Changes: Chapter 9

Story by Zerothedragon on SoFurry

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#9 of Changes

Changes: Chapter 9

Disclaimer: chapters 1-4

I'm so sorry for how late this chapter is. I blame writers block. Part one of this story is coming to close. Meaning were soon close to being done with season 1 ^.=.^/ cheers!

"I'm not scared now, the shredder hurt my brothers. Leo, Donnie, Raph... even Zero, no more. I will fight, I'm tired of being scared. I'll fight for you all"


Chapter 9: Hunter Mason

"Firework delivery!" A voice said with a knock at the door. April's house and store had been rebuilt while April and everyone was at the farmhouse, she had a large insurance on it.

Zero opened the door to see joker "hey! I didn't know this was where you lived, odd that this is your house, may I come in?" He put up a facade, a thing Phoenix had to do to get around under radar.

Zero smiled "Come in, I thought the voice was familiar." He went along, letting joker into the house." Once he stepped inside, zero closed the door "no one followed then?"

"None smart enough to see a facade. Now, what's the reason you need this stuff? It's an awful lot to need for parties" he said.

"Not a foot infiltration party" he said "they hurt my friends, and other people. I'm going after them, if I don't come back, then so be it. Phoenix can go on. Reborn from ashes, as they say"

Joker walked out "you will not die, not if you don't give up" he walked out ahutting the door as he did so he said "I'm thirty minutes late, fireworks are free" he said.

Raph walked up "how are fireworks going to help us in getting to shred head?" He asked.

"Who said these were your typical fireworks? I have 10 Phoenix flares, and a lot of goodies."

He opened the door, there was a large box outside "hey april! can you help me with this?" He asked. Zero smiled as she helped him take the box inside "we have the Phoenix package, courtesy of Phoenix" he said.

"Black eggs? As in ninja smoke bombs?" Donnie asked "why are these in here?" He asked, pulling one if the bombs out.

Mikey looked at them "sounds cool, but what's a Phoenix flare?" He asked, looking at a small box of ninja smoke bombs "any reason their so important?" He asked.

Zero pulled out a large cylinder, it was shaped with a handle and a trigger "It's a flare, but these specific ones are made with potassium, it'll continue to burn away even if doused with water. It's our entry. These things are going to give these guys a happy new year" he said. He aimed and pressed the trigger, sending a flash. A ball of orange light shot, heading straight for the building "we're going for the top, all the way up, he lives on the house at the roof" he said. He set it down "I needed 10 because these things are also strong enough to burn through metal."

He picked up the arm bag and put it on, and a backpack on his shoulders. He looked at Donnie and the others "this thing is a glider right?" He asked. Donnie nodded "sweet. I'll see you guys soon"

He charged and dropped. And pulled the cord. Wings spread and a long bar unfolded. He grabbed onto it, and sailed. The hole was large now. Enough to fit him in. He sailed inside and detached the glider, it smashed into a wall and he landed on his feet and into a roll "ok guys, hurry up" he said and charged. He had some climbing to do.

After 2 floors, nothing. No ninja, no nothing. He was on an office floor now. The turtles were not popping up. He heard explosions, so they must have been in a bind. He hoped they got here. He looked around, until he saw something. It was like a light trick. But this was not a trick. Something was there.

He drew a shuriken, and threw it. It snagged into something mechanical. And the figure appeared. A ninja. A foot. It was in some suit. It charged zero, who blocked when it threw a kick. He grabbed the cuff of the suit and let his weight fall, and sprung, sending the ninjas head crashing to the ground. He sighed and let the unconscious ninja drop, he got up and dusted himself off. And continued. He drew a flare, it was rigged with spin and something to ignite the potassium into a fury. He was getting closer to the top floor. Explosions had stopped, and he came to an opened elevator.

He knew why it was there "now your challenging the challenger?" He asked. He walked into the elevator, which shut and began ascending. It stopped on the floor below the roof.

It opened and he walked out, and on folded a scythe. There was only one person in the room, sitting on a chair. Hun.

"We'll, Xercies. I see you took the elevator after all" he said. He frowned at zeros glare "is that anyway to treat your Ex?"

Zero looked in horror "Hunter... Mason? Your Hun the thug?" He asked, he remembered Hunter from the past he knew. Hunter and he had dated a long time ago. They had met at a gamer store, for Hun was also a gamer. He had been hardheaded and stubborn, yes. He was nowhere the size this Hunter was. "You disappeared, after you broke someone's jaw from spurning us after he found it out. I couldn't believe you ran. You fucking left me alone" he said. Hun looked at him without care, but no matter what, he tried to hit home.

"Hunter, I will punish you, you hurt everyone I cared about. The turtles, and phoenix, and you hurt my love for you"Hun hesitated at charging him after he said that. He sighed "this is going to hurt" and he spoke, and released a blast of energy

The boom was deafening to the turtles, who were busy in an artillery room. Raph had stopped for a sec, looking up outside a broken window. The sound had stattered the glass from the whole floor, he ducked inside as glass rained down. "Zero!"

Mikey climbed on a hover craft and shot out a window and went up. Raph looked back as a laughter sounded "you've got my to worry about, you insufferable turtles" it was stockman, in a Exo suit. It was loaded with a lot of deadly things

"fuck" Leo said. Donnie was ready, he looked to Raph "he's ok, he won't leave you, especially with the circumstances"

Hun had gotten away at the last moment before zero releases the shock wave. He was against a wall, knowing Hunter got out before the shockwave.

The Derbies were strewn across the room. The office was trashed. Chairs upside down. Wood splintered where desks used to stand. His arm was bleeding. Some if the debris had got him. He took a minute to heal it. And grunted, he was hurting, because the had stupidly thrown himself into a wall.

He heard the hovering as something flew inside. It was mikey, on some kind of flying thing. "Zero! Are you alright?" He asked.

He jumped off and ran to him and looked around "ah hell, what did you DO!?" He asked as he looked around the room.

"Shockwave. But Hun escaped. I'm going to kill the shredder when I get my hands on him." He said. He smiled "Mikey, how is Raph doing?" He asked.

Mikey explained their tech ninja experience. They had an experience like Zero had a a few minutes before the elevator. He smiled "I'm glad he's ok. Hope he can hold out as I go on ahead. You should go check on them"

Mikey shook his head "I'm sticking with you this time, I want to prove myself I can help." Zero sighed and agreed.

"Let's head up then, out host had waited long enough, he's got a lot to answer for, and no matter what hunter is now, he used to be good. He used to be fun, funny, and a good boyfriend. Raph is there now, but the douchebag up there is just insulting my past and life."

He walked to the staircase leading to the roof. Mikey followed in silence, a nun chuck drawn in his hand. Zero opened the door, the sky was cloudy, a perfect setting for the circumstances.

Five statues occupied the area, and zero walked forward, but no ninjas were around. He was suspicious.

He frowned, a crease forming on his face. He drew a scythe, and spun it around. Nothing attacked him, so he walked up towards the house. He slid the door open and walked inside. Mikey followed beside him and he closed the door. The statues had an odd feeling to him, as I'd they were watching him. Inside was a feudal Japan styled mansion. Paper walls minding up in a hallway with sodden supports and Japanese style furnishings.

And the large curtain that held the end to this nightmare. It held the foots symbol. Zero nodded drawing his second scythe "I remember that hitting him felt like I hit a wall. Something's not right about him." He said and walked straight in to see him in his armor.

He looked at Zero and aimed a claw "prepare yourself for a painful death." He laughed before charging at Zero, but as he closed in zero muttered something. And the claw hit the air where his chest was. But the blow repelled itself, breaking the armor of the shredders. "What did you do!" He yelled as he put distance between them.

Zero looked at him, to see something sparking in the wound. He ran at the Shredder and they started to exchange and block each others attacks. Zero felt stronger since his encounter with Hunter. His reserve was white hot. He saw an opportunity arise and with a flash, his scythe had struck home.

The shredders head fell, but it was sparking. The head of a robot. He wasn't hallucinating, as he thought. Mikey screamed bloody murder as the shredder recovered his head and put it back on. So much for full tough guy, thought zero.

Zero smiled "found out your secret" he said. The shredder was pissed as he charged Zero. What happen next was so fast that Zero couldn't believe it. Something crashed through the glass on the ceiling. And jabbed into the ground, severing the mechanical hand of the shredder.

The object was made of iron steel. It was in the shape of a cross with a handle inside a circle in the middle. He knew who had thrown that. What were they doing here? Blake and Keith were here. And Blake just threw the cross shuriken. The big guy was nuts, that could have hit him!

Two shapes dropped down on a rope, Blake and Keith. Blake jumped off And fell towards the shredder. He was wearing those gauntlet bucklers. "Blake!" Zero said he said

many things happened at once, one being a scream of a woman, the other was the chest of the shredder opened and an alien shot out, only to be caught by a guy in a white coat.

They had beaten stockman and arrived at the roof. The five statues had come alive and attacked the turtles. Raph had charged only for his stack to phase through the thing.

This statue was on fire as it went to aim that staff at Raph, only for splinter to pop up at the last moment to move him out of the way and reflect the staff at one of the guys. A metal clad one. He melted and the earth one charged splinter, who hit water after being sent back.

Splinter reflected the elements to their specific weaknesses. Fire was the only one left. He had snuck splinter before leaving a torrent of flame before Donnie had used the wet mid from water and earth to douse the elemental.

Splinter was injured and badly burned. He was leaning on the back of the building, he was in tatters. Then the guys in white came. Raph saw that Zero was unconioys in ones arms. He quickly ran over to him "Z! What happened to him? Who are you?"

The man nodded "not injured. Only exhausted. Come, we have much to discuss" he said. Raph nodded. Not much choice as everyone nodded to the guys in white. Mikey was there, looking happy

"Hey Raph. Sorry about running off. But I did it. I can protect people now" he said.

Raph nodded towards the men "anything to keep Z safe"

Zero woke up with a start. He was in a pod. The liquid was all around him, he half expected to drown, But he had a breathing mask on. In front of the pod was Raph. He saw zero awake and told someone, more like shouted it from the looks of it. The liquid was draining from the pod.

As the breathing mask fell off and the door opened, Zero fell out, and landed on his feet, hunched over. With Raph helping, was soon on his feet "Your exhaustion was due to your energy being depleted as you casted" a voice said.

One of those alien things was floating on some kind of transport. It was pink, and not red like the one inside the shredder. They also has brain looking tops instead of the sharp one of the shredders.

Speaking of the red bastard. He was inside a tank, not real glass, something stronger. It wasn't over, he knew that. The scream of grief he had heard. He had made an enemy.

He guessed the shredder had adopted a daughter. Or that he found her on the streets. The alien was probably evil enough to trick a little girl into becoming something evil.

He sighed as he leaned back into Raph "Never going to have to do THAT again" Raph said. Zero smiled and went to kiss him.

"Splinters condition is stable now" that stopped him cold. He turned around. The pod next to his held a battered splinter. His fur was singed off in patches.

"When did splinter pop up in the skyscraper?" He asked out of disbelief. How was it splinter made it out with the worst injuries? Raph was in bad shape, He hasn't been sleeping a lot, again. Zero sighed "never mind that look at you Raphael Hamato, you need to sleep. Your no good of your going to fall where your standing"

Raph nodded "I know. I just wanted to know if you were going to be ok" he said. He was about to say something else. But decided against it.

Raph went and laid down on a lab table that had been modified for beds for the turtles. The alien guys must have done that. He was relieved as he turned to the floating brain guy "so... what now?"

The alien smiled "we are soon going to head back to our world. We are utroms, and we are a long way from home. We have been for a very long time. We will help you and be on our way" he said.

Zero nodded "where are we?" He asked. He nodded "The TGRI building" he said. Zero looked at splinter "then you made the..."

"mutagen yes, but Accidentally. It was a byproduct of what we have been doing. We were creating a telemat to transport us to our home world."

He smiled "but first, is like to thank you all four defeating the shredder. You have tge thanks of the Utroms. You should rest. Tomorrow is a big day for you all" he said.

Zero nodded "thanks, I guess" he said.