The Same Heartbeats Chapter 4

Story by Unknownreader92 on SoFurry

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#4 of The Same Heartbeats

Sorry for the delay! Another semester on the college started and everybody and their mom knows how we love those (sarcasm hint).

Anyway, enjoy the chapter and also, all the characters I'm using are my property, ask me if you want to use it.


Warning: The following chapter is rated "T" due to looks of homophobia, abuse and suicide attempt. Viewer description is advised.

Chapter 4: The Viral Video

Jeff, Zhane and Paula have arrived at home, and when they entered the room of the young rabbit, all of them are shocked.

"NO! MY DRAWINGS! MY DRAWINGS!" screamed Zhane after seeing the broken and ruined drawings over the floor and the bed

"Oh no, sweetie" says Paula trying to comfort the son

"He did it! He ruined them! I HATE HIM MOM! I HATE HIM!"

"It's okay Zhane, we can put them back together in no time"

"It doesn't matter mom, they ruined forever me" says silently as he's starting to calm down.

Jeff looked at the sides and questioned

"Where's dad? I thought he was going to wait"

"Maybe he's on the bar, like usual"

Zhane took all the paper drawings that were waddled and ripped and put them on the garbage bin on the room and threw himself to the bed while his mother comforted him. The silver rabbit looked the bin and give an interested stare.

The next day, Zhane was still with his bandages, sleeping soundly on his bed when his mother knocked the door, grunting and rolling.

"Zhane, come on" says Paula "Good morning, how are your injuries going?"

"Better, I guess" says on a quiet voice

"Come on honey, we need to go to school"

"ugh, I don't wanna go to, ever"

"No, honey; maybe it's OK to be absent one day, but not the entire school year, everything will be fine"

"Yeah, right. Tell that to Rick, he is like dad in any way"

"That Rick; I can't believe nobody is doing anything to stop him, I'll tell you what: I'm going to the school to talk about this to the'll se that everything will be OK"

"Get up, Lazy ass!" shouted his father "I'm going to take you to school even if I need to drag you"


"Shut the hell up woman, don't interfere" says Ernest "This is men stuff"

"You're a horrible father! I hate you dad! I wish you're dead!" says Zhane shouting

"Yeah, right; I'll show you what's hate, I'll show you what is hate" and Ernest was about to hit his son yet again, but Jeff stops him

"Dad! That's enough"

"What the hell Jeff?"

"Is this how a man behaves?! Beating up a defenseless boy because he can?!" after that comment, Ernest just leaved the rest of the family. Zhane just got up, changed and go to school with Jeff and Paula. Jeff go ahead like usual, and Mom stayed near the enterance to find someone to help her find the principal's office.

On the other hand, Zhane had a hard time; for some reason, many of the students keep looking at him and other snickered at his back; after that, he find Tony near of his locker; he sees the tiger that has some bruises on his forhead, near of his eye and his maw.

"Hey Tony"

"Hi..." says Tony with little mood "I'm sorry, I couldn't defend you of those idiots"

"It's fine, I didn't do too much either, thank God Chris was around to help us"

Zhane looked around and saw some students passing through and changing rumors

"Why everyone is snickering at us?"

"Maybe it's because the video"

"What video?"

"The one Rick's friends recorded at the beating. It's some idiots like to record their stupidities" and later he couldn't contain the tears

"Sounds like a nightmare" whispered Zhane, but the tiger just kneeled with the paws over his head

"I know this will happen, something like this happened on the last school I was, that's the reason my grandpa transfered me to this school"

"Hey, Right now my mom is talking with the principal and everything will be fine" say Zhane comforting his partner, but the tiger just put away

"Don't you get it? Nothing's gonna change, no matter how hard we try everything's gonna be the same; there always will be bullies" shouted Tony to his friend angry to him, later he realized what he did

"I'm sorry" said the tiger with the head down "I...don't know what came over me, I just want to end this, and be at peace" Tony took the stuff he needed for his class and walk the opposite side

"The classroom is the other way"

The tiger just faked a smile and said "I just going to the bathroom, I'll catch ya later"

"OK" and the tiger go to his way, leaving his (boy)friend worried. Something on his mind told him that something bad is going to happen.

The classroom was pretty lively with many of the students seeing the video and when the rabbit entered, some of them laughed at him, but he didn't mind at all, he was used to it. Ms. Meier entered the classroom and all who was watching the video guarded the cellphone, except for one seal who was distracted with the video.

"What's this?" The sparrow looked the video and the title: Gay Old Bashing.

"Who did this?" says Ms Meier indignated "I say who uploaded this? This is serious"

"It was Rick and his friends" pointed Tara

"Shhh, shut up ya tattletale" says the husky

"Chris told me about it: you and your followers bashed Zhane and Tony and recorded it so everyone can see that you're a big dick"

"Tara, stop being a teacher's pet"

"Did you see how many dislikes you got on the video?

"I said shut up, bitch" says angry and he slapped the red panda in front of everyone in the classroom

"Anderson!" shouted the sparrow

"What, she was annoying me"

"NO! This is the final straw Rick, go to the principal office Right Now!"

"But Ms. Meier"

"NO BUTS, MISTER! To the principal's office NOW!"

Rick just snarled and looked angry to the red panda and the rabbit and later go to the principal's office.

Later at the principal's office.

"Yes....he's waiting outside the office...well, he orchestated a beating of two of his classmates and slapped Tara Evans, calling her a 'bitch' in front of everyone...I know that the beating was off-school territory but...sir, his son has antecedents of being a bad student and we need to have a serious talk...yeah, I'll wait Mr. Anderson" she stopped talked to the telephone and directed her attention to the mother

"Don't worry Mrs. Ferguson, I'll have a talk with Rick's father, the act that happened yesterday was inexcusable"

"Thank you Principal Cortés, I was thinking that nobody will help me"

"Out of contrary, we don't tolerate bullying on Whestwheel High; we tried and failed reach out for him, sometimes we need to be rough with the bad students to behave, but you got my word Mrs. Ferguson: He has run out of chances"

But suddenly, Coach Reynolds opened the door

"Cortés, you got to go quickly to the boy's room"

"Why? What happened?"

"It's Carson"

During Ms. Meier class gone uninterrupted, until a female deer teacher interrupted the class

"Excuse me, Meredith; but this is urgent"

The sparrow got near of her and whispered

"What is it?"

"It's about one of your classroom students: Anthony Carson. They found it unconsious on the bathroom floor"

The red panda and the white rabbit got a horrible chilled feeling. It can't be possible that he...



"I'll be right back, don't move" and the teachers leaved the classroom, but Zhane and Tara decided to follow, his dearest friend could be in trouble.

"I was about to clean the restroom when I found him" the janitor explained

"Please, call an ambulance" and the janitor rushed as fast as he can. He was there...laying unconsious, he wasn't breathing , on his hand weakly holding a jar of his tranquilizers. Tara and Zhane arrived at the scene to find his friend. Tara just gasped and covered her maw with horror and Zhane was just about to cry.

"No! No! Tony! Please, Wake Up!" keeps saying shaking the body of the tiger.

"They're coming for him, he will be fine" says Ms. Meier

"Don't let him die, he's the only male friend I have"

The principal, the coach and Paula arrived to be equally shocked

"Please, clear the scene Meredith, his grandpa is coming right now"

"Zhane, Oh my god, he's-"

"She will be fine Mrs. Ferguson, the ambulance is coming"

At noon, Tara was unstable. His friend who knew since first grade was far from consolation; she have to let him go to the hospital to see if he'll survive; Mirtha and Jeff sit with her on lunch to keep her company.

"Tara" says Mirtha "Jeff has something to say", she knocked lightly the elbow of the silver rabbit and he cleared his throat

"I'm sorry"

"Come again?"

"I'm really really really sorry for what happened; At first, I was really an asshole to my brother for not helping him and Mirtha told what I was: A macho-in-training."


"After all that happened: the beat-up and Tony on the hospital, I think I'm a horrible brother and all of this wouldn't happened if I was taking seriously my role"

After a pause, Tara smiled at him

"I never say that it is too late to reedeem yourself, if you want to apologize you have to do something great, something to tell him that you're sorry and you love him. What can you do to help him?"

After a pause, the rabbit adds "I think I got an idea"

Attention students:

Due to recent events, there is going to be an emergency meeting at the school auditorium after Lunch. We have something to discuss

It's all

Some of them groaned about it, but major part didn't care and keep eating.

After lunch: Jeff, Mirtha, Tara and Chris were walking on the hallways as many others go to the auditorium. During his trail, they find Rick carrying his school stuff while being scolded by his father; the husky got near of Tara

"You and your faggot friends are gonna pay for what they did, I can wait to see them roast in hell"

"Get lost Rick" says Chris getting near of Tara to defend her "Don't blame others for your OWN mistakes, you and your prejudices brought this and now you're paying the consequences...and one more thing" and later gets near of the husky

"If you attack my girl one more time, I'll not restrain myself"

"I'm glad to see you try" answered Rick with dare

"Rick! Say goodbye to your friends"

"They're not friends, dad" says Rick "Just a bunch of faggots" and later he walked away with his father, the four are hoping to never seeing him again.

The school auditorium was filled with the students, the school teachers and crew was on the front of the stage while the eagle was on the podium:

One of our students: Anthony Carson has commited an attempt of suicide, don't need to panic; they say that he'll be fine. But I want you to ask this: ¿Why do you think he did it?

Put yourselves on his shoes.

Many people thought it was funny the video uploaded of the beathing of he and a friend of his. But it's not.

_Carson wanted to die because of the hate, discrimination and violence that he suffered years ago. His head had the idea that it will be better died than keep living the humilliation that he suffered. _

And all for what? What will not happen here and happen outside this institute?

Richard Anderson and everyone involved on the beating will recieve proper punishment from three months of detention, suspension and immediate expulsion. They didn't feel regret or empathy of him and suffered the consequences.

Zhane Martins and Anthony Carson did nothing wrong, just being what they are. The homosexuality and bisexuality, like the heterosexuality are not a choice and are as part of humanity; we all have the same right of love and respect.

This is without a doubt, the worst showing of predjudge and ignorance and a complete betrayal of the Westwheel High Spirit. Let this be a lesson for all of you, that only the silence prolongs the injustice and the bullying.

You all can go your classes.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for my grandson Tony" says a old tiger with a bit opaque fur, wearing a beige polo shirt, brown khakis and black shoes; followed by a taller white tiger, wearing a grin shirt, black pants and blue shoes

"Hi mister, you must be Tony's grandfather"

"Uh, sure miss: I'm Gustaph Carson, and he is his uncle Lucas"

"Hey" greeted the white tiger

"Nice to meet you: I'm Paula Ferguson and he is my son Zhane, Tony's friend"

"Do you know what doctor is checking him, how is he doing?"

"They say Doctor Lee is attending him, please take a sit"

The four take a sit on the waiting room while Paula explained everything

"He is fine; they doctor says that they're going to do a stomach wash and he's going to be put under observation for some hours, let's hope that things doesn't complicate"

"I can't believe something like this happened" says the grandpa

"The thing that I don't understand is where the pills came from"

"Maybe was that phoney therapeutist, he just give him tranquilizers and run with his money"

"What about his parents?"

Lucas sighed and added "To be honest, my brother and his wife don't care too much about his son anymore, apparently was different from the son they always wanted and just...don't doubt when they got buisness overseas"

"But at least they have you and your father"

"And look what happened"

"You don't have to blame yourselves about what happened. Tony just was desperate and thought that maybe killing himself will end the harrassment"

"Maybe you'll right"

"And if you want, the doctor recommend us a therapeutist that is really good and is helping my son in this moment"

"Do you think you can help us?"

"Of course he does" nodded the white rabbit

"Thank you very much"

And the waiting room was filled with silence, until the doctor came and told them that he is stable now, and he'll be a weekend on observation...just in case.


Well, people; hope you like it, I know it's dark involving a suicide attempt but like I said before, it's focus more in drama than romance. And I'm trying to be a little bit different at the source material this fic is adapted.

But maybe the next regular fic (after a one-shot involving twins) will be more light-hearted; but I'll think about how is going to be the main couple, the conflict and what species will be the couple. Another thing what I thinking that Zhane and Tony will appear on this fic (along with someone of the future one-shot), so what do you think?

Please, Please, PUH-LEEEEEEEEEEEEASE comment voicing your opinions and tell me how I'm doing on the fic.

BTW, If you want something more of the couple, I promise for the next chapter onwards, I'll give a couple of surprises.

Until then, see ya later alligators.

The Same Heartbeats Chapter 3

_Warning: The following chapter is rated "T" due to looks of homophobia and abuse._ _Viewer description is adivsed._ **Chapter 3: Broken Bodies and Broken Drawings** The school gym was mildly filled, Tara and Zhane were near the first rows of the...

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The Same Heartbeats Chapter 2

_Warning:_ _The following chapter is rated "T" due to looks of homophobia and abuse. Viewer description is advised._ **Chapter 2: The New Tiger** Tara was showing the tiger around the highschool building. Tony looked around and Zhane wasn't too...

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The Same Heartbeats Chapter 1

_Warning:_ _The following chapter is rated "T" due to looks of homophobia and abuse. Viewer description is advised. _ * * * **Chapter 1: Zhane's Daily Life** Zhane Martins.... Looks like a simple blue-eyed white rabbit of Reno, Nevada Looks...

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