do you know how hard it was to open that very door to some army official?!" He started tearing up. "Please, just stay with me, I don't want to feel that again! I don't want to lose you!" Lee grabbed hold of Grant by his shoulders.

"Listen yesterday was the greatest day I ever had, it will be my favorite memory, right next to the first moment I saw your smiling muzzle, or the first time I grabbed onto your soft paw, but I'd be selfish to ask you to spend the rest of your life on my memory."

"I want to! I can't let what left of you I have."

"I'm not asking you to, I just want you to share what we felt together with someone else, I've had more than a life's fill of it. Please, for me, move on, live your life." Grant's fur was matted with tears. He gave a reluctant nod.

Lee leaned down and placed his muzzle against Grants for one last time, it felt like an eternity for Grant as Lee wrapped his arms around him. He reciprocated the action. They stood there for what felt like years, a kiss that would last the ages, and suddenly, Grant was alone. All alone, again. He broke down and dropped to the floor, crying. He had heard what Lee had said about moving on, and he wasn't going to disobey his wolf, but for the time being, he was going to mourn his loss once again.

It was a hell of a day, exactly what one could ask for on Christmas.