Tea for Two - Ch. 2: Oral Regret

Story by Serratiger on SoFurry

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#2 of Tea for Two - An erotic short novel

Tea for Two is a story about romance, drama and a lot of homoerotica.

This short novel follows Ray, a puma discovering his sexuality at the tender age of 27, the breaking and recreation of his life, and of course lots of sex.

Chapter two explores a bit on the past of Ray, and introduces the sexual side to this story.


WHEW! This took forever to get down. I wrote and rewrote this chapter because of the implications to future chapters, and my attempts to avoid certain clichés within this kind of stories.

I hope you enjoy! It was certainly overdue.


Oral Regret

I sat on the bed, pondering about before. Alexandra was in the bathroom, getting ready for bed. The glimmer from the digital clock on the bed stand kept me dazed as I brooded in the dark. I had told Alex that I had a bad day at work to explain my mood, hoping she would think nothing of it; -after all-, I muttered to myself -us felines are moody creatures-.

The door opened and I looked up. She stood there wearing only her silk negligee and a seductive smile. She looked gorgeous, as usual; it had always troubled me that no matter how sexy she was, I would barely get turned on, or at all. For some time now, I had been thinking on someone else to help me perform, but I felt guilty about it.

She sat down next to me and rubbed my shoulders. "I know you've had a long day, so I wanted to help you unwind a bit." As she pressed her breasts against my back, I knew my mind would be somewhere else that night.

I met Lewis back in my freshmen year at college. I had fallen asleep on the campus library after a couple of cramming nights, and was woken up by security when they were closing up, a little past 11. I ran to the bus stop, hoping to catch the last one back home, even though I knew the last one shipped at 11:15. I was short on funds so taking a cab wouldn't be an option, and I was dreading walking for two hours on the snow.

I arrived at the bus stop and looked at my watch: It was 11:20. Maybe the bus was late? I hoped that was the case as I stood there alone on that cold night.

I heard footsteps approaching, and peered out. It was a male gray wolf wearing a school jacket. When he saw me, he sniffed at me curiously and called out: "Hey! You know, the last bus already left a few minutes ago."

My ears dropped and I sighed. "Are you serious? Ugh... ok, thank you. I guess I'll have to walk home."

"Well, there's a bus nearby that's almost the same. I was just going to look for it, if you wanna come."

I nodded "Oh yes! Thank you very much!"

We walked silently for a couple of blocks. I glanced at him a little, and noticed him looking at me as well. Our eyes met one time and I looked away, feeling my face warming up.

We arrived at another bus stop, and he checked the posted schedule.

"Alright, there should be one in five minutes. This one gets a later schedule 'cuz the route is longer." He said. I grinned and muttered "Cool", feeling a little bit silly.

We stood for a little while, me fidgeting awkwardly. He had a very nice body; tall, athletic, handsome... I thought back at the jocks at school and those times after gym when they would shower or change, finding myself staring. I thought he was probably in a team, and wondered if someone on his campus checked him out on the locker rooms.

Soon enough the bus came. There were two old women on the front, and aside from them and the driver it was otherwise empty. I got in first and sat on the last row, next to the wolf.

"I'm Lewis, by the way." he said.

"Ray Midley" I replied politely, shaking his hand.

"Do you go to college nearby?"

"Yeah! I'm studying economy at Oled Bisteh. And you?"

"Haha! You study at the 'Old Beast'? I'm a Physical Therapy major at the WIC."

"Thus dubbing yourself a WIC-ling." I said, jesting.

"Hah, you wish. I'm on the football team and believe me, I can kick some tail. But I'd rather be a trainer more than a player, if my major works out. Heck, it might be easier getting a job as a massage therapist than on a football team when I'm done with college. I 'unno, really. I just want to help people."

Before that, I had assumed that jocks were the uncaring, unapproachable kind, but this one right here was pretty nice, I thought. Just then I felt his hand on my thigh, which he had moved inconspicuously. I cringed a little, but let him do so.

"Honey, you seem a bit distracted. Is everything ok?"

The soft voice of Alex pulled me back to reality. She was kneeling on the foot of the bed, stroking my legs. I recalled the strong, firm feeling of the wolf's hand, which made Alex's hand seem too small and unfit.

I nodded and smiled at her reassuringly. "Yeah baby, just enjoying the moment" I said.

As she got back to her petting, I went back to my memories, back to that bus eight years ago.

We'd been so engrossed in our conversation that I'd completely forgotten to watch the road. It was until the old ladies got off the bus that I remembered I was going home.

"Oh crap! I totally spaced out!" I cried out. "Sorry, do you know how to get to Bark Street from here?"

"Dude, that's messed up! We passed the closest point like fifteen minutes ago."

I started to get anxious. I got up suddenly, deciding that I'd have to walk back the road on the snow after all.

"Hey, relax. There are no more buses coming tonight, you know? Uh, I guess you could stay at my place and take the bus home tomorrow... or to school, I guess. It's like five minutes from here."

I fidgeted on the door for a minute, considering his offer. Bah, it's college! I thought. What's the worst that could happen?

"Ok, sure. I'll stick around."

"Awesome. It's been a tad lonely since my roommate graduated and moved out."

We spent the next five minutes just chatting. His hand slipped back on my leg, and this time I didn't cringe. It was just so fun, talking to him.

We got off the bus and walked two blocks to a nice apartment. My hands were shaking with excitement, since I had never been the type to do something so unplanned like this. My eyes followed his tail slowly, and what a tail it was! Granted, the fur on it was a bit damaged, obviously from the rough treatment sports must have given it, but his rump looked nice and firm.

We walked the musty stairs down to the basement floor, and he opened the door. There was a small comfy living room on the left, packed with videogames, old cans and wrappers, and a couple of old couches. The wolf left his shoes on the rack next to the door as he said "Make yourself at home! Sorry for the mess, wasn't expecting any company. Want a beer?"

I nodded as I left my own shoes next to his. He began picking up the trash and waved at a couch for me to sit, then walked out the hall. I sat and looked around, a bit uneasy. Drinking on a school night? What had gotten over me?

He returned shortly with a six pack in his hand, slumped on the couch next to me and handed me a beer. I smiled and thought I'd never know if I never tried it.

Alex was by now all over me. I admit, she was great with her mouth, but right now my boner wasn't quite her handiwork. Still, hard as I was, she decided it was time to move on top of me. I held her against me, giving some generic groans to let her know I was involved, but she was pretty much in control. Her hands pinned me down as she began rubbing against me.

I closed my eyes and breathed deeply.

"No, really! I swear! The teacher never found out who it was!"

"Come on, Ray! You really expect me to believe you'd pull a prank like that? You look like such a goody-two-shoes!"

"Ok, ok, it wasn't all my idea, it was more of an accident, but I still was responsible!"

We laughed and chatted till very late. After the first pack, Lewis had brought some harder alcohol, and I didn't even ask what was it, we just kept drinking glass after glass of what I found out later was just rum and coke.

I felt lightheaded, but quite exhilarated! It was just thrilling, letting myself go like this! And every other sip, Lewis would get a little closer to me. With all this heavy drinking, I couldn't avoid spilling some rum on his shirt. "Oh no! I made such a mess! I'm so sorry, Lewis!"

I took a napkin from his coffee table and leaned over to clean it up, and as I leaned down, he grabbed my chin and kissed my lips. I flinched a bit but quickly closed my eyes and leaned against him to kiss him back.

Soon, his hands were under my shirt, pulling it over my head, unbuckling my belt, or on my thighs. The trail to his bed was soon littered with both our clothes. He pushed me to the bed and pinned me down. His eyes were savage, full with lust. I almost squeaked, but my body responded almost electrically to every move. His member flashed on my eyes, gorgeous and firm. It was like a red pillar of flesh, erected to a god of pleasure; it stood in full mast, palpitating in its whole extension. I grabbed it with both my hands, stroking it slowly as I savored its firmness and girth. Every inch of my body desperately cried out for him as I introduced it to my mouth, swirling my tongue on it, delighting myself on the tangy musk of his malehood.

But before long he had me laying back and spreading my legs, poking between my legs with his massive member. His fingers moved against my hole, pushing one in, then the other. He spread me slowly, surprisingly patient in opening me up as he inserted a third, and even a fourth digit.

When he judged me open enough he retired his fingers, and his bulging cock pressed against me. He was just huge! Even with all that prepping I still wasn't all ready for him. Fortunately, he just pushed the tip inside, humping me slowly as he smeared precum inside of me.

Every slow thrust would go deeper into me, and every time he did I would gasp. Slowly and rhythmically he went, pushing almost all the way to the base. I felt his balls against my ass, and remembered the still pending knot that had not yet fully presented itself. But I just had to have it, I knew I wanted him to mount me fully and with all his might.

In my mind I was not Ray copulating with Alexandra, I was Lewis plowing roughly Ray's ass. Every move forward was the wolf's, every grunt and moan from my lips just a testament to his memory.

He finally pushed all the way inside, and growled. His knot tied inside of me, and I yelled in a mix of pain and lust. My whole body trembled as his member pulsated inside me. My own dick twitched as he kept moving inside of me, pushing against my prostate.

Finally, with a deep thrust I felt my insides warming up as he filled them with his cum. I stroked myself and pushed down against his member to squeeze the very last drop of his essence, and soon I had reached my climax. My member throbbed as it shot a few strings of my own seed, hitting my chest and making a mess on my fur.

That night I fell asleep in his arms, purring ever so content.


Alexandra rolled to her side of the bed, gasping. "Oh, that was fantastic, hun!" she said. I grunted a noncommittal response, and closed my eyes. Sometimes I wished that the next morning I hadn't slipped out of his bed silently and sneaked outside, or spent so many days on the bus stop fidgeting, half hoping he would show up, half wishing he wouldn't.

Even in present time, every time I happen to be near that area I keep my eyes peeled for signs of that wolf, even if he most likely moved out a long time ago.

I closed my eyes and hugged Alex, giving out a sigh. She was already falling asleep, and I pressed to do the same.

And still, something in the back of my head kept nagging me, pulling me back to Rain the cheetah, his nice apartment and the tea.

-Yeah, this time will be different- I decided as I closed my eyes and drifted to the sweetest dreams.