The punishment and befriending.

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#36 of Exploration

Within a matter of minutes, I had came to the cave. I knew that Drakon could hear I was outside, but he wasn't coming or speaking. I changed form, and stepped to the entrance, in my bionic form. One hand was on the teleport, because I was nervous. I called.

"Drakon, I know you're there! Can I come in?"

"Well, seeing as you treat the place like you own it, you're going to."

"Now there's no call for that sort of thing. I am fully aware of the territorial thing that dragons have, I live with one, and have two others around, and I know that I should be hung, drawn and quartered for last night, but can you at least let me in?"

Silence. I sighed.

"This is on my own head."

I walked down the corridor, my foot steps echoing loudly across the passage. Ignoring the passages to the left and the right, I came to the door to the treasure chamber, and I walked in.

As I looked left, I instinctively closed my eyes. There was a rush of breath, and I felt intense heat sear across my steel skin. My rifle and Eryx were unaffected, because they had been behind me, and as soon as the flame had stopped, I opened my eyes.

Drakon was crouched beside the door, wondering why I hadn't been vaporised. I shrugged off my weapons, placing them just outside.

"It's those clothes you're wearing. Fire protection?"

Oh, thank god my clothes hadn't been affected. How that worked, I had no idea, but my firey T-shirt actually looked rejuvenated after that burst.

"No,"I said, brushing soot off my steel arms." I'm just made out of metal at the moment."

Drakon snorted a reply, and turned. As he did, I raised my arm to deflect the tip of his tail, which clanged loudly against me. He ignored me, and went over to the bed of gold. I removed my shirt, in case Drakon incinerated it. He lay down on it, looking at me as if trying to read all my secrets. I spoke.

"Drakon, I am an idiot, let's get that over and done with first, but I am an explorer. Draco was outside the cave as well, he had guessed. Javid was with him, he had guessed, it's just I volunteered to come in and check. We are, curious, about everything. Look where my curiosity has got me. I've been raped by a tentacle monster, had my entire body mutated with robot DNA, fell two stories onto wood, and god knows what else. But it's my job to find out as much as possible, and your story made me so intensely curious that I just had to find out."

This was a tone I had practiced, along with the specially crafted insults, directed at myself. It was easy when I saw Drakon's furious face from last night.

"You do know that you're the second Alduin that's challenged me in my own cave." Drakon rumbled.

"Drakon, Diamond knows that Alduin's intelligence level wouldn't pick it up if you gave him a map, five clues, and explained what he was looking for. I, on the other hand, pride myself on my intelligence, but my wisdom leaves a lot to be desired.Alduin at least has the sense to stay away, I don't."

"So you're here to say, sorry about last night, I won't tell another soul?" Drakon gave a brief rictus of humour.

"Well seeing as I'm vanishing off the face of this planet in, eight hours, it won't really matter. The others won't say anything, that much I do know." I checked my watch briefly, and yes, eight hours. Drakon shuffled on the gold, causing a small gold avalanche.

"Eight hours is a long time, ask any explorer."

"O.K., I know that. But if you took to me less, fondly then you had done, I would have left now, and been done with it. I wanted to make friends with you, and to make up for last night."

Drakon smiled."I should have tried to kill you then, no explorer, no problem."

"Oh, come on." I made a half turn, hands on my head in annoyance, and then watched as Drakon laughed.

"You were having me on, weren't you?" I asked, looking surprised.

"For a few minutes." Drakon laughed.I smiled.

"O.K., you got me there."

"It's O.K., I forgive you, you foolhardy, brave but entirely stupid human."

"Fair enough." I nodded, grinning widely." Besides, most of what I saw of you only made me more impressed, if you want me to be brutally honest."

"So how long were you watching?"Drakon asked curiously.

"Oh, say about ten minutes.I heard you talking about me and Draco, and as Draco can testify, I saw your enjoyment. All three of us agree you have a really good technique."

"If you were the only one in the cave, how do they know?" Drakon asked. I took off my glasses.

"See these, they let other people see what one person is seeing, providing they are all wearing these. Javid's left his in his bunk, Draco is currently talking to Feline Alduin and Diamond, and not paying attention to us, and Simba is looking through the library."I put the glasses in a protective pocket in my trouser pocket. Drakon laughed.

"Really good technique, nice term."

"Well,"I said, starting on familiar ground," Diamond orgasmed twice, although your fire trick made me wonder, your member is, well, huge.What more can be said?"

"Fire trick?"

"Breathing fire on to her. Does she have protection from the fire?"

"Her bracelet.It's really the only thing she wears. What the fire does then is make her incredibly sexual, and her cries of joy add to mine." Drakon admitted.

"I thought it looked magical,"I nodded, "but I couldn't really tell.I've never seen a magical item before."

"So all your stuff is just, technology?"

"Yes. Very advanced, very complex, and not magical."

"So you have basic things to do what your lack of magic can't?"

I drew a fire lighter from my pocket.

"See this, fire starter."I flicked the thing, and the flame ignited. Drakon looked intrigued.


"Although probably pocket change compared to what you can manage."I said, releasing the switch, and the flame disappeared.

I quickly put it away, and checked up on the others. Simba was reading, Javid's were still on top of his bed, and Draco, I coughed in amazement. Drakon spoke.

"What's happening?"

"Draco, Draco, well, I think you should have a look at this." I turned them around as Drakon craned his neck down.

Diamond had gone from the inn, and Draco was upstairs with Alduin. I looked at the feline's surprised but somewhat ecstatic face, and smiled as I put them away.

"I think that feline will like some dragons from now on."I smirked. Drakon laughed.

"I held him in captivity for two days, and in the same time, Draco's got to know him so well as to have intercourse with him."

"Draco was like that to me, too. Barely half an hour on my planet, and he was doing that to me. Was it love at first sight with Diamond?"

Drakon gave me a sharp look."Busy body."

"Can I help it?" I shrugged. He flamed gently at me, and again the fire bounced off my plating.

"Do you have any idea how hard soot is to get off metal?" I said, brushing my upper half off. Drakon laughed.

"You sit there,master of every situation, ask that sort of thing, and don't expect annoyance?"

"Again, we're talking about someone who rolled his perfect character in D and D, and rolled a natural eight, on three D6, for wisdom. I rolled seventeen for my intelligence, as well. That's a plus four bonus, and a minus one for wisdom. This is a person who's quick thinking enough to sneak silently into, say, a dragon's cave, and not think of future consequence."

Drakon smiled, and I relaxed a few more notches.

"So, what can I do for you, Drakon? I've broken the sanctity of your lair, found out your most personal secret, and I can't be killed.So, you have me at your disposal."

"What if I dropped you from a height?"

"I'd change into my plane form on the way down." I retorted."You could certainly injure me, break a few bones by striking me, but you can't kill me.So, what will you have me do?"

"What would you not mind doing?"

"Well,"I said, trying to think fast," you could beat the hell out of me, god knows you deserve it, you could let me leave, but that wouldn't be fair on you. There's always the sexual option if you're that way inclined, but I suppose Diamond does all that. Pity, I'd like to taste that cock of yours."

There was a wheezing noise from beside me. I turned in surprise, and saw Drakon hoarsely laughing. He convulsed with laughter, and I spoke in slight hurt tones.

"What did I say wrong?"

He managed to stop giggling, and answer me.

"I'm sorry, did I hear that right? You'd like, emphasis on like, to be fucked by me?"

"Well,"I said slowly,"I have severe doubts about anally, I'm only human, but I'd certainly take it orally."

"You are," Drakon looked for the right word.

"Sex hungry? Insane? That's what Diamond said when I said I was coming up here. Don't worry, Drakon, I've visited countless psychiatrists, and one actually stopped counselling me, because I was driving him over the brink himself. The question is, do you want it?Emphasis on you, not me."

"Yes."Drakon gave a slight nod."It's been a while since someone tried that."

"Excellent, I'm ready."

"Insane was the right word, Alduin."Drakon smiled, getting to his feet. I agreed, and walked across the gold, underneath his chest. I stroked his member gently, and asked him something.

"Drakon, just before I get started, how much gold is here?"

"No idea. It is a lot, isn't it?"

"Fort Knox has nothing on this place, and it's a bank." I stroked his member until it was fully erect, and then opened my mouth as wide as possible.

If Drakon's member was any wider, I wouldn't have managed. I went as deep as I could go, which was most of the way, and used my right hand to manipulate his testicles, rubbing them gently.

Drakon craned his head around, sighing in sexual feeling.

"Damn, you do this well.I'm not the only one who's got a really good technique." he laughed. I withdrew, and stroked as I answered.

"I've had practice."

"Quite the cock whore, then?"

I thought on this." In a way, yes.Quite the dragon whore, certainly.But I, like, sucking people off."I didn't mention that I found the term highly offensive, but there we go.

I added my left hand to stroke the parts of his member I couldn't suck, and heard Drakon sigh.His claws scraped along the gold as he moved his legs in rising emotion. Every involuntary spasm forward would result in him deep throating me, his weight and strength ten times mine. My left hand and oral work worked in opposites, while I sucked forward, I stroked back.Drakon tail swished gently, and I could hear his laboured breathing.

For several minutes I worked. The noble dragons took a while to get to orgasm, I had found out that much when watching Drakon and Diamond, and so I patiently worked, listening to each increasingly sexual sigh from the dragon.When I looked out of the corner of my eye, I could see Drakon was venting flame. This pleased me immensely, that I was getting Drakon off this much.

Drakon, I guess, was frankly surprised at my abilities, but he responded well. Finally I heard his started to rumble and growl as I slowly brought him to orgasm. I worked faster, and faster, determined to make him enjoy this as much as I could make him enjoy it. Then he could hold it back no more, and he let out a terrifying roar, that reverberated down the walls of the cave, across the mere miles of foothills. A massive amount of cum came flooding down his cock, and into my mouth. Such was the quantity and pressure that I was thrown backwards onto the gold, my face and naked upper body covered with Drakon's semen. I got back up and quickly finished milking the giant reptile's cock until he finished.

After that, Drakon lay back down on the gold, on his side, and I, taking deep breaths, sat beside him. It was somehow unnerving to me that I was facing his head, and his chest and tail could curl right around out of my sight. We didn't say anything for five minutes, and after cleaning my face of Drakon's efforts, I put my glasses back on, and instantly heard Draco.

"Hey Alduin, if Drakon hasn't tied you up, can you talk to me?"

"I'm right here, Draco. Still alive, although I swear we both had our moments." Drakon chuckled, his ultra keen hearing catching Draco's words across the line.

"Ah good. Diamond's on her way back, and Feline Alduin..."

"I saw, Draco. How do you manage it? Even with some one, unwelcome to the thought of dragons?"

"He's a nice guy, you just need to get on with him."

"Yes, you were getting it on with him just fine."

"So what has Drakon done to you?" Draco asked. Simba wasn't paying any attention to us, and Javid, who knows where he was? I smiled.

"We found common ground between us, and that healed the rift somewhat." I said.Draco picked it up immediately.

"So while Alduin's being fucked by Draco down here, Drakon has been doing the same to the other Alduin?"

"Nice touch, isn't it?Very, poetical."I smiled, and glimpsed at Drakon, who met my gaze. Draco looked at the huge dragon lying comfortably.

"Can he hear me?"

"Every word." the noble dragon nodded.Draco chuckled.

"I hope you abused him properly."

"Just a moment, Draco,"I interrupted,"if I hadn't drawn the short straw, it would have been you in this position."

Drakon laughed at the incoming argument.

"Don't worry, Draco, I'm sure he got what he deserved."

"About time some one did it to him. I can never fuck him without him finding some way of getting his own back."

"That's true, but only because I took up martial arts because you keep on insiting on wrestling for dominance. The victim will learn, Draco."

"I highly doubt he can pull one over me, Draco." Drakon said gently," Wait, did Alduin say you wrestle one another?"

"Here we go." I looked up briefly.

"Yes."Draco admitted,"Alduin's quite the slippery one."

"Uh huh."I said, "And how was I supposed to defeat Drakon with those same skills?"

"You don't."Draco finished.

"By the way, Draco," I said casually,"what are you doing for the next few hours?"

"Being here." the small reptile shot back,"What else?"

"Just wondering.I'm on my way back soon."

"Hang on, I thought Drakon said you got what you deserved."

"Have you seen the state of my upper body?"

I rotated the glasses, pointing them at myself. Draco burst out laughing, long and hard. Drakon joined in, Draco's laugh was infectious, and I put the glasses back on, trying to stop laughing myself. It was funny.Draco finally drew breath.

"Nice look."

"Trust me, I enjoyed it. You don't know what you're missing."

"True, but Diamond's coming your way, and I have no wish to be between them."

Drakon rolled his eyes.

"Don't worry, I doubt Drakon would incinerate me."

This got the reaction I was after. A huge flame enveloped my top half, licking and caressing my steel alloy. All the liquid that had been on me was no longer, and I casually rubbed some soot off my arms.Drakon spoke.

"Correction:I would if he stopped cheating."

"Nice to know you, Drakon. Do you mind if I come around occasionally?"

"Not at all." the noble dragon acknowledged,"Just give me some advance warning."

"Say good bye to Diamond for me."Draco said politely, and clicked off the line. I got up.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Back to the village. I want to talk to Javid, and see how Simba's going on. He's been in the library for hours straight."I crossed the cave, and got my shirt back on, drawing in on, and picking up my rifle and Eryx.

"Drakon, I'm back!" the voice of Diamond echoed down the corridor. I heard her footsteps approach. I looked at Drakon.Drakon shrugged, leaving me in a position I was suddenly uncomfortable in.

"How was the village?"

"I got to talk to Draco and the innkeeper.They seemed quite reasonable. The tribute's in my bag of carrying.Because of Alduin's stuff up, Feline Alduin made sure we got a bit more than usual." she entered the cave, and spotted me.

"You haven't killed him yet? You should stop playing with your food."

"Slight problem, Diamond.I can't kill him.He's got fire protection, and the steel skin I can't bite into."

"So what are you going to do?" Diamond looked at me as I leaned against the wall.

"Well, he's promised to say nothing to the villagers, and he's leaving this planet soon, so I'm going to forgive him, this once."

"Fair enough." Diamond admitted."I still want to kick him for spying on us, but that's probably pointless."

I thought about something, and then unshouldered my rifle, loading a bullet into the breech. Under the watchful gaze of Drakon, I handed the loaded rifle to the zebra.Then I stood, arms folded, looking at the zebra. She held the rifle like it was some kind of rare metal, and looked confused.

"Go on." Drakon laughed,"It won't kill him."

Diamond held the rifle correctly, and aimed it at my chest. Her hand found the trigger, and she pulled it gently.

The bullet struck my shoulder, and I was thrown backwards. I landed hard on the ground, into a small pile of gold and a rather nice necklace.Diamond dropped the gun in shock, the jerk in her arms caused her to panic briefly. As I sat up, holding my shoulder in one hand, my other hand steadied myself, and I picked up the necklace looking at it. There was ornate writing on it, and I looked at the flowing script. Diamond was backing away from the gun as if it might fire on it's own, and Drakon was looking at her in slight worry.

"Are you alright?"

"What did it do?" she looked at me.

"It fires a metal projectile at high speed, Diamond."I said, entranced by the flowing script. "Because of my steel, it doesn't penetrate like it would with normal skin, but it hurts like hell. And I think you deserve to cause me a little pain."

"Alduin, that sounded like a shot, what did you get up to?" Draco's voice came across in my head set. I held my ear set.

"Diamond just fired my rifle at me."

"About time some one did." Draco replied. I laughed.

"If we can leave me alone for half a minute,have you seen Javid?"

"No, sorry."

"It's,"Diamond still sounded nervous," not magical?It's made?"

"It is, Diamond. It's a low tech rifle. We have so many weapons on my world.Man is a very war like creature."

"What about that tube on your shoulder?"

"Ah, about that, I will not dare fire it in here."

"Alduin, are you going to look at anything apart from that necklace?" Drakon chuckled.

I tore my gaze away from the script, and looked slightly embarrassed at the bemused noble dragon.

"Sorry, Drakon. If you want me to fire this, we'll have to go outside."

"So what does it do?"

"Again, it's long winded."

I walked outside, picking up my rifle on the way. Diamond and Drakon followed me, while I drew a shell from my back pack. I had looped the necklace absent mindedly around my arm, and as I held the fist sized projectile, Diamond looked at it, cautiously.

"It fires one of those, like a rifle?"

"Sort of, except this does something different when it hits an object."

We stood outside, and I motioned for them to stand either side of me.

"Give me a small target." I asked Drakon. The noble dragon pointed out a large boulder about forty metres away. I turned, making sure neither of them were behind the recoil zone, and fired. There was the usual thump, and a white flash. The projectile exploded out of the bazooka, while a long flame flickered out the other side. The shell met the stone, and there was a huge explosion. Both watching flinched as the boulder disappeared in a fireball. Gravel rained into the sky, and rained back down.

I turned, and looked sheepishly at the twin glares, as bits of red hot rock fell among us.

"It's sort of, explosive."I lamely finished.

"You carry something like that around?"

"We have faced many dangerous things, Drakon.This has been a great help, in a few ways." I said, looking downwards.

"Interesting." Drakon said, his voice rumbling as he looked at the weapon.

Then he spoke.

"I should welcome you better if you came back announced, Alduin. I hope you can learn to be courteous."

"I can be, most of the time. It's the ten percenters when I'm a pain, Drakon." I acknowledged.

"Very well. I bid you farewell. You may keep the necklace, as a small token."

My eyes opened wide, and I remembered myself. I sunk onto one knee, bowing.

"Thank you, Drakon. You are a noble dragon, and I feel honoured to have met you."

Drakon accepted my thank yous with a simple nod, and I changed into my Lightning form.

"By the way, Diamond, you wanted to know how fast I can travel?"I said. Diamond nodded.

"You are aware of the speed of sound, I can travel that fast.It has been a pleasure meeting you, lady."

"It has been, interesting, Alduin." she said, slowly. Drakon burst out laughing, and we both followed suit.

I taxied around, and ran along the ground, gaining speed. I took off, and roared back towards the village. As I passed the cave, Drakon and Diamond were heading back inside.

Bare minutes later, I landed outside the village, changing into my bionic form, hiding the necklace in my bag, and walking into the village. Alduin was back to stone work, and I came over to the feline as he worked.

"Afternoon, my feline friend."

He put the rock down, and then saw me.

"I don't believe it." he gaped,"Didn't you visit him?"

"Oh I did, and he decided that everyone deserves a chance.He let me off with no more than a warning.It's less than I deserve, but there you have it." Every word I said was true, and nothing else.

Draco came out of the building.

"Alduin." this got two yes replies, and he stopped.

"This is so confusing.Raptormaster, Silverine contacted me, he wants me to do him a favour. I'm leaving now."

"I might as well, before I push my luck too far." I nodded."Javid doesn't have his teleporter?"

"He hasn't received one yet, no.Simba, do you know where he is?"

"Talking to the librarian." Simba replied briefly.

"I'm off, are you coming?"

"I've got enough info to keep Tufty occupied, yes."

Before long, we teleported out, leaving Feline Alduin to stay at the bare cobblestones in stark shock.We arrived on Central, and the glower turned up.

True to our promise, we mentioned nothing of Diamond and Drakon's other reasons, we just mentioned that the dragon huntress had enslaved herself to stop the dragon attacking the village. We spent some time in the food store, talking to some of our friends, and then I decided to leave, and teleported back to Earth.

Gareth was there, as usual, and he was with Alecto, playing battleships. We made some idle talk, about the planet and how Earth had fared while I was away. I went over to my drawer.

It had some very interesting things now. There was the feather of Arkeia's, the flower from the elven world, a necklace from the planet of the bears, and a circlet from Takori's planet. A poem from Joanna speaking of her love, and a bit of plant from the thing that had almost killed us. To this I added the wonderful gold necklace, and I placed it reverently on top. I thought of Diamond and Drakon, and wished them happiness. Then I closed the drawer, and joined my foxy friends in their game.