This is a scifi, light drama. The story revolves around a dejected young college student and his involvement in a mutual love interest and an illegal drug/religious organization. It's not as dense as my "The Drones" series...
Character Development, Dark, Drugs, Gay Relationships, Human, M/M, Mild Drama, No-Yiff, Polar Bear, Sci-Fi
This is much like part 1, however there is a strong horror/suspense element now. There is not much sex in this one; the story focuses more on plot and atmosphere (so if anyone's looking to paw, look elsewhere). But, if you want to read a horror story...
Avian, Bisexual, Bondage, Character Development, Comedy, Dragon, Horror, Human, Mind Control, Panda, Psychological
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ONE GUITARIST SHORT: By Ian "Plexadonn" Tucker, copyright Ian Tucker
(13,466 Words)
Indrid hated getting up this early. That morning as he awoke and glanced out the window he could see snow plummeting from the sky, this made him smile....
Bondage, Comedy, Death, Dragon, Human, M/F, Music, Wolf
IMBROGLIO, written by Plexadonn
Music: Great Lake Swimmers' self-titled album is the primary music for this story, the title track especially being appropriate, others: Stars of the Lid, Slowdive, Steve Roach (early), Deftones (latest 2 albums),...
Comedy, Dog, Drugs, Highschool, Kangaroo, M/M, M/M/F, Relationships, Young Love
I have almost completely re-written this story from many years ago. I've decided to have it take place on the fictional planet Kologa (where most of my work normally does). I have editted a lot of the syntax and improved the flow of narration. I also...
Anal, Dragon, M/M, Mutilation, Oral, Psychological, Rat, Suicide, Tragedy, Violence
WITHIN THE VALLEY, written by Plexadonn.
(the events here are entirely fictional, though based on a real experience - a camping trip with my uncle, his son and my father. For the soundtrack, John Denver's magick is essential, as the metaphysics...
Canine, Generation Gap, Incest, M/M, Oral, Philosophy, Psychological, Romance
This is a departure from my normal writing, and I mean it this time. This is not my usual poetic/artistic style, but just free-flowing and more like the way I talk and think. This is a piece of smutty, sloppy gay erotica, free of the trappings of...
Anal, Exhibitionism, Foot Fetish, Human, M/M, Oral, Pheromones, Reptile, Rimming, Spooge, Threesome
After starting two big works of fiction, and losing interest with both, I decided to create one that involves my fursona, Plexxadon. It's not strongly sexual, and it's done in the style of a memoir. If anyone wants to see the characters, go to the VCL...
Character Development, Fantasy, Gryphon, Half-Dragon, Insect, Love, M/F, Shark
Soundtrack: Gregorio Allegri and Giovanni Palestrina
Email: [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)
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(11,636 words)
There was a river that someone thought would be easy to build a bridge...
Anal, Canine, Dragon, First Time, M/M, Masturbation, Oral, Romance
Here is part two. Enjoy
WITHIN THE VALLEY part 2: The Sanctuary, written by Plexadonn
..,,;;:: /{1} ::;;,,..
The majority of the dust across the sky had settled, forming circular patterns of yellow powder across the mountains,...
Canine, Fingering, Generation Gap, Incest, Love, M/M, Oral, Psychological
Another very old story, one of which I am certainly not proud of. Please do not judge my writing or my personality on this garbage. This is my worst piece of writing and I'm only uploading it for sake of it being in my gallery and for other reasons. If...
Death, Gore, Horror, Human, Insect, M/F, Rape, Violence