The Isle of Kinoa - Part 4

Story by Luther the Bat on SoFurry

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#4 of The Isle of Kinoa

This was done as part of a larger series, featuring a group of folk who entered a little contest of mine. The idea is that I roll randomly to see who gets taken out each story and the rest move on until one remains to claim the treasure at the center.

There are three groups initially but in the end there can only be one.

This one features: Achak, Numarcius, and Daniel. Also featuring Jon as the captive and Ryusho as the wizard. You can find these people on the link to the original.

Here's the original:

Here is my FA:

I will be posting these up on my FA first and then here. I pay more attention there so please, if you like this, follow me there. For now these are more like satellite submissions. This story series is still ongoing for the time being, so keep checking back if you like it.

The Isle of Kinoa - Part 4 By Luther

Downward, ever downward. Gravity made its presence more than known here. Then again, what was the wise part about plunging headlong into a gaping hole atop a mountain without looking first? They fell... tumbled and slid on their backs more, really. It was a long and steep slope graced with a merciful smoothness and the occasional handhold they could catch now and again to prevent the descent from becoming dangerously rapid. They had fallen too far too quickly to have much hope of trying to climb back out at this point, that rough oval of light now so far above them.

That was the other problem. It was dark... damn dark. But again that was to be expected underground. At long last the slope bottomed out and their feet met stable rock. That didn't help the blindness issue though. Inertia sent them sprawling forward with a communal 'Oof!'

As they gathered themselves and stood back up Daniel thought to shed literal light on the situation. Thankfully he had long mastered how to summon a floating mote of light and the blazing thing bobbed and weaved in front of him... sort of in his face. He waved it away and it retreated to a more helpful position to the side of his head where he could see the others still getting to their feet.

Yep, still only three of them. Nobody felt particularly great leaving Meepes up there but the big fellow seemed to take a liking to her so she was in fairly safe hands until she could manage to sneak off on her own. Besides, what choice did they have without risking another confrontation? They got lucky once. The beast might have decided it was more hungry than horny the second time.

"Everyone alright?" Daniel asked the now smaller group of them.

"Aye, I think I is," replied Numarcius in his usual gruff slur while Achak simply nodded.

As one they turned to face the only path ahead of them, the open blackness of the tunnel just beyond the light. Such was not to remain, however. As they pushed on, certain of the only path ahead and unable to retreat, they noticed a second and much fainter light ahead. As they approached it they saw it was of an amethyst hue. It grew stronger and brighter as they continued and soon they found the source.

A crystalline structure, a cluster of pointed mineral jutting from the wall emitted the light. It was like a strange geological lantern. Another could be seen hanging from the ceiling further on as the path bent to the left. More and more appeared with greater size and frequency until Daniel was comfortable dismissing his own light and saving his concentration for other things. Everything was bathed in an otherworldly purplish glow, a color of illumination decidedly not found in the natural world.

However, the new illumination brought apprehension as well. The eerie light cast strange and angular shadows on their path, elongating the simplest things into menacing shapes: spindly fingers or tentacles that stretched out from every crevice in the corner of the eye only to vanish when one looked at them. Daniel and Numarcius tried not to look in the darker places, choosing not to allow their minds to trick them into thinking some monster lurked there. Achak wavered slightly, his courage not quite proportional to his size.

As the trio walked along the conveniently lit corridor a curious sensation slowly took them. Numarcius noticed it first... or thought he did. It was almost a tightening in his pants. They walked another hundred feet or so. There it was again. The crotch of his trousers was growing tighter, slowly but just perceptibly. It wasn't that he was getting excited or anything. The wolf chanced a look downward and could have sworn the slight bulge he normally sported was more prominent.

Daniel had looser clothing and didn't notice it until some time later. Achak, being without a single stitch of fabric to his name, felt it the least. Even still, the dragon's heavy sheath and balls started to feel a little more pendulous in each gentle walking swing. It was an odd thing to experience in such a place --so odd that, for the most part, they simply dismissed it as another trick of the mind. But it was persistent and eventually it became undeniable. One pair of eyes met another as to confirm that the feeling was mutual.

"Anyone else feelin' that?" asked Numarcius. The others nodded.

The wolf's pants were growing too tight. The fat cylindrical bulge was traveling down his pant leg, barely contained. He had to be rid of their oppression. The others seemed to understand as he struggled a moment to take them off. Soon they were flung to the ground and the wolfs length was partly spilling from his sheath. The open air and attention was obviously enjoyable to him as it slowly swelled to full rigidity. Numarcius held himself as still as possible, the others watching closely in curiosity. At eleven inches hard, it was definitely bigger. Normally he topped at seven. It seemed to be working on a solid dozen even now, to say nothing of the expanding nuts below it. Suspicions confirmed.

"It's growing," said Achak. "I think we all are."

Daniel spoke up. "It has to be these crystals. I don't know if it'll stop or not so we should keep moving before we're too big to." There might be fewer ahead or they might grow more concentrated. It was a risk they had to take. Numarcius unslung his scabbard from his belt and tied if off over his shoulder next to the pistol. He may go pant-less and exposed but he will not go unarmed.

Their self-assessment halted abruptly and the pondering of what this meant would have to wait. By now the apprehension and creeping atmosphere had returned to the forefront of their minds and the wolf's cock was once again snug inside its now much fatter sheath. In front of them was a strange sight, a thing none were exactly prepared for. It was a feline --a cougar it seemed. Aside from being naked as the day he was born the most noticeable thing that crossed their attention about this cat was the fact that he was almost entirely encased in the largest crystal they had seen yet, jutting from the center of the path. It was as large as a man, it had to be in order to contain him, but lacked the pale glow of the others. Beyond him the tunnel diverged into two directions, a Y-shaped junction. The restraining formation had captured the feline up to his shoulders, leaving his head free. He was definitely alive, a fact made clear when he began to wake. The cat opened his eyes and at length he was able to see enough to view the newcomers... around the same time their own surprise had worn off.

"Huh? Wha?" Numarcius attempted to ask. While they had come to expect brutish beasts or other watchdogs, nothing like this was in any of their expectations.

"Who- are you? How long have you been down here?" Achak managed to voice what everyone was likely wondering.

The feline grimaced at the question. His countenance contorted as if his own mind was trying to shield him from an answer buried deep away.

"I--I don't know." The way he spoke implied he had the answer for neither question.

"Well it doesn't matter," said Daniel. "We're not going to leave another behind."

Whether motivated by guilt or pity, the coyote was unwilling to allow someone to suffer under such a fate. He motioned to Achak for assistance and, as he conjured a stone to enter existence with the proper trajectory and velocity to crash into the crystal, the large dragon plied his strength against it as well.

"No, wait- don't!" the cougar yelled and tried to stop them. However their combined efforts were already exerted. There was a flash and the crystalline structure flew to pieces, shattering like so much glass. Like it or not, the cat was freed. He fell forward amid the swiftly dissolving shards, catching himself on his hands and knees as the little purple slivers disappeared around him. Within seconds there was The cougar lurched and threw himself up to his feet.

"You ought not to have done that..." he said. His voice was not threatening so much as matter-of-factly.

"How do you mean?" said Daniel, definitely confused. "We just freed you!"

"Do you think I was in there because I was trapped? I was there because I was intended to be! I'm supposed to be a warning, don't you see?" the cougar exclaimed.


"Think about it!" the cougar cried aloud in frustration. "You have not been drawn here by your own volition. Not to this island. Not to this cave. You are nothing more than a source of amusement for this damn place, to be used and discarded at its whim!" The exasperation in his voice was mounting. "I tried to warn you because I was exactly where you are now. I -lost- and so now I have no choice but to do what it says. You think you freed me?! I was safest in that rock! Everyone else here is just like me, you can't help them..." The cougar slowed down, visibly trying to calm himself. "You still have your free will --so heed my warning and turn back while you can keep it."

More silence followed as his words tried to sink in.

"I'm not turning back. I'm getting away from this island and we're getting that wish," Daniel said as calmly as he could muster.

The cougar shook his head in disappointment and backed away slowly. "I can't let you," he said and quickly turned around, darting down the left tunnel as fast as his legs could carry him.

When faced with such information that raises more questions than it answers and the fact that the source of those answers are escaping, it only makes sense to give chase. Couple that with natural predatory inclination and it practically becomes an instinct. In a flash the other three were behind him, hounding him through the cavernous corridors. They followed the echoing sound of his claws on the stone and, rounding a sharp corner, saw him further ahead. They must have been nearing the surface or some cliff-face as gnarly roots and vines worked their way through the walls, streaking the stone with vegetation. The fleeing cat made a quick gesture with his hand and a tangle of those very vines animated and threw themselves in a crisscrossing lattice across the path.

Achak lowered his head and attempted to barrel through them. He was only somewhat successful. He crashed and rebounded and landed on his rump, but the vines snapped and fell to the ground. An opening was left for Numaricus and Daniel to leap through and so they did, still hot on the cougar's heels. The dragon would have to catch up.

The cougar was panting as he ran and quickly running out of ideas. He could slow them but not stop them and despite his efforts to entrap them, they continued pursuit. There was one last thing he could do: lead them to another who might stop them, another former adventurer like him. And so he did. A quick change in his gait and he was down a side passage with them still behind. Another flick of his paw and the ground behind him began to shift.

Daniel and Numarcius were close behind, the pair skidding across the floor to duck into the hall they saw the cougar go. The wolf was first around the corner and his foot was first to find the soft ground. It gave way like a porridge and Numarcius began to fall in. He yelped aloud and called to Daniel.

"Help! It's like quicksand!"

The wolf grabbed hold of a nearby vine with one hand and Daniel's with the other. Together they managed to hoist him out but not without great difficulty. Were he alone he might not have made it. They righted themselves and leapt over the mucky stone and continued on, following the sound of footfalls.

With that extra bit of time bought it was a short matter to lead them to this last trap, a room both grand and grandiose. An enormous vaulted carved ceiling stood above them with spiraling fluted columns interspersed throughout. The walls were gilded with gold leaf and the floors were a riotous color of tiled mosaics. More roots and vines burst from the ceiling and walls here and there, marring the otherwise pristine surfaces. All of this was carefully constructed back in its day and not at all what one would think to find deep in a mountain. Thankfully there did not seem to be any more of the glowing, pointed formations in here. The chamber was instead lit by traditional torch and brazier.

They had chased the cougar into this room, that much was certain. But there was another occupant here. A royally deep blue dragon was seated atop a central dais on the far side of the room, idly preening his icy colored mane as he gazed into a full length standing mirror of exquisite make. It was assumed there was some sort of chair or throne beneath him but impossible to tell for it was obscured. Around this alleged throne was a moat --maybe ten feet across-- filled with a bubbling, white viscous fluid. The most obvious thing about this dragon is that he had the largest pair of balls any of them had ever seen resting between his legs, forcing them wide apart and resting on the ground in front of him. They were nearly as big as the rest of him!

"Admiring the view?" the dragon called out to them in a gravelly voice as the cougar ran closer towards him. The insinuating way he asked made it clear he did not mean the decor. "Forgive me if I do not introduce myself properly. Rules are rules," he said, choosing not to answer the question it begged.

Numarcius and Daniel had forgotten all about their chase in sight of all this, stopped in their tracks. An equally bewildered Achak soon caught up behind them. The blue dragon's eyes fell over the three of them, seeing the thick and still-swelling sheathes that hung between their legs and the bulge in Daniel's ragged pants. Even his looser clothing was beginning to constrict.

"Ah! I see you've found the crystals. Deepest source of life and growth on this island. To be expected from a living thing, of course!" the blue dragon cracked a wide smile.

"E'eryone keeps talking as if'n this damn island was alive..." Numarcius began.

"As alive as you or me, dear wolf," there came a sharp interruption and a giggle from the enthroned dragon. "Maybe even more so!"

"So if'n those things was gone, th' island would... die off?" the wolf continued.

"Hardly! Only life as we understand it springs from these beauteous formations. Removing them would only remove what would sustain us --flora and fauna. The Island was bare once when it produced them and could do so once more. It would be like..." the dragon paused, thinking and tapping his chin in an exaggerated manner. "It would be like shaving off one's hair! You may look less appealing but you would be no less alive."

A long moment passed. The lordly dragon allowed them a time to compose themselves. He turned to the elusive cougar and bid him to listen. "You've done well taking them here, now go and warn the others that we have company and tell the master if he doesn't already know. I strongly suspect that these are not the only ones." The cougar nodded and quickly padded his way towards another hallway.

"As interesting as they might be in their normal state..." the dragon turned back to them. "I've used the crystals often in my own experiments with virility and life essence to further extents. Unfortunately I've ran out of test subjects as of late --but fortunately for me more have just wandered in!" he exclaimed with wicked glee.

Before anyone could react properly, the dragon outstretched his hand and from his claw tips flew translucent red streamers of light. They snaked their way through the air and descended on Daniel. The coyote dodged out of their way and instead they spread out and struck both Achak and Numarcius. They flew low and darted towards their balls, disappearing inside. Neither figured any good could come from that...

Numarcius stopped in mid step as he was drawing his sword. His muscles seized, not in pain but in pleasure. Soon his cock was throbbing again. It surged out of his sheath as a wave of indescribable bliss overtook him. His throbbing length dribbled precum onto the ground as the paralyzed wolf looked down to see it and what he knew he felt: his balls were growing rapidly! It was a dull but delicious pressure that suffused and expanded them. They hung between his legs the size of his fists and felt so wonderfully full --yet every moment stretched them larger still.

Achak's own balls visibly jumped as the invasive magic worked itself upon them. They too began to enlarge into twin magnificent masculine swells. Their already impressive size lent an extra significance and an audible groaning could be heard coming from them. They were being turned into veritable cum factories, churning and producing with abandon. It was like every magically dictated fiber of his being was dedicated to making as much cum as possible, leaving him as unable to move as the wolf.

It became clear to Daniel that it was up to him for the moment. His friends were enthralled by the pleasure-bringing magic and he turned to face the draconic wizard. His enemy was quicker though and another jolt of crimson energy flew at Daniel. The coyote brought up a quick defense and conjured a cloud of inky darkness around him. The beams missed --or so he assumed having not felt anything. Not skipping a beat, Daniel burst forward and hurled magically created stones at the dragon. The earthen projectiles were halted, deflected by a transparent emergency shield that glistened like ice but redirected the rocks without effort. It flickered and faded and the dragon brought to bear more energies as the magical exchange continued.

Meanwhile the other two tried desperately to will their bodies to rejoin the fight. They put one foot shakily in front of the other. Achak moaned, leaning forward and enjoying the newfound sensation of his fat cockheads sliding across the cool floor. They glided through the pool of copious precum that formed below them. His unbelievably productive nuts sagged lower with their increased weight. Everything, absolutely everything felt so damn amazing that it was almost impossible for them to focus on anything else! Numarcius fell to his knees. He was unable to resist any further. His bobbing cock flexed, his eyes screwed shut, and as he grunted the thicket stream of cum he ever shot in his life flew from the swollen head of his cock. Two, three, four shots, a fifth jet --it just kept coming! He grew as he came: ever larger and ever more potent, passing a foot and a half in length and as thick as his forearm. It hit the tiles, splattered the columns, even himself as it streaked upward and outward. The size of each burst grew as well, some landing a good ten feet away. One even struck the ceiling and dripped down!

Daniel was starting to get the upper hand and his foe knew it. But with Numarcius succumbing to the magic, the dragon grew empowered. He decided to change tactics and made a great upward sweeping gesture with both hands. A rumbling shook the chamber, dust and tiny pebbles fell from the cracks in the ceiling above. From the sticky moat arose a pair of tendrils as big around as his leg. They climbed into the air like great tendrils and lashed towards the coyote. Daniel was unprepared and one struck him across the chest. It smelled salty and he had no doubt it was cum. It was also exceptionally solid to the point of knocking him off of his feet. The dragon laughed but, while this new magic was powerful, it drew away from the euphoric stasis that held the other two.

The wolf was freed of that mind-numbing influence and staggered forward. He caught the dragon's attention and the other tendril whipped around and hit the wolf, sending him flying backwards. Numarcius's paw went for his pistol as he tumbled. He stopped, leaning up from his prone position and drew, leveling his firearm. He pulled the trigger, the hammer fell and... nothing. The flint made no sparks. It was covered in cum. The powder probably wouldn't ignite either. He was taught not to let it get wet, apparently cum counts too.

"Yer kiddin' me," he sighed.

Achak snapped from his reverie as well. He was enjoying the sensations that reverberated through his whole being of gently dragging his balls over the floor as he stretched. He delighted at hearing the creaking sound they made as they filled. But now that he was fully back in the present he gathered himself and assessed the situation and began running as fast as he could towards the massively hung dragon. Achak saw his opportunity. He wasn't sure if he could make the jump across the moat of cum or not so, as he sprinted across the myriad tiles of the floor he launched himself high into the air with those powerful hind legs of his and aimed for something else instead. With his forearms he grabbed onto one of the vines dangling from the ceiling and prayed it would hold. Achak sunk his teeth into it for extra support as it began to uproot itself and become detached. The fulcrum changed, the weight shifted, and the platinum dragon soon found himself swinging towards the other dragon much quicker than he expected. His tail skimmed the bubbling stuff as he sailed over it, narrowly missing the mirror --but he overshot it! Instead of tackling the mad dragon he swung too high!

The blue dragon turned his head, still grinning from his momentary victory, just in time to see Achak speeding towards him. Correction, just in time to see Achak's balls speeding towards him. Though he may have been too high, his balls were not. That massive sac impacted the blue dragon's head, sending him backwards. As Achak tumbled safely to the ground behind the throne, Numarcius turned over and looked up to see the blue reptile slumped in his seat... knocked unconscious.

The foe had quite literally been sacked.

And like that the threat was ended. The arcane excitement that brewed in their balls had calmed, though leaving them much larger than they started. As he stood, Numarcius tried to fathom how he could now balance his step with two foot long, pulsing shaft and a pair the size of cantaloupes. Meanwhile Achak was dealing with a set as big as his head and a pair of shafts he'd have to take care not to let touch the ground as he walked.

"It looks like he's going to be out for a while. That takes care of him for the time being," said Daniel. While his friends became reacquainted with themselves, the coyote took the initiative. He summoned up a stone disk to ferry him over and inspect their comatose would-be captor. Out like a torch. Being his curious self, Daniel couldn't help but wonder how the dragon managed to do all that.

"Perhaps this mirror is a source of his power? Aside from his throne it's the only other thing over here," he said while approaching it. The coyote risked a glance into the looking glass. He did not see himself as he would expect. He didn't see anything, just blackness. "Well that's odd," he said.

As if to understate that, a ripple began to form the mirror's surface. Something quickly emerged from the concentric circles, something long and slippery and sinuous. It was green and covered in suction rings --it was a tentacle! It threw itself around Daniel, wrapping about his waist as another followed it to entangle his arms. A third grabbed his leg and hoisted him off the ground. As a team they pulled him in in the blink of an eye. He hardly had time to yelp. Just like that the coyote was pulled into the mirror and gone. No image of him appeared there nor could any echoing shouts be heard coming from it... though they could have sworn they heard something resembling a belch.

Stunned silence. Neither Numarcius nor Achak saw that one coming. The platinum dragon decided upon discretion being the best part of valor here and retreated back across the moat and far away from it and the unconscious dragon. No demon or monster emerged to attack them.

"Hey Achak..." the wolf finally spoke up. "I'm not supposin' you be knowing anything about magic and th' like, eh?"

The dragon shook his head.

"Then I says we be awful careful 'bout what we go around touchin' from here on."

That was easy to agree on. They beat a hasty retreat. Having no idea which path to take now, they decided upon the one they saw the cougar run through. Maybe they'd have better luck elsewhere? They just wanted to get away and so much more awaited them...