The Blue Against the Yellow

Story by Plexadonn on SoFurry

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Soundtrack: Gregorio Allegri and Giovanni Palestrina

Email: [email protected]


(11,636 words)

There was a river that someone thought would be easy to build a bridge over. Yes, the bridge was made easily, but the team that had assembled it had not done a good job. The frame barely stretched across the water-filled gap enough to allow the light-weight vehicle to cross without Eddy Kilb bouncing around inside.

He looked out of the side window next to his face to see if the car he was in was going to topple over, he thought the driver had struck someone down, or was plummeting into the water. The sky was growing dark; the second of two suns--the red, followed by the yellow--was setting. The final light from it was casting a glow across the grey and brown steppe wasteland that was the surrounding terrain of Colline, the city and heart of this monarchy realm. This was the home of King Ablan.

Eddy was to be his new assistant. To assist what? Was his first question when told of the position offer. Ablan's previous assistant had been Eddy's uncle, who was three times as old as the young Labrador. These two canines had virtually identical appearances, except when the older Lab contracted TB from a venture out into the wilderness of Ablan's demesne when he became decrepit. Eddy had stronger features than his dead relative: a rounder snout without so much excess flesh making his lips, and a darker nose--which he always liked other than that pinkish tinge--and brighter eyes of a saturated yellow. In Eddy's youth, he had yet to show signs of physical atrophy from age, and his build was above average; though short, he was muscular.

His physical appearance would not likely be a factor in filling his uncle's position, for his credentials were not exactly as good. In fact, he had no real training for this sort of thing; he had merely observed and aided his uncle in his work while they had lived together many years ago. Up until now, he had been observing that same thing from his older brother. Why that neither sibling nor his father was called to replace the dead dog was unknown to him. The Kilbs lived just outside of the palace grounds, yet Eddy had never been there before; his location must have been convenient access for the replacement.

As the car quickly approached the palace, the population along the road decreasing with each kilometer, he hypothesized. Perhaps it was a test, that no one was dead and he was to be a replacement for the uncle when he actually died. It was more likely that anyone else was not available, nor was anyone close enough to arrive at the palace in time. Yes, that was it, Eddy determined. He was merely a substitute till the real advisory-dog could be fetched...

Why then was he greeted by so many beings at once? It made him nervous to see a procession at the gates that asked the driver to stop and allow them to kidnap him. He would have liked to assess his situation but they pulled him out and began scrutiny.

"You look like him... We hope you can do your work quickly before the merchants arrive... Be sure to learn fast..." Then it garbled and he could not make out their speaking. Eddy began walking as they coaxed him towards the main gate. He thought it was ridiculous that the gate was a big shutter installed in the side of a rocky formation. They opened it with a switch and the shudder disappeared upward into the rock and they moved though it to shut it again. Now the terrain was clean, almost pleasant. At least his new home was not a dried-up farmland as his own home was.

Eddy was to live at the palace for this time, and most likely be miserable under the auspices of such superior beings. It was his impression that he would be below even the blackguards or lower chamberlains. It was he being taken from a peaceful, quiet home and his family. His family life, although it was satisfactory, was boring. Even if he were to suffer in this temporary time span, he welcomed it in place of his lonely dreary existence at the Kilb household.

Green was seen. A lawn with trees and colorful flowers was surrounding the main structure: an unimpressive, two-story house with a single hue of black. It could have been grey, blue, or brown, but the fading sun made it impossible to see. He could not make out color as the light disappeared, and they continued to the mansion.

There were a few others running around, mostly heavily clad humans, carrying out various tasks unknown. The leader of this escort seemed to be the wolf in front, a grey canine that wore some dark green outfit; the others in his midst wore similar outfits of different colors. Eddy did not pay attention though, he ignored those around him and those passing and focused on the building itself. He stared up to it, counting the windows... seventeen, the single door--doubled in panels--and the various, electric light fixtures among them.

The Lab found himself apprehensive; for he feared that he would somehow do something to damn himself and destroy the reputation of his family, at least bring them shame. It may have been the things his mother and aunt had told him... what an honor it was, how magnificent an opportunity; you must present yourself with total respect and grace... blah, blah, blah.

Truthfully, he knew of this. Their words had pressured him no more than the weight of the actual matter; it was clear what kind of situation in which he was in involved. He was going to meet the King of his country; he was in his home. That fact alone caused little worry, but knowing he was to interact and discourse governmental matters--albeit minute compared to his actual advisor--made him anxious about his ability to perform. What if his non-formal education proved to be useless and his occupancy there a waste of everyone's time? He would be humiliated and sent back quickly.

But he had no reason to worry, for if anything bad were to happen, it was too late; he was in the palace now and the light diminished further. As the group entered the main foyer, two of them broke from it and entered a partition to the left, a symmetrical one to the right going ignored. The room was wide, bigger than Eddy's entire house, and served no purpose other than to connect halls and the central garden.

Eddy would see none of this yet. He was led forward and to a door, second along the wall, then upstairs. It darkened further as they entered a hallway along a many-windowed wall. As they moved along, Eddy turned his head to view outside of the palace. The dusk concluded and the night showing stars; the moon was out of sight from this vantage. The beings' shoes made soft padding noises on the thick carpet of the hall; shoes were necessary in this setting, and the Lab truly disliked wearing them. Eddy wondered why no one had bothered to illuminate the place.

He then learned why. And the King himself was apparently overseeing the installation himself. Eddy's view was overtaken by the scene before him, the many people in the room dominating his view even with the obvious royalty in the center. Those around him were hoisting long cords through the walls that had been sectioned out. They were electricians, and the King was fascinated by them, and why not? He apparently did not notice the lupine escort calling him.

"Your Majesty." Ablan stood with a smirk, his bald head shining in the light provided by a lamp held by a loyal servant at his side. He ignored the statement, thinking it was a casual passerby showing his respect.

"Your Majesty, King Ablan?" He queried this time, and the King turned to see a handful of his entourage standing around a black Labrador. Eddy went wide-eyed as he saw the King: a dragon, of the wingless type of the many-horned cranium type. The eyes of this dog and the great reptile met and did not separate. It was customary to avert one's eyes and bow graciously in the presence of the King until he deems one not to. Not Eddy though, he was too stunned by the appearance of this dragon. It was not his royalty, nor his posture or anything like that... the Lab could not understand why he felt paralyzed by the dragon's deep eyes of blue. With his perfectly pointed muzzle, the build of his neck and shoulders, those blue scales--as blue as his eyes. Eddy thought he was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen.

Yet he was not supposed to look, and he was attacked. The wolf had noticed his hesitation in protocol and proceeded to smack his head from behind. As the Lab flinched, the wolf grabbed his neck and threw him to the ground. Easy as that.

"And what entrances this one to forget his place? Gawking at His Majesty." Eddy knew he was doomed now. If he did not reprimand himself, he would surely be cast away.

"I apologize!" He spat in panic, standing to his feet. "I lost sight of my humble, degenerate self." The wolf held a firm paw against the Lab's shoulder to keep his head down, "Please forgive me."

"Ech!" The abusive wolf continued, "Does not even know his own place. This mutt lived on that filthy farm so long--"

"Yes, yes. That'll do." Offered King Ablan finally, waving his long-nailed hand to the wolf.

"Yes, Your Majesty." He replied while taking a step backward.

Eddy stared at the ground, seeing only the legs of the magnificent King before him. He did not let his eyes land on them though; he allowed them to dart and twitch here and there, his breathing pattern going abnormal with his pulse rate. The King would surely sentence him to hours of punishment to educate him. Eddy knew he deserved it though, and as the King stepped forward, he was prepared for it.

The Lab's head was gently raised up to view the dragon. Ablan had brought his hand up to the canine's chin and made their eyes meet again. It was different this time, whereas the King kept his previous visage, Eddy's was now full of fear. Was he to be strangled? It was not certain, not with the warm smile given by this exquisite reptile.

"I lavishly apologize for my outrageous staff's behavior, Master Kilb. You are related to the late Marcus, correct?" Eddy had no choice but to stare into Ablan's eyes again, and though he was fully aware that he should not, he wanted to.

"Yes sir... Your Majesty. I am. He was my uncle, and I am here to... uh... replace him."

"Very good. I look forward to being under your guidance." The dragon's voice was incredibly smooth, gentle, soft, almost whispered, but deep and strong. He could probably sing tenor. Ablan did not remove his hand; he kept it stationary while speaking.

"I shall do the best I can, Your Majesty."

"Perhaps you should follow the ways of those around you, Master Kilb." His voice and touch were soothing, his gaze both demanding and charming. "If only to avoid the ridiculous bashing of those such as Lord Ferry here." Brian said nothing.

"I shall, Your Majesty." The dragon let his hand fall with a sigh; to Eddy, it sounded disappointed.

"Show him where he is to sleep." He instructed, Eddy immediately dropping his eyes to the floor. There was a pause and Eddy waited. A mere five seconds seemed to count on forever, Eddy not sure what was happening.

"Master Kilb," spoke the charismatic King, Eddy looked up. It was clear that he had stopped the movements of Brian by holding his hand out to say 'wait'. "When speaking with someone, you should look directly at them. Although your voice is now a nervous wreck, it is pleasant to look at your eyes. I see something very nice in them, and I'd appreciate you doing so."

"All right." He once again lost his ability to think properly. What could Ablan mean that that? He was attacked by Brian once again with a growl and a slap.

"'All right'? You foolish mutt--"

"Yes!" The King hissed as he approached to strangle Brian, "That is enough of that. When next I see you attack Master Kilb, I shall attack you, is that understood?"

"Yes, absolutely Your Majesty!" Breathed Brian in surprise, those around him and the electricians gasping in horror at the scene. They were too alarmed by the actions of the King to understand fully what his intent was. Ablan did not hold his grip for another second; he released Brian and stepped back.

"Master Kilb," the King offered with a smile and a nod. Eddy was quick to bow, stooping low and stepping back as Brian told him to follow. Eddy moved back into the hall with a final glance to the King. Their visions met once again, Ablan still smiling.

As Brian and Eddy exited the room and the others going elsewhere, Eddy shook his head with an exasperated sigh and contemplated. He had messed up twice, in accordance with Brian's fist. That embarrassed him severely and made him look foolish to both the King and himself. Then there was that hesitant pause, when he was entranced with the, er, beautiful King Ablan.

Eddy had seen dragons before, very seldom, yes, yet even then, he found himself absent of intrigue. It was King Ablan that had given him that sort of reaction. It could have been telepathy of some sort, a mind trick perhaps. It was when their eyes met that had created the most significant effect, however. The physical contact, the sound of his voice, those two were amazing, the dragon's piercing eyes. He wanted to be rid of the thoughts; they unnerved him in their irrationality. Brian helped.

"I do not know why the King acted in such a manner with you," he spoke, "but I care not what he tells us, or to you. You will have to learn the ways of royal conduct unless you want to be beaten some more. I would be happy to do it too. Until now, I have had to wait for one of the staff to misstep their place in order to exert my punition. With you here, I shall enjoy beating someone more often."

"I understand that His Majesty wants none of that."

"Yes, therefore I shall do well to keep my punition from his eyes."

Yes, keep from his eyes so I can look at them for myself... so he can keep them for me...

In any matter, Eddy knew that he was expected to show the proper etiquette in the presence of the royal dragon. The ranting of his two female relatives before his departure had done nothing to prepare him for what that might be. But if he truly needed to know, he would have to ask this Brian or another perhaps. He understood that there must be a friendly being within to speak with.

The palace was big; Eddy knew it when they finally came to his room on the other side of the building. Another dark hall, no lights, and through a door where he was still in the black atmosphere.

"Here is where you are to sleep. For how ever long you be here, and I pray that time is short; you will stay here unless you are needed or if you really find it necessary. I cannot lock you in, unfortunately."

"Yes," Eddy smiled, "unfortunately." Brian left hastily, no glib words from him for the time being. Eddy was not looking forward to seeing him ever again. His luggage was here now, brought up moments before by someone after he had entered the palace. A single suitcase, only some clothing and books. He really needed nothing, for there was nothing to bring in his position of assistance.

He looked down to check the time on his watch and see that it was a few minutes past 21:00. There he stood in the darkness, wondering if the lights would be working here. If no anywhere else except outside. He stepped to the single window to view the eastern landscape of Colline. Eddy could see the lights of a village that rounded past a hill, these lights dimmer than the stars.

Glancing around the room, he spotted a chair and dragged it so he could be seated at the window and stare into the sky. It was a common pastime activity for him, usually sitting for a few hours, usually with a book or pet cat on his lap, occasionally with a neighbor to chat with. He had the first one, but was not inclined to read at the moment.

After the first hour of his relaxation, he began to think of his situation. The King who he had met that night did not give him the sort of impression he had been expecting. Eddy had Ablan pegged as a cold, aristocratic lout. None of the above, however. It seemed that Ablan had been interested in a cordial, pleasant welcome. His demeanor was both sedated and influential; it had influenced a mind lapse in him and constantly influenced inferiority to those around him--his staff. Eddy had not felt inferior or subordinate to him, though. Strangely, he had felt connected with him... with those eyes.

The recurring thought of the King's reptilian optics began to annoy the Lab. He stood and opened the window to feel a temperature below freezing. He fell into the chair and let the coldness seep into the room. Here he stayed for half of an hour till he realized that he was awakening from, and then fighting, stage one sleep.

Time for bed, he decided, and moved to the large mattress. It was comfortable, as he sat on it, he wondered if it would be improper to sleep in the nude, as he was accustomed too. No, he would not do so. The Lab stripped off his overcoat, light brown, then unfastened his tunic, white, at the neck and cuffs. Next, off came his slacks, dark green, along with his black shoes, light footwear that he hated wearing. He was left wearing only the white under garments, and that was good enough.

After a minute of drifting through altered states of consciousness, he decided it would be best to shut the window. No use in wasting the heat from the room. He then fell asleep quickly


Eddy did not again meet his, er, the King until that next evening. He saw him, yes, and heard people shouting to and for him; Ablan's life was hectic, it seemed. The black Lab had awaked to a knocking and quiet shouting for him to awake. He dressed immediately, the same outfit from the previous day. Upon seeing this, the bright female doe--an antelope or gazelle, Eddy could not be sure--became flustered and shoved him back inside to redress him.

He had only one other outfit, she realized it would have to do, and told him he would be provided with others that were more impressive. It did not matter to him, but at least if he had prettier clothes he could seem less the buffoon in front of His Majesty. The doe had a smirk, but it was not really a smile; she seemed cheerful, but the display seemed false, obviously a persona. Her movements were forceful, and her dragging Eddy through the entire palace in a tour was either exciting or aggravating.

The Lab quickly learned that it was not a tour; it was an explanation of where he was allowed to be, where he was forbidden to be, and where neither would matter. Eddy forced himself to pay attention--not wanting to later on stumble into a restricted area and be beaten by dufus Brian--but found it hard to remember what areas where which of the three with the female going about so fast-paced. It was as if she had done so many times, she was so fluent, though she made every detail known and was sure that Eddy gave her a 'yes ma'am' or 'I understand' every time she asked 'do you understand?' or 'will you remember?'

As they left the house after almost two hours of this, he smiled as she led him outside into the sunlight and into the central garden. Here was a square of lawn, flowers, trees, a fountain and pond. The pair moved across it quickly, the canine hoping she would explain something of the lush environment, but it was not relevant in his situation. He would be tidying the place or feeding the ducks.

During the time of walking, the doe described the jobs of everyone in the household. It was pertinent to know this, in case of something going awry and Eddy knowledgeable enough to know who to replace or how to go about fixing something. It was vague, and Eddy learned that he was to be a general assistant. Higher up than a chamberlain, though lower than the Lord or bodyguard.

The black Lab was not disappointed with the work that could be involved in his position. It was clear that he could be easily replaced, and if he truly wanted to be rid of the job, he could simply settle for sloppiness, perhaps insult the King or squabble with the staff.

"It seems that the King acts more like a Lord than a King." He observed at the risk of insult.

"Ah yes, this is true. And you would be wise not to blurt that sort of mess to his face, or I'll tread on you myself." Was her quick response.

That was half of a day; the next half was spent with Brian. As it turned out, Brian was not a malicious jerk; he was merely a major puppet of his own submission. He was a psychological perfection for his own task of advisor. Brian used up Eddy's time with what he threatened him with earlier: learning to behave properly in the presence of His Majesty King Ablan. It was simple, very few things involved, for the emphasis was on what one should not do. It was when not to do those things that complicated the matter. Eddy told himself that it was simpler not to do anything at all in the presence of Ablan.

"That's right." Brian told him, "It is best always when you just shut your mouth and look at the floor."

Eddy was hungry, having eaten very little that morning or noon, so he was glad to have been invited to dinner that evening. As at home, he figured that the entire staff would be there in the dining hall and it would be a social event.


It did not occur to Eddy till arriving at the destination that the invite had been personal. That the King desired the company of only Eddy. More of that apprehension and nervousness filled him as he made his way there. It was clarified that he was not to arrive until precisely 20:00, so he waited in his room till then, reading a book.

Then downstairs he ventured to find the King waiting with a look of solemn boredom. Eddy froze for a moment when he saw Ablan staring at the wall, not yet seeing the Lab. He wondered if that scowl of weariness was because of him. But he could not just stand there in the doorway with that stupid look on his face. He took a deep breath, as if prepared for a drowning experience, and approached.

Eddy moved forward, counting his steps, making sure he got in range of the King in order to be seen yet making sure he did not get close enough to 'endanger' (as Brian put it) the royalty. King glared, and Eddy froze, but he bowed before he could see Ablan's face brighten with the sight of his guest. The Lab was then seized by his shoulders and pulled up to see the dragon inches from him.

"I waited, hoping that in your hunger you'd come early. It seems that my staff has plagued your entire day with frivolous claptrap." He stated with that amazing smile, his sharp white teeth showing.

"I apologize, You Majesty, if I had known..."

"No matter!" He concluded happily, placing a hand against Eddy's neck. "We shall enjoy it." He then moved to the table. The room was rectangular, wide enough to fit many beings at once and fit. There was a large, archaic chandelier that hung from the ceiling that shone down with white light. The Lab had never seen such a thing, and merely gazed at it.

As the King sat at one end, a servant pushed Eddy along to the other end. There he rested his behind on a chair, behind a blank plate accessorized with fork, knife and spoon. He could not see the King well from here; he could not see the frown on the dragon's face. Ablan sighed in irritation, a tone that his guest easily understood, thinking he was again the cause.

"You." He snapped to the servant as she returned from sitting Eddy, "Bring Master Kilb and his set closer to me so I can enjoy his company. I'd rather not squint and shout to see his handsome face!"

"Yes, Your Majesty." Then moving commenced, the girl, a human, non-attractive, helping Eddy to carry his eatery stuff a few chairs closer to the King. However, Ablan was still displeased with the single seat between them.

"I don't know how you people converse with each other," he whined, "But I prefer being at least a meter in distance." Another majesty phrase and more moving, and now Eddy was sitting within one meter of the King. That lovely smile warmed the canine once again and the two sat there in silence, the King staring, Eddy looking towards him but not at him.

"How do you think Master Kilb will find his stay here?" He asked.

"Oh, I hope to enjoy it, though I am not sure if I am entirely necessary." He felt the need for honesty. He was not prepared to say that he was happy with his position.

"Not necessary," the King leaned forward and snapped his fingers to get the Lab's gaze, "you may understand that my own position virtually simulates the Lord of a manor in larger countries. How does the assistant to the Lord function? Is it necessary?"

"No, You Majesty, for the assistant has--"

"Enough of that. Please do not be so formal."

"Yes, King."

"Eh... that'll have to do, I suppose." He then turned his torso to request the food. It arrived very soon after, all groups for a healthy balance. It was quite tasty.

Eddy and Ablan ate silently for the first few minutes. The Lab wanted to say something, ask what had been the point of his questioning the Lord's assistant's position usefulness. Ask why the King was being so kind to him. Ablan had nothing he wanted to say, but he had a few things he had in mind to ask, simply to hear the Labrador's youthful voice.

It was his youth that intrigued him so. How humble he had been in his life, now being changed so much and not positively at that. The King knew that Eddy most likely did not want to be there, that he did so either to further educate himself in the ways of his uncle or simply get money for his family. Either way--and no matter of Eddy's opinions of him--the King was impressed with his honesty and willing to be here to aid him.

Ablan had known his uncle for quite a while, and had grown fond of him. They were friends, an unusual relationship between such two kinds of people. There was something in the Kilb's biology that drew him to their work, their personality, and he knew that this Eddy would easily become his friend. He would first have to prevent his staff from adhering to their etiquette so strictly.

After eating, both were disappointed in the conversation, having ended at 'I suppose...'. But there was more time to go about being friendly. Both were tired and desired sleep. The King had the servants clear the table then he stood and yawned. Eddy stood as well, knowing better than to leave before His Majesty did.

"I understand that you enjoy reading. I do as well, though my eyes do not function in the way to allow it anymore. I would greatly enjoy a reading, if you ever take the notion to."

The request delighted the Lab and he looked to the King with a smile, "Of course, King, I would love to do so."

"Yes, I would very much enjoy that." He approached and Eddy averted his eyes, Ablan telling him not to. "Do you like the size of my library?"

"I did not see it, I was told not to bother it unless necessary." Ablan looked back to his servants with a frown.

"Necessary? Does that make sense to you Eddy?" It was strange for Eddy to hear his name, after everyone around calling him by his title.

"Oh, I suppose not if there are--"

"No, it makes no sense. You listen to me. You loiter in the palace wherever you like. If for some reason you want to take a nap in the panty, then dammit, you do so!" Ablan spoke with a flourish, he laughed then, gently placing an arm around the Lab and leading him into the hall.

"I shall give you a key for the library, if you wish."

"What for?"

"So you can enter anytime you like, then you may lock it to prevent interruptions. I know I loathe being interrupted when reading in a rested, quiet state."

"Yes, I understand."

"Understand?" He stopped walking and looked firmly into the Lab's eyes, each hand on a shoulder, "You understand? I simply think you should spend less thought to what my staff says," then they continued, "that's all there is to it."

King and assistant came to a junction in the halls, Eddy bowing slowly bidding the King a good evening and moving toward his room.

"Eh? You do not wish for a reading then? I suppose not, you look very tired. Yes, you should rest then, for wand'ring about the place drowsy would be disastrous."

"Oh. I shall read to you if you truly desire it."

"I won't pressure you, Master Kilb, although it is only 21:40. It would a much better way to enjoy the remaining evening with you by my side, some company, and some literature." He held on to Eddy's arm lightly, smiling warmly. Eddy could not resist.

"I definitely will, then."

To the King's chamber then to read Dostoevsky for nearly two hours. Both loved it, and both loved being with each other and going over the text with mutual interest. Ablan's chamber was not entirely different from his own. Much bigger, yes, a bit more furnished and decorated, but it was not extravagant. It made the young Labrador feel more comfortable, but the situation of him being alone with the attractive reptilian royalty was awkward nonetheless.

It ended with both becoming sleepy and with Eddy proposing he would leave. The King stopped himself from inviting the youth to spend that night with him, for a statement like that would only cause anxiety in the poor boy.

Both retired in their respective chambers.


Two whole days passed with no interaction between Eddy and the King he supposedly assisted. It was then official: he was simply there to take up space in case of an emergency. It was explained that he was actually supposed to take the King's place in the palace when the latter was out doing business, in either the city or another country. But in the second case, he was to replace the King in the journey outward. Eddy thought it was convoluted and superfluous.

The library alone was worth it. It was double floored, and filled to his heart's content with literature and information. It most likely had whatever he would ever need or want, and it became his only source of entertainment. Between the day of learning the King's business and conduct and sleeping, he found himself going to the library for the rest of the time, which was never more than an hour. That was better than nothing though.

Three more days. Eddy began to grow accustomed to the ways of the palace and began to miss the presence of the King. He was not sure it was the dragon himself, or if it was the essence of his royalty that made this unnatural attraction possible. Was he fascinated by him personally or by his stature? Both, but which of those two made his heart palpitate when he caught glimpse of his beautiful eyes or felt the electricity of his touch?

A day over a week. Monotony can set in fast, and with nothing more than eating, sleeping and learning though lectures, he found himself more interested in the library than actually helping the King. It was not the act of reading, but just being there made him feel less lonely. The authors and thinkers around him, their ideas all for the taking and their text all for submergence.

Eddy had grown weary though, and one night, the first night in years, he found insomnia. It was too late for it; he could not be awake at this time, not at 03:00. Nevertheless, there he was, sitting up in bed after lying there for three hours, alpha waves barely settling his brain. He might have entered stage one, but that would not be possible to determine.

Next, he found himself in the library. However, he could not go there naked, he settled for putting on his slacks, no one would be there and no one would hear him. He wondered how long it would be before his mind became tired enough to allow rest, staring at pages of words should induce it though. It did, for after only a quarter of an hour did he feel sleepy. But he was startled by a creak. How out of place that sound was as someone opened the library door and strolled in.

Eddy was prepared to hide, for if caught--especially by Lord Ferry--he would be thrashed, what with being inappropriately dressed and all.

He found surprise in seeing the King turn the corner and come into view. He wore a nightgown, long flowing black and blue silken robes. He had a frown upon approaching, but it turned pleasant when seeing the Labrador standing there embarrassed, looking at the ground. Ablan was sure to be displeased with the behavior now. Eddy had neglected his manners and was making himself too comfortable, treating the palace as his own home. He understood this well.

It was the first time he had seen the King in a while, too much time, and it was horrible for him to be in such a lowly position now.

"You Majesty," he began, discarding the King's past request of informality--thinking this situation voided it--"I apologize for my lack of--"

"What? You have done nothing wrong. It is I..." Ablan stated morosely, "I have not been able to spend any time with you. I feel bad for it, I am sorry Master Kilb."

"You are busy; you have important things to do. Not much time to waste on me. You are a good King because you devote all your time to you business."

The King then approached, a face full of disappointment, and put his hand on Eddy's shoulders. The touch made him shiver, feeling Ablan's claws against his fur like that.

"You say you are unimportant. Yes, even though I have many things to be doing about here, should I be devoid of pleasurable experience?" He looked off into space as if contemplating, "By the gods... I have done this for so long and never once have I been able to relax for more than a day."

He paused with a sigh and looked down to meet the Labrador's eyes. Blue against yellow, both penetrating the other's senses. Ablan touched Eddy's shoulders with each hand, gently gripping with each digit. It was invigorating to the canine, but he could not seem to relax and enjoy the contact, as much as he wanted to.

"You are intelligent, young Eddy. And you learn well and fast, you are reliable and competent." Then a pause, the King slowly grazing a hand up the Lab's neck and underneath an ear, gently nudging it, and scratching the back of the Lab's head with his nails.

"I admire you for that." He spoke, but the words did not fully penetrate him. Eddy closed his eyes and sighed, finally able to ease his muscles. He wanted to put his arms around the King and embrace him, to feel his body against his own.

Ablan then moved his second had to Eddy's other ear, and with both hands, he began massaging them. How was it both exciting enough to entice his parasympathetic division, yet calming enough to put him in a trance? That was the effect the King had on him, neither could explain it, neither felt the need to; they both enjoyed it equally, and that was all that mattered to them.

"You are very soft..." Whispered Ablan, Eddy noticing that the King's face was closer to his now, his scent was stronger. That aroma was not enticing, though it told of his age and health, nothing especially unique about either. He was much older than the Lab, and equally healthy. But Ablan liked the way this canine smelled; he smelled of youth, of a blossoming person, of an excited boy.

Their muzzles touched as the dragon moved against him, kissing him lightly on the cheek. Eddy moaned, he tried not to, but he was letting himself enjoy it too much. It was still awkward to be in such a position, and now with such affection from his King, the very person who he was becoming more attracted to, caused both anxiety and happiness.

Noses touched, the King then pressing his lips against Eddy, sliding his tongue out to caress the Lab's teeth. Eddy parted his lips and reciprocated, letting his own tongue out to contact Ablan's. It was strange to Eddy, and he was ready to retract the appendage when Ablan moved in with a bit more force and kiss him fully. They locked, both their pulses above normal, and felt each other's tongue, felt the intense, warm softness of it, and each fell against the other.

The dragon embraced Eddy as they both leaned back against a shelf, the books cushioning them, and ceased the kiss. He let go of his friend just enough to allow him to see both eyes. Now their snouts touched but barely, each could feel the warm breath of the other.

"You do not embrace me, Eddy." He said, continuing to whisper, "Why? I why would truly like you to."

Eddy did not know how to answer, he could explain easily, but it would most likely not make sense to the King.

"Does this situation intimidate you?" Ablan asked, and now that the young Lab was presented with a possible answer, he took it.


"I see..." then Ablan let go of him, released his loving hold, and stepped back, "That's too bad; I was hoping you felt the same for me as I do for you." Eddy watched the dragon's emotion change. It was not necessarily disappointed or sadness, it was both, alongside satisfaction.

"I do... Ablan."

"Yes, I am glad I could show you, though, just what I've been wanting to." He reached forward with an arm and gently stroked Eddy's chest. Slowly, he slid his claws and palm down his front, the effect was the Lab's shiver in pleasure. Ablan smiled at his reaction.

"But it will not end, Eddy. I still... like you too much. Perhaps we could enjoy this more, when you are more comfortable around me, some other time. I hope you can fall asleep better now."

He departed the room, closing the door behind him. However, his hopeful thinking went unfulfilled; for Eddy could not fall asleep very well after returning to his room. And there he lay, his mind processing so much information that he could not relax. This would drive him mad, so he meditated.

Blocking the thoughts, he positioned himself on his back and focused on a spot on the ceiling. He began listening for ambient sound, concentrating on everything in his field of vision, then his physical sensation, counting his pulse rate, carefully controlling his respirations.

Then with no thoughts of King Ablan, he fell asleep.


Eddy expected the King to keep to his evasive business. Yet he found that Ablan now made efforts to be with his new assistant as much as possible. Everyday now, Eddy and Ablan spent the evenings together, discussing the matters in which the Lab would be expected to solve, the history of the surrounding land and the King's experiences.

More readings as well, and with each one, now seven of them--not in a row--Eddy was able to present himself to the King more personally. The Lab now had three personas: one for the King, one for his staff, and one for himself. Yet now that he was becoming more friendly with the King, the first and last of those began to fuse. And even though he was getting along much better with him than anyone else, he knew that he should not be. The King and his assistant should not be close friends because it was unprofessional.

"Unprofessional?" Ablan wondered of Eddy when the Lab voiced his dilemma, "Dear Master Kilb, you have become a respectful part of my staff. Yet you seem to have lost the ability to rationalize, for you must remember that I am an ordinary creature. I desire companionship and love as well. Unless you honestly do not want to be around me this often..."

"Of course I do, King, please don't be upset with what I said, it was only an assurance of myself to know my proper place."

"Although you may think that, I still see you as my friend, not simply as an assistant."

The two were in the garden now, around 22:00, reading by lamplight. They had finished this book, Charles Dickens, and had begun discussing the discourse of the household, only as a way for the King to get Eddy's honest opinion of him. The two had been sitting underneath an arch of ivy, shaded from the moonlight, and now Ablan had shifted close to him till their bodies touched. The King held his hand against Eddy's face and softly rubbed his thumb against his jaw line.

"I know you feel the same. I can tell by your eyes, they way you react to my physical contact." Leaning in close, Ablan nuzzled him, "I wish you would show me your true feelings."

At the request, Eddy found his trepidation melt away in place of the warmth and love coming from the dragon. He brought a paw up and held on to Ablan's shoulder, uneasy. He did not tremble though, they had done this a few times before and that sort of reflex from the canine had passed long ago, but his hesitation to do so--along with the desire to do so--grew tremendously.

Ablan smiled and reached his other arm around to encircle Eddy's back, tilting his head in order to issue another deep kiss. Eddy's aura fused with the King's as both their minds set on only the pleasure of touching each other, the ids of both taking over, both wanting it in full force. Eddy gripped with both arms now as he relaxed against the wall and embraced the King, their kiss slow, rolling and steady.

His Majesty moved a hand up to the canine's cranium and gently stoked his ears, gripping them and squeezing downward, then pushing up and molding his soft flesh. The delicate attention eased the rigid canine further and he began his own petting. Eddy reached to the King's ears, much smaller--not as floppy--as his own, and pointy. His scales were warm and smooth. Eddy explored the reptile's hide, finding the flesh area around his jaw and horns stiff while along his neck it was looser.

He wanted put his paws along the King's entire body, remove the heavy jacket and tunic and run his hands along his muscular form. As much as he wanted it, he could not ask for it, and most certainly could not do it himself. The King could, though. Ablan began removing the canine's clothing, ceasing their passion for a moment to unbutton his coat and slide it off. Next came off his tunic, the King's hand all over his chest in firm stroking motions.

It was intoxicatingly soothing, and Ablan's continuing tongue stimulation only added to it. Each continued to pet the other, Ablan's hands along his sides, front and belly. The King enjoyed the soft warmth of his fur, not having felt anything like it before--at least not in this sort of affection. He liked hearing Eddy sigh and the feel of his gentle paw on his head. He considered removing his own clothes to allow the dog better access, but he feared he would seem forward and only cause worry, for Eddy was still a bit focused on his professionalism. But how professional was Ablan, the King of Colline, to slowly unfasten Eddy's pants and ease his hand into them to fondle his genitals?

The canine gasped at the sudden contact, it was surprising and exhilarating. The King's touch was magnificent and he became aroused quickly. He began breathing heavily, panting, as his phallus emerged from the sheath, blood rushing to the tissue fast to erect it fully and fill the King's hand. Time elapsed at a seemingly faster rate now as Eddy groaned to the firm stroking, that stroking on his cock.

The dragon gripped it, fully wrapping his fingers around it, rubbing it at the top then sliding his palm down to the knot, rubbing that as well. Up then down. More nuzzling, then, the King pushing his snout against Eddy's to hear the guttural sounds from the pup's throat. It pleased him to see such a sensual reaction from his assistant.

And the pawing of Eddy continued for several minutes, neither saying anything to the other, only whispers of moaning or sighing or a purr from the dragon. It was to end soon though; Eddy climaxed and, with a grunt, began ejaculating, the slime from his phallus shooting up into the air and wet the King's hand. Ablan merely chuckled and continued pumping his friend, now aiming the semen outward to drench the grass. Ablan looked to his dampened hand and licked up the fluid, curious to how his friend's seed tasted.

Eddy let out a deep sigh, a groan, and eased his body against the King's grasping him with both arms, holding his head against Ablan's neck. Ablan smiled and hugged him. Eddy's energy was not completely drained, that was only one orgasm, but Ablan was not going to force any more sex into this outing, both were tired--it was almost midnight--and required rest for the next day.

"I hope that, one day, you will be willing to do the same for me." He whispered into Eddy's ear. Ablan helped him to stand and knelt to gather his clothes. Holding his hand as if his mate, Ablan walked him to his chamber and bid him good evening, both bowing to the other.

Eddy crawled into his bed and could not stop grinning. That night would be restful.


Merchants from a nearby city were in the palace that day. King Ablan, Lord Ferry and Master Kilb stood in front of the delegation. They bartered at first, and then the merchant proposed a dealership, a way for them to sell their goods in Colline and make profit from it. Eventually, Ablan decided for himself that it was a good idea, not needing advice from Ferry or Kilb, and that was the end. Eddy knew he did not need to be here, but his presence made Ablan look good.

The black Lab tried to focus on the affair. His thoughts were filled with his infatuation, though, of the evening prior. He had so greatly enjoyed it, being with his King, and wanted it again.

All parted, Ablan taking Eddy along with him to convey more information. He explained how the merchants tended to work, what things they tried to negotiate and why some of them were taken while others refused. Eddy would most likely not need to know it, but there was he slim chance of his necessary knowledge to aid the Kingdom in an emergency. Gods forbid.

No reading that night, King and assistant strolling outside the walls instead. Eddy had tried to persuade Ablan not to go outside the palace at night, that a stroll though the garden would suffice. But Ablan mischievously encouraged him to follow through the gate and began wandering along the mote. Much danger there, for the ditch was filled with no water, but an electric current that was lethal to any living thing.

However, they were between the mote and the palace walls, so they were not in danger of attackers. Circling the perimeter, Eddy caught sight of the moon as they came around a corner and bumped into the King as he stared up at it. He lost balance and fell to his rump, shouting in the fear of falling into the electricity. Ablan laughed at him and dove down to join. He nudged Eddy onto his back with a head-butt and moved over him, both grinning.

Ablan initiated a smooth kiss then, leaning down onto his elbows to connect their mouths. Eddy fully complied and threw his arms around the King, accepting his slender, reptilian tongue and loving it. The grass beneath them was thick and covered very slightly with dew; neither of them was bothered by it. But the slight moisture must have excited the King--the exposure to the outside world and vulnerability to onlookers and all--for he could not help but grind on his friend.

Both were surprised by the action. The King in his eagerness to feel the Lab's sex had experienced a momentary lapse of reason. He was a bit embarrassed at that primal instinct, and his carnality quickly vanished as he lurched up to his knees with an expression that almost worried Eddy.

"Master Kilb!" He managed, holding his sides as if injured, "Please excuse my audacity..." Eddy screwed his face up as if confused. Why the King felt the need for prudence in this situation when he had the canine where he wanted him and could get away with such behavior.

He quickly sat up and knelt in front of his King, his face only inches from his sex region. He could sense the sexuality drifting from the dragon--even though he was of a different species--and he knew that his own had probably been sensed by the reptile. Now it was the King who was feeling hesitant to his actions, when before it was the youth who had found reservation.

Whereas Eddy's was for professionalism, Ablan's was for relationship. If he was to force that sort of sexual intercourse with him, it would destroy their fragile relationship, would it not? Then again, if both wanted it, there would be no problem.

Eddy reached forward to touch his friend's arm, show him the compliance in his mind. Their eyes met in the moonlight and Ablan took the Lab's chin in his hand, softly massaging it. Eddy saw happiness in the King's eyes, quiescent romance, moreover. He knew that he could give the King everything he wanted, easily.

The Lab moved his other hand to unfasten Ablan's pants, moving slowly in regards of allowance. Ablan made no move to stop him, and he actually helped the Lab to pushed his slacks down and undo his underwear. There, he was exposed, his slender phallus arching upward into the cold night air. Eddy immediately took it into his mouth, as much as he could, and began licking it extensively.

There was not much length, the whole thing fit in his maw, but he enjoyed it nevertheless. It was warm and soft, the moisture on it was something of which he had never felt or tasted before. Yes, he had desired to try this sort of thing before, but he never had the opportunity before. On the farm, he would not do anything like that with the animals; he certainly would not with his brother or father. He could on himself, but that completely different.

As soon as Ablan felt the Labrador's tongue lapping at his member, he gasped and pushed his hips forward against it. Such a soft touch the canine had, and the sensation of his hot breath and hard teeth made the dragon shiver with delight. The mutual affection exchanged by both the beings filled them with excitement and they began to forgot their fears. Those hesitations that were so absurd.

The canine began to smoothly slide his lips and tongue along the length of the dragon's shaft, not actually sucking it. Ablan groaned and leaned forward, partially resting his weight on the canine's back. He would not push enough to collapse him, but he wanted to relax fully into that warmth of his mouth. He remained perfectly still during the fellatio, not allowing himself to buck his hips in the slightest.

Eddy gently slid a paw up the side of Ablan's inner thigh and rubbed his groin area to entice his plateau into a climax. It would not take much longer, for as the dragon continued to groan--mouth agape--he felt the pressure of his orgasm rise. He quickly gave some firm pats on the dog's back to indicate what was eminent. Eddy did not care of the warning, for even though it could prove to be unappealing, he badly wanted to taste the dragon's seed.

A few more moments of Eddy sucking, swaying his head forward and back to stimulate every area of the cock in his mouth. The aroma was strong, much like the dragon's natural scent, but stronger here in his genitalia. Eddy could feel occasional spurts of Ablan's seminal fluid splash his tongue and the back of his throat, instinctively swallowing it, though it was not much.

Then, thicker, warmer fluid spurted out into his throat, a very small amount, and he began swallowing it quickly. It splashed him with more force, and he could feel how viscous it was, the globs stretching to coat the entirety of his mouth. Every aspect of the King's ejaculate thrilled him, and he was eager to take it all. This come had a stronger taste as well, and he enjoyed it, but it did not end there. As small amounts of fluid continued to seep from it, Eddy continued to lick his King's phallus lightly till it eased back inside him, sliding into the slit along his pale blue underside. He smiled and leaned back to readjust Ablan's slacks, but the dragon stopped him by pushing his hands away. Ablan lowered himself down and gazed into Eddy's eyes, holding his muzzle in one hand.

"You do not understand how much I appreciate what you've done for me." He whispered. And Eddy could only reply with a continuous smile. The King wanted to give everything to his friend, just as Eddy wanted to give himself. His own climax had been the thing he wanted for so long, in his period of loneliness. He was feeling himself love the boy more and more.

"I'm sure you need some attention too, eh?" He teased the dog. Eddy laughed, for it was true; he wanted Ablan to give him the same sort of affection that he had the night before. Ablan suggested they hurry to his room, where it was more comfortable and warm, to continue with their endeavor. They rushed along the mote and wall, running at full speed--holding hands--to the main door. Inside, they dashed upstairs directly to Ablan's main chamber.

It was a bit warmer, but not much; Ablan moved to turn up the heat, and soon it would make much of a difference. He closed the curtain, while both would prefer to make love in the moonlight; it was not strong enough to illuminate enough of the room. Ablan settled for pale, mellow light from a few lamps along the walls, the fixtures filling the chamber with yellowish-redness.

He removed his shoes and overcoat, asking Eddy to do the same, and placed them in a closet that immediately took them for cleaning via an electronic mechanism built into the wall. Eddy watched the King move past him and begin straightening his bed sheets. He helped, pulling and tucking here and there.

Ablan suddenly grabbed his collar and pulled him forward, but was careful not to choke his love. Eddy gasped and collapsed onto the bed. Ablan laughed and moved towards him, moving himself to lie beside the black canine. Repositioning himself, Eddy crawled close to him, both with their heads on the pillow, a giant fluffy white thing, and embraced.

Ablan swiftly removed his tunic and threw it to the floor; Eddy copied him instantly. There lay the dragon, shirtless, his smooth, beautiful scaled body contrasted against the stark white sheets. The canine placed both his paws against him and began sliding them along his body. Ablan closed his eyes and moved his arms out of the way to enjoy the affection, placing them above his head and resting them on the pillow.

Eddy's paws were rough, from the farm work and all, and the glassy texture of the dragon's hide was a pleasant touch. He bent down and softly kissed Ablan in the center of his chest, his sternum. This made the dragon chuckle, and he opened his eyes to view the dog slowly licking him. Eddy rubbed his nose and tongue along the dragon's pectorals, running his paws up and down his belly. He pressed his digits along the ribs and gripped, as if to print the structure of his love into his mind.

The dragon gently brushed his hand against the side of Eddy's head, petting his ears again, those soft flaps that he liked so much. Eddy grinned and laid his head on Ablan's chest, putting an arm around his abdomen. Those eyes, the blue against the yellow.

The two felt the joy of having loneliness vanish, the warmth of the other's body so close and providing comfort. Yes, he was King, but truly, it meant nothing in the way of passion. Ablan did not view his love as a commoner, never had, neither was he merely an assistant. He was an assistant, yes, for in a way, Eddy was assisting Ablan's mind, assisting the reptilian King to feel love.

Ablan would have liked to cuddle him, but neither of their arousal and passion had yet settled. There was something the dragon wanted to feel, and something that he knew Eddy would enjoy greatly. Pushing up to get the canine's head off his body, he pulled off his slacks, letting them join his tunic, then the last garment. Eddy gazed at his gorgeous form, the strong bone and muscle structure showing a beautiful creature that the Lab could not help but love. Eddy wanted to touch him again, wanted to feel his thighs and calves, but was stopped.

"You should be undressed as I, Eddy." Eddy nodded with a smile and stood from the bed to strip to nothing. Their eyes fell upon each other; this being the first either had seen the other in such a manner. Both were beautiful to the other. The Labrador was solid black, no deviation from that hue in the slightest except the pale white of his eyelashes. Ablan was solid blue, though his coloring was varied among that hue. Mostly dark navy, it faded to almost white nearer his front side and palms; his face was almost blue-green.

Eddy moved down to his King and placed his paws on him again, moving them down to his legs. Ablan was prepared to relax against the touching, but he noticed the canine's knot from within the sheath of his genitals. He grinned in eagerness and he grasped it gently to stimulate his full erection.

The sudden contact engendered a gasp from Eddy and he snickered. With only a few, firm strokes, he was exposed fully for the dragon, and Ablan took him in his mouth.

Just as Eddy had done to him earlier, Ablan closed his mouth around the throbbing shaft and licked it as intensely as possible. As it was Eddy's first real stimulus of this kind, his eyes grew wide in surprise at how incredible it felt. The same shivering effect came over the animal as he felt the dragon's smooth tongue and teeth grazing his tender sex organ.

It was his first time, yes, and it thrilled him almost to tears to know how genuine the dragon's feelings for him actually were. This was not simply an act of lust.

But Ablan stopped soon after he had begun sucking his friend. He began moving onto all fours, and Eddy thought he was repositioning himself, and moved onto the bed fully--for he had been standing with one foot on the ground. He became perplexed when the King turned his back to him and pulled on his arm.

"Mount me." He simple stated. Eyes wide open, hesitant with perturbation, Eddy simply stared at the King. Ablan had his torso twisted so he could see his canine love stare at him, not sure if he should obey or question the King's request.

"But..." Was all he managed.

"Please, Eddy, I want it..." His plead did nothing to sway an action, though his assurance of "It's all right, love," did. With that, Eddy moved closer, his hands still only barely trembling. He was to perform an act of penetration. He was not sure of it, if it would hurt him or the King.

His discontented sigh caused the King to become anxious, that maybe his young friend would be unable to unwilling to do so. Nevertheless, he wanted it badly, and would now say anything to him, short of threatening, to persuade him to connect with him.

"Eddy, please, just worry over it not. Forget what you think now and do it... we both shall enjoy it greatly. There will be nothing to regret later, the joy felt eminently will pass to the next day. I promise you that."

Eddy nodded and placed his hands on his waist, positioning his member in place. As the tip of his member touched the flesh of the dragon's backside, Ablan pushed against it. Eddy forced himself to focus, do as he was told--forget about the unrealistic consequences--and gently edged his phallus inside the King's anus.

"Yes... yes..." Breathed Ablan in rapture. The soft, smooth nature of Eddy's cock would not hurt the King, he was sure of it. So he eased it in, slowly sliding the entirety of it into the orifice. As it stopped at the knot, Ablan groaned heavily and swayed backwards to get the dog to hump him. Eddy did so, smoothly gliding himself out then back in. His spirit rose as Ablan groaned again, pure delectation, and the dragon hung his head down, breathing fast now.

Eddy groaned in astonishment. This novel feel of the warm, moist area of such tenderness of the King was almost too much for him to handle. That sort of tension of Ablan's muscles contracting against his movements and how good it felt absorbed him. He simply could not believe that he was actually doing this. He was not perturbed by it, or fearful, but the sensations of all that were going on caused such pleasure that his perception of reality left and he only dove into the King, not literally.

Both were breathing fast now. As Eddy continued his coitus, Ablan continued to breathe words, indecipherable through harsh expirations. But Eddy knew he was in ecstasy, the feel of having his... lover... inside of him and producing that dual pleasure both desired.

Ablan collapsed then, just his upper body, falling to his shoulders and spreading his arms out to grasp handfuls of the blanket beneath them. Then as his passionate moaning became louder, Eddy became concerned that he would be heard and Lord Ferry would come rushing in to bash Master Kilb's head open.

"Ablan!" He whispered, "Others will notice your voice, know of its abnormality. It will be worth their investigation."

"Forgot your concern, my love," he reassured with a touch, reaching a limb back to graze his fingers on Eddy's thigh, "They can watch in their perturbation, but let us only enjoy each other, please."

Eddy agreed to, and when asked to quicken his pace, he did so. The canine began to pant as the friction heated his member and he gripped the sides of the dragon's posterior. Now both their voices sounded stereo rushes of air through their lungs in jubilance. Now, the pumping movement of the canine's hips began shaking the mattress, the extra movement only adding excitement to the already joyous situation.

"And Eddy," gasped the King, "Do not exit me till you have rose over your climax fully and begin to calm." Eddy silently agreed to come inside of him. He would not enjoy interrupting his exertion only to spill his load elsewhere; he would do as the King wished.

As his orgasm neared, Eddy's bucking became more intense, all to Ablan's rapture. At first, Ablan had worried that this would be painful. But he knew that the pain would only turn to pleasure when the act was fully initiated. And that was exactly what had happened. When Eddy first entered him, it was uncomfortable, yet--as expected--he eased and allowed the probing to slide easily and feel Eddy's hard cock grinding against his sphincter.

He laid there, hips raised, panting and groaning through the sensual air. The feel of Eddy pumping him like that was almost enough to cause him to orgasm in itself. He thought about reaching back and jerking himself, but decided against it when Eddy growled, a rumbling sound that vibrated his entire body and was felt by the dragon.

Though Eddy was closer to coming, the dragon came first, for as Eddy neared his own, he bent forward to stimulate his lover's neglected cock as it hung down, throbbing. With only three firm strokes of his clenched palm, he felt it pulse and with an intense swoon--almost a scream--the King breathed out loudly and ejaculated onto the bed.

Then Eddy came, shoving hard against the dragon's body and pumping his fluid into him. He had leaned forward, and opened his mouth to lap at the dragon's back in all attempts to feel him with every sensory organ. All five were filled by his lover, the King, and he felt that these sensations created the perfect perception of love. Even beyond the physiological workings inside their brains. Their electricity, their magnetism, had fused and became one, and if only for that one moment, their auras were united.

Now they were done, and the excitement would ease into peace. Eddy stood away from the dragon and sat down next to him, looking to his face. Ablan moved onto his back and lay there, relaxing, not looking anywhere. Eddy loved him, and he wondered if the dragon's feelings were similar in anyway. He placed a paw against his smooth belly and leaned to look at his face; Ablan looked directly into his eyes.

They held hands for a moment and waited for the other to speak. Nothing to say, however, their minds were there and both the same thoughts coursed through, their spiritual selves were now commensurate. But it would not necessarily last; these two creatures would now be capable of mutual lust, affection or destruction. Such is the effect of this emotion--not totally biological--the other would now feel an extended tendril of energy from whatever is to be felt. Not identical, no. This telepathy was evident yet discreet. Sadness would encourage sadness, yet if the other were happy, so would his lover.

After discarding the sullied sheet and replacing it, Ablan and Eddy cleansed each other in a bathtub, adjacent to the bedroom. No copulation here, only a soaking rinse of warm water and steam and some gentle rubbing. It was an old-fashioned bath, a big vat of hot water. The feel of the water relaxed their muscles mutually, and both would feel good the next morning.

Into the bed for sleep. The dragon holding the Labrador, both entwining in warmth and the satisfaction of physical, immediate proximity. Souls in the vicinity of another and molding to it for pure happiness.