Lucia's Lucky Day

Story by porterjoe on SoFurry

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#22 of Stories of Cabalton

Got the idea for an actually contained story. I know it's pretty similar to the premise of The Royal Secret, but I've been wanting to do another estrus-based plot and it's going to be a while in the timeline of the other ones.

" have got to be kidding me..." Lucia muttered at the vial she was holding, ", no..." She slumped over her dressing table and folded her paws over her head as she let the bottle clatter onto the surface. There was just no way this was possible...she could have sworn she got the right one earlier, and this was almost the last day of her heat...No one could be this unlucky...

As the glass plinked against the wood it started rolling in little, mocking circles, the label occasionally popping up like a sneering reminder of her doom, "Contraceptive Tincture...Guaranteed Strength for... Males...Enjoy the next Estrus Cycle!" Lucia slapped a paw onto the vial to stop the gurgling rattle of its motions, and to cover the words that meant the drug would be completely ineffective at dulling her heat.

She sighed heavily and stood up in front of her floor-length mirror, panicked thoughts racing through her head. There was no way she could get ahold of the specialized tincture that countered the hormones driving her mating desire, this was the busiest time of the year for contraceptives, and she had personally cleared out the last of the small supply of estrus-dulling formula from the nearest apothecary.

As she considered her reflection, a scared, grey-tabby cat looked back at her, dull-yellow eyes welling up as the glass showed the increasingly noticeable flab of her tummy and the gentle, fuzzy humps forming over her waistband. She poked angrily at the shapes, cursing her thirty-year-old body that seemed delighted to reveal her age and apathy for staying in shape.

After all, she had always been what her mother regarded as an "old soul," someone who didn't care for gallivanting about during estrus. Her friends were a little less kind, and tended to refer to her as an "old maid," someone who was prudish enough to just numb away their heat year after year.

With a shaky paw, Lucia peeked into her underwear, and saw with some relief that her labia weren't swelling out in desire yet. She still had some time from the last vial...Maybe it would even last till the evening when she could try to go to another apothecary? She shuddered as she thought about the smell of her heat starting while she was working in the library...Well, nothing for it. She would just have to be painfully aroused for one day, it wouldn't be so bad, right?

She gave her reflection an attempted, hopeful smile, trying to twist her muzzle into representing the confidence of riding out the craving need to mate. Her mouth began quivering as she thought about it; she had never had sex before, and after all this time...she couldn't just...find somebody to mate with her could she? Her paws gently pushed up her breasts, trying to give them some of their old perkiness. They weren't unbelievably massive, but they were still...attractive, right?

She shook her head and buried her face back in her palms. What was she thinking? Everybody knew her as the quiet little librarian, the plain little librarian...the chaste little librarian. Nobody was going to want to have sex with an increasingly pudgy old maid. Her tail curled in agony as tears worked over the light-brown accents of her muzzle, dripping off her nose and falling onto the floor.

Nothing for it...Just have to cope...

She dried her eyes on her dark-striped arm, and tried to look more defiantly at her reflection again. Maybe one of her friends would have something for her, and she was going to see them soon for their weekly game of whist. Or maybe they would take pity on her for once, and not make fun of her as she begged some male to come back to her flat and...oh just sod it all...

A barely composed Lucia exited her flat next to the library, her form covered by a stark-plain, blue dress. She had tried to pull the neckline down slightly, but there wasn't much that could be done with the prim design. Different parts of her brain kept arguing with each other, one celebrating the fact that she had put the vial of contraceptives in the pocket of her dress, and the other mocking her for it.

Maybe some miracle would happen and the perfect man for her would just pop into the library, his broad chest flexing as he swept her off her feet and telling her he had been waiting for her always. Yeah, and maybe the books would all come to life and start combing her fur for her at night too...

"Good morning, Ms. Lucia," An elderly rat called wheezily from the front desk of the library, "I believe your friends are waiting in the back."

"Thank you, Winthrop. I'll make sure they don't keep me past the start of my shift," Lucia replied quietly as she moved towards the small common room.

"Don't worry about that, my dear," Winthrop chuckled a cough, "Young ladies like yourself shouldn't be cooped up in this dusty bin in the first place."

Not so young anymore...Lucia mumbled to herself as she gave the old rat a small smile.

"Oh Luica, we were wondering if you would even make it, darling!" A younger calico tittered as Lucia entered the common room, "You've missed half the story I was telling!"

Lucia took her seat at the round table wearily, "Sorry...I had a little trouble getting ready..."

The rest of the girls looked at her with patronizing sympathy, "Well have a glass of sherry to wash away the taste of that horrible stuff you always take." The calico answered with half a sneer,

"Now as I was saying, I was in that pretty red cocktail number I showed you the other week and you would not believe how handsome this wolf was who caught me," She giggled at the memory, "He practically tore it right off by the time we got to his place," She snapped her fingers with a grin at the others.

"Oh my, was he good?" The other girls tittered as Lucia took an uncomfortable sip of her drink.

The calico leaned forward with a mischievous smirk, "He knotted me," she held up two fingers giddily, "Twice!"

The rest of the table giggled ecstatically as Lucia resolutely started dealing the cards, but she couldn't help her own curiosity, "Didn't that...hurt terribly though?" She whispered with a grimace.

The calico sniffed pitingly, "Oh, poor little Lucia...she probably thinks I mean he headbutted me while we were playing football."

This got a racuous laugh from the rest of the girls as Lucia ducked behind her cards while she blushed. Why was she friends with these people? All they ever did was make fun of her for not having a boyfriend or going wild during estrus. She could smell that a couple of them were still in heat even now, the calico's story rekindling their own amorous memories. Disgusting...and soon she would be smelling just like them...

The card game didn't help to settle the little, grey tabby, and her card partners seemed particularly eager to jeer her status as a virgin that morning. They questioned her mercilessly about how often she pawed herself, wondering how she could get by, even with the sterility tinctures. Lucia knew she couldn't ask these harpies for help with her situation, they would never let her live it down, and she sheepishly answered their inquiries while they laughed at her responses.

"But surely you've at least tried it by now?" One of the newer members insisted, "You have to at least have tried putting something up there?"

"Oh yes, she's told us all about the one time she did that," the calico giggled with a glance at the whimpering grey tabby, "Went and got herself all ready and then never tried to get with a real man after."

Lucia felt her eyes stinging with angry tears, "I just...I didn't like it...I don't want to talk about this anymore," she whispered pleadingly. It had hurt so bad she'd binned the ugly thing after a half hour of trying to feel some kind of sexual pleasure, and decided then that it couldn't possibly be worth it.

The rest of the girls didn't seem to care about the little drops forming in her eyes, but gratifyingly managed to change the topic to someone else after they finished chuckling at her.

Harpies...I'm not going to play this sodding game with them ever again...

But she knew that wasn't true, these were the only friends she had managed to secure during her solitary time working at the library. Sure it seemed like they only entertained her status in their group as an easy mark for jokes, but at least Lucia got a little glimpse into the experience of sex second-hand. Maybe if it stopped sounding so disgustingly trivial she would take a chance someday...oh, damn, the sterility tincture...maybe Winthrop could cover her shift today...?

The game wound down and the other girls stood up to leave, many shooting Lucia another patronizing glance as they walked out of the room. The little grey tabby was afraid to stand up, fearing that it might jolt something in her womb and start up her estrus. This had to be the unluckiest day of her life, and it was barely past elevenses.

Winthrop came back to the common room with his packed lunch, looking curiously at Lucia, "Are you alright, my dear?" He asked as he sat across from her.

"What? Oh, I'm fine, Winthrop, thank you." She hastily rubbed her sleeve over her moist eyes.

Winthrop's grizzled face drew down pityingly, "I never much cared for those hens, if you don't mind me saying so, my dear."

"They're not so bad..." Lucia mumbled unconvincingly as she swirled the dregs of her sherry, "Just having a laugh at the old maid..."

The old rat suddenly looked at her sternly, "I will not have you talking about yourself like that, young lady." He wheezed angrily, "You just need to find some new friends who can get you out of this place, give you a chance to see this city of ours from outside the periodicals section."

Lucia shrugged resignedly, "I can't leave, the library is as much a home as anything else. The books are my...they're pretty windows out into a world that can't ever live up to the descriptions." She met his concerned gaze with pleading eyes.

"You have to see it for yourself, my dear," the old rat said softly, "Stories and books can't make you feel life the way it was really meant to be."

Lucia tightened her jaw against her quivering lips, "Well...I'm going to have to find out some things soon, anyway," She clenched her eyes as a harsh lump built in her throat, "I made a terrible mistake, Winthrop...I got the wrong tinctures and I...I don't have enough to get through my estr--" She sniffled as the words were cut off from trying to hold back more tears.

Winthrop quickly grabbed her paw and squeezed it with his wrinkled fingers, "Why don't you take today, my dear," he whispered hopefully, "Get yourself down to the pub and just...enjoy it, hmm? You'll have to fight them off with a stick, I'm sure of it," he nodded as he rubbed her paw reassuringly.

A sob broke through Lucia's throat as she tugged her paw out of his grasp. She looked down at the unsightly bulge around the waist of her dress and felt a long forgotten tingling at the base of her neck, " I need to work...I need it to distract me," she tugged her sleeve across her little, pink nose, "My last dose is wearing off...I need to get to work," She stood up even as the old rat tried to console her again.

"Please, my dear...don't do this to yourself..." He wheezed anxiously as he caught the slight aroma of her heat.

"I'll be fine," Lucia forced her face into a defiant look against the warm glow working up her spine, "I'll just stay at the back desk so I won't bother the patrons." She rushed out of the common room as Winthrop tried to think of something to say...

It's not too bad...Lucia thought as she gathered a pile of returned books. Just a little warm is all. She unbuttoned her sleeves and rolled them up. That's better now, and I don't even want to have sex with anyone yet, I can get through this. No problem at all.

She rolled the cart with the books towards the history section, reading the covers of the volumes as she walked. These were her real friends; bound-leather minstrels singing about times long past to anyone who would just open their covers. She picked up one of the stack on the cart and smelled the pages; oaky and mellow...and it would never ask her about how often she masturbated, or whether she was actually attracted to females, or whether she had even seen someone naked...

She slammed the book onto a shelf as if it had betrayed her. There wasn't time to be thinking about that sort of thing, it was only making it hotter. She cringed as she felt her panties growing tighter, the fabric rubbing against her increasingly sensitive vulva. If she didn't take them off soon, she was going to start...dripping from the stimulation.

She rapidly crammed books into their appropriate spots, her breathing becoming heavier as the tingling heat increased. It was getting worse...It was almost unbearable and this was only the start...

Her frantic motions made her almost elbow a patron as he drew close, "Umm...excuse me, miss." He whispered nervously.

"What?" She almost yelled at him in frustration, but took a deep breath to calm herself. She looked apologetically at the anxious puma, "I'm sorry...I'm having a bit of a bad day...I'm really sorry..." She winced as the sight of a male inflamed her labia even faster. Please don't smell me...please don't smell the heat...

"Oh no, no it's fine, was" The puma pushed his half-moon spectacles a little higher on his long muzzle, "Well, I've been coming to this library for a while...and I was wondering..."

Spin on, you idiot, Lucia's frantic mind begged. Skip to the end before I start tearing your clothes off no no...

She shook her head to try to clear it and noticed that she did recognize the puma. He must have been a graduate student at the Academy, although he was much younger than her. She used to think she would catch him staring at her as she worked, but always brushed it away as hopeless fantasizing. He would just go back to reading his complicated text as soon as she turned her head, and was probably just thinking what everybody else was, "what a sad, lonely old maid." And now, she was a sad, lonely old maid who was inches away from masturbating in the middle of the library.

"Look, I'm really busy," Lucia gasped as she clutched at the cart for support, "I...I can't help you find anything just yet," she had to swallow quickly to prevent the saliva from dripping out of her mouth. Bloody hell, it was bad. Her body wasn't prepared for the estrus she had avoided for so long. Her legs began shaking as she felt her outer labia pressing against her underwear, and she could feel a trickling warmth working into the fabric.

"Well, I was actually you would like to...have lunch with me?" The puma asked hopefully but with increasing anxiety as he saw Lucia's tail thrashing behind her.

"What?" Lucia was stunned enough to climb out of the estrus haze for a moment. He wanted to have lunch? With her? Was he just smelling her arousal and expecting some easy prospect? That had to be the explanation; he was so young, and handsome...Couldn't be over twenty-five, and with the most beautiful green eyes behind those cute glasses...sod it, that's just the heat talking...say you already ate or something.

"I'd love to have lunch with you," Lucia hiccoughed as she felt her mouth saying the words, "I mean..." Well, why not? "Yes, lunch would be lovely." She tried grinning sweetly, but was sure she just looked like a psychopath.

"Are...are you all right, miss?" The puma asked unsure as she leered at him. She must be making fun of him...stupid to ask her out of the blue like this...

The grey tabby quickly pinched her thigh to try to reclaim some of her senses. She breathed in sharply and managed to smile more realistically, "I'm...having a bit of an issue with something, but I would love to have lunch with you. What's your name?" She grimaced as the heat pushed back into her skull and sent another pulse through her loins. He had to be able to smell her by now...

The puma started as he realized he forgot to introduce himself, "Er...sorry I forgot to say...I'm Cedric," he held out his paw with an apologetic look.

"Lucia, pleasure to meet you..." the grey tabby grimaced as she took his paw. Goodness, was his fur warm and smooth. She rubbed her thumb absently as she shifted her weight.

A plume of spicy, sweet aroma billowed out at the motion, and Cedric's ears perked up as his nose caught the scent, "Blimey...I mean, I didn't know you were in heat..." he let go of her and backed up abashedly, "I didn't know, honest...I don't want you to get the wrong idea...I've just, erm, well I thought you seemed nice...but I don't want advantage..." His face twisted in embarrassed anxiety.

Fire exploded in Lucia's heart, but she pushed it down. This had to be a trick, he was obviously lying...he could see her tummy and her plain work clothes...why would this slender, young man be trying to pull her if he wasn't just some horny male catching a whiff of her arousal?

"Forget I asked...I'm sorry..." Cedric whimpered as he started backing away, his tail curling mournfully as he turned.

"Wait!" Lucia gasped. Could he possibly be for real? Could this intellectual young man actually be asking her out? Nobody asked her out anymore, not for ages...She had to take the chance, if for no other reason than her heat wasn't going to let her avoid trying, "No, I'm...well, yes, I am in it..." her mind raced as she tried to think of something,

" about...why don't you go pick up something and bring it back here? I really want to have sss...have lunch with you." She almost screamed as her mouth tried to say, "I want to have sex with you, for hours and hours." Don't cock this up, you stupid old maid.

Cedric turned back with joy pouring from his eyes, "...Really? Brilliant! Yeah, I know just the place. I'll be back in two ticks!" His eye twitched as he caught another wave of her scent, and blushingly adjusted his trousers as he hurried from the library.

Okay, Lucia thought as she rushed back to the common room, that was good thinking; stay in the library...but how am I going to get through lunch without...? She burst into the room where Winthrop was reading the morning paper.

"Winthrop! I'm...I'm having lunch with someone!" She tried to ignore the excited look in his old eyes, "He's a pretty puma named Cedric...urk...just a regular puma. Well, he is handsome, but..." shut up...shut up...just get on with it, "Can...can you tell him to wait here for me when he gets back?" She wasn't hiding the pleading tone from her voice, "He didn't know I was in heat but he asked me out anyway and now I'm going to have lunch with him!"

The old rat just stood up stroked her cheek happily before he made his way to the front desk.

"What do I do??" Lucia muttered in panic. She had to dull the heat somehow, it was unlike any sexual arousal she'd ever experienced. What would that scholar think of her melting through her panties while they tried to talk about books because what else was she going to talk about? Damnit...hell...

Lucia ran to the lavatory and locked the door behind her, her limping run causing her underwear to rub painfully on her inflamed sex. She pulled up the skirt of her dress and yanked her soaking underwear off, causing the air to reek with the tangy spice of her arousal as she rubbed a finger over her clitoris. Her lungs spasmed with her breaths as the stimulation rocketed through her groin, agonizing pleasure making her tail thrash and fluff out.

She couldn't even take her panties off all the way, the stretching fabric holding her ankles together as she fell to her knees to paw at herself. Her nectar poured over her fingers as she traced over her cleft, the blinding ecstasy of her touch making her hips lurch uncoordinatedly. She couldn't stop, though, the need to feel her reddened labia part around something forcing her to work a finger into her vagina. A mewling howl rippled out of her throat as she pushed it in deeper, the strain of blissful satisfaction crippling her ability to stop from humping into her own paw.

The floor underneath her was already spattered with her nectar, and she tried to hitch her dress up farther to keep from wetting it. But with each gentle prod into her cleft, she shuddered harder under the pleasure and felt the burning heat increasing. She didn't care about anything, only feeling something pushing her walls apart, and she gingerly added another finger to delve into her cleft.

Her panties snapped loudly as her knees separated of their own accord, and she howled even louder as her nectar began spraying against the floor. It was unimaginable, she couldn't breathe under the euphoria, and her vagina spasmed with her hips as her toes scraped along the tiles to curl together. Time held still as the churning flames in her womb pushed out into her body, the aching sensation of her heat turning into some unknown ecstasy that squeezed at her probing fingers.

She collapsed forward onto her paws as she heaved in air, letting her dress fall back down around the puddle of her nectar. It was too intense, that couldn't be what an orgasm was like, could it? It was unlike anything she'd ever felt before...

Unfortunately, masturbation only dulled the heat slightly, and she shakily stood up and ran to a stall as the tingling restarted along her spine and the ache began to throb slowly in her passage. She grabbed a bog roll and quickly wiped up the puddle, trying to dry off her paws and the spatters on her dress. If Cedric couldn't tell how badly she was in heat before, he was certainly bound to now...

After a few minutes of desperate washing, Lucia peeked out of the restroom. She looked around stealthily to make sure no one would be close enough to smell her, and quickly scurried towards the common room. She had tried to dry her vagina as her panties were rendered unwearable, but she knew that she didn't have much time before she would have to try to masturbate again. Maybe Cedric wouldn't mind it...maybe it would make her more attractive? Damn...he's already here...

"Hello agai--oh my," Cedric smiled cheerily from the rounded table before he caught the aroma of her fluids, "Er...I mean, do you like curry?" He grinned abashedly.

Lucia stumbled to a seat as she blushed through her fur, "It' did you know?" She realized with near-panic that she had sat right next to him. Why didn't she sit farther away so her scent would be less powerful?

"Well...I sort of asked that nice gentleman you work with a little while ago," he grinned sheepishly, "But I've always liked it too, and I thought it might help with the...erm...scent."

Lucia almost started crying in shame, "I'm sorry, I know it's bad...I'm really sorry...this was stupid, I shouldn't have made you do this..." She started to get up but Cedric laid his paw on hers.

"No, stop! I love your scent...I meant I wanted to try to stop me from getting all..." He shook his head to clear it, "But I'm not like that, honest. And I don't think you're like that either..." He quickly ate a spoonful of the flavorful dish.

"Please...just tell me..." Lucia whimpered as she retook her seat, "I have to know if this is just a joke because...It would be the most awful joke and I...I couldn't..." tears worked through her eyes as her lips trembled.

Cedric's eyes narrowed almost as if he were insulted, "...I told you I'm not that kind of guy," He smiled slightly as he put his paw back on hers, "I've been trying to work up the courage to ask you out for so long...I just kind of blurted it out when I ran into you." He suddenly looked ashamed, "It would be just my luck to do it when you're in heat..."

Lucia stared at his paw as it caressed hers. He had been trying to work up the "courage" to ask her out? The old maid? "...Why would someone as handsome as you want to pull a girl like me?" She asked softly.

"'re cute, and you're smart," he blushed, "I don't want to sound like a weirdo, but I kind of...come to this library instead of the one at the Academy because you work here...And, well, you like the same books that I do."

Lucia realized that she had twined her tail around his as he spoke, a purr echoing in her belly that she didn't mean to start, "You really think...? Er...How do you know what books I like?" She asked, suddenly perplexed.

"You always smell the pages of the books from the history section," he smiled, "It's like you're trying to feel the books in every way that you can...Like you're trying to experience the past."

The pretty grey tabby felt her chest growing tighter around her heart...she did love history, more than anything. Her mouth pursed slightly as she leaned in to kiss him, the purr in her throat growing louder.

"" the puma balked but found himself leaning towards her too.

Their lips met and an explosion of color speckled Lucia's closed eyes, her neck almost vibrating from the strength of her purring. She twisted their tails tighter as he purred back, their tongues inexpertly pressing around each others' muzzles.

"That was...that was quite good..." he mumbled blearily as they broke the kiss, ""

Lucia kept her eyes closed as she settled back, the pulsing heat in her groin making her shiver slightly as it washed over her body, "Would you...?" She licked her lips anxiously and tasted the spice of their meal, "I know you said you weren't like that...but..." She whimpered slightly as another torrent of heat turned her blood into fire, "Huhh...but would you possibly...come up with me to my flat?"

The puma's eyes jittered as he tried to consider the proposal, but set his jaw determinedly before leaning in to kiss her again, "You know, I think...I think I've waited long enough," he whispered with a small smile, "I haven't really had a girlfriend since...hell, years ago...but there's something about you, Lucia."

Lucia felt her heart boiling in her chest, "And it's not just because...I'm in heat?" She blushed harder as her ears folded back.

Cedric shook his head and stood up, "No...but I'm starting to think that wasn't such a bad break after all," He held out his paw, "I really like you, Lucia. I want to be with not to chuck me right away when your heat breaks? If you don't feel the same way...?" He looked at her hopefully.

Lucia shuddered as she stood up and saw the large wet spot on the chair, "You won't be too embarrassed to walk out with me?" She ran a paw over the back of her dress and felt a matching stain from her nectar.

Cedric leaned in close and breathed in deeply, taking in her spicy-sweet aroma and allowing his trousers to tent visibly, "Only if you're not too embarrassed to walk out with me," he took her paw in his and they walked out of the common room with their tails braided...

"Lucia! What in the world...?"

Bloody hell...not her...

The calico cat danced up to the couple as they were exiting the library, a confused look on her pretty features as she regarded the handsome, young puma with the old maid, "Did you pull this handsome beast?" She looked at Cedric with a sensuous sway of her hips.

"Oh, go away..." Lucia muttered as her ears folded back, "Just leave it..."

"But darling...Oh my! Are you in heat?" The calico sputtered as she smelled Lucia's arousal and saw the stains on her dress, "I thought you always took those horrible things to stop yours?" She shook a finger at the grey tabby accusingly, "You really shouldn't be roping in this good looking male by flaunting about, it's not fair to him, Lucia."

"Excuse me?" Cedric balked, "Do you know this woman?"

Lucia looked back at him beseechingly, "Um...we just play whist together...I guess she's my friend..." She glanced at the calico with a similarly pleading expression, "Just leave it...please..."

"Really, Lucia," the calico huffed, "This is terribly selfish of you tricking this fine young man with your heat," she winked at Cedric, "Why don't you leave the old maid and smell something worthwhile, hmm? You look fit to burst and it wouldn't be fair to make you waste it on this one." She looked greedily at his bulging groin.

"I want you to leave," Cedric said with cold softness, "If I don't see you going the other direction, I'm going to have to delay having sex with this beautiful girl right here so I can force you. But, I'd rather not have to waste the time cleaning blood off my claws, so on your bike."

The calico bristled at the threat, but saw his claws extending and decided it wasn't worth the effort. If he was...attracted to the old maid, he wasn't worth her time.

"Did you...mean that?" Lucia purred as she poked her tummy, "You really think I'm beautiful?"

Cedric put his arm around her waist and gave the sensuous protrusions a little squeeze, "Those cats all look like sticks to me. I want someone like you," he blushed and licked her cheek, "Someone who actually fills out her dress in the right places."

Lucia shuddered as a trickle of nectar pattered against the ground underneath her, and quickly led him to her flat. Thank goodness it was right next to the library...

Cedric stopped at the threshold to her flat as though he was being shocked, "Oh, no...You're in heat! I'm such a moron..." He looked at her wide eyed, "I don't have anything to stop you from getting...I mean, like I said, I wasn't expecting to have sex with you...oh damn..."

Lucia quickly reached into the pocket of her dress as she bit her bottom lip, "You're not going to believe how lucky you are," she handed him the vial of contraceptives, "Because I don't think I would have let you leave, even if I hadn't somehow gotten the male formula."

Cedric looked at the vial in disbelief, but quickly smiled as he flicked out the cork with his claw, "Lucky indeed." He grimaced at the bitter, alcohol taste of the drug.

"Let me get you a proper drink to chase it," Lucia grinned. The tingling heat had turned into an aching throb in her sex, but it would take a while for the contraceptives to take effect. But once they did, she could have him for days if she liked...goodness, a virgin like her thinking about having sex for that long...estrus was certainly a funny thing.

She poured him a tumbler of whiskey and one for herself, thinking it would be best to dull the odor of their lunch. He sipped his drink with a grin as he hesitantly reached for her large breasts...oh my, he had never been this forward with a girl...estrus was certainly a funny thing.

Lucia seemed just as eager for his touch, and leaned into his paw as she started unlacing the front of her dress. She just had to wait a little longer, and then the shuddering fire within her would turn into something else, something glorious. She just knew it...

She gingerly stepped out of her clothes and began working on his own, giggling as he cradled her heavy breasts and thumbed her nipple. Cedric tossed back the rest of the whiskey with a slight cough, but he wanted to use both of his paws to hold her as she undressed him.

"I've never been with a man before..." Lucia whispered sadly while she pulled his shirt off and moved to the buckles of his pants, "I only just pawed off for the first time in...forever," She shuddered under the painfully strong recollection of the sensation.

"I know just what to do," Cedric replied with an encouraging smile as he shuffled out of his pants, "And we have some time to kill anyway..." he shot his erect penis a hard look as he pulled down his trunks.

Lucia gasped at the sight of his naked member, it seemed so big...much too big to go inside of...But it also looked so enticing, little nubbly spines running halfway up his gently tapered shaft and an unusually pronounced head at the top. She reached for it hungrily and felt up along the spines, and gasped in delight as she felt it twitch in response. The fleshy nubs offered no resistance to her touch; they wouldn't dig back against her like how she heard some feline penises did. Her mouth opened as she thought about it pushing up into her, inch after inch forcing her aching vagina around it.

"I...I want you so badly," She mewled as she gripped him more deliberately, "I feel like I'm on fire from the inside..."

Cedric took her stroking paw in his and led her over to her bed, "Then let me try to take care of that while we wait for the drugs to work," He pushed her gently onto the bed as he kissed her, letting his member rub against her pubic fur while she writhed underneath him.

But he broke the kiss to wind his tongue over her nipples, his muscles starting to remember the skills he'd picked up all those years ago. Lucia gasped in arousal as he traced around her breasts, her sensitive nipples erecting into hard points as he stroked the curves of her body.

He kept working down, letting his rough tongue flick over her clitoris as she bucked in response. He tasted her tangy nectar as he gently licked over her cleft, "Just relax, petal," he cooed as she clenched her legs reflexively, "If anything hurts, you just say the word."

Lucia purred back in response as he started tonguing her labia, the rough surface sending a mind-numbing buzz through her sex, and she spread her legs wider as she shrugged against the bed.

How could this be real? She must be having a fever dream or something. That's why it felt so hot. That's why it felt so good.

She moaned lustily as he began pressing his broad tongue into her passage, the sensuous parting of her lips matching the gasping heaves from her muzzle. She didn't think she could feel any more sexual heat, there had to be a limit, but the pleasure just kept increasing. Shuddering breaths soon took over her lungs, the motions sending rippling jiggles over her curvy figure.

"I feel...I can feel something..." She whimpered as her vagina buzzed more strongly, "You're making're making mee...aahHH!"

Lucia bucked her hips forcefully as her vagina constricted, and Cedric quickly withdrew his tongue to lap over her clitoris as it shot under its hood. She breathed harsh, shallow breaths as her vagina pulsed with each wave of euphoric heat, a gentle spray of her nectar flowing into Cedric's mouth. Her back arched as she felt the clenching continue, the only newly discovered sensation of orgasm punching through her body.

"Ohhh," She mewled loudly as she writhed against the bed, "I can't take's too much..." But she couldn't bear for it to stop.

Cedric smiled affectionately as he rubbed his paws over her shivering body, feeling the softness of her curves and the silkiness of her fur. She looked so cute when she was climaxing...

"Do you like it?" He purred as her vagina stopped dripping and her hips stopped bucking.

"Oh yes," She gasped and reached for him, "So're so good at that!"

He chuckled and crawled over top to kiss her, "Mmm, well I do have the advantage of you being as horny as possible." He kissed her again as she wrapped her tail over his back.

"I don't was perfect," She mewled as the heat began to return, "I want you inside of me..."

Cedric smiled at the beautiful, curvy tabby under him. He always thought he would be the one begging for sex, "Just a few more minutes, petal. I'll know when the drugs are working."

"Then...I want to see you when you're feeling this," Lucia whispered as she stroked the top of his penis, "I've never seen a male orgasm before, and I want to return the favor."

The puma grinned excitedly, his member throbbing anxiously from tasting her spiced, hyper-aroused nectar. He put his arms under hers and tipped back, letting them reverse their positions so she was nuzzling into his stomach.

She licked at his pulsing cock eagerly, listening to him moan and purr just like she had. His musky scent filled her nostrils delightfully, making her own sex resume its eager dripping, " do I do?" She grinned at him over his tip.

"Just wrap your mouth around me, I think you'll get the hang of it," he stretched luxuriously as he stroked her ears.

Lucia put her muzzle over his pulsing erection, feeling the knobby protrusions of his spines against her tongue as she began moving her head up and down. A hot trickle of liquid poured into her mouth, making her pull off of him in surprise, "Oh, did'cum' already?" she asked excitedly as the clear trickle mixed with her saliva down his penis.

Cedric chuckled, "No, that was just a...warm up, I guess you'd call it," he stroked himself gently to work out a bead of precum, "I'll tell you before I do, it can be a little...surprising, so don't feel like you have to let me do it into your mouth."

Lucia giggled in anticipation as she started suckling him again, the taste of his precum winding down her throat and making her body crave to have him inside her even more. But, she also really wanted to watch him orgasm...

"Oh...okay...I'm going to..." the puma gasped suddenly as his fuzzy scrotum tightened up against him. Lucia quickly popped her muzzle off and continued stroking with her paw, her mouth opening in arousal as he started humping up into her grip.

A fountain of pearly fluid ejaculated out of his tip in little white bursts before they splatted back down around him. The aroma increased the need to mate, and she began licking the spray eagerly. He tasted like...egg whites...salty egg whites. It wasn't very pleasant, but her arousal urged her to continue sucking him until he finished. She could feel the heat in his member as it throbbed against her tongue, and she licked quickly over the spiny surface and kept bobbing her head. The flow finally stopped and she gave his tip another affectionate lick before she let go.

"Good?" She giggled with a small trickle of his fluids coming out of the side of her mouth.

"You're...a natural," Cedric breathed contentedly as his penis began to soften and draw back inside the valley of his sheath. Lucia quickly wiped her mouth and crawled forward to nuzzle into his neck, purring happily even as her estrus demanded that she start mating immediately.

Cedric rested his head against hers, praying that he would soon feel the odd churning sensation in his testicles that indicated the spermicidal contraceptives were working. He took the time to massage her breasts again, enjoying the softness of her well-proportioned body against his as she idly fingered at her cleft.

Fortunately, it wasn't long before he felt his testicles bulge slightly and a warmth pulse through his scrotum, "Okay," He stroked her fur gently, "I'm all ready if you are."

Lucia had almost fallen asleep under the haze of her heat, but as she watched his penis pushing back out and the fleshy barbs start arching out with each throb, the craving came back in a storm of desire. She gasped as her whole body began tingling under the promise of mating, and she gripped at his penis and her vagina desperately.

"Just...just be careful..." She whispered in spite of the estrus.

Cedric licked her nose reassuringly and rolled onto her, gently spreading her legs as she shivered in arousal. He pressed the tip of his penis against her inflamed opening, and smiled ardently as he watched her mewl in need. Her paws gripped at his back as he pushed farther in, but he took care to stop before his spines entered her.

"Deeper...need you in me..." She moaned and bucked her own hips instead. Her back arched in screaming pleasure as the first round of his spines popped by her labia. He gently eased back out and felt her shudder as the knobby protrusions raked erotically along her walls. Some males had toughened barbs that would actually cause pain, he was glad this was not the case with his.

Lucia pulled at him more desperately, almost using her claws as her heat continued to build; she needed him in all the way, nothing else would cool her brain. She howled again as he pushed in farther, urging him to hilt her and almost hyperventilating under the stress of the heat. There was a furnace inside of her womb, a fire unlike any other that had to be quenched.

Cedric rocked his hips into her as he felt the gray tabby clutching at him frantically, driving his penis in all the way while she screamed in bliss. This was it, she was mating and the fire of sexual passion turned into the heady heat of coital relief. She continued pushing her hips lower, struggling to get more of his impressive length into her; there wasn't any pain, only rippling joy as his spines tickled along her passage. The pleasure only increased as he began humping her and tensed his member to force the spines to harden slightly.

"Bloody hell!" She screamed as he drove into her again, the erotic squelch of their joining championed another wave of unbearable euphoria, "It's unbelievable!"

Cedric purred ecstatically as he felt the pride of satisfying her, and he nuzzled into her generous cleavage as she dug her velvety fingerpads into his shoulders. He felt her vagina begin to constrict around him again, and he hilted in all the way as she yowled under the bliss. Her whole body was buzzing with pleasure as her passage pulsed around him, and she twitched sensuously as his spines rubbed back and forth inside of her.

"Cum in me..." She whimpered as the euphoria pumped through her searing blood.

It was too much for the puma, watching her moan for him and feeling her pulse around his cock, and he soon felt his testicles push back up for his own orgasm.

It was even better than before for Lucia as she felt the splashes of hot semen rocketing into her, and she nibbled his neck gently for want of something to hold in her mouth. The fire inside of her wasn't burning out, it was raging all the more but in a way that felt impossibly relieving now that he was ejaculating into her.

Cedric felt his cock pounding inside of her walls as they milked out his semen, the rippling sensations pulling his spines with their erotic motions. He tried bucking his hips but stopped under the increase in tingling it sent through his tapered shaft, it was too much for him to take any more pleasure.

Their orgasms finally petered out and fell into a fluffy afterglow, Lucia gasping and trying to purr in contentment. She felt her eyes closing under the blissful flood of their release, "I'm the biggest...stupidest idiot in the world for not doing this sooner," She heaved as he lay down next to her.

"No use crying over spilled milk, petal," he nuzzled her gently and pawed at her breasts, "But we can keep doing this now, and for as long as you want."

"Every day," She purred and wrapped her paws over him, "I'm going to make love to you...every day," she yawned and closed her eyes even as a tingling need prickled her neck, "And soon as I wake up...I'm going to need you to do that again."

Cedric smiled at her and settled to take a nap as well, winding his tail around hers as they dangled off of the bed. What a fantastically beautiful, utterly unbelievable, impossibly, joyously, lucky day.