Jasper's Masters

Story by Noah Creek on SoFurry

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Here is my first yiffy story and I hope you enjoy. Don't judge my descriptions or details! ^^ JK, please send feedback if you like it or spot an error.

"Yeah! Take it, slave!" the horse grunted.

The fennec fox whimpered softly, folding his ears submissively as he felt the girth of the equine cock fill his ass completely. He could feel every ridge, every vein, every muscle of the equine's cock piston in and out of his tight hole. He was spread apart earlier but he wasn't used to horses since they were all the same: big dicks and strong, painful fuckings.

He was forced to pleasure two horses actually. The other one was humping into his aching jaw as he was forced to suck the other horse that apparently looked like the other horse's brother. They both had milk chocolate fur with black furred arms and legs, both were toned completely without any ounce of fat but weren't bulging in the least, and they had the biggest cocks Jasper had ever seen. They both also towered over the fennec, a whole foot and a half taller than him. Their cocks were huge, easily around 10 inches long with a width of two inches.

The one fucking his mouth, the one his brother called "Hanson" was a brute but was easily gentler than his brother. Hanson pulled his length out of Jasper's muzzle and squirted pre onto his face, letting the thick and white cream cover it before he opened the fennec's mouth again and started humping into the warm entrance.

His other brother, the one fucking the fox, was called "Brutus" and his name said it all. He fucked the fox hard and long, letting his member slide out almost fully with each painful thrust into his hole. His cock was long and hard and the fox knew he was leaking tons of pre into his feminine body.

Jasper was a slave, it was a custom in Egypt. All foxes were set to be cock-slaves for the rest of their lives. They were going to have girly bodies, feminine looks, and were going to pleasure their master's whether they liked it or not. Jasper himself was a fennec fox with golden yellow fur and white furred arms and legs. He had the curves to pass off as a regular vixen, maybe even better since he had no breasts besides his flat chest. In the times where he didn't pleasure, he donned a see through aqua blue loincloth, golden bangles around his arms and ankles, and a golden collar around his neck that had the hieroglyphs for the names of his masters.

He had been a slave since he was ten, and now he was 16, but age that young was always common. He was loyal, obedient, and followed his orders. His masters were the two horses fucking him even right now, Hanson and Brutus. Was it funny that "Brutus" was a Roman name, not Egyptian? Jasper found it funny but he never said a word, lest he risk a lashing from his master.

The fennec whimpered again once he felt Brutus slap his rear hard. It also made him moan and had caused his cock to bounce a little in pleasure. He loved it when his master slapped his rear like a little child. He bobbed his head against the length inside his mouth, feeling the warm member slide in and out of his mouth as he moaned and groaned for the horse to hear. The towering equine above him only smiled down at the fox and moaned back just as Jasper began to wrap his tongue around the thick length.

"Mm, such a good cock pet," Hanson moaned, placing a paw on the fox's head.

His brother nodded as he stilled pumped his hips in and out of the fox. "Always so tight every time...I love tearing him a new one."

"And he loves it," Hanson smiled as he began to pump his length back down the fox's throat again.

Jasper moaned and groaned, letting the flared-headed cock slide into his mouth and down his throat again and again. The smell of musk and sex was heavy in the air as the fox took in the scent, murring in pleasure. The fox happily sucked on the meaty length as he tilted his head with every bob of his head to intensify the pleasure.

The equine above him moaned deeply, letting his voice ring into the open room. The room they were in was typical: an open balcony, one door, a king-sized bed, and a few tables here and there. Jasper was sure the other peasants of the town were listening to him being fucked, hell, he even heard a moan on the streets below! Someone was definitely enjoying the show even if they couldn't see it!

Behind him, he could hear Brutus ready to release his load and, with another swat against the fennec's painfully sore rear, he pulled out, which caused the fox to only whimper softly. He didn't stop sucking on Hanson's length however, the fox was too horny and hungry for sex. He closed his eyes and moaned moving his head back and forth in accordance with the horse's thrusts inside his mouth. He could feel the squirts of pre come from the horse's cock go down his throat, causing him to moan louder and suck harder. Jasper was already covered in the horse's spunk from an earlier session but his fur was matted with white splotches everywhere, soon he would look like a white fox! But it was, of course, typical of his masters since they had so much more to give to him.

Suddenly, Jasper felt the familiar scent of Brutus' cock slap against his face, the musky and strong scent hitting his senses like a chariot of the best feral horses only money could buy. The cock slapped against his cheek again and again, causing him to moan louder and louder as he felt large drops of pre mark and scent his face more and more as they claimed this poor fox boy for their own as always.

His cock throbbed against the silk sheets, begging to be released from its own prison: the dreaded cock ring. It was a rule of the brothers, their slave wasn't allowed to cum until they did, or if they did. He had to lay there and take it until they came so he could get the ring off so he could cum. Jasper wiggled and squirmed, trying to find a better position to lay since his cock was hurting so badly from no release in a while. Until he was allowed to cum, he had to suck like his life depended on it.

"Mmm, fuck," he heard Brutus moan as his deep voice bellowed over the room.

"Come here, brother," Hanson moaned back.

Above him, Jasper could hear the soft moaning of the brothers as they shared their kiss. He could hear the two horse's tongues delve deep inside each other's mouths, both searching for dominance as the two made-out in front of the fennec. The sounds of their kissing made the fox even hornier for he began to suck as hard as he could on the equine length inside his mouth, moving his head forward enough to the point where his nose touched the horse's groin where he could take in the strong scent of his master. Oh, how much it turned him on! The fennec moaned again, raising his tail high in the air, as if telling Brutus to enter him again.

The horse seemed to notice, just after breaking the kiss with his brother. "Seems slave is ready to be filled, hmm?" Jasper only nodded to the question, wagging his tail high in the air. "Very well then, slut." He turned to kiss his brother again before breaking it to walk back over behind the fox again.

Jasper nearly gagged on Hanson's member. Oh, god! This nearly shot him over the edge! He felt his stretched but still tight hole lubricated once more by the horse's tongue. Oh, it sent shivers throughout his entire body! It made him smile brightly as he sucked on the length, so much more eager to be a good pet slave for the two equines. His tail hole clenched tightly around the horse's slick and saliva coated tongue. He was sure that was running down his tail hole and dripping from his ball sack. The fox wanted more, so much more, and he nearly begged for it but still had a cock in his mouth and a duty to fulfill before he could ask of anything.

Once Brutus was done slickening Jasper's hole, he let his tongue slip out with a nice long slurp that made Jasper moan girlishly and shiver. The horse slapped his pet's rear once more and smiled down at the young form.

"I bet you want it fast and hard huh, slut?" he teased the fox by rubbing his flared tip against the fennec's tail hole.

Since he couldn't say anything, on account of sucking on the length, he merely whimpered and tried his best to nod in the horse's general direction. He was too into the session already and already wanted more and more.

"Alright, slut," he smiled as he pressed his tip against the fox's hole.

Jasper gulped down a squirt of pre-cum before he felt the familiar sting and pain of the stronger brother's cock re-enter his tight passage. The girly fennec cried out in pleasure/pain as he almost--almost--bit down on Hanson's cock. He immediately clenched down on the horse's meaty length again, causing the equine to moan and gasp sharply from the tight hole.

Brutus gritted his teeth and grunted as he began to pound away at his slave's hole once more, huffing a little as he panted for air. Gods, his pet was a tight one every time! He never felt loose or used at all! He was always tight and willing! It turned the horse himself on more and more as he moaned, thrusting his hips into the fennec fox's ass, feeling the plump, girly rear press against his rear with each long thrust. He made sure the fox felt his length, how much it spread it him apart, and how much it filled him up. He panted and grunted, slapping his pet's rear again, getting a surprised yelp from the fox underneath him.

Jasper groaned, feeling his jaw begin to ache after swallowing the thick horse cock down his throat so many times. He absolutely loved the musky taste of his master but the aching was the only part he hated. He yelped again once Brutus swatted his rear, squeaking as he felt himself blush dark red from embarrassment. He couldn't deny how much the brother's turned him on, it was so exhilarating and made him hornier by the second. He waited patiently for the horse to cum and fill his tight, girly hole any second. He loved it when Brutus and Hanson bred him like a little mare bitch, which he wasn't at all but they usually treated him like so.

Typical horses.

Jasper felt the strong hands of Hanson hold his head on place as the horse picked up his pace with thrusting into the fennec fox. Jasper knew he was about to erupt and he braced himself for it, but he also felt the familiar grip on his curvy hips as Brutus gripped him and pulled the fox's hips into his thrusts. He could see the sweat begin to drip off of Hanson's face and body and drop onto the fennec's body, coating him in their musk and sweat. It made the fox moan deeply as he sucked harder on Hanson's length, letting the muscles stiffen up as he felt the horse over him grunt loudly.

"F-f-fuck....I can't..." Hanson gasped sharply.

"Hold back..." Brutus moaned as he thrust one last time into the fox's hole.

Right then did Jasper feel the thick equine cock inside his tail hole erupt in what felt like an explosion of hot and thick seed. It was also that he felt Hanson release his cum inside the fennec's mouth, sending hot and thick streams down the fox's throat, coating his mouth and filling his stomach. Jasper hungrily gulped down the cum like a ravenous beast for cum, feeling the horse pull out quickly in a loud slurp of his mouth as Hanson began to drench the fox in his hot seed. Jasper moaned for the first time and opened his mouth as the cum flowed like a stream all over his face and onto the silk sheets. Hanson was a big guy and he proved it by soaking the fox's face in his warm seed, Jasper's face nearly turning white from the hot seed.

All the while, Brutus was filling the fox deep and long, shooting thick white jets into the vulpine as he grunted and moaned, letting his seed fly into the fennec. The horse moved a hand lower and then unfastened the cock ring around the fox's own member. Immediately, Jasper jerked his hips and cried out girlishly as he let loose his own cum, squirting it onto the sheets into a small puddle, un-comparable to the horse's pool around him and his body.

Once Jasper had finished with his own cumming, Brutus pulled out, letting a few thick and large flows of cum pour onto the fox's back, letting it settle as Jasper collapsed onto the bed that lay under hum. He panted and gasped for air as he lay there, covered from head to toe in hot seed that covered his body, but still smiled.

"Good slut," both brothers said in unison as they laid down on both sides of the fox, wrapping their arms around each other in the form of a sandwich, quickly falling asleep with the cum-soaked fox in-between them.

Chapter 11: Sky-Drop

Jason: _3 Months Later..._ I did not like being cold, just throwing that out there. In the three months that followed our living at the England G.M.A.F base, I learned more and more than what I could ever imagine a school teacher could teach me...

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Chapter 10: Reprieve

Jason: After hearing those sobs, I was ready to march right back into that office and start slam-ing the Admiral with dozens of punches. The only thing that stopped me however was Ryan clutching my wrist and pulling me along, which caught me a...

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Chapter 9: The Admiral

"You started 'The Story' without me?" The new voice caught the man by surprise, for he nearly jumped out of his seat from the sudden interruption. His two children perked up in their beds as the new person stepped into the doorway. It was a...

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