Blue's Apartment part 2

Story by Neptune on SoFurry

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Before reading this, it would be helpful to have read part one of "Blue's Apartment"

*Warning* This story contais homosexual intercourse with furs under the age 18. They are in high school, so blah, blah, blah. enjoy the story.

This is the second half of "Blue's Apartment". I made sure it had twice as much yiff as the first part! Enjoy! And don't forget to read the last little bit at the end if you liked the story!

Blue's Apartment

by Neptune Wolf a.k.a Blue

Guaranteed to have twice as much yiff as part 1 : )

Part 2: Back for the second time

I sat on my mother's black sofa in the living room. Ansem sat next to me.

"So what possessed you to take on two robbers with guns, son?" my father said siting on the sofa facing mine. I did it because I would only let Ansem touch me and no one else.

"Well I saw everyone getting robbed and was like 'this ain't right' so I stood up and fought back. But they fought dirty. After I took their guns, the girl hit me with baseball bat! If she didn't have that bat I would have been a true hero." I said.

"That a boy son! I knew I taught you right!" My father said with a big smile.

"Don't encourage the boy, Tuneious. You know he fights too much in school as it is." My mother said to my father, Tuneious the second. I'm the third. My mother turned to me. "How is that anyway? Are those boys still trying to hate on you now that you are this big artist and everything?"

I blushed a bit. I had been in a lot of fights lately. Me, Dmitri, Gabriel, Lucien, and Wade were the 'elite' gays at Franklin Technical high school. Gabriel and Lucian were the best musicians, Dmitri was the Valedictorian, Wade was the best athlete, and I was the best artist. We were targeted by everyone we ever out-shined, and that was a lot of furs. They tried to fight us in school when ever they could.

Two weeks ago, I won this award for my painting of myself standing on top of a cliff holding a rainbow flag looking down on the city in ruins with a war going on, shooting, fighting, and blood everywhere. At the bottom I wrote, " And you say WE are the undoing of society?". A group of the guys I beat in that contest went to my school. They say the judges chose mine because of gay flag. They trapped me in the boys bathroom on the third floor of the school started to beat the crap out of me, until Dmitri and the gang stepped in to help me. Every since then, there has been a fight at school everyday. It was either a freshman band member who didn't get into the band, or a fur who got kicked off the football squad, or some body who got put on academic probation. They all were haters, and we always beat the crap out of them and put them in their place.

"Uh, yeah, most of them got kicked out of school." I said to my mother.

"Well try not to get into anymore fights son." She said.

"Come on! Don't baby the boy, Maybe. He's not a pup anymore, he's moved out and got his own apartment already!" My father said. Maybe was my mother's name. She sighed.

"Speaking of that, when will you be inviting us over for dinner, son?" My mother said.

"Uh. . . this Saturday!" I said. She nodded.

"You better have everything lookin' nice! And you better cook something good too. I want to see what those years of me teaching you how to cook turned out. I better not see no boxed macaroni and cheese or I'll beat yo ass, son! You'll never be too old for me to give you a whoopin'!" She said with a smile. Ansem was laughing a bit.

"And who is he?" My father said. Ansem opened his muzzle to speak but I stopped him.

"UH. . . he's my friend from school. He . . . um. . . graduated last year and goes to college here. Yeah, he's one of my best friends." I said. My father only cleared his throat and raised an eyebrow.

"Where's that girlfriend, son? I'm beginning to wonder about you. You have too many male friends."

"I have female friends! I just broke up with this one chick at school. She was nice and all, but she only wanted my money." I lied. My father laughed.

"That's women! . . . Speaking of money, can you bring home another free slab of ribs from work on Monday?" My father said, already licking his lips.

"I'll see." I looked at the clock. We had been there for a few hours. "Uh, me and Ansem gotta go. I still have some Physics homework to do."

"Well, ok, son. Glad to hear see you. And don't forget about Saturday!" My mother said as we left out.

I had called Gabriel to come pick us up. He drove up in his parents new red Ford Focus. I loved that car when he drove it. Me and Ansem got in. That fat ass, Gabriel had a bucket of chicken in the front seat and told us to sit in the back. He drove us to my apartment. We all went up the stairs to my room. Gabriel stayed only for a little while and he gave Ansem a ride home. He lived near Gabriel. I decided to go to sleep.

The next day, the pianist was playing again. I loved waking up to that every morning. I chilled all day and called the gang all over to my place so we could study together. Me, Gabriel, and Wade were all seniors and we all had Mr. Jones for Physics. He was extremely hard. Dmitri and Lucian were in the 11th grade, but Dmitri had all AP classes including some senior classes. He had Mr. Jones for AP physics. He was basically our tutor. Ansem graduated last year, but he had to work today. They day went kinda fast.

Monday came. Gabriel had his parent's car again and picked us all up. Today he only had two piece chicken and a biscuit with him. We got to school five minutes late.

I ran up to my locker on the second floor. There were a lot of furs late on Mondays. I grabbed my books and ran back down to the first floor to Mr. Jones class. We had a test today. I got in and sat down right before he handed out the test.

My next class was gym. I was one of the very few seniors in the school to have gym class. When I got to the locker room, I had heard that the teacher, Head Coach Wyn, was absent and we had Coach Marks. He was much easier than Coach Wyn. No one ever gave him any respect, especially the upperclassmen. All the boys were in the locker room changing their clothes. They were talking and joking about gay furs. I heard them break out laughing when I walked in. I put my book bag down on the ground. My pure white fur was fluffy, but I relaxed it.

"Well if it isn't the gay albino wolfe!" some cocky 11th grade hyena said from the row of lockers. There were about 20 guys in the locker room. They all laughed. I cracked my knuckles.

"You got a problem with me, just go out and say it!" I said with an attitude. He came up to me. He was on the football team and had bulging muscles. He tapped me with his left paw on my shoulder. I socked him in the face as hard as I could. I too had a football player's build. We were evenly matched. He only moved a little, but his lip was bleeding. He just looked at me.

"Kill'em' Lee!" a fur said from behind him. He rammed me into the lockers behind me and hit me in the face. I kicked him in his left kidney then he wrapped his paws around my neck. I wrapped my paws around his. There we were, choking each other to death in the locker room when Roger, another football player came up and pulled us apart.

"That's Wade's friend, Dude! You know he'll kick you off the team for that! The game's in two weeks." the dog said, calming down the hyena. We both let go and he stood back from me, catching our breath. He looked me in the eye.

"Your lucky that Wade's your friend, albino." He said walking away

"I'm not hiding behind that, you Bitch! If you got a problem with me, we can finish this shit now!" I yelled. Lee broke free of the dog's grip and came towards me in a football stance like he was about to truck me. I got down low and when he was close enough he pounced high and I pounced low, taking him down hard. I landed on top of him. I hit him 4 times in his head when someone yelled that coach Marks was coming. I got up off him a kicked him a few times.

"Don't mess with me, bitch! I don't care who the hell you are, don't step up to me like you somebody, you got me?" I said in my cool mellow voice. I looked him up and down from head to toe. He wiped his lip clean of the blood. He smiled a bit.

"Heh! With moves like that, you should be on the football squad." he said then turned away with a limp.

Coach Marks came in and broke up the crowd. No one said anything about the fight.

"Well, everyone get into the gym right now! I want everyone to start off by running for 10 minutes then we can do some push-ups." Coach Marks said to the crowd. Everyone changed into their gym uniforms and left out.

Gym class went sort of fast. It was a 15 minutes before the bell rang and Coach told everyone to hit the showers. He pulled me to the side to talk to me.

"I hear you're a heavy hitter. If you want, I could recommend you for the football squad. I'm sure with your skill, Coach Wyn would start you at Varsity as a linebacker." Coach Marks said. I declined. Lee must have told him to ask me.

When I got to the showers, most of everyone else was leaving out. There were no shower stalls, just a bunch of shower heads against the wall. There were only two furs in there and one of them left out soon after I turned on the water. The room was completely filled with steam. I let the water soak my fur for a bit. It reminded me of my shower with Ansem. My cock started to come out of it's sheath.

The other fur in the shower area turned off his shower head and walked towards the door. He closed it. I thought he had left but he didn't. I turned around so I wouldn't face him. He came up behind me and put his arms around me and kissed the back of my neck.

"It's me, Russell. I saw how you handled Lee earlier." he was a small fox I knew. I used to teach him how to draw in Japanese Anime Club. I was the president of that club. It was open to all students in the school. He was in the 9th grade and I never knew he was gay. Russell reached down and grabbed my cock with his paws. I pushed him away.

"Look, I have a boyfriend. And the last person to do that got their head cracked open like melon." I said. He let go and stood back. I belonged to Ansem and Ansem only.

"Who is he?" Russell asked as I turned around.

"His name's Ansem. He graduated from here last year." I said. Russell laughed a little.

"Ansem? Handsome Ansem? I know him. . . how long were you two together?" he asked.

"For a few months now. Why?"

"I live down the block from Handsome Ansem and last time I checked you wasn't his boyfriend. He never even mentions you." The fox said sharing the warm shower with me. He pulled out a bottle of shampoo and lathered up his head fur. I was shocked.

"Don't play with me Russell."

"I'm not playing! He goes out with some chick named Nikki. She's a panther I think. She goes to that Catholic High school over on Beech Daily and 7 Mile. Guess he has a 'thing' for uniforms." The fox said impartially then rinsed the shampoo out. I just stood there in shock. He licked the side of my muzzle. "If you need a quick fuck, I'm always here." Russell said. He bent over slowly and touched his toes, pretending to pick something up. I was too heartbroken to even notice. I stepped passed him and put on my towel and left out the room, leaving him there alone in the warm water. He stood back up. "Hey!" the little fox yelled. I closed the door behind me.

I couldn't concentrate on my work all day. I went to lunch and sat at my usual table. The table was empty. For some reason, a few ninth grade guys from the football team came up and insisted on getting me lunch. I let them. They came back with pizza, french fries, and a sprite from the vending machine. Before long, the rest of the gang showed up. Gabriel had his usual platter of food when he sat next to me. Dmitri only and a apple and some milk with him. Wade came and sat across from me.

"Did you get you free lunch?" he asked me. The same five freshmen who catered to me, catered to Wade. They sat his plate down in front of him.

"Yeah. . . about that. . . " I said.

"Don't worry about. These freshmen have to do everything I tell them to do if they want to get on the football team. Right now they are just scrubs, go-fors. I heard about what happened in gym today, Blue." wade said. He licked his paw clean of the pizza sauce that had spilled on them. He held his paw in the air and one of the 5 furs standing next to him wiped his paw clean with a wet napkin. The he smacked him, not hard, just enough to make him flinch.

"Thank you sir!" the freshman said. Wade had a smile on his face. "You gotta demand respect, Blue." he then clapped his paws. Lee came out of nowhere. "Get this wolf something sweet from the vending machine." wade said pointing to me. Lee ran over to the vending machine outside the lunchroom.

"Wow. I guess it's great to be captain of the football and the soccer team." I said. Lucien came in with his clarinet in his hand.

"Come on, fat ass, you know ms. Allen told us to practice together this hour." he said in a whining tone to Gabriel. He sighed. His food was almost gone anyway.

"Well I gotta go guys. See you tonight at Blues apartment, that is, if he hasn't been robbed yet." The fat wolf said with an obnoxious laugh.

Lucien and Gabriel were both head of the marching band. Lucien was in the 11th grade head of all woodwind instruments and Gabriel was a senior head of all brass sections. They helped to make the Franklin Tech marching band best in the state. Dmitri had to work in the counselors office on Mondays. He had to help look over the teacher's lesson plans.

Lee came back with a pack of M&M's with peanuts and a Twix bar. I opened the twix bar. He stood around and watched me open it.

"You can leave now, Lee. If you want to play in the game in two weeks you better behave." Wade said. Lee left. "You all can go." he continued.

Me and wade talked during the lunch hour. After lunch the rest of my classes went by fast, and so did the rest of the day. I left school and had to catch the bus straight to work. I worked at The Bar-B-Que king not to far from my apartment. It was a nice sit down restaurant. I waited tables. They gave good tips, like 10 bucks and up. I loved the downtown area, but now I couldn't enjoy it. I had Ansem on my mind.

I got off work at around 9pm. I went straight to Ansem's house. I knocked on his door. I didn't have a smile on his face, but he still let me in. He lived with two of his friends from college. They weren't home. I sat down on the couch in the living room. He offered me something to drink. I said yeah. He came back with two glasses of homemade iced tea. I took a sip. And sat silently.

"So what's up, Blue?" Ansem asked.

"Look, I'm not going to beat around the bush. I know about Nikki."

"Nikki? Nikki who?"he asked quickly.

"That girl from that catholic school you fucking."

"I don't know no Nikki. Besides, You know I only love you."

"Don't give me that innocent crap. Just lose my number and don't come around my place anymore, ok?" I said. Ansem sighed. His cliche raccoon mask faced the floor.

"Look, You know I loved you, but To be fair I knew her first."

"What?" I asked putting down my glass of tea.

"She was my girlfriend, well she is my girlfriend. I went out with you just to experiment." I sighed and took a deep breath. If id didn't love him as much as I did, I would have went off on him.

"I practically worshiped the ground you walked on. I even took on two furs with guns to protect your honor! All I got to say is, it's over. . ." I trailed off at the end a bit. I suddenly felt dirty. I let him piss on me! I covered myself with his seed! It all seemed so disgusting now that I wasn't going to be with him anymore. I wanted to puke. I got up and left his house. He didn't even follow me out, he just let me leave. I leaned over the railing and puked all over the side of the porch. It sickened me to think I had him inside of me, on me, in my fur, in my stomach . . . in my mouth.

I took a strong mint and walked down the street. Then I saw Russell walking towards me.

"So you had to find out for yourself, eh, big wolf?" The young fox said. I just kept walking. He followed me.

"Stop by my house and we can talk about it." Russell said. I didn't feel like talking. Russell walked up ahead of me and went up to his porch and opened the door. "Come on! My parents aren't home." the fox yelled. I took a deep breath and went inside.

His house was warm. The golden yellow paint made the living room seem bigger than it was. He invited me to sit on his couch. I did. He sat next to me. The TV was already on. Something about the Oscars. It was silent in the two story house until I heard a noise come from upstairs. I looked in that direction.

"What was that?" I asked. Just then another little fox came down the stairs.

"This here is my little brother Mario. He's 13." Russell said. The looked the same age to me:16. Mario came over and sat on the other side of me. He said hi. The were both kinda close. Russell then reached his paw out to touch my hips. I let him, it felt good. His brother started doing the same thing to my other thigh. They both reached in to my cock, which was starting to get hard. Mario unzipped my, while Russell kissed me.

Both foxes were short and somewhat thin, the perfect sized submissive foxes. Mario stared into my blue eyes with his green ones as he pulled my pants down to my ankles. Russell then got down on his knees between my legs and fondled and licked my full, pure white, furry balls while Mario leaned over and licked the tip of my cock which had just gotten out of my sheath. He only licked about 5 times by the time my cock was fully out of it's sheath.

I put my left paw on Russell's head and started petting his soft red fur on his pointed ears. I ran my right hand down his brother's back and felt on his tight ass. I was in Heaven. Mario then put my cock into his muzzle and bobbed his head up and down my entire 7 inches of thick lupine meat. His brother got up and went up stairs for a second. He came back with 6 inch wolf dildo equipped with a knot at the end.

He walked back over to me and continued to lick and fondle my balls while he put the dildo into his mouth to get it warm and wet. His brother never stopped bobbing his head slowly, applying less pressure with his tongue near the tip of my cock and more mon my knot which he was able to get into his warm, moist, slender, young Vulpine muzzle. I moaned in pleasure which made both of them smile.

Russell finally took the dildo out of his muzzle and he teased my tight tailhole with it. I edged off the couch so he could have better access to my hole. He slowly pushed the entire 6 inch dildo into my ass. I moaned louder and louder when the wide knot went in. That's when Mario finally took my lupine cock out of his muzzle with a loud slurp. The tip of my cock was poring pre cum. It ran down my cock to my balls and dripped onto Russell's paw as he was trying to push the dildo in as far as it would go. Mario took off my shirt and started to rub my fluffy, pure white chest fur. I washed and cleaned my albino white fur everyday. It got dirty very easily. I smelled of fresh linen and my just formed sweat. Mario began kissing my chest and nipples as he put his paws on my shoulders. Russell got up.

"Time for the fun to begin." He said with a smile.

He pulled his pants all the way off along with his shirt and underwear. He liked my cock a few times, making sure that it was covered in his warm fox spit. While facing away from me, he then sat down on my fully erect cock. It slipped right into his tailhole. He went all the way down slowly until his tight pucker felt my knot. The pleasure as immense! He moaned all the way down then came back up slowly. After a while he got into a nice medium pace of up and down my cock.

Mario stopped caressing me and got down on the floor between my legs. He started licking my balls as his brother bounced up and down my cock, Russell's cock bouncing up and down, touching his brother's face. He simply ignored it and concentrated on my balls and the dildo inside me. Me move it in and out while licking my balls and stroking himself vigorously. I was close to cumming.

Russell grabbed his own vulpine cock and started to stroke it as fast has he could while bouncing up and down. All three of us moaning, breathing hard. I grabbed Russell's waist as he was bouncing. It made me feel more in control. Mario then started to push the dildo in hard and fast, thrusting the entire thing in and out as hard as he could. Russell screamed loud when my knot entered him. He pushed it in one last time that sent me over the edge.

My entire body tensed up. I clinched Russell's waist as hard as I could and pushed him down on my cock. With a loud howl that almost shook the windows, I came as hard as I could up his tight tailhole. I could feel it coming out of his ass and down my cock thickly. It was just so much cum. I slid the fox and down once more and a flood of seamen came pouring out. Mario's face was covered in the refuse from his brother's tailhole.

This thick fountain on wolf seed being forced up his ass, sent Russell over the edge. He clenched as tight as he could and came all over his little brother's head fur. I kept sending jet after jet of cum into his hole, the tighter he squeezed, the more I came. All of this cum being sprayed around him sent Mario over the edge. He spilled his seed all over the front of the couch. He was still licking my balls , drinking every drop cum that poured out of his brother's hole and down my cock and balls. We were exhausted.

Russell and I were tied together for a long time. We all just sat there, a heap of fur, cum, and sweat for 30 minutes when my knot finally went down. He slid out with a SLURP and what seemed like a gallon of cum poured out of his over stretched hole. It poured thickly over his brother's face and he loved it. Russell stood up, cum still dripping from his tailhole. Mario moved up and cleaned my cock, stomach and balls clean of all the cum that had poured out. He passionately licked my white fur clean of all of the off white liquid. I loved the way his rough tongue felt on my fur. He made sure that not a drop was left.

Russell then got down on his hands and knees and wiped his brother's cum off the couch. The entire scene was so yiffy, Russell stood up and licked his little brother's young, tender, pink, cock clean and Mario returned the favor by licking up the cum in Russell's ass. Russell took the dildo out of my ass and put it in his mouth. I was tired. They both cam and sat next to me on the couch again, naked. There was still cum in the rug and on the sofa but they didn't seem to care. They each licked the side of my mizzle and I french kissed both of them and stroked their hardening cocks.

We sat there for about an hour and talked. I barely knew them.

"Well it's been fun." I said as I was about to leave. It was almost midnight. I walked home. I took a short shower and went to sleep with a smile on my face. Ansem was nowhere in my mind and never will be again.

* * *

Dmitri, Gabriel, wade, and Lucien came over to apartment a few times to hang out, but they kept complaining about the crack heads, the holes in the walls, and the fact that nothing worked, so we just started hanging out over Gabriel's house when his parent's weren't home.

Saturday came. My parent came to visit and they demanded that I come back home after my mother's purse was almost stolen by some dude at the door. I packed up my belongings and left that day after we ate my delicious meal. The gang came over to enjoy my meal of near bloody Lamb chops,( my mother's favorite) green beans, homemade baked macaroni and cheese, homemade rolls, spaghetti, and a homemade cherry cheesecake for dessert. If I wasn't an artist, I could easily have been a chef.

Graduation came around. We, me, Wade and Gabriel, all graduated Cum Laude and got accepted to the same college. The next year, Dmitri and Lucian graduated. Dmitri was valedictorian of course and they were both accepted the same college we went to. We all had full ride scholarships. I had a art scholarship, Gabriel and Lucien had music, Wade had sports, and Dmitri had academic.

For graduation, I dyed my pure white fluffy fur a deep shade of blue. No one recognized me. I liked it. I bought like a year supply of the blue and the average wolf grey dye. I had grown tired of being a pure white wolf angel.

As for Ansem, I don't know, and don't care.

Russell and Mario moved away shortly after we graduated. Haven't heard frm them since.

Now my apartment, my first apartment, it was torn down after an electrical fire . . . in my apartment. I forgot to unplug the hotplate, but that's out little secret.

Now high school was done and we had our share of fights. I only hope we find good jobs after we graduate college in 4 years. And I'm sure as hell going to make sure I have a better apartment by then.


* * *

Thank you for reading another one of my stories! I'm sure u liked it. I am making an entire series about my personal character, Tuneious Blue Wolfram the third (a.k.a. Blue). "Day job, Night life" is the chapter after this one. Be sure to read it! It got a 10 rating and hopefully this one will to.

I may write a story more focused on one of Blue's friends. Which one of the five do you like best? And at what age would you like to see them? High school, old age, middle age, childhood (like 10 or younger) or college days?

Dmitri ~ the fox Blue has a crush on in "Day Job, Night life"

Gabriel ~ the fat, arrogant, but loveable music prodigy wolf

Wade ~ the cool, super jock, computer smart, coyote

Lucien~ the pit bull, gangster type, music prodigy who rivals Gabriel

or Ansem~ the BI curious raccoon that's into catholic school uniforms (cross-dresser maybe?)

As always, you can contact me about anything. Please send your comments (good or bad), constructive criticism, concerns, and death threats to

[email protected] or IM me between the hours of 4pm - 9pm (eastern time) any day

YIM: neptunewolf05