Deja Voodoo

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by Leo_Todrius

Anonymous Commission

When a young man gets caught in a time loop, each day won't end up quite like the last as he slips ever deeper into a dirtier lifestyle.

Déjà Voodoo Written by Leo_Todrius Anonymous Commission

The comfort of sleep was one that humans inherently clung to, craving the freedom of thought and creation as well as the restorative healing powers that came with the dreams. It was a time of peace, serenity, escape... and for William Webb, it was a pleasure that was interrupted by the obnoxious, grating buzz of his alarm clock as the green digital numbers flashed. Will awoke with a moment of shock and then disgust before he slammed the snooze button with his fist, his green eyes barely opening enough to peer through his blond hair and see that it was in fact eight forty five in the morning.

Panic ripped through Will's body as he threw his comforter off and sprung up to his feet, tripping over his blanket as he thought he was going to be late. He stumbled out of the heap of comforter, bracing himself against the wall with one hand. He managed to land against the wall in front of his calendar, the days gone by marked off with green sharpie. His eyes followed the big X's across until he saw that Saturday had not been marked off. His panic melted away as enough blood reached Will's head to play back his memories.

He hadn't set his alarm clock wrong and he wasn't late for school... He was early for his weekend and he had a busy day ahead of himself. Will sighed with relief and turned to pick his blanket up, his lime green underwear hugging his cheeks. Will was lithe and fit, his shoulder muscles and bones clearly visible, his ribs practically so. His blond hair typically was well styled and his clothes were impeccable. It was a lot of upkeep but it let him get close to the girls and that was a perk he certainly enjoyed.

Will wandered back over to his bed, picking his comforter up before he spread it across the mattress. A yawn caught him off guard before he stretched, his left arm grazing the slanted ceiling that was lowest at the head of his bed and highest on the other side of the room across his office. Much like his underwear, the walls and ceiling were painted a bright green, Will's favorite color.

The young man made his way over to his backpack and unzipped it, finding everything as messy as he had left it the night before. Fridays he always dumped his school stuff and forgot it for a day but his moratorium would have to wait. Will dug through his notebook before he came out with a red slip of paper, an insert from the school magazine about the senior costume ball. Will had put it off to the last minute as usual but thankfully it wasn't Halloween. He still had a chance.

Will tucked the red paper into the waistband of his underwear as he moved over to the closet and slid the door open, his hands tracing over his clothes. He pulled out a black Atari t-shirt and a black and green striped under-shirt to go underneath before finding his tight black jeans. They'd do rather nicely. He pulled his clothes on and situated them before he found his striped green and black socks and then his matching skate shoes.

He knew he should take a shower and get cleaned up, but then again he was a teenager. It only took a few moments to get dressed but Will had practice rushing to school at the last minute. He clipped his wallet chain to his belt loop before tugging his pants down just enough to show off a crest of his green underwear. He looked distinct, unique and upper class suburban. It was just the right look to head downtown with. Will smiled, knowing he was ready.


The morning air was crisp and cool. There had been freezing fog over night and while the cars along main street had been scraped or defrosted already, the cold had a way of muffling the colors of the neighborhood. It was one of many reasons that Will stood out as he moved along, strutting down the street. He pulled the red card out of his pocket and flipped it over, looking at the list of stores on the back. He knew one of them just had to have inventory left.

Will kept looking at the card rather than where he was going, proving particularly troublesome as his foot caught another and he went toppling forward. While Will was used to stumbling around and being a bit clumsy, the innocent bystander he'd impacted wasn't so lucky. Will came to a stop before he turned, seeing that he had sent a nineteen year old to the ground. The young man had landed on his hands and knees, though his hands were covered in fingerless gloves and his knees were garbed in worn out camouflage pants.

The nineteen year old slowly got up, a heavy green camping coat draped over his shoulders, his black dreadlocks pulled into a pony tail. His skin was a rich and creamy dark brown, contrasting the bushy black sideburns and thin mustache he had. He looked up at Will with a bit of concern. Will blushed furiously at his embarrassment. He hadn't just tripped another person, he was pretty sure he had tripped a homeless person.

"I'm so sorry; I should have looked where I was going..." Will said, backing away. Even their short impact had made Will wary. The teen's clothes were a bit grungy and he had a distinct scent Will didn't wan to get any more familiar with. The young man glanced at Will before he noticed a red paper on the ground. He bent down and picked it up, taking a glance at it.

"Costume ball, I remember that... Great fun when I was back in school." The young man murmured before looking at Will, "Treasure each day kid, they go too fast." He said, offering Will the paper. Will hesitated before taking it back.

"Thanks, I'll, um, do that." Will said, trying to skirt away a bit more, very uncomfortable with the situation.

"Before you go, do you wanna buy any gris-gris to help you on this important day? They really can change your life." The man asked. Will felt even more uncomfortable. He was obviously homeless and in need of money, though Will had no idea what a grigri was.

"Sorry man, all I have is plastic. Maybe another time." Will said before he all but bolted away. The young man watched Will go, saying nothing even as he heard the change in the boy's pocket jangling during his escape. He shook his head slowly before he crouched down again, brown eyes scanning the cement where Will had tumbled. The blond had apparently skinned his hand on the cement, leaving a small drop of crimson behind.

A fingerless glove was pulled off before the hand slipped into a pocket of the coat. The young man fished around before he brought out a small ceramic medallion painted with old symbols, rolling it around on his hand before he brought it down to the cement. The ceramic slowly absorbed the drop of blood.

"I think it is time for us both to learn a few lessons." The man whispered with a grin.


Will had moved around downtown, finding much to his chagrin that for the first time in his life, he had actually wound up arriving too early for something. Shop after shop opened later in the day than Will was hoping for. It was really starting to feel like his day was stacked against him. First tripping out of bed, then tripping over a homeless guy, then stumbling around town in search of a costume. On top of all that, he was starting to get a headache, no doubt from the fall.

With a slight sigh, Will stepped into an alleyway to get out of the sunlight, lowering his head and rubbing the bridge of his nose with his hand. He just needed a moment to rest and recover, though as he did so a sweet, spicy, savory scent began to waft to his nose. It was faint but distinct. Will opened his eyes and looked down the alleyway, spotting a shop tucked between the two other buildings, much to his surprise.

An old wood sign dangled just to one side of the door, a white snake painted on the wood. The symbol meant little to Will. His eyes were glued to the windows... and the costumes on the other side. Will's heart skipped a beat as he all but ran down the alleyway and up the stairs, his hand coming to rest on the door handle. With his luck the shop was closed too and he'd have to wait a half hour in the cold for any of them to open. Will took a soft breath and pulled.

The door resisted just a bit but soon slipped open, an old brass bell jangling around as warm air washed out over Will. Will didn't hesitate a moment more before he stepped into the shop and pulled the door shut behind him. As Will warmed up, he looked around the shop, taking in all of its qualities. The shop was cluttered and tight. The average height ceiling seemed a lot lower with cargo nets full of Japanese fish floats, costumes hanging down to create a maze of walls and shelves full of knick-knacks from around the world.

Will took a few steps into the shop, his feet revealing that the cheap green carpeting covered nothing more than plywood beams that shifted a little more in some places than in others. Still, the shop had some rustic charm and most importantly costumes. Will moved along, looking at the options. They had the typical store fare with bagged Mario and Luigi and Clone Trooper costumes, but they also had some interesting ones Will hadn't seen anywhere else like a zentai suit Sonic the Hedgehog costume... but Will wasn't looking for video game costumes. He wanted something a bit more special.

"Welcome to Li Grand Zombi, is there anything I can do for you fine sir?" came an appreciative voice. Will turned, seeing the man behind the counter. He was in his late thirties, his face showing the unique blend of French and Spanish that came to be associated with the Creole people. Will glanced down to see a plate of spicy rice and meat, explaining the scent from earlier.

"I'm so glad you're open, I waited too long to get a costume for the senior party at school, but it looks like you've got a really amazing collection here. I'm just so lucky I found this place." Will said with a smile.

"Oh yes, yes... Not a very good business location I'll admit, but those that need to find this place seem to." The man said, sizing Will up, "So you need a costume for the party, I wager something that helps you to stand out." The shop keeper said, moving around the desk.

"Sounds like you've done this before." Will smiled.

"My family has long been in the service of others, it is our primary motivation. Now, good sir, what might suit you?" The shop keeper smiled, wandering through the rows.

"Have any other people my age come in for costumes?" Will asked.

"A hand full, including my brother Tristan. I take it your party has no rules?" The shop keeper asked, moving deeper through his inventory.

"Well it has rules, just not on costume. The school's a bit strict about what it allows for food, drink, music. I think some of the kids are even planning a counter-costume party where they don't have to follow the restrictions. But me, I'm going to head to where the ladies are." Will said.

"Interesting, very interesting." The shop keeper mused, "You seem well connected but not fully invested, sort of like a lone wolf who knows the landscape but avoids a pack." The man said, coming to stop in front of an old trunk.

"A lone wolf..." Will considered, never having thought of himself that way before. The shop keeper crouched down and opened the trunk up, revealing the costume of a gray and white wolf. Will froze, his back going stuff. "Is that... a fur suit?" he asked. The shop keeper chuckled.

"It's a costume with fur on it..." The shop keeper replied, "It's hand made, crafted out of some of the highest quality materials. It breathes well, its comfortable. It could be a perfect fit for you." The shop keeper said.

"How much is it..." Will murmured. Not only would he have to explain people he wasn't a furry, he'd have to be able to afford it.

"Sixty six dollars and some change." The shop keeper replied. Will winced at that, though it was right on the threshold of being able to afford it. Will crouched down and reached in, fumbling around before he lifted the head piece up, aiming it toward himself. What caught Will off guard were the eyes... the green eyes. The fur suit looked fairly realistic with glass eyes and a rubbery nose, but the construction still made it look almost like a cartoon. Still, for Will it all came down to one thing.

"Not the sexiest, but maybe I can win the ladies over with some witty pick up phrases." Will said.

"You'd be surprised by the power of the wolf." The shop keeper said, waiting for Will's response. Will stared into the costume's eyes for a long moment before he nodded.

"Alright, I'll take it." He said. The shop keeper grinned wide.


The trunk came down and hit the floor in front of Will's closet with a heavy thud, the lithe teenager panting a bit. It'd been hard to drag it up the stairs, even stranger to bring it home on the bus. Some people had given him strange looks. Others had wanted to see what was in the box. None of them had been satisfied in the end, which in a strange way gave Will a bit of glee. He reached into his pocket and fished out his phone, scrolling through his contacts before he clicked on one simply entitled 'her'. The blond nestled the phone against his ear, turning to head out of his room and down the stairs again, moving out into the living room.

"Hey baby, you getting ready for tonight?" Will asked, pausing before he rolled his eyes, "That sounds like quite a regiment." Will replied, grimacing suddenly, "No, I'm not trying to sabotage your efforts to look beautiful... but aren't you going as Frankenstein's bride?" Will asked before he chuckled, "Oh, Sexy Frankenstein's fiancé... Well, maybe the wolfman can whisk you away from that life... And maybe we could give it a trial run before the party, do some costume cuddling?" Will asked, biting his lip.

If anyone else had been in the room, they would have been able to hear the angry shouts from the other end of the phone about ruining hours of preparation and being a horny pervert. Will held the phone a few inches away from his ear before muttering a simple 'see you later'. He fumbled to hang up before sighing, reaching down to adjust himself a bit. He was a horny teenager and it had been too many days already. Still, maybe after the party it would all work out.

Will glanced up, realizing he'd left the television on all day and the news was on. What was on the screen surprised him. It was footage of an overturned beer truck with hundreds of cans on the road, but it was a road Will recognized. He walked past it every day on the way to school, no more than four blocks from his house. Will snatched the remote and turned the sound back up, seeing the young news anchor.

"-believe that black ice factored in the crash a few minutes past nine this morning. While over four hundred cans were spread across the road way this morning, the clean up is now complete and every can was recovered from the roadway, damaged or intact. This may just be one more reminder for drivers to have patience and care while dealing with this particularly dangerous weather. I'm Todd Jason for channel 13 News." The reporter said.

Will muted the television again before groaning, flopping back on the couch in utter despair. Four hundred cans of free beer and he'd missed them all trying to get a costume for the day. It was a damn shame. That beer could have made a great party on its own, let alone at either of the parties planned for the night. Still, the absence of beer didn't mean the absence of fun. There was still a chance for sex, Will just had to get ready himself.


The faithful alarm clock by Will's bed glimmered gently with its green numbers, displaying that it was five forty two in the afternoon, heading toward evening quite rapidly. Will pushed the door open into his room, licking his lips after a hastily put together dinner. He never ate that well when his parents weren't home and they always seemed to work weekends. Still, there would be refreshments at the party. He just had to get there in time.

Will moved over to the crate across from his bed, kneeling down before it. He lifted the lid up and looked inside again at the gray and white costume. The fabric was quite spectacularly laid, looking quite soft and even. Will's only hope was that it wasn't too baggy. If he could manage to pull off being soft to the touch AND looking sexy to the touch, he just might get laid and be the envy of many. Will set the head aside, lifting up the body piece first. He ran his fingers through the fur, trying to find the zipper. It wasn't apparent at first. There was nothing down the chest of the back, even the shoulders.

As the minutes ticked on, Will grew more and more frustrated before his fingers finally brushed a dangling metal zipper in the right arm pit. Will's brows furrowed in confusion before he gave it a tug. The seam split, revealing a gap in the pit and down one side. It was an odd place for an entry, but then Will realized how it had to work.

If he stepped in through the hole and filled out the torso and legs, he'd be able to lift the rest up over his arm and shoulder. It seemed a bit convoluted but it would help hide the artificiality of the suit at least. Will decided to give it a go. He draped the suit over the edge of the crate before he pulled off his two layers of shirts, tossing them on the bed in a heap. Next came his shoes, socks and pants. Will turned back, looking at the fur suit, lifting it back up in his hands. He glanced down at the green underwear hugging his butt and groin, wondering if that'd be enough. Then again, if sexy times did follow the party, he didn't want anything slowing him down.

With his mind made up, Will slipped one leg in through the hole, feeling it slip along the soft, faintly oily interior of the suit. The wolf leg was a little snug around his own but that was what he had hoped for. Will's foot slipped into the wolf boot at the end of the leg, finding the form fitting sole. It felt like a soft rubber running shoe, though it felt a little strange to have it connected over his ankle to his leg. Still, one leg was done.

Will pulled the gap as wide as he could make it, sliding his other leg in, tugging the suit up around himself. His right foot settled into place and the legs stretched up to his groin and around his waist, the bulk of the suit pooling on his left side. So far the plan had gone perfectly. He reached into the mass of the suit, keeping it up with his right hand as his left groped for the sleeve hole. It was a little difficult given the weight of the tail flopping around behind him. The blond watched the arm of the gray wolf go from flat to muscled as he filled it with his own. His fingers slipped into the clawed finger gloves and the suit rested on his shoulder.

Satisfied that the process was easier than he imagined, Will lifted the suit the rest of the way up, stretching it over his head before he pushed his blond hair through the neck hole. The fabric stretched up around his neck before coming to rest at his chin. Will quickly slipped his right arm through the last sleeve and used his left to find the zipper, bringing it back up. It was a little hard to zip with his non-dominant hand, but he eventually got it.

Will turned, looking at the mirror in his room, pausing to admire himself. The suit was form fitting enough, showing just how lithe and trim he was. His arm muscles, his thin torso, his perfect bubble ass - it was all shown off perfectly. Will ran his hands, or rather paws, down his white furry chest to his silver furry groin, realizing much to his chagrin that his underwear made him look a bit sexless after everything else was so perfect, but then again the sex would come after the suit was taken off.

The heavy tail wobbled behind Will as he leaned down and lifted the head piece up, looking into the glass eyes once more before he lifted it up above his head. Will felt a little like he was in the Lion King, presenting a new life to the world. He laughed at his silly notion before he brought the head piece down. The hole in the mask stretched out over his head a bit, squeezing his ears before it popped down the rest of the way.

Will blinked a bit, letting his vision adjust. The glass eyes had been positioned right in front of him, giving him a view out of the suit. There was a faint yellow to his vision, an effect of the design of the eyes to look like those of a wolf, but Will could live with that. He reached up, feeling the muzzle before him and then his tall ears. He was ready. It was time to wolf out at the party and have the night of his life.


The gymnasium of the school had been transformed as much as the paltry district budget and two bake sales allowed. Red tissue paper had been suspended beneath the lights, casting a glow across the room that was quite unusual. Streamers, banners and fake spider webs created a canopy above the students which had merged into a sea of dancing, eating and chatting. Three banquet tables had been set up; one boasting an assortment of twelve kinds of chips and five kinds of dip and a huge punch bowl, another table having a rationed selection of cafeteria hamburgers and hot dogs, and a third with brownies, cookies, cakes and pies from the bake sale that hadn't sold.

The highlight of the party had to be having an actual DJ, playing music that echoed through the vast and interweaving halls of the school. As the doors from the outside opened up and Will entered, he could feel the reverie. His heart raced, his tail wagged and his eyes scanned the massive room before him. He had to admit, he was impressed. There were princes and princesses, there were soldiers and nurses, the glee club even dressed up retro style as the Backstreet Boys from their Halloween music video back when they were kids.

Will strutted along the party, enjoying everyone's costumes before he all but skidded to a stop. Standing by the punch bowl was Will's girl, Tasha. Her raven black hair had been perfectly curled, a few streaks of silver added in. She had a gossamer shawl showing off her black bodice beneath along with a short skirt, and knee high boots. Will felt like the luckiest guy on the earth and started to make his way over.

As he approached, he spotted Trent from the football team, his brown skin covered in green paint, his hair buzzed to be flat on top and bolts glued to his neck. He made a rather convincing Frankenstein, especially as he moved over to Tasha. Will was about to say hi when Trent offered Tasha a glass of punch. Tasha looked around the room with a bit of nervousness before she stood on her tip toes and gave Trent a kiss. Not just a kiss of thanks, but a kiss on the lips.

Will stopped dead in his tracks. Tasha hadn't even kissed him in a week and a half, let alone given him any nookie. He'd assumed it was her time of the month, but this... Will tried to cool down. It had to be a mistake, something he saw that wasn't there. Will swallowed, about to take another step forward when he saw the two reach for each other, their hands entwining. Will's shoulders drooped.

"Tasha?!" Will called out through his mask. Tasha gasped, looking at the gray and white wolf.

"Will! You said you were coming as a wolfman..." She murmured.

"I did...." Will replied.

"No you didn't, you came as a wolf..." Tasha replied. Will held out his furry paws.

"Is that even important right now? What's going on?" Will asked. Tasha blushed a little before looking at Trent, giving him a nod. Trent turned and staggered off to do something else for a few minutes. Tasha moved forward, reaching out to take one of Will's paws.

"Will, you're... a really special guy. You're smart and have a great fashion sense, but you aren't... really what I'm looking for in a boyfriend. I was going to tell you but then the party came up and I couldn't think of how to say it, I'm so sorry." Tasha murmured.

"Picking out matching costumes with another guy, that's certainly one way to say it. So it's over?" Will asked. Tasha took a breath and then nodded. Will felt his heart break in his chest, a chest covered over with fur. Even his face was hidden from view. No doubt he looked quite comical, getting broken up with like some sort of team mascot. Will looked around at the rest of the party, at everyone in pairs and hacing a perfect time. It just didn't feel like his place anymore. The fact that Tasha had kissed Trent in public no doubt meant that he was the last to know about the relationship and gossip just hadn't reached him yet. Still, he could save face. He was a player in his own way.

"Thanks for letting me know Tasha, enjoy your night." Will replied before he moved off through the crowd. There were no shouts, no visible tears, just a broken heart and the unce unce unce of party music.

Before long Will made his way back to the door of the building and pushed out into the cold air... but the suit kept him warm, kept him comfortable. The gymnasium doors clattered shut behind him, leaving him with his thoughts. Will felt like an idiot. He never should have gone to the school's party. He should have gone to the counter-party, fucked the system with drugs and beer and rock and roll... Maybe found someone easier, but that wasn't going to happen tonight. He was too tired, too sad. He turned and began the long walk back to his house. He was just going to take off his costume and go to bed. As he trudged along, he took one last glance up at the sky, spotting the full moon. The night should have been so perfect.


Before the door had even fully opened to his room, Will pulled the head piece off his costume. He trudged over to the closet and dropped the wolf head into the case, reaching for the zipper. The teenager grunted in despair as he failed to find it the first three times before he snatched a hold and tugged it down. With careful movements he peeled the fur suit off himself like a banana, pushing out through the hole. He dropped the suit messily over the edge of the case, looking at his bed longingly.

A sudden buzz in the fur suit made Will groan. He reached down and fished through the furry pile, making it even messier before he pulled out his phone. The word 'HER' flashed on the screen. Will rolled his eyes before he turned the phone off and set it on his night stand. He was about to climb into bed when he saw the green marking pen and remembered his nightly ritual.

Despite his exhaustion and tiredness, he moved over to the wall next to his closet and crossed out Saturday. The day was over and there wasn't anything Will wanted more than to put it all behind him. He put the pen back on his night stand and climbed into bed, closing his eyes.


Will's utter exhaustion had taken him into a dreamless, coma like sleep. He was sprawled out on the bed beneath heaps of blankets. He could have slept the entire day away, and frankly that was his plan. The plan, however, was interrupted by the intentionally obnoxious buzz of his alarm clock. The green digital numbers flashed insistently as Will groaned. He reached out without looking, trying to hit the snooze button. He couldn't believe that he had forgot to turn it off. As Will fumbled, he bumped the switch, turning on the radio.

"And a good morning to you all. It's eight forty six and for those of you on the morning commute, we want to caution you against some black ice that built up over night... but who is working on this beautiful, chilly Saturday anyway? Then again, for you poor saps heading into the work place you can enjoy the full moon we have waiting for us tonight." the reporter chuckled. Will finally found the snooze button and snapped it with his hand before trying to pull his arm back under the covers. It took several moments for the words to sink in. The reporter had said it was Saturday... again.

Will sat up with a bit of confusion. He could understand the reporter saying the wrong day by accident, but saying that they had a full moon again too? Will knew he could have mistaken an almost-full moon for a full moon, but he could have sworn on his calendar that it said Saturday was the full moon. Will threw his comforter off the bed and climbed out of bed, nearly stumbling as he moved forward, coming to a stop just before hitting his toes on the trunk.

Will ran his fingers down the length of the week, following all the x's he had marked. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday... but not Saturday.

The moment felt so very strange, like reverse déjà vu. He could have sworn he crossed it out before bed. Will shook his head and moved back to his night stand to retrieve his phone, hoping Tasha hadn't filled up his voice mail with sob stories. His fingers instinctively reached for where the phone had been but found only wood. He looked down at the table. His phone wasn't there.

"God damnit..." Will cursed before he knelt down, looking to see where it had fallen. As he looked around the floor, he spotted the familiar green and silver case - over by the window, plugged in to charge. Will tilted his head slowly, moving over. He lifted it up and tapped the screen to check for missed calls, but what his eyes drifted to instead was the time. Eight forty eight, Saturday the nineteenth. Will looked at the phone in disbelief. It was updated by satellite. There wasn't any way to deceive it that he knew. The radio, the calendar, the phone... they all said he had started his day over again.

Will felt goose bumps rise up on his arms, his neck hair standing on end. He looked at the phone and then the calendar, then down at the chest... the trunk now closed. Will slowly crouched down and lifted the lid. Inside was a gray and white wolf fur suit, the one he'd bought at the Li Grand Zombi... on a Saturday. It couldn't be that his day started over and the suit was still there. Will needed something definitive, proof of what day it was. His mind reeled for options. He couldn't call Tasha and ask about the dance, she'd think he was insane and lost it after the break up, unable to drown his sorrows in beer like a real man.

"Beer..." Will whispered, remembering the news report from the previous day. That had to be his definitive proof.


Will huffed and puffed as he peddled his bicycle down the street at full bore, his breath coming out as steam. He knew he was probably insane, that there was no way it could be possible. He had to be insane. Will's hair whipped around behind him as he approached the corner, wondering if he was too late. Before he got to the stop sign, he heard a loud screech of tires trying to grip and then a loud crashing bang. The ground shuddered gently... and ahead of him came a sea of silver and white rolling aluminum cans.

Some were damaged in the crash, sending up streams and geysers of amber beer while others rolled harmlessly to a stop. Will came around the corner slowly, spotting the truck. The driver was dazed but climbing out. Will remembered the report. There had been no injuries... just beer. Licking his lips a bit, Will dropped his bike and ran out, grabbing at the cans, stuffing the pouch of his hooded sweatshirt like some sort of alcoholic marsupial.

"Hey... Hey! Stop right there!" The driver shouted. Will stuffed three more cans before he climbed onto his bike and peddled away. The driver took a few jogging steps before he gave up, looking back at his truck, knowing what kind of trouble he was in.


The can hissed as it was popped, the foam bubbling out a bit from the accident. Will brought it up to his lips, sipping at the forbidden contents, sighing with relief. He'd always been a bit of a man of vice, but free stolen beer was a new high... it also helped to calm his nerves. Will had seen newspapers on the way home. They too agreed it was Saturday. There was no denying it. The day had started over again. Will was almost afraid to acknowledge that, but on the other hand it opened so many possibilities... possibilities to start things out better than he had before, to do things differently.

Will glanced down to his pocket before he pulled out his phone. He stared at it for a few seconds before he decided to get an advantage of his own. He scrolled through his contacts, found Tasha's number and dialed before setting his phone to speaker phone, setting it on the table. The phone clicked and there was a soft groan.

"Ugh, Will, do you know what time it is?" Tasha murmured.

"You want to get ready for the party, don't you?" Will asked.

"I'm going to... Got all my dye and everything." She said sleepily.

"I'm sure Trent will love it. Anyway, hope you two have fun. I figured I'd let you off the hook, let you two get at it officially. You don't have to worry about our relationship any more. It's over." Will said before he hung up and turned his phone off.

It felt a little vengeful, a little vindictive, and very empowering. It wasn't just getting back at her, it was pre-empting her from doing it in the first place. He'd broken up with her... and now that he was single, it was time to get back on the market. Will grinned a bit, thinking of the possibilities that were before him. He already had a leg up - he knew which of his female friends were home alone for he weekend. Will grinned even more. This was going to be fun.


The door bell echoed through the fine estate, past the pristine living room with glass cases of crystal and china, to the dining room with a huge wooden table that was never used. Will heard movement on the other side before the door opened up, revealing Kerri Ann. She looked out at Will with almond colored skin and chocolate colored eyes, her long black hair sloping over her shoulders perfectly. Will grinned wide.

"Kerri, looking fine this morning..." Will murmured, "I heard your parents were away. I was wondering if you wanted any help getting ready... for the party?" Will asked.

"Will, I heard you broke up with Tasha..." Kerri replied.

"And you know she was cheating on me with Trent." Will replied.

"That isn't the point... I mean, I like you and all, and what Tasha did is awful, but I don't want to be your rebound." Kerri replied, "Give it time, it's all going to work out one way or another." Kerri said, "I'll see you at the party?" she asked. Will's smile had faded.

"Maybe, haven't decided if I'm going to show up or not." Will said. Kerri gave a gentle nod.

"Well, I hope you get through this okay. I'm... going to go finish getting ready." She said, easing the door shut. Will's shoulders sank even more. It wouldn't have been so disheartening but this was the fifth rejection he'd got in less than an hour. Girls were so sensitive to social ramifications, it was exhausting. Will didn't understand it at all. If he'd been given the day as a do over and it wasn't about sex, what was the point?

Will started walking home when he heard a gentle rumble of an old window opening, then the skittering of feet and a dull thud. Will turned to see that a window on the second floor of Kerri's house had opened and her brother Reed had emerged, crossing the roof before jumping down to the first story. His black hair was gelled so it stuck up in faint feathered spikes, his skin showing hints of cinnamon tones. He wore a neon green shirt beneath a black vest and pants, no doubt getting ready for the party himself.

Fear flashed through Will's heart. He should have known, Red heard it all... The propositioning of his sister, the break up. Not only did Will have blue balls, he was about to have a black eye for hitting on Kerri. He backed up as Reed got to his feet, the Asian teen moving over. Will held up his hand before him, half in a gesture of apology, half as an attempt to block any attack Reed might through. Reed, however, came to a stop a few feet from Will, giving him a rather sheepish and innocent look. His brown eyes were wide, his plump lips slightly apart. Will hesitated, wondering why Reed was looking so... unconfrontational.

"I... I'll be your rebound, if... you want that." Reed whispered. Will stood there, replaying the words in his head a few times to be sure.

"You'll what?" Will asked. Reed shifted a bit more.

"I... I mean, if you want, I could be your rebound... help you out with your problem. They say... I give pretty good head." Reed offered. Will's eyes widened in shock. He never knew Reed was gay, let alone that much of a slut. To be openly propositioned - was exactly what he had been doing to the girls, only to be turned down every time. Will paused, reaching up to brush his blond hair out of his eyes.

"Even if it doesn't turn into anything? Even if its just sex?" Will asked. Reed nodded.

"It doesn't need to be complicated, we're guys... Doesn't even have to mean you're gay or bi if I'm the one sucking you off." Reed whispered. Will stared at the Asian boy as if he were a genius, finding the solution to the problem he'd been facing for so long. Girls were complicated, hard work, stuck to schedules. This... was going to be much simpler.


The door to the old tool shed was suspiciously silent as the apparently well oiled hinges swung without resistance. Will glanced around with a bit of nervousness but the well weathered gray wood structure was built in a blind spot of the house. Will moved in before turning, watching Reed come in and shut the door behind him. Will glanced around, noticing how clean the place was. The counters were organized, there was even a blanket spread out on the floor.

"Spend a lot of time in here?" Will asked. Reed slowly knelt down, reaching to unzip Will's pants, sliding a hand in to grope and fondle his groin through the green underwear.

"It's got great wireless reception... and my dad thinks I'm just working on building and fixing stuff." Reed replied, leaning in, nuzzling Will's crotch. Will blushed a bit, feeling nervous and anxious but excited too. He wondered how much it would be like getting head from Kerri, but somehow it seemed even better without the baggage. Reed worked on Will's belt before he unstrapped it and popped the button to his pants.

Will huffed a bit as his pants were tugged down. Reed nuzzled and even kissed his crotch through the underwear before those cinnamon colored fingers curled under the waist band and slipped them down. Will shivered in amazement, feeling the fingers that weren't his own removing his underwear... and then the hot, wet lips sliding along his half hard cock. He could feel Reed's hot breath on his member and balls, then the teen's nose delve into his bush and inhale the scent.

Reed seemed to be in heaven. He had the enthusiasm of a virgin but Will could detect a bit more skill in his activities. The one thing that was most clear was that he was indeed a slut. The teen was getting very horny as he moved for Will's package before his lips parted and he took the tip in. Will grabbed onto the shelf behind him as the boy tongued his cock slit and then bathed his mushroom shaped head in saliva, taking in more and more of the shaft.

Will had to suppress a moan as he was sucked off, watching Reed advance. He bobbed his head back and forth, working on applying the perfect amount of pressure. Will's fingernails dug into the wood shelf as it surpassed anything he had experienced before. It wasn't just the same as Kerri might have given it, it was better. Reed didn't waste time with any of the finite movements that women assumed men wanted, he went for the pressure, the broad strokes back and forth, everything that men knew men liked.

In just a few seconds of fellatio, Will's world had been blown wide open. He'd had an entire adolescence of woman chasing called into question. If a guy was this good, what had he been missing? Will knew he had told Reed it wouldn't turn into anything, but there was every chance he'd have to rethink his options, especially with how good of a slut Reed was... and the oral play was getting so good, Will's brain was starting to fog over.

Will reached down, tangling his fingers in Reed's stylized hair, pulling him forward and back. Reed's back arched and he moaned around the cock, loving the feeling of power and force exerted on him. He sucked harder, deeper, his tongue teasing every part of Will he could reach. The two grunted and thrust with growing power. Soon it was too much for Reed and a wet spot formed in his black pants, the pearly sheen of cum leaking through... and yet he kept going, sucking and slurping, eager to please his man unlike any other man would be willing to do post orgasm.

The sensations, the knowledge, the power - Will couldn't stand the overwhelming experience any longer. He grabbed Reed's head tight, pulled it all the way to his groin and held it there. If Reed had been anyone else, the cock rubbing the back of his throat likely would have gagged him but Reed welcomed it. He felt the minute shifts in Will's balls, his cock and then came the hot flood of semen. Reed gulped at it, gazing up with wide, obedient eyes. Will looked down at Reed, knowing he'd never seen anything so hot in all his life. This wasn't just the loyalty a girlfriend would have, that had to be the start of a life long bromance.


The walk back home had been interesting for Will, especially given that he was at least half hard the whole time. He couldn't believe he had his first gay experience, or that he had loved it so much. His parents would die if they knew what he'd gotten up to on his day off - robbing a beer truck and getting blown by a hot Asian dude... and it was only the start. The cosmos had somehow gifted him another Saturday and he felt he'd spent it well. He kept pulling out his phone, looking at the number Reed had added with a cum soaked hand before licking it clean. It was so hot.

Will unlocked the front door and moved into the house, heading for the stairs before he paused. Once more he'd forgotten to turn off the television. It showed the same angles of the over-turned truck, but then the driver appeared on the screen. Will left the front door open and ran over, turning the sound up.

"I don't even know where he came from, he just started scooping up the cans and then he was gone. I would have gone after him but I had to stop anyone else from getting impacted by the road hazard." The driver explained. The view flipped back to the handsome young reporter.

"Police on scene believe that black ice factored in the crash a few minutes past nine this morning. With over four hundred cans spread across the road way this morning, the clean up is now complete... though one local youth may have helped himself to a little of the clean up as well. This may just be one more reminder for drivers to have patience and care while dealing with this particularly dangerous weather. I'm Todd Jason for channel 13 News." The reporter said before the news returned to the studio.

"I'm on T.V., I'm on T.V." Will said with a slight strut to his dance before he turned and jogged up the stairs, heading to his room. He pushed the door open and moved past the costume trunk, opening up his backpack where it had been discarded after school on Friday. He riffled through stacks of papers, notebooks and pencil bags before he found the crinkled up black piece of paper... the counter-culture costume party. It was time to get a little wild.

Will quickly pulled off his shirts and kicked off his shoes and socks, standing naked except for his underwear, tented rather dramatically by his erection and the few drops of cum that leaked from his cock on the way home. He'd been so pent up for weeks that he had plenty to spare. Will thought about how sexless the suit had made him the first time he wore it, especially in front of Tasha and Trent... He wasn't going to be emasculated like that again.

The blond peeled his green underwear off, watching his cock flop around before him, red and thick. He set the costume's head piece out of the way and pulled the suit out, unzipping it knowingly and with experienced. The fabric spread easily as he stepped into it with his left leg, but right there it felt different. The interior of the suit felt more like skin, soft and sleek. He could almost feel the prickles of the fur on the other side, grazing his own leg.

Will wondered as he slipped his leg down further if he'd worn off some protective barrier the night before, but then again it wasn't all that bad. He got his foot into place and then stepped in with his right leg, getting it into position. With both feet in the suit, his toes seemed to slip down a little more before finding faint holes for the toes, almost like foot gloves. It made sense in a way. His 'paws' were made for individual fingers, his foot paws must have been designed the same. He wondered why he had only felt the feet like shoes the night before.

The blond kept pulling the suit up, feeling it cup his ass and cover his groin. Will glanced down, seeing a firm erection trapped against his muscled stomach. He loved the look, though the contours seemed to be tapered even more to his body than before. The white furry belly seemed to dive around the cock, leaving it covered in silver gray like his balls. After another moment of self admiration, Will pulled the suit the rest of the way up, sliding his left arm in, then popped his head through the neck hole and filled out the right sleeve with his arm. He numbly zipped the suit up tight, wriggling around until everything settled before he finally lifted the head piece up and brought it down.

The head piece squeezed around his ears before popping into place, feeling like it fit more than before. He could feel a slight breeze against his ears, channels cut into the head piece to guide sound down from the ears on the top to his own ears. He could feel the mask resting against his upper lip and cheeks as well as his jaw, almost like it could move based on his own facial expressions. Will gazed out through the yellow eye pieces at the world beyond. After getting used to the costume again, Will crouched down and picked up the black piece of paper, checking the address for the counter-culture party. He hesitated, feeling the suit separate his ass cheeks, though his tail hung down over the crevice. Will returned his focus to where he had to be and when. It was time to do the night right.


While the school held its costume dance at the gymnasium, the counter culture party had managed to secure an aircraft hanger at the disused air port at the edge of town. There were fewer than three planes coming and going a day and no neighbors. It was the perfect recipe for irresponsibility. The music echoed all the way to the hole in the fence, providing Will an easy way to find his destination. He moved through the gap in the door, looking in at the variety of faces... only half of which were from his high school.

There were mohawked and spike headed punks, shaggy haired skaters, buzz cut druggies... and much to Will's surprise, older guys with big guts and beards handling the booze. All of them had dressed up a bit, taking on costumes of hippies and bikers and gang lords, though some of them were likely involved in those fields in real life. A haze of smoke filled the air, a combination of too many brands and substances to identify. Despite the music, the party goers glanced up at the newcomer. Will had been expecting this. He lifted two grocery bags full of purloined cans from the accident that morning.

"Beer!" He proclaimed. The crowd cheered en masse, arms embracing Will and pulling him in. People patted him on the back, pushed him from point to point. People complimented his presence, the realism of his fur suit. There was no judgment, no social butterfly girls crawling into their cocoons with the nearest hot football Frankenstein. It was just going to be a good night.

"Hey man, wolf this down!" Another man said, passing Will a brown bottle of German dark beer. Will twisted the lid off and moved to bring the bottle to his lips without thinking, bumping the muzzle of his suit. He grimaced a bit before he opened his jaw as wide as it could go. The muzzle of the wolf head parted just a bit and Will jammed it in, tipping his head back.

As the beer flowed down his throat, Will felt the familiar warmth and buzz sweep over him, gulping it all down. He suspected the smoke fumes were likely adding to his sense of well being. He chugged down the beer before popping it out with a noisy smacking of his lips, eliciting the cheers of those around. Now these were his people. Will moved through the crowds before he froze, seeing the largest stack of pizza he'd ever seen in his life. There had to be sixty boxes all stacked high... No doubt for people with the munchies, but Will was starving. He knew he could help put a dent in those stacks.


The door shuddered as Will stumbled through it, drunk and disordered. He was glad that the day had looped or else his door would likely be broken by now... though Will felt a bit broken himself. He'd never eaten so many pieces of pizza or drunk so much beer before. His yellow vision seemed a bit green as he staggered further into his room, but he knew he couldn't just go to bed. He came to rest one hand on the wall for support before bringing his other hand up, using the costume's claw to slice into the calendar, crossing Saturday off.

With his ritual complete, Will stumbled back before collapsing on his bed, closing his eyes and falling asleep. One hand idly slid up and down across his distended stomach as he drifted deeper and deeper, giving way to night. Through the window, the full moon showered him with light and warmth as he slumbered in the fur suit.


The obnoxious, painful buzzing started with no warning and no recourse, causing Will to howl out in pain as his head started to throb with the ache of a true hangover. He swatted out at his alarm clock, claws slicing into the plastic as he hit the snooze button and scraped down the display. Will rolled over, the blankets shifting on his body. One furry foot emerged, twitching a bit before it relaxed. Likewise, Will's tail flicked around a bit from his backside.

Slowly Will allowed himself to wake up, trying to wet his mouth from how dry it had gotten. In his slumber he didn't think much about how many more ribbed bridges there were in his mouth or how much more he had to wet, let alone how long his tongue had stretched to. His black, moist nose twitched a bit before he pushed out of bed, his foot still ensnared in his comforter.

The gray and silver wolf stumbled over, ramming his paw into the trunk. Will yelped in the sudden pain before his amber eyes slipped open. He looked down and cursed the trunk at his feet before he paused, realizing he was still wearing his fur suit... and he also had to be drunk. It felt like he could see a lot better than he could before in the suit and it felt like it fit better.

Will's left hand went into his right arm pit as he tried to find the zipper but every brush of his fur sent tingles into his skin. He felt how thick his pit fur was and little else. He couldn't even find the seam. Will hesitated, wondering if he'd remembered incorrectly. He reached to his left pit and found nothing either.

Deciding to try another approach, Will lifted his paws up to push at his head piece. He grabbed onto his fury cheeks and pushed, though it felt wrong. It felt like he was pushing his cheek flesh over his teeth, pushing them in and out and accomplishing nothing. He reached around the nape of his neck and tried to find the seam but found nothing there either. Will grunted and growled, pulling his own head until it felt like he was going to break his neck before he gave up.

"Stupid fur suit..." he mumbled, wondering if he'd have to cut it off of himself. Will sighed softly, moving over to the wall to get some scissors or a box knife when he froze. Sitting on the wall, in plain sight, was his cell phone in its charging cradle. Will slowly lifted the phone, tapping the screen, seeing that it was in fact Eight forty seven, Saturday the nineteenth... again. Will's eyes glanced back to the calendar. Saturday was blank, with a full moon. He had looped again. Will swallowed a bit. It wasn't a second chance, he was stuck... It was a groundhog's day, repeating over and over and over.

Will knew everything from the last two days had been undone. Reed didn't remember their encounter, Tasha still thought they were going out, and the beer truck hadn't crashed yet. It was all starting over except for his suit... His very realistic suit. Will groaned and moved over to the mirror to try and find the zipper, but as he moved out to his reflection, he slowed to a stop.

At first Will wasn't sure what unsettled him so, but in a few moments he figured it out. It was all too real. The yellow eyes weren't glassy anymore. The black lips twitched and quivered, and the wolf ears quirked and flattened against Will's head. He lifted his hand and held it to the mirror, tapping one finger and then the next. Everything he did with any part of his body was instantly matched, as if he WAS the fur suit.

Will moved back and slumped onto the trunk, though when a thud sounded inside he leapt back to his feet. Worrying some animal had gotten inside, he threw the lid open wide. What was inside the chest was far scarier to Will than any animal. Inside the trunk, neatly folded... was his fur suit, the fur suit Will assumed he was wearing. Will trembled gently, glancing back at the mirror. He'd spent so much time focusing on his face that he didn't look at the rest of his body... from the furry gray sheath and balls to the tight black pucker of muscle beneath his tail. He was clearly naked and the fur suit was in the trunk.

The teenager settled down on the floor, leaning his back against his bed, sitting in silence and recollection. Somewhere in the distance he heard a screech of tires and then a dull thud. The crash had happened again, exactly as it always did. Will sat in stunned silence, not knowing what to do... But one thing was for certain. He wasn't going back outside for the day. He had partied too hard and gotten himself into a mess... a mess he had to figure out.


Of the many times Will had crossed town in the past three Saturdays, walking across town as a gray and white wolf had Will feeling the most self conscious. He'd put on his pants to cover his wolf sheath, he'd tugged on a green hooded sweat shirt... but there was no hiding what he was. To his surprise, no one seemed to notice. He walked past people, expecting them to gawk and nothing stirred any doubt or hesitation. There wasn't a glance out of place. It was the common anonymity that had always been there.

Will had gone downtown, trying to re-trace his steps to find Li Grand Zombi again but every time he checked an alleyway, he found nothing. Will sighed and trudged along, knowing he wasn't in the right place. If he was, the homeless teen would have been out front to trip him. The trip had been a futile effort for everything but seeing how people reacted to him... at least it had been a futile effort so far.

Deciding to see how the world reflected on its past, Will reached into his pocket and pulled out his cell phone. He opened up the gallery and flipped through the pictures. Sure enough, they had all changed to match his current appearance. Hanging out with friends at the mall, taking part in a relay for breast cancer, even drunk karaoke... all the pictures showed a gray wolf with his human friends, almost all of which were women... women he'd wanted to bang before.

Will shook his head, wondering what parents in their right mind let their daughters go out with a wolf in heat, but it didn't matter. They had the power to resist his charms. He was wolf-zoned before he'd even turned into one. There was only one person that had looked past all that and Will needed that companionship again. He opened his phone address book and scrolled through the names before freezing, realizing his mistake.

"Fuck!" he cursed to the heavens. He couldn't find Reed's name because Reed hadn't given it to him yet, they hadn't encountered one another in that way and Reed couldn't remember the number either. Will reached down, adjusting his package. He still had to do something about it. He wasn't sure but it felt like his blue balls reset each night as well, he was hornier than ever.


The faint musky scent of teenage self love filled Reed's bedroom. His parents were out of the house, his sister was getting ready for the party. He'd be alone... alone to indulge in his darkest passions. He had planned it all out. The only part he'd been unable to anticipate was how desperate he was. Reed's dresser now barricaded the door as he stood in his room, wearing a moist, musky, yellowed jock strap soaked with his own juices and those of some of his former lovers.

Reed was so invested in rubbing and massaging himself that he didn't notice the shadow fall across his floor from the window. It wasn't until the wood window groaned and paint chipped that he spun around, gasping. Will hoisted the window up before crouching in the gap he made, grinning a predatory, fang filled grin. Reed stumbled back, completely embarrassed and vulnerable, caught in his dirtiest of fantasies by one of his sister's friends. Will licked his lips.

"I want you, I need you... I thought a quick fuck would be enough, but you're too good. You're the perfect slut..." Will whispered, reaching to slowly unzip his pants. Reed wanted to run, to flee, to escape his embarrassment but he'd trapped himself inside his room and as he watched the zipper come down, Reed's fear melted. He moved forward, unable to speak before he came to the window sill. He pushed Will's pants out of the way, reaching in.

Will shivered as the fingers wrapped around his furry gray sheath, stroking it and extracting it. The tube was plump and thick, but it shifted before a pointed, wet red tip pushed out followed by the veined, slick canine phallus of a wolf. Will's eyes rolled into the back of his head as it was exposed to the open air. Wordlessly, Reed looked up at Will as he leaned in, slurping at the shaft slowly, getting a taste for its exotic canine juices.

"Oh that's it, you are the bomb..." Will murmured before he pushed in through the window. Reed moved back, feeling embarrassed again. Will pulled off his hoodie and dropped his pants before shoving Reed onto the bed. He pulled the jock straps aside before sliding the wolf cock up and down between Reed's cheeks before he finally tilted his hips an shoved in.

Reed's fingers dug into the blankets of his bed as he moaned out, feeling the hot and wet shaft pierce into him. The Asian teen wanted to let Will know how hot he was, how stunning he was, but all he managed to do was drool. It was more than a fantasy come true, it was better than fantasy... but Reed knew he had to do his part too. He started to clench his ass, his muscles massaging Will's dick as it dove so deep.

Will groaned louder, not caring if Kerri heard him fucking her pervert brother. This wasn't just good sex, this was the sex of a predator, of a dominant. He could smell Reed's eagerness, his desire and lust. Will's black nostrils flared as he inhaled the scent in with the powers of a wolf, letting it sear into his brain. He leaned down, opening his maw wide, his sharp teeth grazing Reed's neck. Reed, to Will's surprise, leaned into the fangs, feeling them nearly pierce the skin.

Having such a partner inspired Will to greatness. While fucking a hole was something he was used to, he reminded himself to bring a paw around. He tugged at Reed's jock strap before he pushed it out of the way, using his paw pads and furry hand to stroke Reed off. Reed pumped his shaft into the wolf's paw, bouncing between it and the dick lodged in his ass. Reed moved forward and back with growing intensity.

Will could feel every sinew, muscle, bone and nerve in his body alight with passion. He kept thrusting hard and deep, but much to Will's surprise, the thrusting was becoming more difficult. He took his maw from Reed's neck and looked down, realizing the base of his cock was swelling into a knot. Will shuddered in shock before he gave one last powerful thrust, stretching Reed around his bulging flesh before it swelled enough to tie them together.

Reed called out, panting at that, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. Will grinned before rolling onto his back, lifting Reed up, impaled on the wolf shaft. Reed collapsed against Will's chest before he came, spraying all over his stomach, chest, face and hair. Reed nearly had a seizure from the immense pleasure, but Will wasn't far behind. He panted hard, his tongue hanging out of his mouth before he suddenly came. Will groaned as he felt the hot, thick seed flow into Reed's ass. He couldn't tell for sure but it felt thicker and nastier than human cum.

The two were stuck together, mounted and mated, trapped in bed. Reed panted, looking down at how he'd sprayed himself down. Just as he was taking in the mess, a gray paw reached up around his ribs, coming down on his stomach. Will began to massage it across his stomach and chest, wiping it around his nipples in circles before giving them each a little tug with his claws. Reed moaned, feeling even more like a bowl of jelly.

"Why me?" Reed whispered, finally able to manage words.

"Because you're the hottest dude out there... and I wanted to ask you to come to a party with me tonight." Will replied.

"The costume party at the school?" Reed asked. Will chuckled a bit.

"Not quite... but it is a costume party." Will replied.

"I'll do anything for you." Reed replied. Will grinned at that, moving to lick the semen out of his hair with his long canine tongue.


Night was settling in and Will's house was filled with the scents of freshly cooked hamburger and steaks. Will had gone all out for his new 'boyfriend' Reed, though it had also been a good excuse to cook naked and get a post-dinner blow job. Still, even counter-culture parties had a schedule and Will couldn't put it off any longer. He moved up the stairs to his room and pushed the door open, moving over to the crate. Reed came in right after with excitement.

"Is that your costume?!" Reed asked with excitement. Will hesitated.

"Actually I was thinking..." Will paused. Reed was right. He wasn't wearing a costume, at least not as far as the world was concerned. He'd always looked like a wolf to them. Will opened the crate slowly, looking in at the wolf suit inside. It was hyper realistic, even more wolfy than he looked in some ways... but it wasn't just the suit. There were accessories; a leather harness, straps and bindings, big boots, a red and black flannel jacket, a collar and a leash... There was so much that it looked like there was enough for two in the box. Will smiled, "Actually, I think both of our costumes are in here." He replied.

"What do I get to be?" Reed asked excitedly. Will licked his lips slowly, imagining it already.


The doors to the aircraft hanger slid open a bit wider and the party goers turned to see who had come to join them. The display was a bit more than any of them were expecting. Most of the bikers noticed the rugged silver wolf first, wearing a red and black flannel shirt with his chest and stomach exposed, revealing a leather x harness over his chest. There were a few random black straps tied around his legs to pass as 'clothing'. Will had pulled the wolf costume over himself despite how redundant it had seemed, finding it made him look even tougher. What everyone else seemed to spot first, though, was the leash leading down to the collared human that was coming in on all fours, panting and drooling and acting like a dog. Every so often Reed would nuzzle up against Will's legs, giving the fur a lick. Will, however, walked in like he owned the place.

"Love your pet, hope he's got good breeding." One punk joked.

"Dude, what'd you get him to take? I want some." A thug murmured, looking at them both with hunger. While not everyone at the party was gay, they weren't so old fashioned as to hate on anyone for being so. The beers were served the same, the air was still thick... but among it all, Will felt even more hungry than he had before. He moved over to the pizzas and lifted a whole box, carrying it over to a torn up couch in the corner.

Will flopped down on the cushions and opened the box on his lap, lifting a piece to his lips. Red sauce and greasy sausage dribbled down, staining his shirt and his fur but Will didn't care. It was a party. He gulped the pizza down in just a few bites before he went to another. There was a slight rub at his leg and Will turned, lifting a piece of pizza over, letting the toppings drop into Reed's waiting mouth. Reed gulped them up eagerly as others watched. Will wasn't even sure where it came from, but soon a dark beer was edged into his hand. Will popped the top and tipped it back, gulping it down. Some of the beer ran past his lips, soaking into his furry maw, staining the white yellow.

Many of the party goers had been amazed at Will's sexual prowess and his display, but the way he was eating seemed truly animal, even slobby. They backed up a bit, giving the man room to chow down. Some tried to assume he was just drunk or high and that explained it, but it was something deeper. Will felt that there were no consequences, no rules. No matter what he did, it'd all be fine the next day. Without any rules or consequences, his mind knew no bounds... and neither did his imagination.


A belch echoed up the stairs as Will staggered home. While Reed had played the obedient pet all night, now he helped Will stand. The two wobbled and moved for the door, but as they got into Will's bedroom it became apparent that Will had pushed himself even further than before. Almost all of his white fur had been stained yellow by beer, cum, sweat and possibly other fluids. More than that, his stomach was visibly stretched, rounding into a belly.

"Sorry... I got carried away." Will murmured. Reed grinned at that.

"It's alright, I like my men dirty... and the way you commanded me and dragged me around, you're the perfect leather daddy." Reed said. Will grinned at that, pulling Reed in before pushing him onto the bed. Will moved over, once more crossing off Saturday with his claw before dropping into bed. He wrapped furry arms around Reed and pulled him close.

Reed snuggled against Will, moving to rest his face against Will's chest, rooting through the fur before his lips latched onto a nipple. Reed suckled on it gently before his eyes drifted shut and he fell asleep. Will found it touching, adorable and quite erotic... and with his belly so swollen, Reed seemed even smaller and more adorable, like someone to protect. That was not a feeling he minded in the slightest. With that sense of contentment, Will closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep once more.

Minutes passed, ticking by as the moonlight shone in on them both, washing over Reed's cinnamon skin before it started to look translucent. The collar grew soft and then fell through the after image of the youth before Will was in a bed alone. The warmth his partner provided faded and Will murmured unhappily in his sleep, curling up tighter beneath the blankets. Around the room, more objects moved around, resuming their positions from the night before the loop started, everything setting up to repeat once more... except for Will.

In his sleep, the rugged silver fur of his costume sunk into his flesh, mixing and melding with the fur coat he had beneath. His plump, thick sheath emerged from the fabric as it dissolved away and the mask tightened around his muzzle, making his fangs look tougher. More than anything, his body adopted the belly he'd gained from gorging out on pizza, letting it thicken and settle. Before long Will had no costume on, merely resembling what he had been wearing. The ever present green numbers of his clock clicked over, one digit closer to eight forty five.


Eight forty five... The buzzing returned as it always did. Will's amber eyes opened up yet again. There was no confusion, no shock, no immediacy. He'd done it too many times. He couldn't even count how many loops he'd made now, whether it was in the double or triple digits. The novelty, the amazing quality of being able to repeat one's day had worn off. He'd done everything he could think of, even going to the point of lunacy.

Will recounted learning how to juggle, stealing a car, going on the news, kissing the reporter Todd Jason, even robbing a bank. Somewhere in the back of his mind he had hoped if he died that he'd be able to break the loop but the guards were too inept. He'd gotten away with it and by the time the police caught up to him it was another morning. The only things that seemed to change were the skills Will knew and how he looked.

The bed was weighing a little heavier beneath Will than it had when the looping started. Each visit to the counter culture party had come with over indulgence and had left him heavier. He had to be at least three hundred pounds now. He looked down at his massive, furry round belly stained with cum and sweat and food... and his thick man tits presented sausage sized nipples before his eternally hungry maw. Will wanted to be disgusted with himself but he couldn't. He liked being big and dominant and no matter what anyone else thought, Reed loved it... but that was the problem.

Doctors might have said Will's heart was weak from his weight, but the truth of the matter was that it was weak from loosing Reed too many times. Will had figured out fifty ways to make Reed fall in love with him. They'd had perfect dates, they'd had raunchy sex, they'd fucked in public and they'd had an entire arboretum as their personal garden of Eden to rhomp in, but every morning he woke up alone. Will just couldn't take it anymore. He had to try and fix things or end things. He couldn't take the lack of advancement anymore.

Will made his way down the stairs, squeezing through the arch way at the base before he moved for the door. This was always his least favorite part of the day. He had no cigars, no chaw, but at least booze was right around the corner if he waited a few minutes. The wolf moved out into the cool open air but his fat exuded heat that kept him comfortable. The wolf padded up the street, in no hurry. It was a journey he'd made dozens of times. He'd made it so frequently that he could account for every gust of wind, every blade of grass, every piece of debris. The world was completely monotonous... which made the appearance of the limousine all the stranger.

The sleek black car pulled out from a side street ahead of Will, rounding the corner and heading up the road where the beer truck was destined to crash. The fact that something else was operating independently in the time loop was too much to hope for, but Will had to see. He jogged up the street, soon panting from the exertion, stumbling around the corner. The limo had come to a stop on the street, pulling sideways to block both lanes of traffic before it flicked on its hazard lights.

Will approached the vehicle, panting softly, his heart racing. Who was this person? What was going on? Had the loop finally broken? Was it Sunday? He hadn't checked his phone, the clock or anything else. He'd merely gotten up and gone outside. Just as Will was approaching the car, he looked up to see the beer truck coming down the road as it had the last several days in a row. The truck slowed as it approached the limousine, coming to a stop. The loud, obnoxious honk echoed out.

The door to the limousine clicked open and a young, svelt and trim. His skin was the color of dark chocolate, his black hair perfectly braided. He wore a black suit with an army green tie. The man had changed a lot, but Tristan never forgot a face... even of the homeless man that had tripped him on his first Saturday. Will felt rage build up in his body before he charged forward.

"What's the big idea?!" The truck driver asked, leaning out of his rig.

"Excuse me sir, but there is ice up ahead... I think it would be very dangerous to continue." The youth said.

"You're sure?" The trucker hesitated. The young man smiled back.

"How do you think I got turned this way?" He asked, lying, "The side streets around this intersection should be fine."

"I guess one block delay wouldn't be too bad... Thanks man." The trucker said, climbing back into his vehicle. The beer truck backed up and moved to turn onto the side street, cutting around the ice. The young man smiled a bit, though he paused as the air started to turn foul, smelling like sweat and beer and sex. It was almost the stench he had as a homeless man. He turned just as a furry paw wrapped around his throat and he was lifted up, slamming him down onto the trunk of the limo.

"You! You did this, the whole looping thing! Who are you? Why did you do this?" Will demanded, his fangs glistening.

"Tri... Tristan! I..." Tristan struggled, trying to speak but finding himself unable to. Will realized he was choking him too much and released. Tristan panted, reclaiming his breath for a moment before he gazed up, "You changed so much..." he murmured.

"So did you. You look like you could run for president." Will replied.

"Governor maybe, after I learned enough to have him impeached..." Tristan said, reaching to straighten his collar.

"So that's what you were doing this whole time? Figuring out a way to make your life better?" Will asked.

"Cold, hard logic... the opposite side of the coin to your pleasure seeking. It was the only way it would work." Tristan explained.

"And now you're going to break the cycle, aren't you?" Will asked.

"I just wanted to set a few things right before we went back into the normal flow of time... but I don't know how to get you back to the way you were." Tristan replied weakly. Will broke out laughing.

"I don't care about the way I was, all I care about is going forward. When is the loop going to end?" Will asked.

"Four thirty two in the morning, it's when I finished the rite the first time. But you have to be careful. As we get closer, what we do is going to shape the reality we return to. Whatever you did to... end up like that... The effects are going to be amplified... and permanent." Tristan whispered.

"Fine by me, I'm going to be fucking the love of my life raw when we move into the future." Will said, turning to head down the road. Tristan slowly sat up in shock.

"Just... Just like that?" Tristan called out, "They don't mind you like that?" he added. Will came to a stop and turned, reaching to massage his obscenely bulging sheath with one hand before flicking a fat nipple with the other.

"He loves me like this, he's my soul mate." Will said, dripping with pride of his slovenly body before he disappeared around the street corner, heading to Reed's house.


"Ugh, go away! Why do you always bother me when I'm trying to get ready for something important?!" Kerri's shouts echoed through the house. Reed held up his hands in defense before he backed up and moved up the stairs, a grin crossing his face. He'd provoked her just enough that she wouldn't want anything to do with him for hours, and without his sister's interference he could get some precious alone time. Reed rushed into his room, shut the door and moved to push the dresser, but before he got there his phone vibrated in his pocket.

Reed muttered under his breath, wondering who was bothering him during what was supposed to be sexy time. He pulled his phone out and noticed a new text, opening it without thinking. What filled the screen next was unlike anything Reed had seen before... at least as far as he knew. The LCD display was full of a photograph of a fat, thick, slimy puppy pecker coming out of a fat sheath.

The reaction was nearly instantaneous as Reed got fully aroused. He tried to figure out who had sent the message to him but the number was unfamiliar. Reed never gave out his number to anyone he hadn't had sex with before. He bit his lip a bit and then jumped when another picture came in. He looked around with guilt before he opened it up. This time the photo attachment was a timed photo showing a very fat silver wolf... and the tool shed in the back yard. Reed felt like his heart nearly exploded.

With a sudden surge of strength, Reed shoved his dresser in front of his door and moved to the window, hoisting it up. The paint popped, the wood groaned but it was enough for the teenager to climb out. He stepped onto the roof, ducked under the window and moved around the side of the house, crouching down low. As he approached, a foul odor wafted toward him, smelling like sweat and pit stink and old cum... all smells Reed secretly loved. He grew even hornier as he came up to the edge of the roof, listening carefully.

Reed could hear the sound of flesh on wet flesh, a paw working a wet, slimy cock. Reed slowly peeked out over the edge and his eyes beheld the most amazing figure he'd ever seen... Six foot three, three hundred and fifty pounds, dressed in a plaid shirt with a leather harness and a cock to die for. Reed frantically reached to grope himself madly. Down below, Will chuckled.

"I know you're up there Reed, I've come for you. I know everything about you, every secret, every desire, every taste you like. You're a kinky little slut and I want you to be my boyfriend. I'll make you very happy." Will called out. Reed nearly fell off the roof at that, half because of the words and half because he recognized the voice.

"WILL?!" Reed whispered, his head popping out over the gutters, "Fuck man, what happened to you? You're... so hot and sexy!" Reed asked. Will chuckled. He'd learned countless loops ago that while everyone saw him as a wolf like he'd always been that way, his weight and stink was a surprise. It was like he had turned foul over night to them.

"I let the real man out, let it dominate me... and now I'm going to dominate you. Come down, give daddy a lick." Will growled. Reed moaned, nearly swooning. He carefully moved to the edge of the roof before dropping down in a well practiced stance. He slowly looked up at Will and how much bigger he seemed at ground level. Reed approached slowly, all but crawling. He paused, seeing Will's clothes discarded to the side. Will took that hesitation to move forward, dipping a finger into his sheath before he pulled it out. The fur was stained with old cum and head cheese, smelling foul and savory.

Will reached out, smearing it across Reed's lips. Reed basked in it before sucking the finger frantically, unable to hold back any longer. He surged forward, spreading his lips over the rancid cock, sucking it clean of its slime, its smegma and its semen. The salty flavor coated his mouth as he sucked and sucked and sucked. Will moaned, watching Reed go at it, but to his surprise... something else was happening. Reed was starting to look a little different.

The changes were slight but present. His lips were swelling, black hairs pushed out of his upper lip to form a soft mustache and his hair was growing messier. On top of that, curls of black hair began pushing out around the collar of his shirt. Reed was starting to sweat a bit more, his chest growing moist, his nails growing a little longer and unkempt. Will realized some of his slobbiness was rubbing off on Reed.

That fact filled Will with a renewed sense of power. He hadn't felt so mighty since he first realized there were no consequences. If Tristan was right and the night would only serve to amplify the effects, he had a limited window of time to turn Reed into the model boyfriend before they were locked that way. Will moaned, knowing he had only one course of action before him. He'd win Reed's heart and take him to the counter culture party to try and twist him as much as possible.

Will tangled his clawed fingers in Reed's hair, fucking in and out, slamming his wolf cock down Reed's throat. Reed relaxed It fully, used to deep throating guys but never before had he felt the strange sensation of his jaw being pried open by swelling mass. Eli held Reed tight as his knot filled, bloating to the point of Reed's mouth spread so wide on the knot that he couldn't pull off of it.

With his lips and cheeks stretched, Reed felt a familiar quiver and pulse before thick, hot wolf spooge sprayed down his gullet. Reed felt it overflow his cheeks and flow down, dripping onto his chest, stomach and already hard cock... a cock that soon got quite wet from its own juices. Will looked down at his new boyfriend and pet, stroking his hair... hair that seemed very greasy and unkempt. All the better for what Reed wanted to bring out in him.


The counter-culture party was in full force. The music blared with enough volume to fill the hangar, the food was plentiful, the smoke was primo... and yet something was throwing the party off. From the punks to the bikers to the thugs, no one seemed to have an appetite any more. No one was quite sure why at first, but slowly it became apparent. It was the smell of body odor, of sweat and general stank. When the door to the hanger swung open and the smell intensified, a few people retched and moved for other doors to get away from it, but others were too stunned to look away.

Reed trotted in on his leash, not on his hands and knees but on all fours. His finger and toe nails had blackened and turned into claws, extending from digits with paw pads. He had yet to sprout fur but his extremities had turned into a sort of black leather dog hide. A similar discoloration had spread around his groin, a fleshy sheath resting at the base of a hard, slimy canine cock that drizzled yellow pre as the human, canine hybrid wandered in. Reed's eyes had turned yellow, his teeth now sharp yellow fangs. Even the skin around his mouth was discolored, not from changing forms but from exposure to his master's filth... and that master was right behind him.

Little remained of what Will had been before the looping started. He was six and a half feet tall, covered in silver and yellow fur and weighed at least four hundred pounds. His plaid shirt looked almost like a vest but his harness had stretched to fit his mighty girth, his belly pooling out beneath the ring joint that held it all together. His fur was messy and stained, greasy and sloppy... and he didn't care. He stood in the doorway, a cigar extending from the corner of his muzzle as he puffed away, blowing smoke into the hangar.

"Hello boys, I'm here to party." Will said.

"Dude, you can't be in with your stank ass like that, somebody needs to hose your sick self down." One of the thugs said, reaching to pinch off his nose. Reed bore his monstrous fangs and growled, thick gooey saliva dripping from his mouth. Will reached down, petting Reed's messy black hair.

"There, there boy... He didn't mean it. This is a party to indulge in all the sins, right? Why not gluttony? Sloth?" Will smirked, moving forward. He strutted over toward the food table, his tail swinging behind his wide ass. The tip was still white, the only part of his fur he had yet to fully defile. The gluttonous wolf reached the table and opened the pizza boxes up, picking up half a pizza with his fat paw.

The party goers watched as his jaw practically unhinged, making room for him to stuff the bread and cheese and meat down, though inevitably he dropped sauce and bits into his fur. He gulped the food down with such glee and satisfaction that the others gathered were a bit amazed. Reed sat down at Will's feet, gazing up with love and awe at his master, moving to nuzzle his groin... especially the sheath that had grown massive over the course of the day. As the time loop unraveled, the focus on sex the two enjoyed had led to an exaggeration of that feature as well.

With Reed's prompting, the fat pointed wolf cock emerged from its furry prison, glistening and wet with manly juices. Reed nuzzled the cock, smearing the slime on his mustache and furry chin before he took it into his mouth, sucking on it like it was some sort of jaw breaker candy, slowly working his way deeper. Will felt like he was on cloud nine, gulping down more pizza with such relish, the two were a complete spectacle.

While the stench Will put off was enough to make many flee, those that had stayed were almost transfixed by the fat wolf enjoying his pizza and his sex. It was like the layers of reality had been peeled back and they were looking at the embodiment of immediate self gratification, as if Will was their deity or role model. It was a moment of pure shared consciousness, one that normally wouldn't have happened... but there was something in the air, in reality itself. It seemed almost like the clock was slowing down as it pushed past four thirty in the morning.

The charm was starting to break, time restructuring to move forward once again, but it was during that time that reality was most vulnerable. Will was aware of nothing more than his pizza and his boyfriend, but the others in the party were feeling the power radiating off of him. Will was one end of the spectrum, pure gratification and what the others had come to celebrate themselves.

Attention fell away from Will as everyone focused more on themselves. People got back to eating and smoking and drinking. The thugs puffed away on cigars as their muscles grew larger and mustaches grew thicker. The skaters' shaggy hair dropped down longer and longer, obscuring their eyes from view as they passed bongs around. The bikers guzzled down beer, beads of the amber liquid leaking into beards that grew longer and thicker and the leather daddies serving them started to grow larger bellies, their bodies pushing outwards in every direction... until the clock struck thirty two.

A white shimmering light spread outward from Will as reality locked back into its original rhythm. The magic, the lensing of psychology, it all came to a crashing halt. Every cell in Will and Reed's body stabilized and the two remained just as they were... a slovenly fat wolf living entirely in the moment and a half man, half dog focused on his master's pleasure. The others at the party continued on, unaware that their own natures had been pushed more towards gluttony, greed and gratification... nor that their tolerance for such filth was through the roof. Will was one of them and the party was going to go all night... even if they had the strangest feeling that they'd done it all before.

Beak and Claw

**Beak and Claw** Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Gotommax Normally the foothills of the Idian province were relaxed and calm, but not today. The villagers had fled, the mines were emptied and dust lifted into the air, climbing ever...

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