Fursona Adventures Chapter 3 Firewolf Part 2

Story by Tarranium on SoFurry

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Fursona Adventures Chapter 3

Firewolf Part 2   Dexaherdron sighed, he was standing outside his apartment door exhausted.   "Why did he make me do overtime even thou its Valentine's Day..." He muttered as he opened the door and went inside. He threw his keys on the table next to him and walked over to the couch, he sat down and sighed. "My everything hurts!"   He then looked around and wondered where his girlfriend was, he didn't even see her in the morning when he woke up. All he found was a note saying: I'm preparing your gift, I'll be home before you so don't worry!   Dexaherdron stood up and started looking around. "Firewolf! You here?!"   He was just about to start looking when he saw rose petals on the floor, he raised his eyebrow when he looked where they led.   "The bedroom?"   He grinned as he started following the trail, when he finally reached the bedroom door his heart started pounding like crazy. His heart had started to pump blood into his dick, he looked inside the bedroom and his eyes widened. As he walked in he got harder and harder as he watched his girlfriend strapped on the bed. Her legs and hands were tied on the bed ends and she was wearing a gag.   Dexaherdron just stood there for a while, staring in awe. When I suggested a BDSM night I was joking! I didn't actually think that she would do it!   Dexaherdron took a few steps forward. "D-Did you do this, because I asked you to?"   Firewolf nodded, Dexaherdron smiled and jumped on the bed. "I am so lucky to have a naughty angel like you."   He grabbed her legs and spread them, he jabbed his hard cock inside her wet and tight pussy. He leaned towards her and kept on jabbing her, her moans were loud even thou she was wearing a gag. Dexaherdron kept going at it on missionary position until he quickly used his claws to free Firewolfs legs and raised them on his shoulders. He held onto the legs while he tried to get some more speed. He kept going at it, hitting his dick in deep as possible and as quickly as he could in that position. They kept at it for a rather long time until Dexaherdron started to be slightly out of breath. He kept on jabbing as he looked into Firewolfs eyes and said. "I'm close."   He was a bat surprised when Firewolf started hugging him with her legs, he didn't think about it too much and kept going at it. He kept on jabbing deep as possible with a steady speed, after a moment he yelled. "I'm cumming!" and he pushed his dick inside as deep as he possibly could and came, the sperm got launched from his dick with such pressure that when he had finally finished cumming he simply fell down onto Firewofls stomach from the pleasure and exhaustion.   He was laying there for a moment catching his breath, he looked into Firewolfs eyes and said. "How many times have I already said how much I love you?" He laughed a little as he stood up to a sitting position, as his dick got out of her pussy he was filled with another wave of pleasure. He then freed Firewolfs hands and removed her gag, "How was it?"   Firewolf was breathing heavily for a moment until she replied. "Amazing, just amazing."   Dexaherdron smiled and hugged Firewolf, they laid there for a while until they fell asleep from all the pleasure and exhaustion.                   In the morning Dexaherdron was on the kitchen sink with a cup, he had already drank a few litres of water and decided to have another cup until he put it away.   Dexaherdron hugged Firewolf gently from behind, he stood there for a moment. "I hope you're not tired from yesterday."   "Oh, why is that?" Firewolf asked with a smile.   "Well, it's because I want to fuck you. Right now, right here."   Firewolf smiled and turned around. She kissed him and walked in front of their kitchen table, she jumped on it and spread her legs. "Well, what are you waiting for?"   Dexaherdron grinned and almost ran to fuck her, he inserted his dick inside quicker than you could blink and started jabbing her deep. Firewolf grabbed Dexaherdron with her legs and hands and held him tight. "Harder!"   Dexaherdron did as told, he jabbed in deep as he could and as fast as he could. He kept at it for a while until Firewolf suddenly managed to grab him and switch places without Dexaherdron even realizing it. He didn't care, he was still exhausted from yesterday and enjoyed how Firewolf started riding him.  Instead of going up and down she moved her body back and forth for a lot more speed. She kept at it while yelling in pleasure, Dexaherdron helped her by grabbing her ass and moving it with her. Her body was moving so fast the pleasure was so unbelievably good that there wasn't a word to describe it.   They kept at it for a while until Firewolf suddenly started yelling louder, she yelled for a while until her orgasm was finished. She then fell down on Dexaherdrons chest. He smiled and laughed. "I thought that your kind were almost impossible to make to cum."   Firewolf panted heavily as she answered. "We are, I guess that makes you something."   Dexaherdron smiled and switched places with Firewolf, he wasn't finished but he felt a little bad when he looked how exhausted Firewolf was. He grinned and grabbed her hips, he took his dick out her pussy and said. "I know you're going to kick my ass when you are back to your full strength but this is a once in a life time opportunity."   Firewolf looked confused until she felt something, Dexaherdron placed his dick onto her asshole. He had started pushing the tip inside when Firewolf said. "You're right, I am going to kick your ass."   Dexaherdron laughed but kept on pushing his dick inside, he had to grab Firewolfs hips and use all of his remaining strength to get it even halfway inside. "It's like forcing your dick into a glass bottle, but it's so good!"   When he finally managed to get it fully in there he panted for a moment. "This is so fucking tight!"   Dexaherdron started moving his dick back and forth, while he couldn't go as fast as he liked he was still moving reasonably fast. He was fucking Firewolfls ass with all the strength he had left, he fucked in so deep and so fast as he could. He kept at it for a while until he managed to be really fast for a few seconds before pushing his dick in as deep as he possibly could and let out all of his cum. When he had put every single last drop of his cum from his orgasm. He wanted to feel how it felt to pull his dick out of her ass but he passed out from the pleasure.   When he finally did wake up he saw Firewolf standing on top of him with cum dripping out of her ass and she was holding a baseball bat, the last thing before Dexaherdron managed to say before blacking out again was. "Fuck."