A New Love at chance

Story by ChibiCharmander on SoFurry

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Hmmm,Wow Erin's got herself a tough choice.Her dream boy John,Or the Chu that saved her?

This will take maybe four chapters before a shocking choice is made.

Finaly done????. Took longer than thought...yeah tell me for any mistakes.

Erin was slowly coming too with a burning sensation in her neather realm.

While she was clearly not in the bathroom anymore evident to the bug types roaming hear and there,Her memmory of the previous events where flowing back to her.

"Where's that Glaceon?"she was shocked to not be filled with his freezing seed,he was close when she fainted.

"I knocked him out and took you here,Eterna Forest...whats your name?"

She turned around to see a Pikachu that was staring at her ass before she turned to see him.

"Its Erin,and i could ask the same of you."

"Why exchange names yet,im sure that once we part you'll go back to your trainer as will I?"

"Whoa,Hes not my Trainer."

"Then why else would a fine chu such as your self be mating with that...creature,unless he ordered you to?"

"Look it was rape."The words that she said woudnt have any effect on a person/pokemon who wasnt mentaly scared,but not Erin it was so painfully Ironic that she used those words again.

"Oh so I saved you?"

"You could say that,and did you call me a fine chu?"

"I calls em' as i see em'."

Was he realy hitting on me now of all times?Erin thought

"Look tell me your name,or i may have to make you."She said taking her bluff.

"Is that a challenge?Becuase you won't win.I don't wanna hurt a girl."

He was chuckling her name until she shot blue electricity at him in a playfull way.

"Blue electricity!,whoa i thought it was only a legend...?"


"What kind of chu doesn't know about the legend of the Blue Chu?"

"Maybe the one whose not cultured the way you are."

"We'll im going to summarize it:Theres a Pikachu with blue electricity thats destined to save all of Sinnoh."

"So im that chu?"

"Yep...a cute one at that."he said that list bit under his breath.

"Enough flirting I'm not on the market,and take me back to Oreburgh City."

"Wish i could sugar buns,but the Staraptor that snatched us here won't be in commision for a while..."

"Oh Great im stuck with a swinger,you could at least tell me you name."

"Well my trainer calls me Rufus."

"Thank you,thats all i ask."

"Maybe i could learn to live with my new title:Erin Hybrid and Defender of Sinnoh."She thought.

.......(John and Erin's pokemon)

"I know what you did to Erin you fucker!"Blake said in his raged pokespeech so John woudn't hear.

"Where is my Master?"Keledo said holding his horn under the Paralyzed Glaceon's neck.

"Look,Threatening hims going to do nothing,unless we make him talk and threaten him!"An enraged Lucario said holding A Bone Rush attack ready to strike.

"Where is Erin!"Cosmi angrily and slapped the ice-type who was looking down shamefully.

"Talk."Blake said readying a Psycho Cut.

"I never wanted to do that to her but...just read my mind."

Blake,Cosmi,and Lucario used their powers on him while John was standing there clueless.

"How is that possible?"Blake said dazzed

"I knew she was part pokemon but,thats overdoing it a little Arceus."a frowning Lucario siad.

"Great there are millions of pikachu in Sinnoh."Cosmi added

"But three out of four of us can read minds,and one of us can sense aura."

"Hmm.If what im being telepathcaly told is true,i might have to surf the coast of Sinnoh and look for her."Keledo sighed

"Whats happening?"John yelled

Once three of four pokemon stated at him using there powers to conversate,John stared in anger and sadness at Glaceon.

"Look I forgive you Glaceon,but you better hope Erin will."

"Do we have a plan?"

"Itll take all of us to find her."

"Keledo,you search the coast.Lucario go west,Blake:East,Cosmi:north."John took charge

"What about me?"Glaceon sighed moarnfully

"You stay with me,im only human."

"Right..."Lucario sighed.

"Oh who else have you found out wasn't human after you 'activites' with Erin."Blake snipped

"Oh you act as If its not YOUR season as well"Lucario barked

"I'de like to be fully evolved for that,and i agreed to Cosmi that it would be a threesome."

"Nice try casanova."Lucario growled

"Shut up!"

"Make me."

"Ill end you both if you don't stop."Keledo and Cosmi said in unisom.

"Im goin East."Blake stormed of angrily out the window.

"Least he can levitate and teleport."Keledo sighed."

"Thanks Keledo,forgot bout that."Blake followed up floating out of sight rapidly.

"Im ganna go get some apples so i don't starve swimming in the ocean and Surfing it."Keledo sighed

"Suit your self,i need a Jacket for Snowpoint city John."Cosmi said unhappily.

"Im not made of money guys,Erin had most of the cash."

"Great something else we lost along with Erin."

.........(With Erin and Rufus)

"That doesn't look safe Rufus."

He was leaning over a cliff that overlooked a clearing that was where dog pokemon like to gather to do more 'intamate' things.

"Hey if I fall in you come get me."

"Or you get mauled by those Houndoom and Mightyena."

"Yeah,theres all ways that option..."

"What are you two rats doing here?"A older slightly angry voice growled

"Bye Rufus!"And with that,Erin ran into a hole in a tree.

"That was your mate I asume?"The voice continued

Rufus looked up and saw a Arcanine that was staring at the hole in which Erin ran into.

"No,but Im trying to get there."

"I hope she knows there is a Rattata that lives there who constantly tries getting with all the females his size."

"Get off me!Im not having this happen twice in one day."They heard Erin yell.

"Aw,Your a cute Pikachu know that?But your not in season yet so it would be a waste of time."A voice that Rufus classified as Rattata.

"No one calls me a waste of time!"

"I didnt mean it like that."

To late.There was a blue flash and out popped a burned rat pokemon

"Poor Rattata.As horny as he was he didnt deserve that."

"Shut up or you will get it to."

"What kind of it?"Arcanine chuckled"Im sure he would love 'it'.

"Yeah Erin,what is 'it'?"

They burst in luaghter and Erin only recently figured it out.


"Im sure she'll be begging for 'it' latter."

"Yeah she is in heat..."

"No im not!"

"Yes you are,im a lover not a fighter ya know."

"Yeah,for a chu of your age your pretty clueless."

"And nervous."

"Why would i be nervous?"

"I don't know...wait,its your first time isn't it."

"Well Maybe but-"

"Erin ide gladly help your 'situation'."

"Ill just go..."And the Arcanine slipped away.

"Im not sure i want help."

"It will only get worse Erin."

"You act as if I don't know."

"But you are a virgin chu."

"True,In this body I am Virgin."She thought

"You sure you don't need my...services?"Rufus said in a very sedective voice.

"Maybe i will once were back in Oreburgh,so keep walkin' lover boy."

.........(Blake's pov)

I had be levitating across Sinnoh,memmorizing towns and Citys for latter transportation via Teleport.

I was just flying over Hearthome when i saw a blueish glitter on the Ground.

"I wonder what that was?"He flew down to investigate.

He landed on the item that was half submerged.

He glowed with power.

"Finnaly!Ive been waiting all my life for this."

Once he stopped Glowing there he stood.

He still had the pink chest spike that Gardevoir would retain.A long blue horn on his head.

His 'skirt' ehich was embarassing to have molded to pants.

Two long blades appeared from the back of his arm.

"Awesome,retractable!"He said opening and closing his arm blades

"I wonder what moves i have?"

He tried using psycho cut mentaly.That worked.Now he used the blades

They left a flurry of purple slash marks in the air.

Then he punched a tree,a blueish-greenish ball forming.He then felt the tree's health being absorbed.Drain Punch.

He then used another slashing attack.His blades glew green and left behind leaves in the air with each movement.Leaf Blade.

He tried using his psychic powers to levitate.They still worked but he was just as agile as Lucario now.He leapt from tree to tree like a Ninjask.

Once he ran outof treeshe was to slowusinghis powers so he pulled out both blades and used a purplish tackle attack.He started spinning rapidly and crushed a rock onto a million peices.Giga Impact

"Wait till Lucario gets this."

"Im comin' Erin,you'll see ill never let anything touch you again."


Two Rodents Of a Fur,Pikachu to the Rescue!

"What the hell bitch!Turn back!" "I think im content the way i am." "No matter...pikachu are likely to impregnate anyway,plus with my knot im assured you have our little Eevee/Pichu cubs anyway." "But your as much biger than me,you'd probably split...

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A change for the Better

"Erin,awaken."A elderly yet powerfull siad. "Huh?" "I am talking to you through your dreams." "Who are you?" "In due time my child." "But Erin,There are seven others like you."the voice continued. "Half pokemon half human,right?" "Yes,You seven...

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First time for everything

Erin was sitting alone in her bed.her and John had rented a pokemon center Room. She had no one around her since John was out training Cosmi.It was only her,and her pokemon. "Ill just give myself a little company."she thought outloud without Relizing...

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