Chapter 3: To Loose It All

Story by DragonMercX4 on SoFurry

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#3 of Angel's Fate

Disclaimer: Pokemon and Digimon are not owned by me nor do I claim any rights to them but the characters in this story do belong to me.

Warning: This story contains multiple scenes that are not suited for young readers. If sexual content offends you, please discontinue reading this. If yiff also offends you, then defiantly stop here because that is mostly what this story has in it. Thank you.

Chapter 3: To Loose It All

"So brother, you've grown stronger I see." Rouge hissed through clenched teeth.

"You know damn well not to call me brother! I can't ever forgive you for what you've done!" I exclaimed, practically to high heavens, as I thought 'Screw stealth, Rouge needs to die!' Immediately, I began the stage three shifting process.

"What! Impossible! No one's ever been able to shift to stage 3!" Rouge yelled to my satisfaction. The almost uncontrollable rage that was burning to kill him in my heart would, and soon. Energy cascaded around me, causing me to loose the fur but underneath were diamond hard scales.

Another pulse of panic hit Rouge, realizing that this might be the end for him, as he saw the coloration. "No, no the prophecy can't be..." But I cut off his words as the energy settled. He looked down to see a set of claws, my claws going through him.

"Joey isn't here anymore, my name, is Dexter. And this, is the dark claw attack," This new voice said from deep within me. I realized that I was no longer in control. He removed 'our', I guess I could say, claws and spoke again, tuning and walking away a small distance.

"Stop cradling that damned wound, I exist within Joey's mind and therefore, know you." He said in a low growl. Indeed he was right as the holes in Rouge's chest began to heal up. He tried to run then, fearing for his life, but neither Dax (nickname for Dexter) nor I was going to let that. I took back control for a second.

"You aren't going anywhere, I just hope Dax gives me a chance to rip you apart, limb from limb, before he's done." I said in a cruel mocking tone, dragging Rouge to the center of the field as he piteously whined.

Dax came back, only speaking to me though, "Joey, I'll gladly give you control as long as you agree to make him suffer for my amusement."

Without a second though I spoke to him, "Agreed." He let me take back full control, and gave me better control over this yet to be explored form.

'Now Joseph, do you see those tendons in his legs?' He asked from the back of my mind. I nodded in confirmation. 'Good, tear them out, and don't use any powers or it may hurt him less. There you go, notice how he shrikes and shakes from the pain!' I felt a rush as I pulled both tendons out slowly, making him unable to move. I derived so much satisfaction from something so simple.

"No no, please stop this!" He cried out, only to be met by Dax's laughter as he felt me falter.

"You stupid fuck, you though you could get away with that?! Ha! I'll take it from here!" And that is exactly what happened as he slid our claws down his back and began to tear away the flesh while holding him down. Once his back and ass were completely skinned, he flipped him over, causing him to scream so loudly, it could have broken glass.

"Yes, YES! Scream my bitch and maybe I'll make it hurt less." Dax sneered as he raked his claws down his chest. The fox, now completely unable to move but still squirming and screaming, was beginning to look like he was straight from an anatomy book. Dax continued to remove strip after strip of fur, then slowly began to slice each muscle away, strand by strand, on the way to his heart.

"HA hahahahahahahahaha! I'll let Joseph end it for you, how does that sound?" Dax said when he pulled three of his ribs away, eliciting another shill scream from Rouge. Blood and gore were everywhere, but oddly enough, none of it stuck to this dragon form's scales. Dax let me take back control; his only thoughts being 'Finish him, and exact the revenge you so very well deserve!'

I could see the withering form of my once proud enemy, his heart exposed to me. I simply cut a claw through one of his arteries and walked away. I didn't know he still had a gun and I reverted to my wolf form. There was a loud bang and a sudden pain on the back of my head as Rouge drew his last breath. I spun around, suddenly dizzy.

"NOOOO! JOEY!" I heard a feminine voice yell as another rift opened. I felt a familiar presence from the rift as I almost passed out falling to the ground, my breathing stopped. I felt a tongue at my throat and a hand on my chest. I could here Angel growl.

"Don't be alarmed, I am a true friend." The soft familiar voice said. Angel started going into tears, collapsing on my body. "He was the strongest one of us. But I don't think even he could... WHAT THE FUCK!" She yelled as I started to cough and breathe.

I put my hand to the back of my head, finding a closing wound and a bullet that had fallen out. I looked up to see Cassi and Angel over me, Cassi looking like she just shit herself. Angel began to kiss me deeply and fervently, catching me off guard. "If you ever doe that again," She started, "I'll lock you into a room with me when I go back into heat and never let you out."

"Is that a promise?" I asked weakly, a blaring headache almost blinding me. Then I passed out from pure exhaustion of the power it took to shift to the dragon state and then to the lupine form I was in, reverting to my human form.

I gained consciousness, not opening my eyes or changing my breathing pattern so as not to give it away. I felt warmth on one side of me, then a hot tongue running up the back of my neck. I knew it was Angel, her sent was all over me, along with a familiar one. Cassi's scent, then I remembered she was there when I passed out. 'I hope I'm not covered in her white fur.' I thought to myself playfully as I assumed she had carried me here.

"Oh lover, please wake up soon, I miss you." Angel whispered from behind me. Then I herd Cassi laugh softly from somewhere in front of me.

"Angie, he is awake, just hiding it." She said while I rolled over and took Angel into a tight embrace. She yipped slightly with surprised, but then began to murr as I caressed her soft body.

"Cassi, you always spoiled my fun." I said, facing no one in particular. She responded by laughing a little more then before. I opened my eyes to, yet again, blinding light, but they quickly adjusted. Angel gasped, pulling back slightly as I allowed her to. "Oh, sorry, it takes up a little too much energy to shift anything right now, I'll change my eyes back soon." I quickly said as she relaxed a little.

"Ok, it's just you gave me the same look as you did that fox-thing. I got a little scared." She explained, still shaken up a bit.

"I'd never hurt you, I love you too much." I said as I stroked her side affectionately, reveling in the silkiness of her golden fur against the palm of my hand. She started to murr again, loving the feeling.

"Well, heh, I think I should leave you two alone now before I get too horny." Cassi said as she got up, her white tail waving behind her as she walked out of the door. She closed it behind her.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Angel said mischievously as she straddled my legs. She was already wet, her scent drenching the air.

"Is my lover horny?" I asked in mock exasperation, wanting to hear the response. It was more then just obvious.

"Do I feel horny?" She said as she dragged her pelvis along my stomach, lifting my shirt to feel how wet her cunt was. She shivered as she did this, then arched her back and moaned softly as I slid a finger through her netherlips teasingly. I could already feel the intense heat, heat that I longed for, couldn't stand not having.

I felt for the button of my jeans and undid it, she almost tore them off with three of her tails. "I'm still in heat." She whispered into my ear. That was all that I needed as I simply energized my hands and used newly made claws to tear away what was left of my clothing. This sudden change in my behavior went unnoticed as she pushed her muzzle against my mouth, the fur around her lips tickling me and I laughed lightly into her assaulting muzzle.

She pressed her hips downward, only wrapping the bottom of my shaft in her netherlips, but it was still enough to elicit moans of pleasure from the both of us. "I want you, need you." I whispered into her ear, grabbing her back hips lightly but firmly and said, "So stop teasing and take me!" This must have been more then she could bear because she immediately moved forward until the crown of my throbbing erection was right at the edge of her cunt. She hesitated for a moment.

But that moment was soon over as she thrust down on me, her incredible hot depths wrapping around me firmly and beginning to pulse in time with her heart. She was smooth as before, but better somehow, unexplainable feelings were edging me to explore her with my hands, find her sweet spots and make her scream my name over and over again! I ran my hands through her silky fur as she kissed me passionately, her depths doing something new. They were moving on their own! Bringing amazing feeling as they contracted and loosened in a steady rhythm, her moans suppressed by my mouth and tongue that were wrapped around hers. I noticed that my balls were getting attention too. Her tails, talented tails, were gently caressing them, as well as my sides, finding my sweet spots.

This was incentive for me to press on to find hers. I found at the base of her tails as she moaned lightly from my own gentle caresses. She began to pump up and down, working with her contacting depths, heated tunnel pulling at me with her legs moving away, her heat leaving, only to have it welcomed back wonderfully as she hilted me strongly while her depths loosening only enough to let me in.

Oh, I was spinning, her scent so strong in the air, overriding my senses but not enough to stop me from feeling a moment of it. Her muscles were moving so gently under her fur and her cunt was pulling at me happily. She might just send my withering body over the edge first. But no, I was quiet a ways from climax, as was she. We would probably cum at the same time.

Her hot breath washed over me as she broke the kiss, only to start howling in pleasure as I kissed and nipped at the nape of her neck. She kept a continuous moan going as I lay siege to her tender nerves, kissing and nibbling at all the right places. She started to lick the back of my neck as I leaned up to get at another angel of her neck. She hit one of my own sweet spots, conveniently marked by a small blue diamond that she hadn't seen before. Her continuous assault by her tongue and light caresses from her teeth made me moan loudly from sheer pleasure as I ran my hands down between her legs and began to rub her clit.

She gasped and shook slightly as I did, enticing her to speed up. This was sending wave after wave of pure pleasure up my spine, with each time she hilted me with her incredibly hot cunt, the temperature adding even further to the high feeling that was pleasantly and wonderfully washing away the world around us, leaving the two of us. "OH GOD! JOSEPH! DON'T YOU DARE STOP!" She cried out, panting heavily. I began to meet her with every movement she made, causing her to yip loudly each time she was hilted on my twitching cock.

I continued the assault of my fingers on her clit, moving one of my hands to her tail hole, using the juices I had gathered from her pussy and encircling the pucker. Then I gently put one in, Angel moaning loudly in pure ecstasy, but not yet cumming. I inserted two more fingers, her occasionally howl now almost constant and sure to be heard from miles around. This only encouraging me and I pumped harder and faster, her head rolling around with a tongue lulling out to one side. A tongue that I eagerly took into my mouth, rousing her enough to kiss me passionately, hot breath escaping from her nose and washing over my face and shoulders as she began to shudder above me, her eyes closed, enjoying every moment, every thrust.

Her body convulsed above me, her temperature rising farther. Her wet cunt clamping down on my hard cock like a wet silky vice and held me still as her vaginal muscles worked at me, sending me over the edge as I filled her with my cum. She howled my name as I, hers. Her voice loud enough to shatter the sound barrier, it even cracked the glass of water on the table by the bed. She then collapsed on top of me, shaking and still convulsing slightly as her earth shattering orgasm faded away slowly.

We basked in the afterglow for only a few moments as unconsciousness took hold of us at the same time. The last thing I remembered was a completely shocked Nurse Joy gasping at the sight of Angel and me. I was just happy as I heard a weak "I love Joey." from above me as my exhausted vixen's head fell onto my chest. Her full cunt still wrapped around my still hard member, I fell into a very happy sleep.

I awoke to light music playing, Beethoven's 4th. There was also something different about the position Angel and I were in. Then I realized it. She had a blanket draped over her back and it in turn, had been draped over the both of us as I lie beneath her. She had coiled her head onto my chest in a way that her nose lay just barely under her left front leg.

I heard gentle but consistent breathing from somewhere else in the room. Looking around, I spotted Cassi on a chair facing towards us slightly. Then I could smell. Boy did I wish I hadn't because I began to get another hard on when I picked up all of the smells. Angel and my own were the first two, only slightly predominate in the room. However, the third, hmm. I examined Cassi more closely, leaned up slightly, and was shocked, but only slightly since, I would expect this from her. She had three of her slightly clawed fingers in her cunt. I realized that the third smell in the air was indeed her scent.

Angel stirred on top of me. "Shhhh, don't wake up Cassi. I want her to wake up with a little surprise." I grinned mischievously at Angel and she returned the gesture. She got off me slowly, as to not rustle the sheets that were on us. I got up and silently got dressed. Angel was smiling at me the entire time, her eyes locked on my own once my manhood was covered.

I crept up next to Cassi, touched her lightly to find she was in the deep sleep I hoped her to be. I went into my bag and got out the super glue to achieve my goal. Angel looked shocked when I stuck the end of the glue container in her cunt as she moaned happily in her sleep. I then proceeded to empty the contents of it inside of her now moistening pussy. It stopped getting wet, thank god, and the glue hardened almost immediately.

Cassi stirred, waking up slowly as Angel and I snuck out. "Who! What THE HELL! JOSEPH!" She yelled behind us as Angel and I both were rolling around laughing so hard, we had tears flowing from out faces. "What the hell did you do to me?!" She bellowed.

"I'm s-s-s-sorry.... Hahahah, I couldn't resi-i-ist!" I stuttered loudly as she stood up awkwardly with her hand stuck in her.

"Joey, I think we should get out of here before she waddles over here and gets her revenge." Angel said quickly as Cassi began to waddle over. We got up and brushed the dust off us.

"Cassi, there's glue remover in my bag, Angel and I'll be waiting in the lobby once you get you hands out of your crotch." I said, fighting back laughter.

Angel and I only had to wait two or three minutes before Cassi came out, still mad about the prank. "Hey, at least it was the quick dissolvent stuff!" I said after she punch my arm with enough force to create an audible thump.

"You'll see, maybe I should glue you and Angel together, how would you feel about that?" She said with an almost pleased look on her face. I pondered the idea for a moment.

"Actually, that sounds like a good idea." I answered back smiling. She got mad and just huffed as she walked out of the pokecenter. I walked up to the desk, Nurse Joy blushing furiously as she recognized me. "Thanks for letting us stay here and make full use of you beds; sorry about the mess but a lot of club soda should get it out." I told the visibly shaking nurse. She simply nodded and curtsied.

"Come back soon." She said calmly.

Angel and I were walking for about twenty minutes before we caught up to Cassi. "I still want to know how you tracked her by scent if I couldn't even find it." Angel said trotting next to me.

"It's simple, if you're blind but you still have a contract to complete, you learn other ways to guide your self." I replied casually. She shook her head, not satisfied with the answer by my guess.

"You mean besides sound, I know how sensitive your hearing is. You get turned on by the slightest sounds of sex." She said, walking between Cassi and me. Cassi, who had been silent through the conversation, seemed to be listening with rapped attention.

"How would you know that?" I asked quizzically, looking Angel in the eye.

"Because the first night I slept with you, and no not in the way you're thinking Cassi, two doors down I could hear a couple going at it and I smelled your arousal." She explained. I nodded to her.

"Ok, you've got a point. Anyways, where are we going?" I asked Cassi who was practically leading us.

"To finish the mission that we're assigned to." Cassi answered.

Angel looked at me sideways, skipping over a large rock in the road. "What mission?" She asked, genuine curiosity in her voice. Before I could answer though, Cassi cut me off.

"To kill one of our own kind, he escaped here and is planning to launch an attack against us. We're going to hit him first." She said casually. I nodded to Angel's confusion, which quickly faded.

"He's the only one to have reached a stage five evolution. He has to live in stage two though and he hasn't gotten to the fifth stage again but I think he can reach four with general ease." I informed her.

"Wait, wait, wait. Time out for just a second here." Angel said stopping. Both Cassi and I turned to face her. "What's with all this evolution stuff, and just what are you?" She asked exasperatedly.

I answered her question before Cassi had a chance to. "To put it short, we're genetically created super soldiers, made by a genocidal military for their own gain. We are stronger, faster, smarter, and far superior in combat then anything we have seen so far. As for the evolution thing, stage one is our original race, human, with quiet a few benefits of course. Muscles enhancers, telekinetic and psychic capabilities, and mutagenic capabilities, such as wings, tails, additional arm, and so on, so we do not die and can get the job done. Stage two is anthropomorphic forms. Like Cassi and I are lupine, I just choose to revert to stage one because it can focus energy attacks much faster and more efficiently. Generally, stage two was made for survival, stealth, and physical addition. Fight longer, harder, faster, stronger, better, and so on. The third stage, as you saw with me, wields incredible power and is normally a dragon. It can change it's vision according to it's own will, use telekinesis on unparalleled amounts, and is only physically surpassed by the more advanced stages." I said, pausing for a moment to let this all sink in.

"Now on to the advanced stages, which even Cassi doesn't know about. Stage four is basically a walking, talking atom bomb. The energy a stage four can release is almost unimaginable. When stage four is reached, however, there is a chance that the person would be consumed by their own power. I've only reached stage four a few times and luckily, I'm immune to that effect. A stage four can look like anything really, it just depends on who or what has reached it." I finished.

"Alright Mr. Smarty Pants, then tell us, what is a stage five?" Cassi asked annoyed that I was right about her lack of knowledge.

"Stage five holds unimaginable power, practically a demi-god. Stage five's can warp space, time, and even reality. They can control and manipulate matter just by simple though. Their capabilities are yet to be defined and are limitless until someone else reaches it and the power can be measured. For now, it's called the Legendary Class." The look on both of their faces was that of amazement and disbelief.

The silent pondering was brought to a halt as an inter-dimensional rift opened behind me. I spun around to see a yellow fox-like creature thrown from it. It was covered in blood and dirt, as if it had been in a bad fight and lost. I simply walked up to it and picked it up, or rather her, now that I had gotten a good look. She had well built but still feminine frame and had golden-yellow fur all over her.

I stopped examining her when something else stepped through the rift. It was skeletal, seventeen feet tall, and looked pissed. Then it dawned on me. 'I'm holding a renamon!' I knew that renamon weren't the first to attack so this thing, that I believed to be a skullgreymon, had done the damage.

"Cassi, Angel, get this girl up to the outpost, I'll take care of this thing." I said in a low growl. The skullgreymon had a good attack, dark shot, meaning the missile on it's back would fire at me. Angel had the renamon on her back as Cassi led the way to the outpost that was placed here years ago.

There was silence as the skullgreymon sized me up, undoubtedly sensing the power that was building up inside of me. "You are no human." It said in a deep voice.

"Yeah, you're right. And you are about to die, unless you turn your big boney ass around and go back into that hole in the ground you came from." I told him mockingly. He sneered at me.

"Dark Shot!" He called out as the missile on his back began to launch. He was surprised that I didn't move until it was too late.

"Good bye, dipstick." I said cruelly as I raised my hand and detonated the missile with telekinetic energy, as it was only mere inches from his face. The kinetic force of the explosion forced him back into the void, as it closed. "Ok, now that the annoyance is gone, maybe I can find out how that renamon got here." I said to myself, concentrating on her image.

Three seconds later, the temperature changed dramatically as I teleported by her side. The cabin that was the outpost was already warm. I looked down at the renamon, hearing whispers and running water in the other room. She was quiet beautiful really. Her body was slender, yet obviously powerful. She had well proportioned legs and arms. Then I noticed that she only had three fingers, but that wasn't as odd as her scent, which was very powerful. She smelled sweet, undoubtedly a virgin as her body seemed too innocent and smelled too good to ignore.

"Angel, Cassi, would you two like to join me in here?" I asked as I herd both of them jump. They came in with some hot water in a bucket and fresh towels. "Now we can fix her up and maybe even find out how she got here." I said. Just then, a small device began to beep. I turned and looked to she a D3 lying on her stomach. I picked it up, a furred hand grabbing hold of my wrist.

The renamon began to move and spoke: "I choose you, to be my tamer." Her voice was weak and almost a whisper. She fell back onto the bed she was on and her breathing leveled out as she fell back into unconsciousness.

Sorry for the time it took me to get this one up. Please comment.