Fern, a Gray Muzzle story

Story by Gray Muzzle on SoFurry

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Someone receives a once in a lifetime present.

. A Gray Muzzle story.

You know, I'm just a regular guy. Nothing special. Just a regular Joe. But, sometimes things happen. Really incredible things. This past Christmas, one of those things happened to me.

Like I said, it was Christmas time. You know how they give everybody a Christmas party at work like it's some wonderful thing? Yeah, I thought so. I work at Yonkers Raceway, in Yonkers, New York. It's a harness racing track. They run the horses six nights a week, starting at seven thirty. I've got a job taking bets, working for the New York Racing Commission. A few years ago I was worried. Horse racing was dying. Everyone wanted to go casino gambling. Then, the New York state Lottery turned Yonkers into a Racino- a combination racetrack/Casino. Called the place 'Empire City'. Let me tell you, Empire City saved the racetrack. There's more folks here now than ever. Looks like I'll be able to retire.

Yep, I got it pretty good. Got a decent job, great benefits, be able to retire in a few years. Got a decent apartment. Even have a few bucks socked away. Pretty sweet, eh? Well, it is, except for one thing. I got no one to share it with. Since my parents died a few years ago, I've been alone. No wife, no kids, no family. I been on dates, mind you, but it never seems to go anywhere. After a date, maybe two, they just don't call anymore. I deal with it pretty good, but it's lonely, you know? Everyone wants someone to be with. I'm thinkin' that it's just the way the cards was dealt, that I'm gonna live alone. At least that's what I thought.

That's where the whole Christmas party thing came in. They give us this Christmas party, see? No big thing; they got a big room up on the third floor. About a week before Christmas , they bring in some food and stuff, and give us a little party. I got nothing better to do, so I go. I figure it beats sitting at home, right? Well, I go, and it's the same old thing. See a few folks I know. Have those little hot dog things in pastry, and scallops wrapped in bacon. I'm looking at those chicken things on a stick, when she walks up.


I turn to look. It's this girl. Not a girl, actually. She's a Collie dog. Well, a Collie dog girl. One of those dog/human things they made a few years ago? I mean, she's not bad, for a dog girl, and she's smiling, so I figure 'What's the harm?'


We just kinda look at each other. She's still smiling, so I smile back at her.


I offer her one of those chicken on a skewer things.


She takes one, rolling it between her fingers. I take a chance.

"What's your name?"


"That's a pretty name. How'd you get it?"

"Well, not long after I was born, my parents noticed I had gotten up and left the litter. They found me in the back yard. "Where'd you find her," Momma asked. "In the ferns," Daddy said. So they named me 'Fern'"

"That's amazing" I laughed "I like you , Fern,"

"I like you, too," she looked at my name badge, "Tony".

I see her glass is empty, so I ask:

"Get you another drink?"

"Thanks, I'd like that"

I went to the bar, and got two more glasses of wine.

"Where do you work, Fern?"

"Mostly the back room. If they need me, they put me at the cage window sometimes. How about you?

"The betting window."

"That explains why I never see you."

The racetrack and the casino were on the same property, but they might as well have been on different planets. There was no reason for casino people to go up to the track. Track employees couldn't gamble at the casino, so that was pretty much that.

We talked for a while, then the conversation stopped. I was sorta enjoying myself; I was afraid she was just going to leave.

"Kind of dead here," she observed.

"Yeah," I replied, a little tongue tied.

"I was thinking of going to the diner across the street for dinner," she commented. "I don't know if you want to go, too."

I smiled.

"Yeah, I'd like that."

She smiled back at me.

"Want to go then?"

I nodded. I grabbed my coat from a table by the door. She put on a mink vest, leaving her arms exposed, since she had a sleeveless top.

"Geeze! Aren't you gonna be cold, your arms hangin' out like that?"

She laughed.

"I've got a natural fur. Cold doesn't bother me that much".

I'm such an idiot! She's a Collie, one with that big coat like 'Lassie.' Collie face, Collie ears, and lots of fur, just like 'Lassie'. Except she's not, see? Cause she walks upright, talks, and wears clothes just like a normal girl. I decide to keep my mouth shut. The walk to the diner takes a few minutes. On the way over, she takes my arm, and rests her head on my shoulder. It felt really good. Her fur was so soft, and she was really warm there next to me. I almost hated that we'd gotten to the restaurant.

They sat us at a table by the front window, in a booth. I really wanted to sit next to her, but I didn't want to push things, you know? The waitress took our order, I got a hamburger, she got the half roast chicken. Once the waitress left, she just looked at me, smiling.

"Uh.....I don't know much about....."

That's when I realized that I didn't even know what to call her kind.

"Hybrids?" she offered

I nodded.

"Sure," she responded, "Ask me anything. So many humans assume they know all about us, it's nice you want to know. " She picked up her water glass and lapped at it.

"Your parents.....?"

"Mom was a canine; Dad was human. Mom was created in a lab, but I was.......well, made the 'old fashioned' way."

We both laughed. That seemed to break the ice. She told me how she was born out West, then came here, because there was more opportunity. She had a big family, but didn't see them much. She told me about her friends, and her hobbies. Then she asked about me, so I told my story. That's when our food arrived. I ate my meal, but truth is, I don't remember much. I mostly watched her eat. How she took that chicken, and ate it right off the bones. Seeing how she had trouble with bread. How the mashed potatos stuck to the roof of her mouth. I was sad when she finished, cause I figured the night was over.

That's when she turned to me, leaning over the table.

"Tony? You want to come to my place for coffee?"

Then she raised a finger.

"Now, don't think I'm saying I'm gonna sleep with you or nothing like that....."

I must have frowned a little.

"Then again, I'm not saying I won't......."

We caught the bus right at the corner. We didn't talk a lot on the trip downtown. Fern lay her head on my shoulder. I could feel her breathing on my neck. It was the nicest feeling I'd ever known. The bus took us downtown, where there are stores below, and apartments above them. Fern pulled the cord.

"This is it, baby....."

We stepped down from the bus, trying to avoid the slushy mess underfoot. We got to the sidewalk, and went a half a block. Between 'Marshal's Paint' and Hillal Kosher Chicken' there was a door. She took out a key and unlocked it, letting us in. We went up a steep set of wooden stairs. The building was clean, but old. It smelled of cooked cabbage. The second floor was tiled in black and white squares. I followed her to the back of the hall, where she fought with the lock on the door marked '2D'. The glass transom over the door rattled when she finally got it open.

"Well, this is it. Let me get the coffee started."

She went to load the coffee maker, an older 'Mr. Coffee' machine. The place was old, but very neat. There were white doilies on the back of the striped sofa. There were real wood floors, perfectly polished. I was looking at the pictures on the table- a human male and a Collie girl, not much different from us.

"Mom and Dad," she observed.

She handed me a cup and sat down. I was facing her, she was facing me. We just looked at each other. I had this feeling, like there was something important about to happen. I put my cup down, never taking my eyes from her. Then, it happened.

She put her handpaws one on each side of my jaw. Then, she closes her eyes. I do, too. I'm just sitting there like that when I feel her hot tongue slipping into my mouth. God! What she could do with that tongue! Christ, she was like a freakin' Giraffe! She had that thing all over my mouth, down my tonsils, all over. Her hands shifted down, lower. It was then that I lost my balance, and fell back to the sofa. My back flat to the cushion, she pinned my shoulders and kissed me even more deeply. She was all over me like that, kissing me, and rubbing my body, until.....

"Tony? What's that?......."

Of course she knew damn well what 'that' was.

"Want me to do something to help it?"

I just smiled. Kicking off her shoes, she straddled me upside down on the sofa. She began undoing my pants, and my zipper. Meanwhile, her crotch was in my face, her skirt having ridden up her furry thighs. With my pants undone, my cock sprung free. She turned to me.

"Ready for something new?"

She gave me a wicked smile. Fern took my cock in her mouth straight on, between those four giant canines. Her rough tongue doing for my cock what it did in my mouth. Settling down to her work, her canine pussy nestled inches from my nose. I wasn't ready for it. Her sex had this smell. It was a doggie smell, but in a good way. It was earthy, wet and warm. I found myself drawn to it. As it bobbed, teasingly in front of me, I extended my tongue, lapping at it as it passed. When I did, she gave out a little moan. Encouraged, I went from licking it to sticking my nose fully into it. I was feeling it, feeling as good as I'd ever felt. I was about to cum. She was, too, I could feel it. It was at that exact moment she stopped.

Fern turned to face me. We were nose to nose. There was something desperate, needy in her voice as she spoke. She was also rubbing sex with me as she did.

"Come to the bedroom, lover....." she lead me across the room.

"Here; you'll need this" she said, handing me a fur throw.

She lead me to her bedroom. There on the floor was a large round mattress, with just a sheet on it. No blankets or covers. She must have seen the question in my eyes.

"It's how we sleep. We don't need covers, like you do. "

It was then that she began to undress. First, she reached behind and unhooked, then lowered the zipper on her blue skirt, letting it gently drop to the floor. Next, she pulled the white sleeveless top over her head. She stood there like that, as if to give me the chance to take her all in. She wore no undergarment on top. Her chest was deep, and prominent, and covered in lush tri colored fur. Her nipples- ALL of them were black, and they were all very erect. She wore a white panty, like a thong, but taller than a human would wear, reflecting the greater distance between her crotch and the top of her hips. As I took her beauty in, I undressed myself. It was then she took my hand, and ran it over her sex.

"You'll find........that we're not exactly like human girls....." she whispered in my ear

Guiding my hand, I ran it over her girl parts. She was right. Her sex was round- almost puffy. It protruded visibly. But, it was soft, velvety, inviting. Guiding my hand, she worked it inside the waistband of her panties, lowering my hand toward her sex. She had no labia, not that I could feel. She left me at the warm, wet place of my desire. She left me there to explore it freely, which I did. Her wetness caused the white panties to grow translucent, and cling to her sex. I carefully peeled them away. Running my hands over her, her sex seemed to pull me in. I explored her gladly. Her canine vagina was different than a humans'. It wasn't as tight, but soft and velvety. I rubbed her wetness all over, reveling in the feel, the smell, the sheer sensuality of her doggy sex. Her eyes closed, she pushed at the clingy garment.

"Tony? You ever watch doggies fuck? Did you think it would be fun to do?

When her panties fell to her ankles, she stepped out of one side, leaving them clinging to her ankle. She took a position like a play bow, front down, ass up, and pointed toward me. Her tail was high, flagging side to side. She turned back, looking at me, a look of need and desire on her face.

I knelt behind her one hand on each hip. Aiming carefully, I pointed my maleness at her puffy sex. It entered her seamlessly. Feeling my sex inside, Fern rocked back to meet me. I thrust, she rocked. Her fluffy Collie tail tickled my chest. Her ass, furry yet boney at the same time was oddly stimulating. Having sex with a tail was different too. As we fucked, Fern squirmed and bucked. I'd hang on tight, and keep going. Fern began to howl.


I didn't stop, but I must have seemed startled.

"Sorry. I forget that humans aren't used to that" she apologized.

"No. Please. Enjoy. ......" I offered as I continued our lovemaking.



I responded.

Somewhere in mid howl, I began to ejaculate. I howled again.



I was arched over her back, humping as hard as I could, feeling blast after blast of hot seed emptying into Fern. Finally, mercifully, I ran out of cum. Still hard, I remained inside her as we fell to the mattress. We spooned, Fern laying there panting, tongue hanging out, canines exposed. That's the last thing I remember.

"Tony?" she whispered.

I opened my eyes. I was still on the mattress in Fern's apartment. Sometime in the night, Fern had covered me with the throw. She now stood over me, a cup of coffee in her handpaws.

"Here. I think you need this." She knelt beside me on the mattress.

I took the cup in my hands and drank.

"You make a good cup of joe."

She smiled.


Then, she threw her arms around me, and gave me a big hug. I thought maybe I'd get lucky again.

"Gotta get dressed. Work."

She stuck her tongue in my ear for emphasis. Then she was off. I watched her walk away. Her hips swayed, as her tail wagged in the opposite direction. She was naked, and I could see her matted hair from behind. When I heard her get into the shower, I got dressed and let myself out.

When I hit the street, it was COLD. I heard the frost crunch under my boots as I crossed the median. Even as cold as I was, I was smiling. I just couldn't stop. I was smiling when I finally made it home.

That's pretty much it. No not completely. I asked around about her at work. I found out she was checking me out, too. She found me in the lunchroom yesterday, and asked me if I wanted to go out this weekend. I said I'd like that.

Dedicated to my friend SP. He's been asking me to do this story for years, and I told him I'd get to it. Well, I got to it. Hope you enjoyed it, Buddy.

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