Chapter 2--=>New Discoveries

Story by Crispy on SoFurry

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#2 of Unusual Love


Disclaimer thing here blah blah blah characters copyrighted all rights reserved, no minors under the age of 18 allowed to read this, contains strong nudity and sexual acts. Reader discretion is advised...


Zythren opened his eyes and couldn't believe what he saw. A 12 inch long tentacle was coming out of his cumslit. Then another, and another. Soon enough there were six tentacles, each ranging from 12-14 inches. He was scared. Too scared to even move, all he could do right now was stare and watch them move around each other covered in cum. He reached up his paw and put it on top of the longest tentacle. The tentacle reacted by moving away a bit, then zooming towards it and put a tight grasp around his paw and began pulling it down towards his cock head. He blanked out at the sight. Too afraid of it all.

He awoke in the shower, but terrified to open his eyes. He forced one to open, and there wasn't anything there. Not one. Only his rock hard cock still standing at attention facing him. He opened the other eye and poked his member. Nothing happened. He thought maybe it had just been a bad dream, but something was wrong. It looked as if his cock grew! Eight inches long and four inches wide. It wasn't possible. No way this could have happened he thought. He stood up and poked it again. Zythren stepped out of the shower and looked at the alarm clock on his bedside table. It was almost twelve! He grabbed his clothes and put them on as fast as possible and ran out the door without his bag or shoes.

When he ran into the school and into his class, the teacher yelled something he couldn't make out. "Mr.Love, could you please explain to the class why your all wet and unprepared?" The class laughed at him standing without any shoes or a bag completely wet in front of the teacher. Nobody had ever known his last name, it WAS a pretty well kept secret. So much for that Zythren thought.

"Oh, well, theres a very reasonable explanation for that, you see, I slipped in the shower this morning and didn't wake until half an hour ago." Zythren knew he wouldn't buy it.

"Zythren, that was the worst excuse I've heard in my twelve years of teaching at this school." The teacher wasn't even looking at him, but more focused on his pants. Zythren always thought he was a pervert. Jake stood and spoke up to the class.

"It's true! You see I live next to him and we talked a little this morning. When he said he was going to take a shower I heard a loud noise, but thought he dropped the shampoo or something."

The teacher looked madder then I had ever seen him.

"Both of you! office! now!" He pointed to the door. Jake walked over to Zythren and caught him when he slipped walking out the door.

"Hay, you just wanna ditch and go hang at the mall or something?" Zythren noticed jake blush a little under his scales.

He smiled "Yeah! sure!" Zythren and Jake's tail were swinging in-sync as they walked out the front door of the school.

"But you might wanna go home and dry off a little. Your parents went to work right?" Zythren nodded and they walked home together.

He opened the door to his house and ran to the bathroom to grab a towel.

"Make yourself at home and watch some tv or something." Jake flicked on the tv and found a particular channel he liked. Zythren came out with a towel on his head and around his lower body. The rest was out in the open. He slowly opened the door and looked out to make sure Jake wasn't staring at him again, only to find Jake watching a gay pornographic channel. He closed the door and sat on the counter beside the sink.

"Can it be?! is he really gay? Should I tell him? okay, calm down, take a deep breath and just play it cool." He opened the door to find Jake standing there, starring at him.

"God damnit, again?" Zythren laughed and Jake gave him a smile that became a big hug.

"Can I talk to you for a second?" Zythren was worried, was he going to tell him he wanted to leave or that he hated him and never wanted to see him again?! He gulped and sat on the couch with Jake.

"I have to tell you something important about myself I've never told anyone else before... I..I..I'm" Zythren was in shock and didn't know what to think.

"I'm really sorry if that came out too fast, I'll just leave now I'm sorry." Jake began tear up and headed for the door. Zythren ran ahead of him and blocked his way.

"NO! Don't leave please, I..I'm gay too!" The two gave each other a huge hug and sat back down on the couch.

"Really? so you don't hate me?"

"no of course not, actually I really like you, a..alot." They blushed.

Zythren looked down at the floor. Jake wasn't sure what he should say so he did something they'd never forget. Jake lifted up Zythren's head and gave him a long, passionate kiss to his muzzle. All he wanted was for this moment to last forever. Zythren was in shock for the third time now today, but was enjoying every minute of it. Zythren opened his mouth and let Jake's tongue enter. They're tongues inter-twining with each other in a long, blissful kiss until Jake broke apart.

"I Love you too." They stared into each others eyes for several minutes until Zythren's towel began to rise up. It grew and grew until it reached a full nine inches, the towel only barely covering it up now. Zythren blushed. Jake began going hard, as well. Jake's species naturally didn't wear clothing so there was no worry for Jake. Zythren watched it poke out of his large sheath. Bigger and bigger until it stopped at fifteen inches and six inches thick. It was amazing! Zythren couldn't keep his eyes off of it.

"Oh My God! That's huge! I knew you had a big one." he smiled.

"And I knew you were gay for a while too." said Jake.

"but, how?"

"you you whispered to yourself last night and just now in the bathroom." Jake gave him an evil smirk.

"I knew I shouldn't have said anything!"

" wanna touch it? or go to the mall and pick out some stuff?" Zythren thought for a few minutes.

"This is happening way too fast for me, and, well, I can never pass up on a date?" Jake Laughed.

"Really?! can we? A Date?" Zythren nodded. Jake gave him a huge hug, as their members colided with each other.

"I Love You Sooo Much!" Said Jake.

"I love you too!"

Zythren stood up and walked up to his room completely naked ,and still hard, to get some new clothes. Jake was still hard and unsure of what to do with it. He ran upstairs to catch up with his boyfriend and caught him in the act, in the bathroom. He had two fingers inside his large cock and was slowly going in and out of his cumslit. Jake watched, wandering what it would feel like. He walked back downstairs to the bathroom there. He called up to the cute snow leopard and told him he was going to finish up in the shower. No answer.

Jake shrugged it off and stepped inside the small tiled room and locked the door behind him. He stepped into the shower and turned on the water. He was still rock hard and excited to get started. First he took his smallest finger and rubbed around the tip, then slowly moved it inside. It was amazing! one of the best things he had ever felt! Then in went another, and another, and another. He was amazed at how big his cumslit was and how much he could fit in. He easily had all four fingers inside going in and out slowly, without any pain or tightness around them. He thought about something, and stuck in his thumb. It fit with ease. He pushed a little harder and with a wet schluk his whole paw had slipped in. Pre began to leak out.

Jake was at a state of pleasure and amazement. Jake pushed a little harder and to his surprise his arm went further and further down, without any problems.

Further and further down it went until his whole arm was now inside his massively large cock and his paw was curled up inside his left testicle. He couldn't believe what was happening and how great it felt to have his whole arm inside his cock! With more and more pre coming out, it was making it easier for him to go further, but his arm was already all the way in. Jake slowly pulled out his arm, then, with a loud slurp, it was free.

Jake looked around the bathroom for something larger than his arm, but couldn't see anything, except a twelve pack of toilet paper, still in the wrapping. He lunged out and grabbed it. More pre-cum flowed out and coated the package. Jake began pushing one corner in, and then pushing harder and harder until he heard a pop and it was half way down his cock. This time he pushed both his arms inside and pushed the toilet paper further down into his left testicle. As soon as the whole thing reached its destination, it felt like it was moving.

As if the package was melting. It broke apart, exposing the paper, causing it to dissolve into cum. In only a matter of seconds his cock and testicles had turned a twelve pack of toilet paper into oozing cum. His left testicle was much bigger than his right now. About the size of a soccer ball, but he didn't want to let it all out until it was put to good use in someone, or something. He tried and succeeded in evening out the cum between the two with his paws. For some reason his paws and arms weren't melting. This was great! he could turn anything into a load of cum for his boyfriend and not hurt anyone! This made him more excited and his cock oozed a large bead of pre-cum.

Jake didn't want to ruin all the cum in the shower. He got up and out of the shower to dry himself off, but he remembered the towels were gone. Carefully Jake opened the door and walked up the stairs.

"Zythren! check this out I can do the coolest thing with my dick! oh and I need a towel..." But when he walked inside the bathroom, Zythren's head was inside his own cock! Several tentacle like things were coming out and pushing his head inside!

"ZYTHREN!" Jake yelled and ran to his rescue. Jake pulled off the tentacles, and for some reason did nothing but go back down his dick. Zythren's head popped out and his tongue was sticking out.

"What'd you do that for? I just got used to those things! and I could lick the cum out of my own testicles."

"sorry I thought that thing was eating you? But you'll never believe what I can do!"

" is it better than having tentacles that can pull anything inside including an SUV?"

"You what?!"

"I'm just giving an example calm down."

"well i can shove things into my cock and when they reach my testicles it just dissolves, but I don't. Oh and your going to need a new twelve pack of toilet paper."

"Why where is it?" Jake pointed down do his testicles, the size of small bowling balls.

"WOW! really?!"

"yep! isn't it cool?!"

"yeah totally. but, save it all for when we, you know..."

"sex?" Jake gave him an evil smile just like the first time.

Zythren climbed out of the shower and hugged his new boyfriend.

"We are going to have soo much fun." Jake was happier than he could have ever been in his life.

"so how bout the mall now?"

"Oh, right our date. Let's finally go heh." The lovers grabbed some stuff from their homes and headed off to their favorite place in the world, the mall.


Well I hope you all liked it. chapter three is in the making as we speak. thanks. New to writing stories. This one might not be that good but I'll try harder next time.