Never Mix Magic

Story by Elementz on SoFurry

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Never Mix Magic

The library was as quiet as usual. The clock on the wall read 5:21 PM, signaling that it was almost closing time. In one of the lower levels, two part-timers were slowly putting books back into their proper places on the shelves.

"I hate myself." West said to his friend Alex. At first glance, people would think that Westly Hale was an ordinary lion morph. But under a closer look, you would see that his mane was considerably thin, and he was small for his size; only 5 foot 8 instead of the average 6 foot 9. Not only was he small, he was very skinny and wore glasses. He was a very pitiful example of a lion morph.

Alex looked over to his friend. "What are you talking about? You're unique and interesting, unlike me." Alex was a fox morph, and was perfectly average to for his species. With average height, build, and looks, he was so average that everyone considered him boring, even himself.

"Oh cut the unique crap," West snapped. "You don't know what it's like to be the smallest of your kind." West had been the target of bullies ever since the 2nd grade. West had thought that things would get better when he reached puberty, but the teasing increased even more when it came and went. He was still as small and geeky looking as ever, and he just realized now that it will never change.

Alex didn't really mean any harm when he called West unique, and he knew that West didn't really mean to snap at him. After all, they were very good friends. He was probably West's only friend, and vice versa. In fact, the two grew up with each other, and were best friends. Whenever West was being picked on, Alex would always defend him, and whenever Alex was having problems with school, West would always be there with a study-guide in hand.

West quickly shoved the rest of the books onto the shelves, grabbed his backpack, and started to march off. He was walking towards a corner when his foot slipped on a banana peel someone left on the floor. He fell forward, and slammed hard into a locked door, breaking it open and stumbles inside.

"West! West!" Alex cried as he ran to his side. He sat him up against a bookshelf, and tried to shake him awake. "West! Wake up! Come on, dude, wake up!"

"......oww...." moaned West, as he slowly started to wake up. "I thought banana peels only worked on television......" He placed a paw on the bump on his head, and slowly opened his eyes to see a pair of worried fox eyes. "Any closer and you'd be kissing me...."

Alex reeled back hastily. He had almost forgotten that West was gay. Only Alex knew the fact that West was gay, but since they were such close friends that he didn't remember until now, and he certainly didn't feel like kissing.

"Hey, you all right?" Alex asked as he helped West back onto his feet.

"No! Whaddaya think!?" West cried sarcastically, as he balanced onto his own two feet. "I just slammed headfirst into a locked door, so of course I'm all right!!"

About two seconds later a hard textbook slams onto West's head, knocking him down to the ground. "DAMN YOU! I WAS WORRIED SICK!" yelled Alex., book in his hands.

"Owwww....." cried West, "I'm sorry okay? You don't need to hit me with a book, so let's get-" West stops talking and stares at Alex.

"Hmm? What're you staring at?" asked Alex.

"Do you know where we are?" said West, face going slightly pale.

"Course I do! We're in the sealed off room in the library." Alex answers. For ten long seconds neither said a word until what he said sunk in. "Oh fuck..."

"The head librarian said he'd fire anyone who goes in here!" said West shockingly. "We better get outta here before-"

"Westly? Alexander?" called a far off voice. "Are you done categorizing the books yet?" The echoes of footsteps can be heard as the Head Librarian walked towards them.

"Crap, crap, crap, Crap CRAP!!!" cries Alex.

"Don't just stand there, move!" yells West, as he grabs Alex by the shirt, pulled him out of the room, and slammed the door shut again, and turn around just as the Head Librarian rounded the corner into view.

"Well?" The Librarian asked impatiently. "Are you done yet, or are you two slacking?"

"Oh no we were not slackin at all sir!"

The librarian looked at them both suspiciously "Have you two been drinking too much coffee again?



West and Alex looked at each other quickly.



The Librarian shook his head. "Why I hired you, I don't know why. Just go home right now, okay?" The Librarian put his right hand on his head, and his other hand was reaching into his pocket for his bottle of aspirin.

"Er..right! We'll go!" said West, and he walked quickly as he can away from there, pulling Alex along with him.

"Damn that was too close!"

The two had rushed out of the library and was now on the path towards home.

"We were lucky he didn't ask more questions!" West said happily. He stretched his arms behind his head as he smiled at their clean getaway. "Otherwise we'd have been fired faster than a stove on a cook-off!!"


"Hey Alex,"

"Wha- What!?" Alex jumped. He looked at West with very wide eyes.

"Er- is anything wrong?" asked West. He stopped and turned to look at Alex face to face.

"Um...well...." Alex said uncertainly. He reached into his backpack with one hand and withdrew a large textbook. "We kinda have a problem."

West just stared at the book. "You didn't..." he finally said.

"I-it was just everything happened so fast, and I couldn't put it back in time so..."

"YOU STOLE A BOOK FROM THE LIBRARY!?" yelled West. He grabbed Alex by the shirt and shook him hard. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO IT!?"

"I--didn't--mean--to--it--was--an--ac-ci-dent--!" Alex managed to say between shakes. Alex grabbed onto West's hand and with a lot of effort stopped West from strangling him. The moment that West let go of him, he stepped back to catch his breath. "Has--any--body--told-you that you're really strong when you're angry?"

West just looked at Alex. "How the hell are we gonna get outta this mess?"

"We could return it." Alex suggested.

"Hell no!" West snapped. "We can't just waltz in and hand him a book we stole! That would be suicide!!"

"We could sneak it back in?" Alex suggested.

"How? The library is closed now. They have the alarms on." said West.

"Well what are we suppose to do, keep it!?" Alex replied. West and Alex just stared at each other for a while.

"You're kidding, right?" Alex finally said. "You can't really be serious."

"Why not?" said West. "We could just borrow it until we can figure something out."

After a few more minutes of arguing, they couldn't come up with any ideas that would work, so Alex finally gave in. After that, West asked Alex about the book's title. For the first time, Alex took an actual look at the book he held in his hand. It was about the size of a large dictionary, with thick brown leather for its book cover. The front and spine of the book was decorated with rubies and gold leaf patterns. The title of the book was also in gold leaf, written in smooth handwriting.

"Spell-book Desire," Alex read out loud. "A Hundred Spells and Potions To Increase Your Love-life." Alex and West just stared at the title. "They have actual spell-books!?"

"Er--since we have it, might as well take a look at it later, right?" West said after he got over his surprise.

"Okay, but we read it at your house." Said Alex. "I don't think I can explain why I have a spell-book to my parents."

West lived just five blocks away from the library, and just one from Alex, which made going to work with his friend easier and more convenient. West and his dad owned a two-floored house that had been built for large furries. The house itself was nothing fancy, just plain and white, with the grass in the yard just a bit overgrown. They could have gotten a better-looking house, but none of the houses available had a high enough roof.

West and Alex quickly walked up to the door. It was at least 10 feet high, made out of thick wood. The handle itself was about chest level, about as big as an orange. West reached into his pocket and pulled out his keys. He unlocked the door and pushed it open to reveal one of the most arousing sights in the world: West's father.

Lionel Hale was over 8 feet high, and had a body of a god. His massive muscles rivaled those of any professional bodybuilder. His biceps were the size of melons, his chest as big as someone's head, thighs the size of West's waist, and calves as big as a newborn cub. Lionel's eight-pack was so cut and define that you could crack coconuts on it, and he wouldn't feel a thing. And speaking of coconut's, his bulge looked like he stuffed two of them in there.

And there he was, naked except for a pair of extremely tight shorts, doing bicep curls in West's living room. The dumbbell was loaded with several 100-pound plates, but he was lifting them as if they were nothing. He obviously was having a good pump, because he was completely drenched in sweat, and the veins on his bicep looked like it was ready to pop.

"H-hey Dad." West finally managed to say after his initial shock. Lionel looked up briefly at his son with his sky-blue eyes. His mane was slightly untidy and was strangling all over, but somehow he still looked perfect.

"Hey son. Hey Alex. Tonight we're having take-out, okay?" Lionel replied, then went back to doing his bicep curls.

"K-kay." West stuttered. West stared at his Dad's body, watching as a drop of sweat formed on his shoulders, running down between the crevice of those mountainous pecs, weave through the deep ridges of those abs, and continue down to...down to...

West became immediately aware of a hard bulge coming from within his jeans. He quickly walked to the stairs, with Alex trailing behind " I'm gonna go to my room and do some homework." West called as he climbed the stairs.

"Okay, but dinner will arrive in about a few minutes" Lionel called back without pausing from his workout.

As soon as West shut the door to his room, he let out a long moan. "Why doesn't he just go pro already?" He said between breaths

"God, can you at least try to restrain yourself?" Alex said as he tried his best to ignore his friend's moans. "And besides, he likes being a construction worker."

"God, do you know how hard it is for a gay guy to live with him?" West said after he finally calmed down "It takes me all I've got to restrain myself from lunging at him."

Alex ignored him and began to look through the book. It was full of incantations and potion recipes, of course. The book had a spell or potion from hair color to even a sex change.

"Damn, this is full of some weird/psycho crap." Alex muttered as he flipped through the book. "I'll bet that whoever wrote this book was a gay."

"Let me see that." West said as he reached for the tome. Alex was about to hand him the book when it slipped out of his hand, and landed on the floor.

"Crap!" Alex exclaimed. "The last thing we need now is to damage the book, right West?" West didn't answer. He was looking down, at the book. The book had opened up to a page titled "A Spell to Enhance One's Muscularity."

Alex looked at West, then the book, then West again. "You can't be serious..." Alex finally said.

"Well, why not!?" West answered. He picked up the book and started to look at the contents.

"Because it's stupid, that's what!" Alex yelled. He tried to grab the book, but West pulled away from Alex before he had a chance to take it away from him. "Come on, don't tell me you're buying into this?"

"You don't know how it's like!" West cried. Alex took a step back. "You don't know what it feels like to be teased everyday, just because you're small for your species! You don't know how much it hurts to have people look down at you, when you're suppose to be looking down at them! I hate being small! I hate being weak. I wanna be BIG!"

A long silence followed West's shouting. Alex looked at his friend's face. He's serious about this. Alex thought. He really believes in that book. Alex looked down to the side, avoiding West's gaze.

"I-I'm sorry." West said at last. Alex looked at West again to find that his eyes were full of tears. "about the- I mean, I, uh, didn't mean- er..."

Alex held up a paw. "It's okay." West dropped the book and hugged Alex, burying his face into Alex's shoulder. Alex was surprised for a moment, but then hugged him back and started to pat him on the head. "It's okay, I understand now." Alex pushed West softly away from him and looked at him in the eyes. "Tell you what; I'll help you with the, er, spell." Alex said doubtfully.

"Thank you." West said softly.

After West calmed down enough, they both went to take a closer look at the spell. The spell required a lot of ingredients for a potion, many which were surely gonna be hard to find. After a brief session of planning, West and Alex divided up the potion ingredients to search on their own

"This might take a while." Alex said after writing down his half of ingredients in his notebook. "I don't know if I can find any blue roses this time of age."

"Well, when in Rome, use ebay." West said.

It was about two hours later when West opened the book again. Alex had gone home an hour before, and West had just finished eating dinner. All he could think about was the spell and getting bigger. West looked at the spell more closely. While the ingredients were hard to find, the ritual and incantation were pretty easy. At the end of the page, however, West found a small, short sentence: turn to page 223 and avoid doing the listed actions."

West, curious about the footnote, turned to the page. The whole section turned out to be written in Latin. Since West didn't understand it, he started to turn back to the spell. While he was flipping back, however, another spell caught his eye.

He had opened to a page that was very worn and faded, but he could just make out the heading: "A Spell to Increase the Size of One's Genitals." The page also had an illustration, showing a rabbit with a penis as big and long as his leg, and balls the size of most people's heads.

West instantly became hard at the thought of a cock that size. His own genitals were puny; only three inches long, erect! West quickly decided to also cast this additional spell. After all, if he was gonna have the body of a god of a god, why not the a big dick to match?

West quickly glanced at the ingredients. The ingredients were more common then he had thought, but the last few was the one that stumped him: 3 cups of the male essence, a teaspoon of sweat, and a strand of pubic hair from an Adonis of a morph.

West stared at the page. How the hell was he gonna get all those ingredients? He started to ponder about where he was gonna get the last few ingredients from when a light turned on in his head. He had a source right under his own roof! But it would require careful planning and a lot of work. West quickly jotted down the ingredients onto a piece of paper, then stuffed it into his jeans. He also noticed that the page also had the same sentence from the other spell, but ignored it. Then he got ready to go to bed early. After all, he would need his rest because he'll be hunting down all the ingredients starting tomorrow.

West and Alex spent the next day searching for the ingredients. Alex went up and down town for hours, but managed to get almost all of his ingredients. He did, however, managed to find the blue rose on ebay, but it would take a few days for it to be delivered. West also got all the ingredients for both of the spell, except for the last three ingredients. West decided not to tell Alex about the second spell, thinking that it would only make him more upset.

It was late when West got home. He was very exhausted from traveling all over town. All he wanted to do was lie down in bed and go to sleep, but he had other plans. He waited until his dad went to the restroom before he made his move. West went into the kitchen and opened the fridge. Inside were leftovers from the previous day that were suppose to be tonight's dinner. West grabbed out the carton of fried pork, and pulled out a vial from his pocket. He opened the vial and sprinkled the contents over the food. After he was sure the liquid had covered every piece, West placed the vial away and pulled out the cartons to reheat for dinner.

During dinner, West ignored the drugged pork. He sat there, look at his rice, with a raging hard-on bulging in his pants. Lionel, unaware of both the drug and his son's erection devoured piece after piece of pork, licking his chops after every bite. West just continued to look at his plate, knowing that tonight he was going to get the first of the ingredients he needed.

During that night, Lionel had his biggest orgasm ever. The potion had increased his hormones and desire to the highest possible level. All night, West could hear his father's moaning and grunt's through the wall. The wall shook as Lionel finally shot his load with a loud, ear-piercing roar.

West waited a long time before he made his move. He quietly tiptoed into his father's bedroom, bucket and sponge at hand. He listened closely to hear his father, snoring loudly, exhausted from the orgasm of a lifetime. As soon as West was sure that his father was sound asleep, West began to wipe the semen of the walls and ceiling.

By the time he was finished, he had a bucketful of semen, more then enough for the potion.

As soon as West got back to his room, West placed the bucket down, and jumped onto his bed and began to jack off immediately. He was hard from his father's orgasm, and needed to relieve the pressure NOW! After a few seconds, he shot his load into the dark of his room, and fell asleep.

The day after was less exhausting then the day before. Waiting for the blue rose to arrive, West went to work on getting the last two ingredients. The potion ingredients were easy to obtain then the first one. The hair he got from a pair of his dad's jockstrap, and the sweat from a towel his father had used during his workout.

West immediately made the potion that day. After he made it, however, he was to wait a full day to use it, so the potion lay quietly in his desk drawer, waiting to be drunk.

The next day, Alex finally received the package including the blue rose. Both boys gathered together the ingredients, and began preparing for the spell. It took an hour before they had everything set, but when they finished, West didn't care.

"Okay, so now what?" Alex asked. He had just used some ingredients to form a small circle on the ground.

"Now I step in the center of the circle and read the incantation." West replied. He entered the circle, carrying the book in his hands. He then used a potion made from the ingredients to dray a symbol on his forehead.

"Oh Gods of Desire, grant me this wish!" West chanted. He raised one hand into the air. "Bestow upon me the boundless strength of Hercules, and create a god among men!" As soon as he finished the incantation, a blinding flash of light came from the symbol on his head. Both Alex and West covered their eyes. When the uncovered them, they saw that the circle and symbol had disappeared.

"Did it work?" Alex asked. Alex quickly looked at West. He was still small, and unmuscular as always.

"Well, something happened." West replied. "Maybe it has delayed effects?" West looked back at the book. "It doesn't say anything though."

"Well, in the meantime, how about giving me back the CD I let you borrow?" Alex said as he cleaned up the mess they had made.

"How can you be thinking about your music at a time like this?" said West.

"I'm bored." Alex replied as he finished cleaning up.

West sighed. Well, since it looked like it didn't work, he might as well. West and Alex both went to his room. West, unfortunately, forgot where he had put the CD, so they both went to look for it. West was looking through his desk drawers when he found the bottle of genital growth potion.

He held it in his hand, then looked over his head at Alex. Alex was busy looking under his bed, and didn't notice West holding the bottle. Quickly, West downed the whole potion, then waited. When nothing happened, he put the empty bottle back into the drawer.

Ten minutes later, Alex found the CD under a pile of dirty clothes. "Well, call me if that spell kicks in." Alex said as he headed towards the door.

"Sure thi- ARGH!!!" West bent down in pain. Alex immediately rushed to his side.

"West! West! What's wrong!?" Alex said as he tried his best to help his friend.

"It-grr-feels like- ugh- I'm on fire!" West grunted. Every muscle in his body burned, but for some reason it also felt.....erotic.

"God...I...feel...HORNY!" West moaned. Alex stepped back. Was it his imagination, or was the clothes on West getting tighter? Right before his eyes, West's muscles were starting to grow!

West moaned in ecstasy as he realized what was going on. His neck bulged out thickly. West's biceps grew from flat to baseballs to melons. His T-shirt grew taunt across his chest and back, and his quads were inflating painfully inside his jeans, stretching the denim taunt. West continued to grunt and moan as his clothes grew tighter and tighter. His shoulders widened, and his lat's grew, giving him a v-shape. His deltiods looked like cannonballs, and his back became impossibly wide.

Suddenly he hears a loud ripping sound. Then he realizes that he was bursting right of out of his clothes, just as his pecs burst right through the shredded rags that had once been his shirt. His pecs were huge! Big and full, they jutted out like two mountain peaks, nipples stretched out the size of half-dollars from the growing mass of muscle. His stomach then crunched into a six-pack, then an eight pack, then an impossible ten pack! His jeans finally lost as his legs grew, ripping them at the seams, leaving him naked except for an extremely tight pair of boxers. His quads were ripped and massive. His calves bulged out with muscle. West then realizes that he was starting to grow taller! And he continued to grow, and grow, and grow!

Alex just stood there, shocked. His once small friend was now becoming a gigantic hulk! Just then another growth kicked in. This time, it was coming from the bulge within the boxers. The bulge began to grow bigger and bigger. Soon, another tearing sound signaled that the boxers were ripping apart.

All of a sudden, West's cock burst trough! It was about a good ten inches long, and as thick as a beer can. His nuts also grew to the size of grapefruits, which were nestled in a jungle of hair. Veins were visible on the cock, as it grew erect and all of West's blood drained from his head into it.

Still, West continued to grow. West felt more alive then all of his orgasms put together! He was now as big as any pro bodybuilder in the world! West suddenly felt the burning sensation fade away. The moment that the burning went away, he stopped growing. Except for his genitals, which were growing to enormous proportions!

"What the...!" West said as his cock continued to grow. His chest was so big, that it prevented him from seeing most of it, but a good large portion was still visible and growing. "It shouldn't be this big!" West cried in a mix of both horror and pleasure.

"Wh-what!?Alex finally snapped out of his trance by the sound of his friend's voice. "What do you mea- you didn't cast another spell, did you?" Alex asked suspiciously.

"Um.....well.." West said, embarrassed. He looked over to the side, face red. "Can you, uh, check the book?"

Alex was already turning to the bookmarks West had placed. First he turned to the Genital potion, then the Muscle spell. He quickly scanned the page and spotted the sentence at the end of the page. He quickly turned to the Latin section and looked it over.

"Didn't you read this!?" Alex said, looking up at West. West's cock had now grown to fifteen feet, with no signs of stopping.

"No. Like I can read Latin!" West said, as he continued to stare at the massive penis. His cock throbbed, and he could feel his balls churn with cum.

"You idiot! I can read it! You should've asked me!" Alex yelled, his worry replaced by anger for his friend's stupidity.

"Yeah, well, sue me." West said sarcastically. "Now, uh, can you find a way to stop this?" He pointed at the ever-growing dick. He was afraid to touch it, in fear of causing something else to go wrong.

"Oh. Right." Alex said, and started to read the text. "Let's see. Do not combine spells. Well, too late for that. not use ingredients from a blood relative. Did you...?" Alex asked as he looked over.

West nodded.

"Okay, two rules broken. Did you use a spell that can affect the ingredient?"

West nodded again. He was starting to get very horny as his testosterone levels began to skyrocket.

"Use ingredients from yourself?"

West paused. He remember that there was a trail of cum that led to the bucket of semen when he woke up the day after he collected it. West nodded again.

"So you mixed things from both you AND your dad. Another rule broken!" Alex exclaimed. He quickly scanned the page, then flipped to another page. "Side effects: A spell casted on the sex organ shall continue without end..."

"Oh god.." West moaned. His dick was so hard that it was starting to hurt. It longed for a meaty paw to stroke it.

"...Also, hormones will rise to dangerously high levels. That can't be good...."

His dick was starting to drip pre. It was so huge....The pressure was staring to become unbearable.

" The person shall also emit an irresistible pheromone."

His knees started to shake under the huge weight. Oh god! he thought. I'm gonna-

"Ah! Here it is! To stop the spell, simply-"

West shot his biggest load ever, right into Alex. Alex was thrown into the wall by the sheer force of the orgasm. West's cock was spewing semen like a fire-hose, spraying everything in sight. West finally stopped after a minute, and, to his relief, his dick started to go soft.

"-cum." Alex, however, was far from happy. He was completely soaked. He started to spit and cough. "Dammit! *cough* You could've least *cough cough* warned me!" Alex spitted out several times, with a look of digest on his face. "I think I swallowed some..." said Alex, making a grimace.

"Er...sorry." West said apologetically. He looked down. His genitals were about eighteen inches and still shrinking.

"Sorry!? It might be okay to say sorry to a gay guy but I am not-" Alex stopped yelling. He stared at West with a blank look on his face.

"What?" West asked.

"Dude, you're shrinking." Said Alex, still staring.

"I know. It's better then having a four foot-"

"No, you're shrinking!" Alex said.

West was indeed shrinking! His muscles and genitals were starting to deflate, the once massive muscles now shriveling up.

"Nooo!" West cried in horror. He was growing smaller, and smaller until he returned to his original size.

"Wh-what the hell happened!?" West cried. He rubbed himself with his paws, trying to find the muscles that were just there. His cock now laid a limp two inches once again.

"I guess that's what happens when you....when you..." Alex stopped. He suddenly became very stiff. A soothing warmth spread through his body. Right in front of West, Alex began to grow! His muscles grew bigger and bigger, filling his clothes. The bulge in his jeans was also getting bigger, becoming obscurely large. Alex stopped growing suddenly. He wasn't as big as West had been, but he was definitely larger then most people.

"Wh-what just happened?" West said in disbelief. He was staring at Alex, whose clothes looked like they were painted on.

"I-I think that you, um...passed your muscles to me." Alex said, still shocked by his sudden growth. "Ma-maybe I should check the book." Alex walked over to the book.

West watched as his thighs rubbed against each other in a bodybuilder's walk. He watched how the muscles moved and flexed with each step. He could see every bump and curve in his back through the shirt. West licked his chomps without realizing.

Alex, however, was looking at the book. "It says here that when you orgasm, you'll revert to your original size. Well, I guess that explains it. It also says that if someone drank your semen, they shall grow as well."

West slowly crept behind Alex, being careful not to make a sound. Closer and closer he went, licking his lips while he walked.

"Wait, here's something! To grow again, all you have to do is drink someone else's semen...." Alex paused. Behind him, he heard a soft, purring sound.

Alex slowly turned around just as West pounced.

West knocked Alex onto the bed. He used his claws to make a small tear in Alex's jeans. The jeans burst open, revealing Alex's sheath.

"W-wait West!" Alex protested as he tried to get up. West pinned his arms down. Somehow, just being this close made Alex lightheaded and weak. West began feeling Alex's gigantic balls, softly touching them. Alex moaned out loud, realizing that he was LIKING this. Somehow, the more he thought about West, the more he wanted him. His cock then appeared out of his sheath, growing bigger and bigger until it was a full ten inches.

West wrapped his mouth around the cock-head and began sucking. He used his paws to stroke the massive length, sending pleasure waves up Alex's spine. Finally, Alex came, shooting his load into West. West, being greedy, drank and drank and drank, making sure to get every last drop of his friends cum.

West got off of Alex as he felt himself grow again. West grew bigger and bigger, until he was as big as Alex was. The moment he stopped growing, however, West looked at Alex. In his mind, he replayed what he just did to him again. "Oh...GOD! WHAT HAVE I DONE TO YOU!?" West fell to his knees. Alex just looked at him. "OH GOD I'M SORRY! I SHOULDN'T HAVE!"

"I-it's okay." Alex said softly, coming out of his daze. "I-it wasn't entirely y-you're fault." Alex slid of the bed and went to comfort West.

"Whaddaya mean, not entirely my fault? I took advantage of you!" West cried. Tears welled up in his eyes as he looked into Alex's face.

"It was your hormones. The spell made them kick into overdrive. I don't know why, but I sortta, well, wanted it." Said Alex, confused by his own emotions.

"Wha-what?" West sobbed. He looked into Alex's eyes. "But you're-"

"Straight, yeah, but the spell made you irresistible, remember?" Alex answered. "It increased your pheromones so high that it can probably lure a straight guy."

"But still..." West began

"But nothing," Alex cut in. "Magic is risky, so it's not your fault." Alex helped West to his feet. "Now, just get a grip and snap out of it. Just look at yourself! You've become one of the biggest guy I know!"

"But I..."West started.

"But what?" Alex asked.

"....I want to get bigger." West finished.

Alex just stared at West, then burst out laughing. "Being this big isn't enough, huh? Well, all you have to do is give someone a blow job!"

"Or...." West said. He went over to the closet, and pulled out the bucket containing leftover semen.

"..............You've gotta be kiding me......"Said Alex.

"Bottom's up!" And West poured the contents down his throat.

Lionel drove into the driveway. It had been a long day at the construction sight, but nothing he couldn't handle of course. Lionel's muscles were pumped from all of the heavy lifting he had done. He felt like fucking a couple of people, but he knew that West was expecting him to be home. Lionel felt disappointed that his son had turned out to be so small, but he still loved. A little muscle wouldn't hurt though he thought as he opened the door.

And there, right in his living room, was a large naked lion morph, just sitting in his house! "Hello. Had a rough day?" The Lion said in a very deep voice.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU, AND WHERE"S MY SON!?" Lionel roared. How dare a stranger break into his house and have the nerve to lay around naked!

"Easy! Don't You remember me?" The lion said quickly, eyes wide open.

"I'VE NEVER SEEN YOU IN MY LIFE!" Lionel screamed, getting ready to lunge at the stranger.

"Dad! It's me! West!" The lion said hastily.

Lionel blinked. He squinted at the lion's face. Indeed, it was West, but Lionel could barely recognize him!

"W-West? Is that" Lionel asked. He stepped forward to get a closer look. The lion had West's face and glasses, but everything else were beyond recognition. His body was that of a bodybuilder, with absolutely no body fat. His shoulders were as wide as a door, with cannonball delts. His melon sized biceps hung a little away from his side, due to the massive lats that pushed it away. His chest were the size of melons, and his six-pack was cut and ripped. His legs were gargantuan and calves as big as a lemon. But the biggest shock was his dick! It was a good twelve inches, soft! His balls hung big and large, looking ready to burst. Lionel also noticed that his son was now a few inches shorter then he was, a good two feet higher then he had been.

"Wh-what happened to you? Why are you so...BIG?" Lionel stutered, stunned.

"It's a long story dad." West replied. "You see.." West explained about the book and how he had casted the spell on himself. He also told him about the side effects that he was now under, and how he could make himself and others grow bigger.

"...and that's how it happened." West finished.

Lionel just sat there, taking his time for everything to sink in. "Th-that was a very, er....unique story." He said finally. Lionel looked at his son, from his handsome face all the way down to his gigantic endowment.

West noticed that his father was looking at his equipment, and blushed. He quickly grabbed a towel to cover it, but Lionel stopped him.

"Dad?" West asked, confused. Lionel pulled the towel away from him. Lionel used his other paw to rip his shirt and pants of, revealing A perfect torso and a bulge being covered by a skimpy jockstrap.

"D-dad s-stop." West said, becoming aware that he was getting harder by the minute. "I-it's the pheramones. Y-you d-don't know wh-what you're doing!" The scent of his Dad's pre filled his nostrils.

"No?" Lionel asked, while he placed his paw on his boxers. "I've been wanting to tell you something for a long time." Lionel stared into his son's eyes, with a big smile on his face. "Ever since your mom died, I've been on a journey to find myself, and while I was on that journey, I discovered something that completely changed my life." Lionel ripped off his jockstrap, letting his massive 10-inch endowment expose free. "I'm gay."

West suddenly felt as if he was in heaven. His dad was gay? This made him feel like the happiest pup in the world!

"And one fantasy I've always wanted to come true...." Lionel said, as he grabbed his own massive erection. "Was to cuddle up with someone bigger then me."

West jumped onto Lionel, and placed his mouth around the massive cock-head. He began to stroke it vigorously, making it even bigger. Lionel moaned as he felt his balls churn, the feelings of his son sucking on him.

Finally, he came, letting all of his cum flow straight into his son. His son felt the hot liquid run down his throat and into his stomach. Lionel came for two minutes straight before he stopped. West fell back, cum dripping from his mouth. His stomach had bulged outwards from the sheer mass he had consumed, sitting in his lap like a beachball. He felt a warm sensation fill his body, and right before his eyes, his stomack shrunk, and he felt himself grow.

Lionel went over to his son, and hugged him in a big bearhug, feeling his son growing against him.

"I love you son." Lionel whispered into his ear.

"I love you too, dad." West whispered back.

The End