Berry Picking

Story by Edison on SoFurry

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Well it's that time again folks, the adults only massively pornographic cum splattered yiff train has once again pulled into the station, so get your tickets ready. Unfortunately, tickets can only be sold to horny furs that are over 18 years of age and have a taste for male on male action, this time involving licensed characters. That's correct, today's menu features characters originally designed by Nintendo and Gamefreak, and whoever else currently holds a stake in the Pokemon franchise. The author of this tale claims no ownership or responsibility for the characters involved, besides if he did own Pokemon, he wouldn't be writing this story for a furry pornography site, but rather making a full-length film of the scenes depicted instead. Those with weak heart or other conditions aggravated by: penises, tailholes, rape, strange quasi-magical slavery and bondage, and other sorts of extreme goings on, evacuate the premises, final warning. You can't turn back now...

Berry Picking

The pikachu had a slight bounce in his movement today, hopping lightly through the fields in search of his next meal, which he knew wasn't very far, he could smell those delicious berries from here. The young chu didn't even bother to count how many times he ate everyday anymore, he couldn't deny he was a glutton, especially for berries, his , his blurred view of his surroundings slowly fleshing out as he looks himself over, watching a faint bluish glow travel about him, the obvious cause of these sensations, wherever it traveled it left a tingling pleasure in its wake. The chu grabs at it, catching nothing but air, his paws moving right through it like he was trying to catch a cloud. Pawing at it only seemed to agitate it, the blue glow seemed to intensify and feel heavier on him, rubbing over his stomach as firmly as a real paw would, the fur on the back of his neck prickling up, not from this glow, but from the undeniable feeling that he was not alone, his form slowly scurrying around in a one eighty to get a clear view of the intruder, letting out a small squeak when he looked up at him.

He was told stories about them when he was young, a rare Pokemon that's very life-force emanated from his body, free to be manipulated into powerful attacks when threatened, becoming more powerful as the battle raged on, almost as if the energy you gave into fighting him is sucked up as you expend it. The chu never believed these things though; none of the others had ever seen any such thing as this Lucario, this was all word of mouth from friendly traveling Pokemon, stopping by for a place to spend the night and to tell a few stories from their travels. But that was long ago, he quickly grew tired of daily life with his fellow chus and set off on his own, living the way he saw fit, basically traveling from meal to meal.

A rubbing between his legs snapped his thoughts back to what was happening, looking back at the taller Pokemon, who just stared back at him with an unexpressive look on his face, his paw raising slightly, the same blue energy floating off of it and attaching to the chu's fur, moving down to help its companion tease between his legs. The chu gave a stifled murr and continued to stare, certain that this was the same Lucario of legend, looking at his canine-like face and almost humanoid stance, standing still with his paw held out tilting it slightly, the glow following in that direction, a eerie silence falling over the surrounding world, only the brief whimpers and murrs of the chu and Lucario's pants blowing softly in the breeze is heard.

Lucario's paw mimes a gripping motion, the pikachu squealing as he feels the glow suddenly tighten around his ball sac, the other Pokemon taking a step towards him, another plume of aura flowing out from him, a ghostly replica of his master's paw floating over to grip the yellow mouse's chubby sheath tightly. The chu scoots back a few inches, which does nothing to cure his plight, whimpering as he wonders why this part of the story was left out, cursing them for leaving it at, "if he exhibits such control of this energy in a high intensity combat situation, who knows what it would be capable of if he chose to use his aura for other purposes."

The chu's hips slowly bend upwards, a staggered moan erupting from within his as the aura paw starts to roughly jerk up and down on his plump sheath, the remained of the energy flowing and caressing his equally fat orbs, his member spilling out from its container, bits of aura flicking over to caress the exposed shaft. The aura swirls about, twisting and tugging at the newly exposed flesh, doubling its assault on his genitals every moment he makes an attempt at motion, keeping him paralyzed in bliss, his round belly moving up and down rapidly as he gasps for air, paws reaching into the air and grasping nothingness, his cheeks sending tiny sparks into the ground. He shakes his head in an attempt to clear his mind of the pleasures coursing through his body, gritting his teeth as he uses all of his might to get onto all fours, panting as the smooth feeling washes around his swaying erection, his eyes shut in concentration, shakily putting a paw forward, then another, and finally manages to break out into an all out run, not caring how powerful this Pokemon may be, he was not going to be pleasured by him in such a manner.

He made it about fifty feet before he came crashing to the ground, limbs flailing about as he cried out in pain, a jet of aura visibly borrowing under his tail, expanding every time he made an attempt to right himself, sliding deeper and deeper inside of him. The soft footpads of the Lucario barely register to the pikachu's ears, his watery eyes looking upwards as he makes an attempt to get up once more, a painful throb in his rump suggesting that he should rethink that, the aura Pokemon still looking at him with those cold eyes, releasing more of his energy about him, the aura wrapping about his arms and legs and splaying the chubby mouse out before him, the soft jerking on his shaft resuming as the aura in his tailhole assumes a more phallic shape, sliding its way back and forth in his rear.

The pikachu starts to whine and beg with the other Pokemon, receiving no response whatsoever from the blue figure, either he was unable to understand his language or simply didn't care about him, simply raising and lowering his paw, forcing the chu before him to hump at the air, squeezing droplets of pre out from his shaft, which pass through the aura and drip onto his thighs, the pikachu starting to cry as his helpless form is abused, his body forced to mime enjoyment. He lets out a loud cry for help, the shriek echoing throughout the area, but after that the silence returns, the whines and complaints of the rodent the only thing that remained, trapped in a nightmare that refused to stop.

But then, it did stop; the faux paw vanishing, his orbs left to droop back down, his rump was still stuffed full of the member shaped energy, but its movement had ceased, the chu able to collect his breath, his rump beginning to adjust to the shaft inside of him, the twangs of pain dissolving into throbs of discomfort. He shivered as he felt his body roll on its side, his arms dragged towards his toes, a firm push on the back of his head and spine contorting him in a way he never would have dreamed of being in, tears falling onto the ground as a force uncaring to his pains slowly presses his muzzle into his own crotch, his own dripping shaft rubbing onto his nostrils, his own musk filling them. His muscles ached as they were held still, forced to keep his face beyond the chubby belly and firmly between his legs, his body squishing together in and out, his cock sliding against his own facial fur, a tingling moving up his chin. To the chu's dismay, the aura surrounded his muzzle, cracking open his jaws wide as he rubbed his cock on his face, a thrust hitting home and sending the shaft past his lips, the aura snapping his mouth shut gently, wrapping around and sealing it shut.

A small moan buzzes around his shaft, his groin tingling with pleasure as he softly humps into his own muzzle, his body shimmering blue as his hips rock back and forth, the aura cock smoothly rubbing back and forth, torturing his prostate, forcing him to offer clear droplets of pre into his maw. The chu whimpers and moans, every fiber of his body acting on a will that wasn't his own, and the problem was his body was beginning to enjoy it focusing less on struggling against the aural restraints and more on making attempts at heightening these intense pleasures, the pikachu whining when he catches himself suckling at his shaft, his body eager for more fluids.

The chu moans in defeat, nursing off his own length as aura penetrates in and out of his rump, his thrusting getting more and more rapid, until it reaches an uncomfortable breakneck speed, the pikachu gagging slightly as his cock pistons back and forth in his muzzle, whimpering as he feels the pressure welling up within his loins, and the undeniable feeling that his body was hungry for what was to come. His muzzle was quickly flooded with his warm seed, spilling out down the side of his muzzle and onto the ground below, forced to swallow before he drown in his own release, his aching hips press into his muzzle so It can spill down his throat, feeling the hot fluid travel down into his belly, aura pulling his testicles to coax every drop out of the rodent.

Satisfied that the pikachu had been thoroughly drained, the Lucario released his hold on the chu, watching him sputter and wheeze on the ground, wiping cum off from around his muzzle, massaging his sore rear, slowly looking up at the aura Pokemon with teary eyes, a crushed look on his face as he feels so utterly used and helpless. The Lucario just turned about without any change in his demeanor and started to walk away, the chu continuing to feebly massage his sore body, grunting as he fell forward and slid along the earth below him, stopping abruptly when the Lucario paused, glancing over his shoulder at the fallen chu, brushing himself off with a concerned look, then resumed to pad away, the pikachu feeling that jerking sensation around his neck again, scrambling to keep his balance as he was towed behind the other Pokemon.

The chu gave out another snivel, seeing a blue glow reflected off his paws, realizing that he hadn't been set free at all, forced to keep pace as the Lucario kept him close on an invisible leash. They walked for what seemed like hours, the rodent's legs beginning to ache from scrambling to keep up the pace with the other Pokemon, nearly ready to just collapse and let himself be dragged the rest of the way, his complaining getting more and more audible until finally the Lucario stopped and looked back at him, studying him for a few moments before his aura gently lifted him up, resuming his journey with the chu suspended behind him, his sore body shutting down from exhaustion.

The pikachu awoke many hours later, rubbing his eyes and pulling himself up slowly, having no need to think about whether the previous night's experience was a dream or not, the evidence around him was clear. He was in a clearing, flat plains all around him a few plants here and there but his field of vision was cut off by a blue glow in the distance, upon further investigation the chu found he was trapped in a sphere of aura, an enclosure made entirely from Lucario's energies. After walking around the circumference of this enclosure, he made the startling realization that he wasn't alone; there were others here, looking equally scarred and confused at their current situation, each of them with a glowing blue ring surrounding their necks. The pikachu avoided them, not wanting to stand out or be noticed just hoping he could find a way to slip out unnoticed, but making notes of the fellow Pokemon he spotted: eevee, typhlosion, jolteon, zigzagoon, and a floatzel. He hid behind bushes, his mind ripe with paranoia, what if they are only pretending to look like they are trapped here, just so he'd run over and fall right into their twisted trap?

He squeaked loudly as he was suddenly dragged out of his hiding place, arms flailing about as he slid backwards, glimpsing similar expressions on the other Pokemon, all going through the same experience, the chu whimpering as he saw even the typhlosion sliding back with ease, his size advantage amounting to nothing. They were all pressed into a circle, facing outward foot paws bound to the ground by invisible tethers, all of them looking around a group whimper as some see the Lucario approaching, the others just follow suit because they don't know what is about to happen. Standing a few paces from the group he had collected, he slowly circled around them, eyeing over each of them with a subtle nod, a hint of contentment in his eyes as he gazes over each one, who each try to cover themselves up, the chu deducing that they all received a treatment similar to his before their arrival.

The Lucario gave another head nod and walked back, surprising the group when he simply sat himself down, propping his back on a large boulder, stretching his paws out and wriggled into a more comfortable position, his aura glittering in the shady cover he found. His paw beckons, the typhlosion growling and he slides out of the circle, grunting as he was pushed onto all fours by the aura that was enveloping his body, his flames taking on a blue hue, trying to dig into the earth to stop him from spinning, standing parallel between the Lucario and the group of Pokemon. The circle of Pokemon is quickly fashioned into a line, allowing everyone getting a perfect view of the typhlosion between them and the Lucario.

The typhlosion clearly gives a struggle as his body is slowly manipulated back, limbs shaking and twitching as he is forced into a sitting position, legs spread wide his genitals nudged until they were displayed prominently, softball sized orbs accompanying his thick furry sheath, a quiet sound coming from the shade where the puppet master was lounging, though it was difficult to determine whether it was a soft chuckle or something more sinister. His paw points out beyond the fire Pokemon, an extended finger playing some sort of twisted form of "Eenie Meanie Moe" each Pokemon feeling the aura tingle over them before drifting over to the one next to them, sometimes they felt themselves scoot a few inches forward, terrified squeaks and other high pitched sounds accompanying their travels, starting to cling to one another in hopes that they could hang on for dear life and be spared whatever fate the Pokemon had in store for them, the jolteon barking out loudly as his paws left the ground the glowing ring around his neck pulling him up into the air, then lightly tossing him over towards the singled out typhlosion, landing on his back between his spread legs, facing the Lucario, the chu squeaking loudly as he was suddenly slingshot forward, face planting into something soft and fuzzy, the typhlosion yipping above him.

The pikachu slowly lifted himself up, eyes widening when he realized the cushion for his face first free fall had been two dual softballs between the typhlosion's legs. He pulls back with a few mumbles of apology, only to find a heavy pressure on the back of his head, forcing him back down into the plush orbs, whimpering as he found that he paws were free to flail about at their leisure but his head was forced to remain stationary. He coughed a little as his mind reeled, the potent munk he was forced to breathe in causing reactions in his body that his mind knew would only lead to more trouble, but his body ignored his pleas, he could feel that tingling in his loins, his head not budging a single inch as he wheezes, unable to calm himself down, his staggered breaths just pumping the pheromones into him faster, a heavy paw petting the back of his head softly. The petting did help to calm him down slightly, the soft rubbing on the backs of his pointed ears made him give a small murr, a second one issuing when he felt something nuzzle against his belly, cooing as it licked the budging chub affectionately.

The weight on the back of his head lifts, the chu gasping out as his muzzle lifts into the air to collect some musk free air, looking up at the typhlosion who was still stroking his head softly, body still encased in a blue hue the second paw reaching over and grabbing one of his paws, the second stops petting him and grabs the other, holding him out a few inches off the ground, the chu's feet running around with nowhere to go, suddenly stopping, his fur standing up completely up into the air as a cold nose shoves itself between his plump rump cheeks. The chu is given just a few moments to comprehend what exactly is going on about him before the electric canine's tongue slides across him, coating the skin between his cheeks with a glaze of saliva, passing over his tailhole, making him twitch lightly in the bigger pokemon's grasp, a drop of pre dripping down his slowly exposing length. The pikachu wasn't offered much of a view during these proceedings, he simply had to be content with watching the typhlosion stare back at him, or look down at the ominous developments in the fire type's crotch, his own thick shaft slowly making itself known to his fellow Pokemon. The Chu lets out a prolonged sigh of pleasure as the jolteon behind him continues to lap at his entrance, each slurp of his tongue sending waves of bliss crashing over his body, thick globs of precum jetting out from his shaft, raining down on the typholsion's erecting member, the warm liquid trickling down his shaft, making him shiver, paws twitching over the pikachu's arms.

The licking at his rump becomes more concentrated; the laps at his tailhole becoming shorter and yet more rapid, the target for each wet slurp clearly his puckered hole. The chu feels himself start to lower, his footpads finally able to touch solid ground, the slight aching he had developed from being suspended dulling a small bit, it wouldn't matter anyway though, any pain or discomfort was quickly being muted by the intense pleasure that was rocking him to the core, each stroke of the jolteon's tongue was like an electric shock to his system, which was difficult to accomplish on account of him being an electric type. That small moment of relief and pure bliss was quickly washed away when the heavy paws of the typhlosion grabbed the back of the chu's head and slammed it hard into his crotch, his hard member smearing over his face, a mixed blend of chu and ty pre rubbing into his facial fur. The pikachu squeaked, immediately trying to get himself out of that musky prison once more, letting out a shrill cry as he feels him body start to move about on its own accord, his legs spreading as his hips push back, displaying his butt almost proudly to the jolteon who was still licking at it, a small pathetic whine from him confirming this was an involuntary task for him as well, his front paws, which he notices are bathed in the blue aura, rest themselves on either side of the fire type's thighs, his face nuzzling at the throbbing meat he had been shoved into.

His whining gets louder as he feels the aura seep into his muzzle, cracking it open and grabbing his tongue, quickly pulling it out and rubbing it along the thick smooth shaft before him, twirling about, digging into the cum slit on the head, his paws kneading at his thighs affectionately, his rump wiggling back at forth at the dog behind him, whose tongue was pressing harder against him, getting closer and closer to being forced to penetrate him. His lips kiss and nibble at the head of the member softly, the aura pressing down on him until it pops into his muzzle lewdly, his jaws held open wide as it fills his small muzzle, a deep murr explodes from his as the tongue lapping behind him plunges deep within his depths, the vibrations sent down the shaft exciting several blasts of hot pre down his throat, dribbling and collecting on his tongue, his plugged muzzle giving him no choice but to swallow it down, his paws drifting over and rubbing along the plump orbs below him, squeezing on them to excite more and more pre out from the shaft, a dull whimper coming from the chu as he drinks it down.

He slowly starts to make a decent down the fleshy spire, his vision blurring with tears as his jaws ache as more and more cock is stuffed into it, gagging a little as the head presses to his throat. A tear falls as his body can do nothing to assist his plight, he just bobs slowly on what length he can fit down inside of him muzzle, grunting as the head slams against his throat, almost begging to be let inside, the chu squealing when it is granted its request, several more inches of his member slipping inside of him as it breaks that barrier. The hold on the typhlosion is loosened, letting him give into the primal instinct to start bucking up into the warm wetness of the chu's muzzle, his head held still as the meat is rammed up and down into him with a lewd squelching sound, copious amount of fluids both raining down his throat and being drooled back out onto the typhlosion's crotch, the only thing keeping the chu slightly content was the tongue twirling about in his backside.

The Chu's ears flicked about, picking up similar noises all around him, left to deduce that the trio of Pokemon that we not chosen to participate in this particular event were involved in something just as perverted, the loud squishing and whining around him making him dwell even more on the similar noises that he was forced to make, whimpering as the cock never takes a break from ramming into his maw, his belly filling up with pre slowly as it slid in thick masses down his gullet. The greedy throat muscles and tightness of the Chu's muzzle would only serve the benefit that the typhlosion's climax was reached far sooner than if he had been with a partner with accommodations better suited to handle his maleness, although with every second of having the slick spear impaled down your throat feeling like it was an eternity it didn't make the pikachu's plight any better. The shaft erupted violently down the throat of the Chu, the viscous cum burning its way down into his belly, the warmness coating his esophagus and dribbles into his stomach, slowly painting over that as well, the seemingly never ceasing stream filling up his belly faster than the Chu could have anticipated, he could swear it felt like his pudge was getting bigger, and that for the first time in a while he felt full.

The cock slips out from his muzzle with a lewd splash, filling his muzzle as it leaves and continues to blast into his face, the warm cream matting into his fur as he is masked with it, his yellow fur fading away under layers of spunk before the flow of semen slows to a small trickle, realizing that there was no longer a jolteon licking his rump, not needing to wonder where he had run off to when he nuzzled up next to him and lapped at his face, cleaning off the dribbling sheets of seed off of his face, the Chu sighing softly as the slick tongue bathed him, giving him a moment to pant and sputter wads of seed out of his muzzle, content that at least this moment wasn't fraught with lewd sexual displays.

The tender moment was suddenly broken up, which the pikachu felt like may become a trend in this situation he had been thrust into, his body sliding and tumbling along on the ground, thudding dully against the sole of a black foot. He looked up, ears flattening the instant he confirmed exactly whose foot he had just collided with, the Lucario giving him this strange smile. It made him feel so odd, it was warm and kind looking, which conflicted so much with the nature of what he had and was still doing, the chu just trying to shy away from him, but was quickly plucked up and tossed into his lap. The Chu's glowing aura collar held him down and against the strangely soft plush of his stomach, his paws slowly stroking over his head as he watches the scene before him while the Chu shuts his eyes, settling to rather not watch the scene before him.

The soft petting is oddly comforting, the one who seconds ago forced him to deep throat a stranger was now showing him such affection, his paw scratching under his chin slowly, making the Chu squirm a little, trying to stifle a small murr that escaped his lips. He giggled to himself as the paws rubbed at his belly, scratching and kneading at his chubby tummy softly, he murred his mind finally able to wander for the first time in ages, the way he was being stroked and pet reminded him of the time he had spied on a trainer, curious to see what life would be like if he was ever captured and trained by someone, how he snuggles and treated them, it was so similar to this.

His eyes fluttered open and he looked up at the Lucario, the weight of the situation dawning on him, he was captured, but instead of a trainer it was this mysterious Pokemon, and his type of training was vastly different from the battling that the real trainers did amongst themselves. That warm smile that was still directed at him scared him a little now, his body lifting up slightly as he was spun in a 180, looking directly at the other Pokemon, whose paws were moving down, going under the waistband of the pants that easily blended with his body, the Chu staring transfixed as they slid downward, reveling his already hard member, an ebon 9 inch spire that swayed slightly, his fuzzy blue sac revealed next, then the rest of his legs as he kicks them off casually, motioning the Chu onto all fours near his balls.

The Chu whined, faced with yet another set of balls, the Lucario wasting no time in slow teasing, just simply making the rodent assault them with tongue strokes, curling it under them and lifting them into the air lightly, letting him taste their sweaty backsides as well, slouching slightly so his attentions can go lower on his anatomy, sliding along his taint, making him murr deeply, but his control never seemed to falter. The Chu's head was slowly pet, despite him being completely helpless he was treated as if he was doing this out of his own freewill, burying a seed deep in his mind that in order to get through this, he would eventually have to do this completely on his own accord, the balls resting on his extended tongue, mumbling a protest as it retracts into his muzzle, balls and all.

The chu whimpers as they just sit there, his muzzle can't open, but any other related action in his muzzle seemed to be in his control, the dark paw rubs slowly down his face rubbing under his chin; the Chu looks up and over the wall of fur and flesh into his face, his expression somehow able to convey exactly what he wanted, making the Chu whimper loudly, tears blurring his sight again as his lips tug back slightly, going through the motions of suckling lightly on the orbs in his muzzle. The Lucario nods slowly at him, rubbing behind his ears as a sort of congratulations for nursing at his sac, which he was doing with more and more vigor, unaware that he had been given complete control of his muzzle back before it was to late, the Chu suddenly slowing down, giving two more cautious sucks before letting them spill out from his muzzle, a look of shock on his face.

The Chu was dully aware that he was being lifted up, the same soft stroking littered throughout his trip, still having a mini panic attack at the realization that at some point he had been willingly sucking his balls, and worse yet, he got a certain sense of satisfaction out of pleasuring him. His thoughts were interrupted when suddenly he felt a throbbing sliding between his still wet rump cheeks, a quick survey confirming that he was being set right on top of his jet-black maleness, forcing itself against his spit lubed bottom, pushing and pushing until it popped into his virgin rump loudly. The aura was used to slowly shove him down the pillar of maleness, freeing the Pokemon's paws to pet and comfort the Chu, rubbing and squeezing his chub, making the Chu murr in impulse, blushing furiously as the Lucario attacks his most sensitive area to dull the pain of being stretched out by his shaft, flashing him that warm smile as he sits him into his lap.

Once more the Chu couldn't shake the feeling that the aura was providing lewd hints to him, lifting up and then dropping him, making him whine and whimper, a playful squeeze on his chub helps silence it, but the dull throbbing never leaves him as he is forced to bounce up and down, getting higher and higher with each hop. Just as the voice in the back of his head predicted, his forced hopping stopped, leaving him with one single option for escape, the chu whining once more, tears rolling down his cheeks as he goes through the motions he was put through manually, bouncing his tight bottom on the pole up his rump, the black paws wiping the tears from his face and ruffling his head fur. The Chu increases his speed, knowing that if he is able to milk him quickly he can just put this whole ordeal behind him and get on with his life, grunting as he hops up and down as fast as he can on the member, squishing sounds coming from his rump as he is injected with his pre.

The Lucario murrs and pets the rodent affectionately as he hops, stroking over his rock hard member slowly with a digit, eliciting a moan from the Chu, the thick globs of pre launching onto the blue pokemon's chest, the chubby pika's shaft is squeezed and teased over, making his bouncing all the more erratic, trying as hard as he could to simply focus on the task of milking this shaft wedged up into him, the attention given to his own making the process painfully difficult, his shaft twitching and firing jets of pre onto the blue furred chest of the other Pokemon. The teasing and his lack of experience make this experience last far longer than he had ever wanted it to, the Lucario offering some assistance by bucking up into him softly, the chu suddenly twitching as his shaft starts to squirt long ropes of seed, squeaking as the Lucario takes the opportunity to flip the chu onto his back, holding onto him tightly and giving him a series of fast and powerful thrusts, quickly finishing himself inside of the squeaking rodent below, a quiet whimper coming from him as his warm seed flowed up inside of him, coating his back entrance as much as his front had earlier, rolling lightly from side to side and moaning as he is stuffed.

When it all was over and done with, the cock was pulled out of him with a lewd and wet pop, a small river of seed spilling out of his abused rump. He is picked up and put back onto his feet, his paw grasped firmly as he starts walking with the rodent, away from whatever the other Pokemon were up to, unsure of whether they had been set free or were still being manipulated behind him, his head not allowed to turn to check on their status, just forced to look ahead as they approached the edge of the barrier, a soft tingling prickling his fur as they passed through together.

He found beyond the barrier not the freedom he expected, but simply a larger group of Pokemon, perhaps dozens with their glowing aura collars proudly displayed around their necks, the atmosphere was vastly different here, instead of running away from the aura Pokemon, they ran to him, jockeying for position to just nuzzle or lick at him and his new friend, his paw letting go and allowing them to nudge and carry off the chubby pikachu with them, licking and nuzzling at him as much as they did to their owner. He was dropped down softly, licked and nuzzled all over, the Chu giggling as they went about their business until a familiar scent hit his nostrils, looking up to notice they were all crowding around him with equally prominent erections, closing in on him.

The Lucario looked at the crowd descending on his new pick, hearing him whine and cry as the Pokemon welcomed him to his new life, he sighed, knowing that he too would become like them, making him go out hunting for new friends that suited him once more, or hopefully one of those others would eventually display some potential.

Alright, feels so good to finally reach the end of this after that long gap between stories like that, I'm finally able to dwell on newer, maybe even better things! You guys know the drill: evil thoughts, death threats, cubs, anything you want, leave them in the appropriate spaces.

Also I figured I could use this place as ad space, for any fur who wants to chat me up, RP, talk about maybe having a story request done you are allowed to hit me up (as long as you tell me you got this from reading this here story, avoids crazy confusions) on my YIM: [email protected]

Hopefully you are not scary, or ugly and disgusting XP, I joke I joke =p

The Green Collar Club: Part 2

Greetings to you all you legal aged (and most likely horny) furry peoples! That's right, just you legal aged ones, that underage fox looking guy doesn't get his greeting yet because he's not supposed to be here yet; it's okay, when you're older you can...

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The Green Collar Club: Part One

Hiya Kids! How ya doing? How are all those underage kids doing out there? That's good that's good. I hope you enjoy reading this disclaimer cause it's the only thing that you are allowed to read legally. That's right, reading about loads of gay sex is...

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