Tails from the Fastlane, Ch. 1

Story by Buster Williamson on SoFurry

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((Okay, this is the first chapter of my first story. ^^;; WARNING! Does contain some yiff. Much more to come in later chapters, but first, to let things build up...))

Tails from the Fastlane, Chapter One

By Buster Williamson

Adrik nervously walked into the school cafeteria, black eyes within his natural dark furred mask darting across the crowded room, looking for any familiar faces to draw him away from the insecurity of being alone on his first day of high school. The young raccoon's black and gray ringed tail swatted at the floor behind him as he noticed a black jackal and a white fox, Preston and Skyler, sitting next to each other at a round table in the distant corner. They immediately recognized him and waved to him, inviting him to come over and sit with them. Throughout eight consecutive years of school so far, they'd been the only ones to stick by his side the entire time.

"Hey guys!" said Adrik gleefully, setting his book bag down as he settled into a seat in front of the two.

"Heya, ringtail." said Preston as he leaned forward on the table, running a hand through his tightly plaited back white braids.

Skyler shifted in his seat a bit. "I haven't even been here ten minutes and I already feel sick..." His voice was very soft and high pitched, with a hint of a feminine accent.

The raccoon laughed softly, watching as Preston rolled his eyes and reached over to scritch the white fox's chin. "You'll be alright, dude. As long as the three of us stick together when we can." He reached down with his free paw to adjust the bottom of his gray, ribbed shirt, fidgeting a little nervously.

Over the years, Adrik had watched the festering passion in those two grow with each day. It made him curious whether or not they secretly liked each other, and at the same time, paranoid that he might be left out. Though he'd never admit his forbidden feelings for other guys to anyone, as he'd promised himself years ago...

Preston reached into his trapper keeper to retrieve a copy of his schedule, sliding it into the middle of the table. "Come on, let's see what classes we have together." The raccoon and the fox dug through their materials and set their papers on the table as well, huddling around to compare.

"Hmm... Let's see," said Adrik, "it appears we all have first period science with each other, and Preston and I have fourth period physical ed together. Damn..."

Skyler shrugged. "It's better than nothing. My gym class is a period behind you guys', how much of a bitch is that?" The three of them chuckled.

They continued to chatter on about the fun times they'd spent in jam sessions in Preston's garage and going on vacation over the summer until the bell rang for homeroom. The three of them touched fists and went off in their separate directions until first block.

It wasn't until first block that the trio realized their reputations as oddballs from middle school had carried over as reputations as 'fags' since they'd entered the high school doors. The other students gave them strange looks from all around, and all the girls would look at them and turn away to make faces, as if it wasn't noticeable. They easily overheard all the whispers about them circulating about the room, mainly consisting of crude gay jokes.

"Okay, class. My name is Ms. Ryden, and I will be teaching you the concepts of technology in science this semester. Let's start off by asking questions. Anyone?" The old brown mouse lady looked as if a light breeze could knock her over. The class continued to chatter amongst themselves. "Fine, everyone take out the text books from beneath your desks, write your names in the fronts, and turn to chapter one. We'll begin with advances in modern society." A few of the students groaned, and Adrik leaned over to the two canines of opposite colors sitting vertical to one another, whispering, "This class is gonna' suck..."

The next hour and a half crawled by. Afterwards, Skyler headed off to economics, Preston to mechanics, and Adrik to pottery. They met up at lunch in the midst of the confused furs running back and forth in utter chaos, and soon found themselves surrounded by a mass of towering upper classmen football players in the middle of the commons area.

"How 'bout that, fresh meat..." said a thick muscled Doberman who seemed to be leading them, a short and stocky looking gecko at his side muttering something under his breath. The large canine spoke up, "We just want ya'll to know that you fags are completely unwelcome in our territory, which is within twenty feet of wherever we go."

Preston nearly lashed out, but was stopped by the short, gray furred raccoon's nudge to the side. "Fuck off, kids!" barked out the much larger male. The three slowly turned and headed off to the cafeteria, Skyler's ears folding back against his head.

The lunchroom was packed and all the seats were taken, mainly by students not even eating. "Damn it, since when were we all fags!?" complained Skyler, throwing his hands into the air out of frustration. Adrik sighed. "It's hopeless... Let's just go out into the courtyard." The dark jackal and the white fox nodded in agreement, following him outside and taking a seat on a stairway beside the gym.

"At least it's quiet here..." said Skyler, brunching his knees to his chest and staring at the ground. The three sat together in silence for a few moments.

"I'll take it you've been confronted by the almighty Brock Wilson..." said a slightly raspy voice nearby. None of them had noticed the tall, stout orange bat sitting against the wall beside the stairway with a drawing pad in his lap.

Adrik's ears perked up. "Big Doberman Pinscher?"

The orange furred male chuckled, nodding his head. "Yeah, I'm sure you'll come to know him very well... I'm Troy Cash." He extended his slender, webbed hand, with a smile. The three stood and took turns shaking his paw.

"Adrik Anatolii."

"Preston Hunter."

"Skyler Carson."

They sat back down afterwards, feeling slightly more relieved.

"This place is a hellhole, if you haven't noticed." The bat was dressed in a black long sleeved shirt even though it was August, along with oversized cargo shorts and black framed glasses. He came off as maybe a bit weird, but still friendly.

"You an artist?" questioned Adrik, tilting his head to the side.

The bat flipped the drawing pad over, revealing to them a finely detailed and shaded sketch of a raccoon holding an electric guitar resting on his shoulder, sort of glaring at the viewer. "You be the judge."

"Wow..." said all three of them simultaneously.

"You've got talent... Is that anyone in particular?" asked Adrik.

Troy stiffled a laugh and raised an eyebrow. "Kawa Tzu."

Skyler grinned. "Sounds familiar. I think I might have seen his name on a few of the guitar magazines my dad has, but I've never y'know... listened to him."

"You're so missing out on some hot shit. Any of you into rocking?" the bat asked in reply.

"Of course! We even jam occassionally. I sing and play guitar, Skyler plays guitar too, and Preston plays the drums." Adrik smiled somewhat proudly.

"We've only been playing our instruments for a few years though, so we're still learning." added Preston.

The bat scritched his chin and nodded slowly. "We'll have to hang out sometime."

Skyler looked between the raccoon and the jackal. "Hey, what about our camping expedition tomorrow?"

Preston raised his eyebrows, smiling to Troy. "Wanna' come?"

The bat shrugged. "Eh, normally outdoors shit isn't my thing, but what the hell... Do I have to worry about any parental units? I'm not good with parents..."

Adrik laughed. "Nah, we're just walking out a mile or so behind my house to our lake."

Troy wrote his phone number on three slips of paper and handed them to his new friends shortly before the bell rang for third period to begin. Once again, the three touched fists. They were joined in by Troy who'd surprisingly caught on quick, and once again, they scattered in their separate directions.

Fourth period eventually came. Preston and Adrik nodded a greeting to Skyler as they passed him in the hall, on their way to the gymnasium. They couldn't help but notice that gecko who'd been at Brock's side wasn't too far behind him, but neither of them thought too much about it as they entered the gym and saw all the students walking around socializing.

The gym teacher, a sleek looking wolfess maybe in her mid twenties, walked in and blew her whistle. The students quickly turned their attention to her, a few of the guys gawking at her appearance. "Listen up! We're not wasting any time getting on the ball in here. I know none of you brought change out clothes on the first day, so we'll just go over a few basic exercises."

The students positioned themselves on the work out mats on the floor, waiting for the teacher's next command. She began instructing them through simple exercises; stretching, push ups, sit ups and such. Adrik was right behind Preston, and so he found himself unable to keep his eyes off the toned jackal's body whenever he flexed or when his shirt pulled up just enough to get a nice view of his firm abs, something he knew he could never have himself...

The period whizzed by for Adrik, as through most of it he only paid attention to Preston. What was it about him that made him feel so different...? He kept shaking the feelings off. As the class came to an end, everyone stood up. It seemed as they did, all the other students erupted into laughter. The raccoon's head shot about to see what it was, and noticed... all eyes were on him. Preston simply gave him an awkward look, pointing down.

"SHIT!" Adrik yelled upon noticing his throbbing boyhood tented in his tight denim pants! He darted into the locker room, soon followed by the hesitant fox. "Ha ha, how sweet! The fags are gonna' make it right here at school!" one of the students shouted, followed by another fit of laughter from everyone else. Preston simply gritted his teeth, ignored it, and made his way on into the locker room, securing the door behind.

"Adrik...?" Preston saw his small furred friend curled up under one of the benches. The raccoon said nothing. "Come on, man... So the teacher is hot. Big deal."

"I wasn't-- oh, fuck it... I can't go back out there now..." he groaned.

"Look, ignore them. Today's almost over, you can come over to my house with Skyler and we can chill and forget about all of this..." He reached down and scritched the raccoon's light brown headfur, smiling vaguely.

The bell rang. School was out, and they could hear all the students piling out of the gym. Adrik sniffled slightly, patting his dark canid friend on the shoulder as they walked out and headed for the bus pick up area.

Later that night just after eating dinner, the three friends laid side by side on Preston's bed watching a slightly lame late night talk show with some horse with an annoying, booming voice as the host. "This guy is getting on my nerves, isn't there anything else on?" Skyler said, looking over at the black jackal next to him.

"There's not a lot of choices, guy... We only get basic cable here. Unless..." A grin crawled across Preston's lips as he rose up, walking over to his closet and retrieving a small blue shoebox.

"...Unless what?" asked Skyler as his ears perked up, neatly groomed black hair falling just above his raised brows.

The black fox opened the lid and pulled out a DVD case entitled 'Hardcore Yiff Unleashed: II' with an image of two plump breasted vixens surrounded by an assortment of thick cocks on the cover.

"Holy hell! Where'd you get that!" said Adrik, jumping up to get a better look.

"Shhh! Don't wake my parents... I ordered it off the internet. You guys feelin' game?"

The white fox just sort of shrugged. "I don't know... I guess."

Preston chuckled as he loaded the disc into his DVD player, turning the volume down a bit and sitting down on the edge of the bed, the two others now sitting up by him.

The video soon began. A huge gray wolf walked into a bedroom where two naked female panthers were laid out on a large bed, legs spread with their pink slits already showing. They muttered something in German and soon, the big wolf was naked and on top of them both, shoving his massive package into various warm, wet holes.

"Whoa," said Adrik, "this is pretty hot..."

Skyler almost laughed. "Did that guy just say 'bumsen'?"

The raccoon was beginning to sweat a little as he looked over to Preston, who was completely absorbed into the movie. "Errr, I-I think so. Too bad these things don't have subtitles."

Skyler shook his head slightly. "For those, you need a script. I can't imagine there's a lot of script in this, and if they did have to write one, then we must be watching some pretty weak actors... er, performers."

The jackal put a finger over his lips. "Shhh..." He was too into the scene. They stayed hush until the wolf began spraying his putrid seed all over the two females' faces, moaning loudly as they shouted a stream of encouraging phrases they couldn't understand.

Adrik shifted on the bed, ears flickering as he stood up. "Uh, I have to use the bathroom..." He walked out of the bedroom and padded down the hall. The two canines sniggered and continued to watch the video.

The raccoon locked the bathroom door, turned on the vent, and sat down on the lid of the toilet. He grabbed a bottle of lotion on the sink next to him, unzipping his pants with his free paw, yanking them down to his knees as his pink, five inch long coonhood protruded stiff into the air. "Oh, fuck..." he said to himself, nearly shaking as he pressed down on the nozzle of the lotion bottle, filling his right palm with cool, creamy lube. Adrik made his member nicely slick, and steadily began pawing off, making faint squishing noises in the process. "Mmm..."

Preston stood up and quickly turned off the TV as he heard his parents' door open. "Hey, someone's awake... Go get the ringtail out of the can."

The white fox sniggered, nodding as he hoisted himself off the bed and treaded down the hallway. He could hear the vent on, but still heard a faint squishing noise as well. Skyler put his ear to the door, and could somewhat make out the coon's deep breathing. "Nngh... Preston..." the raccoon muttered under his breath as he finished up with a soft moan. Skyler's eyes widened. "No way..."