Fursona Adventures Chapter 2 WilsonB. Greene Part 1

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 2

Wilson B. Green Part 1

Wilson was excited, it was his first day at his new school, the Cornell University of engineering. He was flying above the crowded people in the large courtyard. Wilson was the only bat here as it seemed, he looked around him and even thou there were a lot of different species flying up there he was the only bat.

He didn't care too much about it, he was too excited in getting accepted in the University of Cornell. This place had pretty high standards, from here comes the world's greatest engineers, including aerospace engineers, manufacturing engineers, agricultural engineer, industrial engineer, Nano engineers, petroleum engineers and the one Wilson is going to graduate as, electrical and computer engineer.

While Wilson's education was going to be the easiest by far he is still proud to be a part of this great university.

Wilson looked around the university's yards, gardens, trees, buildings, parks and different spots for outdoors studying. Wilson flew down and landed near the front doors, he joined the crowd of hundreds of newly accepted students and walked with them inside the compound and into the great hall where everyone went in to wait for the opening ceremony. Wilson was pleasantly surprised when he got there, there were rather big signs on the walls indicating where different species would sit, at first he thought that it was a little racist but then he noticed that the seats were specially made for those species. Dogs, foxes, cats and such shared the same seats but birds, hawks and such had their own seats. He noticed after looking around a sign for bats of all kinds, he spread his rather large wings and quickly flew over the sign and noticed that instead of seats there were poles where bats could hang onto. He grabbed onto then and started hanging.

As he wrapped his large wings around him comfortably someone ran up to him. Wilson saw that the one who ran up to him was a flamingo with a bowtie. "Flying is not allowed inside."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't know." Wilson replied.

The flamingo sighed. "It's alright, every start of a year is always a mess..."

Wilson looked as she walked off, he looked around and noticed that some individuals stood instead of sitting. He figured that they were teachers.

As the lights dimmed and the ceremony started, Wilson had just one thing in his head. This place is amazing.

After the long speeches, the introductions of teachers and staff the new students were welcomed and were all pointed to a huge bulleting wall were every single new students name was put on and next to them was a room number and a key. Wilson had found his key the same place where the bird's names and keys were, up high. when he had gotten the key and had started walking along the hallways that seemed like a humongous maze but eventually got on the right floor. He was walking on the hall and finally realized something. This university had almost a thousand students in total but he seemed to be the only bat.

He quickly threw the thought off of his mind when he stumbled on his rooms door, floor three, room number 324.

He grabbed the door handle and pushed it down and opened the door, he took only a few steps inside when he saw that there was someone in the middle of the rooms floor, just lying down. Wilson quickly recognized that the brown person was a green gecko, he was much bigger than Wilson and raised his head. "Oh...Hey, in case you're wondering, I slipped on a piece of paper."

Wilson chuckled and took a few more steps inside, he showed his key. "I guess we're roommates, I didn't know that we would be forced into living with someone else while here."

The gecko stood up from the messy floor and waved at Wilson. "My name's Max, second year, upcoming aerospace engineer."

Wilson waved back. "Wilson, junior, computer engineer in training."

Max smiled and scratched his head. "To be honest, when they told me that I would get a new roommate I wouldn't have ever imagined that it would be a bat."

Wilson was confused. "Something against bats?"

"N-No, it's just that you are the second bat I've seen in this entire university." Max quickly denied.

Wilson smiled and closed the door behind him. "It's okay, who's this second bat anyway?"

Max looked around the messy room and started picking up some of his clothes lying around. "His name is Shikaka, he's an asshole."

"How's so?"

Max sighed. "Well, he's one of your stereotypical genius who hates everyone because they are 'below' his level of intelligence."

Wilson walked to Max to help him to clean up when Max suddenly jumped away from him, Max looked like he had seen a ghost. Wilson looked at him confused for a while until Max sighed again. "I-I'm sorry, it's just that Shikaka is a vampire bat and he's always threatening everyone that he's going suck their blood."

Then Max swallowed and pointed at Wilson a little frightened. "Y-You're not a vampire right?"

Wilson laughed. "No, I'm a fruit bat. And vampires don't move around in daylight."

Max breathed in relief. "I should have known, anyway. Welcome to Cornell University of Engineering!"

Wilson nodded. "Thanks."

After cleaning up Max's mess for a little while Max spoke to Wilson. "Have you gone around the University yet?"

"Not yet." Wilson replied.

"Well, how would you like to go now? I can easily clean this up later and I think I owe you a tour."

Wilson smiled. "Sure!"

On their tour they went through the universities great gardens, huge dining halls, walked past some kiosks, across long hallways, to the many building of the university, around the yards, parks and through the ceremony room. Along this tour Wilson had learned to be rather fond of Max and had realized that all building had some room to fly in. Even thou flying was apparently prohibited a few years back because some birds flew around taking craps on people and thus forced everyone to walk.

The sun was setting, typical for autumn to be this early but still a little too early for Wilsons taste. As Wilson looked at the sunset through the windows when they were walking to the dining hall to get something to eat, Max asked. "Why do you walk like that?"

Wilson was confused. The way he walked was that he had his wings around his torso and walked with his feet like everyone else, but because his feet were a little small he was wobbling around a little like a penguin. Wilson was confused. "I've always walked like this. Why do you ask?"

Max scratched the back of his head. "Well, it's just that Shikaka walks around with his wing...Hand...Things, anyway. He Moves around with all of his four limbs and moves pretty fast, he's also capable of climbing walls and moving even faster without having people being in his way.

Wilson nodded, he completely understood Max's confusion. Wilson wasn't moving around like bats normally did when they were on the ground, but didn't care what people thought of that and just did it.

Wilson smiled when he thought of a joke. "Well, I would like to bury my teeth into an apple and suck all of its juices out until nothing's left."

Wilson and Max laughed, when they turned around the corner and Wilson collided with someone. He fell down as the one he had collided with yelled. "Watch where you're going!"

Wilson stood up and yelled back. "What are you yelling at me for!?"

That's when Wilson realized, the guy he had collided with was thrice his size and was almost completely white. His bright red glowing eyes and his ugly face that even a mother wouldn't love looked at him with a pair of huge teeth.

Wilson recognized the species almost immediately. He was an albino vampire bat, Shikaka!

Shikaka moved his hand-wings around Wilson and kneeled up to his face. "Ah! Hello cousin."

Max seemed scared and confused, he looked at Wilson. "Are you two related?"

Wilson swallowed as he took a step back. "We aren't related in any way."

Shikaka laughed. "Oh! But we are, we are both flying rats. Overlooked flying beasts who feast on flesh and blood, wait! You aren't my kind... You are a fruit bat, aren't you? Yes! I didn't recognize your resemblance immediately because of the excitement of me seeing a fellow night flyer. Well, you are around the day when I am at night. We are different but still the same."

Wilson couldn't take his eyes off of Shikaka's red glowing eyes, he thought to himself. Damn! What's he going to do? If he's going to drink my blood he's wrong! I'll just run or fly away, but that wouldn't work...His wings are already around me and he could easily catch me in the air, even if we were the same age he would still be superior to me in every way because he's a vampire! Damn!

Shikaka laughed and took his hand-wings away from Wilson, he retracted them back around his torso and spoke. "It's nice to see a cousin here, even if you are of a different species. I'll keep my eye on you, see you later, cousin."

Shikaka then opened his wings to their full wingspan and took off, in almost an instant he was gone. Wilson and Max could see him flying in the distance thanks to his color but that made it just more frightening than relieving.

Wilson turned to Max who said. "Did I mention that he's scary as hell?"

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