Mercenary 4: Darkness

Story by Nahualmorph on SoFurry

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#4 of Mercenary


By: Nahualmorph.

Disclaimer: there we go again, this story deals with sex, bla, bla, bla, I think you already know the drill here, don't read it if you're not supposed to.

This was finally the day Adam had been waiting for so long, his last day as a whore, the young brown horse walked through the wooden hallway with a broad smile. A few weeks ago, a gray wolf had paid him a huge amount of money for his services, plus, he had been trying to save most of his earnings, now, he had finally gathered enough money to fulfill his dream of traveling around the world. He decided to take this last job because his boss told him that these costumers had paid for the room in gold, so there was a good chance the horse could get a decent final payment. He stood by the door and re adjusted his silk loincloth, he wanted to make a good first impression. Adam opened the door and entered the room, there, next to the bed were his two clients, both black, both almost 7ft tall, both heavily muscled, both naked and hard and both looking at him with the most unexpressive eyes Adam has ever seen. They were a bear and a dragon.

"Close the door and come here" said the dragon with a deep, rumbling voice.

For some reason, Adam felt fear, there was something about this two figures, their dark bodies seemed to accentuate the shadows all over the room, and there was a certain sense of oppression in the air, yet, Adam obeyed. As soon as he was within arms reach, the bear grabbed his loincloth by the belt and tore it away.

"Get in the bed" said the bear.

Adam did so, the dragon grabbed him by the hips and held him on all fours, the bear took a jar of oil and gave it to the dragon, the reptile lubed his enormous cock and then probed the horse's anus with his oiled fingers. Adam was used to being treated roughly, but this time it was different, this time he feared for his life, although, there didn't seemed to be a reason for that. Once the dragon felt the horse was loose enough, he removed his fingers and replaced them with his dripping, shiny black cock. He impaled the horse with a single thrust and waited, Adam closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, the dragon was bigger than it looked, he opened his eyes when he felt the touch of rough hands on his chin. The bear was kneeling in front of him, guiding Adam's muzzle towards his massive erection, the horse started licking the throbbing piece of flesh, as he knew males liked a little foreplay before the real blowjob, but the bear stopped him and held his head while he buried all his length in the horse's mouth. Adam was surprised ath the sudden intrusion and gagged, but the bear didn't seemed to care and started to roughly face fucking him. The dragon also started pimping, pulling almost all of his cock out and pushing it back in hard, Adam felt his own cock drop from his sheath, but he wasn't hard, he wasn't exited, and he felt the owners of the cocks entering him weren't either, they weren't moaning or grunting, not even sweating, it was almost s if they only needed something to left their cum in and he had offered to be the cum bucket, he was starting to feel dizzy, the bear's thick cock was making difficult for him to breathe properly. The dragon's cock was stretching his anal walls to the limit, it was starting to become painful, then they both stopped and filled the horse from both sides, it didn't looked like an orgasm at all, it was merely a simple ejaculation, although, it was a big one. The dragon flooded Adam's rear so much that the warm cum started leaking from his hole, coating his inner thighs and balls, but Adam barely noticed it, he was busy trying not to drown in bear cum, he was swallowing as fast as he could, but it was not enough, the immense load was escaping from his lips, some of it even made his way out through his tonsils, the horse was indeed drowning and the cock was still spurting, finally, both of them pulled their cocks out and Adam collapsed in a large puddle of cum, coughing and gasping for air, the horse was still trying to recover when the pair traded places, the bear got behind Adam and inserted his still hard cock in the horse's rear entrance, Adam felt the rough hands holding his hips and the massive organ entering his well used hole, the Dragon kneeled next to Adam's mouth and guided hic cock towards the horse's muzzle.

That's how the night went on, they would fuck the horse for a good half hour, then made him masturbate to orgasm, then switch places and fuck him again.

When Morning hit, the horse was barely conscious, his whole body was covered in cum, he could barely feel the dragon's pounding. The door to the bathroom opened and the bear entered the room, he walked towards the bed and placed his hand on the dragon's shoulder.

"Its time" he said.

The dragon gave one final thrust and released a final load in the horse's loose ass. He pulled his cock out and the horse fell on the bed, almost senseless, he closed his eyes as the dragon entered the bathroom, he could hear the sounds of the bear as he was putting his armor on, followed a few minutes later by the dragon, Just then Adam lost consciousness, he woke up a few hours later, the dry cum had made a total mess with his fur, he gathered enough strength to get up and walk towards the bath, he noticed a pouch in the only table in the room, he already knew what that was, he just didn't cared right now he was just happy to be alive, besides the pouch, there was no other sign of them.

There was a lot of activity on the little village today, it was the final day of the building of the new warehouse, everybody had been working hard for the last weeks, rebuilding the village after the attack of the riders (Remember chapter 1?) and this was the only thing left. Grekko and Nahual where there, they were both on the roof, working on the final details of it, it had been a hot day, so they were only wearing a pair of loose shorts, their muscular bodies were covered in sweat.

"Grekko..." said the wolf "There's something I need to tell you"

"What is it?" asked the dragon without taking his eyes of the work

"It's been two months since I meets you, I told Jarhed I would be back in six weeks"

"I know" said Grekko "You're not the first one he sends, he'll send someone else, maybe in a few months, maybe in a few days"

"Doesn't that worries you? Asked Nahual.

"I'm ready for it, when they come, I'll be waiting for them"

"We'll be waiting for them" corrected Nahual "But I still don't know how could he hate you so much"

"I'll tell you about it someday"

"Hey guys, dinner is ready!" yelled Mary standing next to the stairs that lead to the roof.

"We'll be there in a few minutes" answered Nahual.

Both went downstairs and picked their clothes, as they were dressing, Nahual turned to look at his mate, the dragon's muscles were tense due to the hard work and every curve of his body was well defined.

"Did I ever told you how hot you look all sweaty and worked out?" said Nahual Hugging Grekko from behind.

"Constantly" replied Grekko and kissed his lover "now, let's hurry or we'll be late."

They hurried to put their clothes on and went to the back of the big building where a group of furs was gathered. There were several very large tables and it looked like the entire town was there, some furs were busy helping to serve the dishes. It was a tradition that after doing a job that involved every inhabitant of the village, all of them gather and have a feast together.

"Here! Sit with us" yelled Mary from her place at the table, next to her parents.

Nahual and Grekko smiled and sat next to her.

"Thanks Mary" said Nahual.

"No, thank you" said Mary's father, without you guys we would've never finished so fast"

"Please, we worked as hard as everyone else" said Grekko

"Are you two going to be at the party tonight?" asked Mary's mother.

"We wouldn't miss it for nothing" said Nahual "We'll just go for a quick bath and a change of clothes"

"And perhaps a quick yiff" added Mary

They both turned a hundred shades of red, the village knew they were mates and nobody cared about that, but it was certainly not a topic often brought out during dinner.

Mary's father coughed and scolded her.

"Mary! What kind of manners are those? Sticking your nose in someone's private life, apologize"

"I'm sorry" said Mary.

"It's okay" reassured Nahual.

After the meal, Grekko and Nahual were walking towards their home.

"Little Mary is full of surprises" said Nahual.

"She's growing up" said Grekko "She's turning into a woman"

"And she has the hots for you"

"Yeah, I've noticed that, but she already knows my heart belongs to another"

"Just your heart?" asked Nahual lewdly.

"You know what I mean" said Grekko kissing Nahual on the cheek "But for now, let's hurry up, we have a long night ahead of us."

Later that night the entire village was bursting with joy, the main street was crowded with furs, they had made sure the last day of the re-building process matched the first day of their three days long spring festival. There were lots of furs in the main plaza, dancing to the joyful music of the jugglers, other furs were chatting and others were enjoying the fine meals prepared for the occasion, some children were playing on the street. Grekko and Nahual were chatting with some friends watching the whole scene, they were both dressed in fine, white clothes. Their friends excused themselves and retired after the conversation.

"This is wonderful," said Nahual "Everybody looks so happy..."

"Yes, I have been here for years and I still enjoy every festival as if it were the first" said Grekko "You just can't help it, the joy and warmth the village shows is contagious"

"The last time I remember being at a party like this was because I had to kill someone" said Nahual looking down sadly "I turned their joy and warmth into fear and pain"

"Hey, it's okay now, you're here with me" said Grekko softly and lifted Nahual's chin with his hand to look into his eyes "That part of our lives is over, just let it go"

Nahual saw the love in his mate's eyes, caring and undying love, indeed, his former life was over. The wolf and the dragon hugged each other and remained silent for a few moments, then Nahual lifted his head and kissed Grekko on the lips.

"Thanks" said the wolf.

"Geez! I can't leave the two of you alone for an hour before you start getting nasty" said a voice behind them.

They broke their embrace to see Mary smiling at them.

"I was just kidding guys" said the young vixen laughing and gently punching Nahual in the arm.

Just then the music started playing again.

"What do you say if we make our girl a little jealous?" asked Grekko.

"Well, if it is to make her envious..." said Nahual smiling ad looking at mary.

"I'll get you for this" mocked Mary.

Grekko and Nahual embraced each other and started dancing along with several more couples, they were in the middle of a crowd, but they only had eyes for each other, the time seemed to froze for Nahual, there was nothing else in the universe, just the strong, handsome dragon that was gently holding him in his powerful arms, there was no other sensation, only the wamth of their bodies, and no feelings other than the love they shared. After a few more hours of dance and hanging around with friends, they both excuse and retreated home.

The door opened and Grekko and Nahual entered.

"How did you liked your first day of the spring festival?" asked Grekko.

"It was great" answered Nahual " I have never had such a good time"

"Just wait, tomorrow we'll have lots of fun too, there will be fruit pie contests, weight lifting, tale telling, bullseye, eating contests..."

"Looks like tomorrow will require lots of energy, What do you say if we hit the bed for now?" asked Nahual as they were heading to their dorm.

"How tired are you?" asked Grekko hugging Nahual from behind.

"Not that tired" answered the wolf and turned to kiss his lover.

Grekko returned the loving kiss, they continued kissing and undressing eachother on their way to the bed.

Grekko lay on his back with Nahual on top of him.

"I love you" whispered the wolf.

"I know" answered the dragon and kissed the wolf's chin.

Nahual leaned and planted a soft kiss on each eyelid of his lover, Grekko opened his eyes and both of them stood frozen for a moment, each absorbing the other's beauty and love through his eyes. Grekko started caressing Nahual's back and Nahual ran his hand through Grekko's face in return, they exchanged kisses and caresses for a while, then they hugged eachother and grind their hips together, their swelling members rubbing against each other, Nahual reached and took hold of the two erections and started rubbing them with his hand, then he started licking all over Grekko's face, he loved the taste of the dragon's scales, he lowered his head and continued licking his lover's neck, going down to his chest, Grekko closed his eyes and ran his claws all over the soft fur of Nahual's head, Nahual reached behind Grekko and started scratching Grekko's back, the wolf was now at the same level of the engorged draconic member, he skipped it and continued licking the dragon's right leg, tracing the strong muscles through the soft scales, when he finished he repeated the treatment to the left leg, then Nahual returned to the dragon's mid section, the Dragon's dripping cock throbbed with anticipation, Nahual inhaled deeply, taking in the strong, arousing scent of his lover before lowering his head and engulfing the tasty treat the dragon offered him, Grekko gritted his teeth when he felt the warm moistness surrounding his cock, Nahual started sucking and Grekko moaned and gripped the sheets with his hands, the wolf's tongue begun lashing the black organ, tracing every ridge and vein, while he was sucking the dragon, Nahual started roaming his hands all over the dragon's body, he was familiarized with it now, he knew exactly where all Grekko's pleasure points were, the wolf's right hand started gently applying pressure to the spot between the dragon's swollen testicles and his anal slit while the left one made its way to his back and started scratching, Grekko tried to hold his climax as much as possible, but all the sensations Nahual was giving him proved to be too much for him, with a roar, he exploded and his cock erupted a substantial load down Nahual's throat, when the wolf felt the first spurt, he backed away a little so the rest of the dragon's orgasm could be emptied in his mouth, after the last drop of cum was out of the dragon's body and in Nahual's muzzle, the wolf finally let go of the still hard cock, he slowly inched his face towards Grekko's and they locked themselves in a passionate kiss, sharing the dragon's fluids, their cocks rubbing between their sweaty bodies, Grekko wrapped his strong legs around Nahual's waist.

"Enter me" he whispered into the wolf's ear.

Nahual aligned his swollen cock to the dragon's entrance and slowly pushed in, Grekko sighed at the familiar invasion of his lover's cock, they stayed like this for a moment, taking their time to enjoy the wonderful sensations, kissing and licking eachother's face, Nahual started to slowlt thrust in and out of the dragon's anus, gradually increasing his speed and his strength, Grekko's cock constantly rubbing between the two bodies, coating their bellies with a constant flow of precum. The room was filled with the sounds of passionate sex and the air was loaded with the heavy scent of male arousal. Nahual felt the urge rising, but he kept his pace, he took his lover's erection and started stroking him in time with his thrusts, the wolf's knot entered the dragon's body one last time and swelled, locking the two lovers, Nahual gave a few more thrusts and exploded deep inside his lover between moans of pleasure. Grekko felt the warm cum filling his bowels and the huge knot stretching his inner walls, he closed his eyes and gritted his teeth as his second climax hit. His sticky cum covering their bodies. They fell asleep tied, in each other's arms, without even noticing it.

The warm morning sun rays coated Nahual's naked body, the wolf looked beautiful to Grekko, who was standing next to the bed, Nahual's face was so full of peace... he almost hated doing this, he leaned forward and planted a kiss on Nahual's cheek, the wolf slowly opened his eyes and smiled at his lover.

"What's our schedule for today?" asked Nahual after a long yawn.

"Well, first of all, a shower" answered the dragon running a claw through Nahual's sticky belly fur "Then we go to the village and stuff ourselves with fruit pie"

"Sounds like a plan" said Nahual getting up "So, you wanna help me wash my back?"

The village's main street was bursting with activity, just like the day before, there were lots of stands with different activities, there was even a puppet theatre. After breakfast, Nahual and Grekko joined Mary and her parents and stayed the rest of the day with them, Nahual had never felt such happiness before, by the time the sun started to go down, they all gathered in the main plaza for one of the last events of the day, a theatrical play. Mary was going to be in it, Nahual and Grekko were in the first row, next to her parents, the play was a comedy and everybody laughed from time to time, the main street was crowded, and that left the smaller ones and the town entrance practically deserted, it was dark already, nobody was there to see the two cloaked figures entering the town through one of the small alleys, they advanced towards the main street, moving gracefully amongst the shadows, they were now a few feet away from the play, observing, watching all the faces, searching for their target. The play ended and the crowd dispersed, in search of more fun. Grekko Nahual and Mary's parents were still waiting for her, she ran towards them through the furs laughing and hugged Grekko, Just then, Nahual felt something. A knife traveled swiftly through the air directly towards the vixen's back, Nahual caught it in mid air, just inches from Mary's skin. Nahual and Grekko searched for the attacker, but he was nowhere to be seen, the throw had been so subtle that nobody else seemed to have noticed it. Finally, right in front of them, amongst the crowd of furs, the two cloaked figures appeared, Nahual took a sniff at the air and his eyes widened.

"You!" he exclaimed "Of all the assassins Jarhed could have hired, it had to be you"

"We must say is a surprise for us too" said one of the figures "we thought you were dead, killed by your own target, and now we find you apparently mated to him.

"Whoever you are" said Grekko getting Mary behind him "I know why you're here, and I accept your challenge, but this is not the time or the place, there are many innocents here"

"We do not care about them" said the other figure" we are here to murder you and anyone that stands in our way"

Both opened their cloaks and thrown their robes, everybody turned to look at them, a black bear and a black dragon, clad in dark grey armor, everybody receded creating a circle around them.

"Will you fight?" asked the bear to Nahual

"You know I will" answered the wolf.

"Nahual!" yelled Mary's father and tossed a sword towards the wolf. Nahual caught the sword and at the same time he saw an axe ripping the old fox's chest open, the strength of the impact sent him right to his wife's arms, the last thing he heard before darkness enveloped him were her cries of pain. Mary joined her mother and they both cried over the lifeless body of the fox.

Nahual looked at the pair of murderers, his rage reflected in his amber eyes.

"You will pay for this" said Nahual holding the sword with shaking hands "Grekko, get out of here"

"What? You know I'm not going to do that, we'll take them down together!" said Grekko

"You're not armed" continued the wolf without taking his eyes out of their attackers. "They're very dangerous, more than anyone you've ever faced"

"All the more reason to stay" said Grekko taking a step forward "When they come, we'll be waiting for them together, Remember?"

"Very well then" said Nahual "Let's get them"

Grekko was ready to launch his attack when he felt a sharp pain in the back of his head and fell to the ground unconscious, Nahual had just touched him with a finger there.

"I'm sorry" said the wolf, "But this is a battle you can't win, Kio!"

A badger appeared amongst the furs that were surrounding them.

"Take Grekko with you and go to the place we found the other day"

As the badger approached the dragon, the bear unsheathed his sword.

"We cannot let you do that"

"Neither can we" said a voice behind the bear, they turned and saw a dozen furs standing with various weapons.

"this is our town" said one of them, a deer. "And everyone of us will fight to protect our own"

"Interesting..." murmured the black dragon.

Allen started carrying the unconscious Grekko as the bear gave a step forward.

"Let them go Noir, it seems we're going to have to remove all the obstacles first."

They turned to face Nahual. The wolf took a fighting position.

"You can dispose of him" said the dragon.

Hearing this, the bear attacked, Nahual barely had time to block the powerful strike, the swords crashed and Nahual had to use all his strength just to keep his own sword in his hands, Noir(the bear) took the opportunity and delivered a swift kick in the wolf's ribs, Nahual gave a step backwards and the bear kicked him again, this time in he face, this sent him flying a few feet from the bear, Nahual quickly got up, still holding his sword, his face felt dull because of the kick, and his ribs were definitely damaged, he ignored the pain and calmed himself, he too a deep breath and adopted his fighting position again. The bear aimed his sword at Nahual and attacked again, this time Nahual didn't tried to block the blow, instead, he dodged it, in the exact moment they were side to side, Nahual tried to slash the bear but he only managed to hit the bear's armor. Noir moved fast and hit Nahual's head with his elbow, then he lowered his arm and managed to make a small cut in Nahual's calf, Nahual turned and attacked again, exchanging a few sword strikes with the bear, but the result was inevitable, he had no armor and his sword was not as good as the bear's, in the final attack, Nahual's sword broke and Noir delivered and accurate stab right at the wolf's left shoulder, Nahual roared in pain and fell on his knees, he still tried valiantly to pull the sword out of his body and took it by the blade, cutting his hands, the bear held the sword with his right hand and with his left one he hit Nahual in the face several times, the wolf's face was full of bruises, his whit cotton shirt was reddened with blood, but the anger in his eyes didn't changed one bit, he looked at Mary's father laying in a pool of blood, this made him redouble his efforts, he focused again and threw an open palm punch at the sword, the blade broke, this surprised the bear and Nahual took the chance to hit the bear's armored chest, breaking the armor as well.

"Remarkable" murmured the black dragon, who had been watching the whole thing.

They continued fighting for a few seconds before Nahual's body finally gave out, Noir hit him in the stomach and then in the face and that was it, the wolf fell to the ground senseless.

"Don't kill him yet" said the dragon "We may need him"

A dagger went flying through the air and the bear caught it with his hands.

"You didn't get us did you?" asked the fur who threw it "We won't let you live this place"

All the furs surrounding them were armed and ready to defend their village, the dragon unsheathed his sword.

Grekko slowly opened his eyes, he was in a cave he and Nahual had found a few days ago, he groaned and got up, waking Kio, who was sleeping, resting against the cave walls.

"How long was I out?" asked Grekko.

"A few hours" answered the badger "The sun" will come out soon

"I should have never taught Nahual about the pressure points" murmured the dragon.

"Listen, I'm sorry, I only did what Nahual asked me to do"

"It's okay Kio, you're a god friend" Grekko started to walk "But I have to go back"

"Then I'll go with you" said the young badger "there's no use in staying here"

They both started heading towards the village, the dark night sky began to change its color. The sun was already peeking through the mountains when they reached the village. They stood at the entrance, mesmerized to the horrid spectacle, the mutilated bodies of the inhabitants were spread all over the main street, they have not speared anyone, not even women and children. Some of the buildings were on fire.

"The entire village" murmured Kio "In a single night"

"Less" said Grekko "they left a few hours ago"

The dragon walked trough the corpses, examining the wounds, they were indeed experts, al the wounds were clean and deadly, they were walking through the main street, then , in a pile of bodies near to the plaza they found Mary and her parents, or what was left of them, Grekko gritted his teeth in anger and kneeled next to the body of the young vixen, a single tear ran down his right cheek. He felt a lump on his throat when he saw what was next to Mary's body. It was Nahual's shirt, it had something written in blood. "We have him, come to the old Oakdell castle and we promise a quick death, we'll torture him every three hours until you decide to show up" Grekko dropped the shirt and started heading towards his house.

"What are we going to do?" asked Kio.

"I'm going to kill them" answered Grekko placing his hands on the badger's shoulders "And you, my friend, have a painful and heavy task, go to the nearest field, and start digging graves, I'll be back soon, and we'll bury them together"

The badger nodded and started crying, Grekko hugged him for a while, then he let him go and started walking away.

"I'll be back, I promise"

The front door opened and Grekko entered his house, it felt so alone, for the first time in many months, he felt an overwhelming loneliness, He went to his room and stripped of all his clothes, he opened a drawer, took a pair of leather shorts and putted them on, then he walked to the kitchen and opened a door on the floor, once he was in the basement, he lit the oil lamps of the place and stood in the middle of the room, there were weapons all over the place, there were about 30 different swords in one of the walls, long swords, short swords, katanas, no-dachi, all kind of styles, in the next wall were the spears, single pointed and double pointed, both of wood and steel, axes, blades, daggers, knives, all sorts of arrows and bows, sai knives, clubs, shurikens, crossbows, it was one of the biggest, most precious collections anyone could have laid their eyes on, there were also several armors in the center of the room. Grekko stood admiring them for a few seconds, the dim light of the oil lamps reflected itself on his reddish brown scales, the half naked dragon standing in the middle of a barely lit room full of weapons was a sight to behold, he had sworn to never use them again, now he was a bout to break his promise, he choose his armor first, it was a gift from a king for rescuing his son once, it was made of a secret alloy of metals that made it very light, yet incredibly hard, it was a beautiful piece of art, it consisted on shin guards that went al the way down to Grekko's feet, kneecaps, two small plates to protect his upper legs, a metal belt, a very stylized chest plate, gauntlets and a helmet specially customized to fit the dragon's head perfectly, Grekko looked absolutely stunning in it. He picked two daggers and attached them to his shin guards, he took two long swords and attached them to the sides of his belt. Last, he took a four blade axe on his hands, he was ready.

Meanwhile, 5 miles from there, Nahual was chained to a wall in Oakdell castle, the wound on his shoulder had been cauterized and he could still smell the burned flesh. He was in a dark and moist dungeon, his entire body hurt. The door of the dungeon opened with a creek and the bear and the dragon entered, their armor was off, they were clad only in shorts, the dragon kneeled next to the wolf.

"Why didn't you let him fight?" asked the dragon.

"Because without his armor and sword he would have lost to you" answered the wolf "Just like I did"

"Are you saying you could have beaten me if you were using your sword?" asked the bear irritated.


The bear raised his fist, ready to hit Nahual, but the dragon stopped him.

"Do you know who we are" asked him the black dragon.

"Your name is Lidjen, and that is Noir" said Nahual moving his head towards the black bear "You are known as "The falling darkness", you don't follow the code of the mercenaries, you don't spare anyone, you are the most brutal assasins ever known, and rumors say Noir is immortal."

"Very good" said Lidjen "We know you too Nahual, you're quite a legend, the most skillful, clean, fast and honorable of assasins, or at least you were.

"I lost to Grekko, I was bound to protect him since he spared my life"

"There's a difference between protecting him and being his bitch, but that doesn't matters now, I'm guessing you know what's going on right now, we'll use you as bait to lure him here, then we'll kill both of you"

The dragon stood and dropped his shorts.

"I forgot to tell you, we left a me, telling him we would torture you every three hours, guess what time is it"

Nahual looked between Lidjen's legs, the black dragon was not like Grekko, he had outer testicles and sheath, quite big by the way, the black head of a phallus already poking from it, Lidjen reached with his hand and started rubbing his sheath, coaxing more of his member out, once he was totally erect, his 15 inches tool was throbbing near Nahual's face.

"first you're going to take me" said the dragon rubbing his cock against Nahual's lips " then you're going to take Noir, then we'll see what else we can do to entertain ourselves"

The dragon kneeled again and slashed Nahual's pants with his claws, then he took his ankles, the wolf tried to struggle but he was too weak due to the blood loss and his body hurt every time he tried to move. The dragon easily positioned himself between Nahual's legs, once his wide cock head touched Nahual's entrance, he buried the entire thing in a single thrust, Nahual screamed in pain he had never been taken by a cock this big and thick without any kind of lubrication. Lidjen didn't waited and immediately started pumping his cock in and out of Nahual's hole as hard as he could, trying to cause as much pain as possible to the wolf. The constant squeezing of his prostate made Nahual hard against his will. Lidjen didn't spoke he just took Nahual's prick behind the unformed knot and squeezed hard, causing more pain to the wolf, with his other hand, he took Nahual's throat and started squeezing too, all this without stopping his rough fucking. Nahual had never felt this kind of pain before, his cock and ass felt like they were burning, and the hand on his throat both hurt his larynx and deprived him for air, he started gurgling and his eyes went blank, just when he was about to pass out, Lidjen's hand released his throat, only to be replaced by the dragon's fangs, Lidjen growled and bit hard on Nahual's neck as his orgasm hit, he ejaculated deep inside Nahual's bowels, then without a word, he pulled his cock and released Nahual, he stood up leaving the wolf coughing and gasping.

"Your turn" he said to Noir.

The bear approached the wolf, he was already naked and hard, his reddish cock contrasted against the pitch black of his fur, he kneeled next to Nahual and with a calloused hand gripped the wolf's cock, he started pulling on it, listening to Nahual's moans of mixed pain and pleasure, he traced the pointed organ with a thick finger all the way to the sheath, he started pushing it in, Nahual's sheath stretched almost to its limits, concealing the bear's finger and part of his cock, the bear slowly inserted a second finger and started moving them inside Nahual's sheath, stretching it to its limits, the wolf's moans were now of pure pain, then he felt Noir's other hand gripping his cock, the bear was jerking him but his grasp was very hard to cause any pleasure, Nahual's cock, however, kept responding, the knot started to swell, the bear continued jerking him until Nahual reached his orgasm, then the bear positioned himself between Nahual's legs and pushed his hard cock in, as he started fucking him, he took Nahual's swollen knot with one hand and the base of Nahual's cock with the other, he started squeezing and Nahual screamed in pain again, the veins feeding his cock were about to explode because of the pressure, the bear continued pounding Nahual's hole for a good ten minutes without stopping his rough handling of the wolf's cock, finally, he gave a final thrust and released his seed inside Nahual, he released Nahual's sore member and stood up, Lidjen approached them, he was holding a dozen of large needles.

"Now, let's continue shall we?"

Grekko was watching the castle hidden between some bushes, there didn't seemed to be any activity inside, he considered waiting until night, but he quickly put that thought away remembering what they could do to Nahual, there were no minions or any other helper, so he decided to take the chance, he walked straight towards the castle gates, he was a few feet from the main entrance when the door opened and Lidjen passed through it.

"We didn't expected you so soon" said the black dragon holding a sword "but it makes no difference, it'll only means you'll die sooner"

"You are so full of yourself that it makes me sick" snarled Grekko "Come on! Show me what you're made of you arrogant bastard!"

Lidjen attacked, Grekko quickly blocked the attack, this dragon was strong indeed, he tried to push him away but failed, the two remained locked for a moment, trying to push the other, without moving an inch. They backed at the same time, now Grekko attacked first, the swords produced sparks every time they crashed, in one of the attacks Lidjen managed to hit Grekko's side but his armor protected him.

"Your sword is extraordinary" said Lidjen "other swords would be broken by now, your armor is impressive too"

Grekko didn't answered.

"I'm happy to fight someone like you" continued the black dragon "I have not had a fight this interesting in years we could stay like this for hours.

Grekko realized it could be true, and he knew he had no time to loose. They exchanged a few more hits, Lidjen attacked straight at Grekko's neck, Grekko countered but in the last instant, the black dragon ducked and hit Grekko behind the knees making him fall on his back, they both got up at the same time, Grekko a fraction of a second late, as he was rising his sword, a blow from Lidjen took it from his hands, Lidjen swung his sword again causing a small scratch on Grekko's face, Lidjen redoubled his efforts and attacked Grekko again and again, Grekko barely dodging the attacks, he decided to make a bold play, he backed away a few steps and removed his helmet, Lidjen stopped in his tracks, Grekko's chest plate fell to the ground with a thud.

"Now I know you're insane" smiled Lidjen.

"I just realized I don't need my armor to defeat you" said Grekko "You are a pathetic excuse of a fighter, all your fame is built on lies and rumors"

Grekko's plan was working, Lidjen had lost his temper, his whole body shaking with rage, small veins bulged at his forehead.

"You piece of shit! You don't even know me!"

"I know your kind" said Grekko calmly "I promise you, in your next attack I will kill you with your own sword"

Grekko extended his arms, offering his unprotected chest to the black dragon. That was enough for Lidjen, he roared and attacked, his eyes focused on the dragon's heart, Grekko took his fighting position, Lidjen aimed his sword ready for the final stroke. The images of all the murdered furs of the village passed through Grekko's mind as the sword that had caused many of those deaths approached him, time seemed to go slower, when the blade was a few inches from Grekko's chest, he lifted his right arm and the sword glided over the plate on his forearm, he took Liden by the neck with his left hand, with his right hand, he took Lidjen's sword from the black dragon's hand, Grekko rotated his wrist and now Lidjen's own sword was aiming at his armored chest, for a brief moment both dragons's eyes meet. That's when Lidjen felt fear, the eyes looking at him were not of this world, one brown eye and one blue, both pupils almost glowed like if they were on fire, to Lidjen, they were the eyes of a demon, of death, of fear itself, then he felt an agonizing pain as his own sword sank on his chest and came through his back, Grekko pulled the sword and Lidjen's body fell to the ground, Grekko turned and bent to get his chest plate, as he closed the last strap of his armor, he heard a voice behind him.

"I'm still alive"

Lidjen was standing behind him, blood pouring from his chest with each heart beat. Grekko turned and swung the sword, cutting the black dragon's head in a single movement, the lifeless body fell again, this time for good, Grekko impaled the body with the sword and walked to pick up his own sword, then he went to a nearby bush and took a bag he had left there, he entered the castle without looking back.

Nahual was doing his best to stay conscious, he was still chained to the wall, he had three needles incrusted in each arm, three in each leg, four on his back four more on his chest and stomach, each needle inserted with precision to cause the maximum possible pain. Despite the incredible pain, not a single scream had escaped from his mouth, Grekko had taught him well, his mind was fighting the pain, but he was quickly loosing the battle, the door opened and he closed his eyes, he was sure his captors were back with new ways of torture on their minds, he opened his eyes, ready to endure another session, only to find his love standing in the doorway. Nahual thought he was starting to hallucinate, but then the figure moved towards him and started carefully removing the needles.

"Is it really you?" asked the weakened wolf.

"No, I'm just a product of you imagination" answered the dragon as he removed the last needle from Nahual's body "When this is all over, I'm going to make love to you, and then I'm going to kick your ass for knocking me out"

"I knew you would come" whispered the wolf in the brink of tears.

"You're not going to get rid of me that easily"

The dragon broke Nahual's chains with his sword and the wolf fell to the ground.

"Stay awake" Grekko shake him "We still have lots of things to do and I'm going to need your help"

Grekko pulled some herbs and a vial with ointment out of the bag he was carrying, he smeared the ointment all over Nahual's wounds and the wolf winced in pain.

"Eat this" he placed the herbs on Nahual's mouth "It's a very powerful drug, it will make your body release huge amounts of adrenaline, it will block the pain and keep you alert while we get out of here"

Nahual chewed the plant and swallowed it, Grekko hugged the naked wolf.

"Now concentrate, join your mind with mine, listen to my voice, the pain is going away, you start to feel strong.

The wolf concentrated, his body was starting to feel warm, the pain was slowly being replaced by strength. Grekko released Nahual and pulled a pair of shorts and a sword from the bag.

"Brought you a gift, now let's get out of here."

They were crossing the main hall, Nahual wandered where could his captors be.

"We must be careful" he said to Greko "I'm sure they know you're already here"

"Don't worry about them" said Grekko "I already killed the black dragon and the bear will be joining him soon"

"But... how?"

"Listen, they're not invincible, they're good, but not better than you or me, just shake all your fears"

"There were rumors that Noir is immortal"


"The bear"

"He is not, I assure you, and even if he is, I'll still find a way to kill him, Nahual... those bastards killed the entire village, they destroyed everything, we have to make them pay"

Nahual's eyes lit with anger and he gritted his teeth.

"That's it" said Grekko "That's the Nahual I need right now, the fierce, calculating assassin, remember, this fucker believes he is immortal, invincible, that's exactly his weakness"

Suddenly, an arrow crossed the air from on high, when Grekko saw it, it was too late, the arrow hit Grekko's right foot and went all the way through it until it reached the floor, the dragon roared in pain, just then a huge log hit the dragon square in the chest and sent him flying a few feet away, Nahual ran towards Grekko, the dragon's armor was totally crushed, but he was alive.

"That was easy" said Noir jumping from his hideout in the ceiling "You killed Lidjen, now I will kill both of you in the most painful way I can think of"

"You can do it" Grekko encouraged Nahual and gave him his sword "Remember, he is not invincible"

Nahual turned to face the black bear, a sword in each hand, this bear had killed his friends, he burned the village, he hurt him and his lover, and he sure as hell was going to pay for it. The bear was holding a serrated sword, they slowly approached each other.

"This time I will hurt more than your shoulder" said the bear

"This time you will die"

The bear and the wolf attacked at the same time, this time Nahual was able to completely stop each blow from the bear without having to dodge it, Noir was starting to desperate, this was not the same wolf he had defeated at the village. Nahual was calculating every movement, his previous encounter with the bear had been a valuable experience for him, he gathered all his strength and hit Noir with both swords, Noir tried to block the attack with his own sword, there was a loud noise and Noir's sword broke into pieces, Nahual smiled and dropped his swords.

"What are you doing?" asked Grekko.

"You were right" said Nahual "he is no match for me, I won't be needing any weapon to kill him"

Nahual was totally changed, he was still smiling, but his amber eyes seemed to glow with blood lust. Noir attacked and his fist made contact with Nahual's face, blood started dribbling from Nahual's muzzle.

"Is that the best you can do?" asked the wolf sarcastically.

The bear tried to hit him again, this time Nahual dodged the attack, he quickly held Noir's right wrist with his left hand and with his right one he punched the bear in the ribs, breaking both his armor and his bones, the bear didn't even had time to scream, Nahual's right hand was now holding the bear's right arm, the wolf pulled with all his strength and dislocated the arm, then he twisted it and broke two more bones, the bear's eyes went blank. Nahual's fist hit his nose, breaking it as well and making the bear step back a few feet, Nahual licked his blood covered fist.

"Not even your blood tastes good"

Grekko was surprised, he had never seen Nahual like this, it was scaring him, Nahual seemed to enjoy what he was doing, the wolf jumped forward and kicked the bear in the stomach, the strength of the kick damaged his internal organs, before he could faint, Nahual grabbed the bear by the neck and removed what was left of the bear's armor.

"Now we'll see how immortal you really are" said Nahual looking him in the eyes and sinking the claws of his right hand on Noir's chest, Nahual pushed until his claws pierced the bear's heart, then he pulled his hand and a gush of blood poured from Noir's wound, Nahual took the bear's neck with both hands and squeezed until he heard the sound of cracking bones, he kept squeezing until the broken bones ripped through the bear's flesh, he thrown the body away and started to take deep breaths. The wolf kneeled and held his head in his arms. Grekko wrapped a piece of cloth around his wounded foot and got up with a little effort, he could hear the wolf sobbing lightly.

"Nahual" he asked.

No answer.

He walked towards the wolf and placed his shaking hand on the wolf's shoulder.


The wolf turned to look at Grekko, his face was covered in tears.

"I'm sorry, I didn't wanted you to see this, to see me like this." Said the wolf.

"What was that?"

"That was me, when I saw what he did to you, and when remembered what he did to our friends, I just lost it, I was controlled by anger"

"Shhh, it's okay, it's over now"

The dragon helped Nahual to his feet, they embraced each other and cried together.

"We have to go back and help Kio"

It took them two days to dig all the graved and bury all the dead It was the night of the second day and they were lying next to a fire in one of the houses that was only half destroyed.

"I'll go to my house, well, what is left of it" announced Kio "I'll see if I can find supplies"

The badger left the place leaving Nahual and Grekko alone, they were still weak and their wounds were still bandaged, fortunately, the arrow didn't caused any permanent damage to Grekko's foot.

"Now what?" asked Nahual

"Now we go on" answered Grekko "There's nothing left in here"

"I guess we just can't get away of what we are"

"I think we don't have to" said the dragon "if we were farmers, or dealers, or blacksmiths, we'd still had to go on, what matters is... that we'll go on together, and the moments of happiness and joy we experienced here will always stay with us"

"You're right" said Nahual "As long as I'm with you, I can do anything"

Grekko's answer turned into a scream of pain as a dagger pierced his stomach. Nahual turned to see a black bear emerging from the shadows.

"It can't be!"

"Oh, but it is" said Noir "You're not going to get rid of mea just like that"

Nahual sensed something was wrong, he sniffed the air and realized what it was, but it was too late, another dagger sank in Nahual's left leg, the wolf screamed and Noir hit him in the head with the back of his sword, the wolf fell to the floor, he was still too weak.

"I know your secret" said Nahual "You're not Noir"

"I am Noir" said the bear "Noir is a name for two"

"I knew it, twins, I killed your brother"

"It won't make any difference soon, you can take the secret to the grave"

The bear lifted his sword, ready to slay the wolf. Nahual closed his eyes and waited for the mortal strike, nothing happened. He opened his eyes and saw Noir was still in the same position, but the bear's expression had a surprised look. The bear suddenly fell forwards, revealing the figure of Kio standing behind him. Nahual saw an axe incrusted in the bear's back, Kio's entire body was shaking with uncontainable rage, he took the axe and pulled it from Noir's body. Kio gritted his teeth as tears started running down his face. He wield the axe and lowered again and again over Noir's corpse, shredding it to pieces. Finally, Nahuald took the raging badger's hands and took the axe.

"It's okay, he's dead" said the wolf hugging the young badger.

Kio finally calmed down and Nahual let him go, he limped his way towards Grekko, the dragon was pressing the wound on his stomach and was coughing blood.

"Please Grekko" said Nahual kneeling beside him "You have to fight, you're going to be okay"

Grekko's blood covered paw gently caressed Nahual's face, then fell to the ground.

The silence of the night was broken by an agonizing howl.

20 years ago...

Grekko hurried his pace, the city of Summerfield not far from now. He was still holding the letter from Harris, the loin wouldn't have sent it if it weren't extremely urgent. He was already having some ides about what had caused the lion to write him with such an urgent tone. In the last years he had noticed a few significant changes in the young Jarhed, his skills had improved a lot, that's true, but he had become more distant to his teachers, and despite their efforts and deep meditation teachings, he had also become much more irritable, constantly getting himself into fights.

Grekko reached the huge marble house and was greeted by Laki

"Wellcome sir" bowed the cheetah "It's been some time since your last visit"

"Kill the formalities Laki, you're my friend, not my servant" said the dragon placing a hand on the cheetah's shoulder "Is Harris home?"

"Yes, he's waiting for you in the garden."

The cheetah lead Grekko to the garden, where Harris was sitting on a chair, having some ale and watching the sunset, the old lion's eyes lit in the moment he saw his friend.

"Grekko, my friend, it's so good to see you again" said Harris and hugged the dragon

"I came as soon as I got your letter, how bad is it?"

"Well, it has gotten worse since the last time you were here, Jarhed just doesn't listens, he goes to train with other people's faces at the tavern, I got plenty of complains, he steals, he fights, a boy told me the other day he even tried to rape him, I'm sorry, but I just can't do anything else, he has to go."

"I understand you my friend, Where is he now?" asked the dragon.

The table smashed under the weight of the bear as he fell on it, he got up and whipped a trickle of blood from his mouth, before he could do anything else a kick in the head knocked him out.

"Who's next?" asked Jarhed smiling "This shit hole town is full of fucking whimps, I could kick the shit out of any of you with my hands tied behind my back"

A tiger gave a step forward, the entire tavern was a mess.

"You have no right to insult us like that, I'll make you choke on your own words."

The tiger tried to hit Jarhed but the hyena moved and dodged the attack, he quickly hit the tiger in the stomach with his right hand, and with his left one, he grabbed the tiger by his thorath, ready to snap his neck.

"Jarhed!" a voice thundered in the tavern.

Jarhed immediately turned to see Grekko standing in the doorframe.

"This is not what I trained you for" said the Dragon.

The hyena laughed and released the tiger.

"So, you decided to show up after all this time, what happened? Let me guess, the old man went whimpering, right?"

"I see you have lost all respect" said Grekko "I guess I always knew this is how you were, I just hoped I could change you, I wasted my time"

"But I didn't" said Jarhed "I learned everything I wanted, I took from you only what I needed"

"Seems like you need one more leson"

It was already dark outside, people gathered on both sides of the street, Jarhed and Grekko were in the center.

Jarhed attacked first with a series of kicks, Grekko dodged them all.

"See?" said the dragon "You're not as good as you think"

The words enraged Jarhed even more, the thrown several puches but kept hitting nothing but air, the hyena roared in frustration and tried to attack Grekko once more, this time, the dragon counterattacked, Grekko grabbed Jarhed's wrist and twisted it, then he kicked the hyena in the stomach, JArhed fell to the ground gasping.

"You're not welcome at Harris's place anymore" said the dragon "And I don't want to see you again either"

Grekko turned and started walking away.

The hyena gritted his teeth and saw his lost amongst the crowd.


Jarhed opened his eyes, he was starting to get sick of this dreams. He slowly took a sip from a jar of water he kept next to his bed. Despite the darkness on his room, he could feel he was not alone, unfortunately he found out too late to reach for the sword under his bed. The face of Nahual appeared like a ghost amongst the shadows.

"My, my, I can't say I'm not surprised" said Jarhed I thought you were dead"

"Yeah, that's what I heard from Noir and Lidjen" said the wolf.

"You told me that if you didn't return, it would mean you were dead, that's why I called Noir and Lidjen, by the way, where are they?"

Nahual thrown a bag to the hyena, Jarhed opened it and his eyes widened, inside the bag, was the severed head of Noir.

"Lidjen is rotting somewhere in Kalorath" said Nahual unsheathing his sword.

"I see," murmured Lidjen "You're not here for the rest of your payment"

"You're right"

"Well then, I guess that's it, it ends here" said Jarhed.

"There's a sword under your bed" said Nahual "Take it, I want this to be fair"

"There's no need" replied Jarhed "I have accomplished my goal, the fact that he is not here proves it, I can die a happy man"

Nahual approached until he was standing next to the old hyena, he raised his sword and Jarhed lowered his head.

"I just have one more thing to tell you," said Nahual "He's alive"

Jarhed's last expression was a mixture of anger and surprise, Nahual lowered his sword and claimed the hyena's life.

Outside Jarhed's house, two figures waited on a side of the road.

"Does it hurts much?" asked one.

"Of course it does" answered the other "It's healing fast tough"

Nahual appeared through the door of Jarhed's house, whipping the blood from his sword.

"It's done" said the wolf.

Nahual approached his lover and kissed him tenderly on his lips. Grekko still had a few bandages around his abdomen and his foot.

"Where do we go from here?" asked Nahual.

"East" said Grekko "I have a few friends I want to pay a visit to"

"Are you sure you want to come with us?" asked Nahual to the young badger.

"Yeah" said Kio, "I have nothing left back there"

"Very well, then east it is" said Grekko.

The three friends started walking down the road as the sun started peeking trough the mountains ahead of them...

"I don't know what fate has prepared for us in the future" thought Nahual "I can only hope, someday we can find true peace, and then..."


Well, it's over, I hope you have liked it, I really enjoyed writing this. If you want to continue with the story feel free, I'd love to see the way other furs understand this series.