The Real Dark Master

Story by AnthroLover on SoFurry

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#3 of Dawn of the New Era

Here is the second chapter of this series.

Enjoy, vote and review.

Chapter 2: The Real Dark Master

The city was under attack. Everyone gathered in the part of the wall that was destroyed to fight the invaders. Everyone expected to see apes, but what they saw was something entirely new. Those creatures have a very distinct humanoid form, they were completely black, as if made of darkness itself, and had glowing red eyes. Those creatures attacked with no remorse or pity, and seemed to honestly don't care if they were going to live or die.

Those things were strong, and were, in fact, giving a tough battle. The cheetahs were fighting the things, taking two or three arrows in each one to make them fall. The moles were fighting armed with common armament, taking dawn some of the creatures. The Guardians were there attracted by the fight, and they could take down many of them, but those creatures were strong, stronger than the apes or the things they had become after, giving a really tough battle. The creatures vanished soon after defeated, dissipating in black fog.

Spyro and Cynder arrived in the place, along with Sparx. They all saw the strange creatures that were ink black with red eyes.

"What are those things?" asked Cynder, never had seeing those creatures before, not even when she was under the control of Malefor.

"I don't know." replied Spyro "But I really don't like the look of them." There was something on them that gave him chills.

"Maybe our other purple friend had saved them to a moment like this, don't you think?" said Sparx, not wasting a chance.

"Please Sparx, not now." said an annoyed Cynder.

"We'll talk about were those things come later, now we gotta help." said Spyro, not wanting to prolong their discussion. And with that, he and Cynder went to battle.

Spyro entered attacking one of the dark creatures with a fire breath, making it burn and soon after disappear in black fog with a clawed attack. Cynder followed his mark and attacked with her fear breath, taking out three in one attack and them knocking them out with a blow her spear tail.

The creatures noticed that they were under attack by those two young dragons, and then started to advance against them. The dragons reacted quickly. Spyro dodged the attack and then grabbed one of the creatures, flew up and then threw it back on the earth with full force, killing it. Cynder moved around, hitting one with her tail, and then she used her poison breath to attack it, finishing it with a darkness breath.

Malefor had just arrived on the place of the battle. He could see everyone fighting dark creatures that he, himself, never remembered of ever having seeing in his life. That was an evil aura around those things that make him remember that black dragon named Balthazar, but he caught with the corner of his eye something that diverged his attention.

One of the dark creatures was sneaking up behind Spyro, seemingly was trying to attack him. Spyro didn't noticed because he was too busy trying to defeat all the creatures that were on his line of sight. Malefor didn't have time to warn him before the thing jumped on him.

Spyro got caught out of guard when one of the creatures jumped on his back, pinning him to the ground.

"SPYRO!" screamed Cynder, getting attention of Hunter and Terrador, who were close. They watched as the creature arm turned into a sharp scythe. It raised its arm, ready to cut off Spyro's head. Everyone was ready to act, but they didn't get the chance, because the creature was hit by a powerful ray of purple energy, making it instantly dissipate.

Malefor, with his wings that were still bleeding, appeared and helped him to get up. "Spyro, are you alright?"

"Y-yeah, thank you." Spyro was a little stunned, along with the others who saw it. He had defeated one of the creatures with just one attack, showing that he was still very strong, but it wasn't this that stunned them the most.

Malefor had just saved Spyro's life.

Malefor looked around, spotting the dark creatures. "What are those things?"

"We're hoping that you could tell us." said Cynder

"We worry about this later, now we have to worry about getting rid of then" said Terrador.

And with that they returned to fight, Malefor entering along with then.

After a long and hard battle, mostly of those things were destroyed, the ones that were left leaved, and now everyone's attention was focus on the purple dragon that was formerly known as the Dark Master.

"Here it is" said a voice among the cheetahs, that happened to be the one of Meadow. "The cause of all our problems."

Malefor backed away at this. The thing of his dream was going to happen now? But Spyro intermitted.

"Don't talk to him like this, he helped defeat those things."

Meadow was not convinced. "Yeah, things that came here to rescue him so he could destroy all of us. For all we know those things were another of his creations". At this words many of the presents talked among them, but this time Terrador intermitted.

"Meadow, as Spyro said, Malefor didn't seemed willing to accept the help of those things, not in the middle of the battle when he stopped one of then when it tried to kill Spyro. And look what those things had done to his wings." He finished gesturing to Malefor's severed wings, what was when Cynder talked.

"Well, to tell the truth, Malefor did this to himself." That surprised everyone, and then Cynder told them about the room and Malefor's attempt to take his own life.

"And why exactly did you saved him?" asked Meadow.

Spyro got surprised by this. Did Meadow really cared so little for Malefor? Did he really hate him so much?

"Well, I think that it was the right thing to do. I mean... it seemed right."

"Everyone, silence now." said Terrador with a firm voice. He then turned to the former Dark Master. "Malefor, why did you try to kill yourself?" He asked in the most civilized way he could, considering everything the purple dragon had done.

Malefor was surprised by how Terrador talked, but still think that he didn't deserve this. "Because... because I have nothing left." Everyone listened carefully "All the people who ever cared about me are now gone, and, after all I've done, I don't think that anyone will ever forgive me."

"And since when do you care for any other aside of yourself?" asked meadow. "For all we know you can very well just pretending, waiting to attack us well we drop the guard."

"Meadow." said Terrador harshly. But Malefor interjected.

"No, he's right." everyone was now staring at the young dragon. "After everything I did, I don't think I deserve any one of you to like me or even believe me. But, I just want you to know that I didn't want any of this to happen. It was all because that black dragon."

"Black dragon, you mean Cynder?" asked Cyril.

"No, that male dragon, the one of many years ago..." But before Malefor could go more on his talk, he was suddenly interrupted by a dark crystal that fallen from the sky, making everyone reel back a few steps. All the eyes looked up to see one of the dark creatures, one with wings, before it flow away. The dragons could have followed it if the crystal had not started to glow and after produced an image.

Everyone watched as the image take the form of a dark purple smoke, in which formed the image of a dragon, a black dragon with red markings. A dragon that Malefor would recognize anywhere. " Greetings, my friends." said the black dragon.

"You!" said Malefor

" Ah, hello Malefor, it has been so long." the black dragon greeted the young dragon, but was quickly interrupted by Terrador.

"How are you? Identify yourself."

The black dragon smiled " You had probably already heard of me, in dark whispers in the middle of the night, or stories your mother used to tell you to make you behave. My name is Balthazar, the first, real and only Dark Master."

Terrador adopted a terrified look, like he had just seen the devil himself. Spyro and Cynder were both surprised by this show of fear. Not only Terrador seemed worried, but everyone had backed off some steps, the other guardians were terrified, and the usually fearless Meadow looked like a kid who had just seen a phantom.

"B-B-Balthazar?" exclaimed Terrador "You're supposed to be dead." He accused. Balthazar only chuckled.

" Yeah, I almost died the last time, the last time I fought a purple dragon." Then he turned his look to Malefor.

" For many times, through the ages, I tried to take and conquer this world. And every single time I got stopped by one of those annoying purple pests." He said with a very bittersweet tone "That's why I thougth that would be helpful to me to have one of them working for me, as a general, you know Malefor?"

The young purple dragon backed away, he was glaring the black dragon with anger.

" I though that if I could make one of the purple dragons my general, so nothing would be ever able to stopping my in taking this whole world. So I waited patiently to a new one to born. And when I have the chance, I went to you, Malefor, and corrupted you with my darkness. I wanted a general that were there when the next purple dragon arrived, so I put enough darkness in you to stop your aging."

So that's why I'm still young Malefor tough.

" I gave you power to do whatever you wanted, and how did you thanked me? You betrayed me, stole my title, and tried to destroy the world that I have battle so long to conquer. I wanted to appear, but why ruin my disguise, the guardians imprisoned you, they prophesied that another purple dragon would defeat you, so all I had to do was wait, eventually you and the new purple dragon would destroy one another, and I would be free to rule this world."

Malefor was furious, he wanted that Balthazar right in front of him, so he could beat the crap out of him. "Your plan didn't work."

"Excuse me?"

"Your plan didn't work." Malefor repeated, a smile creeping his face "I'm still alive, and so is Spyro. We still can beat you, along with Cynder."

Balthazar looked at him for a few moments and then chuckled "Oh, there are three little hatchlings coming after me, I'm sooo scared. Don't make me laugh. Even if you are really strong enough to defeat me, what I highly doubt, I have wisely used my time. I created a whole titanic army to take over this world for once. And considering that thanks to you there only six dragons left, including you, Malefor, there's nothing that can stop me now" Balthazar finished laughing evilly as the image faded.

Malefor looked down in defeat. Spyro felled his sadness and moved close to him. "Don't worry. I'm sure we can defeat this guy."

"Why would he want it?" Meadow's voice could be heard. He walked to the dragons and pointed an accusing finger to Malefor. "For years you made us suffer with your schemes, for all we know this could be a well endowed plot to make us believe you so you could attack us in the back." Those words hurt the heart of the young dragon, making him low his head, tears forming in his eyes again. Spyro just couldn't believe, neither could Cynder or the guardians. All of this and Meadow was still accusing Malefor?

"Listen here you old bittersweet cat." Cynder raised her voice, surprising everyone. "Can't you see his regret and suffering? Can't you see that he had enough pain already? It wasn't even his fault. He was made to act like this by this Balthazar guy." She continued, her eyes blazing with anger and his voice carried of rage. "Did you know him before he got corrupted? Do you know someone who had? Cause if you do than you can talk about him, but if you don't them JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE." She finished with an angry scream that made even Terrador flinch.

Then she just stood there, panting from the stress and keeping an angry look in her face. Everyone was now looking at her with wide eyes. Some of them even remembered the time she was still corrupted, for the way her voice sounded with anger and the fire in her eyes. Spyro was actually impressed. he had never seen Cynder like that before. Sparx was, by saying, scared, he had hidden behind Spyro's horn. Malefor just was there, looking at Cynder. She was really defending him?

Cynder recovered her composure and finished. "He has no fault for those things. Balthazar made him do them." she looked at the former Dark Master "He deserves a second chance, or at least the benefit of the doubt."

In this moment Terrador recovered his voice and cleared his throat "She's right, we should not judge Malefor now in face of the new situation. Now we have bigger problems to worry about anyway." he then turned to Meadow "Take the cheetahs back and double the guard, in the case of their return."

Meadow, reluctantly, bowed and gave the cheetahs orders to go back, sending Cynder and Malefor a mistrusted look as he walked away. Then Terrador turned to the moles "And you get back to work, we really need to fix this wall now." And then the moles start their work again. Then he finally turned to the three young dragons.

"You come with me and the other guardians to the temple, there's a thing we need to discuss." And with that he walked to the temple, with the young dragons on his tail.

During the walk to the temple the guardians were right on the leading, while the young dragons were walking behind them, Sparx constantly flying around them. Malefor was really tired from this day, though he had just wake up less than one hour ago. He was also confused that the ones he thought would prejudice him were now being really nice to him. Looking at his two companions he asked.

"Spyro? Cynder?" the two dragons turned to Malefor by hearing he call his names.


"Why are you doing this?" he questioned "Why are you two protecting me and being so nice to me after all I've done? How can you?"

"I was thinking the same thing, ya know." said the like always Sparx.

Spyro thought a little. "Well, I don't know exactly. I think is because is the right thing to do. And, now I know that things I think that my instincts where right." He smiled at the purple dragon. "None of those things was really your fault."

Malefor just stared at him for a few moments before Cynder spoke. "It's true. And wanna know something?" she leaned closer to him "Spyro has told me about the time he saved me from your control." This made Malefor few ashamed, but soon she talked more "The thing that happened to you in the core of the world make me remember what he described."

Malefor looked up at her, finding her looking back at him with a sympathetic look. "I too did horrible things while I was corrupted, and like you none of them I really wanted." She smiled at him "If you don't deserve a second chance, so neither do I."

Malefor stopped on his tracks, staring at the two. He then lowered his head and started to sob.

"Malefor, what's wrong?" asked Spyro. Malefor then raised his head with tears falling down his eyes and did something really unexpected. He moved closer to the two dragons and hugged then with his wings, staining them with blood of his wings and tears of his face.


"Thank you" the young purple dragon said "Thank you very much." He was in fact thanking then, not only because they had been on his side, but because they defended him and forgive him. They gave him a new hope.

"Ooh, this is the cutest scene I've ever seen." said Sparx "I'm gonna puke."

Terrador looked behind to the young dragons and said "Hurry up now, we have to discuss a very important matter, inside the temple". And with that they resumed their walk to the dragon temple. Spyro and Cynder were now thinking that Malefor wasn't truly evil, and Malefor was happy, really happy, like he hadn't been in ages.

When they arrived to the temple, they sat in a circle and, before the talk started, Terrador put a few red crystals in front of Malefor.

"You better use this. Because of your wings."

Malefor was really surprised by this act of compassion. He hesitated for a few seconds, then he smashed the crystals with his tail, and the shards flew to his wings , healing the from the damage and making them hole again.

"It's better now." Malefor said as he examined his wings.

"Yeah, sure, but try anything and what you did to those wings will seem humane." said Sparx, flying right in front of the nose of Malefor.

"Well," said Cynder, wanting to break the tension, "what is so important? It has something to do with that Balthazar?"

Cyril had a serious look in his face "Yes, it in fact has."

"You see, long before Malefor," Terrador started, "there lived a black dragon. He was very talented with the magic and spells, and as he grew he achieved more power and knowledge. But no one could predict that the desire for power could come to corrupt him."

"He become evil?" asked Cynder

"Yes" Terrador continued "He started messing with ancient black magic. He was corrupted by those uncontrollable powers; his once good mind got twisted and tainted by those evil energies. He claimed be the most powerful being, and by right the king of all dragons and every other creature that habited the world."

"Do all black dragons have an automatic system to madness?" asked Sparx annoyingly, granting him a death glare from Cynder.

"Well," Terrador continued, "Balthazar in fact tried to take the world by force. He was very powerful, and seemed that no one could ever stop him. That was when someone defied him. A dragon different of every dragon seem until then. A purple dragon."

This surprised the young dragons. "You mean I really wasn't the first?" asked Malefor.

"In fact no," said Cyril. "There had been other purple dragons before, all of them how opposed Balthazar and protected this world from him."

"Balthazar got defeated by this purple dragon, and by all the others that come after him," Terrador said. "When he fought the last purple dragon born before you Malefor, he disappeared after the last battle, so everyone considered him dead. Until now."

Malefor tough for a few moments "But, when I was born, everyone got surprised by my color, how could they not remember?"

"Due to the great power inherent in all purple dragons, the guardians thought that it was better that their existence was kept as a secret until they were born again, to prevent the evil forces from try to destroy then while they were still in the eggs."


"But it seems that it was a mistake," Volteer said. "After all, if everyone knew about the purple dragons they would have much more help, in my opinion."

"Truth be told," said Cynder.

Malefor looked to the ground in sadness "But this doesn't matter now." Everyone turned to face him. "Balthazar is right, with just a few dragons left and him with a whole army; we have no chance to defeat him."

"That's why we want to talk with you." said Terrador, granting him the three young dragons looking him in the face. "We want you to contact the surviving dragons in the secret villages."

The Innocent Behind the Monster

**Chapter 1: The Innocent Behind the Monster** * * * _Present Day..._ The new purple dragon, Spyro, and the black dragon, Cynder, were now fighting the last battle with Malefor, the Dark Master, whose was very mad. There was simply no way he could...

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Introduction: How It All Began

**Introduction: How It all Began** * * * _Ten Generations Ago..._ A young dragon was walking away from the great dragon city of Warfang, but this dragon was different from any other dragon ever seen, starting with his color. His scales were of a...

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Their Retribution

_This story is based on the work of "My Bloody Mind" from fanfiction.net_ Watching as Chomper and his parents went the other direction. Littlefoot broke out of the log that his foot was stuck in and jumped out of it. He sighed knowing that he would...

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