Cub Services | Chapter 16

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#16 of Cub Services

I apologize for any and all grammar/spelling mistakes, I'm still learning. ^.^ I also apologise for the length of time between chapters. This is becoming extremely difficult and I'm very unhappy with this particular chapter. But that's neither here, nor there. Enjoy!

I love comments so please share any and all thoughts in the comments section below.

All characters and ideas from this story are mine and are not to be used without my permission. The views expressed in this story are not necessarily my own, nor should they be construed as anything more than part of the fictional story they are presented in. This story series contains graphic sexual content between an underage fur and an adult.

Chapter 16

A brilliant white full moon hung high in the inky black sky over Liz Moreau's apartment building, casting strange eerie shadows across the wet parking-lot as she and her 11 year old cub Mikey slowly made their way towards the stairs of her apartment. The snow had mostly melted during the day and the water had frozen during the night leaving the roads a glossy black that reflected the two tired fur's reflections back up at them.

It had been a long day. Starting well before the sun had risen and punctuated by Mikey's ear splitting screams, a reaction to the bloody nightmare he'd had about his father's death a few short years ago. The two furs spent the rest of the day wandering through thick white tufts of muddy snow and tall snow capped pine trees in search of a grave based purely on an address Mikey had seen on an invitation two years earlier. By the time the sun had reached its zenith in the sky, Liz had all but given up, sure she'd looked at every headstone and uncovered every grave marker in the sea of white snow and muddy grass, but still the little silver white wolf cub searched. Just as Mikey was about to give up and admit defeat he found a single brick of granite, partially covered by overgrown grass and snow. The headstone was nearly buried in a back corner of the graveyard that obviously never got any attention from the grounds keeper, near a rusting rot iron fence.

The pot-marked granite head stone read "Dillon R Williams" with a burial date of April 4th. The little wolf was shaking and frozen to the bone when he found the stone, but even so, he slumped onto the muddy ground with a wail of anguish as the pain of the loss of his father ravaged his body and soul. Tears streaked down his cheeks and froze as tiny icicles to the silver white fur on his muzzle. His nose ran constantly as it went numb with cold and a dull ache spread through his chest with every icy breath of air he inhaled into his lungs. Liz tried her best to keep the cub warm, or at least move him out of the puddle of muddy ice-water he'd managed to sit down in, but she feared to make him move before he was ready. The thought of seeing that horrible vacant look in those beautiful mismatched blue and yellow eyes tore at the very fiber of her being. Instead the beautiful vixen did the best she could to keep him warm, wrapping her own coat around the cubs quivering shoulders and keeping him as close as possible, so that he might benefit from her body heat.

An itchy tingling sensation spread through Mikey's muzzle as he stood in front of Liz's apartment door, followed closely by a harsh sneeze that sent a bolt of pain shooting through his chest and jarring his little body to the core as he hopped in place. A thick fluffy cloud of air puffed out in front of him as he clenched his eyes closed and stepped closer to Liz as she opened the black door for the little cub. A gentle push on his back guided him into the warm apartment as he sneezed a second time, again making him hop in place from the force of the sneeze. His pink nose was numb with cold and running like a faucet as he rested his heavy head on Liz's side and rubbed his pink nose against the soaking wet sleeve of his dark blue coat. He sneezed a third time and then coughed hard, a deep hard hacking cough that left his muzzle full of an irony metallic mucus that he spit into a napkin from his pocket without looking at it. The lancing pain in his chest from the cough quickly faded to a dull ache that didn't want to go away. Never in his life had the little cub wanted to go to bed more than he did right then and he wrapped his arms around Liz's waist and clung to her as he tried to keep from collapsing.

Liz closed the door and flicked on the light switch as she hugged Mikey's face to her stomach with a paw. Relief of being out of the cold flooded through her as she scanned the room to be sure everything was where it was supposed to be, a habit from before she'd gotten a good job and moved to a nice neighborhood. The large brown leather sofa and matching lazy boy recliner sat in a semi circle around an immaculately clean glass coffee table and facing a dark wooden entertainment center holding a huge LCD TV with a new Xbox 360 and two games next to it.

The vixen sighed contently, happy to be home, as she moved across the squishy green carpet and into the living room with Mikey still at her side. Her entire body was stiff and sore and her mind was groggy and tired from the long hard day. She needed to relax and her ears perked up through her disheveled orange red hair as an idea came to mind. She knew just how she wanted to relax and as she walked with Mikey to her bedroom and deposited her bags on the ground in the walk-in closet across from her large four poster bed, she tried to hold back her excitement, sure that a bubble bath would do a world of good for both her and the 11 year old cub.

Mikey sneezed again and whimpered as he strangled off another itch in the back of his throat, unable to face the pain of coughing again. His body quivered as he looked down at his clothing in the light of Liz's bedroom, horrified by the large dirt and grass stains and the soaking wet clothing. His ears wilted against his curly black hair as he swallowed back a lump in his throat and hoped Liz would not be upset that he'd ruined the new clothing she'd bought for him. As if thinking her name drew the vixen's attention she looked over at him with an inquisitive eye, studying and examining him in a way that made his stomach surge with uncertainty as he tried to decipher how upset she was over his ruined clothing. "I'm sorry." He mumbled as his soaking wet tail folded down between his legs and his knees began to wobble.

"For what sweetheart?" She asked. A stronger shiver spread up the cub's spine and he briefly wondered if it was fear or cold that was making him shake as uncertainty welled up in his chest, causing a new kind of uncomfortable pain to contend with the numerous other aches in his little body. His footpads and paws had been numb from the cold but as the heat of Liz's apartment began to penetrate his icy fur, the digits began to burn and ache from the cold, adding to his agony. Guilt spread through his chest as he looked back down at the ground, unable to face Liz as he admitted that he'd not taken better care of something she'd spent hard earned money to buy for him.

"I've ruined these clothes." He mumbled in a choked whisper. Another shiver ran up his spine as he shifted on his burning footpads. His body was so cold he'd forgotten what it was like to be warm and even in his thick coat and hugged by Liz, the icy snowy weather had cut through his body and chilled him to the bone. On top of all the other aches in his body lay the heart wrenching agony of his father's death, ragged and fresh from the nightmare he'd had the previous night.

Liz examined the clothing more closely and smiled reassuringly as she dumped her bag full of dirty clothing in the wicker laundry hamper next to her full length mirror and seperated the bags full of toys Liz's mom had sent home with Mikey. She was sure she could get the grass and mud stains out with a stain remover, but if she couldn't she didn't mind. The idea of shopping for new clothing sent a pang of excitement through her chest. She could never tire of shopping for clothes. As she finished with the bags she discretely searched for any signs that Mikey was going to revert to the lifeless form she'd seen in bed early this morning. His eyes burned with a fresh pain, but that curious hint she was coming to know so well was still there, viral and strong, like his mind was still working behind the pain, still turning and moving in a thousand directions at once.

"I'm sure I can get all that out, and it's not a big deal if I can't." She said. The Vixen hoped her tired voice didn't give him the wrong impression as she began massaging her aching paws, trying to warm them up a bit. When she felt they were warm enough she moved closer to the small cub and entwined her paw in the fur on his forehead and then slid her paw through the wet crunchy silver white fur along his cheek, stroking the cub with a comforting paw as she tried to check for a fever. Her warm finger pads stroked the flushed red skin under his dirty fur and sent a pang of uncertainty pulsing through her chest at the icy feeling against her paw.

"Let's get you cleaned up and into some nice warm clothing." She said as a sense of urgency began to spread through her breast. She'd known he was cold, but she'd been so cold herself that she hadn't realized just how cold the cub was, until now. She bit her lip and did her best to ignore the guilt building in her chest as she mentally began planning for a hospital visit if the poor cub was hypothermic. His body was so cold that she couldn't keep her paws against his skin. Liz moved quickly walked on the soft squishy green carpet and led him out of the bedroom and down the dark hallway towards the kitchen as she tried to decide whether or not to go straight to the hospital, just to be safe. "Then we can order some Pizza, or maybe Chinese food." She spoke in an overly cheery tone as she tried to hide the anxiety welling up in her breast. Liz guided the cub to the bathroom with a paw gently pushing his back between his shoulder blades. As her body continued to warm she could feel the cold radiating from the cub, like standing in front of the freezer on a hot summer day. Dread welled up in her chest at the idea of having to call Allen and report that she'd had to take Mikey to the hospital as the two furs moved back down the hall and over to the bathroom.

The red furred vixen whipped the thick white shower curtain out of the tub with a quick slash of her arm and twisted the cold metal faucet handle after turning the drain lever to on, plugging the drain so the tub could fill with piping hot water. After that she poured some bubble bath into the cascading water and watched as the thick white suds quickly grew out across the water. The room filled with the sweet smell of mango and citrus as she added bath salts and more soap, until she was satisfied with the amount of bubbles.

All the while the little wolf simply stood there sniffling, sneezing and shivering from time to time as he watched her adjust the faucet until the water was the perfect temperature. When Liz was happy with the temperature she turned back to Mikey and pulled him in close to her as she entwined her paw in the fur on his forehead a second time, checking again for any sign of a fever and still just feeling the icy cold skin beneath her finger pads. Liz opened the dark wooden cabinet under the sink and grabbed a box with an electric thermometer in it, removing the white plastic device from the box and pushed a small red button with the word "on" printed across it. She sighed with relief as the digital display lit up, confirming that the batteries in it were still good. With a careful paw the vixen put the plastic rubber tip into Mikey's ear and waited to for his temperature with a nervous feeling spreading through the back of her mind. What if he was sick? Should she take him to the doctor now or wait and see if he can fight it off? Guilt again reared its ugly head in her chest as she waited, knowing she should have taken him home much earlier in the afternoon. The digital thermometer reading did little to assuage her feelings as it blinked 102.5, four and a half degrees higher than was normal for a wolf.

She went back to chewing her lip as she looked at the small wolf cub as he stood in the middle of the bathroom, dripping wet and shivering. A new kind of pain swelled in her chest as she mentally berated herself for not putting her footpad down and leaving the cemetary earlier. How was she supposed to punish Mikey if he got in trouble if she couldn't even tell him it was time to leave someplace? She turned back to the cupboard and put the thermometer back in its box as these questions swirled through her mind, making her stomach lurch in her abdomen. Liz grabbed the Ibuprofen bottle from the top shelf behind the mirror and removed a single tan pill before filling a white paper cup from a drawer. If the bath didn't warm him up she'd take him to the ER, otherwise she'd wait and see how he was feeling in the morning. As for the other stuff, well Mikey's wellbeing came first. The vixen pushed the thoughts from her mind and focused on taking care of Mikey.

"Take this sweetheart." She said as she tried to hide the concern in her voice. "And then get out of those soaking wet clothes. We'll take a nice warm bath and get you something to eat." As she spoke she mentally berated herself for not having him get out of his wet clothing sooner as she realized just how much damage that may have caused him. "How are you feeling?" She asked as the wolf cub downed the pill with the water, barely looking at either as his body continued to quiver and shake. "I'm cold." He mumbled as he slowly climbed up against the counter and deposited the cup on the back of the sink, standing on tip-toe to reach the back of the sink.

Mikey pulled his dirty wet shirt off and plopped it on the clean white tile floor with a wet smack, to tired, cold, and achy to care about picking it up and then stripped out of his pants and underwear, struggling to remove the wet clothing that was plastered to his furry skin and leaving them in a muddy dirty pile next to his shirt. The warmer he got, the heavier his head was getting and the dull aches in his body seemed to be getting worse by the minute. He turned to Liz as she shut the door and pulled her stretchy wet blue shirt off. Not even the sight of Liz's massive furry white breast's bouncing in the air stirred anything in him as he stared up at them. Each was the size of a melon and so perky and firm that even without a bra they stuck straight out from her ches with a small pink nipple topped each of the two furry white mounds.

As Liz pulled the skin tight levi's down her thighs Mikey felt the first feint urge spark and die in his loins as his eyes traced the alabaster white fur on her smooth flat stomach and the sleek round curves of her sleek blood red hips. The thick pink lips of her pussy curved delicately down between her thighs, pouting in a way that made Mikey curious and anxious to see more, even though he already knew what was down there. Mikey's tired paws twitched as he momentarily thought about trying to get another look at Liz's vagina. He took a tiny step forward and nearly groaned as his body protested the movement with a dull throbbing ache that seemed to radiate through his limbs.

When Liz thought the tub was as full as she dared let it get she pushed the foggy metal faucet with a dull clunk, cutting the thick stream of water cascading into the rectangular tub. She shifted and tried to ignore the burning in her loins as she watched Mikey stare openly at her naked body. The thought of sex hadn't entered her mind once during the day and if she was honest, she was probably too tired for it now, but as she lifted her leg up and slowly dipped it into the hot water she could feel her sex beginning to drip, filling the small bathroom with a new sweet tangy scent that complimented the fruity bubble bath she'd put in the tub. She eyed the silver white wolf cub up and down and quickly smothered the disappointment she felt at seeing that he was still completely limp, his silver white furred sheath and balls still tucked up hard against his body to keep warm. Even so, she felt a tingle begin to spread through her loins and her heart beat a little faster as she sunk down into the thick mounds of glimmering bubbles. The little wolf cub followed her in, clambering over the edge of the slick white porcelain tub by swinging one of his short footpads up like someone might climb a fence. The edge of the tub came up to his waist and he splashed in the hot water as Liz hooked her paws under his arms and helped support his weight as he nearly fell into the water, using the last bit of energy he possessed to clamber his way into the tub.

Mikey gasped in shock as the blisteringly hot water seared against his icy skin and he yelped in pain as he realized the burning was coming from under his skin, not on it. The hot water was already beginning to sap the icy cold from his bones and he quickly wished he'd not gotten into the tub as the burning he'd felt in his toes as they warmed, spread through his entire body, leaving tears in his large mismatched eyes. The little cub sunk against Liz's naked body and tried not to scream as her silky fur slid against his as his whole body tensed against her.

After a few tenuous moments the burning began to subside, leaving Mikey's heart booming in his ears and his body shaking uncontrollably as tears trickled down his cheeks. He could feel his toes again as he wiggled them in the warm water and brushed them against Liz's soft furry knee and he gasped and tried to relax his tense muscles as he realized he was clinging to Liz with both paws and pulling the fur on her chest. He looked up at her with an apologetic expression as her deep green eyes bored into him, with a look of fear and concern painted on her beautiful vulpine muzzle.

"Are you ok? Do we need to go to the hospital?" Liz's sweet soprano voice came in a shaky whisper that did more to sooth the aches and pains in Mikey's body than anything else. He simply shook his head. He'd cost her enough money already ruining his clothing, there was no way he was going to the hospital too. His heart beat slowed and returned to a normal pace as he tried to think of a way he could make up for destroying those pants. He settled against Liz with his head between her large breasts as her paws began gently stroking up and down his back and along his sides, massaging his skin under his silver white fur and working the warm water into it in a way that felt so good he began to murr in pleasure.

Liz searched for tight muscles as her fingers moved across Mikey's body, massaging anything that felt stiff and sore as she again tried to remember the quickest route to a hospital if she had to take him to the ER. "If you don't start feeling better soon, please tell me." She spoke in a strained voice, doing her best to suppress the anxiety bubbling through her chest as the hot water and bath salts began working there magic on her tired body. In a matter of minutes the water had sapped the cold aches and pains from her limbs. During the same time period Mikey seemed to settle against her and soon his eyelids slowly closed, leaving him fast asleep in her arms. The soft even sound of snoring could be heard coming from the little cub's muzzle as Liz watched him sleep. Pride and love blossomed through her chest as she hoped and prayed that he just had a little cold as she wrapped her arms around him and sunk deeper into the water, settling down for a nice long soak.

The moon slowly drew across the inky black sky as a single black limo slowly made its way through the parking lot outside Liz's apartment, stopping periodically so that the driver could check the bronze numbers on the black apartment doors and compare them to the address scrawled across the sheet of paper in his jet black paw. A jet black wolf sat in the darkness of the back of the limo, watching closely as the tall well-kept apartment buildings slowly panned across the black tinted windows to his right. The old fur sat tall and proud in the luxurious leather seats with a large wooden center console to his left. He wore a pin-stripe suit with a blood red button down shirt and tie underneath. A small trail of smoke wafted lazily up from the long thick cigar between his strong fingers and a glass of expensive brandy sat in his other paw.

"This is place?" The wolf asked through the intercom. He spoke in a deep gravelly voice with a Russian accent and a tone that demanded an answer. The speaker popped and cracked a few times before a response came through. "Yes. Liz Moreau, 3176 E Riverside Dr. Lakeview apartment 27." The intercom popped and cracked again as the button was released, leaving the wolf alone with his thoughts. His outwardly calm demeanor did little to sooth the bubbling cauldron of fear and uncertainty welling up in his chest. Never in his long life had he ever been afraid, but the past few weeks had been filled with firsts for the old wolf.

The ice clinked against the glass as he raised it to his lips and took a slow sip of the sweet rich brandy and inhaled deeply as the alcohol sent a heat-wave of warmth washing down his throat. For a week and a half he'd been searching, bringing his most trusted people over from Russia just to do this one job, just to find the answers he wanted. The ten days had been pure hell, leaving him inwardly anxious and outwardly cold. And then finally, after what felt like an eternity of waiting, the word came in that one of his fur's had found the information he craved. He'd woken his driver up in the middle of the night to take him out here now, intent on finding out if what he hoped, was in fact true. But now that he was hear, fear and uncertainty shot through his chest in twin bolts of pain, leaving him paralyzed in the back of his Limo.

The intercom popped and crackled. "Sir? Vould you like I pull over?" The soft tenor voice came out in a nervous hushed tone, as if the driver was afraid of interrupting something. "Yes. I let myself out when ready." The wolf lifted his cigar up to his muzzle as his driver pulled the car around and cut the lights, leaving him to sit in the darkness and work up the courage to find the answer he wanted. The burning red tip of the long brown cigar flared to life as he took a long slow drag, illuminating the wolf's scared and weathered face, and faded mismatched blue and yellow eyes.

Liz hummed softly as she rocked back and forth in the large brown leather Lazyboy chair in the dark living room of her warm apartment. The only light in the room came from the flickering images of the massive LCD TV on the entertainment system against the far wall, leaving her to sit in darkness whenever the screen went blank. She didn't know or care what was on the history channel now that Mikey had fallen asleep. Instead she sat in the soft supple leather of her chair, still completely naked, and soaking up the exquisite pleasure of Mikey's warm silky smooth fur against her own. The silver white wolf cub was draped across her front with his legs wrapped around her waist and squished between her back and the thick squishy folds of the back rest. His arms were stretched out around her neck and he'd fallen asleep playing with the orange red hair on the back of her neck. His head lay right between her breasts with his ear directly over her heart.

On an impulse Liz reached down and nuzzled the little cub's cheek before giving him the gentlest of caresses with her soft pink tongue, grazing it across his muzzle in one of their special kisses. "I love you." She said in the gentlest of whispers. She knew the sleeping wolf couldn't hear her, but she didn't care. The love and adoration blossoming through her chest made her feel invincible, like there was nothing she couldn't do or accomplish with Mikey in her arms and she was reluctant to do anything that might disrupt that wonderful feeling. She curled her fingers through the clean silver white fur along his back and gently stroked the soft pink skin underneath, doing her best to ignore the thin puckered scars that criss-crossed his skin. Time lost all meaning as Liz reveled in the sensations of holding her cub as she slowly sunk into a blissful sleep.

Mikey, shifted against the warm silky red and white fur under his body as he was awoken by a strangely uncomfortable feeling in his thin chest. He took another labored breath and pushed back at the blanket of fog in his mind as he tried to figure out what was wrong and adjusted his sitting position in Liz's arms. His chest felt tight, like someone was sitting on it and he felt light headed and tired, even as the fog of sleep completely left his body. He tried to take a deep breath, lifting his head and tilting his nose back, trying to stretch in case the discomfort was just a tight muscle. Terror bubbled through his chest as a crackly wheeze rattled out of his throat, the only indication that he'd inhaled. He tried again, fighting against the stiffness in his lungs and unsuccessfully drawing a short breath into his oxygen starved body. He let out a choked wail and grabbed at Liz as he tried to wet his dry lips with his dry rough tongue.

Tears of unbridled fear trickled down his cheeks as he looked around in confusion, suddenly unsure exactly where he was or how he'd gotten there. The angry dark shadows that stretched out around him seemed strangely familiar as the swayed and shifted in a slow spinning sensation and the sound coming from behind him seemed to be coming through a tunnel as he fought to keep the blackness in his vision from spreading. Mikey shifted his tired limbs down and pushed on Liz's breast. He tried to lift his arms up to her shoulder but they felt like led under his skin and the act of moving was so exhausting that he had to stop after a few seconds to try and catch his breath.

"Liz!" He whined as he pushed at her breast again and watched it jiggle and wobble under his paw. Under any other circumstance he'd have dropped everything to play with her naked boobs, but the soft whistling coming from his muzzle as he breathed and the blackness that seemed to ebb and fade in the corners of his vision were making him nervous and the scary shadows behind him seemed to be moving closer and closer to him, as if they were trying to get him. Mikey tried to gasp for breath as his heart began to race and his head began to get heavy. He shook Liz's breast again and whimpered as she slept on, unperturbed by his feeble attempts to wake her up. With an anxious gasp Mikey tried to lift himself up on wobbly elbows, only to find that his arms burned and felt weak when he put pressure on them. As a last ditch effort he opened his muzzle and chomped down hard on the side of Liz's breast, taking a big maw-full of skin and fur and biting it roughly. Liz's response was almost instantaneous as guilt and sadness welled up in Mikey's chest, already regretting his desperate attempt to get her attention.

"Ouch!" Liz gasped. Pain lanced through her chest as she felt Mikey squirm and whimper against her body. She put her paw to the sore spot on her left breast and began to rub at the aching skin as she looked down into the darkness at the pair of mismatched blue and yellow eyes staring up at her. "That hurt?" She said with a faint hint of irritability lacing her soft soprano voice. As she waited for a response she looked over at the time on the DVD player and was surprised to see it was nearly 5 A.M. A long low whine came from her breast. "I'm. Sorry. Please. Don't. Be. Mad." Each word came out between a labored ratting gasp that sent cold dread up Liz's spine. The vixen jumped from the chair as she curled her arms under Mikey's bottom and around his back, lifting him up high in the air as she stood so that she could put her pointed red ear to his chest.

The little cub's arms flailed limply, hugging her head to his chest as he let out a low squeal and clung to her body with his weak legs. A soft crackling sound emanated from his chest as the wolf gasped for breath, like the sound of someone crumpling up paper. "Can you breathe sweetheart? Simple answers, yes or no." Liz spoke quickly as she all but ran down the hall to her bedroom, her footpads thumping noisily against the ground. "I'm. Sorry. I. Bit. You." The little cub wheezed as she stopped at the side of the massive four post bed in the center of her room and leaned forward, depositing the naked wolf on the thick red silk sheets.

The light of morning was just beginning to seep through the clouds and over the horizon, illuminating her bedroom and glinting off of Mikey's silvery white fur. His pink lips had an unmistakable blue hue to them and a look of confused terror burned in his mismatched eyes as he looked around him without knowing what was going on. "Keep your arms above your head sweetheart. It'll help make it easier for you to breathe." Liz said. She tried not to panic as she looked around for any clothing she could put on without going to the closet.

Unbridled fear welled up in her chest as she found nothing, leaving her no choice but to waste precious seconds going to the closet. An idea popped into her panicking mind as she looked down at the helpless cub as he pulled his knees up to his chest and curled his tail around his bottom in an attempt to protect himself from the cold morning air. Liz grabbed a thick feather pillow from the top of her bed, folding it in half before tucking it under his head, propping it up as he struggled to lift his arms above his head. Liz watched anxiously in the dim light, waiting to see if what she'd done made any difference and was slightly relieved to see Mikey take a much deeper labored breath.

After a few quick moments the faded blue hue of his lips disappeared, leaving them a smooth warm pink color. With a nod of approval Liz bolted to her closet and pulled on a pair of black sweatpants and a matching black sweatshirt before slipping on a pair of tennis shoes, forgoing panties a bra and socks. When she was dressed she grabbed her keys and returned to Mikey's side on the bed, scooping him up in her arms and holding the trembling cub against her shoulder as she rushed to his room to get him dressed. All the while the low raspy wheeze of Mikey's struggling breathing grated on her nerves, sending waves of fear booming through her body.

A loud popping noise woke the old tired wolf from his drunken stupor as a timid uncertain voice spoke softly with a thick Russian accent over the intercom. "Sir? You want I should follow?" The wolf shifted and adjusted his tired bones in the leather seat of his Limo as he looked out the black tinted window just in time to see a thin red fox in a golden Honda, back out of its parking spot and sped off out of the apartment complex parking lot, slipping and sliding on the sheets of glistening clear ice."Yes. Keep some distance." The wolf spoke in a rumbling deep voice as he rubbed his eyes with his tired paws and stretched his legs out in front of him. He looked to the cigar that had burned down to a nub between his fingers and sighed, irritated that he'd wasted such an excellent smoke.

After a few moments the long black limo pulled out of its parking spot and began to follow the gold car as it darted in and out of traffic. The cars on the road were scarce and the vixen drove wildly in the predawn morning, making it difficult for the much larger Limo to keep up, but much to the old wolfs satisfaction, his driver kept the car in sight, moving lazily through traffic while still keeping enough distance to keep from raising suspicions.

When the gold car finally pulled off into the hospital parking lot and sped up to the emergency room doors, the old wolf mashed the large red button on his intercom. "Stay back here." He barked the command as he watched the thin lithe vixen from the side window. Even in baggy sweet clothing, her alluring figure could not be missed as she carried a large bundle wrapped in blankets towards the glass doors in the E.R.

Liz winced at the sound of the sharp racking cough coming from Mikey as he curled against her. She rubbed his back as she carried him into the hospital wrapped in a thick red blanket from her bed. The poor cubs coat was still soaked and she didn't want to chance making him any sicker, so she'd simply wrapped him in a blanket after dressing him in a blue t-shirt and basketball shorts. Even as she worried about what may be wrong with him, she berated herself for not putting his coat into the dryer so that it would be ready the next time Mikey needed it. Guilt and anxiety swirled through Liz's stomach, making it lurch and turn as her shoes slapped noisily against the clean tile floor. Each fur in the crowd looked dead on their feet and the warm yellow lighting of the room made every fur look even paler than normal. Some were bleeding or holding bloody bandages to various parts of their bodies and some were pacing back and forth in front of uncomfortable tan chairs that sat in long lines in the middle of the emergency room. Liz wound her way through the maze of chairs, sick furs and coffee tables until she was standing under a big white sign that said "Check In Here" with a red arrow pointing towards the large desk.

Liz hugged Mikey's body as it lurched against her during another long coughing fit. When he was done she felt his paws grab and pull at her shirt as the poor cub struggled to catch his breath. "Name and symptoms?" The voice came from a small brown mouse with long blond hair tied up in a tight bun and dark hazel eyes. She wore a pair of pink scrubs and a white name badge with the name "Amber" over her left breast and a concerned but profession expression on her muzzle.

"Mikey Williams. Trouble breathing, raspy cough, blue lips and a crackling noise in his lungs." Liz spoke the practiced symptoms flawlessly as she leaned forward to rest Mikey's bottom on the edge of the chest high counter. She'd spent most of the drive trying to decide which symptoms to say first so that she could get the most attention as quickly as possible, knowing that she would be given attention based on merrit. The nurse wrote in quick slashing strokes, filling out a sheet on a clipboard in a matter of moments before standing up. "Right this way." She said as she walked around the edge of the counter.

The short mouse guided Liz out of the waiting room and down a long well lit hallway with gurneys, wheelchairs and metal stands in neat rows against the red brick walls on either side of the hallway. Half way down the hall the nurse stopped and opened the large wooden door and flicked a light switch as she propped the door open with a wooden doorstop.

"I'm going to have you wait in here so we can get Mikey on some oxygen." Liz followed them over to the hospital gurney in the middle of the room as the mouse pulled at the edge of the large roll of white paper at one end of the bed, covering it in white paper. When she was done she turned to a large tank and began twisting knobs before offering a small cub-sized mask. Liz set the poor wolf cub on the edge of the bed with a loud crumpling sound and stretched the white elastic cord over Mikey's head, being careful not to get it tangled in his curly black hair as she adjusted the mask on his muzzle.

Mikey blinked away tears as fear swelled up under the ripping agony in his chest. He wondered if he was going to die as something puffed against his muzzle in the uncomfortable clear plastic mask Liz had put on his muzzle. He inhaled and gasped as a wave of relief like nothing he'd ever felt washed through his body. Another larger puff sprayed against his nose and he inhaled it all, sucking it in like it was the last breath he'd ever take. His breathing was still labored and raspy but as he took in breath after breath of the strange air puffing on his muzzle his vision began to clear, his mind began to clear and his heartbeat began to slow.

Liz clenched her eyes closed and took a deep breath as she tried to control the fear and agony swelling in her chest. Mikey's O2 stats were at 74%. She wasn't even sure how he was conscious, but she knew this was her fault. She should have taken him to the hospital last night after their bath. She hugged the cub's head to her chest as she took a few deep breaths, fighting desperately to regain control of her emotions and put on a supportive expression so that Mikey didn't get scared. Hospitals could be scary places for cubs and he needed her to be strong right now.

A few moments later the small mouse appeared with a metal cart holding a large white box with a clear plastic hose attached to it and a mouthpiece that looked like a dragon on the other end. She pushed the shelf up against the bed and immediately began pouring liquid into a canister attached to the dragons back. When she was satisfied with her measurements she turned the device on with a simple red switch and offered the dragon up to Mikey, removing a plastic cover that kept the mouthpiece sterile and clean until it was ready to be used.

"Breath in on this and everything will be ok." She gave Mikey a warm smile and patted his shoulder as the cub took the dragon and began sucking on the tail, drawing the cloudy air that had began to develop in its chest down and into his lungs. When the nurse was satisfied that Mikey was doing it properly she put the ear buds of her stethoscope in her small round ears and began checking his lungs, listening intently at one spot for a moment before moving on to another and repeating the process. When she was done she put another plastic clip on the cubs finger and turned on a machine next to the bed. With every puff of the nebulizer the percentage on the screen went up, slowly increasing from 74% towards 100%.

After a few moments of watching the percentage rise she nodded her approval and turned to Liz. "It looks like Mikey has pneumonia. A doctor will be in soon to have an X-ray done so that we can confirm. I've got him on a nebulizer with an antibiotic and a Bronchodilator so even if it's not pneumonia he should have a much easier time breathing. If it is we'll get him on some antibiotics. Either way everything will be just fine. I've got some paperwork I need you to fill out if you wouldn't mind." Liz nodded her head as relief flooded through her and tears flooded her eyes as she struggled to remain in control of herself. Now was not the time, Mikey still needed her.