The Desert Flower Chapter 3: A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Tush

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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#3 of Desert Flower

A cute lil commission.

Next continuation in the story for Apollojay89

The Desert Flower Chapter 3: A Bird in the Hand is Worth Two in the Tush

For the few hours shi nursed him, Apollo was laid along hir short thick tusks and held in place by a trunk mildly squeezing around his hips. Shi did this to keep hir hands free while seeing to the changing or needs of others visiting the clinic for hir services. By now he'd been rediapered himself and had ample chance to use the absorbent padding well. From all the elephant milk he'd drank, there would be more than enough colostrum to help void his bowels ten times over.

Nurse Jumbolove was just in the midst of spanking another poor soul when shi finally noticed how badly he'd soiled himself with loud wet noises his padding made and the manner which she lightly jostled the bird butt around. "Ready for a change, baby?" Shi cooed down at him, motherly almond eyes focused on his pink feathery face and made Apollo feel oddly reassured and affectionate.

His tail parted and fluttered, playfully fanning a stale sour stink around the room. "Yessee! Birdy want diaper!" He trilled out, bubbles burbling all over the crack of his beak from the thick viscous yellow herm milk. Shi looked around to see that no more patients or "babies" were around before stomping over to a metal table with stirrups like the other shi put him on. Hir steps were loud, much like thunder. This was probably the most natural sound of hir feet when shi didn't need to step gingerly around the clinic.

Shi snapped on extra large latex gloves to change his nappy a second time. On this occasion, shi also had the chance to take as long as shi wanted and barraged him with questions from his previous life. "I see you love diapers, but I wonder how that came about." Shi observed as the tapes crackled off until the yellow-stained front could be pulled away, a humid swamp of fecal air quickly steaming out.

How had that happened? Was it because his mom caught him wearing a dress and secretly always wanted a little girl to pamper? The black women's skirt fit him like a hula hoop at that time, but once mommy caught him, diapers and little puffy party dresses were par for the course as he never went around without panties or a diaper on. "Mom wanted a girl, so she made me one." He squeaked out helpfully, hoping that would satisfy hir curiosity and keep anymore humiliating questions at bay. It did not.

Shi wiped downward on his balls with a wet wipe clenched in hir serpentine trunk until most of the mess was gone and the diaper could be tossed in the trash. Just a few more passes through the mustard in his buns, and the birdy was done. He blushed and nibbled on one of his feet as shi screwed open a tub of nursery jelly. His shy eyes blinked when the elephant took out a good dollop to smear all over his butt and anus, showing care to coat his boi bits and every inch of his diaper region in the greasy stuff. A shiver went through him when the cold of the gel quickly gave way to a soothing heat. "So mommy wanted a baby girl for a long time, is that the gist of it?" The elephant purred, massaging the oily scented stuff deep into his feathers with wet provocative noises.

When did her diapering stop? Maybe when he went to his prom and discovered that his boyfriend liked the babyfur scene and enjoyed changing diapers. It was a little difficult at times to remember things so far back in his life, but it did feel somewhat right. "Up until the end of high school?" He murmured out quietly, ashamed at the late time for being potty trained. It seemed right on time for the laundry cart to be pushed in the clinic by a shiny pink skink with lidless eyes and a slender tail, though. Unlike males with fur or other natural coverings, lizards and cetaceans had to wear latex or rubber panties since their skin offered very little friction to keep up cloth or spandex clothes. Still, latex thongs went well with the shine of their skin.

On top of the pile was his babydoll diaper that he'd been given at the factory, and it was steaming hot and cozy-looking right from the dryer. One of the best things about cloth diapers was that warm fluffyness he enjoyed against his skin when they went right from the dryer right into place on his bum. He couldn't contain his joy or keep from fidgeting once he learned that the nurse would be pinning the hot nappy to his waist.

He found himself chirping bashfully and covering his eyes with pink wings as hir hot trunk wrapped around his skinny little feet to lift a cute rounded birdy bum off the table. The blush deepened to brighter hues as shi slid the thick laundered cotton under his buns to let him feel that toasty soaker material up against tender boi bits. It made Apollo shiver all over in coy delight as a sudden shower of talc tickled at his delicate nostrils and made the jay bird feel absolutely babyish. "Now for help with keeping you regular." Shi trumpeted out with a giggle like a laughing French horn, pulling out a little orange box marked 'Diamond Mineral Oil' and slid something heavy out into hir paw.

A tiny bottle fell right out, though it was actually sixteen ounces of some viscous oily liquid. "Why does birdy need to drink that?" He peeped out nervously as the elephant ripped off the orange safety cone with hir teeth, bending his knees against his chest to better lay bare his succulent songbird tailstar in all its purple glory. His anxiousness came in shallow bursts of breath as his back was pressed more firmly against the table beneath him.

Apollo felt absolutely helpless as the wind flicked against his butthole with little icy kisses that made it wink like a wrinkled eye. "Oh, sweetums. You don't drink it, it goes up your cute lil fanny!" Shi teased with an unpleasant grin, jabbing the greasy nozzle-tip into his mildly sore hole and filled his bowels with one cold squirt that filled him up. "Hold the oil until you need to poopy again. Nurse's orders." Shi got as much as shi could in him and tossed the crumpled plastic container in the trash beside a few freshly used disposables.

The oozing cold had caused him a good bit of squirming by the time more sweetly-smelling powder had been showered down on his groin and the diaper front fastened tightly in place around his tummy. He also got crinkly frilled pink panties to cover up the diaper and his waddle buns. Apollo had a faint thought he'd be teetering around like a penguin or crawling like a puppy once he got to the floor. "Does I get down?" He screeched uncertainly, unable to even bring his thighs together from the abuse of starch that went into the cleaning of his diaper. So until he wore it down, squat-walks and crawling were the best he could do.

Shi sighed, hir ears flapping with a shake of that giant head. "We need to get a pretty girl in her dressy, don't we?" Shi chuckled, helping the pink jay sit up with his legs obscenely splayed wide open like a prostitute begging for it. It was indeed his own pretty dress that he'd been boxed with, but creative changes had been made to the hem: half of it was cut away so that it no longer hid his diaper from view. It was so short that he didn't even have to bend over for others to see his crinklebutt. In fact, worn with a thong, his boi cloaca would be most vulnerable to any use. The possibility actually appealed to him, but then, he was used to being poked as part of the anime schoolgirl fetish.

He let out a soft little squeak as the elephant picked him up, much like a helpless babe now swinging gently in hir arms as hir trunk crawled beneath his pretty dress and tickled the velvet soft feathers of his tummy. "Where we go now?" He churred as his hackles rose in shyness, little legs kicking in the air to his adorable chirpy giggles. The padded crinkle of sissypants hadn't done his pride much good as he was beset by hir affections and burbling motherly coos.

Hir trunk tickled under his beak as shi went over to the antechamber room next door which held numerous cribs, some already occupied by slumbering diapered sissies. The overwhelming smell of the nursery was a hanging tangible fog of baby powder and sweetly bitter rose perfume with a mild hint of musky male urines of various tones and a lingering sour fecal aroma. With the precarious balance between stink and niceness, Apollo found neither too potent for his nares to absorb. Just as he also knew that with a little time, he'd be contributing to the fouler accents of the atmosphere thanks to a well-oiled heinie.

Shi tumbled him neatly on the goosefeather-filled mattress with a playful whoop, slapping his bum as shi flipped him on his back and put a u-shaped pink pillow beneath his shoulders and head for support. "We are going to sleep, little sissy buns. Mommyphant needs a rest just as much, as this has been a big day for you. But don't you worry, because master comes home tomorrow and will no doubt be excited to play with his new toys."

His feathers stood up in overbearing excitement when the giant nursemaid said that. Mostly because Apollo certainly felt like a neglected doll waiting to be played with. The only difference was that he was a plaything awaiting a more mature purpose. "Can't wait." He murmured softly as shi patted him on the forehead with hir trunk and flipped on a switch for a mobile of dangly plastic figures above his head: stars, moons, and diapers on pink cords spun lazily around in a haunting lullaby of tingling ringy tones.

Apollo found himself entranced and starring dumbly at the calm spectacle above as the herm twisted about and gave him a broadside salute of a giddy raised tail and hir over-ample feast of giant round butt that looked like big smoothed grey boulders. And what was more, shi had to taunt him by bending over! Being bisexual, both the huge balls as well as the elegant dripping vulval gash at hir perineum turned him on in equal measure. It so confused him that the bird didn't know which way he ought to swing his libido.

But as he began to react to hir display, those perky (literally, mammoth) breasts were in his face and dribbling with copious unstoppable leaks down hir nude belly and sheathe. Maybe this was the good reason that shi didn't wear much clothing except an apron. He was busy staring at hir bouncy chest when shi suddenly put something in his gape-grinning little pervert beak. Eyes flickered down at it, instantly confused and immediately after that reassured: a large forty ounce baby bottle full of milk rested in his mouth and somewhat heavily on the front of his dress and chest with a lingering maternal warmth from hir body now soaking into his flesh from the thin plastic walls of the bottle.

Apollo closed his eyes and gave the rubber teat a suckle, jumping with a start and squawk when he realized the milk inside didn't taste like what had come out of the elephants' lactating breasts. Much too salty and rich with a jellied thickness almost like yogurt or gravy (some might say mayonnaise). It wasn't at all like normal milk or powdered formula. A blush crept across his face as he slowly and steadily continued to slurp down what could only be mommy's cum. "Yes, babe. Drink up if you wanna be nice and strong like mommyphant." Shi chuckled out, doing a muscle pose for his enjoyment as he went back to the mobile and lost himself to the music.

It proved hypnotic, and in fact though he didn't know it, that was the intent of the spinning ornament. So soothing and sweet, that lullaby. If Apollo didn't know any better, he'd put his wingtip on a guess over being reprogrammed in some odd subtle way. Lulling him out of his thoughts, Apollo's eyes were trapped on the thing with some drool coming out of the corner of his beak as his drowsy mind put the lilting jingle into a proper set of instructions much like a puzzle. The mobile did its work well, as he had no hint of the countless "relax" commands being beaten against a determined will much like serene waves on a beach.

Lost in a prison of his own mind, Apollo smiled in ignorant happiness as commands of 'release' were obeyed by his body, diaper suddenly flooding with waste from both ends as the dirty bird sighed in visible relief of all that ick leaving his body. There was no room left over for the disgust that might follow such an emptying, so the infant-minded avian simply turned all primal instinct back to the bottle and drank it fast as he could as the lights were turned off with the exception of a smiling blue crescent moon nightlight on a nearby wall. It couldn't be happening, but here he was: a bird with not even a fledglings' mind!

Apollo whimper-yawned to the soft heat of the growing sun late that morning. He felt oddly relaxed, if mildly shamed by a diaper he had no memory stuffing, nor a bottle of elephant cum he could recall drinking down to the last drop. Exactly what had happened to him? His diaper made gross slurping sloshing noises to each of his small movements as he turned and twisted to watch the herm take care of six or so other sissy babies and put them--scampering shyly with crisp clean wide crotch nappy's--into the main harem room.

And now after impatient waiting with his beak boredly pecking at the white-painted wood of the handrail, he couldn't hide the relief and need on his face when he knew his own turn for a change had come. It seemed that during these past few days, he hadn't shown himself as being good at anything but soiling himself. In a nursery that would be appropriate, but it made him feel somewhat useless. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself, lil one, but there's a unicorn who wants to finish his work, and your diaper would just get in the way of what he has planned." As he reached up his arms to be held, he remembered all those butt brands on the nearly naked male slaves and shivered. Hopefully that wouldn't hurt too much.

Shi was prompt but careful in lifting him up. Hir trunk wrapped around his chest as the nurse's large hands cupped themselves about his bent diapered rear to better support his weight. The elephant was likely strong enough to hold him by hir coiled muscular nose alone, but there wouldn't have been anything kind or personable about it quite like that steady soothing pressure of thick fingers wrapped around his buns through the absorbent layers of cotton. If his rump were any more spread out, he might be able to feel hir touch on his anus like it were a button to be pressed.

A deep blush came across his feathery pink face as the elephants' paws squeezed on his swampy seat in perverse enjoyment, sloppily and noisily squirting the spoils of his diaper around. "Big messy for mommyphant. We need to clean all this up fast." Shi teased, taking him back over to one of those same exam tables again, a long pink terry towel draped over it to contain any spills or messes.

The past couple of times he'd soiled himself, he felt great shame at inconveniencing someone else over cleaning up his mess, but once he woke up this morning, things seemed to have changed. Now he felt pride for so completely filling up his padding with birdy splats, curiously enough. He had no idea where this new geas came from, but it felt strangely proper for a pissy potty panty doll like himself.

As shi yanked the front of his poopypants away, Apollo was pleased to breathe deeply of his handiwork while screeching up at the mommy herm most affectionately like a baby eagle waiting to be fed. Again came the refreshing cold bite of alcohol wipes on his netherparts as shi scooped whitish green muck away from the male slit and off his lower belly several inches from the navel. Shi cleaned him up well with an expertise that spoke of many years practising such an art.

When the task was completed, he was nude and so clean his feathered tushy might seem brand new compared to the rest of his body. He thought shi was done, but such debauched elephants are never so predictable. Before Apollo knew what was happening, he found himself flipped suddenly on his tummy with the nurse giggling above him. A loud pop sounded out and a sanitized grease smell began to fill the air. Nursery jelly, but why? The bird got his answer quickly enough when Jumbolove uncapped a black plastic pen case and dumped something shiny and slender into hir paw. The silly jaybird that he was recognized the shape almost immediately, raising his tail obediently as a pre oozing purple cock tip and inflating balls slithered from their forward vent in anticipatory arousal: the nurseyphant was going to take his temperature--rectally. Having things put in his butt made the pretty bird horny like nothing else.

Although more paltry than other things he was used to, anything that went through his anus was most welcome. He couldn't wait, could he? He was much too excited to contain all those wild desires. His ear tufts shivered as they picked up a light slurping noise coming from the area around his feet; shi was stirring the tub of clear goo around on the thermometer to get it really lubed for him. No little dip, this: the whole instrument would be slathered in the petroleum stuff before shi'd slip the lusty thing between his tight waiting cheeks.

Apollo whimpered out, oozing his pre all over the towel beneath as it went twisting in his anus with little more sensation than a constant tickle. He barely felt it inside him, although it was three inches into his rectum and mildly pressed on his prostate like a tongue depressor for his ass. At least, that would be how he'd describe it in his limited medical knowledge. 'sluts learn to fuck doctors, not be them', he thought to himself.

The blush that was his humiliation deepened until his whole head turned into a feathered cherry. "Awww! So cute! If this is what happens when I put things in your bummy, then I'll have to run more experiments on this effect later." Apollo looked forward to it, loving the idea of things stuck up his rear ever since he lost his virginity in high school. Even the slimy enema he'd been given wasn't so bad. Maybe he didn't want a whole gallon trunk dumped up his sluthole, but the smaller ones were pretty fun and they helped him make messies, a definite plus!

Five long tedious minutes passed by as shi tickled his round bubbled ass with hir fingers while hefting a large limp blackish grey cock the size of a fully grown python up on the exam table to rest against his head. He got the idea of what he was supposed to do with it immediately, slurping away at the pre-slobbering tip like a thirsty chicklet and enjoying every second of it as hir full strong taste flowed sweetly down his throat as though it were a pachyderm honeysuckle for a certain slut hummingbird. "There's a good babe. Drink up all mommykins' juice." Shi encouraged lightly as hir maternal observant eyes never left the tiny shaft of glass that stuck out of his rump hole as if it were a second sillier tail or maybe a stick for a finger puppet. 'I'm a popsicle!', he thought with amusement towards such an absurd predicament.

As shi took it from his tailhole, it proved too bittersweet for the bitchboi to believe at first. How could shi be done already when his ass still hungered? When he continued to linger on in the same position, shi picked him up and sat him on the sideways edge of the table with his scrawny purple legs dangling over. "No stalling! Time for your new harem accessories." Although he didn't want the gold bands or branding, he knew enough about his situation to be grateful towards the groom for having enough kindness not to put him and the two others through such trauma right as they got here. Indeed, the spare time he'd been allowed for analyzing his fears over the incoming pain had allowed him to become more reassured about it.

The nurseymaid pulled open a white drawer in a cabinet and reached hir hand into a heaped pile of multi-colored cloths and took one out. Shi held up a pink triangle with three intersecting stretchy red strings so that he could see it better. He recognized it as a g-string very similar to the one he'd wore--when? It looked very familiar, but when had he ever owned one? Only strippers wore those, and he wasn't a stripper, was he? All he remembered was being the town whore: a crossdressing gay boy bird for all bachelor occasions. And on those occasions he wore the lacy thongs with the thick strips that went right up the crack. They were so much more cuter and popular to the doms who went boihunting for ass.

The elephant motioned to him and dropped it on his thigh. "Well, get changed. You earn more clothing to wear as you graduate up the slut totem." Shi said, yanking Apollo to his feet and gave him a sharp slap to his pert behind. At first he thought about asking for privacy, but then realized how silly that was; he was already naked and shi'd seen and done things to his butthole--his most intimate place. Without more thought on the matter, he slipped into the very skimpy attire and gave his tail a few teasing wags. Pink cloth, red strings: quite vibrant!

He turned toward the adjoining door to leave just as shi held him back with a trunk coiled around a slender bicep. "uh uh, and where are you getting off to?" Shi purred out, lovely feminine eyes meeting his as Apollo turned to gaze back at hir in disbelief. Wasn't he supposed to do his slave stuff with the unicorn? He assumed so. "You're missing one thing, my incontinent wonder!" Shi giggled out, twisting him around and pressing his body into a bent over position on the table just as the cute pink dolphin in his white thong came by. "Perfect timing, water baby. Get momma a glass plug and sterile hand jelly, won't you?" The bird found himself blush as the cetacean boi clicked his mouth and blowhole in a series of odd giggles, going over to the two different cabinets for the proper supplies.

Just the suddenness left him disoriented for a bit. "Don't want little birdy splats all over the nice clean floor, do we?" Shi reassured logically, spanking both his buns at once in a tender show of playfulness. He could only nod to that, imagining how improper and embarrassing it would be to make messes without a diaper on. He looked back as a thick splat of clear gel fell on two of the hermyphants' fingers, the big gal then putting them to the underside of his tail with a bite of unexpected cold that made his pucker clench as he squawked out nervously.

Feeling something so cold enter his intimate place just felt so surreal. Shi slowly worked at his hole as the birdy looked at the little pink glass plug the squeaky dolphin held. It made sense, as glass was easy to keep clean between multiple bois and almost frictionless for ease of insertion. "Hold on while I open him up. He's too much of a virgin to make it easy for me." The sexy giant nurse grunted out. "Here's a trick I learned that'll really ruffle your feathers!" Shi giggled, using a thick finger to 'scoop' his anus like it were clay and made Apollo believe his butthole was being pulled out with each hook of hir withdrawing digit. "I enjoy my fair share of boi slutholes, but you'll need to be used to taking master Bashir a few times comfortably if you ever want a chance at my yummy hermcock." The big-dicked lady purred out as shi took the plug from hir helpful sissy assistant and made ready to 'apply it'.

Initially he didn't want his hole plugged, but as he felt something nasty brewing in his belly, he knew better than to question hir bodily logic at this point: without something lodged neatly up his rump, there wasn't any way he could run around undiapered. At least for now until his sphincter tightened up. "Hurry." Apollo whined out as he felt something crawl hotly around in his bowels like a water slide, his belly grumbling as the odd assortment of elephant juices swirled around.

His eyes were closed as he ground his beak in growing nervousness. The elephant had pulled his rump string aside to make way for the cold slickness of the boi toy. It was all the more uncomfortable because of a firm pressure against his birdy bud and a drilling motion of the glass from the way shi twisted hir large hand, long red fingernails tickled and scraped gently along his meaty buttocks from every careful maternal perverse turn of that booty handle.

An odd surprise grew in him when he realized that this one and a half inch probe was a steeply sloped spade plug with a round thick base like a tiny plate had somehow begun to sink in his tight butt as though his anus were made of sticky grasping mud, greedily sucking it all the way in and seating the wide glass flare against his underused lil prostate.

His back was arched and his beak gaped open in a silent gasp of surprised joy as the hard knot of polished pyrex fell neatly in place into his snug cavity much like a final puzzle piece he'd needed to complete himself. "Oooh! Gah! That's the spot!" He trilled out in lovely song, his voice carrying in a high lilt of feminine melody. In response, the elephant ran oversized knuckles through his crack vigorously to make the plug bounce around inside. Apollo remembered that as a technique horse breeders used on mares to soap up their labias before a wash and insemination. To be treated like a female horse even in this limited manner made the slutbird croon and cackle with a fit of lively chirpy giggles as his tail fanned quickly up and down.

What a one-track mind he had, hunting for potential sex like a hawk of gayness! "It'll pass through soon enough. Mommyphants' milkies and cummies are all full of natural laxatives to help make little birdies poop." Shi giggled, giving his buns a pop with hir trunk and stood him back up to face hir before nudging the shy and nearly bare jaybird off on his way to the stables.

Amazingly, he was quick to realize that everything was better with a little anal, but especially the humble act of walking! Just as his blunt talons sank into the soft spread of fresh straw, he heard a loud trumpet call out which caused him to turn around back towards the herm. Shi was giggling lustily and batting long eyelashes in bot a seductive and a playful manner while shaking those giant smooth-skinned breasts for his sole benefit. "Don't forget, baby bird butt. When you get done, I'll have these puppies and a nice new diaper waiting!" Shi assured, groping the round lightly lactating ellie balloons in a most arousing way.

He found himself having trouble walking from both ends, now. A shameless slim plug in one end and a bouncing panty-clad erection at the other. Already several boi helpers were giggling at him as the lion and goat looked at him with blushes of their own. They had been tied side by side to a picket rack now bent over and tail tied up out of the way. Wood collar braces kept their heads secured to a gnarled oak post tied horizontally much like a short fence or halter picket for horses at a trough.

It was as effective a position as any for two sissies to be restrained in for branding, but Apollo had apparently missed something: both pretty rumps oozed with multiple loads of bubbling cum. It was clear that the helpless position they were in had made them prime targets for many a males' lusty interests. He couldn't help but find himself giggling, as those defenseless tailholes had obviously seen much use throughout the day. Apollo wouldn't be surprised if they had been used by every boi slave at least two or more times.

As a sweet greasy smell of smoke made it to his nostrils, the pink jay's eyes widened in anxious fright as he remembered where he was and what would soon be done to all three of them. Was there a chance to escape now before it was too late? He backpedalled into the clinic doorway, but something soft and hot abruptly stopped his movement like a jelly air bag. The sissy looked back to see those large grey titties blocking his path and a writhing prehensile hermcock squirming wetly along his wings and back that was almost similar to a bluntly tapered tentacle off of a giant octopus. "And where are you sneaking off to?" Shi mused aloud, mildly humored by his uncertain fear.

A queasiness beset his stomach when the avian realized there was no escape for him. Hir presence was a subtle reminder that shi could grab him and make him take his brand by force. If shi could pick him up with ease much like the wee helpless slutbaby shi'd turned him into, shi could just as easily hold him in hir arms bent over while offering his rumpcheeks to that unicorn. Besides, he knew that if he revolted, worse punishments would await him.

He was still shivering nervously when an odd sight caught his attention: a lithe feminine pink boar in a blue lacy thong sauntered elegantly up to the two captives and stopped right behind their rears with a giggle and a wag of his little curly tail. Apollo wondered what was up with this scene just as the lil piggy spread his legs and revealed two heavy testes the size of oranges. Although he'd never had many friends of the porcine variety, he couldn't have guessed the males of the species had such enormous breeding nuggets.

Apollo wondered why the pig sissy hesitated for so long, but came to the conclusion for himself: one cock, but two holes--which was the best choice? The silly swine with the rapeably round chubby ass seemed to be making that decision for himself. Sheep and goats were rumored to be very tight and hot. Lions, well, what prey animal didn't enjoy power over a predatory species for a rut? Stories circulated about zebras tying up and raping lions all the time. There were also similar stories of large big-horned stags doing the same to wolves.

Without warning, the decision was made. The large feline pred struggled his damndest against the heavy wooden collar to no avail when the twisted corkscrew of boar cock poked out of the thong and made a lewd drilling motion out from the sheathe, the whole coiled length moist and dripping all over. "What a treat. Before Piggy Sue is done, he'll put a gallon of hot seed in that sex kitten's belly." The hermyphant observed with a perverse chuckle and hands firmly on hir hips. "Oh, and all boars have a surprise ending. Maybe I should have him rut you as well." Apollo didn't know a great deal about pigs, so he supposed anything one could do would be a surprise to him.

As those pink smooth-skinned thighs shoved against the lions' butt with lewd slapping noises, Apollo saw the strange twirling motions of the piggycock as it went in from his sideward angle. What he didn't realize until too late was that it was all a trap to confuse him. While staring at the spinning hypnotic motion of copulatory corkscrew, the elephant stomped hastily forward to shove his head on the beam and tied him in place on the rack much like an ox hitched to a plow. He struggled and tried to wiggle his neck out from the snug brace without success. Fuzzy pink handcuffs and a ballgag were further added to complete his helplessness as a sissy slutboi.

His head was now on the chopping block, so-to-speak, and it wouldn't be long before the boar finished up with the lion and goat before moving onto him. With huge dangling testes such as those dangling out of a tiny little thong, Apollo had no doubts the porcine slut breeder had seed to spare for at least ten ruts. It also occurred to him that it was funny how the sultan had a pig slave to fuck, as the Islamic faith considered pigs to be unclean, but that more applied to eating them, he was sure.

From where he was, he could hear the nervous gagged whimpers of the lion and just his flickering whiskers but nothing else. The rest of the cat was blocked by the 'nanny' goat, whose own pink powder puff face was shaking nervously with eyes closed for the coming anticipation. Apollo choked a groan in his own gag as the herm elephant ripped his plug out and handed it off to a helper nearby.

A moment later, the little boar gave a loud throaty grunt as he filled the lions' bowels with cum--and kept it going on for ten minutes, it seemed. Apollo noticed the lions' big bloated belly had only just now come into view because it hung lower than the goats'; almost seeming pregnant. When the boar was finished injecting his genetic material into the femmy cat, he pulled out with a loud wet slurp--and nothing came out with it! The lion strained and grunted his hardest, but all that semen was there to stay, almost like it were quick-drying cement.

Although Apollo was confused and curious about this odd new development, the ovineboi was scared witless, for it was then his turn. "Lord Tulips likes to have Piggy Sue handy for when he does anything painful. Previous experience has had him cleaning off his boots and jodhpur pants after sissies voided themselves from the pain. With boar semen, that isn't any problem. Once a pig cums, he leaves a seminal jelly plug in an ass that keeps the slut from leaking or defecating for several hours. I promise it's temporary, but it sure is fun to watch a slut squirm and walk around with all that cum in their belly like lil pregger cows trying to get themselves comfortable." The elephant hermlady chuckled, giving each butt a sharp stinging swat with the flat of hir hand in playful lusty delight. Shi was probably also tempted to rut one of them, but the jaybird knew none of them were ready for cocks that size except maybe the piggy, and he was already busy performing his own job.

Knowing what that slender porcine beauty with the big balls was going to do to them didn't exactly instil any confidence into either of the recipients. Apollo could only hold his tail down and shuffle his hips side-to-side, but how long would that work against a determined boibreeder? He doubted he could avoid his rut for long, trussed up like a gilt as he was!

Nearby, the nanny goat sissy made a funny face of screwed up pleasure mixed with terror as a sloppy cum-covered pigcock slid into his virgin hole like something one might see on a handheld powered drill. He gasped and snorted around the gag as this tireless porcine boi poker went on his next conquest with meticulous care to orgasm as quickly as he was able to spare that damned unicorn's hectic schedule. While that was going on, the bird smelled smoke and charred rust in the air from the forge as this unseen equine did his tedious work behind a partitioned plywood wall. Obviously it was meant to keep animals from getting scared by whatever blacksmithy things he'd be doing just out of view.

Strangely, he knew all the depraved perverse things that were going to be done to him, but all Apollo could focus on were those wet lewd spanking noises of fast vigorous pounding, the imagery in his overactive imagination made the pink jay hard and 'wet' (pre) in his panties with anticipation for his turn. Always a slut, he supposed. At least he'd get a good deep fucking before all that nasty pain! Really, these two other slaves should be grateful for the pleasure, especially since their butts had been by much cock before even getting here. Further, both their dangling hard boicocks smelled of ass, so they'd been allowed to give as well as they got.

The next ten minutes passed by and gave a giddy bird the impression that they were cars waiting in line at a full service pump at a gas station; somewhat apt, as the slutjay certainly felt as though he were running on empty and needed a good filling just so he could keep going. 'Silly featherbutt! You'll certainly need a diaper after this for sure, unless you want to blast cum all over the place!' He thought to himself as the full consequences of pig semen came to him.

That goat made some awfully funny sound effects just as the boar pumped a gallon of hot seed into his rear followed by the same sticky plug of sow cement that kept it all from drooling back out. With a belly round and large like that, stretching the ovine's g-string to the breaking point, it made the mock nanny absolutely adorable. He giggled coyly in his gag and completely forgot about the piggy until it was his turn, two small pink hands braced around his hips to hold him in place, Piggy Sue licking his lips and snortling affectionately in hoggish cuteness as long viscous webs of his own condiment dribbled down off the tip of that twisted corkscrew cock that looked like a wine bottle opener that had been defiled by dunking it in a jar of mayonnaise. And now here it arrived his turn for that special sauce.

Just as the piggyboi was savoring his last romp, the unicorn came up and carefully clamped softened gold bangles and collars on the other two slaves. He let out a soft squawk as the warm sheath was placed between his buttocks--and then like a surge of lightning, the phallus itself twisted easily into his anus like some fornicating drill. As it spun in and out of his anus in vigorous humps of the little boars' his, it also surged on his prostate in a little titillating electric dance that made his birdy meat jump and drool in elation.

Once done applying the pretty golden shackles, the equine among them went back to the little crackling brazier and returned with something that set the other new slaves to a wiggling fit to get free from him. "Now, now. It'll be over quick if you both hold still and let me do my job." But when his firm gentle coaxing had failed, Fluffypants called on a source of aid that would never fail: impassible elephant muscle. No sooner had he whistled out for assistance than the ellie had seized the lions' goldenrod hips in powerful arms and made them immobile for the experienced stablemaster.

With the tempting tan target made helpless, the mythical creature slowly guides his brand to delicate buttflesh and pressed it firmly against the rump for several seconds, feline thrashing under the wooden head brace with muffled cries as tears of stunned pain trickled out from the corners of both tightly closed eyes.

The smell of burnt fur and flesh that followed made Apollo want to vomit, the unicorn going back to his smithing furnace to refresh his brand with new heat. Such a thing would take a few minutes, but in the meantime, his own pleasure had become indescribable with that rapidly rotating piglet screw spinning around in his tight clean hole. It would take ten minutes for the boar to completely fill and plug him up, but how long would it take for the piggy to reach his orgasm?

In all his writhing ecstatic joy and timeless lustful desires, he'd forgotten about the iron, for next it was the goat. Apollo thought shi might do the same to the ovine male next to him, but shi surprised them both by reaching under his belly into his g-string bulge to bring out the half-erect little organ that had been stifled by the heat within, stroking it gently around all over with large fingers to bring the sissyclit to life. Both slavesluts quickly made the connection that cooperating with the unicorn would bring them pleasure and possible release; a nice reward for such nasty business. It proved a good example that encouraged obedience, as Apollo would much prefer being masturbated instead of being held in place much the same was as a greased squealing hog. Speaking of, he heard a guttural grunt from the piggyboi and managed to clamp his anal muscles together to better tease out such precious seed. The bird also found himself wiggling as his spongy boilips massaged tightly around the twirling porcine intruder, little squeaks of birdsong enunciated his growing pleasure.

But as the goat was stabbed by the molesting heat of smoking hot metal, subconscious fear took over him and made his nervous bowels crunch down around the drilling cock with a vice of spongy wetness and brought himself the ultimate femboy present that much quicker. His heart skipped a beat as scalding warmth began to spurt into his body, causing his innards to quickly cramp from the sudden change of body temperature. So the pig was hotter than he was and he just hadn't noticed it that much until now.

Apollo groaned out with sweat running down his forehead and cheeks as his body struggled with the fire raging within. Nearby, the unicorn was successfully clamping his slave bands on with a pair of large steel pincers, sanding down the rough edges of the folded cooling gold from where they had been joined together into hoops. He was just getting used to their weight when the iron was yet again heated and his belly had now falsely gestated with all that boar milk and the quickly hardening inner plug. Now it was his turn for a name brand.

He closed his eyes, trying not to let his absolute terror show. The boar milk sloshed around in a newly rounded belly, bubbles and gurgling noises grumbled within as he smelt cooked coal-stained iron coming ever closer. It would have been too much for him to deal with if it weren't for that sweet elephant nurse putting two slick hands around his malehood; quickly teasing it to attention.

Apollo was glad to have some relief for himself, a nice distraction from what he knew would hurt intensely for several seconds of roasting. "Enjoy being milked like a cow, do you birdy slut?" Shi giggled, giving his hard organ a taunting squeeze as hir hands rode the fluid needful motions of his bucking feathered loins and slender legs.

A loud slap came from behind, causing the elephant to shudder and hir enormous ass to wiggle like big heaps of grey jelly. "What a tempting target! Too bad that rump isn't on the menu!" Spoke the rather cheeky equine, getting an amused giggling fit out of the large overbearing fetish nurse for his trouble.

"Tarnish my sweet round ass, and I'll rape you to the point you'll need diapers for life!" Shi teased in mock threat, a glint in hir eyes revealed the seriousness of hir claim, however. "Although, you can give me a poke later on. I always look forward to cocks that can actually satisfy me, and amongst this sea of boiclits, that leaves just you and Bashir." His eyes fluttered lustily at that promise as he gave hir wet dribbling cunny a trial with his fingers, allowing himself that sweet-assed distraction for only a moment.

Tears came to his eyes with a choked squeak in his gag as the sudden hell of thousands of hornets came across his rump. He felt nauseous as the smell of his own barbecued heinie filled the air. For those five seconds that the heated brand had been put against his rump, it seemed a lingering eternity of scalding pain that lingered on. It only managed to end when he passed out, his little body collapsing neatly into the waiting charitable hands of the elephant. . .

The Desert Flower: Ch2: A Gold Cage

Apollo 2: A Golden Cage He had to squint, so much brutal light caused his eyes to throb in such a painful way that they felt like they were being stretched apart or stepped on. As his flash-blinded sight adjusted to the new light of an intense sun...

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The Desert Flower ch1

Commission for Appollojay89 made with equal parts kink and love :P Tailfeathers was a most curious place to work, with the most unusual of clientele. Apollo had worked at this ladies' club for six or so years and owed to his job many lays. Loose...

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Invasion10: Last Stand of Man

Invasion10:Last Stand Of Man He could not stand the appearance of his wife. She had beauty, once, but it was now overcome by the hairy looks and disposition as that of the chupacabra overlords. The worst insult was watching how she went from his...

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