Surprise Party

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by Kalendil

Gift for dbear and Keto

A lustful demon sets his eyes on two good natured men and plans a very special sort of party for them.

Reference art:




Surprise Party Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Kalendil as a gift for Dbear and Keto

Life as a demon was never easy... but then again it had never been dull either. It was ten in the morning and already Kal could smell that musky sweet smell in the air - temptation. It was delicious, exhilarating and the humans didn't even know how potent it was. Kal was just pleased that he could move among them, sampling which souls might be good to add to his collection.

For the moment Kal appeared to be a thirty one year old man, standing at five foot eleven with skin the color of a rich milk chocolate. His black hair was cropped short and a trimmed but thick black goatee ringed his mouth. He carried several extra pounds on him, all the more to love... but then again, that was the flavor of the month. It gave Kal an advantage in his new hunting grounds. He licked his lips slowly, moving down the street, his dark eyes glancing up at a well-worn bar in the middle of the block.

The Rough Rider was a leather club. All sorts of sinful activities went on there, ranging from bondage to orgies and everything in between. It had seen countless sins and the place reeked of sex, but that wasn't the smell Kal had narrowed in on. Kal's focus was across the street. Mingled among the smell of freshly ground coffee beans and new out of the package electronic e-readers was the smell of temptation, potential, need. It was the smell of a person that had not yet fallen.

Kal opened the door to the coffee shop and moved in, not glancing over at his mark. He'd been here often enough to build a report, pushing things along step by step. Spotting Kal, the barista served up two double strong, double dark cups of coffee and slid them over. Kal put down several bills and lifted the cups before heading for the window, soaking in his target by way of his reflection.

A young man was sitting at a table by the window, tapping away on his computer. He was no more than twenty five, had an obvious Asian heritage but he had a unique look to him. His hair was short on the sides and gelled up the middle for a fauxhawk. His chin was darkened with the stubble of a light goatee and he filled out his clothes well. Like Kal, he had a little bit more weight on him than most but it fit him amazingly well. His arms were strong, his chest was broad and his stomach made him look cuddly.

To any outside observer, the young man was working on his laptop like anyone else that came to the coffee shop, but Kal knew better. He knew the man's eyes were aimed through the window at the leather bar across the street. The human may have seemed shy and polite on the surface, but his mind was full of creativity. He blushed at any compliment and he was drawn to a very specific sort of guy, the sort of guy Kal and his recent marks embodied. Kal knew there was more there.

"Keto, good to see you here!" Kal said, moving to sit down. Keto blushed a bit but gave a large, warm grin.

"Kal, what brings you out so early? I thought you were a night owl." Keto replied. Kal stretched a bit, letting his own natural scent waft out. Keto melted almost at once, a bulge growing in his pants as he gazed dreamily at the demon in disguise.

"I've got a lot of planning to do. I'm arranging a surprise party for some guys I know. I was hoping you'd be able to come. Tons to eat, lots of interesting people... Chris will be there." Kal added on. Keto seemed smitten with the idea already, though Chris was an added bonus. Chris and Keto had been friends for a long time and frankly Keto hoped there was a chance for it to be more. He'd worried at first when introducing Kal to Chris that they might have hooked up but so far everything had gone well. Chris's attendance was easily a deal maker.

"I'd love to go, as long as I'm able to. When is it?" Keto asked.

"June sixth, six o'clock." Kal replied.

"Hey cool, I have that day off. Count me in." Keto said. Kal grinned broadly. Keto had no idea he was one of the ones the surprise party was for.


The bell on the door of the small shop jangled away as the door opened and Kal moved in, glancing around. He didn't smell the smell of innocents or temptation. He smelled rubber, leather, glue and cotton... the smell of a shoe store. It wasn't the most advantageous place to meet, but the right person was there. Kal ran his fingers around his lips and across his goatee as he moved forward, meandering through the aisles before he came to a stop, spotting exactly who he had come to see.

Standing in a corner was a man of thirty eight years. He had the slightest of tans, stood five feet and nine inches tall and his t-shirt hugged his ample but solid stomach and chest. His brown hair was relatively short and, much like Kal, he had a masterful goatee, though the man's spread back along his chin and jaw line. The man chuckled and nodded, discussing something with the shop attendant who soon disappeared into the back half of the store, leaving the man to consider his sneaker options.

"Chris, amazing to bump into you here! Shoe shopping already?" Kal asked, moving over with a grin, trying to look as if fate had conspired to get them to bump into one another.

"Yeah, I was just about to head home but I had to check in here real fast." Chris grinned. Kal felt a slight strain in the muscle behind his eye, fighting off a twitch. He'd worked hard to plan everything ahead of time. He wasn't going to let it derail.

"Well hopefully you have a few minutes, I wanted to talk to you about this party I have coming up." Kal said. Chris smiled a bit bashfully at that. He was normally a very outspoken, easy going guy that had no problem expressing himself. With men he found attractive, though, there was a hint of shyness... especially Kal and even more so if he had to disappoint him.

"I don't know about a few minutes, I really-" but before he finished, Kal's hands were on his shoulders, starting to massage. Chris' eyes widened gently as he felt such skilled, expert fingers moving into his flesh and muscles, working them about.

"Chris, you're so tense. I hope you're not working too hard. Seems like a party is just what you need." Kal whispered gently. Chris listened to Kal's words, but he also started to breathe deeper, smelling a different smell than he had a few moments ago. The smell of the shoe store was changing, taking on an earthy and spicy scent... but it was nothing compared to the odorless pheromones Kal was starting to pour out. The effect on Chris was quite immediate.

Chris felt a stiffness in his pants as blood began rushing into his member. His nipples soon hardened as well, poking quite visibly against his shirt. His jaw went a bit slack, a single drop of drool rolling into his goatee. Chris hadn't ever felt such a good massage before, and the fact it came from Kal didn't hurt either. He slowly leaned back into it and Kal smiled. The demon hated when things didn't go according to plan but he always had a way to force it back into line.

"So, did you have a few minutes?" Kal whispered, leaning close to Chris's ear.

"Yeah, I can make the time." Chris grunted gently. Kal grinned, slowly easing out of his massage before physically turning Chris to face him, their rotund bellies pressing against one another.

"It's on the sixth at six... and Keto is going to be there too." Kal grinned. Chris' eyes brightened a bit.

"He's a really cool guy. Sounds like fun... Anything you want me to bring?" Chris murmured. Kal glanced down at Chris' package, bunched up in his shorts before he looked back at the man.

"Just your winning personality, it'll be all the fun we need." Kal said. Chris chuckled at that before his eyes caught site of a clock.

"Oh, man, I'm so sorry but I really gotta go..." Chris apologized. Kal gave a forlorn smile and nodded.

"It's fine, have a good day. See you on the sixth!" Kal said. Chris nodded, moving over quickly to the register to pay before he darted out of the store. The shop attendant moved over, having finished with Chris, looking to Kal with a smile. He was twenty eight and around three hundred pounds with shaggy brown hair and a chinstrap beard.

"Can I help you find anything?" The attendant asked.

"I think you can help me find a few minutes of fun." Kal grinned.


It was a hot afternoon to say the least, though it made Chris glad he had air conditioning in his car. The tar in the streets glistened with the heat, the mailboxes glinted with the sunlight and the glare off of the other cars was almost blinding. Chris reached down with one hand, fumbling around until his hands found a pair of sunglasses. He pulled them up and slid them on, sighing with relief as they cut the glare. He reached over and turned his air conditioner up higher, feeling the cool blast wash over him.

As Chris rounded the corner, he saw a few people playing on slip and slides in front yards, but he also saw a guy walking down the street on his own. Chris sympathized, knowing how hot it was, but everything slowly started to click into place. That black hair, those broad shoulders, those young legs... It had to be Keto. Chris slowed down as he caught up, rolling down his window. Chris winced as the cool air was violated by the heat outside.

"Hey, Keto, need a ride?" Chris called out. Keto was speechless for a moment, looking at Chris in his car with the sunglasses, the beard, the beefy body. He swallowed a bit.

"S-Sure, thanks," Keto said, reclaiming his senses before piling into the car. He pulled the door shut beside him and rolled up the window before buckling himself in. Chris gave a soft grin, looking Keto over. He had to admit it was nice to have another beefy guy in his car. He waited for Keto to be buckled in before he pulled back out into the road and resumed his journey.

"Not a problem my friend. I wouldn't wish that on anyone." Chris said. Keto nodded a bit at that.

"I bet it'll be a lot faster in the car, at least... I think it would be. Have you been to Kal's house before?" Keto asked. Chris thought about it before he shook his head.

"No, I always just seem to bump into him around town." Chris considered.

"Yeah, me too. He sure gets around." Keto replied with a smile. Chris grinned at that, taking the last turn. The street they turned onto was one of the nicer ones in town. The houses were in great condition, the chain link fences were neat and perfect... but there was one property that stood out from the others.

In the midst of the hot weather, one yard had plenty of shade. The trees had large waxy leaves, there were lush ferns and a variety of other plant life that turned the front yard into a jungle. A small path of stepping stones had been set into grass and moss yard, moving through the plants to the dark maroon red house with black trim. It was cozy, lush and well insulated against the heat. The breaks of Chris' car squeaked a bit as it pulled up to the curb and the engine turned off. Chris and Keto looked out, still taking in the house.

"That's amazing..." Keto whispered.

"No other cars yet." Chris said, looking at the driveway.

"Well maybe we're the first ones." Keto said, unbuckling.

"Well that isn't so bad... I mean I know you and Kal, but I don't know who this party is for or anything." Chris said. Before long the two had gotten out of the car and locked up, finding their way to the gate. Keto hesitated a bit but Chris opened the gate right up and moved forward. Keto blushed a bit and followed in Chris' wake, happy that he had taken charge.

The two moved through the yard, pushing heavy jungle like leaves out of the way before Chris moved to knock on the door. There was a short delay before the door opened up and Kal stood on the other side wearing a black and orange striped t-shirt. Chris and Keto were about to greet Kal but their eyes moved into his home, taking in the decor. The walls were a deep burgundy red similar to the house at large, there were black leather couches, candles and carved masks on the walls that looked almost demonic... but beyond the decor, there were two things that grabbed their attention more than anything else - the smell of food and cool air.

"Come in, come in. Get out of that heat." Kal said, stepping back. He didn't have to ask twice, the two moving in eagerly. Kal had a small shiver of anticipation of what was to come. They had entered his lair willingly... and now they were his. Kal shut the door behind them, passing his hand over the locks. The metal shimmered and shifted, the knobs disappearing from view. Kal turned, looking back at his guests, eager for the party to really get going.

Keto and Chris moved into the home, intending to sit on the couch, but they soon slowed, breathing everything in. The air wasn't just thick with the smell of food, there were incense and a general, indefinable smell... A smell of earthy musk and spices. The savory scents made Keto and Chris feel more hungry by the moment, though their nipples were firming as well. Kal moved through the house, leading them into the kitchen where a table was loaded down with so much food it was practically sagging in the middle.

"Feel free to dig in guys, I don't want anyone going hungry. We have oyster shooters, buffalo wings, home made jerky, beef steak." Kal said, continuing to list more and more foods. Keto blushed a bit again, knowing oysters were supposedly aphrodisiacs. He couldn't think of two better guys to be around with such food being offered.

"This all looks great, thanks so much." Chris said, picking up a piece of meat coated in a dark, spicy sauce before he popped it into his mouth. The flavor when it hit his tongue was exquisite, melting across his muscle, filling his head with images of the wild west, of the prairies, of being wild... but only for an instant. He murmured in delight.

"And of course, we have beverages." Kal added, moving to open the fridge. He soon extracted three dark green glass bottles from the fridge, the contents apparently clear as they sloshed around. There was a picture of a tiger on the label, tromping through the jungle beneath a four pointed star. He offered it to each of the men. Keto popped the top and tipped it back, his eyes widening a bit as the drink hit his tongue. It was indescribable, somewhere between the taste of rice wine from Japan and milk, a bite of salt and also sweet. Keto closed his eyes and continued to drink from the bottle, practically nursing on it.

Kal had to suppress his infinite joy, watching Keto guzzle the drink down, noticing the slightest of changes to his physiology already. His ears grew slightly, gaining a faint trace of points on the tips while his fingernails started to extend. After a long moment Keto lowered the bottle from his lips, a drop rolling down into his thicker goatee.

"Chris, you gotta try this man..." Keto murmured. Chris gave a slight nod, popped the lid to his before he took down a gulp, his eyes widening in surprise before they drifted shut and he drank more slowly, savoring every drop. As Chris took in the special drink, Kal's lust only intensified. Everything was going so well, fitting to his plan perfectly. His only regret was it not happening faster. He was so horny, so turned on. He reached down to fondle his package, feeling his cock swell and grow in his pants, but that wasn't all that was growing.

With his arousal so intense, the demon found it harder to hold onto his guise. His forehead throbbed gently, a discoloration forming. At first it seemed almost like a bruise but the purple turned to a bronzy brown shade, the same four pointed star with flourishes from the bottle appearing on his forehead. Kal's hair began to shift a bit as well, shifting slowly from black to a deep, dark brown.

Kal continued to paw his crotch bulge, kneading and rubbing it until he felt something disconcerting; his fingernails catching on the surface of his pants. He looked down, seeing that sure enough he'd developed claws that punctured right through the fabric. Kal gave a nervous chuckle, moving behind the men, putting a hand on each of them, rubbing their shoulders.

"Be sure to drink up, be merry." he encouraged them.

"What about everyone else?" Chris asked.

"For the surprise party?" Keto added.

"Well...I guess the cat's out of the bag. This party is for you guys. Surprise!" Kal grinned.

"What?" Keto asked in surprise.

"I thought you two could enjoy some quality time together, and... well, I couldn't help but invite myself to the party after all..." Kal explained. Chris turned to look at Keto and Keto looked back. As their eyes met they felt a true connection between them, something that had been there all along but intangible. They had the same taste in food and drinks, in movies... and in men.

Keto turned away for a moment, embarrassed. Chris was so handsome and confident. Keto loved that about him but he was sure that Chris wouldn't want to bother with someone as young and inexperienced as him. Chris, however, couldn't get enough of Keto's eyes. He reached out, taking a hold of the young man's fuzzy chin, turning his head back. As they met eyes again, it was like magic. Both men felt their attraction swell even more before Chris finally turned to look at Kal.

"So you set this up? Just for us?" Chris asked. Kal shivered in delight.

"Tonight is all about you two... and the sort of lives you'll be leading from now on." Kal murmured. Chris and Keto grinned, gazing at one another again, unaware just what they had gotten themselves into.


With the revelation that the party was for the three men alone, everything had gotten into full swing. There was no need to save food for anyone else, to wait for anything. Gratification was immediate and good times were flowing free. Kal put on some music, though the language was nothing like what Chris and Keto had heard before. Still, it was good, the chanting sinking into their minds.

The men danced and rubbed, laughed and joked, soaking in the music and the spirits, though every so often Chris and Keto would exchange that magical glance, drifting closer and closer. Chris felt enchanted by Keto. Keto was enthralled by Chris, how handsome and strong and mature he was... and Chris couldn't believe how kind ad devoted and pure Keto was. The two stood close together, aware of nothing else in the world as the demonic music flowed around them.

In that instance, all social norms fell away. They saw each other for who they truly were and they saw just how right they were for each other. Chris leaned in, bringing his lips to Keto's. Keto's back arched, his heart skipped a beat and he inhaled a bit before his eyes fluttered shut. Everything he had wanted for so long was happening. Their lips pressed tighter before Keto opened his mouth, submitting to Chris, welcoming his tongue. The two began to kiss more deeply, all while Kal watched... and was turned on more and more by it all.

Kal grunted and shifted softly, his arousal spreading through more of his body. His clothes started to tighten even more as his body hair started to thicken and soften, coming in black at first before portions balanced out, taking on a creamier ginger color. Kal knew time was running out. He couldn't hold his human guise forever. He had to seal the deal. As Chris and Keto kissed, he moved over, placing one hand on each of their shoulders. Tingles spread up their arms, through their neck and into their faces before settling on their noses. There was a throbbing ache, a blazing heat and then an unexpected weight as both Chris and Keto felt metal trickle down from their septums, forming two broken circles.

The nose rings were identical, matched and paired, weighing down with a bit of mass too them. The rings swung as they kissed, the dangling adding on even more pleasure... as well as an enchantment. Kal was glad the spell worked... He couldn't last any longer. The demon stumbled backwards gently, groaning and grunting, flexing his fingers as his black claws grew out sharper. Portions of his fingertips and palms swelled out, growing puffy and round, forming paw pads... but it was nothing compared to the changes that were to follow.

As Kal bent over, his back expanded, filling with even more muscle. The shirt began to split up his spine, pulling back to reveal orange and black striped fur. The fur was pushing out of his flesh all over, dominating his arms and then his legs... legs that started to split through his pants as well. Kal's shoes stretched and warped, the leather and rubber splitting out before furry orange and white paws emerged, claws pushing through the tips.

The demon panted in and out quickly, his dark brown hair pushing out longer and softer, straightening out into a loose mane as it sunk past his ears and the nape of his neck. Kal flexed his hands as the tiger fur grew out over the back, then his fingers before finally filling in the gaps between his pads... but as amazing as those changes were, they were nothing compared to what was happening to the rest of his body.

Kal had the power to look like almost anything he wanted, assuming he had enough focus. He was in a mood for big and beefy guys so he had become just that, but as his true demonic form started to break through, his body reverted to its more natural state. Kal's stomach and chest started to shrink, contracting and pulling in. A soft chest became hard pectorals, his flabby stomach a solid muscle gut, but all that mass had to go somewhere. His spine began to stretch, his legs and arms elongating. In simple terms, Kal was growing.

The remainder of the demon's clothes fell off loosely, slumping to the ground. Kal lifted his head skyward, flexing as his jaw popped and began to stretch, his mouth pushing forward. As his cheeks rounded, his upper lip split and curved and his nose began to tilt, it was clear he was losing the vestiges of his humanity. His dark cheeks lightened as creamy white fur began to grow out from every follicle. Almost all of Kal's goatee bleached out to match the cream colored fur, but the base of it remained darker, fluffier, taking on the same brown as his hair. The brown spread up his jaw line, giving him the look of a fluffy chinstrap beard even though it was made out of fur.

The tip of Kal's nose remained dark, growing softer and wider, nostrils flaring as ginger fur spread over the bridge of his nose. The ginger fur dominated the upper part of Kal's face, surrounding his eyes and covering his forehead, the four point star mark coming through the fur just as easily as it appeared in the skin. Long, wiry whiskers began pushing out of his cheeks as his ears ached and throbbed, rising into points. The inner surface was plush and white, the edges black and the backs a soft orange. Kal's nose twitched, his lips turned pitch black and parted to reveal teeth pushing into sharp fangs.

Kal was naked, covered in fur and still growing. He pushed past six foot three inches in height when it finally started to slow down, only granting him another inch. His solid muscled chest and abdomen was covered with creamy white fur, obscuring the skin beneath. He stood tall and proud, his sheath parting to reveal a plump, heavy pink cock ready for action... but his change wasn't yet ready. His jaw went slack as his ass cheeks parted and the final change began.

Kal felt cool air breeze across his tail hole, but his tail hole lacked a tail. His body seemed to realize it a moment after he did as a throbbing filled his pelvis. The base of his spine started to shift, his tailbone starting to change and grow. The flesh was stretched out slowly at first, but as the bones settled in easier with each passing moment, the tail grew out longer. It pushed past a foot, then two feet, then it almost doubled in length. The tail became a maelstrom of color as orange and black and white all fought for dominance of the tiger's tail. It wasn't certain what color the tip would be, not until it reached its full length and a thick patch of pitch black fur grew out from the very end.

The demon tiger's tail whipped around behind his svelte body, his claws dug into the carpet, his cock quivered and his chest rose and fell. The mark on his forehead almost glowed with its power, his brown hair hanging across his face. Kal tilted his head back slowly, parted his muzzled lips and let out a powerful roar that shook the house - and shook Chris and Keto from their embrace. They turned and gasped, stumbling back in shock at the tiger man that stood before them both.

"Holy fuck!" Chris murmured. Kal chuckled at that.

"More like unholy fuck... which is what I plan to do to you two." Kal said, licking his lips slowly.

"Keto, get out of here!" Chris exclaimed. Keto turned to do as he was told, but Kal reached out, laying a single clawed finger on his nose ring. Keto moaned and shuddered as pleasure ripped through his body. The Asian cub stumbled backward and flopped onto the leather couch. Kal flicked his hand at the couch and the material unfolded, whipping around Keto. Straps of black leather wrapped around his wrists, ankles, shoulders and even his neck, holding him in place. He was completely bound.

"But the party's just starting, don't be in such a hurry to leave." Kal said, moving up toward Chris. Chris puffed up his chest, trying to look tough.

"Let Keto go... and you can have me." Chris said. Kal licked his lips more.

"The brave hero, I like it, but I don't have to let him go to have you. We're all friends here, and I'm going to give you a gift." Kal said before he leaned in, kissing Chris suddenly. Chris tried to resist, but Kal's saliva tasted so sweet and salty, so musky and pure... just like the liquid in the bottle they'd had earlier, the liquid with the tiger on it. Chris tried to fight it, but his body slowly relaxed and his mind flooded with memories.

Chris remembered Keto introducing him to Kal, the three of them doing things together, feeling so right together... but Chris was seeing it all in a new light. Keto had always been there, so loyal and true, so handsome and so young, so fuckable... and boy did Chris want to fuck him. He groaned sharply, the kiss breaking as he felt his clothes tighten and start to split. Chris's shirt tore open more, revealing a much hairier chest than usual. Kal reached up, petting the chest hair.

"You feel it now, the heat and the drive... I'm sure you could save Keto, but wouldn't you rather be with him forever? Show the pup how much you care?" Kal whispered, leaning in to lick Chris's ear, "To make him yours as you give both of yourselves to me?" Kal whispered.

"He... will be mine?" Chris murmured.

"All yours..." Kal said in a low rumble. Chris panted harder, his cock swelling. Kal grinned, "Imagine your cock sliding in and out of that round Asian ass, the moans leaving those lips. You want that, don't you?" Kal asked.

"I... I... I want him to be happy..." Chris moaned back. Keto looked up from the couch, his eyes glistening with longing.

"All I've ever wanted to be happy was to be with you Chris..." Keto whispered. Chris looked at that, softening at once. Chris looked back at Kal.

"What do I have to do to make him mine forever?" Chris asked. Kal said nothing and grinned, reaching up to take a hold of Chris's shirt. He pulled down, tearing it off completely, revealing the large man's chest and belly. Kal grabbed at his shorts and pulled at those next, the scraps fluttering to the ground to reveal canary yellow boxer shorts. Kal looked Chris over curiously, deciding it still wasn't quite right.

The demon tiger reached down, his paw moving to start groping Chris's package. The boxer material contracted and tightened, pulling up off his legs and folding around his balls and manhood. The yellow material grew tighter and harder as well, glistening a bit, especially as a vertical black stripe pushed out of it, curving around Chris's trapped cock and balls. With the black stripe in place, the glint of silver came as sharp spikes pushed out of the undergarment, making his package look rather deadly. The underwear continued to shrink until it was no more than a jock strap, leaving the his bubble ass exposed but trapping his meat. On the couch Keto moaned, his own erection raging from watching the display.

Kal reached up and moved his hands, conjuring chains from nothing but shadow. The chains wrapped around Chris's arms, lifting them upwards, showing off his manly pits. The tiger circled Chris, running hands over his thick chest and belly, his hips, groping his spiked groin. He looked like someone out of a leather bar, but it wasn't enough yet. Kal moved around behind Chris, fondled his ass cheeks and leaned in.

Chris murmured gently as he felt the hot cock head of another male slide against his pucker. He'd always been the dominant one in the relationships he'd had. He'd been the man, the alpha... but he knew he was out of his league, that Kal was too powerful... and somehow the fact that it was out of his control made him hornier. Whatever happened, it wasn't his fault... so he could embrace it, go with it. He relaxed his ass and panted, looking at Keto on the couch, knowing he'd give the pup a very good fuck the first chance he got.

Kal moved his paws to Chris's hips, dug in and thrust forward. His fat demonic cock spread Chris's rear wide and the friction was intense, heat billowing into Chris, but Kal kept going. He pulled back and slammed in again, thrusting in and out, humping wildly. Chris swung forward and back a bit, kept up by the chains. He grunted and moaned at the heat and the depth, but he outright screamed in pleasure as Kal grazed his prostate. The pleasure was intense, deep, satisfying... and infectious.

Keto gasped more, feeling a pang of fear and extreme lust as he noticed that Chris was starting to change. As Kal pumped in and out of the big man, he was growing even bigger. Chris's huge pecs firmed, gaining muscle as well, defining. His gut hardened, remaining huge but becoming more defined, but the most surprising change came in his legs. His thick legs had been fluid and shapely, but now they were starting to bulge and contort. The skin was stretched around independent muscle groups that swelled and grew and expanded. His knees were dwarfed by the muscles above and below them, the legs not restrained by any clothing.

As Chris's legs got thicker, so did his arms. His biceps and triceps pushed out well past normal human proportions and Chris's neck widened, sloping into huge shoulders that pushed out behind him. Chris wasn't just shifting mass around, he was getting bigger in every way. As his huge, powerful legs stretched, Chris stood taller, stretching to six feet tall, then another inch and another. The chains had to retract further into the ceiling just to stay tight. In a few short moments of fucking, Chris looked like a weight lifter, a football superstar... or something even further off the track of human extremes, but that wasn't going to last much longer.

Kal leaned in, licking and nibbling Chris's neck before he bit into it gently. His fangs didn't press in enough to break the skin, but Chris hissed just as if he had... and as Chris hissed, he felt a throbbing ache in his head. He grunted and moaned, his goatee rimmed mouth as bulges formed on either side of his head. His short hair hid nothing as the skin pushed out more and more before it split open. Ivory white horns emerged like frosting from a decorating bag, oozing out and curving. The horns pushed out and then doubled back, angling toward the center of his head before curving up again. They were unique horns, demonic yes, but looking almost bovine.

On the couch Keto moaned, a wet spot forming in his pants as he saw Chris change more and more. He hated to admit it, but as sexy as Chris had been before, he was becoming even sexier. He was becoming a beast and that turned Keto on so much. Keto watched Chris's body hair thicken and thicken, spreading out and growing longer. It covered his chest and arms, spread down his legs. Even his ass cheeks were getting thicker. The hair was lighter on his chest, almost a strawberry brown shade while it was darker on the rest of his body. In fact, the fur covering his back was the same shade the hair on his head had been, but that hair was darkening, becoming rather deep brown.

Kal was relentless in his fucking, pumping his huge cock into the mighty, muscled behemoth... but Chris wasn't passive, he wasn't just taking it. He soon started pushing his hips back, trying to take it deeper, his own package swelling. Chris had never felt so alive. His furry chest rose and fell with new vital breaths, his legs twitched with untested muscle... and his face tightened, growing stiff before the bones began to stretch and warp. Chris moaned Keto and Kal's names as the pain and pleasure pooled together.

Chris all but snorted as his nose turned upwards, exposing his nostrils. The tip grew leathery and black, but that wasn't all. His teeth pushed forward, his jaw stretched and so did his upper lip. His mouth was pushing into a wide muzzle and Chris's magnificent goatee spread out across his cheeks, softening into true fur. The fur crept up across his nose and around his eyes, blending into his darker hairline.... and even across his ears.

Keto watched in astonishment as Kal fucked Chris into a demonic beast, but he couldn't quite tell what kind of beast he was. He had the horns of a bull, perhaps, but his other features looked more like what he was in real life... a bear. True to form, Chris's ears grew fuzzy and folded in on themselves slightly, sticking out form his head in a bearish like alignment.

Chris snarled and pulled at his chains, but Kal reached up and rubbed at his arms. Shadow spilled around his biceps as black bands fell into place, silver spikes erupting from them. He was becoming a leather bear of one form or other. Kal continued to lick and bite at Chris's furry neck, feeling his body shift and grow in such glorious ways. Even Chris's jock strap could barely contain him, but of all the changes Chris had felt, the ache in his feet was entirely new.

As the bull bear's feet started to change, he nearly fell to the floor. In the midst of the sexual pleasure came intense pain. The flesh between his toes webbed together before his digits were tugged tighter and tighter, compressed. The flesh that had made up the web grew out over his feet, sealing the toes together into a wedge of foot meat... a wedge that began to compress all the more. It felt almost like he was making fists with his feet, but his toenails cemented it all as they spread outward, covering his feet with a keratin coating.

Keto nearly hyperventilated, watching Chris's beautiful feet become beautiful hooves. They were as wide as dinner plates, transitioning into his fur covered legs, his huge furry body and his wide masculine muzzle. Keto whimpered and moaned with need, unable to move from his spot on the couch, forced to watch such lustful exchanges. Chris sniffed the air, smelling Keto's need. He grunted and groaned, fighting his chains, but Kal wasn't through with him yet.

The demon fucked Chris hard and deep, feeling his physical changes coming to completion. The flesh above Chris's ass warped and shifted as a long whip like tail grew out, draped over his hard cock meat, but Kal wasn't just changing Chris's body, he was changing his soul and mind. Chris's experience and maturity was evolving into dominance and confidence. His compassion was turning into a slow burning sensuality. His outgoing nature was turning into a playfulness... Chris could feel that there was nothing that would keep him from getting what he wanted, but he'd make sure everyone else wanted it too. Kal grunted and moaned before letting out a soft roar, pouring a portion of his demonic seed into Chris, cementing his changes.

"Who are you..." Kal whispered into Chris's ear.

"Boreas..." the bull bear murmured back, embracing a new name and a new title.

"And what do you want?" Kal asked. Chris moaned.

"To fuck... to make love... to be Keto's leather daddy and feed him my cum!" Boreas growled in lust and need, his tail flicking around.

"Then go to him." Kal said, giving Boreas a push. The bull bear stumbled forward, the chains evaporating into smoke. He stood before the couch a six foot, two inch tall beast with and leather arm bands, a leather jockstrap... and a raging erection trapped beneath. He reached down, clawed fingers gripping Keto by the collar, pulling him up off the couch.

The bands that had held Keto in place wrapped around him, forming leather bracers and a collar. Boreas tossed Keto onto the floor before tearing at his clothes. Keto panted hard and moaned as the clothes were removed and the leather remained, his hard cock soon swinging between his legs. He looked up slowly at the two beastly men, feeling oddly right that he was on all fours.

Barely able to think beyond sex and dominating Keto, Boreas circled around behind the Asian cub, reached down to stroke his ass and spread him wide. He ran a claw through the strap of his jockstrap, cutting it. The fabric went limp, hanging on the bull bear's claw. His fat, long shaft emerged, the tip weighed down by a heavy Prince Albert piercing. Boreas clutched his underwear for a moment before he tossed it, the fabric landing in front of Keto. Keto snatched it up, balling it in his hands before he brought it to his nose, inhaling the scent deeply. The smell alone made his cock drip precum. Boreas chuckled at that before he moved forward, his towering cock spreading Keto's cheeks. Keto let out a surprised yelp and then a moan as his hole was stretched around bullbear cock.

Keto panted and moaned, writhing on all fours, the nose ring dangling from his septum. He was already a bitch in heat, but Kal knew that would only grow. He grinned, watching Boreas go at it. He wasn't just a recruit, he was a soldier in the army to spread lust... with all the rights and privileges therein. As Keto was fucked, his face already started to stretch out. His golden hued cheeks extended, his jaw ached and throbbed, his goatee bleached out to a snowy white color and his ears started to stretch.

The fuzz on Keto's chin spread out across his chin and cheeks, then over his upper lip and eventually his nose. The black hair on his head turned silver, then grey and finally white. The white fauxhawk was most adorable, but it lost some definition as the fur covered the boy's head entirely. As the fur filled in the last of his flash, it shifted back part way to silver around everything but his mouth... a mouth extending into a pristine white muzzle. Keto panted hard, the air passing in and out of his nostrils as they turned black, just like Chris's had, tilting up and growing moist.

With each pump of Boreas' cock, Keto's head became more canine. His ears had migrated up to the top of his head, pointed and fuzzy. His mouth was now a muzzle, his nose distinctly canine... but the rest of his body was human. Boreas would have finished the job on his own eventually, but Kal couldn't hold back any further. He moved forward, presenting his wet, used cock to the pup. Keto panted hard, a long tongue hanging out of his mouth just as two fang points emerged, longer than any normal canine.

Keto didn't need to be asked twice before his lips went wide and he took in Kal's demon cock, slurping and licking on it... just as he had always wanted to. As Kal fucked Keto's face, he felt the boy's memories... Watching the leather bars, seeing the gay leather daddies, the leather bears, the muscle bulls, longing to be a part of it, longing to be with Chris... and dominated by them all. Kal moaned in delight at that, knowing he was making a wish come true. He fucked Keto's face harder, watching the human bask in the pleasure as he became more and more canine.

White fluff pushed out of Keto's chest, growing into a sort of V pattern. Beyond the patch, the fur pushing out of his skin was the softer silver gray that covered his head. The fur spread down his shoulders and back, covered his arms and swept across his round, soft belly, only emphasizing how rotund and fluffy he was. Keto's meaty ass cheeks wobbled as the bull bear cock slammed in between them, but more than that they almost seemed to be swinging side to side. The reason why became clear soon enough.

Boreas grunted in joy as he saw part of Keto's ass curve up, a rope of muscle and bone swinging around before gray fur erupted from it. It started out a puff ball but stretched longer, gaining a foot and a half of length, then two and a half feet. The puff ball had become a husky like tail, curved and quirked but still relatively long. The tail seemed an anomaly on his ass, at least until the fur spread out to cover his cheeks, ring his waist and creep up his back.

Keto's silver fur grew down his neck and back and up from his waist, connecting together and filling in the gaps before spreading down his arms and legs as well. His knees ached and shifted, his hips and ankles changed as well before his toenails sunk into his feet. The toes looked odd for a few moments before black claws pushed out from the tips, curving down to guard the paw pads forming. Silver fur grew across his feet as well, covering the widening flesh as they turned from feet into paws.

In moments Keto was nearly completely changed, but while he was very canine, something wasn't quite normal. The claws that had covered his fingertips spread back up his fingers, coating them all the way to his middle knuckles. His claws were very long, very wicked and looked almost like bear paws. Keto dug into the carpet with them, slicing the fabric easily as his changes completed with a furry sheath retracted around the base of his very ready cock.

Boreas, Keto and Kal fucked so hard and so long that the scent in the room had changed once more... There were still traces of food and incense but no longer was there the smell of temptation, of innocence, of humans. There was only the smell of sex, of desire, of lust and demonic prowess. Boreas felt confident and manly, Keto felt loved and comforted and Kal knew he had recruited two more to join his legions.

The tiger tipped his head back and let out a roar that rattled the windows as he came, his tainted seed flowing into Keto's hungry mouth. The flood of cum pushed the canine over the edge, his spray hitting the floor as his ass quivered and milked Boreas' cock. The bull bear tried to keep up his fucking, but Keto's ass was too skilled. Before long he had toppled over the edge as well, thrusting in as deeply as he could go before he unleashed his load deep into Keto's guts. The three basked in the pure lust and pleasure of it all, knowing somewhere in the back of their minds that this was only the first of many surprise parties to come.

Minutes passed and soon the beasts lost all sense of time, but eventually Kal pulled out from Keto's mouth and Boreas followed suit by extracting himself from Keto's fuzzy ass. The canine whimpered longingly, but as the tiger demon turned, his new servants watched with eager eyes. Kal flicked his hand and the carpeting warped and shifted, a massive shape pushing up through the floor before it solidified into an obsidian throne with spiked shoulders and a shag carpeting cushion.

Kal turned and settled himself onto the throne, spreading his legs wide. Despite fucking and cumming in his pets, the demon was still hard. His cock swayed where it stood out from his groin. Keto panted hard, his tongue hanging out of his mouth before he advanced toward the demon. Boreas was so taken back that he wobbled and fell forward onto all fours, crawling to the demon as well. Each move on the carpet caused demon cum to leak out of their asses, their eyes glazed over with a needy, submissive stare.

Keto was the first to reach Kal, leaning down to start licking at his feet. His tongue swept through the fur, stroked the claw and even edged between the toes to slurp at the paw pads. Not to be outdone pleasing his master, Boreas soon did the same. The canine and bull bear eagerly licked Kal's foot paws and Kal moaned and growled deeply, knowing he had created two very eager, content slaves. His hands came down, claws sinking into their head fur as he started to pet and stroke them. Keto and Boreas felt so very content, though they were also incredibly horny. Much like their master, their cocks were still fully hard and ready to go another round at any moment.

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