Swapable friendship

Story by FoxboyPrower on SoFurry

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This is a part of a trade with braveulysses ( http://brave-ulysses.sofurry.com/ )

I love his character, and I had a fun time writing this.

Credit for the name of the sex toy goes to Totus ( http://www.f-list.net/c/Totus%20Ubertas )

I hope you guys enjoy it. ^;=;^

Latest edition!

Cleanest editing!

Easier on the eyes!

All on the Google Docs version: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1euvj6g49WM00CdvJLIqFlJKHxRDUjwjhlvTQa2JTqfE/pub

-- It was late at night and two people were hunkered over a card table. At first glance it would appear to be a game of strip poker. However there were no clothes on the table at all. Both players just happened to be casually naked. On one side of the table was a ferret girl named Samantha, and on the opposite side was a dinosaur guy named Brave Ulysses. The table had about $900 dollars in mixed bills with a bit of pocket change scattered about for some reason. Bags of mostly eaten chips were laying in a pile on one side of the table next to a bowl that had been thoroughly cleaned of salsa.

-- Brave was doing his best to hide his joy about the cards he had. He had every kind of eight and a nice king of hearts to keep them company. He had only had a four of a kind only one other time in his life. Unfortunately all of his cash was already on the table. Most of it was in the collection that Samantha had taken early in the game but was now back on the table. It looked like his luck was about to change. With all of that cash he could buy groceries for weeks, not to mention being able to afford some new sex toys he had his eye on. But he shouldn't be thinking of this. He was already hard, and he should be focusing on the game. But he needed something to bet with now. Samantha already had already raised and put her cash on the table. She was just waiting for him. His cock was choosing the worst time to perk up. Although it was his fault for thinking of the sex toy he could buy with that money. He could even buy a new body part or two if he wanted.

-- Samantha spoke up, "I've put a lot of money out on the table, Dino. You better have something pretty valuable to match it, or else we can just end this game and I'll take this all home with me."

-- No way was she going to do that thought Ulysses. He did have something pretty valuable he could bet. Luckily she was modular so body parts were fair game in this game. He grabbed his bits and pulled them off leaving only a smooth pink circle on his groin. He set his cock and balls in the middle of the pile with confidence. It was a big price but with these cards he knew there wasn't a chance she could win. "There's my bet."

-- "Oh my, pulling out the big guns are we?" she said with a grin. It was hard to tell if she was trying to make a joke or not. It had to be an attempt at innuendo as was fairly common of her.

-- "As a matter of fact I am" he began with a grin. "Four of a kind. Read em and weep." he placed his cards on the table for her to see. He began sliding the pile to his side of the table almost drooling now.

-- "Hold it right there." She said placing down her cards. "Take a look at my cards."

-- His eyes glanced at what she had placed down. A two, three, four, five, and a six of diamonds were laid out in a row. His heart sank as fast as his jaw did at the sight. She had a straight flush.

-- "I've always said diamonds were a girls best friend." She laughed and pulled the pile away from him. She slid the cash into a sack leaving only his cock on the table and stood up. "It's been a pleasure cleaning you out."

-- "B-but what about my cock?" He said said figuratively dripping with anxiety. "You're not really going to take that are you?"

-- "You bet it, and it's all part of the game." She picked it up with a fascinated grin. "I bet Cindy would love this." she said placing it on her groin. Heartache began setting in as the feeling in his bits was lost to him. "Oh boy this thing is nice!" she rubbed the newly acquired shaft on her groin. "This will be much better than double ended dildos."

-- "You can't just take my cock like that! I need it!" he protested.

-- "Uh... I think I just did take it. Stop complaining. You'll get a chance to win it back next Friday. You'll survive without it for a week. Better get some more cash to play with next time. I'll need a lot more to pay for the new hot tub I'm getting installed." She left the house humming a song swinging the bag of cash side to side with one hand and rubbing her new cock with the free hand.

-- After she shut the door, Ulysses could hear her humming fade into the distance until he was only left with silence. After a few moments he looked down at his groin. The once happy penis and ballsack were missing. The only thing between his legs was a pink circle. He sighed and looked at the card table. He couldn't help feeling a bit upset about all of this. He normally didn't let things get to him like this, but he had really gotten his hopes up this time.

-- He recalled the first time he saw that sex toy, the Super Plug N Gush 3000 Turbo Deluxe edition. The moment he saw it, it felt like his genitals spoke to him screaming "We need that!". The toy had won the golden squirt prize of the year. It was like a nobel prize for sex toys. He never knew the prize existed until seeing this toy. It certainly looked like it deserved the honor.

-- The device resembled a canister vacuum cleaner with a cozy but sleek reclining chair attached. The main hose of the device had what looked like a super fancy fleshlight on the end of it. Although this was no ordinary fleshlight, it was mechanized internally to pump the user's cock or work it with methodic pulsing contractions. It claimed to be able to milk any man dry. But that wasn't even the coolest part. From the back of the "fleshlight" came a long retractable rod for an amazing sounding experience. The device also had another hose with a fancy dildo on the end of it. It could milk you of cum and squirt it out of the dildo into your own ass or wherever you wanted to stick it. The whole thing had interchangeable parts that could be bought online and had a top of the line durability rating.

-- Unfortunately, it cost almost a thousand dollars! Regardless of the price, he knew he had to have it. He saved up as much of his earnings as he could. The weekly poker games with Samantha drained some of his cash, but he knew his luck had to pay off soon. In fact he was preparing for that time. He spent a lot of his free time in the past couple of weeks learning and practicing all elements of poker. He strained his mind learning about the complex probabilities of the game. He spent hours working on his poker face. Unfortunately his tail never complied, but he took it off and locked it up so it didn't reveal him. This night had been the final night for him. It was the climax of all that training. He put up all of his savings for that one game being absolutely certain that he couldn't lose.

-- That stupid straight flush of hers ruined all of it. He could still remember the sight of those cards still burning in his memory. Although it was just a few minutes ago. In fact the cards were still on the table he was sitting at. He gathered the cards and sighed again. He had never intended for this to happen. On top of losing all the money he had saved, he lost something even more valuable. He would have to save up money to win it back... maybe he could just buy it from her next friday. He whimpered a bit out loud. At this rate he would never be able to afford that sex toy.

-- But moping like this wouldn't help anything. He cleaned the place up and put the card table back where it belonged. After that was finished, he dug his tail out of the closet and attached it to his rump, where it belonged. Now what would he do? He sat down on his bed and thought. It was night time so maybe he could suck himself off! Oh wait... he needed his penis to do that. But he could do some sounding! No, dang it. He needed his penis for that too. He pulled out a few dildos from a drawer and looked at them. They just reminded him of his penis and the fancy sex toy that he didn't have. He shut the drawer and just sat in bed quietly. It would be difficult to fall asleep tonight.

-- Although there was no need for sleep, because at that moment, the doorbell rang. Ulysses trudged slowly to the entryway and opened the door. There stood a dragontaur with a fur coat like a snow leopard. It was Achaius, a friend of his.

-- "What are you doing here?"

-- Achaius quietly pulled out a plastic bucket that had a glass measuring bowl inside of it. "Can you spare a cup of sugar?"

-- Ulysses scratched his head, "Isn't that custom a bit outdated?"

-- "Maybe... But I started doing some baking, but I ran out of sugar. The store is closed at this time of night."

-- "Wow that sucks. So you can't buy the sugar now."

-- "I know that's why I walked over here to see if I could use some of yours."

-- "Oh right. Why don't you come inside. I'll have to find where I keep it." he made his way to his little kitchen.

-- Achaius nodded quietly and stepped inside making sure to wipe his big paws off on the welcome mat before closing the door behind him. He had never seen the inside of Ulysses's home. He laid himself on the couch. It was the only piece of furniture big enough for him. Ulysses had pulled up a kitchen chair to reach the top shelf where he kept the sugar. He had to stand on his toes to reach it (even though he often stood like this anyways). Achaius had set the bucket aside and was beginning to wander through the house. He glanced into the kitchen and saw Ulysses's tailhole as the green dino was pulling a new bag of sugar down from the shelf. Achaius blushed and looked away.

-- Ulysses stepped down from the chair and approached Achaius with the bag. "You can take the whole bag if you want. I have another and I don't bake very often."

-- Achaius was about to say "thank you" but his eyes had drifted down to Ulysses groin. "Hey, what happened to your bits?"

-- Ulysses looked down and blushed "I lost them in a poker game."

-- Achaius gasped in horror, "You lost them?!"

-- "It's not that bad. I can win them back next week."

-- "But still that's terrible! A whole week without your bits." Achaius shuddered at the thought.

-- "But aren't you modular like me? Surely you've lost your cock before."

-- "Certainly not. I keep mine protected in a box that I take extra special care of."

-- "Oh, I forgot about that box of yours. So you don't have them on now?"

-- Achaius was silent for a moment. He raised a hind leg and felt between his back legs with a paw. Shaking his head, he replied, "I do have them on. I must have put them on when using the bathroom before I left the house and forgot to put them back." He lowered his paw and blushed a little bit. Without a word he took the bag of sugar and set it inside of the bucket he brought. "Uh... Thanks for the sugar." He said trying to avoid the awkwardness of the moment. It wasn't working since his eyes drifted back to the pink circle on the dino's crotch.

-- "It's no problem." the dino replied clearing away most of the awkward tension in the air.

-- "I should repay you."

-- "No no there's no need for that. It's just a favor. Friends do favors for each other." Ulysses responded promptly. He didn't know of the little quirk Achaius had that made it hard for him to accept favors without repayment.

-- Achaius looked uncomfortable for a moment. He stared at his big paws and shuffles them idly. "Well... as a friend of yours, I'd like to do a favor for you."

-- "What's that?"

-- "I'm going to loan you my bits to replace the ones you lost."

-- Ulysses didn't know what to say at first. On one hand, it sounded like the perfect solution. But on the other hand, he didn't want to be responsible for his friend's most valuable possession. "I couldn't let you do that. You love your sexy parts." He finally said looking down and his friend's front crotch

-- Achaius wouldn't be swayed. In fact the pink tip of his member was already poking out of the slit. Achaius was clearly getting turned on by this idea. "You won't be taking them all. I have a set for each pair of legs." he grabbed the bit of exposed pink flesh and pulled on it. His mostly flaccid canine member was pulled out of the slit by the root which was a flat pink circle similar to the one on Ulysses' crotch. Achaius held the member while one of his back paws was occupied with pulling off the spotted ballsack that he had in between his back legs. The flaccid member looked like a big meat slug or something. Achaius passed the ballsack up to his empty hand and popped the dick onto it. He then held the whole package up to his pal. This is a combo of my favorite cock and balls. I want you to have it until you get yours back.

-- "I can't take your favorite parts A-" before he could finish, Achaius interrupted. Not content to simply persuade his pal, the dragontaur just pushed the package onto Ulysses' groin sticking it into place. The feeling of the new genitals zapped through his nervous system. He didn't finish what he was saying, but just let out a sound of pleasant satisfaction. A soft goofy smile spread across his face. For some reason, Achaius scooped the dino up in his arms and carried him to the bedroom. "What are you doing?" Ulysses asked after the surprise.

-- Achaius laid his friend down in the bed, "Just doing us both a favor. Sit up please." he replied licking his lips.

-- Ulysses picked up on what the big guy was getting at. His new cock caught on too, growing erect rather quickly at the thought of a blowjob from a dragon. Achaius smiled at his buddy who was soon absorbed into the sight of the new parts on his groin. The cock and balls were two thirds the size of those of a feral horse. "Woah... These are massive!" exclaimed Ulysses.

-- Achaius blushed at this. Unlike most males who like to brag about the size of their package, Achaius was really embarrassed by his large size. "It's nothing special really. They're just the average size for a taur, maybe a little bit below average." While it was true that his package was nothing unusual for any male taur, it looked downright huge on the groin of the anthro dino whom was currently rubbing the big canine cock with both hands.

-- "I don't care, it's awesome!"

-- "Good. Now are we ready for that blowjob?" Achaius asked, taking his head off with a smile. The dino nodded and the canine erection that was once his, bobbed in anticipation. "Wonderful. Now let's get this started." He placed his severed head in Ulysses' lap with the big dong sticking up right in front of his nose. "Now hold my head in your lap like this, and let me do the rest." The head said with a grin.

-- "Sure thing." Ulysses replied with a grin of his own as held the head of his friend by the sides of the neck.

-- Achaius' head went right to work. He teased the knot with the tip of his tongue and slowly moved upwards as the long dragon tongue extended further out of his mouth. By the sounds of his friend's murring, he could tell he was off to a good start. Why shouldn't he be? He had been doing this on himself for most of his life. With all the self taught practice, he was almost an expert at giving blowjobs. His tongue ran up the shaft like a snake doing some sort of erotic pole dance. Ulysses moaned softly as his breath turned into deep panting. Achaius especially knew how to please his own cock. That big dragon tongue of his wrapped around the rod tightly and pulled down on it, steadily pulling it into his open maw. This let out a moan from Ulysses who felt his huge cock plunge into an abyss of blissful warmth. Pre began dribbling out of the tip. Achaius suckled the throbbing member steadily. He knew all the hot spots the made this cock tingle. He ran his tongue over the smooth surface of the hard meat. He always loved the feeling of that smooth texture with the squishy yet super firm rod in his mouth. It was a satisfying and relaxing feeling that made him feel more complete. Ulysses meanwhile was moaning out loud at the wonderful sexual sensations. With the large size of this member, he felt more of everything. It was double the pleasure he had ever felt from his penis. A sudden surge of intense pleasure shot from his groin overwhelming his mind and flooding throughout his body. As the orgasm hit, his cock sprayed cum into Achaius' mouth which the head happily gulped down. The warm seed tricked down the back of his throat and dripped out of his neckhole.

  • Ulysses laid back panting, thinking it was done. Achaius had other plans in mind. He kept sucking on the canine cock keeping it hard. He figured it was time to go all out on him. His tongue is covered in small barbs he got from the feline part of his family. He kept them flat most of the time, but now he raised them up on this tongue raking them along the cock with every motion. Ulysses gasped at the sudden increase in stimulation. He didn't think it could get more intense, but now it felt like Achaius had been going gentle on him. Achaius went over all of those sensitive spots again now rubbing them with all those tiny barbs. He rubbed his rough tongue back and forth steadily across the underside of the member. Ulysses has his eyes closed and his head held back at this point, so he didn't notice that Achaius' body was getting involved. Achaius stood up and grabbed his head by the horns and started bobbing it up and down on the member. Ulysses just moaned more huffing and puffing, taking deep breathes. Achaius pushed his head down so much on each pump, the tip of the cock poked out of the back of his neckhole. Achaius kept it up until he felt Ulysses getting close to climaxing. He pulled his head off of the cock and began a furious handjob routine. The dino hit his second orgasm spraying cum all over Achaius' face. Achaius only giggled and purred in the shower of hot seed.

-- Ulysses' chest was doing a lot more moving as he panted. Achaius put his head back on and looked down at him. "I'll give you a little bit of time to catch your breath before the next part."

-- "Next part?" he managed to say among his heavy breathing.

-- Achaius nodded and pulled off Ulysses' head. With the relaxation of post orgasm he really couldn't fight it. "Yes I have one more thing planned for us." Achaius pulled his head off too and placed both heads side by side on the bedside table facing the bed. "Now get on all fours for me, please." he said smiling at the head sitting next to his.

-- Despite the two orgasms just a few minutes ago, Ulysses didn't feel as worn out as he normally would be. He didn't know how potent his new balls were. His body quickly turn over and got on all fours instinctively raising his tail. Achaius wiped some blobs of cum off of us face and quickly rubbed them on the dino's Anus. Ulysses murred as Achaius slipped his finger inside spreading the warm cum around for lube. Once the makeshift lube was applied, Achaius' headless body hopped up onto the bed behind Ulysses. The taur's big cetacean cock wiggled between his back legs and bent itself forward in preparation. Ulysses wiggled his rump playfully encouraging the taur.

-- "Hurry and mount me." he said. Achaius' headless body stepped over him. He poked the tip of his member to the Dino's tailhole and slowly began sliding it inside. Ulysses moaned softly as he felt the taur's meat stretch him out. The cock slid over his prostate as Achaius pushed in it. It wasn't long before Achaius started humping him steadily. The bizarre spectacle of their headless bodies having sex was surprisingly arousing. After a couple minutes of hard pounding, the both came giving off loud moans. Achaius' warm seed was satisfying and calming as it spurted up inside of him.

--Achaius wobbled a bit and tipped over to lay on his side. His cock was still inside Ulysses pulling him to his side as well. Ulysses chuckled and pulled both of their heads off of the table to snuggle with. Achaius purred and kissed Ulysses on the nose while the dino's body held them in a warm embrace.

-- "Thank you, Achaius. I really enjoyed that." said Ulysses smiling.

-- "It's no-" Achaius head yawned interrupting himself before he could finish. "It's no problem. I just enjoy making others happy."

-- "You did a great job. I haven't had this much fun in quite a while."

-- Achiaus gently closed his eyes saying, "I'm glad you enjoyed it." His headless body pulled Ulysses into the embrace of his paws and warm belly. Ulysses couldn't object much because the taur was already drifting off to sleep. Ulysses relaxed and closed his eyes as well. Maybe he could wait a while before buying that toy. After all, with friends like this, who needs sex toys?

Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 3

--They traveled for a day at this point, and where they were going was still a mystery to her. She had assumed that he was leading them to his own kingdom, but where was it? When she had asked him earlier, he told her "my place" and would not give her...

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 2

--The day was starting out the same as any other. Lilia ate her eggs slowly and tried to avoid making eye contact with any of the men at the large table of the dining hall. She knew that once she made eye contact with one of them, they would begin...

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Stolen Heart of Fire chapter 1

-- Deep in a dark forest under a moonless night, a meeting takes place between two concealed people. -- "It's been a while since we last spoke. What brings you here?" -- The voice that responded was deep and resonated slightly as it spoke, "A longing...

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