New Ventures, Chapter 1 - Commission for Simbron

Story by Primus Leonides on SoFurry

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#1 of New Ventures

A commission for Simbron. A young boy moves to a new neighborhood to discover anthros. Friendships abound, and possibly more.

New Ventures - Chapter 1


by Primus Leonides for Simbron

The trees whizzed by the window as the car traveled through the hills. Davis and his family were moving into a new house, in a new town, far away from the places he was used to being. The young human sighed out, watching the greenery outside get more dense as they approached the street he was going to be living on. The boy scanned the street, though it seemed that no one was out and about right now. The kids were probably in school, and the adults would most likely be at work.

Their car pulled into the driveway of their new house and Davis jumped out, stretching his legs. It had been a long car ride. A moving truck pulled up right behind, parking on the side of the street in front of the house, announcing to the entire neighborhood that the new family was in town. The small family started to remove their belongings from the truck with the help of the movers and unpack, setting up their new home. Hours passed and it was becoming afternoon very quickly. Every now and then a car would drive down the lane, slow down a moment as they passed Davis's house, and then continue on. The boy's father called him over for a moment and the two sat down on the porch of their home.

"Son, there is something I have to tell you about this town. Some of the people will be different than you are used to. I just want to make sure you have an open mind, and don't stare or judge people before you get to know them, okay?" He ruffled his nine-year-old son's hair a bit and looked at him to make sure he understood.

"Uh... okay Dad if you say so. What... type of people are they?" His mind came up with all sorts of pictures of deformed people, or a bunch of people in wheelchairs. He couldn't imagine that there would be anything that would make him react badly to other people in the neighborhood.

"Hey champ, we got all of your stuff in your room. Why don't you get up there and start getting yourself set up? I'll help you move your furniture where you decide to put it."

"Okay Dad!" he shrieked and ran inside the house, just as the neighbor across the street got out of her car. Even Davis's father had to hold back from staring as the lionness stood up, looked across at the human, and waved.

That evening, the human family was sitting around the table having their dinner. Davis's dad spoke up once the plates were being cleared by his wife. "So Sheila, have you had a chance to meet any of the neighbors yet?"

"Oh, yes, dear. A wonderful woman named Marge came over with a basket of cookies for us. She says she has a son named Simbron who is only a couple years older than Davis. Maybe they could get together and make friends."

Davis had a quizzical look on his face, and he looked between his mother and father for a moment before he too spoke up. "Simbron? That's kind of a weird name, isn't it?" He thought about the name a bit more, but couldn't even picture the boy it would belong to.

"Maybe a bit, but some of your friends had some unique names back where we used to live. Don't you remember?"

"Of course Mom, and I would love to meet him. Does he go to my school? Maybe we could walk there together tomorrow."

"That sounds wonderful Davis. I'll call Marge right now and tell her that Simbron should meet you outside in the morning to walk to school. You should go up and take your shower. Early bed tonight, you have to get up early for school."

"Awww.... alright Mom." He yawned, barely able to hold his eyes open. The drive from their former home, and the unpacking had taken a lot out of him. Tomorrow he would be ready to start his new life.

His alarm sounded at six that morning, a full half hour before Davis really had to be awake, but he wanted to make sure he had everything together before he and this Simbron kid got to walk to school. He washed up, ate his breakfast, gathered his school supplies, and made sure that his phone was charged and put on silent mode for school. He was still so early, and sat around impatiently waiting for seven thirty to roll around so he could head out. His parents were having their morning coffee and watched their son as he paced and sat, then repeated the procedure.

Finally the appointed hour arrived and Davis said his goodbyes, rushing out the door as quickly as he could. "Have a good day sweetie, and remember what your father said yesterday."

"I will, I will, be nice and not judgemental, got it." Davis hollered while booking it out the door. A kid was standing on the other side of the street with his back to Davis. He was wearing a red ball cap on his head, and a jacket to block the chill. His jeans were a bit too baggy, and his backpack seemed to have a tail hanging down from it. The human shook his head, wondering what other things might be popular around here. He was about the grab the tail and pull it when it suddenly flicked around in a figure eight, making Davis stop in his tracks. The tail on the other kid's backpack moved. The other boy turned around, causing Davis to nearly fall over from the shock of it. Standing before him was a lion, wearing clothes and a backpack and looking like he was headed off to school.

"Uh... hi. You... must be.... Davis?" the other boy said somewhat questioningly.

The young human eventually found his tongue, and had to dig his voice out of the pit of his stomach. "Y..yeah, I'm Davis."

"Hey, I'm Simbron. My mom said that I should wait for you to walk to school this morning. So, shall we go?"

Davis could only nod, staying next to the feline and trying not to stare as they slowly walked their way to school. After a few minutes of silence, the two found a couple topics of conversation that they could agree on. By the time they were at the campus, they were fast friends, talking about their favorite video games, their favorite books, music. Finally, Davis got the courage to ask the question that had been rattling around his head for the duration of the entire walk.

"Simbron, can I ask you something?" Davis asked a bit sheepishly.

"Sure. What's up?" The lion's tail flicked back and forth in his curiosity.

"Umm... well... what are you exactly?" He felt ashamed at even asking the question.

The round ears that poked through the cat's cap flicked around and an amused grin spread across his muzzle. "Well, in the direct, I'm a lion. But the answer to what I think you are asking is that I'm an anthro. Anthros are animals that have the ability to walk, talk, think, everything that you humans do. I take it you have never seen one."

Davis shook his head and thought about the answer for awhile until the two arrived at campus. The human looked up from his musings as they walked up to the school, and he was taken aback in his shock. In front of his face, there dogs and cats, racoons, badgers, bears, sheep, goats, and every other type of animal imaginable. They were interacting with each other and other humans like there was nothing strange about it. Davis shook himself off and tried to put on a brave face and not show how nervous he was feeling. He thought he was doing a good job until Simbron bumped his arm.

"Dude, don't be so nervous." He winked a bit at the young boy.

"I'm not nervous." Davis lied, trying to cover himself as best he could.

"I can smell it. Easy to notice it with animal sense of smell. Something you should remember when trying to hide things." He laughed and let those words sink in a bit for the new human. "Let me introduce you to some of my friends, you will get more comfortable quickly." They approached a small circle of other anthros and the lion made the introductions. "Well, you already know me, Simbron, age eleven. This here is Haraka, age ten. He's a cheetah, if you couldn't tell. Then there is Bengalic, the white tiger guy, age eleven also. On the far end is Xindor the zebra, he's 14."

Davis shook hands, or paws, or whatever with each one, some of them smiling very sharp looking teeth at him. The one who scared him the least was Xindor because his teeth were flat, but then again, he was 14 and huge compared to the nine year old human boy. As the group stood around talking about the latest action flick they had all seen, the outsider human became a little more comfortable all the way around. Simbron put an arm around his neck and growled jokingly at him, making Davis jump and a laugh rising up all around in the group.

--- Three Years Later ---

Davis hated being the youngest of his friends. He was now twelve years old and in seventh grade. Only Haraka was in the same school as him anymore. The rest of his friends had gone to high school. He still spent most of his time with the group, having made fast friends after moving to this town three years ago. No longer was he unnerved by the three big cats that made up the bulk of the group. They would do anything for each other.

Davis sat in class, watching the clock tick by, just waiting for the end of the day. He was so zoned out that he didn't even notice when Haraka's long cheetah tail poked him in the back. The human withheld his yelp of surprise and turned to face the spotted boy sitting beside him. "Where are you right now, Davis?" The cat had a cheshire like smile across his muzzle. Haraka's look could best be described as gangsta. He wore very baggy jeans and loose t-shirts, almost making him look like he was three times the size he actually was.

"Anywhere but here" Davis whispered in response, pointing to the clock on the wall as it ticked down the last few seconds of the day. The bell rang and all the children in the class jumped up and ran for the doors. It was Friday finally, and they all had a three-day weekend to look forward to. Haraka and Davis walked together down the hall, the cheetah's tail flicking around somewhat excitedly behind him.

"Hey Har, you wanna walk home with me? I know Simbron has to stay at school late today, so he can't meet me like usual." The human looked over to the cat with a smile.

"Oh man, I can't. I have to go meet Bengalic in a few minutes." He lowered his ears a bit.

Davis smiled at the gesture, still having trouble getting used to how expressive the anthro friends he had were with their ears and tails. "What are you two cats up to this afternoon?"

Those ears came back up at the question and began to flick around in a nervous fashion. Davis noticed this but said nothing. He liked being able to get a read off his friends when they couldn't necessarily get one off of him. "We are going to hang out a bit. We haven't been able to spend as much time with each other this year. His parents try to keep us away from each other and Bengalic focused on his studies."

The human boy nodded and patted his friend on his lithe back. "Of course, of course. They have been rather hard on him since he brought home that "D" in history."

"No kidding. But make sure you call me sometime this weekend. With three days off, we should be able to get a lot of Halo in, huh?" The cheetah happily wrapped his long tail around the human as they hugged briefly, the cheetah waving before gripping his backpack tight and taking off towards the woods. Bengalic's house was on the other side of the small patch of dense woods, so cutting through the trees was a bit of a shortcut. Within moments, the spotted male was out of sight, and Davis continued walking in the same direction until he normally would cut off towards home.

Just before he cut off down the street most of the group lived on, Davis saw something black and out of place lying on the ground. When he approached it, he noticed that it was a cell phone. Picking it up, he realized that it was Haraka's. The cheetah must have dropped it as he ran off into the nearby woods. The human boy looked towards the woods, unable to see his spotty friend, so he sighed and took off into the woods. Luckily, they were small enough that he didn't think he would get lost, plus he knew that at least one of his friends was in there.

There wasn't really a path through the woods, as most people or furs never traveled through them. They were really a small patch of forest which had the street on one side, and Bengalic's house on the other. Really, only the boys ever used the shortcut. Davis focused on his steps, not wanting to trip over a stray branch. Strange noises started to come to his ears, and so the human moved slower, thinking he might sneak up on the cheetah. His steps moved closer to the sounds, small rustles and what sounded like little whispers able to be heard. Steadily nearer Davis moved, the sounds changing to low moans. The human moved a bit swifter, but as silent as he could. Maybe his friend had fallen over and was hurt.

Twenty feet ahead was a small clearing that the group had used a couple summers ago to go camping when it was too hot to travel to the real forest. Davis moved towards the clearing slowly, peering through the low lying underbrush. The young boy looked on in confusion when he saw his tiger friend Bengalic standing in the center of the clearing. In front of the tiger was Haraka, kneeling down. From his angle, Davis could only see Haraka's head moving back and forth lightly. Bengalic had his eyes closed and was rumbling very loudly.

"That's enough of that Har, I don't get much time away from my parents. Have to get to the good stuff quick." Bengalic quickly and gently pushed away the other cat, and Davis got a look at the white male's thick meat. From his distance, he couldn't make out much about it, other than that it was pretty hard, and shining wet.

"I know Bengalic, I know. I thought I was good with speed." The cheetah chuckled and removed his baggy clothing, showing off his lithe and toned body. His unsheathed cock was also out and fully hard, not allowing Davis to see any of his particular anatomy other than that the whole thing was pink. The slim cat moved over to a fallen log and bent over across it, his tail lifting up and exposing his tailhole. Bengalic moved up behind him, blocking the human's view from seeing Haraka.

A muffled yelp echoed in the small but silent wood as Bengalic penetrated his rump. The cheetah boy hissed and growled as he was taken quickly and somewhat roughly. "Ah... dammit... Bengalic. Not so fast."

"Don't have time for slow, and I really need to get off man." The tiger said as he started to roughly move his hips back and forth. His paws gripped the smaller cat as he pleasured himself, heavy moans and groans of his enjoyment reaching the young human's ears. Those ears were turning dark red as Davis realized that his friends were having sex right in front of him, and they were both male. He couldn't pull his eyes away, even when he noticed a severe tightness in his pants. He held his breath and stayed as still as possible, eyes glued to the scene in the clearing.

Bengalic's movements were getting faster, a heavy moan ripping through the clearing. Davis ducked down, his breathing coming faster as he watched. Haraka was grunting with each thrust into his tight passage, the cheetah being worked over hard. The muscular white tiger huffed and panted, his growl growing into a loudish roar, his hips once more coming to slam into the spotted cat, this time staying put. Haraka hissed again and moaned out, his paw moving quickly over his own erection. With a final stroke over his shaft, the cheetah mewled out in pleasure and sprayed his seed over the log. The two males panted and groaned, resting against each other for a moment before Bengalic pulled his softening shaft from Haraka's rear, eliciting another yip from the spotted one.

The tiger huffed and started to dress, landing a light smack on the other male's ass. "Hey, thanks buddy. I know that was a bit quicker than usual, but I'm short on time."

Haraka rubbed his rump, watching the tiger head back towards his house. "I know buddy. You can make it up to me during our next sleepover."

Davis put his hand over his mouth to keep from blurting out his surprise. Apparently his friends had been at this for a long time. He stared for awhile longer as Haraka replaced his baggy clothes, though he didn't seem to see the cat's cock anymore. He wondered if it changed clolor when it got soft. Since he wasn't at all familiar with anthro anatomy, he had no way to know about the feline's lower regions. Soon it was all put behind the baggy clothes again, and the cheetah moved off towards the street to get to his own house, though he walked a bit funny.

He stayed still until Haraka was much farther away, Davis not wanting to be caught having just witnessed what he did. It raised more questions for him than he would have liked. When the human boy thought it was safe, he got up and headed back to his own home, pants tented and leading the way. Davis sighed and moved to his room, getting ready to relieve himself a bit. However, he lay down on his bed, his mind wandering to what happened just a few minutes ago. He thought about what it meant, and how long it had been going on for. Then he wondered if Simbron and Xindor knew about it. With these thoughts roaming around in his head, Davis dozed off.

A shout from downstairs shocked him awake. He looked over at his clock and realized he had only really been asleep for about an hour. It was still afternoon outside, and Davis's mom was calling him to the phone. The human zoomed down the stairs and grabbed the receiver.


"Hey Davis, is Simbron. My parents are gonna be gone until after dinner and I was wondering if you wanted to come over and hang out for awhile?" The lion asked tentatively.

"Of course Simbron, sounds like fun." Davis hung up the phone and asked his mother if it would be alright to go hang out across the street. With her permission, the young male darted across the road and was knocking on Simbron's door in a matter of moments.

The door swung open, revealing the fluffy boy with a big grin on his muzzle. "I thought you'd never get here" he laughed, gesturing for Davis to come inside.

As Davis saw his fellow teen, thoughts of what he had witnessed earlier that afternoon surfaced in his head. A blush crept across his features and he looked down. Simbron was about to ask what was wrong when his human friend perked up. "So what are we going to do all afternoon?"

"Oh yeah! I set up a fort in the living room of all the couch cushions and some pillows and blankets and stuff. We can play army, or castle, or something." The feline's tail flicked behind him at his own amusement and Davis couldn't help but laugh and nod.

"That sounds good to me. Are we on the same side or different sides."

"We should be on the same side, or else it wouldn't make much sense for us both to be inside the fort at the same time."

The furless male agreed and the two began to play, pretending to be retreating from a horde of enemies that was backing them toward their fort. They gave a valiant struggle, but in the end they were beaten back and had to hide in the safety of the fort. Simbron had done a good job in the design of the structure, having left holes in the top for them to stand up from and shoot back at the marauding army attacking them, but the sides were completely enclosed so that no arrows could get through and hurt the two. With a playful yelp, Davis grabbed his shoulder and went down, having been struck when he was up firing. He lay on the floor of the fort, groaning in his fake agonizing pain.

Simbron dove down into the fort, worried for his compatriot, checking him over to see if he could fix the injury. "I'm going to have to take your shirt off Davis, I can't see the wound clearly."

The human hung limp as Simbron gripped him and hefted his upper body off the floor, helping his friend to peel his shirt off. Once done, the young lion stopped for a moment and really looked at his non-anthro friend for the first time. He couldn't really recall having paid attention to the boy without his shirt on before. He looked so different, with no fur showing anywhere over his slender pale torso. Davis opened his eyes and smiled up at Simbron. "You don't want to play anymore?"

"Huh? Oh, sorry Davis, I guess I just zoned out there." He blushed a bit, which was really only visible inside his round ears. "I don't think I've ever really seen you shirtless before. You look so different from me."

The other boy creased his brow as he glanced back at Simbron. "Well, that's pretty obvious without having my shirt off, you have fur everywhere that I can see." His mind immediately went to wondering what the lion looked like without a shirt. "So, how different do you look?"

The young, maneless lion shifted around nervously for a moment before he slipped his shirt up over his head, leaving him bare on top as well. Davis looked on somewhat fascinated as he saw his friend without a top on and really focused on it. Simbron had fur covering his entire torse, thicker in some places than others, and also a bit lighter in the center. His nipples couldn't be seen from under the fur, so Davis didn't even know if he really had any, as opposed to his own which were hardened into two little nubs on his goosebump riddled flesh.

Remembering what Haraka looked like while the cheetah had been dressing, Davis pushed the limits of their exploration a bit more. "What about... the rest of you? How much different is that than me?"

Both of the adolescent males turned bright red at the question. Simbron looked around worried for a moment, but calmed when he realized that they were alone and in private. "I... don't really know. I've never seen a human in less than what you are wearing now."

"And I haven't seen an anthro in less than what you are in now." He looked away from the lion, but Simbron coughed a bit and gained his attention once more.

"Well, I don't mind letting you see, if I can too." Simbron proposed the deal, letting Davis think on it for a moment.

"Deal." He stated and stood up within the confines of the pillow fort. With a deep sigh and more than a little apprehension, the human pulled down his shorts and underwear in one go. He was left standing in front of his friend with nothing on, the lion speechless as he took in the differences in their anatomy. "So, how different is everything?" He wanted to break the somewhat uncomfortable silence.

The lion breathed out and moved his eyes away from his friend. "Quite a bit different really. I'll show you." The feline removed his own clothing, letting all of his fur show. Davis found himself spellbound a bit as he looked over the toned body of the other young male. His eyes were captivated by the thick pubic bush hiding the boy's sac, and the sheath that held his budding malehood.

"Where is your dick, dude?" Davis blurted out before the embarrassment flooded over him.

In a somewhat shaky manner, Simbron responded. "It's in my sheath. It only comes out when I'm using it for something. You know, in the bathroom and when I..." He cut himself off before he got any further. "What about you? Does yours always stay out there like that?"

Davis looked down at his own penis and then back up, nodding. "Yeah, it is always right there." He tried his best to ignore the previous statement his friend made.

"Can I... touch you?" Simbron asked, not really thinking there was anything to hide between the two males now. "You look so smooth!"

The human boy blushed deeply, but nodded, closing his eyes until he felt the cool leathery pads of his buddy's paw against his stomach. His skin tingled at the touch, and he let out a soft audible gasp. Simbron's paw stopped a moment, but then slid lower down the other boy's abdomen, tickling a little in Davis's newly filled in pubic hair. Without even asking, the human's hand reached out and touched the tip of Simbron's sheath, bringing a light shudder from the lion. The fleshy covering jumped a bit at the sudden shock.

"Do you get hard in there?" Davis asked, not taking his eyes from the loose flesh.

Simbron gulped and nodded. "Yeah, that's when it comes out."

With only a mind hint of abashedness, Davis asked the next question. "Can I see?"

The cat nodded and gripped Davis's hand with his free paw, placing it on his sheath. At first, Davis went to pull back, but with a little insistence from Simbron he wrapped his hand around the limp covering and began to move it back and forth. A soft moan and deep rumbling issued from the feline, but Davis didn't stop his ministrations. Instead, he felt those soft paws start to move down and touch his already thickening shaft. Both boys moaned again as each began to get an erection.

Simbron's pink shaft slowly poked its way from his sheath, and Davis's hand followed it, stroking over the slick length easily, the human boy panting lightly. His cock hardened in the softly furry grip of his friend, allowing Simbron to stroke over it fully. At about the same moment, both boys let go of each other and looked at their differences.

Davis's member stood proudly from his body, slightly redened and engorged with blood. Simbron's stood out of his sheath, already dripping his pre. The human went wide-eyed as he looked at the pointy spire, the barbs of particular interest to him. "What are those? Are they sharp?"

The toned cat smiled and looked down. "They aren't really sharp, but they are a bit pokey. They are also very sensitive. They are called barbs, and come from our remnances of feral lions." Simbron changed his focus to Davis's shaft, running a finger along the edge of Davis's corona, making the human shiver. "Your tip is shaped funny, so rounded. It must make it hard to mate."

"Mate? You mean have sex?" Davis questioned.

"Yeah, that's right. We anthros call it mating, since that is what happens to have cubs."

The human's hand returned to the lion cock, stroking over it and using the pre to slide along its length. "Man, you leak a lot of this stuff. I only do that if I get really excited."

The lion shivered and moaned, feeling Davis's fingers dance over his barbs, his eyes closed in pleasure. "Davis... I don't think you are exploring anymore." He huffed and groaned, a shot of pre coming from his barbed shaft.

"Well, no, I think we are beyond that. I'm sorry Simbron, you want me to stop?" Davis asked the question, but he didn't stop his hand from moving.

"Ughh... no, don't stop. It feels so good." The lion started moving his paw over his friend's cock, feeling its soft velvety texture. The young boy groaned, his grip tightening on Simbron's shaft and stroking over it faster. Both boys were panting and moaning, stroking each other quickly and roughly. The hand that was free for each was resting on the other's shoulder, bracing as the pleasure swept over them both from the feel of another's paw or hand on their sensitive flesh.

The feline was humping his hips forward and back into Davis's hand, a low growl of pleasure emanating from him. The human boy was almost frightened, but he was so close he didn't want to stop. With a loud moan, Davis jerked his hips, his cock straining in Simbron's grip, his load spewing across and onto the other male's groin. After a few more thrusts, Simbron roared loudly inside their pillow fort, the sound slightly muffled by the encasing fluffiness. His much more watery seed spilled out all over both boys' hands and bodies.

The two were left panting and groaning. Simbron looked at Davis with a silly grin on his muzzle. "Well that was really nice. We should do that again sometime." He yawned loudly and rubbed his eyes. "Right now though, I think I need a nap."

Davis nodded and laid down, his clothes still forgotten as he began to doze off. His best friend Simbron curled up around him, keeping the other warm with his fur. In moments, the two boys were sound asleep, laying together in their fort.

Outside, a large zebra ran through the door, panting. He had heard the roar and ran to make sure than Simbron and his family were safe. Xindor looked around and saw the fort, moving up close to see what was inside. His nostrils flared at the strong musky scent that hit him square in the face. He knew that smell, sort of. He had smelled his own release many times. When the equine looked inside the fort, he saw the two naked boys sleeping soundly, little splotches of sticky liquid drying to their fur and skin.

"Well well, what do we have here?" the large teenage zebra inquired, a bulge starting to form in his jeans.

New Ventures - Chapter 2 - Onward

New Ventures - Chapter 2 Onward "Well well, what do we have here?" the large teenage zebra inquired, a bulge starting to form in his jeans. He moved away from the fort and sat down on the couch waiting for the two sleeping lovers to awaken. He...

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