The Audio Slave Chapter 1

Story by DJSUBZ3RO on SoFurry

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chapter one of The Audio Slave

We walked out of my house after grabbing the things we needed for the day and went down to my car. We drove to the mall and i asked where she wanted to go first. "I'm hungry so lets eat before we do any rave shopping." She got a slice of pizza and a drink and i got some orange chicken and a drink as well. We chatted about the show tonight while we ate. "I'm so fuckin' excited for tonight" she said in between bites. "I know right" i said after swallowing some chicken "its gonna be the best show over." After we ate we headed to Hot Topic to check out some clothing for tonight. I grabbed a pair of Tripp pants that were black with bright neon blue stitching and a Tripp trench coat that was jet black. "How about these and this shirt im wearing?" i asked her holding them up. She scanned them over and nodded her head smiling and said "it may look like your ready for a rock concert but thats your style." I bought the two items and waited for her to pick out her clothes. She grabbed a pair of white baggy jeans and a shirt that said Wub Wub Wub and paid for them. "Next stop Spencer's" i said as we got on the escalater. "Here we go" i said with a mock evil laugh. She just laughed and we walked in. I immediatly grabbed a pair of light gloves and a led mouth piece while she grabbed a whole bunch of glow sticks and some led glasses the have those bars on them instead of lenses. "Man were gonna fuckin rage hard" i said looking at the disco balls and lasers in the store. "Hell yeah we are" she said laughing at one of the Adult greeting cards. We proceeded to check out and walk around the mall a little bit more. "well where to now?'' I asked looking through my bags and checking my phone for the time which was 1:00pm. "not sure well since were close we could go get more k2 and blaze up at the park before we head to the show." I put my paw up to my chin imitating someone in deep thought. "that shit is kinda expensive we can go get mine from my house and go to that nature trail and smoke there we need to be headed towards the show around 7:00 because it starts at 9:00p.m. tonight." "Ok lets go then!" she said happily. We made our way out to my car and headed back towards my house. We walked in and I grabbed my k2 out of the stash box and my pipe. We headed back out to my car and drove down to the park where the trail was. We started walking after I loaded the pipe in the car and put my k2 in the back pockets of my jeans. We found a bench about two minutes into the walk and sat down. I pulled out the bowl and she got an evil grin on her face. "I know this stuff is bad for you but damn its so good" she said laughing. "I know I cant stop smoking this stuff." I pulled out my lighter and lit up as I inhaled a huge hit I handed her the pipe. "this kind is stronger than this morning" I said exhaling. She just nodded and hit the pipe she handed it back to me saying "I cant stop Y.O.L.O. motha fucka." I just chuckled and took my second hit. I was already starting to feel it. I clear the pipe of smoke and held in as long as I could. I handed her the pipe trying to hold it in until she handed me back the pipe. She hit it hard and coughed a little and when she handed it back I let my hit out and leaned my head back sighing happily she just giggled and did the same. I leaned back up and took a power hit and held it in as well. I handed it to her and she took in a huge hit as well when I got it back I took 2 more hits and set it down and she took a couple more and stashed it in her purse I got up and walked around our area looking at the trees and listening to the birds in the trees. She was looking at the sky smiling. As I was walking I started tripping really hard and ran into a tree and fell back on my butt and tail. She just burst out laughing uncontrollably. I looked over and followed suit. After a fit of laughter I got up and dusted myself off and sat back on the bench still very high. "I thought I saw a dragon it was all come forth and fulfill your destiny than I ran into the tree" I said laughing. She just stared at me and lost it. After another fit of giggles and about an hour and a half later we finally started coming down. "Damn that lasted forever I thought I was permanently stuck high as fuck forever." "yeah man I was high as shit bro." we finshed walking our way around the nature trail occasionally hitting the pipe once or twice and when the trail ended my head felt like it was in the clouds and I felt like I was becoming an avalanche. We went to my car and I sat down in the drivers seat with loud sigh. "theres no way this car is moving in the condition im in" I told her tossing my keys into the back seat. "Well we still have plenty of time wanna smoke again?" she asked pulling the pipe out of her purse. "you don't have to ask me twice" I replied while pulling the k2 out of my pocket. She handed me the pipe and I loaded it again and hit it hard and strong and from there I was a very high puppy. After about another hour or so I started to finally come down. When I could think clearly I reached back and grabbed my keys. when I started the car she jumped and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK!" nearly dying from laughter I replied "im not high anymore and its almost 5:30 we should probably head back" she calmed down and agreed. On the way back to my house I pulled into the drive thru of a burger joint and got us some food to munch on. (Hey k2 gives you hella munchies like worse than weed.) "damn that shit is poison man" she told me as I bit into a fry. "well there is a reason its called 'Sven Deadly Sins.' It fuckin rapes your mind!" she chuckled and went back to her food. When we pulled up to my house we got out and grabbed our stuff and headed inside to my room. I had already finished my meal so I threw my trash in my litter bin and pulled out my clothes I bought and laid them out on my bed. "are you sure this looks good" I asked casting a critical glance over my new outfit. "yeah dude its totally you plus the blue on the pants bring out your fur color more." I pulled out my stash box and put all of its contents into my travel box I carry my chemicals in when im at a show or wherever I happen to bring them to and put the regular box back in hiding. I turned on my laptop and on FurBook to check and see if anyfur replied to my invites to the show. There were only fifteen yes's and a few maybe's and the ones that said no all sent me a message saying they were going to Datsik or couldn't go to either for their own reasons. "ok looks like fidget and waffles (rave names not putting real names on here) are going to meet us at the show and fidget said he has mushrooms." When I said that she looked up and had the biggest smile on her face. "how much is he charging" she asked cocking her head. "he said he would hook us up if I hook him up with DMT and I have plenty to go around plus my dealer owes me another gram for that fun I had to make to St. Louis for him and he is gonna be at the show tonight so were gonna become space furs tonight" I replied laughing my tail off and replying back to fidget with my phone instead of FurBook IM because he was off. My phone vibrated when he texted back 'bet see you there Wolfy McFuzzball' I laughed at the name he called me and replied 'back at you twenty foot swag laser' Fidget is about 6'8 the tallest mother fucker ive ever met. "he said he's down" I said to danger. I gathered up my clothes carefully not wanting them to wrinkle and said "im gonna take another shower that walk made me sweaty and a new shirt as well. "ok can I get one after you I don't wanna go there smelling like outside" "sure thing" I replied heading for the bathroom. When I came back I had just my tripp pants and socks on and my hair was gelled up in a Mohawk. "look at you Mr. Im not metal im just a hardcore raver" she said laughing. I just rolled my eyes and dug through my closet looking for a shirt that would go with my current attire. She walked to the bathroom to take her shower. I pulled out a shirt that was black and in turquoise letters that matched the color of the stitching said 'LET'S FUCKIN RAGE!' "hell yeah" I said to myself as I threw over my head being careful about my freshly still kinda wet hair. I threw the trench coat on over it and put my shoes back on. I looked in my bedroom mirror and said aloud "I look good" then started laughing and went to my stash box and pulled out my DMT and looked at my powder pipe quizzically. "yeah we have time for lift off but im gonna wait until danger gets back in here". I loaded it up so I could hit when she walks in. after about twenty minutes she came back in as soon as my door opened I blew my hit into her face and she started coughing a little and just fell back on my bed and sighed happily as I exhaled watching my normally white ceiling turn orange and purple and swirl around she just laughed and said "gimme yo pipe bitch." I just sighed again and pointed at it where I set it on my bedside table. She picked it up and took a small hit at first and exclaimed "this shit must be 100% DMT!" I just smiled and nodded happily. "I only buy the best" I croaked still tripping pretty hard. She hit it agin set it down and layed on the bed next to me and exhaled and started tripping. When I could see everything normally again I stood up and said "you ready to go?" she just sat up with a heave and nodded. I sprayed some air freshener to clear out the smell of DMT and packed away my stuff back into its travelling case and grabbed my bag of lights and stuff and headed out the door with danger on my tail when we got in the car I shook my head to clear off the last few little hints of tripping and started the car. We drove to the show which was about an hour long drive. When we pulled up it was 8:13. "damn we got here faster than I thought we would take longer." I said looking at the venue where the show was going to be. Well fidget just texted me and said him and waffles are at a gas station a few blocks away getting munchies food and smokes." "ok tell him where we're at and we can pop what we want and find other furs to sell to when they get here." She did and we waited for them to get here. I pulled out my gloves and mouth pice and fitted the gloves over my paws and flexing my hand I said to danger in a mock demon voice "Are you ready to rage!"

The Audio Slave: first look

This story is is an unexpected one i know i was going to release the two i mentioned on my previous account but this one came to me and the idea came from a very scary yet life changing series of hallucinations while using drugs, the ones used were k2,...

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