Fursona Adventures Chapter 3 Firewolf Part 2

firewolf panted heavily as she answered. "we are, i guess that makes you something."   dexaherdron smiled and switched places with firewolf, he wasn't finished but he felt a little bad when he looked how exhausted firewolf was.

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Awakened Flame

The guards, however, remained and took swings at the firewolf. they knew that it was yuichi. however, they were no match for the firewolf, now spurred on by pure instinctual rage.

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The Masters return, a story by Dexahedron :3

Even in her exhausted state firewolf couldn't control her urges, her pussy had been craving release for hours and she had only her moans in dark to keep her mind company.

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S2 Ep11 Synergy Training Yet Again

Dakota is a firewolf without having the heatproof power, he can create two fire swords to fight with and uses his flames as a speed boost to attack with. dakota and solaris have their own beast forms and justin is just a normal gaian wolf.

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Devil's Solemn Vow

" i am lucas firewolf, former journalist for the metropolitain news paper. " , lucas answered, sitting in one of his lounge chairs on the balcony.

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Into Chaos: Prologue

(copyright: their characters) chaosseeder: live:christel\_shard (skype) icelyn: firewolf\_pup pura: endymion240000 all characters are purely fictional.

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Blackened Skies

The sky so high above seemed to be taunting us, as if just throwing it's vast freedom in our faces, knowing it was something that would always be out of our reach. I let out a soft sigh, for though I was content with my fate I knew he was not. For all...

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Silverfox 13

firewolf would want to know when to stop looking for bodies. there was more silverfox had to say, but she was having trouble thinking. she couldn't remember the other names she had heard. "by some trees," she said. "in the forest, by some trees?"

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